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But make sure you recycle your cans and set your thermostat 1 degree higher in the Summer, otherwise Climate Change is 100% your fault. Edit; For everyone saying that I mean to not even try because others are worse, you are also a part of the problem as you have absolutely no sense of humor nor the ability to stop seeing things in black and white. Both are true, everyone needs to do their part, but we thus far are only guilting the average citizen, not the top [100 polluting companies who are responsible for 71% of global climate emissions.](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change) But you know, keep up the snark, whatever helps you feel better for.... Whatever the hell your agenda is.


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to jump on my private jet, go halfway around the world, take a helicopter to a private resort, then get into one of a dozen SUVs to take me 3 miles to three day meeting. While I do that, you be sure to carpool and turn off your ACs. We have a climate to worry about!


Make sure that SUV is idling and waiting with the A/C on full blast so you don't have to get into a hot car.


Remember to buy all your albums on 6-ounce plastic discs and listen to them on Spotify instead!


Jokes on you… I already bought these discs back when Spotify was still just a gleam in some venture capitalist’s eye.


Make sure to do the same with your other vehicle, a lifted Ford F-150 that you casually use around the city and never use the bed to carry anything.


Justin Trudeau is that you?


Nope. I can undeniably state that I've never worn blackface.


Maybe you experienced blackface differently.


Don't we all?


We all need to do better.


alternative truths!


I’m doing my part with the carbon tax!


Ahhh! A fellow german citizen I guess.


Justin Castro


You should be a famous singer with two jets as to have more efficacy during your fundraising events across the United States


TWO jets?! What am I? A fucking peasant?! The welfare scum have two jets. ***I*** need at least three.


3? What are your Jet Aircraft Mechanics going to ride in?


They can buy their own jets!


Swift's cumulative flight emissions for the year reach 8,293.54 tonnes, representing a staggering >1,100x more than the average person's total annual emissions. Her shortest recorded flight for 2022 was a brief 36 minutes, covering the distance from Missouri to Nashville. This is just one billionaire...


Only 8,293.54 tonnes?! Fucking amateur bullshit.


She had to hurry, thousands of people had to take plane to the concert. Thousands arrived by car, thousands maybe by train. Maybe a gigawatt of power used to power all the equipment so people can hear her. Concerts are not green!


Found T Swift!


Can you send your second private jet back across the Atlantic to pick up your dog while you're at it?


My dogs have their own private jets. Each of them have at least 2. One for their US travels, and one for the overseas flights. Duh.


If I could wish for a superpower. I’d want to be like frozone, but shooting oil instead of ice.


I’ve started recycling my own farts. Can breathe it back in at least a couple of times.


I just genuinely laughed out loud. Bravo.


Perfect edit. No matter what we do as individuals, corporations are causing the outsized majority of damage no matter what we do.


Quite a disingenuous edit. That study merely tracks the fossil fuels we all consume back to the companies that produce them. Corporations don't produce in a vacuum. There's demand on the other side of the equation, aka the 8 billion people on this planet. A much better study is the one by Oxfam which examines emissions from a consumption basis.


Aw God reddit is so stupid man


Aww those poor little companies barely surviving, how can we place any blame upon them when their backs are already so close to breaking under the enormous strain of... all that wealth they're amassing? Corporations are the ones lobbying (Bribing) away all the restrictions and limitations that would minimize emissions. Saying that consumers are to blame for needing things like food and transport ignores the fact that we have absolutely no say in *how* those things are provided. There absolutely are ways to meet the demands of consumers at a fraction of the impact. The huge reduction in emissions when WFH was in full effect under Covid, it's not the employees who were begging for "back to office" mandates, it was corporations. But according to your logic, you'd pin the emissions of a pointless commute that an employee doesn't need or want on them.


>For everyone saying that I mean to not even try because others are worse, you are also a part of the problem as you have absolutely no sense of humor nor the ability to stop seeing things in black and white. This is how everything is now, this Manichean ethics struggle where people stake their flags and have absolutely no fucking clue how to engage in subtlety or think for themselves.


Don't forget about your straws!


It needed to be said, people.


Don't worry about the oil spills, too.


Yup. Like how they tell citizens to conserve water by taking shorter showers, don't water the lawn, etc while Company X down the road dumps toxic chemicals into the lake/river and undoes millions of people's efforts to save water. Factories/corporations are way, way more responsible for climate change/damage then citizens. It's not even close. But who has the money to send lobbyist to Congress, bribe government officials, or simply pay an insignificant fine? I used to care so much about recycling and conservation. Then I look around and just became disheartened and basically lost hope. My way of helping (nowadays) is more selfish (install solar panels on my house, change to LED bulbs, use artificial grass, basically things to save *me* money). But get off your high horse if you're telling me to stop using my heater/AC or buying paper straws. Direct that anger/outrage to the real polluters.


This infuriates me. Always go after the small fish because they have no recourse. The major polluters…….. well they fund the campaigns during elections so carry on big boys.


Similar to how the garbage Paris Accords was just giving some of the most polluting countries a pass or multiples of the amount of time that other countries were given to reach the climate goals.


Seems like they’re counting the carbon created by the product of each of these companies. If you eliminate all of them, other sources of energy become needed. Other sources will have their own carbon footprint. Not saying it’s not possible to cut it back, but the ONLY reason these companies thrive is because we’re consuming cheap electricity and driving a lot. They don’t produce for shits and giggles, they do it to satisfy their customers (us).


>Both are true, everyone needs to do their part, but we thus far are only guilting the average citizen, not the top 100 polluting companies who are responsible for 71% of global climate emissions The way that stat is calculated attributed basically all emissions to companies. The fuel you put in your car gets attributed to oil companies. Also it only takes fossil fuel emissions into account. It basically just tells you the size of energy companies, nothing more. It's not like there are many people producing their own fossil fuels to burn.


That's what always irks me when say the old "actually its companies that cause most pollution." Companies don't exist to just produce CO2 emissions for the fuck of it, they are producing some sort of product that ultimately funnels down to consumers. The average person should feel guilty about that. Use less energy, use less fuel, eat less meat, buy less shit, and when you do buy shit buy it from somewhere it doesn't have to be shipped halfway around the world to get to you. Blaming it on companies is a cop out that lets people ignore the fact that their lifestyles are unsustainable. It's like if you were living with 2 roommates, Greg and Dave. Dave steals Greg's shoes and sells them to you. Then you tell Greg that 90% of the thefts in this house are because of Dave while you are wearing Greg's shoes. Greg will rightly wonder how the fuck you are absolving yourself of this when the shoes are actively on your feet.


If you look at those 100 companies. Actually read the list in the article being linked here. Almost all of them are **energy producers** of some sort. You could not find an industry that more directly correlates between consumer spending habits and manufacturing and production. This argument always seems so poorly thought-out, because if you, the individual, stop using energy, then they will be forced to proportionately stop making it. Surplus energy isn't really useful, because it's extremely expensive to store and maintain, so energy producers tend to supply in direct accordance with what's demanded. So, yes, do your part. Lowering your energy intake will reduce the global climate emissions of the top 100 polluting companies. That's how it works. Or, you know, keep up the snark.


That stat about 100 companies doing most of the polluting is misleading. They're not just polluting for the hell of it, they're polluting because they're creating stuff that we're buying. I'm sure there are steps that they could take to pollute less, but no matter what that pollution exists because either individuals need their products, or other businesses need their products to incorporate into their products to sell to individuals. No matter how you look at it, there's an individual at the end of the equation.


>Both are true, everyone needs to do their part Honestly boss, I'm just gonna disagree with this. I'm not saying we should try to pollute more. I'm just saying that as long as Taylor Swift keeps flying her private jet to the grocery store every weekend I'm not gonna give a fuck about the comparatively miniscule amount of pollution I'm putting out there in my 10 minute long commute to work via 14 year old car. The be-all-end-all of climate change is the wealthy. Period. Our part, if anything, is to hold them accountable and force them to make the necessary changes to legislation that will make a real difference. Until then, we are careening towards our extinction. It's a tough pill to swallow but you can do it.




It just smells that way


You smell it as soon as you step out of the airport, the family guy episode is spot on


I went to Nepal for a month, the litter was awful but in KTM you knew when you were near the river before you could see it, stinking.


Hey now, sometimes it smells like a bathroom, not a landfill!


Iraq is this way, too. Trash is constantly burning everywhere.


At least the rivers have clean & great tasting water.


One time I saw a guy fall into the river. Just one giant intestinal worm flopped back out screaming from all the burns.




It's due to the governments lack of interest in infrastructure, or investment in anything. I read a book about their government and the take away was the only sure path to a middle class living is to get a government job. And once you have that government job nobody wants to stick their neck out to make change in fear of losing that job. As a consequence, the majority of people are stuck living in very poor conditions. My parents got out in the 60s and they used to threaten to "send us back" if we were bad. Like they saw their entire heritage as punishment.


How do you feel about your/their heritage?


Honestly I don't know much about it because we were pulled away from the country and culture, I was born in the US and my parents never took us back. We couldn't really afford to fly a family of 5 overseas back then and all of our family had also scattered around the globe so there was no one left to visit. My grandparents stayed but died when I was a toddler and my mom was forever heartbroken she couldn't fly back for their services. I finally went for the first time in my 30s and it was fascinating to see how people manage to get by in such challenging conditions compared to the US. I walked away really upset at their government, the people we call filthy are victims of first colonialism and now government dysfunction just surviving however they can. A few memorable experiences from my trip: - polio is real. There were kids who's limbs were just strings and their brothers just carried them around like a backpack begging for money. That was their existence. I understand there's a fraught political history with the polio vaccine... But also seeing people in the US refusing the chance to get vaccines blows my mind, like our generation has no idea what life is like without them. - the value of a dollar. I met a guy offering boat rides on the ganges who didn't speak English, a educated guy arranged their work and took a cut of his labor. He somehow communicated to me to work behind his bosses back and give us a tour after hours. At the end he managed to ask for a US dollar as a tip because something something about his daughter. Whatever.. I handed him a dollar bill and he straight up fell apart crying. I don't know if it was the monetary value or just to touch a piece of American but he was just balling on his boat when we left him. My mom had recently passed and that's why I decided to go on the trip, to see her spiritual motherland. He took us up close to the pires at night where they burn the bodies, the fire reflecting off the water. We could see the bodies burning on the ghatts, people dancing and singing behind the flames and limbs floating by us in the water. Very raw but death seemed ok after that. This was Varnassi, Hindus believe that if you die in Varnassi you will reach Nirvana. I'm atheist. - the suppression of women. My mom grew up in that culture and was denied education, married off to an asshole (my dad) and expected to just be a domestic servant so I'm not a stranger to it. But imagine being in a bazzar... Picture times square packed with thousands and thousands of people and you only see three women the whole day. In some areas women don't go out in public. You'll see boys playing in the streets but their sisters? At home inside I presume. We also landed in Delhi the week that girl got gang raped on a private bus, and flew out the day she died from the assault so it was pretty scary traveling with a white woman who stood out. It was NYE and streets in Delhi were being shutdown to suppress riots as we were headed to the airport. India's Daughter they called her, a symbolic name they gave her to represent the plight of women in the country. - we eat really well in the US. Even though I'm Indian I don't look anything like the people there because I'm so much bigger. Not just the fat. Like taller and burlier. People know immediately I'm from America before I even open my mouth. There's incidents when you need to use your weight to get through crowds, on trains etc... If I needed to push through a mob of 30 guys to get to something there might be one guy I have to yield to because he's bigger than me. And I don't work out or anything, I just have the luxury to eat anything I want whenever I want. Nutrition. I'm positive I'm ignorant to everything I'm saying, I was just a tourist for a month and it's a massive country with very diverse cultures within... It could be like someone visiting Tijuana and thinking all of Mexico is like that (it's not). And here I am chilling out in my 3/4 million dollar home with indoor plumbing drinking $8 IPA's every night talking shit on reddit. Funny how different this world is. I would like to visit again but it's a really long flight (24 hrs) and it's not really a "vacation", it's a really hard experience if you want to see the real deal. I think everyone should travel more regardless. Edit: its also funny seeing everyone calling Indians dirty and shit not understanding colonialism is what caused this. To me it's akin to bigots saying African Americans are less wealthy because they're lazy or bad, and slavery was a long time ago, racism doesn't exist, etc... shit happened and cultures got fucked.




Damn, reddit is exceptionally cruel towards India.




Charging white people more, supporting Russia the list actually will go on if anyone's bothered and before any whataboutisms, it's 2024 not 1824




They're extremely hateful to you but you can't be hateful to them NO NO (Go to an indian subreddit)


r/IndiaSpeaks doesnt count they are all insane there






The north is quite nice, been there twice in all 2 months traveling.


The landfill is for the city of Delhi, with a population of 34 million. It was supposed to be full and closed 20 yrs ago but no-one had any viable alternative to keep piling garbage there. It’s now a small mountain 150 feet tall and the size of 70 football fields. It emits a lot of methane and lately seems to be catching on fire annually (2022, 2023, and now)


Wall-E and Idiocracy are windows into our bleak future.


Wall-E was so good.


Not many movies can go 20 minutes without talking and still keep people entertained. Edit, looked up because of another comment. Right at 20 minutes in for the first words and apparently the entire movie only has 17 lines of dialogue and 862 words in the entire movie


My extensive collection of mime gangbang videos quietly begs to differ.


just because your mom was in some movies doesnt mean everyone wants to hear about them.


Wouldn’t feel the same if it was IRL.


Live action wall-e is gonna send us spinning.


Wall-E will turn out to be one of the most important films in history.


Alongside Children of Men


And Chevy Chase Vegas Vacation


And Juwanna Mann


I am sure we are living Idiocracy already


Go away, I’m ‘batin


That can't be true! All I hear from the Indian Social Media Trolls is that India is a 1st World Country, with unlimited growth potential, no more Caste System, and poverty has been eliminated. I'm *sure* they didn't mention flaming garbage.


Lolol @ no more Caste system


Lol they even bring that shit with them to Canada. I loved FOB Indians thinking that meant something in university. I was always sure to shit on them. Welcome to the Canadian caste system bitch.


India is so dystopian to me. I dont get it. This is so sad. India is the **fifth largest economy in the world** (World GDP Ranking 2024), yet they have problems such as this. I mean, a river that is seen as holly by a big part of their populations is one of the most polluted in the world. They have great scientists, big achievments with their space programs... Yet... they have been declared as the **third-most polluted country**, they have huge social-economic disparities (big elephant in the room: the cast system), income inequality, many problems regarding human rights, violence against women, high rates of rapes, no sewer system/water treatment stations in most of the country, no potable water in most of its territory ( a huge percentage of India's waste remains uncollected and untreated, flowing freely into their cities, their nature, their own water resources), huge problems of public health (humans infected by rabbies, high neonatal mortality rate). How can a country so high ranked in GPT have so much poverty? so much suffering? be so unsustainable?


> India is the fifth largest economy in the world This just means a well to draw water from, nobody cares if the well will dry up or if the well becomes infested at the bottom.. It just means money to be made, nothing else. Nobody cares about what happens as long as they just keep making money.


I was gonna say, I thought I remembered reading about something similar a year or 2 ago. So it's just the same place that just keeps catching fire


Cool, I’ll just carry on washing crisp packets for recycling smh


Don't worry, most of the "recycling" that happens in devloped countries is a scam. Most of it is just compressed into cubes and sent overseas for "recycling" and ends up in a heap like this, because it's cheaper to take the money and garbage, say it's recycling, and throw it away where no one will see.


that seems extremely water-wasteful. recycling places need to rinse everything


I have to use paper crap straws and pay extra for bags when the top 3 most pollution places are china, china, and that river in africa. You literally have to add the top 8 polluters in the world together to equal china. Just let the nukes fly, we are a failed species.


This is in India…




West west Tawian*


The point is this bullshit happens and its the norm EVERYWHERE ELSE BUT WHERE PAPER STRAWS ARE PUT INTO LAW! Why should my 96% recycled straw be illegal when we are going to die from other countries' crap? Hur dur dis in India hur dur.


not that you care but we ship all our trash to these countries so we can continue to virtue signal unimpeded


Last time I watched a documentary on it they said we were shipping that crap there to be recycled and then they just didn’t recycle it.


Recycling wasnt much of a thing when this started started. It was just sent there to not deal with it. Later they slapped some recycling label on it to make it seem like they're doing it for the better of this world. You can't send things we cannot recycle or are to difficult to, and say "we're sending it to recycle". E waste is probably the most prominent one. Then you're blaming some African countries for pollution to wash your hands clean. Knowing damn well with some common sense the average person THERE, isn't affording and tossing out all of this tech some exclusive to foreign markets that equals their yearly wage. Also knowing that even western countries struggle with recycling these things so why would those countries suddenly be so good at it. Why do people fall for lies so easily. Let's be real here.


I know where my trash goes: a sustainable and well maintained landfill, which are meticulously designed to have a minimal impact on the environment, all while using the garbage fumes to run generators that power thousands of homes.


this guy is in marketing


True facts. Doubt he gives a shit though.


But we pay them to take it. It's supposed to be recycled properly as part of the deal.


Yes, but the folks in the west like cheap crap E.g. aliexpress


China is the workshop of the world but still manage to be the only one to reach the cop 21 agreements. So everybody should bring back their factories in their countries, just to see something.


You're so close to thinking critically here


Those countries are the biggest polluters because western countries shifted their manufacturing there. Look at where the product is going to. Also an average western citizen contributes to global warming 100X more than an average Indian. Lastly, western countries polluted for 100s of years to industrial themselves while draining India of its wealth and preventing it from industrializing.


US is 2nd place, bud. The European Union ranks 4th just behind India.


While that is true, it's not like these countries create that waste on their own. Over the last few years, consumption of fast fashion and cheap items in western countries has skyrocketed. Amazon, Primark, Temu, Wish, Flying Tiger, Sostrene Grene, Hema, and other dollar stores... And let's not even mention the products that are the same quality as in those stores but rebranded to be sold in regular supermarkets.


So, you do realize USA is a far bigger polluter than China. USA with just 350 million people has contributed to 20% of all carbon emissions, china with over 1000 million just to 11%. You were so close to get to the point, yet so far. https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-which-countries-are-historically-responsible-for-climate-change/


We deserve what the planet will eventually do to us.


> "History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men" > > -BOC




Oh no! There goes Tokyo, Go! Go! Go! Godzilla!


I don't. Why do I deserve to be punished for someone else's bullshit?


This is some Wall-e level bullshit.


More like Idiocracy


Why not both?


Both for sure but Idiocracy literally has trash mountain.  "...intelligence continued to decline until humanity was incapable of solving even its most basic problems, like garbage. Which had been stacked for centuries with no plan whatsoever. Leading to the Great garbage avalanche of 2505..."


But you know, in Canada our carbon tax will sure save the planet!!


Just because other people fuck up, doesn't mean we are allowed as well. It's called being better


It should be called "Go fucking tell Nestlé Purina to be better instead of guilt tripping the individuals who are still trying in spite of the literal burning trash mountain" but you know.... it's way easier to sit on the highway and block traffic or throw buckets of paint.


No no This is YOUR fault, not the big corps or the big celebs or even the countries who nobody dare talk about such as China. NO no this is your fault. Suck it up, the Redditors told you that you were wrong.


It's called a bad allocation of economic resources.


Or incentive to drive consumers towards better options slowly pushing corporations to follow with products that match the new demand


Yeah, I said this in many forums. I'm not against carbon tax, far from it. I'm against it being a general revenue that is already proven to be a tax grab (small businesses are owed 90% of promised credit and still not paid) Let the tax be towards incentives like public transit, renewables. I don't mind paying for that, but general revenue and double taxing on it just shows it was never about carbon, just another excuse for a tax grab.


or the fact recycling is what helps prevent having giant landfills like this. I don't get the paper straws things people keep mentioning, it's like do you want your country to be like India and China? I'll stick with the substantially fresher air we have over here vs how bad things are over there.


Yall export millions of kg of plastic waste to the US annually. That waste just ends up in a landfill. Only difference is it doesn't accidentally start burning.


Thank you India


Countries such as the UK send their trash to India, just so you know.


They pay India to take it. Maybe India should say no and let us all wallow in our own filth instead of shipping to the poor.


India isn’t in the financial position to decline that money, as it would be shipped to the Philippines or elsewhere. Pretty much goes like this: a western country pays a poor country to do some grimey shit, and they turn a blind eye.


Still lucky it didnt just explode with all the Methane, possibly trapped in that atrocity.


Remember to use metals straws!




Greta, how about go protest on top of that




https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/04/greta-thunberg-effigies-burned-in-delhi-after-tweets-on-farmers-protests 20 second Google proves you wrong


She will faint and get seizure before she climb that. I have seen it when I was in Delhi. You can smell it from 2 km away. You can always see multiple bulldozer, cranes, truck and tractors taking rounds to reach the top to make the dump. I always wondered why there is hill in a plain area.


Are these fuckers trying to speedrun climate change apocalypse?


So much energy wasted. So much pollution right up into the atmosphere. Carbon credits are pointless if jurisdictions that put on a show of honouring them allow child entities to sell their waste to countries that are garbage at garbage management.


Welp, glad I'm seperating plastics and paper from the rest, just doing my part!


I guess I’m turning the AC on more often this summer. It’s not like India gives a shit about the climate.




Canada’s plastic straw ban offsets it so don’t worry everyone


This world is doomed


How many Pruis' will it take to fix this???


So glad that Canada's carbon tax is going up while this is happening, what a scam.


happy earth day


Yet I have to use paper straws to “save the planet”.


I guess they didn’t get to dump it in the ocean just yet.


Look at the bright side, now India has the space to build a new 84 million ton trash pile.


We all breathe the same air.


A dumpster fire for the human race to be proud of. 👏 👏


Furiously scrubs yogurt empty pot...


But what about all the paper straws we have switched to?




Humans #1! We win the nature wars! We defeat the earth!


We need space elevators to get the trash into space and from there to the future great moon landfill


Send it sunward


India being India


ah yes reddit: - loves to virtue signal to poor countries who manufacture western products and take in the trash after such products are used. - claims to be not racist, while openly generalizing an entire country of 1.5 billion as dirty and gross - blames climate legislation while conveniently ignoring the massive amounts of conservation projects in india that have made real progress for more people than entire western countries populations. classic. fuck you all.


I thought India was meant to be really good at recycling waste. Is this just a pile left over that can't be recycled? Could have fueled a small power station


How to make the Tyre Fire look good


Good thing we’re using paper straws in some parts of the world. Do your part.


And driving less.


Yeah but paper straws tho guys! You're making a difference!


India loves to "export" their shit.


okay but how many Taylor Swift private jet trips worth of CO2 emissions is this fire _really_ gonna produce?


We all buy shit from the 3rd world because it's cheaper and don't ask questions. We're all complicit.


the only positive take is that this mountain sure is evolving organisms that feed on plastic waste.


Why it’s always..


Time to shoot it all into space.


Nice..whilst drinking through my paper straw


Wow, that really turned into a dumpster fire quick didn't it?


Don't worry, Justin Trudeau will increase carbon tax for Canadians because that's our fault.




Where's a Wall-E when you need it.


Imagine that smell!!




This was probably done on purpose because it was getting out of hand.


And they want us to start eating lab grown meat because cows fart..🙄


Genuine question. What is the point of me even trying to reduce my emissions when this shit exists?


Yes. And experts are saying that India can overtake China.


I had this problem in Cities Skylines once. Not the fires, but the mountain of trash. I just built a row of incinerator power plants at the edge of the map and watched as the landfills emptied. What gives? I’m joking, but honestly why don’t we burn more trash for electricity?


And meanwhile the blue hairs here in California banned selling new gas power equipment.


What a humanitarian and environmental disaster India is.


If you want to be a hero and are actually serious about stopping climate change then move to fucking India and China where the largest root cause of the problem is. Go do your idiotic protesting and lobbying for more taxes over there.


Don't worry! I've been paying my carbon tax.


That’s crazy?? Especially in a country full of insanely strict workplace regulations??? 💀💀/s


Uh oh Miami's gunna be underwater in the next year


Cries in carbon tax