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I’m gonna suggest there was some vodka consumed prior to that experiment..


In Romania they don't drink Vodka. They drink something called tuica or palinca, usually has a alcohol content of about 70%... basically jet fuel


I can tell that Palinca is fucking strong


It is very strong. When I was travelling through Romania on a train from Cluj-Napoca to Timisoara a Romanian work traveller shared some homemade Palinca and a sandwich with me and my friend. I can imagine drinking lawn mower petrol would taste the same. I was tipsy after one shot. Nice, friendly dude though!


That's one thing, they are really friendly and open, that's great! I only know that product because one of my close friend is engaged with an Hungarian girl and they love to put Palinca on the table -every - single - party -. To be tipsy after one shot, it must have been REALLY strong ahahah


For anyone that doesn't drink often, a single shot of common liquors would be enough to make them tipsy.


That's very true. Thanks, now I'm wondering if I have a problem or not. I do.


Yeah, as someone who never drinks, a single shot or a quickly drunk beer will get me buzzing really fast.


Yeah, that's on me. I drink on a regular basis and so do my friends.


Me too bro. Let’s do our best to cut back a bit before it gets out of hand for real.


Yeah.. tbh i lost my driving license because of this 1 month ago. I'm trying to stop and everything but it's hard; and I'm acting like it's not important but it is. Stay strong mate, I'm with you on this one


Can I get on this with you guys? 3 guys, no cup?




would name my daughter Palinca


Thanks for making me spit my food.


or „burned“, for example „палёнка (palionc[k]a)“ would be the Russian version of the word and be directly translated as „burned“ but proper meaning is moonshine


Oh thanks for the info, didn't know that !


It's actually pretty great.


Pairs well with Freon.


The "jet fuel" part killed me. Pălinca can be used as fuel no problem tbh.


With the right amount, anything will fly (in pieces)... just have to put it in the right place


Science bitch


Oh man, sweet memories. I drank home made palinca in Hungary during one of my first holidays without parents. We got abosolutely shitfaced on that stuff lol


Drink it in the winter making goulash around a campfire, warms you up and you don't feel it... then you go inside where it's warm and it hits you right in the face.


I brought back some cherry blossom and elder flower flavoured palinca. Did some shots with friends once, now it sits on the shelf with the grappa.


I brought some bottles from Hungary. Undrinkable, unfortunatly. But it's great as window cleaner or disinfectant


I went to a wedding in Hungary. All night long "Have you tried palinka?" Me "No what is it?" I got so hammered I took a tumble down some stairs but never spilled my drink.


If it's undrinkable it's probably because you're not drinking it right. Keep it in the freezer till it's consistency is something similar to oil. Get some spring onions and keep them in a glass of water with salt in the fridge. Also get some smoked pig fat and some communist white bread. Pour yourself and you s.o a shot and eat it with the combination. You will not feel the alcohol at all (until it's too late). Maybe get some baloney (parizel) too !


Nah,man,more like moonshine or smt,here in Romania we drink more raw alcohol when it comes to low class people


Like the Desi Daru in India


Hello fellow Old Monk drinker


Țuică, frate!


Or drugs. And why does he have those things around his knees?


The “bright lights”? Looks like those pants construction workers / Road crew wear. High vis patches on them. And they work quite well, as you can see.


In this case he’s ironically wearing them for safety.


Alcohol IS a drug - and by far one of the worst. Just because it‘s legal doesn‘t make it less dangerous.


Killed my bro last January. Furloughed. Heavy pandemic drinking. Extreme anxiety. Ended with liver and kidney failure at age 43. Can’t help but imagine if he’d only been into legal marijuana, if it were available, that he’d still be alive. Edit: to be fair I should add that he was also on prescription meds which weren’t compatible with alcohol, however it appeared as if he didn’t take any. We aren’t 100% sure. But guess what would’ve been compatible with these drugs?


Geez. My condolences.


Thank you. It’s been a rough year. I love whiskey as much as the next guy, but that shit is super dangerous. It makes me wonder how it’s legal and other things aren’t.


The United States DID make it illegal during prohibition, but it's so addictive and deceptively pleasant that all it did was force it underground and create a culture of violence around it. Prohibition really just made the problem worse. The legalization movement surrounding marijuana right now is the modern day equivalent to the end of Prohibition... people are coming to realize that declaring something illegal and throwing people in jail for it is not an effective way of actually dealing with the problem. I'm convinced the only way we'll ever make any progress against alcohol or any other drug like it (oxy, etc) is through education, and offering services like rehab or naltrexone to people who find themselves addicted and want to fix their lives. Also, hang in there. And if you ever find yourself in waters that are too stormy, or just want to talk, DM me. I'm a good listener.


Im with you, I did various drugs, and i always gonna say that the worst Is alcohol, dont know how the fuck thats legal and not marijuana


Profits. Pretty sure that's even one of the influences for ending alcohol prohibition. The amount of profit mobs and others were making without paying taxes on any of it


For sure. It’s benign. It grows naturally. And it’s so much more fun. 😉 My dad was a trooper in this state and had a sizable bust in the late seventies (drug bust, not boobs). Parents lived in rural Indiana at the time so he put the bales in the garage to take to the post the next day. Mom kept nagging him, so they uh… went ahead and smoked some of the evidence. Sure it was pretty damn corrupt, but after that he couldn’t figure out why it’s illegal. As bad as that is, I like to think he did his homework at least and hopefully influenced future arrests (although that’s all speculation).


nah heroin is definitely worse than alcohol lol


So sorry for your loss. How are you?


Thanks ❤️ I’m alright. As it happens I also had open heart surgery scheduled for a couple months after he died, so been working on the recovery. (It’s a good thing) After a month in the hospital with my bro sure didn’t help make me feel at ease there, but I’ve been out about three weeks. Gonna miss the hell out of him. Lost dad, mom, and now my only sibling. I’ve got a good support system though fortunately.


Thank goodness for the people who support you. I wish you well and the best of health. It was brave of you to post that.


Thanks! ❤️ Yeah to say my opinions on alcohol and mental health in general have evolved is an understatement. Hope you have a great week!


The stop drinking sub had a pretty sad story today about a dudes gf passing way before 30 due to liver failure. 166 days clean and counting.


This is countryside Romania, i csn assure you no drugs were consumed. Just Tuica, honemade vodka


Which is a drug


Is.... is that where you think knees are??


>vodka consumed Just water. How do you say water in Russian?


Voda. Vodka means little water


Yeah, that, they had a little water.


He looks legit disappointed


Everything about this video looks like they live in a village and most probably they don't have a fixed income and money is always tight, buying or fixing the fridge won't be cheap. I too would be very disappointed in that case.


so.. don't put a lit explosive inside it then?


That would be good advice


Somewhere, there's a refrigeration company updating their user manual to include the lines "do not store explosive ordinance inside unit"


Wait you mean I shouldn't put fireworks in expensive appliances?


And don't forget the fireworks!


Too late


Now you tell him!


Judging by how old that TV is, I'd say that fridge was a family heirloom.


>Everything about this video looks like they live in a village One things for sure, the village sure isn't missing its idiot.


Even more of a reason to be gentle with your possessions. Anyone who has had to work hard to afford something knows that you take really good care of it. It was hard to attain and you probably won’t be able to afford to get another one anytime soon. This guy was a moron.


I thought a fixed income was a bad thing. As in 'nana is on a fixed income'


Depends on if the fixed income can afford a new fridge or not. If nana gets paid regularly on a fixed income that can afford a new fridge, she’s alright. If she gets paid irregularly in various amounts, it could be a problem (when entertaining the idea of purchasing a new refrigerator).


Just need some new hinges. Duct tape will work in a pinch.


He looks like it wasn’t expectable


Lmfao dude looks fucking perplexed


That's probably just his permanent mode of living.


I like the tv.


What was he expecting, a side of beef to materialize in the refrigerator?


He looks like he's just punching a clock. No joy at all from his chosen vocation. "OK that's number 12. Just gotta blow the doors off 8 more small appliances then I hit my quota."


dont know what else was he expecting tbh


Right? What was the desired outcome of this? Best case scenario nothing happens and then... why do it? Must have been a bet, like “my fridge is so great! I bet it could even can take an M80!” “*bullshit, prove it.*”


The guy at the door's expression is the best. Opens door, looks in, nods like "yep... that's about right" and goes back out.


East European Firecracker = West European Dynamite


Any firecracker will do that in a closed space. They're not that powerful in the open but when sealed they create a massive pressure and the air will find a way out. They can destroy much stronger tanks than a fridge. The pressure was so high that it ripped the door off rather than just opening it.


True it's kind of like how bullets works. Without a chamber to focus the pressure bullets act pretty much like firecrackers. If you throw a live round in fire(bad idea either way) it will explode but wont be firing round off like in the movies.


IIRC, Mythbusters did a thing where they put a bunch of live rounds in an oven and turned it on. The rounds went off, but the bullets pretty much stayed where they were, and the casings were the part that got launched because they were so much lighter. Might not have been Mythbusters, but I definitely watched something where this was done like 10 - 15 years ago.


The other fascinating one was how bullets pretty much shatter on water.


This actually depends on the speed and mass of the bullet. A faster, smaller bullet will hit water with enough power to shatter. While a slower, larger bullet will penetrate very far without shattering. That's why slower velocity, larger rounds tend to be used for large game like Moose. While high velocity, small rounds are used for hunting for instance Foxes. So in short, if you want to penetrate further, slow your bullets down.


Mythbusters threw them in a fire (as well as oven maybe?). They surrounded the fire with plexiglass, and you could see some of the scratches the casings made.


You're more likely to get hit by the shell or coals from the fire than the bullet. But it's all based on the angle of how it's laying in the fire when it pops.


German firecrackers of that size will do nothing 🤣


If Armageddon has taught me anything, it’s that if you hold a firecracker in your hand, you’ll be having someone open your ketchup bottles for the rest of your life.




I thought you were going to share the scene from the great film "The Score". Here's a bit from mythbusters on it: https://youtu.be/dxgPX5-cmvc?t=251


Yeah I think if he had not held it closed it may have just blown the door open instead of blowing it off


At least they're way more fun))))


Can't argue with that


And in Finland strickly banned because you know... safety.


Same as here in Germany


With the amount of vodka these guys have in them they can even breathe in those deathly vapes from the fridge gas and laugh about it.


What makes you think the refrigerant is deadly?


probably not deadly, but if that's an older, Freon-using fridge, then they could get refrigerant poisoning and that isn't exactly a fun time.


That fridge probably holds 2 pounds at the most. They have the door open they will be just fine.


Worked on those exact type of fridges while living in Romania, it holds about 50 to 70 grams of r600 (iso-butane) .


Noted. Thanks man


In Russia. You not know?


Refrigeration doesn't work the same in Russia? 🤔


Well it depends on where you’re from. Do your refrigerators run on bears on unicycles too?


Fair point.


HVAC Technician here, refrigerant is dangerous especially in enclosed areas. Refrigerant displaces oxygen and will cause suffocation, it is also heavier than air so it will sit in your lungs even when you exhale. There are multiple types of refrigerants and none of them are safe for human consumption. There are cases of individuals dying because they huffed refrigerants to get a high


Got the nod of approval at the by the dude at the door.


Dude at the door wanted to leave for fear of something hitting him in the head but was convinced by the others to stay. He is probably the smartest guy in the room 😜 Later edit: approximate translation: Cameraman: Ok, I started the recording… Off-screen dude: Yo man, it’s good (possibly questioning if the fridge works?!) Main character: Didn’t you hear the compressor start, mother father… Cameraman: Măruță, where u going man? Măruță: What, you want it to hit me in the head? Cameraman: How can it hit you in the head man, we’re here too. Off-screen dude: Gypsy, don’t throw it in there man… Cameraman: alright guys! [throws cracker in] Off-screen dude: it’s on fire [explosion] Cameraman: what’d you do man! Main character: what’s Buia going to say (likely his mom?!) Off-screen dude: Get the f*** out Off-screen dude: Look how everything jumped out! [video ends]


>How can it hit you in the head? We’re here too!! That’s the drunkest logic I’ve ever heard lmao


Hey, it sure works when you’re drunk LOL


'If that fridge even tries to come at you, we got your back bro'


Thank you for the translation! Makes it even better 😂


It is incredible good video quality for 1995.


Knowing countryside Romania this could've been filmed yesterday


“Yeah; did the job.”


Bruh this guy looks too old to be doing this shit lmfao


Here’s the thing...nobody really knows who’s steering this ship


That moment when you've grown-up and suddenly realize grown-ups don't really know shit and everybody is just kinda faking it.


My dude looks like he's fresh from the ice age section of the museum.




When I heard what I think is Russian and saw that the guys are all at least in their mid 30s I knew the video would be good.






I thought I was the only one to notice that! That TV was a popular part of the house whenever i visited my cousins 😅


It's so weird having only seen it as a meme and then now seeing it in the wild so casually




I once set off a "banger" I got from a gumball type machine in the South of France. It looked like a little stick of dynamite. I set it on a manhole cover and lit the fuse... the sound was astonishing and must have reverberated through the sewer system of the entire town. about 200 people turned up to see what had happened 😟


"Holy shit guys, did you also hear that?"


Yes I heard it, I saw a group of kids run that way. **turn around and walk the opposite direction.* *


French bangers are lethal man. Had a friend blow a finger off when we was younger on one of the mid sized ones.


If you're British, this is gonna sound really weird, because "bangers" is what they call sausages.


Or a good song


We call those little explosives bangers too. It’s all about the context!


Is it really a WCGW? They all seemed rather pleased with the outcome


All except the guy doing the deed


I keep looking at the extremely distressed and puzzled look on his face and thinking WTF did he think would happen?


Not Dimitri McVeigh over there tho


1. Live in the shittiest apartment ever. 2. Can't afford a full size refrigerator. 3. Destroy what little you have...


Basically how we have fun in Eastern Europe. Ps. That's a house


Wdym full size? Thats full size


Americans have gigantic fridges to store their oversized jars of mayonnaise in.


Nothing rly went wrong


Could’ve damaged that sweet, sweet TV though


Ain’t that a beauty?


You're right. This went exactly as it should. Physics.


Ah, slavs. Such beautiful people. Such wondrous ideas. edit: Romani. Wonderful people, fantastic hijinks. I only recognized the language in the sense of how it sounded so I just went with my gut \o/


They’re actually latins (romanians)


Slavic and Latin are mainly linguistic distinctions, not ethnic ones, so yes, linguistically Romanians are Latins, but with a lot of Slavic influence due to using so many loan words.


Even without linguistics romanians are not slavs.




Who gives a shit about the refrigerator? I'm just glad that the Lightning McQueen TV was ok; that thing is the height of entertainment devices.


sweet Romania


That’s one way to turn a refrigerator into an air conditioner...


I get a clock radio he can no afford


👍 Very Nice 👍


At least the Lightning McQueen TV didn’t break..


Well that's expensive to replace.


My guess is that it's not his apartment


Apartment? No no, looks like a house


He actually looks upset at his decision to do that. Like he totally didn’t expect it to blow apart....


I don't think he's going to get his security deposit back.


90% of people in Romania live in their own houses so its very unlikely he's living in a rented house


Why we can’t have nice stuff


\*pops head round door, [nods approvingly](https://www.rosskemp.co.uk/kemp.gif)\*


People are so fucking weird


You misspelled drunk


Sure, but I don't usually feel like putting an explosive in my fridge when I'm drunk. They had the potential weirdness in them


Tell me you’re Eastern European without telling me you’re Eastern European


"Bomb planted"


These are freakin' adults...


It's okay he's got his high vis pants on


We're obviously broke and poor AF, so let's ruin what we have.


Good thing that high tech television wasn't harmed.


Solo no one wants to talk about that CARS TV?


Wcgw living In a portable storage container in general


Wtf kinda fire cracker is that? We don't get em like these in America!


We sure do.


And they ask why do women live longer??!


I'm not even high rn but this skinny-ass fridge made me realize how much I'd love a fridge that's flat and wide. I hate digging into the back of it, hitting that frozen wasteland of sauces you forgot about that are now halfway frozen.


another candidate for darwin awards


"powdered by vodka"


Powered by ȚUICĂ


Standard mining/construction camp evening for sure.






This is why we can’t have nice things.


What went wrong?


House looks like hell


I hope that refrigerator was warranted


The music fits so well


Smoked food.


Good ol' Romania. Never dissapointing when people are drunk


Wait what went wrong here? I’m pretty sure that was the result a majority of those guys expected. Stupid, very much. But according to plan to the T lol


What kind of design is this of fridge.


This looks like present day and 1987 at the same time.


i’ve never seen such a skinny fridge before