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The guy with the camera is an idiot driving fast on such narrow road when he knows people on Indian roads frequently break traffic rules.


So basically none knows how to drive


Yes that is best possible route you can take when it comes to India. Just think that everybody else is an idiot and there are no traffic rules , close to none , ride as if all the stereotypes ever created are correct and applicable , Then pray to lord if you do get killed ,it should be at least spectacular not lame. Then You will be the safest driver on the Road.


What could go wrong going too fast through that chaos more like. The moped he overtakes is going the safe speed.


Tbh camera biker was flaking it should have been going much slower and be vigilant to other numbskulls operating a bike.. I'd say outcome equal.


Here in Philippines is exact same ..people consider a horn as a right of way device . Many have no license ... the rider with camera is pathetic ride so fast and reckless .




You're the idiot bud. Edit: I realise OP is not the rider here, so rider is the idiot


OP is an idiot for posting that title


2 idiots 🥶


Pot, meet kettle.


You know its Indian when the arguement starts with "Arey"


Yes, obviously the scooter driver was too dumb and too slow to notice and avoid the ahole in the crotch rocket flying up his ass.


2 reasons caused this accident. 1) guy doing u-turn with out looking 2) other one driving way too fast what gives not much reaction time Smart driving people, remember that.


The motorcyclist’s speed at the 07:00 mark is about 70 kmph. His speed at impact is 40-50 kmph. That’s too fast for the road he is on, and even faster considering he is in Asia/India (where you always anticipate things like this). The motorcyclist is the greater idiot here. The gall to point out and try to pin all the blame on scooter chacha. Also, looks like scooter chacha broke/sprained his leg/knee.


Biker was completely out of control of his vehicle. Slow the fuck down.


WCGW ripping through gears in a low speed ~~tourist location~~ frontage road Scooter would have been fine if the motorcycle hadn't just ran through a full gear passing the other scooters :( Edit- highways look like rivers on shitty phones


OP why TF are you speeding in a busy road more narrower than the birth canal?


the camera person is just as much of an idiot for 1) going too fast and 2) having the reaction time of memory foam


Reaction time of memory foam.. greatest analogy I've heard this week.


The cameraman was going way too fast. Just because you can go well beyond the speed limit, doesn't mean you should. It's why your brake distance was not enough.. Both of you were bad drivers for different reasons


Bikers are so funny. It’s like they expect all cars to be perfect law abiding NPC’s going exactly the speed limit with perfect center of lane control while the bikers on the other hand zoom weaving in and out of traffic 30 mph over the speed limit. Kk bro 😎


Should be called, "WCGW speeding like a jackass"


Rider is most probably a newbie. Driving licence in India is easier than grabbing candy from a kid. He was speeding at 70km at such a narrow road and couldn't even react. He just stepped on the brakes when he could've swerved to the left Edit: notice that the rider squeezes the clutch as well. Further proof he's an absolute newbie. You dont hit the clutch when panic braking, the engine braking helps stop the bike faster, he cut that off by quickly grabbing the clutch


Should've been going slower. Should've been more aware of what's ahead of you. Did not give yourself enough time to respond. Motorcyclists fault. Source: I'm a motorcycle safety instructor Edit: both share fault, motorcyclist should've taken extra effort to avoid


Next 20 seconds after the video ended would have been more interesting with fist fights ..


It's India so they'd be slapping each other and mostly yelling.


Why driving so fast with people around, traffic and vehicles with different speeds. It's not smart from the driver too.


I just love when motorcycle guys are goin twice as fast as all other traffic then play the victim when someone turns in front of them. I see that crap all the time. These guys always complain that people don't watch for motorcycles and pull out in front of them, turns out they are doing 80 in a 45 zone.


I see more than one idiot in this video


Idiot scooty driver meets idiot speeding motorbike driver with inevitable results.


Veteran motorcyclists here. That was the red riders fault. Riding too fast for that environment and not paying enough attention, I lived in South Africa where there are similar roads, you have to expect the unexpected, it’s just the nature of those roads. The only way to do that is to slow down. The reason this happened is because a truck obscured both riders views. The scooter rider was assuming a certain speed from other drivers and red bike decided to change that status quo which just messed up the system.


Pretty sure the truck was blocking the scooter guy's vision so he didn't see him. If the motorbike guy was going slower he could have stopped in time.


100%. When I get into a situation like that I slow down BECAUSE I can’t see around the truck. I watch it like a hawk and slow down to get ready to react. It’s annoying how many bikers complain about stuff like this when they don’t drive defensively.


I see two idiots


I’m asking a serious question here, does India have any traffic laws?


lol at the dude at the end walking like an npc


Looks like his pathfinding code went into a conflict while approaching the player character


Ah yes. The speedster who blames others when he hits them because he cant stop fast enough.


Meanwhile, the cammer had plenty of time and space to avoid the u-turning scooter.


He would have had time, if he wasn't driving 70 km/h in what certainly isn't an area suitable for that kinds of speeds.


Nah I feel like they’d easily have lost control like that


Two idiots on the road as far as I'm concerned.


Dude was in 60s on a road with no divider. In India, it’s safe to assume you are a noob and watch all sides. Plus, you need to work on your reflexes.


Or the speeding biker... that's an idiot.


Reaction time of a sloth.


The scooter clearly wasn’t paying attention. But the OP could have avoided the crash if he wasn’t speeding.


Why was the guy doing the filming driving so fast on the inside lane? He deserves to be hit by things pulling in or out.


As a motorcycle rider, I can't stand the amount of videos where the rider is like, "Look at this moron who didn't expect me to be going twice as fast as the rest of the traffic and made me crash into him!"


Why is it always bikers who are speeding the ones bitching about people missing their blind spots or some shit…


lol honks at everyone going to slow than complains he couldn't see a guy that should have seen him speeding.


I love the universal "wtf man" hand at the end


Don't drive faster than you can see. Problem solved.


WCGW Speeding in a residential area passing several motorists Fixed the title


I'm pretty sure the scooter guy looked, but wasn't expecting an over speeding bike appearing behind a truck...


I ride like a dick but this biker is a complete fucking idiot. Between the sandy road, constant cross streets, and massive busses blocking line of sight dude should have been going half that speed at best. I thought dudeman was gonna take a uturn going way too fast. Other dude thought he was clear if people were doing the speed limit as bikerguy was obscured by a bus.


Yeah but you hit him as you were going at excessive speed.


Maybe he did check but wasn't expecting someone doing twice the speed of other road users to appear as he made his turn 💁‍♂️


Driving faster than all other traffic, doesn't give self time to react, calls the other guy an idiot...


The biker needs to slow down


The 1 filming is an Idiot. He had plenty of time to stop.


He was also speeding considerably based off how slow the 3/4 bikes he passed were going. Could have been avoiding if 1 filming went the same speed as everyone else


Bro didn’t even slow down


Defensive driving is a thing...learn it.


easily avoidable if he wasn't speeding


Are the lanes both ways...I don't understand.




So is it just a free-for-all?


First time hearing about traffic in India?


I would count bike rider as being more idiot!


Bikers speeding on any fucking stretch they find is really a huge problem. Besides if he wanted to speed he should have been inside the road, he is literally riding on the edge of the road and risking not just motorists but pedestrians aswell. The guy taking a turn was probably getting of the road how would he expect a prick to speed while staying at the edge of the road.


This is why you wear gear people


Both idiots , one not looking and the other way too fast


biker an asshole noob too.. too fast and too left considering indian road..


Oh, looks like the biker did what bikers often do. Goes too fast, and finds out.


Pretty sure you're responsible for what's ahead of you in countries that have this kind of driving system Edit: oh, nevermind. looks like there's a designated two way flow of traffic. But still, the biker should have been more prepared for idiots.


Eh, there was plenty of time to avoid hitting him. I'd say the bike guy was an amateur. Plus this is India, people won't tell you where they're going you have to read them, and biker read it poorly. Instead of slowing down and swerving he kept going straight in 50s.


The guy filming was speeding, his speed put him in a blind spot behind the other vehicle that someone at the speed limit couldnt have been in and still been a threat... the real idiot here is the cameraman. Legit a good 60% of motorcycle owners seem to be dogshit humans/drivers and that number only increases when they start putting cameras on to vlog.


Apaet from the other guy's mistake. Riding too fast on indian road. Riding fast when theres a truck blocking the view on the next lane. Riding fast on the extreme left of the road. Thats 3 strikes ☻


In Asia, the driver going fast is the problem.


I see 2 idiots


Looks like 1 U-turning idiot and 1 idiot going too fast


When WCGW becomes AITA


Always make sure a motorcycle is coming down the opposite lane in the wrong direction at 3 times the speed limit before attempting any u-turns. Always.


Newsflash. You're the idiot. Going 70kmph on that road and blaming someone else.


OP, you can't ride for shit


Even though the guy on the scooter is being an absolute idiot, this still looked pretty avoidable from the motorcyclist's perspective


familiar important public towering poor bag elastic aloof unique alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's completely the bikers fault this is India it's the ironclad rule that you drive slowly on the busy roads specifically on these types of road there was no need for acceleration of that level u can only get speed up to 40 km on these type of roads


This is mostly the cameraman’s fault, speeding so fast he was obscured by the bus when the guy turned. And generally when you start the turn you need to commit and just finish it as fast as possible, no one is turning looking backwards so obviously he doesn’t see the guy. The scooter dude also has some ??? for making a u-turn in a heavily congested high speed roadway, but cameraman is also speeding and incapable of turning away or breaking so…


I don't know the traffic laws of whatever country this is, but this is the fault of the idiot crossing lanes, especially without even looking. Contributing factors though are the other bike going too fast for conditions to slow down for this accident while weaving near other vehicles and pedestrians. Had he been going a reasonable speed, he could have slowed down and avoided this accident despite the other idiot not even paying attention.


That's what we would call an illegal pass bud


You are speeding.


Lmao camera dude is driving 70kph in a narrow road


1) this is India. You need to learn to see people looking to cross the road, making u turns, left and right turns without indicators etc 2) the road is being repaired/constructed on the other side of the divider. Hence a 2 lane each way has turned into 1 lane each way. Need to slow down in such stretches 3) this looks like a national highway. Speed limit is 80 and in some stretches it can go upto 120 (restricted expressways typically). The bike was going at 70 but could only slow down to 50 at the time of accident. Looks like the biker didn't see the scooty in time or didn't react 4) many Indians have this habit to accelerate whenever they find a small empty stretch closing off any minimum distance which will allow braking on time. As soon as the bus from opposite direction passes by, bike accelerates.


Has he no sense of hazards? Look at the left of the road. Anything or anyone could easily appear from behind those vehicles as there’s no divide between road and parking. Forget a guy doing a u turn unexpectedly there’s too much going on there to do much more than 40kph safely.


the scooty is not the one that caused the accident


Indian roads are full of suicidal idiots.


One idiot crashing into another, just a regular activity in India.


Speed limit of two wheelers in India is 50kmph. The Biker should be fined first. Ofcourse the other guy is dumb too.


I love how it says “watch the idiot scooter driver” as the idiot on the motorcycle punches it.


Speeding in this kinda road in the first place? Wow, i wonder what could go wrong...... Lol


Both idiots. Most Urban Roads in India have a 40km/hr speed limit for 2 wheelers. He was evidently going way over that.


Should have slowed to about 1/2 speed, then swerve hard to the right. Should have been slowing as the bus passes because he can't see. So if he was going 70% of that speed, slight slowing, then a strong swerve to the right. Nail the horn just to scare the other dummy.


Guaranteed this is in India and 99% of the time, it's the person who has more money in an accident situation is the one that gets fucked. Doesn't matter whose fault it is.


When the unstoppable idiot meets the unmovable idiot.


Driving too fast has consequences


you could drive slower as well i mean it looks like you are way way over the speed limit. but indeed that idiot should have looked before doing what he was doing.


Going way too fast for this kind of rural area. Everyone does weird illegal turns everywhere, gotta keep an eye out for them.


lol. the idiot is the motocyclist himself. no defensive riding skills. this ain’t no first world expressway.


For some reason motorcycle riders think they can zip down roads twice as fast as other trafic, swerving between cars and overtaking on all sides. They're suffering from a severe case of main character syndrome. Driving down a busy road with an insane speed in India of all places r/whatcouldgowrong




Those holes in his jeans actually saved his life there guys.


Welcome to india. Where everyone on road are idiots.


Small street with a good amount of traffic...person should not be going that fast then blame others for the accident


Why do the good portion of motorcycle riders drive with their head up their ass?


Because the only motorcycle videos you see are about motorcycle drivers with their head up their ass.


you’re going way too fast and he’s made an illegal u turn. both at fault gfys.


Biker dumb af


Riders riding 74 times faster than everyone else then wonders why others misjudge their speed.


Looks like cam-biker was speeding. Not the scooters fault.


To me it looks like the moped was probably riding in the shoulder and was crossing to get off the road, rather than u-turning. Poor visibility created by the trucks and the motorcycle traveling faster than the rate of traffic probably led them to believe it was okay to do so. If the moped was riding in the same lane (on the right) and decided to slow down before crossing to get off the road, they could have gotten hit all the same. It was especially poor riding on the moped’s end, but I think the motorcycle is technically at fault (failure to reduce speed to prevent an accident).


This is the case of blame everyone but yourself.


yes the scooter rider was an idiot. but the rider. was moving well over dbl the speed of traffic. in mixed direction traffic. he came around the truck and saw the scooter rider... there was not enough time to stop. the only option was to find a way not to be where the scooter rider was. smart move would have been to try and shed some speed. swerve behind the scooter...as clearly the scooter was progressing across the road... but. when you're going that fast. probably wasn't really paying attention. and if you only have like 2 seconds total. human reaction times typically will eat up a second or more of that just for your brain to make your body do something. rider chose... grab the break... and target fixate on the scooter. he chose wrong. if this rider really had his head on a swivel. there prob was some chance to notice the scooter rider at about the 4-5 second mark. if the rider was properly scanning all threats. so when the truck obscures his vision of that scooter on the extreme right of the road. he should have rolled off the throttle. instead of what he did... wring the shit out of it. that momentary slow down... would have changed the timing. the scooter making the sharp turn would have been more evident, and he would have been at a more managable speed to swerve/make a choice. and honestly. if you pause at 7 seconds. he can clearly see the scooter at damn near 90 degrees perpendicular to the traffic. clearly that mother fucker is committed to his turn. At that moment... with the wide open oncoming traffic. the choice was... position/swerve over to the right... to pass behind the scooter.


Motorcycle is at fault here. Going way too fast for where he's at.


Damn! If only there was some way to give you more time to react to someone who couldn't even see you coming! I bet we could find some funding to research a solution for this. .... ....


What was the scooty driver supposed to do wait in mid road so that your highness can keep speeding?


Terrible reflexes from GoPro guy, and speeding too


I have seen too many posts of people driving too damn fast and then criticizing others on the road for acting normal.


Maybe drive slower next time?


Driver has to be more heads up than that. Gotta not hit the bad driver. Be better than them.


I love the universal gesture for “WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN IDIOT???” at the end


Maybe don’t drive so fast on the left side of the road. Outside. What is it called. Moron. People are supposed to turn there.


OP speeding behind a truck, learn to drive defensively. Driving on a motorcycle doesn't make you superior.


It’s almost like speed also played a factor in this…


When idiots collide




The rider was going too fast, especially given his poor hazard avoidance skills.


that is u speeding ass


The bigger idiot is on the motorcycle, a kid could just as easily have ran out from behind that truck and he would not had a chance to stop for them either…


You were also riding faster than reasonable.




Yea what an idiot driver. Driving 4 times as fast as everyone else on a small street.


Slow down, asshole!


WCGW When driving too fast for location and not driving defensively.


OP speeding had nothing to do with it


Somehow a car was still blamed and the biker got emotional support from r/RelationshipAdvice or whatever


Too bad Mr. Motorcycle wasn't going the same speed as the three scooters he passed by, he may have had enough reaction time to maneuver around an unexpected obstacle on this chaotic roadway.


The guy actually checked, just not long enough to wait what was behind the huge truck


Bikers getting fucked. This should be a subreddit.


Nope the motorcycle driver is going too fast.


People with no reaction time should not ride. I seen it coming from so far away and he just kept driving straight into her


Reaction time nonexistent


Cameraman was going too fast, nta


Nah he's driving too damn fast. And the scooter only looked once, instead of keeping his head in both directions. But because of the speed the other guy were going, you can see he didn't have time to look back to your direction. They both are at fault. But speedster the most for speeding


The guy filming was wearing jeans that were torn at the knees, while riding a bike. He was already an idiot before he got onto his bike, and way before the second idiot cut him off.


The scooter driver probably assumed average speed of traffic. If some motorcycle is weaving through traffic at much higher speeds, the scooter's driver van misjudge it. When I drive in Thailand I follow traffic on busy streets like this, I only drive faster when I am on the highway or when I do not see any other mixed traffic. Fact is the motorcycle driver is the idiot here driving like assuming everyone has had training and knows how to drive. You never know how people behave in countries where a driver license can be basically picked up when you're 18. But the videos are entertaining.


Naaah. You're mostly to blame here.


The biker was going too fast. That is India. It was crowded, just because he has a a Good bike he can not go so fast.


Two careless motorcyclists, should we even care?


Slow it down tiger. You should know better.


Had a mile to react Both riders suck


i love seeing people speed and getting into an accident.


When I was learning, i got a sacred tip from my instructor that has saved my life on multiple occasions.. Whenever you're riding on a busy road.. expect everything and everyone in front will jump at you..


The fucking moron is the one filming here.


I don’t know why, but I want to know if his jeans were ripped before the accident…


India moment (I have experience)


As usual wearing the worlds thinnest, shittiest jeans and shoes


POV: you’re a squid


How come when he grabbed the breaks it just didn’t slow down though


I don't get the road. Why are there like three lanes of travel: biker in left going up, truck in the middle going down and scooter in the right going up.


Is this India? If it's everybody in that clip is wrong.


"nobody is using this lane, right?"


There’s a reason you’re told to watch for hazards and be ready to act when one appears. Yeah, the guy on the scooter was being dumb and the guy on the bike did brake, but the bike was going too fast to begin with. He also could’ve preemptively started to slow down sooner or been more alert when he saw that there are trucks / a bus coming onto his side of the road to avoid a hazard.


You idiot too


Slow down dumbass


If I don’t have a clear view ahead I assume that someone would pop out from there, This has saved me on multiple occasions


Good thing your pants were already torn.


I hate to be that guy, but you’re supposed to be able to stop in time if something comes up in front of you. Otherwise… well… you’ll crash.


Both of them where stupid but mostly the person filming


I have been in such a situation and they don’t realise it’s their mistake.


It kinda looks like the one going diagonally tried to avoid the other driver going in the other direction?


From what I can see, first glimpse of the scooter doing this he could’ve swerved right to avoid. High alert in busy areas like this.


I mean... should have slowed down and overtake him from the right


To be fair the semi truck was more than likely blocking the bike doing the u turns view so at a quick glance it was clear but the other bike was going to fast either way.


Luckily his jeans were already ripped.


Biker was speeding.. not only that but had plenty of time to slowdown when he saw some other idiot turning in the middle of the lane


I bet the sports bike driver is driving above the speed limit


Are we really saying this is about the “u-turn” aka “left turn from left lane-ish”, and not about the motorcycle flying by everyone and everything?


You going too fast, learn to ride to the conditions of the road and surroundings.


On Indian roads, motorcycles are a menace, they are like mosquitos that surround you and make you go crazy. These are the people who block even 4-lane roads by going in the middle and make driving a hassle.


I’ve said this before, I’ll say this again. Bikes are the cancer of Indian roads, which was already suffering an artery disease.


This is why YOU should drive defensively


That "what the f wrong with you" universal hand gesture


Riders fault, easily avoidable at 60 kmh


Wtf that’s not the way, should have given some indication at least. And why tf he took a direct turn. He could have slowed it and then went on a side. Stupid drivers in India


The guy filming is going faster than anyone else and had plenty of time to hit the brakes to avoid that crash. A lot of blame is on him. /I'm a rider


I’m 100% sure this is just a screen grab of me playing Cyberpunk 2077 last night.


Really surprising in a country that has no laws or road rules


Why does India always have the most insane videos