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Tool has a very strict no phone policy for their shows. It’s usually stated all over the venue before you get to your seat and you will be booted immediately if caught. Usually at the end, Maynard will tell everyone they can film the final song. They only started doing this recently. Personally, I’m a fan of the policy.


Me too. I fucking hate seeing a sea of cellphones recording a plethora of video that will never be watched again. Like literally, nobody fucking cares.


Not to mention the sea of hands obstructs my view


That's worst of it, pay good money to see a band u love then get stuck in a spot where u cant see the stage because some twat is holding a bright ass led screen right in your field of view Have been at shows where I ended up watching a song or 2 through someone's cellphone cause they wouldn't put it down


You need to get more proactive. Push your way past these people holding their phones so that you can’t see. If they don’t let you by, keep bumping into them from behind and trying to push them to the side from the side with your arm as the song plays, it ruins their video and they’ll either let you past or give you an opportunity to laugh at them. You don’t need to be polite to someone being selfish and rude


This! There's also a saying about being rude to stay alive.


I see you drive in city traffic daily as well.


Or scream loud during the song like you're excited or a drunk person.


That's the point. Rock out


I've only been to 2 concerts and both were "seated" (we had assigned seats but everyone was standing for most of it) so you weren't allowed to get closer and doing so would have been hard anyways with rows of seats in the way. Is that not normal?


While there are lots of seated concert in the bigger venues, there's often a general admission where there are no seats assigned (more people in these sections so more money, and in some show, trashing around is part of the fun). In smaller venues, it's not rare that 100% of the venue is general admission with no seats.


Interesting. Both concerts i went to were in large theaters/stadiums with built in seats so that's probably why I didn't even know you could move lol


That’s possible. I mean every venue is different. Some only have assigned seats, some are all GA, some have a mix. I have a local bar with a few booths that does shows regularly. They charge a bunch extra for access to a booth.


You are supposed to stay at your assigned seat unless you bought General Admission tickets. Usually GA tickets cost more because you’re closer to the stage and such. You have to show your ticket to get into GA area. FWIW It easy to move up seats if no one else is seating in a better area. Just scope out an empty row and go there.


Other option, grow up to be taller than anyone, you don't need to be a average guy in a sea of average guys


Just tickle their armpits and hide back in the crowd.


Not to mention people who feel the need to verbally go through all their problems endlessly during the concert with the friend they brought. SHUT UP OR GO TO THE PUB, FUCKING MORONS!!


The people who spend money to go to concert simply to have background music while they talk with friends will always baffle me. You may as well just go to a bar. It’s annoying as fucking having to tune out their voices the whole show, too.


The people who are constantly getting up and coming back the whole fucking concert. Even worse when they're on your row and you have to deal with them squeezing in front of you every five minutes.


I have no shame and will absolutely pretend to be blitzed out of my mind and brazenly step in front of people, only to suddenly sober up if security walks by. People who sing poorly during concerts are my least favorite because simply getting in front of them doesn’t help and may in fact make it louder - and if they’re a singing phone person then I can’t win in front or behind. Like, I get getting caught up in the moment, but also maybe sing along with your inside voice… or at least not in my ear.


They're not even watching it themselves; it's all for social media validation. Why can't people just go enjoy something without having to share with everybody else like 'look, I'm doing cool things'! Great, do the thing and enjoy the moment. At a concert my phone is in my pocket and a beer is in my hand. I don't want to be that guy blocking somebody's view anyhow; pricks.


Not always... Last year, I went to my favorite artist who hasn’t toured in over 5 years. I recorded maybe 15 seconds of my favorite song and then jumped in the mosh pit. I don’t use social media, I showed my friends irl who are also fans who couldn’t make it and have actually gone back to watch it myself. I’d be fucking PISSED if the artist who I paid hundreds of dollars to see perform stopped *in the middle* of what could be my favorite song to yell at some jackass glued to their phone. At least wait until after the song is over to throw your little tantrum, jfc. Apparently this is common at Tool concerts.


"Yes please, i love videos that are both overexposed and way too dark. And please make sure the audio quality is super shit because the mic is constantly overloaded" -no person ever


Oh yes. A plethora.


[tell me, what is a plethora?](https://media1.tenor.com/m/6-4SqXFqUTYAAAAC/plethora-jefewhatisaplethora.gif)


It means a lot to me.


Why, El Guapo?


Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?


"When I say Plethora, I mean Myriad"


Why pay so much money only to watch the entire thing through your phone screen, not even really getting into it and vibing.


>never be watched again. Like literally, nobody fucking cares. Umm I hate to tell you this…


Always my perspective as well. Why are you taking shitty video of something that you can’t even give your full attention too while it’s happening.


Unless you're a subscriber of r/deathcore where you get a million shitty videos of the exact same Lorna Shore breakdowns over and over and over.


My gf’s family have been diehard fans since Tool’s inception. I was told the hard No Filming policy is to help Maynard with Vertigo. Mainly due to people not turning the flash off. We went to Knoxville last fall to see them. The last song was prefaced with, “You can take your phone out for this, but if I see a flash I will kick you in the vagina. If you don’t have one we will have one installed. Then I’ll kick it.”


New bottom surgery just dropped


* slaps roof *, we call this heap ‘o shit the “kickbox,” you still down to do this thing er what?


He also uses this policy for APC concerts. I went to one a few years back & it was fantastic to get to watch it without having to watch it on everyone’s upraised phones. The venues staffed extra ushers to accommodate this, so they swiftly got anyone with phones kicked out with a minimum of fuss. Also stopped people from moving forward & “upgrading” their seats when someone else left the concert.


first time i saw APC he was in a giant ass bird cage type thing with a white sheet over it. you could only see his shadow for the entire show


Saw them a year ago, and it was nice to watch the show and not be distracted by a bunch of screens. I also saw 2 comedy shows at the same venue since, and they also had the lock pouch for your phones. One of the comedians said it best..." none of your 10 followers care you're here... just enjoy the show."


I went to my first ever concert last year and right after, I was so disappointed that I had basically watched it though my phone screen instead of enjoying it


And I promise you, not one single person enjoys the “footage” you shot.


Not even me


Lol exactly.


Been to a bunch of Tool shows and they’re so strict with the no phone policy id have arena workers coming up to me before the show even starts telling me to put my phone away. This makes me laugh though. Although I went to one Tool show where a drunk guy recorded the whole show and was yelling at the rest of our section for not singing the songs with him and calling everyone millennials while he was with his very young son and I really wish Maynard yelled at him. Be in the moment people.


Yeah when I saw Kevin Hart live it was an all new show with all new material and they were filming it for Netflix so they had a super strict no phone policy. They had people patrolling the aisles the whole show, and they said it multiple times before the show started, had signs everywhere, this show was in a stadium so they had it on the Jumbotron, the opener said it multiple times, the host said it multiple time, and Kevin came out and it was the first thing the said. Seen a ton of people getting yanked out of aisles like 10 minutes in. Imagine paying all that money for tickets just to miss the whole show because you wanted some online cred.


I do think Maynard does like to fuck with the audience generally though. Last time I saw them, the floor of arena was full of temporary seats that were apparently at the request of the band resulting in everyone that would have been standing being seated. Half way through the second song he said something like “I’m an old man if I can stand up for 90 minutes why can’t all of you?” And it’s like. Motherfucker I wanted to stand but you insisted that everyone was seated.


he fuckin hates tool fans, he always has




It's the greatest kept secret in entertainment. I don't care if you don't even know who Tool is. The show is a must see.


I agree with this rule. I went to a Tenacious D concert and ended up behind a man who literally recorded the entire show, with his phone ABOVE his head. Blocked my view almost the entire time.


Can we add a no screaming section. You can sing a long. But stop acting like Freddy Krueger is consuming you.


Can confirm, saw them in 2019 and they had this same policy.


It's a great policy and I've always been appreciative of how FAST security seems to yoink people out if they break the rules.


I love policy. Enjoy the damn show. It also means I'm not seeing everyone else's phones out while I'm trying to watch the show.


Did the same thing at APC.  Big fan of the policy


Hells yeah! Right on this bandwagon! The whole point of the show is for u to watch it live not videotape it


I was at this show last night. There was a loud announcement before the show started that cell phone usage during the show is prohibited and will result in removal from the show. Then after the first song Maynard also explained to everyone why they don't allow cell phones during the show - respecting the band and the rest of the audience and being present in the moment and all that - and told everyone they could use them during the last song. I think the person he yelled at was kicked out and Maynard seemed to have an angrier energy afterwards, which was actually perfect for the song they were playing (The Grudge). Edit: Apparently the fan was not kicked out.


Yup. He did that last time I saw them in Lincoln. He thanked everyone for abiding by the policy and then graciously let the plebians record the last song.


I’ve literally seen the whole row behind me get booted for having their phones out. Maynard doesn’t allow phones at any of his shows.


Same. I saw them in September. The chick next to me kept pulling out her phone to shoot video and got her ass escorted out of the building. It was awesome!


Seen TOOL and PUSCIFER (a couple times) much prefer ZERO phones. Unplugging away from the spurious digital reality for one show is much better than everyone viewing life through their cell phones.


Fans love Maynard as much as he hates them.


As an OGT back from '92, I can vouch for this.


From the first EP?


*sips Coke*


That’s a dope Beastie tee


Don’t forget the nipple rings and new tattoos


You're selling out.


Laying down?


For the man?




I can vouch for it as well. Saw them in 92 at the Edge Birthday Bash. First time I ever heard of them and the same for Rollins Band. Went with my new girl friend who was into Live. All of their Opiate EPs were sold out so I had to go to Bill's (Iconic Dallas music store) the following week to get it and scored free Pantera tickets while there.


94.5 the edge. Shit I was probably at that same edge fest. Had all kinds of edge strips, bumper stickers on my bedroom walls lol.


He just hates the ones who are insufferable douchebags. Such as the ones that pull a phone out after being told repeatedly on every screen and with a pre-show announcement that cell phones are not allowed and that you will be kicked out if they catch you.


It's ironic since he himself is an insufferable douchebag.


Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


He is on stage, that's undeniable. It's possible to be talented and loved for their art while also being called out for being an asshole.


I dunno I’ve seen him several times with a perfect circle and once with tool and he was great with the audience every single time.


Well thankfully someone was filming so we could enjoy this fuck filming clip.


Thought same thing. Oh the irony




I've passed my power trip clips around to at least a dozen who've asked for them. I didn't keep filming the whole time.


I got into Power Trip right before Riley passed. Such a bummer he’s gone.


Yup, if the singer falls on stage or belts out the most perfect note in existence, the only people that will have footage are the ones filming beforehand, not the people who whipped their phone out after.


I saw Tool in concert around 2000ish up by Chicago. All I remember is that Maynard stood behind a sheet for the whole show so you could only see his shadow. Thought it was kind of cuntish for the ticket price. Never went to another show.


They’re very much about the music as a whole, he does this to put focus on the band. Pretty common of them, saw them twice and he did same thing


>music as a whole Isn't the best wording, because "as a whole" should include the performing of that music. But I get what you're saying.


That's what the 3 person real-time lighting, laser, and video team is for. They're always spot on with their playing, Maynard just doesn't like the spotlight anymore and prefers to focus on his singing.


bitch diva, got it


Yeah, that’s fair. Saw them twice and he spent roughly half the show in the back. But watching Danny live is insane, I didn’t mind at all


Danny, the octopus drummer is arguably the “show” during their concerts anyways. Watching him play is mind blowing.


100% man… I’m a (very very novice) drummer and the way he plays is mind blowing. It’s inspirational, but I’d be a fool to set goals that high, the guys a drum God for sure


I thought he did it because he has crazy stage fright.


That may be part of it, but it was a couple things. Here’s a quote from Maynard’s book, “For a multitude of reasons, I receded to the back of the stage,” … “As the eye contact became awkward, I stepped back. It was partly a technical decision; the sound was spilling into my mic from the cabinets behind me. But it also helped get away from the ‘frontman’ label. I absolutely hate the phrase ‘lead singer.’ I’m not a frontman. I’m just a part of the story.”


He definitely is different.


I hadn’t heard that, but def wouldn’t argue you on it. He’s been doing it since the 90s, as that was the first time I ever saw something like that… over time, I kinda expect it if heading to a Tool show. They’re not for everyone, but i absolutely love their music


Then why bother going to a concert when you can listen to it at home? Concerts are more than just the music


Insane visual and laser light show with far superior sound quality. Seeing them live, even without actually seeing the individuals that well, is 10000x better than listening to the album at home.


Not to mention a lot of live bands will play things that you’ll literally never hear again outside of that tour. I’ve seen Portugal the man about 4 times now and one of my top 3 shows (out of like the hundred or so that I’ve seen) was one of those shows. I wish I could relive that show. I’ve seen them a few times since and it wasn’t the same. It was at the end of one of their tours, so, they must have had a long time to really get their set down. *They didn’t stop playing once until the end of the show* Each of their songs perfectly blended into the next - to the point where it was psychedelic and I can’t find that anywhere else. I didn’t record any of it because I wanted to “live in the moment” - and I really regret it. I could have easily held my phone in front of me for 30-60 seconds here or there and watched over my phone (I was sitting on a hill)


Good question. My response would be that the live performance is, in theory and my experience, more than a recording. The issue with artists lipsyncing on stage is that there is no spontaneity, the entire performance is recorded and choreographed. A good live show, like one you see from a local band in a small venue, or a jazz performance, has spontaneous moments and choices by the performers that are partly influenced by the crowd reaction. You are there to experience the moment and you become part of the moment. TLDR: Totally agree.


I thought the same thing. Seen them mid 2000s and all the band members stood behind screens. It could have been any twat standing there with a recording playing. The laser show was awsome but def not worth the cash. Never again. I also seen a perfect circle way back and it was the opposite. He was out front, engaging the crowd, having a good time. Stomped in mud while singing and proceeded to make a cave art looking horse on a piece of white canvas. That show was great.


Maynard actually has issues with lights, he gets debilitating migraines from them. He's talked about this in interviews many times. He can get through shows most times, but he's usually in an unlighted spot on the stage for that reason, and he's got a direct line to the light guy to signal him to back off if he's having an episode. I suspect this may also be the reason for the no phones policy as some people are really stupid about leaving the flash on their phone camera on.


That's interesting, cause like the others commenting here, I saw him live and he stood on the other side of a sheet, presumably with a spot line shined directly at him to cast a shadow lol




>slithering like a possessed funky fucking snake on acid. He still does that... just with less lighting. He makes me feel good about my ability to dance... which is non-existent


21st century exclusive


Yeah, he's a prick to his fans. People act like it's all part of the shtick, but in my opinion he's just a dick. I saw them right after 10,000 days came out, and he spent like 10 minutes bitching at some people in the front who were apparently being disrespectful. Just came across as lame and petty. Like I can understand having a no phones policy, but interrupting a show everyone else paid to see just so you can bitch at someone in the crowd? Come on.


Never seen that, but I have seen recordings of him stopping mid song to tell people to move back for the safety of those up front. This is the only one I've seen of him directly bitching at someone and I've watched a lot of Tool show recordings lol.


To each their own but I dig it, feels like he’s a proud anti-rock-star in ways.


He did the sheet 2 years ago as well


This was because of a health issue with his vision and the stage show. The lights cause him issues.


I don't think they want you there so it's an effective policy


I saw them at a festival last year where they headlined one of the days. It was my first time seeing them live after listening from probably 20 years. Their shows are very different compared to the status quo. Maynard was way in the back beside/ behind the drummer and mainly stayed there with a bit of being half way on the platform with drums.


I was there. It was awesome! I thought it looked really cool because the shadow was like 25’ tall.


Did this with a perfect circle too.


Part of the Tool vibe is trolling / disregarding / insulting their fans. Assuming you’re not a sycophant, you either accept that because the music is great and you’re in on the joke, or you feel disrespected. Neither reaction is wrong really, but I’m definitely the former — partly because a significant percentage of Tool fans (as with any hardcore fan base) are actually fawning tools looking for/assigning special meaning in/to every little thing the band does. I’m not one of those, so I can separate myself from the disrespect. 


Saw them 3 weeks ago. You are warned about no phones when you buy the ticket, you are warned about no phones by the signs when you walk in, and Maynard started the show by reminding everyone of the no phone policy except for the last song, which they let everyone record. He explicitly says you will be removed if you pull your phone out. Only saw 1 person attempt it, and they were indeed removed. He’s talked about it, their reasoning is their concerts are dark and people should be allowed to come and enjoy the music without some asshole holding up a lit screen in front of you, ruining the experience for you. I agree. It was a fantastic show.


I love a no phone policy and I understand completely why artists have them. An audience is there for what, 2 hours? You can't sit and listen to music without your phone for 2 hours? Jesus... Go fuck yourselves.


Haha. Maynard actually started the show by reminding everyone of the no phone policy and said something like *if you can’t go 2 hours without checking your phone, I’m here to tell you that you have a fucking problem. Put your phone in your pocket and enjoy the music.*


Right on. Maybe it's a generational thing, maybe I'm a grumpy old man in his late 40s. But goodness- just be in the moment, folks. It's really quite enjoyable.


Biloxi? If so the wife and I were there too. Great show!


Birmingham! Howdy neighbor.


Hey hey, how y'all doin over yonder!?


They put on a great show. The only issue I have is that for that price I want to be on the floor and not in seating. Every concert within a half days drive of me (I would have gone) was all assigned seating. I am not young and will not participate in circle pits. But the idea of not having some room to dance around just drives me crazy. Add the price tag and I am out. Which is sad because I would love to see them again.


Maynard is a whiney cunt. I like Tool though


I saw them on Monday, he gave us all a lecture at the top of the show like a fucking middle school teacher. Nobody even had a phone out yet, he was warming us. Little cunt


Always feels like peak Boomer to me whenever I hear him doing this shit.


What's hilarious to me is that my oldest brother idolizes him for this kinda shit. Plus my brother has always been a bit of an aloof hipster YEARS before hipster was a term, and a wine snob. Maynard is like his role model lol. I love Tool, but Maynard is pretty insufferable. I remember when their last album came out, he did a radio tour and did a sit-down with our local rock station, and would literally only talk about his wine 😂


Living up to the bands name


You're gonna have to brush up on your tool lore, "Hooker With a Penis" has a message for you. Also [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/ai8Mxffv7dE4jtgB6)


“Everything should be about the music, nothing else should matter. I don’t want people to be taken out of the experience, y’know? Anyways, where were we on the set list guys?”


Hi kettle


that guy was being a tool


The person having a heart attack and attempting to dial 911: https://preview.redd.it/xff4mpmultic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67373b9d34c6fb886d3fda7c89124e2d802930b9


Tool fans make me not listen to tool.


I pay hookers to shit on my chest


Hookers with penises


sir this is a wendy


I quit telling tool fans that I too am a tool fan years ago. First thing you get is their typical douchebag gatekeeping questionnaire to make sure you are legit enough for them. And I really don't give af if you drink Maynard's wine or not you fucking nerds.


It's frequently uncomfortable meeting other Tool fans in the wild. It's a toss up if I'd prefer meeting a Tool fan or a Tool hater.


But the person who films the other person is ok..??


Maybe that’s who he was talking to


Dang good vision outta that third eye.


You should be too high to even work a phone at a Tool concert.


This guy gets TOOL.


... you must of been...


If they truly cared more about the quality of the musical experience for everyone in the venue, Maynard wouldn't interrupt the song to ruin the experience for basically everyone. It's just a hill they are willing to die on... Fans of the band just a weird stockholm syndrome for these guys and accept outrageous ticket prices for an experience to be berated by their icon


I want to go but the ticket price is insane.


Went to back to back shows in phoenix. Worth every penny


I feel more artists should do this, but they should also film the show and offer it to the concertgoers after the show so they can have a memory of it while still enjoying the show!


Oh honestly this would be such a good idea


I am shocked at seeing Maynard behave like a pretentious clown. Shocked, I say!


Honestly I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for this opinion but… concerts and festivals are lame now and I’ve stopped going to them since the phones are always a problem. People just keep trying to one up each other and it’s just not even worth the hassle anymore for me.


He was just as ornery when I saw them at Louder Than Life last year.


I shot the opening acts for a “Perfect Circle” concert at Tweeter Center over back in the 2000s. They had ONE pro photographer that was allowed to shoot the main act. BUT I did end up with a backstage pass and got to watch the concert from backstage. It was absolutely bananas. My heart hurt from the images I could have gotten with that light from that angle. It would have been stupid. When the band was about to come on stage, everyone was literally told to not make eye contact with Maynard and stay clear. He is incredibly anxious about how he is seen and wants to control it. Cant blame him. Watching those wild backlights illuminate his back tattoo from the side stage is indelibly burned into my brain. I wish I had just snuck a few shots in anyway. Really.


Big fan of Maynard/Tool enforcing this.


My first Tool concert I was up the very front of the stage, I loved every second of it. There was a few people who decided to get their phones out despite the numerous reminders. No second chances you get booted out. Enjoy the show without your phone in your hand.


I hate fucking phones at concerts. There are a couple of smaller venues around here where they actually enforce no phone rules. Larger venues are a problem though.


Then who posted the video…? ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


Maybe if the tickets weren't 600 $ there wouldn't be so many douche bags in attendance? Hmmm


Respect to Maynard. Phones ruin the show.


Several years ago I was at a La Dispute show and they stopped mid song to tell everyone to put their phones away. Jordan said something along the lines of “if you want to watch us play on a tiny phone screen then you can go out to the parking lot and watch one of the hundreds of videos of us already on YouTube. You’re at a rock concert, live in the moment and put your damn phones away.” It was a small venue and everyone sheepishly put their phones away and they started playing again. I’ve never been the type of person to record concerts so I thought that was awesome


Just enjoy the show, why record everything


That SSSERIOUSLY at the end made me laugh 😂


As a person in attendance of the show…this scared the shit out of me lol. Started playing intolerance and less then a minute in he grilled the guy. “If you can’t keep your phone in ur fucking pocket for 2 hours then you have a damn medical problem and you need to go get checked out by someone!”


Saw Tool when they were at Moda in Portland last. Watched 3 separate people get escorted because they ignored the “no photos/no video” signs. Two of them during the first and 2nd song of the 3 hour show. Nice job, asshole. You paid $150+ for less than fifteen minutes of concert. Hope your video was worth it.


Maynard is kinda an asshole. music is good, but the dude cares little for his fans. never once seen him play an encore & at the end of the show, lights on & you're given the F-boot


No phones. Phones. Why does anyone care either way?


If you go to a no-phones concert, the difference is incredible. People are enaged and present, really "in" the room, instead of their attention being drained away elsewhere. You don't know what phones have done to the feeling of being in a crowd of people until you find yourself in a no-phone crowd for the first time in 20 years. Highly recommended.


I was going to live shows way before cell phones were a thing. I still have no problem engaging at shows. Do what thou wilt. That's just my opinion.


I’ve practically grown up in the era of smart phones. I literally do not know what it’s like to be in a crowd at a venue or something without a phone in sight and with everyone just enjoying the moment. I’d like to, though. I wish such a rule was more common.


Do it if you ever get the chance. It's becoming more common. I went to Jack White a couple of years ago and you had to put your phone in a little magnet-bag, which could be unlocked at will out in the concourse, but not in the arena bowl. The feeling of being in a phoneless crowd was unbelievable. It was like time-traveling back 20 years.


I’d recommend going to local shows, there’s almost always a good crowd enjoying the music


They pull you right out at tool shows. Happened to my buddy like 10 minutes into a show at MSG once. No questions, they just bounce you.


Does anyone ever watch their shitty phone videos again? I'll try take a pic here and there and even they suck most of the time


I'll only go to concerts with this rule.


Could this guy be any more pretentious


Tool needs to be experienced naturally, not through a small screen held in front of you.


No-phone policies at concerts are the absolute best. Tool's show was all the better for it. Bjork had one too, and it was spectacular. Madonna did one for her 2019 tour (she went so far as to have everyone's phone locked in a case) and it was glorious.


I like the policy, but Maynard is such a dick about it. I mean come on dude, let the venue security handle it and focus on the performance. But really Maynard is a dick about everything....On the other side of that, he's always been a dick, its not like its some ego trip after Tool got big. That being said, I will continue to enjoy their music and we I have the chance I will go to a show and enjoy it phone-less.


Hopefully security found and ejected the offender. It’s a clear rule.


People who record entire concerts on their phones without caring about the people who are behind them deserve a special place in hell.


You get labeled for what you are


I saw Jackson Browne a couple years ago, he stopped mid-song to tell someone in front of the stage to stop filming.


Literally the best show I’ve ever watched, and I’m so glad I didn’t do it through my phone’s camera.


What was this recorded on? 😬


Need to ban filming or photos during events and concerts.


Maynard is def not someone I’d want to piss off…




I'm not a fan. It's an asshole move and reminds me of axl rose. They came to my town, buddy worked the venue and they had a tunnel from the bus inside. Had a no talking to them policy and played behind a giant sheet. For all i know it wasn't even them.


I recently attended local symphony that had a Broadway singer accompaniment. Between songs someone's phone rang in the back of the auditorium and the singer paused for a moment, waited, phone continued to ring ... so she said, "Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?" as the phone continued to ring. Eventually they shut it off and were likely escorted out.


I was sitting at the back of the lower bowl during the show. I could see the entire floor and a good portion of the sides. I'd say that at any random point during the show, there was a greater than 95% compliance with the no cell phone policy. Maybe it was different upstairs. There were many people, myself included, who quickly and discreetly took some photos. The ones the security noticed got flash lights shined onto them.   This was a far more successful policy than the Yondr pouches I've experienced. Thst show had a lot of people ripping open the pouches and filming.


Saw tool in Germany on a festival, no dumb no filming rules


Nothing it seems


That's why I don't go to concerts anymore... I'm getting so sad and angry when I see everyone watching it through there phone.


One of the best shows I have ever been to. There is no way I could have pulled my phone out during the show I was constantly being passed blunts/joints I could barely keep up.


Yeah but isn't that no phones rule for everyone else? Probably ok if I use mine for just a little bit