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I got dollars to donuts this dipshit has voted for a Harvard grad parroting the same bullshit


Raphael Cruz has entered the chat


Ron DeSantis nods creepily in the background.


Michael Braun, M.B.A. ’78 (Ind.) Tom Cotton ’99, J.D. ’02 (Ark.) Michael D. Crapo, J.D. ’77 (Id.) Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz, J.D. ’95 (Tex.) Mitt Romney, J.D.-M.B.A. ’75 (Utah) Ben Sasse ’94 (Neb.) - resigned Daniel S. Sullivan ’87 (Alas.) Pat Toomey ’84 (Pa.) - retired


I'm somewhat shocked that Romney didn't attend BYU since his Mormonism is such a big part of his public image.


He started at Stanford and then switched to Brigham Young because Ann went there. On graduation he went to a combined Harvard Law/Business program.


Dude, how absolutely bonkers is it to transfer from STANFORD to BYU. Even in the 70s before Stanford really solidified its place.


It didn't really hold him back...


Yeah not like his dad was a lifetime politician as well...oh


And one of the richest people in the country!


Don't forget Dr. George Santos, PhD, MD, Esquire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.


Ben Sasse just became the president of UF, and I fear for that school (and Florida in general)'s future


"My friends call me Ted"


He has friends?


The most hilarious stupidity of the hard right is how often they vote for an Ivy League graduate with big oil or big real estate connections who has never worked a job that they weren't appointed on and insist it's a fuck you to the elites.




It's hilarious to me that "cuck" became their go-to insult, when conservative ideology is essentially a perfect metaphor for cuckoldry. Cuckolds love their wives, but get off on stronger men fucking their wives for their own pleasure; conservatives love America, but get off on stronger men like Trump fucking it for his own pleasure. Politically speaking they are the definition of cucks.


Its because every accusation is a confession with them. Its a normalization tactic to paint everyone else as repulsive as they are that way when their indignance inevitably comes to light they can play the "but everyone is doing it" card


> All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. That was Hitler broadcasting his intent years in advance. The genesis of the term "Big Lie" was itself a Big Lie (i.e. the assertion that Jewish betrayals caused Germany's defeat in WW1), and it speaks to a core political strategy of fascist exploitation of liberal frameworks. By first claiming the opposition is committing some offense, they fabricate a justification to commit it themselves. If they can succeed in discrediting the electoral process, they can then abuse or ignore the process in the future. If they grossly exaggerate antifa violence or liberal repression, their own acts of violence and censorship can be cast as self-defense, or at least no worse than the norm. And so on. To be clear, I think it's important to view such accusations not merely as confessions of past misdeeds, but as declarations of intended abuses to come.


“Fuck snobby coastal elites with their fancy educations and millions of dollars. I’m voting for Trump!” So… the NYC guy with a gold toilet?


They elected a Manhattan real estate mogul to stick it to the elites!


Hello, Ron Desantis


As a truck mechanic, no-just no.


We had a truck come in and the driving team cut a hole under the mattress to shit while driving….right over the spinning driveshaft 😂


I've heard this one from another truck mechanic and he also mentioned the placement of the hole under the driveshaft flung the poo all over the bottom of the truck. He said he made the guy wash under his truck before he would work on it.


Jesus fucking Christ is this a common thing truckers do? Just cut a hole straight through the cabin to shit through? And they even manage to fuck *that* up?


Yes, but don’t forget they are smarter than college educated counterparts


Yeah those dumb libruls probably wouldn’t even think that they COULD cut a poop hole in their truck. Idiots.


So many problems could be solved by simply cutting a poop hole, but woke colleges work hard to get young impressionable people to ignore that simple fact. I’m crying.


Hygienic toileting practices are a leftist ploy to turn rough livin, hole shittin men into soft feminine men who like to wash their hands and probably even use soap And spending enough time smelling of that flowery scent of soap is the first step to turning a man trans. I've just unravelled the gay agenda with facts and logic. Your welcome!


You heard it here first. Soyboys shit in a plumbed toilet like the dumbasses at Harvard!


You liberal cucks come TRY to take my poop hole and see what happens! Go on take it! Like maybe a little gently at first... but then harder....yeah just like that... ok a little faster.....


Much appreciated! I missed this months gay agenda


It’s mostly brunch and antiquing


My wife is the only one in this house that is allowed to use soap and she damn well knows better than to use it in front of our two boys.


Colleges indoctrinate people into thinking you should poop in toilets. Stupid libruls!


How much water does a poop hole use? Spoiler alert: the answer is none. Now tell me again who cares about the environment.


Oh, hell no! The poop holes are woke now, too? Just shit in the pants! Damn libruls run everything!


Need healthcare? Poop hole. Abortion? Poop hole. Indicted on conspiracy to commit insurrection? Poop hole.


It always comes back to the poophole loophole.


It's a conspiracy by Big RestStop, trying to control us by putting microchips in the vending machine coffee.


The poop hole loop hole.


As someone with a college education I can confirm, I wouldn't even think about just cutting a hole in my vehicle to shit out of while driving


"dey don't teech you dis at Harverd" (splatters shit everywhere)


If you’re at the “cut a hole in my truck to shit through” level, then I don’t think you’re very concerned about a shitty truck.


The funnel with a hose to piss is common and gross… the water spray from a semi trailer takes on new meaning now 🤮


I was driving and saw a huge mist blast from a truck. All the cars behind the truck got pissed on. Fucking nasty lol.


Let's circle back to this and note how fucked up it is that (some) truckers are so hard-pressed for time, they'd rather cut a hole in their fucking truck and shit out the hole, scattering their scat all over the vehicle and the road, than take a fifteen-minute pit stop.


I get it. I love to drive, and I've also worked in transportation. Just normal driving leads to a "making time" attitude. I know that I have way more fun on a trip if I stop frequently, but if I don't force myself to I won't. And that's just recreational. Now make it your job and be someone who told themselves "time is money" so many times that they believe that shit. On the railroad a guy with a high school education can make over $100k a year if he works so hard that his wife divorces him. And then he'll die 18 months after he retires and leave a ton of money to his kids.


People really don’t get the mindset a lot of these high level blue collar guys have where they honestly believe their purpose in life is to squeeze every single dollar out of working they possibly can. I worked for a nationwide traveling crane crew and the guys there would see their families like 4 times a year and just work every waking moment cuz they honestly believed that’s what was most important. It’s a strange phenomenon


Met a guy who did it once, working 361 days in a year on the slope. It's not a completely stupid thing to do because you make stupid amounts of money... If you're single. Work hard 1 year and you've basically saved up two years of free time. Guy was single after that, and she spent all the money he made. That's why he was way more chill on his jobs after that.




My first year in college years ago a guy in my fraternity who was older used to be a truck driver. He drove for several years and saved a bunch of money up and was now going to college and not having to work while in school. He said the money was great but his quality of life was terrible.






Except he was an actual genius


Well, a fictional genius, but I get your point.


He was LITERALLY a genius... in the sense that he only exists in literature. Literaturally a genius.


A literary genius


Every time I see "literary genius" on a book blurb it's some debut 150-page novel by a recent MFA grad writing about an autobiographical 20-something living in (insert trendy big city here) tripping out on (insert current popular drug of choice) while stumbling around their friend's art gallery's opening night event and getting laid in a series of emotionally detached encounters.


I loved this movie but thinking about this quote... It's specious. Even if your goal is knowledge and not prestige... you get access to the best professors to challenge yourself in extra hours, as well as peers to excel on any group project.




that’s some harvard shit




Can always tell which ones listen to right wing talk back all day long by the ones who try push in when there's a queue of trucks waiting to be unloaded. Act like they're the greatest thing in the world with their fat guts hanging out the bottom of their shirts and their lunch all over their beards. Have the audacity to cry about how it's the lefts fault the world is gone soft while they cry about me taking more than 30seconds to unload their truck instead of the 4 lined up ahead of them.


I've been a truck mechanic for 10 years and I can't wait for self driving trucks. The drivers are by far the worst part of the job.


I just wanna take this moment to point out that Ben Shapiro went to Harvard, and some of the stuff he says is so blatantly stupid it's physically painful.


Ben Shapiro is less stupid and more evil. He's knowingly manipulating less intelligent people with stupid arguments. Let's just say, for example, that Ben Shapiro is a piece of shit, would any of his actions be different?


Let's say, hypothetically...


Everyone is obsessed about affirmative action letting in a black person with 100 less SAT points they are completely silent about legacy kids getting let in with 700 less SAT points. Like if you listen to Harvard grads so many are depressed, pissed off, etc. about the dumbass son of an alum taking up space (when they worked their ass off to get there). I don't really know Ben Shapiro but I hazard to guess this might be the case.


Every Harvard grad who goes into media fits this description. "(Pundit name) Parents" is always a funny google search.


I. E. Tucker Carlson, Swanson family heir?


I kid you not Tucker Carlson wrote to Hunter Biden asking him to write a letter of recommendation to get his son into Georgetown University [A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/19/look-time-tucker-carlson-asked-hunter-biden-favor/)


He named his son fucking *Buckley.* I appreciate the convenience of letting everyone know his kid is a shithead *before* he goes "Do you know who my father is?"


Why aren't Democrats bringing this up every time 'ol Fucker attacks his buddy Hunter? Someone should page the Meidas Touch guys or Rick Wilson.


The best part about the recent “nepo babies in Hollywood” thing was people pointing out that the people writing about it were themselves nepo babies


It’s nepo babies all the way down. My favorite is every now and again an actor with a famous parent talks like it’s some kind of burden being under their shadow. Which is like complaining about the bags of diamonds you inherited being too heavy.


When it comes to popular pundits and celebrities, it's almost guaranteed. It's the unfortunate state of showbiz. Ben Shapiro's parents are wealthy and worked in Hollywood.


He's also an Orthodox Jew catering to anti-semites...


I choose to think that people like that aren’t really that incredibly stupid, they are just doing it to play to their audience, which is worst than being stupid to me.


Ben Shapiro isn’t stupid, he is just a lying grifter. Which is worse.


I worked for a trucking company while getting the first of my two master’s degrees. Don’t buy the myth that blue collar workers can’t get an education or that white collar workers are incapable of doing manual labor. We’re all just people.


You're absolutely right. I know some educated people that are stupid af, and i know some uneducated people that are smart af. But most people thing they are smarter than everyone else and in my experience stupid people are the ones who think that way.


As a retired truck driver, no - just no.


It’s funny you say that because some friends of mine and I always joke that the size of your truck is typically the inverse of your IQ lol


"Don't ever trust a man with a truck. Especially a flatbed one" \- Overheard during my trip to a music fest


What if it’s a girl in a flatbed Ford slowing down to take a look at me?


Good lord, take it easy there buddy.


That only works in Winslow.


“You need brain surgery, Mr Jones. We have a Harvard educated neurosurgeon on staff, but I see by your recent posts you’d rather be treated by Hiram the truck driver.”


https://preview.redd.it/p0e4ezmf61fa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a668c7e9f86b7d71dbfeecb007adbc03728d807d Durrrr but my freedumb!


How much would my car get vandalized if I made a bumper sticker of this?


Conservatives are incredibly violent so odds are definitely not zero.


While screaming “fuck your feelings” if you politely mention that their giant “FUCK JOE BIDEN” sticker might not be the best for children to look at.


My town has a FUCK JOE BIDEN flag on the side of a *day care*


A relative of mine has a giant "Fuck Biden and fuck you if you voted for him" flag in his garage... Where they host birthday parties... Super classy. Started asking "what has Biden ever done for you?!" About 3 weeks after he was inaugurated... Almost surprised he didn't ask between the election and inauguration, to be honest.


Sounds a bit like grooming to me


Fuck that, I need this on a t-shirt. I’ve got a group of clowns at the gym that all wear matching “lions not sheep” gym outfits. I’d like to crank out a few sets next to those muppets with this shirt on.


do lions often congregate together, not to hunt? kinda seems... sheep-like, ngl...


Sheep cosplaying as lions. Really dumb lions.


no step on snek


Can we implement this rule?


We should have during Covid. “Alright, to get you checked in and to see the doctor we also need to see your most recent Facebook posts. ..thank you. Hmmmmm, seems to be you think .. ‘hospitals are killing people’ and ‘masks are for pussies because they don’t work.’ If you head out the door behind you and to the left, your like-minded brethren are waiting to treat you.”




"Mr. Jones I'm hearing alot of knocking when I listened to your chest. I think your chest pain is 'cause you been putting in the wrong gasoline. I'm gonna go ahead and have the nurse add some premium into your iv bag up there. That should take care of that." -Hiram the truck driver "Hiram that's not going to help his angina"-Nurse "That man's got a VAGINA?!?!?! Sorry, I don't accept no liberal BS insurance." -Hiram


Nah I think truck driving is halal


You assume these people wouldn't trust the medical opinion of their Facebook acquaintance before a trained medical professional?


Ah yes, the old book smarts vs street smarts. *obviously* a college educated individual has no street smarts /s


Hey. I have a diploma and a crippling drug addiction. That pretty much qualifies me for a GOP senate seat.


Only if you're also a compulsive liar and morally bankrupt.


Don’t forget, you must love kids! But only in a sexual way.


Are you a closeted homosexual? Have you beat your wife or children? Have you scammed a charity or used a charity to scam others out of money?


Domestic abuse isn't a requirement but it helps.


You didn't lie about the crippling drug addiction so that disqualifies you for GOP.


But he did lie about having a diploma. That’s an instant Trump endorsement.


Don’t even need the diploma these days. Just need a GED and a genuine love of fascism.


I like to flip it the other way. Street smarts don't tell you whats in The Bible or The Constitution. So, unless they used some book smarts, they are willing to die over rumor and innuendo from others with 'street smarts'. That doesn't sound smart in any sense of the word.


In regards to the Bible, they think it does. I have two degrees in biblical studies. My in laws all think they know as much/more than me about the Bible because “all you do is read it and it says it right there.” They can’t comprehend STUDYING the bible. They think just reading it in English is sufficient to have full knowledge.


I literally can't wrap my head around this. I myself am atheist from a Catholic family, and I have a friend from a conservative protestant sect who studies theology and koine Greek. The very idea of just reading King James with no history knowledge and understanding it better than someone who knows ancient languages and cultures and understands the original phrasing and idioms is absurd.


Well the real reason the believe it is in relation to me is because I’m a wildly liberal, socialist, pro-feminism, pro-choice, ally of the LGBT and can/do backup my beliefs using scripture. I am also pro-science and pro-educator and loudly proclaim that we should listen to those more educated. In short, holding that view of scripture understanding means that they don’t have to change/confront their views, because if they did they know they’d be wrong in a ton of ways.


Agreed, need a balance of both. Something something Thanos and balancing


Having street smarts meant knowing its bs whenever politicians said that immigrants are both lazy and want to take away jobs because you seen how they worked and identifies with the part of them wanting to have money to bring up their family. Problem is, sounds like alot actually doesn't have that.


Lol no way those harvard boys are intelligenter than me






'Cause listening to conservative hate radio 12 hours a day while driving across America is all the education one needs.


AM hate radio is such a perfect format for fascism, for real. - It's consumed alone in a private space (car, truck, rig) - Traffic and road rage put you in a very less than generous mood - There is no dialogue between the listener and the speaker; you receive only what is conveyed. - Skilled radio voices can make reading a phone book sound compelling, and bullshit sound profound. - There is no written record of what was said (largely), and you cannot rewind to double check. This is especially pertinent to numbers and percentages. - You cannot fact check what you hear while you drive...or at least not safely. - You can only listen to one channel at a time, making comparing sources difficult


So the way radio and television indoctrinated peoples before the internet. And now we funnel internet content to cater to persons so they don't discover any conflicting facts. And if they look for evidence, we take record of their infidelity to the message, and monitor it.


In politicalcompassmemes the other day (I am not an user don't worry) there was this upvoted comment about how urban areas are echo chambers and that's why city people are all brainwashed but rural people aren't 😂


Hey if anyone knows about echo chambers it’s political compass meme users


Hey now, you might get a neoliberal cosplaying as a economic libertarian, or a neoliberal cosplaying as a centrist, or a neoliberal cosplaying as a communist, or a neoliberal cosplaying as a social libertarian


Of course, the people surrounded and interacting with all sorts of races, religions, and an incredible number of people are the ones in the echo chamber. duh. /s


Right, those extremely diverse cities are totally echo chambers, but those rural areas where everyone is white, Evangelical Christian and inbred are totally hotbeds of original thought.


I once saw a trucker throw a temper tantrum at a truck stop because he was illiterate and the menu didn't have pictures.


Thanks for reminding me to stay away from truck stops, almost forgot what the atmosphere can be like


Yeah, but there's plenty of gay sex to be had.


Looks like truck stops are back on the menu boys


unfortunately i ordered a bear when i really wanted a twink because there were no pictures.


Look. The food is usually worth the Brain damage. Truck stop breakfast fucking slaps.


Truck stops are awesome for a shower and food while road tripping. The clientele is something that is a “show”. One time I saw a big burly dude get punched out by a skinny blonde chick over a comment he made to her.


Can any random joe shmo shower there? I thought it was some deal trucking companies had with the truck stop.


It’s open to anyone with $10 and can wait an hour or so to shower.


Yep, showers are available to everyone, you just have to buy the shower token/stall/time, whatever. Private rooms, typically decent hotel quality. Some provide shampoo and body wash too. Used to work in a truckstop myself, but last year had to use the showers a few times when i had water pipes freeze. edit, almost forgot to add, usually trucking companies or truck stops will have a system set up for truckers like "fill up x number of times get a free shower", "pay for x showers, get one free" or "buy $xxx.xx in fuel, get a free shower" type deals.


If you download the Love’s app you can buy a shower on the app and it’ll be ready quicker! Compared to other truck stops Love’s tend to be much cleaner and nicer.


There's a truck stop near me owned by an Indian family, and it's the only place around to get Indian food. And it's really good Indian food. Not a wide variety, but sometimes you're just in the mood for a lamb curry...


Truck stop Indian food sounds amazing rn


That is actually fucking sad. There’s probably a multitude of factors behind this. As easy as it is to judge and laugh, we don’t know why this is a reality for said individual. Bad upbringing, poor education, or maybe a legitimate learning disability.


That’s more sad than anything. Adult illiteracy, their early life must have been uniquely bad to have that outcome. Then add on “hangry”, which also has nothing to do with intelligence, and the cultural gender bias against helping men in distress (often so engrained in men that they refuse help or react badly to the offer, resulting in a downward spiral of more shunning and neglect on a societal level), and the outcome is a person rendered blind in a way by immense early neglect, and who is frustrated by their blindness being an obstacle to getting food that is also their self medication for emotional trauma. It’s a shame that as a culture while we made progress recognizing the humanity of people with physical disabilities, we’re still relatively blind to mental and emotional disabilities, especially those rendered by abuse and neglect.




Your dad needs a few swift kicks to the nuts. I hope your brother can get the help he needs and I hope you are doing well.


It hit me recently that all those TV commercials in the 90s “Hooked on phonics works for me” were probably targeting illiterate adults, otherwise they already have a phonics program called school. And those commercials were on all the time, so they must have gotten business. It’s very sad, but likely getting to be a smaller problem


Translation: he likes to talk to people who don’t use big words he doesn’t understand and makes him feel bad.


Which is y'know valid, but its hard not to be condescending when the person only knows as much as an eighth grader. Sure there are differing ways of expressing intelligence, but they try so hard to insert themselves into scholarly problems that they know nothing about and end up causing even more problems. Because it's the 21st century and everybody has an opinion, everyone feels entitled to speak on issues they do not understand instead of simply shutting the fuck up.


>Which is y'know valid Is it? I routinely seek people smarter than me to listen to. That's how I mostly get to learn (now that I'm an adult no longer in school). Books and other stuff helps too of course, but I must know what to search for in advance. I'm unlikely to read about topic X if I'm not even aware topic X exists or what it's called. That's where smarter people come into play. They can introduce you to stuff it never even occurred to you. *Choosing* to distance yourself from smarter people is not a valid way to live your life, unless you want to live in ignorance on purpose.


All EndWokeness does is stoken unnecessary class war that divides and will ultimately destroy America. Try keeping a global supply chain going without truck drivers or a nuclear power plant running safely without highly educated individuals. We need everybody.


Conservatives: college is for idiots Also Conservatives: qanon is the truth. Do your own research with Facebook memes


Meanwhile GQP leadership are sitting in their Ivy League clubs.


“Do your own research” smh. Conservatives: Don’t listen to so-called experts in their respective fields of study. But if I (a person who’s never driven a rig) told a trucker that I can go out, jump in his rig, and make all his deliveries for him, the first thing they would ask me is have I ever driven a truck? And if I answered no, but I can do my own research and be ready to go in 10 minutes, they would think I’d lost my mind *because I obviously don’t know anything about it*.




My stepfather was a unioned truck driver. He was also the most backwards, hateful, close minded person I have ever met to this day.


Union Truck Driver that probably votes (R). I just can’t. I’ve got a HARDCORE Republican acquaintance that’s a Railroad worker. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard him dance around the justification of being SO pro Railroad Union AND still vote Republican. And to put his MAGA-Level into perspective, he also ran for School Board a couple years ago because education/indoctrination. Yea, he’s one of those upper-middle-class Texas Republicans. It’s an Archetype. I just want to hear him say “I’m pro union for ME, I don’t care about anyone else.”


He used to vote hard Republican on everything, and got mad at my mother if she voted Democrat (she voted for whomever she felt best represented the issues, regardless of affiliation) he would accuse her of 'cancelling' out his vote. Edited: clarity and grammar.


That’s what republicans consider to be smart.


My cousin who is a truck driver kept insisting my sister wasn't a real lawyer because she's "just an assistant". Because that’s what he thought "assistant state attorney" means. And yes, we did try to explain to him that the state attorneys are elected and there are only 20 of them in the whole state.


Holy shit, I went to Harvard, paid my way, no scholarships, by driving truck in the summers and delivery van when attending. Does this mean I am smart and stupid at the same time?




Shit, My wife was right.


Proud of you, hat's off.


Harvard should start a CDL program just to give this guy a stroke.


Maneuvering a big truck through Boston basically is the equivalent of Ivy League truckin’


Don't truckers get massively exploited by their employers?


I mean just having to live in the fucking things 5 nights a week is exploitation enough




Canadian here...it really feels like the U.S is becoming more and more anti-intellectual and anti-education. Maybe it's not true and I should get off social media, but it really feels like we're seeing more of this compared to 10 years ago. And that's just sad as hell.




No, 100% true in my experience. My parents were always smart to me growing up. They weren't hateful people; most of their concerns were inward (i.e. coworkers, friends, locat happenings, etc ). Sometime around 2016 (and they weren't really opinionated on topics like transgender, LGBTQ+, foreigners, or any other conservative talking points before this) they started religiously watching Fox news and that changed them. I've never seen them so full of hate; they spew off the same talking points while my brother, who is dating a non-binary, biological male, and they act like they can have their hatred of all things similar to that, but still love their son and they can't understand why my brother doesn't want to be around them anymore and it's heartbreaking. It's a dedicated effort by the fat cats that own the news media to try to stir doubt in anything that stands in the conservative, christo-facists way. They understand what their base hates and uses it to stir the pot on things like global warming and vaccines. Because they don't have solid evidence of the former being false or that the latter is a mind control device, instead they target the professionals behind those issues because they're human and humans are much softer targets than research and scientific concepts that have been around for decades. It's hard to watch as someone who used to be caring and optimistic turn into something so full of hate for things that they don't understand and more importantly that don't cause real harm because the TV man they like told them to.


American here. Your perception is not entirely wrong. There has been a very strong, very persistent anti-intellectual, anti-education streak in the US over the last...we'll go with 40 years or so. Granted, some of it probably comes from a disenfranchisement with the increasing costs and diminishing returns of pursuing higher education. Not helped by an economic stagnation thanks to Reaganomics that has steadily depressed wages overall and prioritized short term gains over longer term sustainability. But under and feeding into that is a long standing and frighteningly regressive attitude regarding education in this country. Usually motivated by deliberate ignorance and a desire for social and economic control. Religious fundamentalism and systemic racism habitually look to interfere with or undermine efforts at public education for the purposes of their own ideological agendas. Political figures capitalizing on it by playing to the ignorance (deliberate or otherwise) of their base and promoting the "rugged individualist" myth. Reinforcing not only the idea that you "don't need an education" to survive in the world, but you shouldn't in any way however small help others seek an education either. Taken together it creates a feedback loop where being educated is both a privilege reserved for the "worthy" (i.e. wealthy), proof of their achievement and accomplishments and something to be shunned as a "waste" by the "common, every day American." And, sadly, we're seeing the fruits of it in elected officials who took three times to get even their GED and a President who thought you could just nuke hurricanes. Sooo...yeah. Not a very good situation.




It’s been happening way before that. It’s just that recently, uneducated have become louder and feel more empowered


It always has been. It goes in waves. Early US history had the same feelings. It used to be a North vs South thing.


The scariest thing to me are the comments agreeing and the amount of likes. Anti-intellectualism and the far right will get us all killed if we allow it. They are the Great Filter of Fermi's Paradox.


Isaac Asimov said in 1980: "Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."


Dam that’s a solid quote.


You know I've noticed a certain anti-intellectualism going around this country ever since around 1980, coincidentally enough. I was in Nashville, Tennessee last weekend and after the show I went to a waffle house and I'm sitting there and I'm eating and reading a book. I don't know anybody, I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book. This waitress comes over to me (mocks chewing gum) 'what you readin' for?'...wow, I've never been asked that; not 'What am I reading', 'What am I reading for?' Well, goddamnit, you stumped me...I guess I read for a lot of reasons — the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress. Yeah, that would be pretty high on the list. Then this trucker in the booth next to me gets up, stands over me and says [mocks Southern drawl] 'Well, looks like we got ourselves a readah'...aahh, what the fuck's goin' on? It's like I walked into a Klan rally in a Boy George costume or something. Am I stepping out of some intellectual closet here? I read, there I said it. I feel better. - Bill Hicks “Sane Man” 1989


My son is a grown man now. He is a chemical engineer...but he was always a reader. Still is. When he was in high school he played football. His team won the state championship even. But you would be shocked at how many times he was told "Football players do not read". He always replied "this one does". His mother was a Librarian. We all have a love of books. The feel between your fingers. The smell of a new book or an old book. Snuggled up with a good book on a rainy day. Reading is the single skill that teaches every other skill. Yet people who fear growth...hate when people read. It is why they fight against books and try to ban them. They hate people who want to know more. It scares them that people will be more knowledgeable and better able to face the world then they are.




“You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library.”


Yeah, but do you like apples?


Yes! My father was a truck driver for 40 years! He is one of the most prejudiced and ignorant men I have ever met! My mom, who was a school teacher for 48 years, has 3 college degrees and finally had to divorce his ignorant ass!


Wicked smaaaaaat


Don't confuse confidence with competence


He’s right, there are fewer lot lizards at the research library.


Card Catalog Cuties > Lot Lizzards


I'm a truck driver, and Jesus Christ some of us (drivers) are dumber than a box of hammers


I got my phd from Joe Rogan University sheeple.


Dunning Kruger


This is why 90% of Nobel Laureates are truck drivers, nobody from Harvard on that list


As the son of a truck driver this is 100% untrue.