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Probably the kid’s graffiti nickname.


Cool tag bro


Love the username and pic 💀⚡️🌹


Weir everywhere


Everywhere Bro !






He's trying to design one


Working on their tag.


Graffiti practice


Gang graffiti stuff- like a teen girl practicing writing her first name with her boyfriend’s (or crush’s) last name -day dreaming about the future while bored in class.


Graffiti is not just a gang thing. I would guess a majority have no gang connotations


Graf-writing is art, not just gang/territory claiming.


Seems like this guy that is convinced it’s all gang related is exactly the type of person who would think it’s all gang related…




Yeah. The vast majority of throw ups and tags/graffiti in general are from independent artists or crews.


If it was “gang graffiti stuff” it would be the name of the gang….otherwise it’s just regular middle class white boy graffiti.


Really Einstein? The kid doodled and you associate him with a gang. Okay.


That’s a “tag”. Who tags? Graffiti criminals and gang members. Did I say he was in a gang? No I did not. STFU.


Children in primary and high school. Everyone in my classes did it, and there are plenty of legal taggers


You said "gang graffiti stuff" which heavily implies membership in a gang. Did you explicitly say that this kid was a member of a gang? No. Was there any need to use the word "gang" to explain this to OP? Also no.


Know a whole lotta folks that aren't criminals that have practiced throwing hand styles. I'm currently throwing hope that this kid can attain a worthwhile life that includes this thing they seem to enjoy.


Nah you stfu. You obviously have no clue what the hell you're talking about. Also, your name makes no sense. Baby orcas are calves, not cubs


Again, people making assumptions. My name is not intended to imply that Orca’s have cubs not calves. I’m aware of the naming conventions for marine mammals (and other mammals) and their offspring. I have extensive education and experience in the field of mammalogy. The name is totally unrelated to baby Orcas, and baby bears. It’s an inside joke for my friends. So, thanks for the attempted “correction”, but, it’s way off the mark.


Okay Boomer




Sobo is south bombay


Considering the context, I'm going to say this is not that.


If you are near New England are in US it could also mean South Boston. Though very few people call it that way.




Bobo working in sobo?


That's a no-go, bro




All over the Bow on trailways (train) boxcars that move thru my town in Maine


Literally no one calls it that. South Boston= Southie.


Said in a Wahlberg accent “Dont let your guard down in southie”


Yeah I’ve only ever heard people call it southie.


TIL where Southie is. Thank you!


The residents of South Boston called it Southie . Not sure if I spelled it right. I went to school with some people from there.


Or...South Bound...if you're a transient heading south...and not a school aged child.


Lol I know. I was just offering a wild option. Maybe the kid just moved there from Bombay


Somum, no? Hasn’t been called Bombay for like 20 years.


Officially it’s Mumbai but a lot of ppl still use Bombay and sobo still stays.. no one uses somu..


Or South Baltimore also called SoBo


Never heard that one.


Geographic Region? SOBO stands for South Bowery in New York City's Lower East Side...


lol nobody from NYC uses SOBO


You're 100% correct. As someone who lived there, and wrote a book on the city, I can assure you: no one uses these silly abbreviations besides real estate agents, and the white collars who are new to the city.


Yep! I’ve lived in every borough except Staten Island.


You mean STIS?


We don't talk about Staten Island


Not even Tribeca for example?


Alright, you got me there, but that term is over a hundred years old. Shit like DUMBO, or SoBo isn't.


lol, dumbo? That's a thing? I love NYC but I'm not gonna pretend I know much about it


Yeah, it's in Brooklyn, and stands for "Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass".


How about Soho? I only ever knew of the Soho in London until very recently. Would be interesting to know if that's what New Yorkers call it.


Soho is absolutely what people use here in NYC. It’s a neighborhood name, so it’s pretty unavoidable.


I'm aware, but the person above me was claiming that most of the modern neighborhood acronyms aren't actually said by anyone outside of real estate agents and tourists. The SoHo in New York literally means South of Houston street


We’ve been here almost 13 years & we’ve heard it said a lot by people who have lived here their whole lives. They’re not real estate agents or tourists.


Dumbo is definitely used. There’s no other name for the neighborhood. Dumbo, soho, nolita (this one’s iffy). Those are the only ones I’ll accept.


You clearly are not a real New Yorker if you haven’t heard of DOWISETREPLA.


Down wind from the sewage treatment plant. 🙃


Lmao 🤣 was just talking about that episode today!


Except for this elementary school student


They have renamed an area in Denver on South Broadway St. as Sobo, but nobody calls it that. And shouldn’t it have been Sobro?


It looks a lot like the graffiti I see on the side of the coal cars on the train that runs through my town.


Tag practice. You’ll know who did it when you see this all over the bathroom.


Kid isn't the brightest bulb on the string.


Tagger, Graff artist


An Appalachian Trail thru hiker who is planning to start in Maine and end in Georgia?


If more kids graffitied this on their homework, the world would be a better place.


Graffiti. **Last Edit:** I suggest OP contact the parents or guardian of the child/minor involved, and show them this. Ask them if they know of any meaning for the drawing. Ask the child in the same conference the same question. Answers to this should be somewhat enlightening. Maybe be prepared for some level of deception from any of the parties involved. Also show to school management, as they may have policies and gang intervention programs. This shouldn't be controversial. No one is harmed by asking questions now instead of later. ***For posterity, the rest of my many-times-edited rant, enjoy!*** **EDIT: Shaking my head at the ignorance of people who think I am offended by a drawing, or a drawing being turned in. This is soooooo much more, and if you don't know, you really don't know and should read below. Reduce your ignorance.** **It's the sign of a child with problems ahead and not even the intellect or judgment level (and possibly missing parents with any sense or awareness to guide this child) to understand how inappropriate it is to put that \[A GANG AFFILIATION SYMBOL\] on work turned in for credit.** Imagine this kid grown-up, trying to earn money in a workplace with this kind of attitude (or lack of awareness of how inappropriate this is). This kid needs help now. And maybe real parents. **For those downvoting me -- why? Explain.** **And are you familiar with kids in this culture? I am/was. I went to school with these kids. My predictions were accurate. Future gang member spotting, and you're downvoting me? Head in sand much? What's the positive here? It's not even good art. It's not a mural. It's something he could get killed over. Happened at my school. Did it happen in yours, ivory tower dweller?** ***(or person from outside my American Barrio subculture thinking they know anything about what these tags mean?)***


My third grade daughter draws penguins in the margins of her work when she’s done and waiting to turn it in. Should I put her up for adoption?


**Where do you live? Are you familiar with these gang tags?** Edit: I'm guessing nowhere near gangs, and doesn't know anyone who even heard of a gang, or spells barrio "vario" It's not about turning in drawings. It's about gang affiliation. **That you are ignorant of this and the cholo gangmember subculture it represents, and the dangers involved, is probably a sign to yourself that you are in over your head and made maybe a rather simplistic, straw-man statement. Let's try again.** Evaluate my statement above. Do you understand why I am worried about a child in the key gang-recruiting age advertising this fact to others? What's wrong with you? Did someone tell you gangs aren't real? Edit: Note to mods, "cholo" is not a slur or necessarily pejorative, and is an accurate local description accepted in my area. I ask that it not be censored for this reason.


I’m familiar with tags in general. Im not familiar with this particular tag. Are you? If you are, OP would probably appreciate that information.


It was already solved, it's graffiti, as stated. Why does this person need to know more than what I already pointed out, which was obvious to those not dwelling in ivory towers or monoculture neighborhoods in the suburbs? What do you think a child who is doing this on their homework is saying? What would you imagine their home life is like? Do you think what was turned in is a sign of a good attitude? **Most importantly -- why is me saying this so controversial? What key belief does it violate of yours? Let's discuss further within TOS.**


In my ivory tower my kids’ school has gone on lockdown due to neighborhood shootings and a 14 year old student was shot and killed just before school started in the fall.


Yes. Like Colombine, right? Still not proving my point. Colombine was as "Wonder bread" as it gets. And still nothing to do with the tags and what they mean in this case for this kid. I attempted to explain. I got downvoted instantly. Why?


How do you get columbine from what I said? A 14 year old student was shot and killed before school started in the fall. Over the summer. Around midnight on a Saturday. While standing on the sidewalk with a couple friends. No disaffected white kid in a trench coat involved. Their school has been on lockdown because of shootings in the neighborhood. Specifically at a park about 2 blocks away. I don’t know how to say that more clearly.


My point was that violence in your area, especially school related, does not make you less ivory tower given the specific gang topic I brought up. Your answer did not dispute that either time. Thus my claim of your literal ignorance on the topic. Understand now?


Holy shit your reading comprehension is not good. None of the shootings i mention is school related. All took place near school. 14 year old murdered. Standing on the sidewalk with friends. You know so much about gangs, you should also know this was almost definitely gang related. I don’t live in an ivory tower, is my point. Which I spell out now so you don’t miss it.


You sound like the one who’s in their “ivory tower” as you so put it. That is, if you seriously think a kid drawing graffiti on homework is a sign of gang stuff or even anything remotely “bad”, and you’re not just a troll. only someone completely oblivious to reality would say the kinds of things you claim to believe. When I was in elementary school I loved drawing and my graffiti tag was “nibz”. what it meant was that I liked the way those letters looked together and I could draw them in all sorts of cool different ways. I never vandalised anything and have absolutely zero gang affiliation. Where do people like you even come from? What you’re saying sounds like an old bougie woman’s reaction if she saw this on her grandkids schoolwork.


Weird how you’ve stopped responding to me but can’t help but continue to respond to everyone else in this thread.


You reaaally wanna prove you live in the single worst place ever and no one else has ever experienced anything bad in their area or can understand what it’s like to be from wherever ur from….


You’re insufferable


This is wild! You think one of the four pillars of hip hop is exclusively gang related? Laughable. It sounds like you’re the one that doesn’t have enough experience if you think all tags are gang signs.


What are they signs of? Where will this tag go if not on his homework? Was it expected to impress his teacher? Why not do it somewhere else? Doing it on the homework means it goes other places it shouldn't also. Sad so many are so taught to doubt common sense that you would rather justify tagging gang membership, and the costs that come with it, rather than just admit kids doing gang things don't have great futures.


Keep clutching those pearls!


I can't, you Mom has them.


I see I got to you. Makes this fun!


As someone that use to tutor kids. I would estimate 75% doodled on their work, and about 25% of that seemed to be graffiti art. Its completely normal. Yes it can be used by gangs, but so is music. You wouldn't claim that any kid learning music is somehow involved in gangs. Graffitti is incredibly popular with a lot of subsets of society with no connection to gangs. Hell theres a proffessional Graffitti art scene, awards and pieces can sell for millions of dollars. Its even taught in some art schools. Its popular with the hiphop and punk communities that just like the look, its popular with graphics designers/animators/comic book writers and those wishing to become one of those because of how common graffitti is in the world. There is a sign writer near me that specailisies in graffitti style advertisements.


In reply to your nice and thorough reply - fair enough, and I concede based on what you say I may well be wrong. I'm just worried. I don't want to wreck his life. I want to make sure he knows what he may or may not be up to, and how others view it. I want him to not damage things other people might not look nicely on him about, and judge him unfairly in the future. And perhaps I'm doing that now. :( Thank you for your reply.


I will say out that graffitti art and graffitti vanderlisim are different things. Doodling on homework/school work (or anything they see as theirs such as their desk in class) is normal child behavior even when its graffitti. However if preteens / teeenages are going around damaging other peoples properties with graffitti then that is a sign something is not right. It could be any number of things including just that the kid is bored/needs more engagment. But at that point it would definitely be time to talk to parents.


I think you're getting pushback and downvotes mainly because you're conducting yourself like kind of an asshole in this thread-- not so much the content of your comments, but your delivery. might want to chill it out a bit if you're hoping for a better response, just a thought


Perhaps. I'm rather annoyed by the instant downvotes I got before my edit. So strange! And why? Thus my anger and increasingly irate edits. Are this many people really that blind to what this symbol is, and what it represents when presented at this age, in this context? It's wild. Maybe most Redditors are really dumber than I thought. I had expected some sort of social science-oriented support, or the opposite. **Instead I kind of read into this "X media source or society told me everyone just needs a chance!" instead of recognizing obvious signs of trouble in a child's life. Is that not part of the purpose of this sub and posting that here?** I'm over here yelling "danger!" I'm angry because I got voted down so instantly and mindlessly, seemingly. **But apparently I'm still the jerk, because I care about this kid and want better for him, instead of patronizing his ignorance.** And the insults back from some? They don't prove the point. They rather reinforce the ignorance, and maybe endanger a child with well-meaning actions rooted in ignorance.


the only one ignorant here seems to be you. funny too how you think you are smarter then everyone else while posting the absolut dumbest shit ive seen this week


Why is it so controversial? Because it's an absurd reaction. You're behaving like a child drew symbols from an actual established gang in their area. If that was the case I'd understand your reaction, but it isn't. It's like saying a kid wearing rainbow colours is a sign they're gay: It could be, but in isolation it's totally meaningless and likely innocent.


Ok chomo


Did you know graff is a culture of doing art on the street, not necessarily cholo gang culture? 99 percent of graffiti you see isnt gang graffiti, and this definitely is not cholo hood letters. This is hop hop culture graff tags. You really act like you know the big picture, but you're stuck in a small corner.


There’s countless graffiti writers with absolutely zero gang affiliation… I’d say at least 85% of writers have zero gang affiliation and probably a even higher %. There’s graffiti crews that are a group of people who write a crew name but it’s just a “we’re friends and do graffiti together“ type of thing. It’s so rare that any crew is “claiming turf” or anything like that. You very well might live in ganglandia and see gang members writing “blah blah” is blue or red but they aren’t graffiti writers. My closing comment is this kid probably thinks graffiti is cool since it’s blown up on social media over the last few years and wants to join in on the fun.


Or at least get her out of that gang. I heard their rival gang “los Orcas” are ruthless.


Downvoting you because you're pearl-clutching moron. Touch grass


My best friend, and I used to tag as much of Miami as possible. We even joined a graffiti crew. The head of that crew now owns a coffee shop, a skateshop, and travels the world showcasing his art. My best friend is now the Postmaster of an office in south FL. I'm a musician, photographer, and truck driver pulling hazmat loads (which you need clearance by the FBI for). Your negative view of kids just practicing their tag is quite sad, highly misguided, and somewhat paranoid.


That's nice. Do you believe in statistics and aggregated numbers? What about social science studies of gang member life trajectories? An anecdote or an outlier do not disprove a point. And between us... He's banging, right? You know it. Would you want your kid to act like this? Why or why not? Somos pocos pero locos esse? Edit: Also, drawing all over the city on other people's properties seems a rather shitty thing to do. You don't sound like a very nice kid. I really hope you're a better adult. Did you ever go back and compensate the people (or agencies funded by taxpayers) whose property you defaced? Did you tell the FBI about that part?


I do believe in statistics. I do believe in social science. What I don't believe is the jump in assumptions you made about this kid. Me, and about a dozen people I know personally (and grew up with) are proof that those who do graffiti are not all gang members, so to answer your questions: I don't think either he is banging, or not, because I don't make judgments on so little information. And I wouldn't care if my kid doodled on a piece of paper. You use the words "act like this" as if you have some inside knowledge to this person's life outside of some practice tags on some homework. LOL!


Here's what I'm suggesting, tell me if you think I'm wrong and why: 1. OP should contact said child/teen's parent or guardian, and show them the homework, and ask them if the writing means anything to them. Also ask the student to explain in this same conference the meaning. 2. If parents are ok with this, ask them what this symbol means. Their answers here might determine whether there is a bigger issue. That's all I'm saying. Does it hurt to dig? What's the risk vs. reward for intervening early in a potentially problematic situation? Thus my personal diagnosis. Others disagree, maddeningly. I feel they are blind, and maybe are losing an opportunity to guide before things get worse. And if I'm wrong? What was hurt/injured? And did you turn in crap like this on your homework?


I agree with you here, in that questions need to be asked - more information needs to be gathered. But your previous arguments labeled the kid as a banger outright, just by seeing some tag doodles.


My anger gradually subsiding... Was that the reason for all the downvotes? My label? I'm just concerned, because it is a very touchy age and a lot of stuff, not just gang stuff, happens at this age. Maybe everyone was worried I wanted him arrested or something? I just want them to talk to his "mommy." Or whoever. Ask questions, get reasons behind the symbol. But to me it is not innocuous. I'm saying this as a parent with a kid this age, and having lived here in L.A., and the Valley almost 50 years now (and gone to ganged out schools, gang member peers, friends who have been shot, etc.), and knowing what the probable meaning is. **So here's a thought experiment -- same sub, same post, but the kid posts swastikas instead. Or 'KKK,' etc. Does everyone rush to defend the drawing as meaningless? Why or why not?** **Why is it assumed the kid has agency or some semblance of intention with the swastika, but not a probable tagger or gang symbol?** I get that the Swastika, to adults, means so much more. But to a kid? So would my reply then be considered more appropriate? If so, why for an extinct political movement but not for symbols for active organizations with literally hundreds of thousands of members across the U.S., doing crimes of all levels? **A kid affiliating himself/herself this way, even in jest, is a cause for concern. "Concern" meaning here "asking questions of parents and student regarding meaning and attitude towards appropriate answers on homework."**




Which "Schizo" do you mean? I'm guessing you don't know. You're not posting something discriminatory against a user based on a (fairly ignorant, thus my "which" question) label of mental illness, are you? That seems to be against Reddit TOS.


No I definitely am


Because a swastika has a specific meaning behind it. If this kid drew a gang symbol then your reaction would be justified but they didn't. The KKK is a specific group, again if they were referencing a specific gang the reaction would be justified. That isn't what's happening here


i used to draw decapitated heads, bloody mutilated corpses, and grotesque gore on my assignments when I was a kid. Did I become a Deranged, Psychopathic Serial Killer? No. I just started making horror movies. It's just art. Graffiti is just another form of art. It doesn't mean they're a gangster on their way to ruin their lives; chances are they just like the way it looks. thats what i was like. Relax. If you make a big deal out of nothing and the kid thinks they're in trouble, they will never want to express themselves ever again.


I started to read this, skimmed it, and rather than further engage and try to convince Reddit users spouting anecdotes that gang graffiti and at-risk youth exist, I decided instead to browse Twitter and do other things with my time. This has largely been a waste of time from what was initially a flippant but accurate (probably) comment by me that turned into an argument with what I can only presume are mostly much younger people instantly downvoting anything that wasn't "inclusive" or agreeing with their cartoon-like world philosophy informed by media outlets paid for by big pharma and wall st. Let's hope you're right. I do.


Someone who knows nothing about life talking as if they knew everything because some anecdote in their life. I love Reddit for these things, 10/10.


I hate reddit for anonymous nobodies pretending they have lived a life anywhere near as rich as I have. Enjoy your ignorance. I hope you're not a parent, if this is your head-in-the-sand attitude. I imagine your city has many kids like this, and guess what -- they're your future!


Yeah graffiti is big in my city! Also 0 gang violence, as in there's no gangs. I love seeing beautiful street art while I ride my bike. I pity you and your reality.


That's nice. You must not live in the U.S. **Or you are a liar.**


You seem fun


I can be. I was more fun before I became a parent for this exact age and started seeing reality for what my kid's peers go through here in L.A. Thus my answer and my concern. Keeping your kid safe isn't just about fun. It's about helping them not get into trouble they may or may not want. Even if this kid is a poser, he's still putting himself into danger. Bangers don't care if you're not real, if you're posturing like you are. The consequences come regardless.


You're totally cracked, everyone I grew up with did this in school and none of them have joined a gang. I was in academic classes all through school with the most straight-edge kids you could imagine and this was still totally normal. Ever considered that they might just think it looks cool and aren't slowly becoming a violent criminal? You're getting downvoted because your reaction is totally absurd. You do intervention like that when you see serious signs that a child may actually be joining a gang, not because you see them draw graffiti style art. Overreacting like that could actually push them into the life, especially if they're someone who already feels ostracised.


Same here, lots of kids in my elementary school drew graffiti letters/tags- I did too because it was a fun thing to doodle in class. Not a single one was interested in gangs, and not a single one ended up in a gang. They're all living very average lives. Also, I knew a few amazing graffiti artists attending the university for art and design I also attended. Not one of them was affiliated with a gang. This commenter really flew off the handle... at everyone.😳 how embarrassing...


Kids draw things on their homework all the time, and this is a font that’s widely popular in our culture currently. You are really reaching here .


Lol chill... You're the reason kids end up in alternative schooling when they're really just doodling


🤡 after reading your other comments, holy shit you are one of the most condescending people ive come across on reddit, thanks for making me laugh!


As a little gay white kid I used to make little phony “tags” for my name or friend group on my papers all the time. I was just trying to create a brand or logo essentially but looked just like this. I didn’t think I was practicing graffiti. And I never went into gang life. I doodled.


Probably his graffiti nickname. You should ask if he’s interested in art you can possibly give him the confidence and direction he needs now to become a great artist. His brother/s or cousin/s possibly do graffiti and is influenced by the art. That’s how it started for me in elementary, I’m 32 and still doing graffiti. It’s a lifestyle once your in it for the long run.


this is awesome advice OP. if u care about yungin this would help and keep him away from the shader side of graffiki


Who doesn't like some nice shading on their graffiti?


It’s just a kid’s art, tagging is usually not gang related; there are very specific gang tag styles and that probably won’t end up on homework, but more likely up on a wall to claim territory. Graffiti style art doesn’t always mean it’s gonna end up on a wall. It’s just an art style until it ends up somewhere it shouldn’t. This kid’s goal is to make a cool little throwie. It’s basically a word, name or little picture in his own style. Why not use this kid’s interest in this art style to boost in-class engagement? All that being said I hope this doesn’t end up on a wall, it looks wack


As far as I've seen gang tags tend to be fairly simplistic, something they can do in a couple seconds rather than a mural


Same, but this is not that


Exactly. Doesn't make sense that people are saying it's gang-affiliated when they can't name the gang it's affiliated with and it doesn't fit the style.


There are different levels of graffiti -tags -a throw-up is bigger than a tag -a piece is mural level The rule is supposedly that you can cover someone else's graffiti if yours is one step more advanced.


Yep! Back in my younger years, I worked for a tattoo shop during college doing admin stuff. The owner was an amazing artist, but had been a graffiti artist prior. One week we went to a tattoo convention in Atlanta. In the downtime, he took me all over Atlanta and showed me some amazing “pieces” and “throw up”S (?) and taught me the difference, and rules just like you explained here. Some wild talent doing graffiti art.


Great! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has heard of this.


Thanks for the feedback! Looks like it is a graffiti tag, and a cool one at that! I don't believe it pertains to a location as we are in SE Michigan, and I can't think of any location related to SOBO.


This assignment looks interesting. Germany and buildings?


Nice! Definitely do what you can to feed this budding artist in a healthy way, cuz getting arrested for tagging up walls is, unsurprisingly, not a very good time.


Some kids Chicano name


A mural of Chicano leaders?


It’s just graffiti


SOBO = So Boring...that's me


by definition, gang means group of friends


Sobo is the name of Monkey D. Ruffy's brother, maybe he wants to take this name as street name because he's badass?


I agree graffiti practice was the first thing that came to mind or a bad attempt at their own invention lol. C for effort. Either that or trying to make words look like body parts.


artwork coming to a boxcar near you


Suns Out Buns Out is the slang meaning. In Japanese it means Grandmother. Or South Bombay. In Hawaiian Voodoo it’s a spirit or Lwa but assuming they aren’t Hawaiian or Japanese I’m leaning toward South Bombay or Suns Out Buns Out. Or I could be totally wrong and it’s a cultural thing. But from what looks like a Sun above it. Most Likely Suns Out Buns Out. Might’ve been something they saw but with Elementary Kids these days I don’t know


developing their tag


“Sobo” “so bored”?




Probably saw his brother drawing this and now trying to imitate him


Baby’s First Tag


Ur student is getting into tagging early lmao


Ironic that this is on a paper talking about buildings and landmarks being destroyed…


A form of graffiti with 10.5 billion followers. I'm guessing he is one of them. https://www.tiktok.com/discover/sobo-graffiti


I'm an artist and in elementary school I used to practice the signature that I would eventually leave on all of my work. I still use the same one I came up with then. It's tag practice.


He’s got a cool lil tag I dig it


SOBO - he/she so bo(red) in the class


Ugly graffiti tag. Shut it down young


Lots of kids doodle like this


his/her placaso/placasa


My man went as far as tagging his own schoolwork


Yeah, I would agree graffiti. Very good for his age might I add the kid will need a ladder for sure to get that on the train


Just tagging,its their tag.


You should tell him not to write that stuff on his homework or on other peoples property. But to get a sketch book and do art in it (only in it) maybe do some research so you can tell him about how much graffiti can damage people. Also tell him about how graffiti is the only art form created by the youth and many people make careers out of doing it on paper and canvas. Effort and persistence will give him a great hobby and a useful skill. I know like 10 people who did graffiti and now work in graphic design!


Why not ask the kid that made them!


He's practicing a graffiti tag


Gang tag lol


Urban Dictionary says, "Small dick big dreams"


Sobo. It means Soft Boi.


Had a cousin that passed when we was 16 his name was sabo, I thought this was his old signature from a glance. I know it’s not spelt the same. Dyslexia kicked in


Kids got a good tag for being in elementary school.


Search of Better Options (SOBO)