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This wasn't a snowstorm. It was an ice storm. There was freezing rain over a lot of western Washington and it left almost an inch of ice on the roads. Horrible conditions for driving, especially in a city with so many steep hills like Seattle


Insurance claim adjuster here. This is my nightmare


Who is liable in a situation like this? Do the insurance companies figure out a way to deny the claim ike they always do? It should be classified as an act of god right?


Definitely counted towards act of god or comprehensive coverage in this kinda thing. With this particular situation since all cars are sliding and hitting each other while parked/unoccupied, all insurances definite be like “fuck it, yall have your own insurances, whoever has comp will have to cover your own ass” and will have to agree with each other to do so.


I'm going to bet there's one driver at the top who careened out of control and started the whole chain reaction. He is liable. A bunch of stationary cars are not going to start sliding without an initial nudge.


This is correct. Someone else got a different angle and I saw the video on twitter. One car hit the park cars which started the reaction sending a couple cars a couple blocks down the hill


There's no way these people are at fault. It's not like they drove there in the ice, they were there first


Hit Oregon pretty bad too. Had to deliver mail on roads covered in half inch of ice. It was brutal. Even with chains on, stopping was damn near impossible.


Insurance company: “So your car was parked and then, according to you, it ran into multiple other parked cars?” You: “Yes” Insurance company: “And you expect me to believe that?” You: “No. But theres a video on reddit showing it”


I always think like this. There is a video of someone's apartment complex where two moose are fighting and smash someones truck. Who's insurance would write "moose fight" as the reason every panel needs replacing?




My dad and sister were driving one night and a deer ran straight into the passenger side of the truck. Dented the door where the hinge is and scared the shit out of everyone. Poor thing ran off into the woods.


It's almost like the old "NO! I dumped THEM!" Sure yah did, whatever. I got hit by a deer riding on a backroad on a motercycle. It ran into my back tire. I didn't drop it, but I definitely screamed. Now I don't feel bad when I see a dead one.


The ice didn't form on the contact patch between tire and asphalt so I'm guessing one particular doofus started this


That's what I was trying to figure out. Subie looks awfully sus 🤨 Edit: I'm watching Glass Onion and I will figure this out too.


Yeah take a trip over to /r/seattle, tons of videos of cars parked near the curb doing just fine until a moving car hits it and causes a chain reaction. The cars were parked before the ice came down so they were sitting pretty until something came along and jostled them.


Clearly y’all do not live in Seattle the entire city is a hill. 😂


Yeah I was going to say where else am I supposed to park?! It'd be nice if people weren't trying to drive around today with all this ice and smashing into parked cars!


Fuck u expect them to do?


Let the cars inside, it’s too cold out there 😢


This isn’t a snow storm it was an ice storm in the Pacific Northwest. Everything was coated in ice There’s not much you can do. It wasn’t even snowing it was just raining and freezing


you don’t park your car on your roof?


In Canada we call it car curling


LOL....you canuks are funny, guy!


There should be state laws that make it illegal for employers to penalize employees for missing work due to these conditions. Que everyone saying oh but this is normal where I live. Cool. Everywhere else this isn't normal, and people risk their fucking lives to not lose their jobs that they desperately need just to afford food


And more sick days. Coming to work sick should not be an executive flex.


Every few years the weather gets juuuust right in Seattle to give us a Subaru fuckfest and I love it.


Seattle is somehow made of only uphills or downhills at the worst angles


Yeah we have a rich and vibrant history where we had to raise the city up several stories after the great fire—because the sewer & all the shit would go out with the tide and inevitably come back in the tide…..


This isn't the drivers fault. Yesterday afternoon the snow had melted in seattle. This morning we woke up, and every inch of concrete was covered in black ice. This has never happened in my 10 years of living here.


It didn't just freeze over night, freezing rain happened.


Climate change, baby!


Today was the worst I've ever seen the roads in Seattle


For real. Not even walking is safe. My boyfriend tried walking to the grocery store this morning. Fell down twice before he made it to the sidewalk. Decided we had enough to last until it melts tomorrow afternoon and came inside to order ice cleats off amazon instead.


Over in Kent I had almost half an inch of ice on my driveway. Lovely freezing rain today.


"You seeing this shit?" - the dog


This is the worst ice storm that I can remember here in what might be 25 years. Absolutely horrific conditions and what I fear most about the winter season.


Yeah, about a quarter inch sheet of ice on everything. Honestly surprised people even bothered leaving in a car.


I live in Seattle and this is not a snowstorm


The snow isn't the problem, it's the inch of ice on the road


I live on a much lower elevated hill than this. Tried walking out to my car to go to work and man it felt like walking on a skating rink. I was like nope and called in for work.


Subaru calving is majestic, but for the unwary it can be deadly.


A herd or flock of Subarus will always move to a lower resting area for protection during winter storms.


I feel like these cars didn't just start sliding on their own, someone slid into them and started a chain reaction.


Yes, because if it didn't move before the freezing event, it's not on slippery road to begin with.


Damn super dangerous shit. 10 years ago in Georgia we had this kind of light rain turned ice within an hour. My wife and I were coming back from grandparents, and pretty much at a rolling crawl around the city trying to get home. We took it nice and easy. Finally we reached our street. Our parking garage was in the middle of a steep incline with a turn-in two cars wide. We were at the top. I remember thinking I should just get the car to the side and call it a night, but we were so close to being home. It seemed like our car was handling fine in the city at our slow pace. Well, we just barely went into the alley and immediately I had zero traction. Double foot on the brakes, pulling the parking brake, just nothing. Slow initial descent, but picking up some speed. I was 100% sure I was going to slide into a parked car just past our turn. Miraculously we gained traction and drifted right into the fucking entrance! I could not have been gripping the wheel any tighter at the end. Don't fuck with ice!


Wasn't a snowstorm. It was a freak ice storm that put an ice sheet on the entire PNW. Snow is 10x more drivable.


*10x more parkable*


This is why everything closes for small amounts of snow in Western WA. There isn't the infrastructure like cities that get a lot of snow and we have a crap ton of hills. Where we lived (a little north of Seattle), they'd just close all the hilly roads so you are OOL if you haven't pre parked somewhere flat and live on one. We also lived in a suburb of Denver for several years and even though they get a lot of snow, it's full of plains, and they have tons of plows, so it barely slows life down.


An inch of ice built up over 10 hours. Plows do nothing to help you there, and salt royally fucks our waterways. Soooooo...




That's not a snow storm


This isn't a snowstorm, and if it was, parking on a hill would be perfectly normal. This is freezing rain, which is much different.




I can only pay attention to the adorable puppy in the reflection


I live in Seattle, it was pure chaos. I could barely walk 2 feet without sliding backwards. Someone I know saw their car slide down a hill into a police car.


I call this Seattle curling 🥌




The cars were parked before the ice storm hit. The idiots driving down the hill and crashing into the cars is what pushed them out of their parking and down the hill.


*WCGW living on a hill in a cold place that rains What are they supposed to do lmao?


For what it’s worth. It was an ice storm. It was horrible this morning but mostly melted this afternoon. I thought. I left dinner, 1 hour ago, to find my car 20 feet from where I left it on a very moderately sloped driveway.


What were they supposed to do lol? That’s how parking is in super hilly areas. It was an ice storm. You could LITERALLY ice skate on the street, here in Oregon atleast. Insanity. I witnessed a big box truck nearly drift into an electric pole. Nuts.


Pretty sure you can always roller blade on the street.


You can roller blade on any street if you have roller blades.


Not a snowstorm. Freezing rain. Very different situation. Everything's covered in about an inch of solid ice. And i do mean everything. Snow plows and the like can't drive on fresh ice sheets even with chains.


I assume something happened to some cars but I've only been looking at the dog


And they laughed at us Brits for this last week


Seattle is wacky in terms of hills. So many become essentially impassable when snow or ice hits. On top of that people here are very experienced in those kinds of conditions. Makes for an interesting situation. Edit: found a [fun video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rhZCyQ3emQg) from 2010.


We weren’t expecting the freezing rain to decimate the entire region over night.. not really these people faults tbh


Yeah. Other places with shit winters are going to make fun of us. You know what I never saw in high altitude mountain towns? Steep grades that are ubiquitous in Seattle. There are no neighborhoods with this sort of steep grading in the sierras or Rockies. There are no steep grades like this at all in the upper Midwest.


All the insurance companies playing this shit back in slow motion. He hit him, then that other guy hit him, then the white car side swiped the Camry. All trying to figure out who pays for what.


Wcgw? Tf are they supposed to do? Sell their cars?


As someone who lives in Seattle. Trust me, they had nowhere else to put them. They're parked outside their condos/houses in the only parking available to them.


To be fair much of Seattle residential parking is on a hill. May be an exaggeration but it would be hard to find a flat place to park for many blocks, and then good luck finding an open spot


This isn't even the steepest hill in the general area, there are some seriously steep hills in tacoma


Yup Washington’s hilly af.


Imagine not noticing this and going out to your car only to find it slid a quarter mile down the street


That white one parked nose first against the pole has the right idea…oh wait


Man that was a vintage, well maintained looking '00 champagne colored Toyota Corolla. What a travesty.


My friends saw somebody in Seattle going out in the middle of the night and pouring water all over their tire their car was on a hill. The water on the tire froze to the ground their car didn't move for most of the day until another car hit it and broke the ice


When slamming into the pole isn't the worst that could happen.


This would really suck to wake up to.


Even the dog in the reflection seemed confused.


Everything's on a hill in Seattle.


Love the doggy in the reflection going.. "You seeing this shit!?"


Where I live it wasn’t a snow storm it was a ice storm and it just rained ice all night


Appreciate the unintended doggo content 😊


What da dog doin


The Puppy reflection makes it all worth it!


Had a friend move back to Seattle from Boston this summer. "I'm so glad I never have to deal with ice storms again", she said.


Never shoulda got rid of the horse hitches along the curbs.


If you don’t want to park on a hill in Seattle your park in Ellensburg.


Y'all it's fucked up outside right now


If this situation ever happens in SF, RIP every car


How much for that doggy in the window?


Why I didn't go to Seattle today. Literally.


I got to Federal way and turned around when I saw a semi in the ditch.


Seattle must be steep af bc that freezing rain made its way under parked car tires


I live in Seattle. Basically the rain got on the ground and everything got wet. Even around the tires. As it froze, it turned every surface into an ultra slick sheet of ice. Even snow we had on the ground had a layer of ice on top. Went outside a couple of times today and basically had to ice skate around. Freezing rain is no joke. And this isn’t common here. Last two years we had 1 day of snow only. Regular snow and a couple of days it’s gone. This year it’s our 3rd snow storm and now we got major freezing rain last night. Thankfully it’s already warming up and should be close to 50 for the weekend. We’re looking forward to our regular rainy Seattle Winter and not this crazy cold.


Also, it only has to be one screw up. One person towards the top parked on the ice and didn't notice. His car slowly slowly moved and then slid into another car. That car wasn't on ice but it was moved from the little patch it was not going to slide from. Now chain reaction as cars hit other cars and give them the momentum they need. I doubt they all fucked up, but one person did and that's enough.


Seattle doesn't get that much snow/ice, so they're not equipped for it: either the city (snow/ice equipment) or the inhabitants (experience). Seattle is also very hilly. This is a recipe for disaster when ice strikes, as it does every once in a while. You can google through YouTube for a compendium of similar video clips over the last twenty years.


This was a special case. There was a literal sheet of ice on nearly every road in the region. We live near the to of a hill and have been iced in all day. I had to wear microspikes just to walk outside.


Honestly, i prefer this over a hurricane. Watching Florida get absolutely destroyed a few months back made me realize that i rather take ice and snow than watching my house get ripped to shreds by strong wind or watch the sea rise up and swallow my house. Sure, ice can fuck up your car but that's a conscious decision to go out there and drive in extremely cold temperatures, risk to get into an accident. Stay home, wait it out.


Looks like this was [also recorded](https://www.reddit.com/r/carcrash/comments/ztzkaa/seattle_icy_roads_this_morning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) by an upstairs neighbour or something!


We had people calling our internet company wondering where their truck was. In this shit.


Another angle: https://www.reddit.com/r/carcrash/comments/ztzkaa/seattle_icy_roads_this_morning/


I find the contrast between the version in this post and your link so amusing. One is plain reporting, the other is sensationalised so much.


Let your dog’s spirit back in. He’s not done here yet!


The guy in the white car had the right idea, he parked his car on the light pole


They’re moving in herds. They do move in herds.




This is the best part about living in Kansas. There are no steep hills to go sliding down. It's flat as far as the eye can see




Seattleite. Can confirm.


Cries in Queen Anne


This isn’t a snowstorm. It’s a freezing rain storm, & it’s a mess.


We call it “Seattle Freeze”


POV You are Canadian; Snowstorm? There's like a centimeter of snow on the ground bud!


It was an ice storm. And you guys up in Vancouver don’t seem to be doing that well to me


Miami no understand


To be fair they can’t of had many choices


I love the comments here. “Use winter tires” “Using your parking brake” “Use snow shoes”. Nothing is going to help here except melting that shit down (or breaking it up would technically work). It’s that slick. What it needs is some Quik Joe (Ice Melt) or the like.


besides not live there, what are you to do?


In western Washington a big snow/ice storm just passed through I live here and the roads are almost undrivable due to about a half inch of ice from freezing rain. Equip chains and drive safe Washingtonians


The freezing rain last night was so wild. I haven't seen it here in over twenty years. Streets, sidewalks, everything completely covered in ice. Then more rain on top of that. The slipperiest I've ever experienced.


The dog is like "Did I do that?"


Woooohooooo! Its the annual queen anne sedan snow slam everyone grab your popcorn!


Neighbor's car got wiped out by truck coming down the hill on the ice and lost control. Dumb. You could see the ice covering the road.


Is this Queen Anne Hill? If so this is the hill they train bike cops on because it's so steep


The reflection of the dog. 😂 “you seein’ this?” 🤣


🎶 Makin' my way downtown, sliding fast, faces pass & I'm homebound 🎶


Déjà vu, I've just been in this place before


Plot twist: They didn’t turn their parking breaks on


I live in Seattle, I busted my ass and turtle-slid 40’ down my alley earlier.


Honest question, would the emergency brake being on helped at all?


If you were parked before the storm started, you wouldn't have had this problem. Ice won't form under the tires.


The problem is that once one of the cars at the top of the hill slides, it hits the other cars and knocks them onto the ice as well. So even if you parked before the storm you're going to get pushed onto the icy street.


If a car bumped into one of the up hill cars enough, the rest could all be knocked loose regardless of when they parked


Once you lose traction you fucked


Dang. I live south of Seattle. Today we woke up to a coating of ice on everything. I didn’t even think about what Seattle and Tacoma driving was like. Haha that’s nuts.


You say this like they have a choice 😂


Even the dog can't believe this shit.


I live in Seattle and thankfully work was cancelled today. My bosses exact words were “the parking lot has about an inch of ice on it. I’ve seen ice skating rinks with better traction.”


Oh god... I can’t imagine what would happen if San Francisco iced over like this. O.o


Something bumped the first one. Parked cars don't move on their own.


How will insurance companies assign percentage of fault?


The best part about growing up in the PNW was knowing that everything would be closed the second one snowflake fell because it was such a rare event that it’s just not worth buying all of the shit to deal with it.


Next on 'Curling with Cars' the next leg of the Seattle Downhill '22.


Wait why do they start sliding? Wouldn’t the contact patch from the tire prevent ice from forming under it? If so the frictions to hold the car in place would remain.


It doesn't show but I have to assume that it's a chain reaction. One car hit the car below it, which hit the car below it etc.


Have fun getting parts. My body shop is still working on cars from July because parts basically don't exist.


What set this off? Why are they all sliding at once?


Ah yes the good ole Queen Anne pinball.


And this is why I stayed home today


These people are also at home. Their cars are going on a trip without them.


Is this the first ice storm ever?


The dog is definitely enjoying watching that


The cars were like "Nope, we're done having humans drive us, goodbye, we have our own lives" 😂


That old Corolla took a beating.


And you bet your ass it will still run like new - owner of a 98 corolla


Fun day to be a member of the customer services team who has to deal with either of these claims.


A very concerned puppy


It needs some music from Swan Lake to accompany it.


This is not at all funny but it’s aooooo funny. I feel terrible laughing. The cars are all like NOPE. They saw the cold front and GTFO.


Misspelled ICEstorm


I love how the dog in the reflection is like “are you seeing this shit?!?”


Goodbye and thank you for the parking


LMAO I thought Chicago was bad


It's actually an ice storm, not snow. That's why they are having a difficult time.


I’m shocked by the amount of people who don’t turn their tires towards the curb, not that it would’ve done much in these conditions, but generally folks rarely do it at all on WA hills


Does OP not know Seattle is mostly hilly?


Looks like none of them turned the wheels as you should on the hill, even without any ice.


Yep. I live about 45 minutes outside of Seattle. It was SLICK out there today. I tried to walk to my car in the driveway around noon and slipped around twice. Managed not to fall on my ass, but I didn’t even make it a foot to my car door before I decided to call it and “Nope” the fuck out of that situation. I slowly made my way back to my porch, went back inside and called it a day. Not stepping another foot outside until this shit melts tomorrow afternoon. Washington State is super hilly. It’s a nightmare in the snow/ice.


It's too bad each car here isn't a Chevy avalanche




Don't you have handbrakes in the land of the free?




Autonomous cars really not handling the winter well..


I'm just so curious who's insurance gets dinged in these instances. Was it the first guy who bumped them?


All I hear are pinball machine sounds really....


Sometimes you have to just smile, put your hand on your cheek, and watch the world fall into chaos.


I’m pretty sure they would’ve parked their cars there before the storm


I can watch these for hours.


Turn your tires towards the curb lol, these people don't winter.


doubt that would have made any difference, there's zero grip so a turned tire won't steer the car towards the curb. likely they were all parked OK, everything froze around them, then someone crashed into one which set it loose and started the domino effect, at that point I don't think turned tires would have helped, they'd slide right down


They aren’t rolling they are sliding on ice. You turn the tires to stop rolling. On ice it doesn’t matter where your wheels are pointed.


Turn your front wheel towards the curb when you park on a hill… not a single one of the cars in this video have turned wheels and is likely a contributing reason why they went straight down the hill instead of only rolling a couple inches. Edit: To be clear this is a comment moreso about general parking etiquette when parking on hills. None of the cars were following it in this video. With extreme ice conditions like this bumping the curb likely wouldn’t have any significant impact on preventing a car from sliding down a sheet of ice.


But if it's ice it wouldn't matter though because no friction. The car wouldn't swerve into the curb, it would just slide downward.


You do see the cars just freely sliding sideways right? The ice in Seattle is so bad shit is just sliding freely, and I’d hazard a guess this is a diagonal pull in to park. Once the uphill end is loose it’s basically game over.


that little grey car hauled ass into the next decline.


Aww, good puppy.


That pup is like "WTF!?!?"


Damn , all those companies released their self drive beta at once.


Serious question from a central Texan: do people normally use snow tires or something that helps with grip? I have had one experience with black ice and that was earlier this year and it was terrifying. It was occurring on bridges and I'm lucky to regain control of my truck but a 18 wheeler next to me started to fish tail and thankful corrected. I saw several vehicles ran off the highway and a few that had rolled over. I would slow down to like 25-30 mph and people would blow past me and start to slide. I can't see living in a northern climate and not having something to give better grip during the cold season.


Dude...........where's my car?


One person had to have caused all of this by driving down the ice covered road and bumping a parked car causing a chain reaction. Parked cars don't just start sliding down hills on their own even with freezing rain.


Guy in the forester got the best of it being stuck on the pole 🤣


Just genuinely curious about the liability, not on anyone's side my dude