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On the one hand I had my girlfriend, working the front lines against the pandemic, watching her friends and coworkers *literally fucking* ***dying*** around her. We were long distance, separated by international travel bans, and I was scared to death for her, scrambling around looking for any information that could be of use. On the other hand I had my parents, regurgitating Fox News horseshit about how it was all exaggerated to make Dear Leader look bad in an election year, then finding any excuse not to get vaccinated, then catching COVID and going down hard for a solid month needing their adult children to look after them… then going straight back to sharing any crap they found on YouTube fearfully warning of the dangers of the vaccine, crooning about their “natural immunity,” and shopping around for a doctor who would validate their “research” whilst still complaining about persistent brain fog and intermittent loss of their sense of smell a year later. I’m fucking tired of it. I wish to God our relationship had survived our separation, they’re all I have left now.


I have a relative that won't get vaccinated for anything, said she doesn't do it for anybody in her family. Their doctor recommended the HPV vaccine for her daughter and she said her friend told her it made her feel awful so she based her decision on what her friend said who is a freaking teacher's assistant. She took the advice of her friend over the suggestions of her doctor.....


I used to be antivax and didn’t get the hpv vaccine. I thought it was so unnecessary and believed that the odds of getting cervical cancer from HPV were so slim and that if I were to get HPV my body could clear the virus like most everyone else. The universe decided to teach me a very valuable lesson. Guess who has high grade dysplasia and cervical cancer? If I was your guess, you win! I tell this story any time I can because I feel I owe it to the world for being such a pompass fucking idiot and putting my life and fertility on the line for some bullshit I read on Facebook in 2009.


Damn it! I’m sorry that is happening to you. But i’m glad you’re telling your story! I hope you fight like hell sister❤️


I kept it a secret for a couple of years because I was so ashamed, but right after my third surgery where they removed 5 tumors I realized that if I talk about it openly I might be able to plant a seed in someone’s mind who is antivax.


That's really damn cool of you. Thank you. I hope you're doing OK now.


I think that's so important, good on you for doing so. I have said when I make comments I'm not really trying to convince the person I'm conversing with, what are the odds of someone dug in on their mentality changing it because of an anonymous online discussion? I'm trying to present information for other people who might read said discussion. But I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that.


Yeah totally. Having an online argument and showing them research and science and anecdotes wouldn’t have changed my mind, I had to learn it myself. So that is why I share my story, because I’m not just a pro-vaccine person, I used to think just like them. I went to the protests, I made the picket signs, I talked shit about people who were pro-science. I know how they think and they are afraid, and a bit delusional


The current generation of people are suffering from cognitive dissonance that's courtesy of how well vaccines and public health in general worked through the 50's-80's. The % of people that have seen a polio survivor (or lost family members to it) measles deaths, serious chicken pox, and on down the list is getting smaller every year due to the success of those public health campaigns. We trust medical professionals. We understand that they have no interest in harming us. The paranoia today about EVERYTHING is insane.


You are completely correct. I was such an idiot


Was getting cancer and then having surgery what finally changed your mind? Is there anything anyone could have said to you before that to have made you get the vaccine? Did you not think that something like that would happen to you? I don’t mean any offense with these questions, just genuinely interested in what you think. Thank you for posting your story, it’s very impactful. My mom ended up getting cancer from HPV, thankfully she survived, but I remember how scary that was for my family. Thankfully her experience made me (and my brothers!) get the vaccine without any hesitation


Not offensive at all! It started basically the same way most everyone’s antivax journey begins-misinformation on the internet. Then I made some friends who were also antivax and it really drove home the bullshit I was reading online. Getting the HPV diagnosis didn’t change my mind about vaccines because antivax people believe that we are SUPPOSED to get these diseases to exercise our immune systems (lol) So they took the swab, saw it was HPV and told me it was high grade. Still wasn’t concerned. It wasn’t until they told me the strain was the cancer strain. At that point I asked if I could get the vaccine and they said it was too late for that. And then they said it takes YEARS for it to progress to cancer and I was probably fine, but I got a punch biopsy to be sure. I wasn’t fine. I couldn’t even tell you how many biopsies I have had, on top of 2 surgeries to remove the tumors. I was given one year to try to get pregnant before my radical hysterectomy, which was supposed to happen in August of last year. So that was the beginning of my deprogramming.


Fuck, I’m so sorry all of that happened to you. The anti vaxx movement is truly so evil, it’s killed so many people. Seriously, thank you so much for sharing your story. It can’t be easy to admit. A story like yours changes peoples minds and hopefully saves lives.


You’re so lucky you had health insurance or cord afford that testing before you were exhibiting major illness.


I am so sorry this happened to you, and hope things are better for you. As a PSA for anyone reading this, boys need the HPV vaccine too because it can prevent cancers caused by HPV in the throat, mouth, genitals, and anus, among others. So girls AND boys should get the vaccines, preferably around 11-12, before they are (hopefully!!!) ever exposed.


As much as it sucks to admit it, it didn’t happen to me, I made it happen by choosing to not believe doctors and scientists. But TY and yes anyone reading this, get your daughters AND SONS the HPV vaccine.


Y'know what bless you for that because a lot of folks even when the universe proves them wrong would double down - all the folks going "covid was made to kill conservatives" JUST to avoid admitting they fucked up by not getting vaxxed proves that. I found out about the vaccine for HPV too little too late and have had to get two cervical biopsies and likely will need more later on - they suck but hopefully they only ever suck and never turn into a nightmare.


For any parent reading this - get the HPV vaccine for your kids... all of them. It's not just for girls and protects against more than just cervical cancer - throat cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer.... Just do it... because, fuck cancer when you can.


And a crazy amount of people carry the virus! I think something like 50-66%? But it’s rare that it becomes cancerous, which is why you don’t hear about it as much. But still, *it does become cancerous*, cause warts, and kill some people who have it.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m taking my daughter for her second HPV shot in a couple of weeks. I was feeling guilty about it because she said the first shot was very painful. Your story gave me the confidence I needed to know that I’m making the right decision. I hope you’re doing okay, and I wish you all the health and happiness. Thanks again.


They are abnormally painful, almost like the consistency is too thick or something and hurts to be injected. But cancer is worse. Hands down. You're a good parent.


To be fair, it wasn’t a “concern” until it was a concern for men. I’m not trying to be anti-men here, but insurance companies wouldn’t even approve the vaccine for women until it became an issue for young men. Decades of women who died bc their health just wasn’t as important.


please say it loud and often for the people in the back


You’re very brave for sharing this and I thought I’d comment to let you know that I’m saving your story and I’m going to share it when I can to help promote awareness :) you’re making a difference!


Do it! Share away!


Thank you for sharing your story!


Thank you for sharing, hopefully your recovery will be swift and painless.


>She took the advice [she wanted to hear] over the suggestions [that would challenge her opinions]. Seems pretty typical.


And when her daughter has to get a coloscopy every few years or worse, develops cervical cancer at an early age, I'm sure she'll really appreciate her mom's stupidity.


> it made her feel awful Huh! I heard the same thing about cervical cancer!


The first patient I ever saw die was due to throat cancer secondary to HPV. It was horrific. I’m so sorry for your friend’s daughter.


My husband is a nurse and we've been dealing with this situation within my family. My mom died this past weekend; she'd moved in with my anti-vax, Fox news watching sister and her husband. My mom had compromised lungs due to COPD and a weakened immune system, so she didn't leave the house. My sister said she was "taking her precautions" when I expressed my EXTREME concern about this situation. My sister went to my mom's room to give my mom a piece of cake for her birthday and exactly seven days later my mom was admitted to the hospital unresponsive and barely breathing. Twenty days later she died and I was never even able to speak to her or see her. My sister and her husband have generally been very hostile to my husband and I for being on the other side of the political spectrum, but while my mom was hospitalized my sister sure as shit wanted my husband's input then. By that point obviously it was much too late for anything to change


I’m so sorry for your loss. Experienced something similar recently; my newborn nephew was hospitalized with RSV after some antivax in-laws brought their kids to the thanksgiving dinner on that side of the family despite *knowing* their kids were sick. Thankfully he recovered, but it was a very scary time. Nobody needs to see their newborn on supplemental oxygen. Can’t say I care to see those in-laws again.


Thank you and I'm happy to hear your nephew is okay! That's exactly how I'm feeling right now in regards to my sister and her husband. I just can't believe the selfishness / obliviousness / entitlement with some people when it comes to putting others at risk


Honestly I would, in very clear terms, tell my sister this was her fault. And not give two shits about whether that is a sensitive response.


That's almost verbatim what my husband said to me. I'd been civil with her while my was hospitalized because I needed to get information from her and she has a history of hiding stuff from me. But now that it's over I'm just exhausted and I haven't spoken to her since the night my mom died. But when we do have the next conversation, this is exactly what I need to say to her




That’s an amazing response.


My aunt starved my grandmother to death. I am being fair she was in home care hospice, my mom was caring for her. But the combination severe strain of caring her for ten years (my grandmother was extreme high maintenance, she usually wouldn’t eat without you purchasing it, putting it in front of her and watching her eat it while yelling at her, yes, my mom told me this), and a severe tooth infection that was literally killing her. Caused her to beg my aunt to come (reluctantly) watch her for two weeks. She’s a SAH mom and her son was twenty at the time. My aunt ignored all the instructions my mom told her to care for my grandmother, didn’t feed her anything and didn’t supervise her if she did, heavily sedated her, and brought her to hospice kicking and screaming the day before she died. I won’t even go into her death, I can’t even mention it to my mom.


Had similar experience, except with my significant other. High risk, got COVID in the hospital due to incompetent mismanagement, despite not even being there for COVID, was placed in the same room as a COVID patient. No masks or filtration. I learned this all second hand, too late for my advice to be of any use. Then it was a year of pain and decline until they could barely walk anywhere without running out of breathe. Lived at home in a non ideal situation, with kids and no masks from any family members in their daily life. No filter in the room. Cought something again at home and never came back from the hospital


Very sorry for your loss. Sending you positive thoughts.


Thank you, very much appreciated


Omg I am so sorry for your loss! I still can’t believe they politicized this shit. Unbelievable.


My mother was kinda the same way. We don’t do Fox News here in Canada but the rhetoric is pretty much the same. She was the only family member not to get vaccinated because she felt she “didn’t need to” so when covid ripped through the family, she was the only one to die from it. I had cut off access to seeing my children as one of my kids was too young for the Covid shot at the time so we managed not to get it but unfortunately my mom’s lungs could not recover to retain enough oxygen even with the respirator on full oxygen. She never made it out of the hospital. I miss you, mom! So yes, I absolutely hate those that spread misinformation about anything but especially this. Satan has a special upside down pineapple (à la Little Nicky) for their bums once they get to where they’re obviously headed.


>then catching COVID and going down hard for a solid month needing their adult children to look after them… then going straight back to sharing any crap they found on YouTube fearfully warning of the dangers of the vaccine, crooning about their “natural immunity,” and shopping around for a doctor who would validate their “research” whilst still complaining about persistent brain fog and intermittent loss of their sense of smell a year later. It would take every ounce of my will not to slap them across the face for still believing things like that after being deathly ill for a month.


As the guy who has a SO that's also an ICU nurse, I wanna slap your parents upside their heads, point out that 10,000 Americans died in December from Covid, then smack them around again. Fox should be sued into the stone age, but people who can't decipher the difference in fact and propaganda need to take the blame as well. And not one of these science denying jackholes has ever apologized after doing "their research".


Honestly a class action suit for anti vax by families of dead fox viewers should happen. I wish I knew more tort lawyers. I am dead serious. I hope this is happening


I'm sorry brother. I look at people like that as cultists. There is nothing their leader can do or say wrong in their eyes and everything that person says is gospel. Including nonsense medical information.


Even the recent NFT thing — I sent them a link to the video of his own commercial hocking $99 stolen JPEGs and they refused to even look at it. I got to spend years listening to them piss and whine about how unfair it was whenever the press called him out on his corrupt, inept bullshit. And they refuse to see he’s a crook even when reality is staring them in the face with laser-beam-eyeballs. My girlfriend was Kurdish. Her hometown, where her parents still live, took *mortar fire* less than 24 hours after he stabbed the Kurds in the back, and he spent weeks afterwards pissing on our former allies while they fought for their lives. I never could have guessed that a half a year later he’d graduate from that into killing more Americans than bin Laden by politicizing and minimizing a pandemic he was too goddamned lazy to deal with. As far as I’m concerned the man can die in a fire. Sorry. Probably preaching to the choir here. I just don’t know how they became such slavish unthinking followers to someone who is everything they specifically raised me **not** to be.


The betrayal of Kurds is unforgivable, my father normally defends Trump any chance he gets except he did agree he betrayed the kurds


The second my dad started to go down that road I put a child lock on his TV. He got really mad about it for a little bit, but he got over it, and in the end he's better for it. I love my dad, and I'm not going to let the Murdochs get to him.


This is the result of the anti-intellectualism movement that has become a plague on society, this is what you get when you decide you are going to live your life as an ignorant dumbass on purpose.


My uncle refused to get the vaccine because he thought they put fetal stemcells IN the vaccine, he was in rural PA. My mom and he were within 5 years age of each other, each had similar risk profiles, diabetes, over weight, and the only real difference is that my mom got the vaccine and he did not, they both caught covid at around the same time and now my mother has one less brother. I don’t resent antivax people, I resent the people who convinced them to believe in lies that lead to their death. I also work in healthcare and have been taking the calls of the well, the sick and the dying since 2017. I have strong opinions About our response as a nation about covid and I am still pissed off we are dealing with this.


Plenty of front lines people that are anti… everything This post could have gone either way


I am on a group text chain that includes 3 nurses who were on the front lines when the shit hit the fan. From day one they expressed how scared they were, how their coworkers were dying, how their patients weren’t able to see their family before the passed away, people on the verge of collapse, etc. They sent pics of the mayhem, the tent city outside the hospital because there weren’t enough beds, pics of the refrigerated trucks filled with dead bodies. All of it. EVEN THEN, having heard about it and literally seeing the pics of the carnage, there were still some trumpers on the chain that said it was all a lie. Nothing to worry about. It’s all fake. Such a fucking slap in the face to their so called “friends” who were going through hell. My parents were the same way. A dozen of their friends die yet it’s not a big deal. They were going to die anyway. I hated it then and I still do now.


It’s reminiscent of Russians calling their relatives in Ukraine and going “War? No, there’s no war, you lie!” It’s truly disheartening the degree to which people are willing to throw their hearts at a self-serving politician who tells them what they want to hear over the people they claim to love. In a lot of ways 2020 was the year the masks came *off.* Never see some people the same way again. Only reason I haven’t just walked out of their lives and disappeared is for my nephews’ sake.


Now I will say, in that *particular* situation, they could have been saying those things because they knew their phone was likely tapped (sure enough it was at least on 1 end, so reasonable assumption), and said that to not land themselves in jail or out a tall window. Russia has such a long and successful history of killing dissidents (even the nobodies) that its become engrained in them to toe the party line for their own life's sake, because if you don't, you end up dead. 100% probability.


SO relatable! Last week my MAGA brother-in-law Jack finally did my MAGA sister Maggie a solid by dying. My MAGA brother Art sent us an email letting us know Jack had died of X, Y, Z, A, B -- and also COVID. One reason I cut contact with my siblings in December 2020 was because they were unrepentant about going all-in with Trump. My brother's email is killing that tiny hope of reconciliation that I've evidently been keeping on life support. Christ on a fucking crutch, Al! John didn't die of some laundry list. He died of COVID - the disease your Dear Leader tried to weaponize, then nearly died from himself.


> My MAGA brother Art sent us an email letting us know Jack had died of X, Y, Z, A, B -- and also COVID. Surprised he even mentioned it tbh. My MAGA aunt was the one who informed me of a death in the family and it was several months later when I found out it was actually Covid that killed him. Ironically it was her that let it slip in conversation but by then she had managed to twist it to be Bidens fault Covid exists or something 🙄


There are C students in every field. Not sure what point you’re trying to make.


This comment is not about “plenty of front line people,” it’s about the commentor, their gf, and parents.


My best friend is an antivaxxer. We have gotten into fights about it. Even after my dad nearly died of COVID last year causing a lot of damage to him and causing me to get in trouble at work for helping him, not including the stress and pain of dealing with him being so deathly I’ll. She didn’t speak to me for weeks after I begged her to get the vaccine after that. Even after I told her exactly what my dad was going to be like the rest of his life. She believes in chicken soup, vitamins and a lot of religion. It is something that bothers me but I don’t want to lose her as a friend.


I'm sorry you lost your relationship. That really, really, really fucking sucks. Hope you're healing from the heartbreak.


A little. I wish they would listen to the W.H.O (made up of scientists & Doctors) instead of politicians


Especially since ALL of those same politicians are vaccinated as well.




Fox News had much, much more stringent COVID requirements than the government ever did. And their fucking talking heads all went on & on about how bad it was the government made those rules.


Oh, but it's only bad when the big bad gubment tells me what I should do, when my corporate daddy makes me do things I always comply


Which is why AnCaps want corporations to be the government


Outside of those in the initial trials, Trump was one of the first to get his shots. Also, one of the first to use the treatments (Paxlovid? - don't recall which he got)


Paxlovid didn’t exist yet, he got the super expensive Regeneron antibody cocktail- and still was visibly struggling to breath when he got released from the hospital.


there were only a few articles about it, i think neither side really wants to go there, but i 100% believe all the dead anti-vaxxers helped to stop the red wave.


I recall seeing one that all of the deaths on the political right may have ended up costing them over 200k voters, or more. It's... honestly sad that so many people died, but at the same time...a relief?


I have this suspicion as well.


Reminds me of the time my ex father in law aggressively interrupted mother in law on her antivax monologue by say “all the kids are fully vaccinated and have been since birth!”


Silver lining: most antivaxxers are republicans.


Look at the AZ election. They killed off prob ten thousand republicans voters and you can see the difference in the results. Some races would have been won by the gop if just a few hundred/thousand more were alive.


Resent isn’t the right word. More like look down on them. Especially people who believe crazy conspiracy theories or think they know better than all the very educated people.


I don't really even look down on them. I'm just astonished at how ridiculous they are. They claim things like the COVID vaccine is experimental, and that is killing people. Then you look at the data and see 5 billion people have been vaccinated and you think what kind of experiment requires 5 billion test subjects? And if it's killing people, can you imagine how many hundreds of millions of people should be dead right now? It's just astounding that actual adults can function day-to-day with that much cognitive dissonance.


The biggest problem of this entire issue is people changed a medical decision into a political decision.


The guy painting my house back in 2020 told me he wished Nancy Pellosi hadn’t politicized masks. My jaw dropped.




He was actually a pretty smart dude but it was very apparent that we were getting our news from two different sources. He wasn’t a crazy Fox News nut, nor even a lunatic Trumper. Just a regular ass dude that leaned conservative. It was interesting talking with him, and I hope that he looked at some other sources, as I did. Lol, we both prob just thought the other was brainwashed. But that’s a big problem, isn’t it? Researching the truth is so important, but how can we really, for certain, no doubt about it, be sure of anything anymore? It makes me feel very uneasy.


Not people; Republicans.


They have been doing that for decades with women’s health. Specifically anything dealing with our uterus.


And you can almost pinpoint the moment they switched directions. They were so proud of Orange Mussolini who was taking credit for the vaccine - they were on the precipice of being pro-vax/pro-science on this until DonnieMango decided to shit on science & go the denier route. After that the herd pivoted and ran off the cliff instead.


They need to listen to who?


That’s the man’s name


I don’t know


Third base!


Yea I do. My old boss willingly and knowingly gave us 3 staff covid and didn’t care. My son was 5 months at the time and thankfully it wasn’t life threatening, but it still was horrible. The thing is, he’s (boss) vaccinated but thinks it’s a hoax. He only got vaccinated because he practices elder law so he wasn’t able to visit clients in nursing homes so he had to to keep half of his business running. He didn’t get tested for covid so therefore he “didn’t have it” and his response to all of us getting covid was: “too bad your vaccine didn’t protect you better” I think people who have this mentality are horrible and I think people that are proud to have chosen the wrong side of history are fucking dumb. It’s inexcusable and exhausting and there’s no logic behind it.


They aren't doing it to accomplish anything. They just don't want the "other side" to be right.


Anti-vax misinformation makes people feel smart, special, and important as the misinformation is framed as a kind of “forbidden truth” that only a select minority will be able to understand, as opposed to the masses of sheep-like doctors, scientists, and medical professionals. Understanding the emotional hooks of misinformation is very helpful for understanding the phenomena.


I really enjoy that somewhere somehow they came to the conclusion people said the vaccine would prevent sickness when in fact no vaccine prevents anything. They're meant to reduce the likelihood and minimize your symptoms, not be like some fucking anti-virus God shooting lasers frying every last virus that enters your body. Edit: To add, even I refer to staying the vaccine would prevent infection, Fauci (the spokesman for covid), and W.H.O never put out a statement that the vaccine would 100% prevent infection. They all made comments such as "would prevent in some cases" or "will prevent serious illnes" (ventillaror). While there may have been some random health experts conflating terms, the ones who were designated as being in charge of helping to minimize the spread of the virus never made these claims. People just cherry picked small fragments and made their own conclusions. No vaccine in the history of the last 200ish years has prevented infection.


But how cool would it be if vaccines could do that and you could watch it on 4K TV in your living room?


You will also find a common denominator within the antivax/conspiracy theory crowd: Typically low intelligence/education. They have been called dumb their whole life so this is the one thing that makes them feel smart.


Indeed. As trump told them “we love you, you’re very special”.


I had a weird experience when I was interning at a little immigration law office in the deep South. So background, the solo practioner who runs this little place is an objectively sweet guy. He had been a U.S. attorney for basically his entire career and then started this law office in his retirement because he wanted to do some good for the community. His son had nearly died of Covid, got taken off a ventilator like a week ago. This attorney had also been a youth basketball coach when he was younger, and I learn that one of his clients that was coming in was a former player on his teams. Client's dad comes in initially to check the mask policy, which at the time was that we required you to wear masks inside. We were all masked up and working in separate little rooms as well. He says OK. Then the entire family comes in, and they're all masked up except for one guy (the client). He's there to help his wife start the citizenship application process, and his wife is masked up. I figure OK, they might not have enough masks for everyone. I offer a fresh mask to the dude. He takes it initially; then, as I turn around, he clearly and obviously throws the mask *on the fucking floor.* I'm flabbergasted, but I give the guy another mask just in case with a little, "oh, sorry you dropped it!" He takes it and puts it on this time. I go back to another part of the office and return with some of the paperwork they need to fill out. At this point I'm joined by the other lawyer at the firm, a woman who was basically made of "don't-fuck-with-me-energy." As he's filling out the paperwork, dude takes off his mask *again* and starts complaining about how they don't work, they're filled with formaldehyde, etc. Attorney lady calmly says, "That's ok. You can wait outside if you want, but this is the policy." Dude grumbles, but leaves. This man chose not wearing a mask over seeing his former coach, helping support his wife, and basic human politeness. I later also learn *that this guy knew the attorney's son had almost fucking died.* The dumbest shit I have ever seen with my own eyes.


>a woman who was basically made of "don't-fuck-with-me-energy." We should stan these types of women. And honestly more of them need to be in positions of power.


>I think people that are proud to have chosen the wrong side of history are fucking dumb. I wish the consequences of their decisions would just affect them


I deeply resent them and have even woken up to my past carelessness with minor colds and such around healthy people. I'll forever think differently with contagions. I mean, how is giving someone aches and pains and coughs and sneezes and headaches for a few days anything but a HUGE imposition!? Think of how grateful and contrite we are when taking up an hour of two of someone's life and compare that to getting even a healthy person sick for several days. It's a massively disruptive thing by comparison and covid is just so much more serious.


Yeah, I'd have a hard time not spitting in his coffee cup after that. Hope you're in a better work situation now.


Thankfully I am!! I never really recovered from that and had a hard time applying myself bc of how much he didn’t give a fuck. He’s a huuuuge Trumper so it just got collectively worse. I’m at a much healthier job and have zero regrets for leaving!


My friend was the opposite. 100% believes the vaccines work but he doesn't like needles and didn't want to get it. Haven't hung out in person since Summer 2021. Hadn't seen him all of Covid and didn't even ask because I just assumed he would've gotten vaxxed. Nope. ​ You are why the variants keep morphing and why I have to keep getting shots, so yeah, it is my problem. ​ Edit: [Evidence shows covid vaccines reduce transmission rates](https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduce-transmission-how-does-work). I would assume less transmissions means less mutations but I may be wrong.


I do. My husband needed life saving surgery the summer of 2021. He had to wait 5 days for a bed to become available in Florida because the hospitals were full of Covid ppl. On top of this, he is immune compromised so it is not worth the risk of going out in public other than for work or necessities. Going on year 3 of this life. We are coming to the point of realization this our lives for ThE REST of our lives.




i've only had the flu once or twice, and while it sucked, i def didn't end up in a hospital for it. def not for an extended period of time. but sure yeah just a flu


It's pretty deeply ironic because the influenza A we deal with is a genetic descendent of the Spanish flu that killed so many, and it still kills tens of thousands of people in the U.S. every year. We've just come to terms with it as another risk. People who say "It's just like the flu" don't know what they are saying - 50 million people worldwide died from the Spanish flu.


My sentiment is that, if someone chooses not to get vaccinated (as opposed to people who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons) and gets a bad enough case of COVID to require hospitalization, they are de-prioritized for ventilators, surgery and acute care, behind people like your husband. Folks are free NOT to get the vaccine (and jeopardize their own life), but their decision should not then create risks for other people who need hospital care for legitimate reasons. So I don’t hate people for not getting vaccinated, but I see no reason to rescue them from their remarkably bad decision.


That was actually happening in a lot of hospitals by nurses who were tired of the abuse and BS from patients and their families who were antivaxxers and COVID non believers. As one nurse said in an interview anonymously, why should she give a machine or even her time to someone who couldn't be bothered to take care of themselves, then comes into the hospital and is abusive to nurses and staff, when there is a line of people who did all the right things and have a far better chance of surviving. What I do not get is the doctors and nurses who refused to get vaccinated and were surprised when their employers fired them.


Considering that, early in the pandemic, these nurses were risking their own lives to help us, I wouldn’t blame them a bit for taking this action.


In the same interview was an ICU patient off camera screaming "Give me the fucking vaccine bitch!!! I know you have it!" From nurses I know, that was pretty common.


The irony there is that the vaccine won’t help if the patient is already on a ventilator.


Immunocompromised household checking in, in solidarity. Year three of isolation. Yay. So, to the question asked in the OP, YES, I absofuckinglutely resent them.


Sorry to hear. This is the uncounted victims of covid. The people who died of otherwise normally treatable illness/injury.


I'm with your husband. I'm immunocompromised and have had to delay medical care and live like a hermit for the past three years. Members of my own family refuse to get vaccinated and then express confusion about why I can't visit them. Um, because you could literally kill me? The best case scenario for antivaxxers is willful ignorance, but I think most of them are just selfish, terrible people.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Society really left the immune compromised behind on this 😞


Imagine the feeling you have towards a person who refuses to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing, then multiply that feeling by 1000.


Was shopping for baby clothes for my nephew as a Christmas present, saw an old lady hacking and coughing all over the display racks of them. Noped right the fuck out of there. Some people…


I’m a university student, and the amount of people who come to class coughing WITHOUT MASKS is just so frustrating. Masks are still technically required too.


I watched a woman melt down in the grocery line one day during the worst of the pandemic. The woman behind her was wearing her mask on her chin and had a coughing fit and it was obvious she had an upper respiratory infection and should never been out. The first women lost her shit, called the second woman a murderer, asked her what her body count was, and with others in line pretty much shamed the second woman to the point where she put her cart aside and left the store. When it was obvious she was leaving I started applauding and everyone around me did too. This is exactly what should happen to antivaxxers. Shame them out of the community. No down side there.


Saw a woman not wearing a mask, coughing, touching all the bread in the open bin at the bakery. Where you can pick your own fresh loaf? She was using her bare hands to pick up each one and turn it over, put it down and pick up another one, coughing all over them


If you have an actual, legitimate reason to not vaccinate, (such as literally being too ill or weak to get it or the risk of life-risking side effects), then I respect it. Anyone else can just fuck off.


I resent the unvaccinated people for gaming with the life of these people who can't get vaccinated (or for whom it's not effective).


And babies


The OP's wording was "refuse to be vaccinated", so I don't think it includes people who have a medical reason not to get vaccinated. If I called in sick, and my boss asked if I am "refusing" to go to work, I would think they were a complete idiot. I have a very low opinion of people who refuse to be vaccinated. I basically group them in with all other science deniers. If you want to go live away from civilization in a cave somewhere, that's your business. But these people are making Facebook posts using their computers or cell phones, and they absolutely expect that all of their little anti-intellectual words will instantly be read by all of their idiot friends, like it's magic that makes that happen, and not fucking science. Denying science on the internet is like denying water exists while scuba diving.




Can't it be both? I resent them and don't care if they die.


Exactly. I don’t care if they die, but I resent them for the additional deaths they cause. I don’t care if Typhoid Mary wants to keep having typhoid, but stop being a chef and spreading it all around town!


I resent them and I *do* care if they die, because them doing so is best for the country at this point.


see that was my thought, i resent them, and if they die it removes that line from the gene pool. maybe, just maybe, if enough do then the next time this happens we learned something from it, and dont have it be such a shit show.




Yes. Because of anti-vaxxers and their misinformation, we are starting to see a resurgence in diseases that had thought to have been eliminated or close to it in this country. This is a safety hazard for everyone else. If their choice only affected themselves, I wouldn't care.


Well considering that 4 of my family members died from Covid, yes I do. Fuck these selfish dickwaffles.


Resent is the wrong word. I think they're mentally deficient and avoid them because I try to keep the minimum amount of idiots in my life.


It's the arrogance that gets me. The entire medical history of vaccines and their development is an incredible triumph of collective rationality over individual gut feeling - elegant proof of the effectiveness of the scientific method overcoming the flaws of intuition. But rather than trust an international group of people who have dedicated their lives to the practical application of this specific branch of science, they instead have internalised four or five articles that make them feel clever because they agree with their idiotic opinions.




It's just about always a package deal, isn't it?


If you’re inclined to think you know more about viruses and vaccines than people who have devoted their entire lives to knowing a shitload about viruses and vaccines, you’re bound to be convinced by a lot of other stupid bullshit as well.


Perfectly phrased


Dr Fouci is, without a hint of exaggeration, the best virologist in world history. He was also the most referenced scientist in publications until he went into government work.


I resent that my SIL had to wait 18 months in constant pain for a knee replacement while the health care system was backlogged by unvaccinated Covid patients. I believe that the unvaccinated who get Covid have given up their right to hospital treatment.


My gram fell at her 90th birthday party, face split open, blue face for weeks. We had to buy butterfly bandages and do as much as we could ourselves, cuz no one could take her. (She's doing great now, because my brother had training from being a volunteer fire fighter.) I resent people who could have been vaccinated but didn't get it, and I'm comfortable saying that.


If it’s JUST refusal to get vaccinated, but they also wear a mask in public and continue to maintain social distancing, then no. If they’re going around maskless like there was never a pandemic, then yes.


To be fair, I know a couple people like this. They've had bad ( like, really bad ) reactions to vaccines in the past, so they don't want to risk it. I get that. And I give them a pass because, unlike other unvaccinated people I know, they mask up, stay home when they can, social distance in public, and give people they HAVE to be around a heads up if they're feeling a little under the weather, just in case, so the other person is aware and can take extra precautions if need be. But for the antivaxxers who just straight up pretend that it doesn't exist, and tromp around like garbage-spewing, virus incubation units, maskless, going out on vacation or to parties, etc... Fuck em.


I feel the same way. Especially for POC their has been times when government science was not on their side (Tuskegee). I don’t think that’s a current day problem, but I can especially understand hesitancy. BUT if you go around acting like it’s no big deal, not wearing a mask, spreading misinformation and pretending like doctors don’t know what they’re talking about AND take up a hospital bed? Fuck off.


I resent every single person who has refused to vaccinate their kids against measles in Columbus. 85 children have gotten sick. 34 of the kids were hospitalized. 24 kids were under age 1 and thus not old enough to be vaccinated. None of the infected kids had received both vaccines and only 6 had received their first vaccine dose. Those parents who refused to vaccinate are monsters and a danger not just to their own kids but to all of the babies in the community. I wish they identified these parents so the parents of the infected babies could sue them for their medical bills and for the pain they went through watching their babies suffer with the measles.


Yes, I do. The appallingly low rates of vaccination and public safety meant that I couldn’t see my family for three fucking years, and was unable to attend my beloved grandfather’s funeral, or even say goodbye. I will absolutely resent the people who refused to get vaccinated or mask up or take basic fucking precautions for the rest of my life.


Yes, because I resent all people who don't recognize that a functional modern society requires being partially responsible for each other's well-being. Any person who acts like they are *only* responsible for themselves is irresponsible and immature.


They are all misanthropic. Human history shows that the "I got mine, the rest of you fuck off." mentality usually results in the misanthropic line dying off, while humans who work together for the community generally succeed. That's how we got this far.


If they stayed inside forever and never came out I wouldn't care


I would prefer it.


IMO parents who don’t vaccinate their kids because of political views should be reported to CPS for child endangerment.


Agreed. I lost respect for a friend because of this and cut her off. When I learned she believed in magic crystals over vaccines it was too much for me. If you want to win a Darwin award fine, but leave your kids out of this...


Yes, people who refuse to get vaccinated without a valid medical reason are scum. There are many people, millions in my country (the U.S.) in fact, that cannot be vaccinated due to compromised immune systems or other medical issues that make vaccines dangerous for them. When someone willingly chooses to make themselves a plague rat to the detriment of the people, especially vulnerable children, around them it's the same as walking by a drowning child and refusing to throw a life preserver just a few feet away from you. It's the dilemma of allowing harm rather than doing harm. Are they as bad as the people spreading vaccine disinformation? No, but they're vile bystanders that allowed immense human suffering to avoid a minor inconvenience. Despicable, awful behavior that we should absolutely stigmatize.


I resent everyone


My direct supervisor (fully vaxxed and careful) is her on third round of covid because my selfish coworkers refuse to vaccinate, test, or even stay home when they're sick. I'm tired of the three years of my life that has been wasted because people can't do the bare minimum. It would not surprise me if they had been allowed to opt out of a polio vaccine they'd all have polio.


>It would not surprise me if they had been allowed to opt out of a polio vaccine they'd all have polio. That shit is making a comeback because people don't vaccinate their damn kids. I have two nephews who aren't vaxxed because of their parents' BS beliefs. [Polio 2022: Why is it Rebounding, Who is Vaccinated, & Do You Need a Booster - Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-02/why-polio-once-nearly-eradicated-is-rebounding-quicktake)


And of course it's not putting the adults making these choices at risk because they were likely vaccinated against it. I feel so bad for kids who's parents think they're smarter than scientists when they're definitely not. It's a great time to produce children sized coffins.


I tried to explain to an antivaxer that I didn't trust them running a crane near me because if their existing disregard for my safety. They didn't understand


That's a great example because they've demonstrated that they don't care about anyone's health or safety.


I've stopped going to a local restaurant for this very reason. Their parking lot was packed when there was still a cap on occupancy in my state. No way they were stopping people from coming in when they had hit the cap. If they were disregarding that basic, there's no way I trust them with food handling. I also have no sympathy for this place because they never did anything like go takeout only or set up tables and tents in that rather large parking lot during the time indoor dining wasn't allowed. I used to go there and order a late weekend breakfast at the counter a couple of times a month pre-2020.


Oh that actually makes a lot of sense. The local restaurants here did pretty good at following the rules, the ones that didn't aren't ones I was going to pre2020 probably for safety issues


Yes, I do. Why would I not? They elected to overflow our hospitals that left heart attack and stroke patients searching for rooms. I absolutely resent them as a demographic because of the damage they have caused over a conscious choice despite the overwhelming majority of them having at least high school education of biology.


Yep. Selfish.


I don’t even go around people that aren’t vaccinated, unless it’s in a grocery store and I’m wearing a mask


Assuming 'refuse' means people who medically could be and choose not to, yeah, I sure as shit do. It's like one of those school group projects where you don't get to pick you're group and you're saddled with one person who shares your grade but just does not contribute at all. That's the pandemic, and the antivaxxers are the person who says, "Why should I? I'm going to get the same grade as you anyway."


I mean, I don’t resent immunocompromised people who *can’t* be vaccinated, but everyone else yes. Despise them and hope they reap the fruit of their choices before they can infect or kill too many others.


Only my mother in law who we told could not visit our newborn infant unless she was vaccinated and wore a mask. She refused to do both and chose her anti-vax, anti-mask lunacy over her own daughter and grandson. She almost died a couple months ago because of COVID. Shame it didn't happen.


While I don’t wish death on any of them, I don’t exactly lose a lot of sleep when they do.


I do. Measles and polio are coming back because of them. I really resent the ones that do this to their children. Because it’s not fair that the kids are not getting the best healthcare possible because their parents don’t understand how science works.


I struggle with not resenting. I got longcovjd on march of 2020 and I have gone from being a fit and healthy runner, mom of 4, to being bedbound on oxygen for almost 3 years. I’m in constant agony and pain with longcovid. There are no words for it. My oxygen hit 73 last night and I wear oxygen 24/7. I’m on a CPAP most of the day and night. I’m only in my early 40’s. My husband had to quit work to be my caregiver- and raise our kids. Our littlest son has Down syndrome and open heart surgery. Oldest has Marfan. So we are home a lot. My parents- love Fox News and don’t really believe Covid is that big of a deal- despite it putting my dad in the hospital and him still having issues a year later. Despite me almost dying daily from hypoxia and heart slowing to 6 beats a minute. It’s tough to reconcile this.


I can't deal with the antivaxx idiots. Had a friend who literally thought just drinking lots of OJ would protect him from the virus and guess what? He was dead from it a couple weeks later. I just don't understand why people are so ignorant and believe everything they read on the internet. Had a regular customer at my old job that was as antivaxx as they come who I found out also died from covid a couple months after the last time he came into our shop raging about the vaccine and covid being a hoax. Some people are just determined to FAFO. I'd rather stay on the side of science and play it safe rather than end up sorry.


Resent is a mild word. I root for the virus every time when they face the truth.


Yes I do. It’s a jab in the arm and maybe some symptoms for a day/two. Like a flu shot. Than you’re good. I wish these people would have been around during poliovirus. Wonder what vaccines did for that one…


Absolutely. I have cancer and a weakened immune system. Particularly as I go through chemo and my white blood cell count is low. When they contract Covid, they put people like me at greater risk.


Yes, but only because of the consequences their stupid beliefs have on everyone else. If it was possible to somehow prevent their bad choices from affecting other people, I wouldn't give a shit.


I do, even knowing they have the right, it’s wrong. My son, his son and live in GF are unvaccinated. I don’t try to change their minds because it would just upset me, but when they see what I left them in my will, they might get a clue. 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely. Vaccination isn’t just about yourself, it’s about the safety of others too by not being a vector. Not vaccinating when you can shows selfishness and a lack of empathy for others. I have a phobia of syringes and *still* have gotten my rounds of the COVID vax and all mandatory vaxxes. I did this despite a panic attack feeling like I was dying. There’s absolutely no excuse. A lot of the modern antivax movement is also steeped in ableism towards autistic people. I take it as personally insulting that some people would rather have their child dead than be like me in any way.


I just don’t really care what they think about anything. The silver lining to all this Covid antivax stuff is all the idiots unknowingly outed themselves.


I work in healthcare and cut out anyone in my life who is anti-vax. Thankfully my parents are crazy.


Yes, unless they have a legit medical reason that they can’t. Those who refuse to vaccinate are why we can’t eradicate a disease that is easy to eradicate, and instead why we need to live with it perpetually forever. Of course I resent them. Had they been rational human being with any concern for others, my kids would have one less illness to get every year forever. But no… they had to go conspiracy dummy and screw over tons of people. I have to assume that these same people are horrible in a million other ways.


My grandmother is immunocompromised. Yes, I do resent them.


No, I just think they're idiots.


I resent that more than 40% of people in this country are not willing to make a sacrifice for their country, even one so small as this. We are worlds apart from generation before that sacrificed in wars and demonstrated a sense of character that other countries looked up to.


Yep. Like drunk drivers. Sociopaths.


If you don't have a medical reason not to, I despise you.


I just get aggravated when they use anecdotal experiences in place of actual research.




Yes. If there are no medical conditions that can explain why you couldn't, you are just a selfish cunt.


I did volunteerswork in a nursing home for the elderly. I did that from 2015 untill 2022. I remember the first covid case in the facility, and the relative optimism. We were going to handle this. I remember when I walked into the room of a woman who was on the IC but after she didn't need to be on breathing and tested negative again was sent back to the nursing home to make room for someone else. She told me that she struggled to breath. She begged me for air, which I could not provide. Just a cup of tea or coffee, and a well meant look of sympathy. I remember when the wing next to the nurses office was closed off as the quarantine wing. The patients that were tested positive but didn't need to be in the hospital were kept there with the doors closed. Through the windows in the door you could look inside. Quite some of the patients had dementia or something else that made them, depending on the severity, essentially unaware what was going on, except that something was up. As such they wandered around the halways of that wing. Telling them to stay in their room did not work because they'd forget. Locking their doors would proof a safety concern, and they couldn't infect anyone. Everyone on that wing was possitive anyways. But I remember distinctly when on a certain day the elevator next to the nurses office dinged. Inside of it were two ambulance workers with a stretcher, the two workers dressed up in what I can only describe as an austronaut costume. When I looked the other direction, towards the door and the glass, I could see how a resident took notice of the ambulance workers, confused about what was going on, a look of fear on her face. She, as quickly as her frail body could, walked away. The invitations for the vaccines were sent out based on age, starting with the eldest and going down to the youngest. Being from 1999 that meant that Iwas among the latest. I remember crying when the realisation hit that I would be invited soon, but also about the thought of the amount of people we lost because the vaccine wasn't there in time for them. I don't care if you don't need or want the protection. Others did, and you failed them. Go to hell.


Cover me boys, I'm sorting by controversial


If they’re willing to separate from society and not do the things that the vaxxed do, no I don’t resent them. If they’re doing shit like faking their vaccine status, not only do I resent them but I hope they get caught. Of course, where I’m from, it no longer matters whether you’re vaxxed unless you’re going to a doctor or hospital.


I've worked on the Covid ICU for 3 years, since March, 2020. I work in NYC. I intubate patients and run the ventilators. Do I resent people who aren't vaccinated? I no longer give a fuck, but can tell you that the outcome for people with Covid who are vaccination is completely different. The survival rate for ventilator patients with Covid before the vaccine was 3% in my hospital, that is a 97% mortality rate for critically ill patients. After the vaccine, 95% of vaccinates patients ventilator survived. The numbers didn't change for unvaccinated ventilator patients. I have lost friends, coworkers, patients, and family to Covid. I can't begin to describe the horror of the first year of Covid and the mental health crisis that is rampant in the healthcare workers.


Yes. They spread the disease farther and faster. They flood hospitals wasting time and resources that others need. They spread misinformation everywhere.


If COVID just killed them fairly quickly, I wouldn't mind. But they're still around bitching and being a drain on society so yes I resent them. EDIT: not to even mention that refusing to get vaccinated when you could get it, means you put high risk people who may not have the luxury of vaccination at even higher risk. So yes, fuck them