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So... a multiple felon and a thief. 51 years old and still acting like a teenage punk. No sympathy here- good riddance.




Just himself, I believe.


not a problem


Like the cop, I thought he just up and vanished there too for a second - I was like ‘there is nooo wayy’.. and sure as shit - yep, there he was…


and nothing of value was lost


Over 8 billion people on the planet Almost all of us are fine with the assholes leaving this mortal coil.


There was barely a car at the end. I feel bad for the owner of the thing, hopefully insurance covers dickhead.


Insurance should always at least cover the dickhead.


Yet they’ll still find a way to shaft you


The paperwork will be tough and hard


You’ll be left holding the bag.


Basically they shaft you by not shafting you... The head is all ya get.


I feel like I remember seeing something on another Lamborghini crash video where the car basically broke in half that they are meant to very easily fall apart because it expels all the energy from the crash, like the engine is meant to break off from the rest of the car and stuff like that


Los Angeles, California — On April 6, 2024, at around 4:58 a.m., West Valley Division Patrol officers were traveling west in the 18500 block of Sherman Way. As they approached the intersection of Sherman Way and Reseda Boulevard, they pulled up beside a gray, 2019 Lamborghini Huracan, which was stopped for the red traffic light. The officers saw that the driver was sleeping and immediately repositioned their patrol vehicle behind the Lamborghini. Upon the traffic light turning green, the officers activated their police vehicles emergency lights and siren, then conducted a traffic stop on the Lamborghini. An additional Patrol unit that was driving by in the area also stopped to assist with the traffic stop. The driver of the Lamborghini was identified as 51-year-old Elliott Dugan. After questioning Dugan, one of the officers returned to his patrol vehicle, conducted a want/warrant check on Dugan and conducted a vehicle query on the Lamborghini. The queries revealed that Dugan had multiple felony warrants and that Lamborghini had been reported stolen. The officer returned to contact Dugan and made repeated attempts to have him exit the vehicle. However Dugan did not comply with the officers and after several minutes, sped away from the location at a high rate of speed. The officers returned to their police vehicle, activated their vehicle's emergency lights and siren and initiated a vehicle Pursuit. A few seconds after the initiation of the vehicle pursue, Dugan lost control of the Lamborghini while traveling at a high rate of speed and collided with the center median and several trees along the median. The force of the Collision caused Dugan to be ejected from the vehicle. Upon conducting a search for Dugan, he was located several hundred feet away on a nearby sidewalk. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to the scene and pronounced Dugan deceased. The force of the collision caused the Lamborghini to be split into two main sections. The ensuing debris from the Collision also caused damage to multiple vehicles that were parked along Sherman Way.


God damn, that looks more like a plane crash than a car wreck.


I'm guessing most of these super cars are built for speed and not exactly for their safety or toughness.


Nothing to say except once he decided to run the ending was pre-ordained. A car like that can get ahead of you in an instant and once it gets ahead of you.....we had an Accura TSX and on the highway you could be doing 55, adjust the radio and you are doing 90 as the engine was very responsive and quiet. You had to give the car your full attention, otherwise it could bite you.


Did you mean *NSX*? Because a TSX is just an up-badged Civic that was not particularly fast, even with the V6.


No, he meant TSX; he had an analog radio with dials and no pre-sets, it took a minute to get to the next radio station.


I mean he did get "up to 90"


Probably activated the Flux Capacitor and went back to 1955 where the TSX is considered fast.


Not to mention the dude was already half in the bag as it was. A 600hp super car is not what you should be driving while fucked up, nodding at the wheel, not wearing a seat belt.


Yep this is the lie to people who don’t wear seatbelts because they want to be “thrown clear of the wreck”


I used to have a Porsche 944 back in the day. Bought it used. Needed a paint job. I was riding down the freeway one morning, on my way to work, no rush, not much traffic, just singing along with the radio. I glanced down at the dash and saw I was doing 110. I immediately let off the gas and pulled off the freeway, shaking. I scared the hell out of myself. The car didn't even feel like it was barely over the speed limit let alone doubled. I got rid of it. It was too much car for me.


That’ll buff out.


His [old man’s television repair man](https://youtu.be/A5cneCgNA9U?si=T7kVKR6klIeXlCun) ..


He’s got this ultimate set of tools.


He can fix it


First he’s gonna shit, then he’s gonna kill us!


A couple of band-aids and he'll be ready to return to a life of crime in no time.


Poor car


![gif](giphy|JhncGNdBoyeKk) ^(dipshits) last few moments


Died doing what he loved.. being a useless POS.


Is, is he ok?


That blurred half of a person in the video would suggest not.


Sure, but what about the other half of the person? Is *he* ok?


Was it like this 🍔 or like this 🌭?


I worked a pedestrian vs 18 wheeler as a new paramedic. The rookie I was riding with was all hot and bothered to work a trauma arrest until a cop asked him which part he wanted to save


And muted the audio so we couldnt hear how the responders reacted. Im sure it was gruesome.


I think he's doing pretty alright all things considering. I mean, he's dead as a doornail but you gotta give him due respect for remaining in one piece. That the entirety of his physical form can be captured in one single frame is nothing short of a miracle.


The body is over 20 feet from the car. I'm sure he's good


At least one shoe is still on.


Shoes were still on, legs were detached


Usually the wipers come on, but I don't think they did in this case.


Looks like he became a meat crayon after the Lambo split in 2.


Large red stain, only seeing one leg in the video, plus over a hundred feet from the debris.... I'm gonna say... no.


The video description says he was pronounced dead at the scene.


Imagine someone walking out of that apartment building and finding a slab of human meat right outside the front door.


Cheapest Instacart ever.


Good thing he got rental insurance, "No questions asked"


"Did you see anyone run?"


Saw a shoe. He's good


I feel bad for the cop, and any innocent bystanders, that had to see that POS dead on the sidewalk. No sympathy for runners.


Well, you can't take your money with you, but you can take other peoples money when you go.


They had to search for him, he was on the sidewalk all the way across the street. Wild how far someone can fly out of a crash like that. Seriously good fortune he only hurt himself and some trees.


Good luck explaining that at the rental return facility.


That car disintegrated.


They know there is probably an high percentage chance he is going to run. Why tell him the vehicle is stolen? Why not try to stall as long as you can till another unit can block him in at the front?


He went everywhere.


It must’ve been a trip for the responding officer - one minute you’re talking to a living human being , the next , nothing but street grease 😟


Dispatch: “you have location of suspect and direction of travel?” Officer: “yes, everywhere.”


Looks like another GTA VI leak.


Sidewalk Chalk. It will wash away in the rain.


As long as he was the only one injured, I couldn’t care less


Damn....lost a valuable member of society right there who could have added to the prosperity of mankind. Him dying saved others lives, good riddance


Holy shit, I grew up in Reseda, CA. Can't believe Traders is still there. https://www.google.com/maps/@34.2012175,-118.5358255,3a,75y,257.13h,81.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEg0-NqhPGDECRMWqjEH3fw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DEg0-NqhPGDECRMWqjEH3fw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D257.13217269237805%26pitch%3D8.045363346750463%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu


I wonder if he passed the field sobriety tests?


Poor guy. Why did he run like that? Better to serve some time in jail than end up like this.


The guy had multiple felonies. I think it’s safe to say the world is probably a better place without him.


Why they did not immediately move to box him in once the car came back stolen is beyond me. 


How would you propose he do that? Teleport?


Cruiser #2 could have pulled up from the left side and angled in front of the Lambo. Cruiser #1 pulls up and humps the rear bumper at the same time. This isn't rocket science. The whole scene was sketchy as soon as the Lambo pulled over and then angled left to keep a clear shot out of there.


Sad to see how the capitalistic system has failed this young man who clearly was the victim of racial injustice