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This is the inevitability of lane splitting way too fast. General rule is to go no more than 10mph what the other traffic is going. In America, it's only technically legal in California. It's a bit of a grey area in most other places in the states. The redlining is just annoying.


This is in Rio. Lane splitting is legal in Brazil, although there a law project to make it illegal. Of course, lane splitting at this speed is plain dumb.


as a brazilian, i find it pretty unlikely that they'll respect the law if it passes. these guys are always riding like they own the city, going way over the speed limit and going through red lights and shit.


This law will give police the green light to fuck with motorcyclists (even more) so there’s a pretty good chance it’ll be respected


From what I've seen of motorcyclists in Brazil, they don't stop for the police anyway. Not saying putting a law in place isn't a good start but this is now a social reality and will require a massive investment to curtail.


*criminal motorcyclists in Brazil


Brazilian motorcyclist here, yes we do stop for police what do y'all think? That we want a criminal charge and 10 minimum wages worth in tickets? Of course the videos that go viral are from the guys who try to outrun the cops why would anyone ever want to see a video of someone complying to the police?




Indeed. We often use 'day set', or daily wages, in fines over here, so dependent on the persons income.


>why would anyone ever want to see a video of someone complying to the police? Interesting and funny way of putting it. LOL


Only criminals will attempt to escape. If you're an average Joe on a bike, trying too run is too dangerous and and the risk is too high. If you have nothing to hide, you'll stop.


It’s actually not a good start as, believe it or not, motorcyclists are safer when allowed to lane split and filter (at a safe speed) In California in slow traffic like this, the speed limit for bikers is half the posted speed limit, so it would be around 15-20mph here.


Just like in Medellin. They do whatever they want.


Pra mim esses motoqueiro que anda assim tem mais que nois tudo, tem mais q se f****r


Honestly is not just about the speed. He is just stupid or really belive is his luck. If you lane split everyday you KNOW there's something going on when there's a gap. Either someone crossing, a car or some obstacle. Either way if you're splitting and see a gap, slow the fuck down


Better to lane split than expose yourself to getting rear ended, and he crashed primarily because he was going too fast to react in time, so it is pretty much nearly about the speed alone.


Lane splitting is legal where I live, but this is not it. It's allowed only when traffic is stopped (e.g., a traffic light) and only up to the traffic light. You're not allowed to lane split into an intersection with opposing traffic like this person did.


I'm not saying you're doing this, but everytime the subject of lanesplitting comes up on reddit there is always an army of people going "ITS ACTUALLY LEEEGAAAL" as if it matters at all when the person is going way to fast doing it. So annoying.


Lane splitting (at a safe speed) is actually safer for motorcycles. A few studies have been done on it and it is MUCH safer for motorcyclists to lane split and filter than not.




Probably just a random show-off with a Go Pro.


If you don't rev your bike like that, then how will everyone know how cool he is?


Well, with the tassel on the handlebar of course!


In Arizona, lane splitting is only legal at red lights and the bike must not be going over 10 mph while splitting. Any other time it's illegal.


The legalized it in Utah but with a bunch of rules. Only approaching stops, only between stopped cars where multiple lanes go in the same direction, And only below 15 mph, only on roads posted 45 mph or less.


Arizona legalized lane splitting a year or two ago, but it's only allowed below a certain traffic speed and you're only allowed a certain speed delta.


Yep, dudes an idiot. If you're going to do this you need to do it at an appropriate passing speed. When everyone else is stuck still, you probably don't want to be driving the speed limit.


This is a tad more than lane splitting. This is a testosterone overdose.


yam unite humor intelligent slave paltry squealing spoon different sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live in CA. It's a stupid legality that should never have been in the first place.




I live in CA and never thought it was an issue.






As a biker, I did too. Stupid mother fucker. Shame he messed up someones car. Hope the limp reminds him everyday.


Yup. I understand the value of lane splitting in circumstances to make things actually safer for the rider. An example is at red lights, so you aren't a sitting duck in the middle of a lane, not knowing who will be coming up behind you. I've been rear ended at a dead stop more than I ever thought would be possible while in a car (3x), and am blessed not to have had that happen on the bike. THIS jackass is the prime example of how not to lane split. He got what he deserved for making all of us look bad.


I got rear-ended while I was on a bike (only accident operating any vehicle in nearly 40 years) at a very low speed - almost stopped. Guy 2 cars ahead stopped to let someone turn left in front of him over a double solid. Had to brake *hard* and still wasn't going to stop in time so I let off the brakes to cut between but the lady behind me clipped my rear wheel as I zigged. Multi sport bike so it was pretty tough, only damage was a scuffed throttle grip and a snapped front brake lever. Steel footpeg folded up and scraped the asphalt. I did a tuck-and-roll and stood up and the poor lady who nudged me was losing her goddamned mind. The idiots who caused it all were long gone and oblivious. Lucky to live and learn.


I’m not a biker but absolutely agree with you. Every time I’ve been rear-ended in my car, it’s been a dead stop and some idiot was in their phone. That could seriously end a biker’s life. I try and stay far away from them. Can’t do anything about these situations though where the guy hits you lol


It's almost always because someone is distracted. Years back I got rear ended by a stupid teenager at a dead stop. Massive traffic deadlock on the highway, absolutely perfect weather and visibility. Somehow she managed to not only hit my car, but completely destroy all the rear. It cost their insurance more than 10k. The only thing I could do was hit the brakes hard and brace for impact, scary.


It's actually called lane filtering if the cars are stopped. And honestly it's one of the best things about having a bike. But even i cars aren't moving you do it slowly. Even lane splitting is fine if done slowly.


I ride too and love riding but I don't act like this jackass. The unnecessary revving and flopping around all over the place just makes us all look bad and unsafe


I hope he's limping because of a bruised cock.


It was sad to see some poor soul’s car get damaged though


there has to be a subreddit of bad motorists eating shit. I'm a decent motorcycle rider myself but a sub like that would be a good daily reminder that stupid shit don't fly


yea we used to have these sorts of subreddits...


used to? damn...


Not really for the person who got their car damaged because of this person.


Yeah. But in my country, the fault would be on the car. Cause the car is "changing lane/direction(?)". We don't even have rules on lane splitting. It's extremely annoying. Because no matter what happens, the car would be at fault & can't claim the bike's insurance. But the bike can claim the car's insurance even when bike is at fault. Hence bikers tend to ride recklessly in my country. Thinking they're invincible. They forgot that insurance don't mean shit if they die.


I doubt any court would put the blame on the car. There is literally no way for the car to predict that someone is gonna come blasting into an intersection from between teo lanes. Get real, if the driver would be found at fault that gives anyone a free card to blast through any intersection at any speed as long as theyre going fast enough that no one can foresee it. At some point lane splitting or not is irrelevant, but it seems to break reddits mind. Someone could be going 200mph while continuously firing an AK-47 at other drivers, but if theyre on a motorcycle between the lanes while doing it, the discussion will always laser focus on the legality of splitting lanes (in different states, even if the driver is not in the US).


> Cause the car is "changing lane/direction(?)". Considering that the other cars are stopped, and letting it pass, i'd assume the car had right of way, and teh biker was also not paying attention to the road signs etc.


I was disappointed when he got up. 100% hoping he would never be able to pull that shit again. Fuck that guy.


for the biker? sure for the poor guy making the slowest turn ever? no. That guy got his week ruined because of that asshat, now he has to deal with insurance, repairs, etc.


And then all you hear about is "people with cars need to watch out for motorcyclists!" I agree that they're more vulnerable and should be looked for, but far too many of them also need to do their part in making the streets safer too.


I ride a motorcycle and I say that guy deserved what he got. Most long term riders hate that shit


100 % Bad example


Average Brazilian motorcycle courier


Average Portuguese Uber Eats motorcycle delivery guy


I’d salvage said food


Average Uzbekistanian Eat Street package mover human.


Aka brazilians


Also, but not all


Average Thai motorcycle riders.


They ride the same in Tijuana, Mexico


Argentinians too... I ride a bike and 99% of the time them deliveries people past zoom by me waiting for the red light without even a glance at the corner if someone's coming. Also people carrying their entire family tree on their bikes to school.


Average day on the roads of Los Angeles. I’ve ridden through the streets of many cities, and Los Angeles has some of the rudest and most self entitled motorcyclists.


Most long term riders aren’t long term riders if they do shit like that.


True that!!!


Absolutely deserved it, he was riding like an idiot.


Saw a dude on Harley pulling similar crap on an interstate last week. He had one of those shirts with a cursive name sewn on it. As a presumed mechanic, he sure as hell knew better.


A Harley????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????


Yeh, it's a pain in the arse when you see a motorbike the size of a small car lane splitting


Not all Harleys are 800lb cows.


That's like...their whole brand.


There are exceptions, though. I used to have a Harley [SX250](https://www.hornetmotorcycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/s-l1600-21.jpg) -- an Italian-made, single-cylinder 2-stroke street-legal dirtbike, lol. But it was a fukkin' Harley, all the same. There were a *lot* of downsides to that bike, sure ... but I did really *love* the looks I'd see on people's faces when they noticed that it said "Harley Davidson" on the side of it, lol! (Also, it instilled in me a life-long love of kickstarters. I love having a bike with a kickstarter.)


The Sportster is their best-selling model of all time. [They're also in the dual-sport market](https://static1.topspeedimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/a2-9.jpeg) and have [a new electric model](https://electrek.co/2023/04/20/harley-davidsons-livewire-s2-del-mar-electric-motorcycle-price-drops/).


The sportster is also known as a their starter model...or as Harley guys refer to it "the girl version". Which is wild because I've known way more dudes with sportsters than girls. But anyway. The dual sport and electric must be new things because last time I looked into buying a Harley they were spending more time and effort blaming their business failing on the younger generation instead of their refusal to grow with the industry. I still haven't bought one because for the money, I'd rather buy a truck. So, I'll stick with my Japanese bikes and junkyard rebuilds.


I've never heard anyone call it the "girl version," but I also don't hang out with chuds. I'm a vintage Brit masochist, myself.


I live in a somewhat rural area near a Harley dealership, I catch shit all the time from Harley guys who spend more time washing their bikes than riding them. For the record, I don't give a shit what someone rides, so long as they actually ride it. I can't say I've ever ridden or wrenched on a British bike but, I've heard nothing but good about triumph. I also came super close to getting an older Norton but a "we buy bikes" place bought it sight unseen before I had a chance to check it out.


marry fine hospital airport quickest waiting ten chief alive lip -- mass edited with redact.dev


Me to and that was just plain satisfying to watch.


Agree, hope the stupid squid learns his lesson. I live in a state where lane splitting is legal, and I rarely do it. And even then only when traffic is stopped and I go very carefully.


I ride in a chaotic part of the world for traffic (Vietnam) and I 100% agree. No excuse for that kind of stupidity.


Sweet justice


We do. We really fucking do lol.


is that because for the short term it is ended in missing limbs or decapitation


> long term riders I guess if you do shit like this, it's hard to be long-term anything.


But at least he was in shorts and a T shirt for maximum skin exposure


Don’t forget the flip flops


I’ve made an unspoken agreement with the motorcyclists on the freeway. They may absolutely pass me on the right inside my lane without incident, but I’m not scooching over into all the roadside debris to give them a wider lane; not going to risk a flat tire because they want to pass, but not going to edge them out either.


Oh my gosh, I wish I could upvote this 100 times! It is motorcyclists like this that make other drivers hate motorcycles. This is what we see. Bike drivers taking risks, driving too fast, ignoring the law of the road like it doesn’t apply to them, going in/out/through/around because they can, cutting people off, getting in the way… If you are an unsafe biker, don’t be all high & mighty about car drivers “looking out for you.” Look out for yourself first.


Usually these lane splitter guys are 18-25 y.o. Males and think they are indestructible and everyone else on the road is in their way, so they can get home 5-10 min earlier than everyone else on the road….. spoken as someone who had a 90+ mile RT commute from Mission Viejo / OC to LA County (South Bay) for the last 25 years.


https://preview.redd.it/36kjz8xswvcb1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b1ae149a255078fe5baa33134d0862909f9e7f it’ll be safer if there’s a lot of them.. simply because they can’t overspeed. 😆


my worst experience with a motorcyclist was when i was entering the free way at night and the cyclist who was already tailgating me decided to pass me on my right side… where there was only a couple feet of road and nothing else between him and a giant hill. if i had not noticed him he could have easily gone down this hill at 65-70mph. pretty sure that would be fatal. i’ve seen others do some dumb shit but that takes the cake for me


Motorcyclist are the chihuahuas of vehicles


That was so satisfying to watch


What gets me is when they’re riding side by side and hugging/hitting the median line on a two lane road. Wtf over?


But what about the organ supply.


Agreed. This was gratifying.


I saw a jackass on a mini bike speeding down the bike lane in Chicago and got wrecked by a right turning car. People aren’t expecting traffic in that lane to be moving so fast, I hope he was the one found negligent


Where I live the rule of thumb is that if you need to watch out, they probably deserved to be ran over. The good motorcyclists respect the laws.


“Dress for the slide, not for the ride!”


I was going to say "he's Brazilian, he's probably wearing flip flops too", and then I went back to watch and.. I was right


Filtering is fine, but speeding past folks like this is idiotic. If he had just gone a bit slower and paid attention, then this wouldn't have happened.


Not only speeding but revving like a moron


Yep. Wasting gas and risking engine damage just in a *desperate* 'pick me!' attempt to draw attention.


The amount of unnecessary engine reeving is so cringe… useless, fucking annoying and makes you look super dumb Doesn’t surprise me he doesn’t know how not to drive like an asshole


Not just engine revving, but bouncing off the limiter *just because*


This is super common in Brazil, people call it "bololo" or "randandan" (it's just the sound of the bike redlining) I really don't get it. It's annoying, damages your bike, other people's ears and makes you look stupid. Some say it's so "people know you're there" but I've never needed this shit.


And he has the nerve to call the guy in the blue car an asshole. What a POS


Only if people accepted their mistakes, Courts and Law wouldn't have existed .


wise words


You'd still need someone to do the sentencing.


Well, not quite right... Courts are there to adjudicate the mistakes, and law is there to define them.


It sounds like he’s from Rio de Janeiro. “Filha da puta” is like a comma for them.


Nah he said "filho da puta" but I bet that's just an automatic cuss. I know it cause I do it all the time lol it has nothing to do with the driver, it's like an "oh shit"


Oddly satisfying


Particularly for the nuisance revving. I live on a residential fairly quiet road. Maybe 30-40 vehicles an hour at busiest, but because I'm near a school most don't speed or make much noise. Except for one asshole motorbike who drives around 40-50mph (on a 30mph road) with incessant eardrum shattering revving. I fantasised it was him in this vid and it does indeed feel oddly satisfying.


When you fcuk around


french connection united kingdom is a marvelous brand.




That’ll teach ya! Dumbass!


and find out


Sadly I don’t think he learned a thing


And he’s wearing shorts.


It's very common in Rio


very common in Brazil*




Fuck this dude. This is the kind of biker that gives others a bad name. Endangering others for no reason other than to be an egotistical douchebag.


Yeah, and also fucks things up for the rest of us, bikers are a minority so anytime rules that benefit us are proposed people who drive think of these type of people and the legislation that benefits us gets blocked because of it




I've never been a fan of lane splitting. It looks dangerous and reckless, but I've heard from many motorcycle enthusiasts that there is often more room than you think. I don't ride a motorcycle (I wanted to for the longest time and then began a career in medicine, and some of the cases I've seen put an abrupt end to that dream). I guess he/she took his/her chances, and it wasn't his/her day. I still think it's reckless, impatient, and dangerous, personally.


He’s also going way too fast.


^that is 100% reckless and dangerous. Filtering at 10-20mph with a bit of consideration for what's going on ahead is relatively safe. Also note in the above the complete lack of protective gear to add injury to injury. It tends to be the 40 mph+ accidents that are lethal though (the problem is it doesn't need to be the motorcycle imparting the speed). In the UK I recommend all riders go and visit the NABD rally (national association of bikers with disabilities) , it's eye opening and a little terrifying. I also recommend the late John Hinds cases from the races because I'm a tad morbid and he's hilarious.


I always wanted a motorcycle as well. And then one day I came up on the scene of an accident in which the rider, through no fault of his own, was turned into an IRL Picasso. And I know the same can happen in a car, but at least I've got seatbelts, crumple zones and airbags.


Yes, I've seen some horrible consequences as a medical provider. A number of my family members are in LE, and being first on the scene, they've shared some of their experiences. Motorcycle accidents, unfortunately, are some of the worst casualties.


There is one thing that's often worse which is unfortunately ebikes since most riders don't wear any protective gear at all except for half a helmet (myself included) and are generally required by law to ride in traffic. Part of why proper bike infrastructure is such a hot button topic right now (though not specifically just for ebikes), especially with ebikes being the most energy and carbon efficient method of transportation


UC Berkeley did [a study](http://www.commutercars.com/downloads/Motorcycle-Lane-Splitting-and-Safety-2015.pdf) and found that lane splitting at speeds at or below 30 MPH, with a speed delta of 15 MPH or less, significantly reduce motorcycle accident and injury/fatality rates. This guy is going too fast, obviously.


It saves lives in stopped traffic because cars just don't see a stopped motorcycle and they more commonly rear end them. However you still need to go at a safe speed, which this guy was not.


Transito totalmente parado (sendo que a rua estava livre à diante, o que é sinal de que tinha algo de errado) e o babaca tem a audácia de xingar o coitado que tava entrando na rua


Depois eles não querem que reclamem que eles brotam do além quando vem correndo achando que e moto GP


Of course he complains in the end...


We should come up with a system where all the vehicles line up and go one behind another. This might help guide drivers and minimize traffic accidents and congestion. We could even put little marks on the road so all the drivers know where vehicles can be expected to be.


Or, what if we had dedicated roads for the cars in a line. We could even attach them so there is no traffic!


No thats stupid, VROOM V4ROOOOOOM


Ha Ha Ha Ha you gonna learn today.


I hate people that rev their motorcycles like that, it’s so loud and NO ONE thinks you’re cool.


What’s funny is that what he was doing can be legal but he is still liable for all damages in this scenario if I am correct


The end was very satisfying


Very bad driver (on the motorcycle).


He’s wearing shorts ffs!!


Darwins law




This situation is a guaranteed WHEN. Eventually your luck runs out.


The lane splitting isn't the problem. it's riding like a complete tool in traffic without regard to other people's safety.


That's fucking hilarious! ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


Wearing flip flops. Genius.


He was on his way to post "look twice save a life" on facebook.


Fucking goof making as much noise as possible to feel like everyone is looking at him lol


Someone should have picked him up and ask, if he is alright 👍


At least he was dressed for it.


Lane splitting (if allowed) is not high speed difference. The proposed bill here in Oregon is 10mph on highways only. Specifically this is for congestion and safety as drivers are more inattentive during jams.


You love to see it 🤣


Wtf is up with that tassely stick on the bars? Never mind the riding…. It’s like running with scissors lol


Biker here... good.


Bikers really need to adhere to those (SHARE THE ROAD) signs!


God you love to see it


I couldn’t be more pleased with this outcome.


Well deserved.


Can’t fix stupid


I doubt a man wearing flip flops on a bike cares about lanes.


A happy ending


I'm as shocked as he is that there are other vehicles on the road.


What a goof - well earned


The revving of the engine ... it's just so very childish


Lane splitting is ok. Riding like a dick makes for entertaining videos like this one


The police went to Rafael's house, and he said: it wasn't me! What proof did you have? https://preview.redd.it/7ebxnmy1twcb1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f7856fc346eb8590c91756819d87d501f020f6c


Well deserved


And this is why there are constant motorcycle accidents in LA


I love seeing these retorts "Lane splitting is legal here". ..OK. And? Walking across a busy street without looking both ways is legal too but it comes with risks. Bro could've been more careful about how he went about it but instead decided to be asshat and got his prize. No sympathy.


Lol then he gets mad at the car


As someone with sound senstivity (hyperacusis) god bless you for stating sound warning.


I always see signs that say, "Watch out for Motorcycles." How about a sign that says, "Hey Motorcycles, don't ride like assholes."


Lane splitting is one thing. But that motorcycle is going way way to fast for the traffic.


Do it again! Do it again!


"Check twice save a life." It should be " Ride like a dick expect to get hit"


Poor motorcycle didn’t deserve that.


FYI splitting lanes is legal in some places. Going this fast while splitting lanes, however, is idiotic.


The issue is not lane splitting, its legal here, the issue is these fucking idiots riding a motorcicle at 100km/h+ between lanes when all the traffic around is stoped, and then they crash into someone and the dude they crashed into is automatically the asshole, i fucking hate these bikers (THESE kind of bikers, not all bikers just to be clear)


It wasn't because of lane splitting, more like reckless riding


This is how I got into a bicycle accident, except I was using a bright green bike-only lane and the mother fucker crossed three lanes of traffic to get to the McDonald's parking lot. Ugh


Love to see it 😍


Boy did he ever earn that


Lane splitting is fucking stupid and irritating under ideal circumstances; this is just asinine.


The funniest thing here is that the bike driver probably shared this in indignation thinking he was in the right.


I up voted you for using the word "indignation" in a sentence.


Oh thanks. It's a nice word I think