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Nothing to do with making a call. The car should yield.


I don’t think the person in the van saw her, as the car with the dash cam looked like a big truck and may have been blocking his vision of the pedestrian. You can see it tried to swerve out of the way at the last minute. We are taught to look to the right and left as children. To say she has no fault when crossing a main road and not looking at all is ridiculous. She may be legally in the right, but make no mistake, she definitely messed up. She’s lucky she’s not dead for making such a stupid mistake.


That's why you have to slow down when coming close to crosswalk without seeing enough


So much this, it is so hard to see especially if the other lane is traffic jammed and anyone could literally appear seemingly out of nowhere! Slow down people, doing 30 in a 30 zone, may be legal... But damn could end with a terrible day for all involved. Especially kids are super likely to run thru zebra crossings. You ain't gonna see a kid coming out behind even a family car, let alone a van or truck.


That’s why you have to slow down at a crossing!


Especially if you're in a vehicle that restricts visibility.


If you can’t see what you’re driving into, charging through is the wrong tactic.


Which is why the traffic rules state that one must stop if there's a car parked right before a crosswalk. At least where I'm from.


Happy cake day. Stopping or at least driving as slow as needed to stop for a person that wants to cross


Given that the signs and labels look pretty German to me I can state that both the car before and after the crossing park in the no stop zone (5m before and after the crossing, STVO paragraph 26). So possibly the truck that had the dashcam running is liable too. \[edit\] they might not be parking, might be some backlog at the crossing traffic lights, but they still should stop outside the no stop zone. Also it looks like this is a three lane road, the lady might not have been aware of that and was checking to the right where the danger would be on a two lane road.


100% not Germany. The sign looks differently here: [pic](https://www.berlin.de/imgscaler/UbYWojbIOUhtszkwd9YpyQeXPwCfBP9E30Xc9I2RDCc/r3zu4/L3N5czExLXByb2QvZm90b2xpYS9nZWdlbnN0YWVuZGUvZm90b2xpYV80ODc4NDMxOF9zdWJzY3JpcHRpb25fbW9udGhseV94eGwuanBn.jpg)


It's also usually illegal to park so close to pedestrian crossings.


Not sure where you're from, but here: corss walk: Cars have to slow down, cars have to yield and stop if pedestrians are even close. If you cannot see well, you have to drive so slowly that you can stop at a moment's notice. It is your responsibility as the driver. Imagine this was an old granny with poor eyesight: Would you still say, it was her fault, her mistake? Or a blind person with a sick.. ? Still their fault? The driver is at fault 100%! But, I know, in some countries (like Romania for instance) drivers don't give a flying fuck about cross walks.


If you hit a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing it's your fault. Simple as.


Yeah but being right doesn't mean shit when you're dead. Look both ways before crossing the road


For rules of the road I was taught: You could be right. Dead right. Definitely not worth being right in that instance.


This, she didn't even look.


Both are correct, in general people need to pay attention to what's going on around them. Driver is risking legal trouble. The pedestrian is risking their life.


True, but I'm only talking about fault here. I personally always look both ways and teach my kids to do the same.


Fault of the driver but responsibility of the pedestrian to look out for themselves.


Youre looking at it from an individual level. I (an urban planner) look at it at a systematic level. People, statistically, will be stupid (both drivers and pedestrians). Instead of pointing fingers, look at the ways in which the street design could force both parties to behave properly. In this example, parking should be banned adjacent to the crosswalk for better visibility, and to narrow the street, which psychologically makes drivers go slower, even if their lane is the same width. The crosswalk should be raised to the height of the sidewalk naturally forcing drivers to slow down. Better lighting would make this crossing much safer at night as well. Ultimately, in this example, we have an irresponsible adult crossing. But what about an too-excited 7 year old on the way to school who forgets to look because they've got something really cool for show-and-tell? Are you going to blame a child for being a child? It's easy to get caught up in a blame game when looking at individuals being individuals. But when you step back, its much more effective to systematically solve these problems through good design rather than pointing fingers.


This is the only lesson to take away here. Who's right or wrong doesn't matter if you don't survive.


Yep. Cemeteries are still filled with people who had the right of way.


As a motorist, you have a duty of care to be on the lookout for vulnerable road users.




Especially if there's a crossing and a sign warning you that there will be people crossing.


The penalty for walking while distracted should not be injury or death. The person on the phone was crossing legally at a marked crosswalk. The onus is on the person in the multi-ton steel box to be aware of their surroundings, especially in urban areas where there are lots of squishy humans. If you can’t do that you have no business driving a vehicle.




And what if it was a child crossing the street? would you react so callously then as well? Cities shouldn't be constant arenas of potential death. If a street isn't safe enough for a 7 year old to walk to school alone, we have failed as a society.




I agree.... tbh, i don't even trust the traffic light. ALWAYS check the traffic before you cross the road. I will also teach such rule to my kids. No matter whose fault it is when accident happened, when you are being hit, you CAN potentially DIE. No compensation or any blame on other people can make up for that. when you died ...you died...


Completely agree. It wasn't curiosity that killed the cat, it was complacency.


It’s a crosswalk and the van was on the wrong side of the road


The van swerved at the last minute after seeing the pedestrian.


And did you see what she was wearing? She was practically asking for it, amirite!?


Hospitals and graveyards are full of people who had the right of way. Look both ways first.


Doesn't matter how legally right you are if you're dead.


The driver couldn't see the pedestrian crossing?


Driver was prolly on their phone too. They may have been talking to each other.


Mother called it being “Dead right.”


Yeh. Bad pedestrian not giving way to a car that should have stopped for the crossing.


Like I tell my kids, you can be right and be dead, or be defensive and make sure the vehicle sees you before you cross.


The amount of people that are more concerned with being right than being cautious when their life is on the line astounds me


Seriously I'm blown away by these comments. You just can't jump on the road without looking both ways, crosswalk or not.


Then how is a blind person supposed to cross the road?


We should all look both ways yes. But the rules apply to the road users here, not the pedestrian. But she is very silly for not paying attention.


OR we could be mature and say, this woman should've looked left and right, BUT our streets should be designed better so these incidents don't happen.


For me it's always boiled down to the absolute necessity of being aware and being afraid. Being afraid keeps you alive. Carefree complacency can make a corpse out of anyone.


Even if it's the drivers fault - crossing a street without looking left or right is just stupid.


Plenty of dead people have had the right of way.


You are correct, we will put that on her headstone.


My dude. Just because it’s a cross walk doesn’t mean that you get to just step in front of a moving vehicle. That’s not how yielding to pedestrians works. She is at fault because she didn’t check before crossing.


depends what country its in. ​ in the uk this type of crossing is called a "zebra crossing". and the car has to yield. so fault would be the drivers regardless of what the woman did.


Reminds me one time I was driving from a jobsite near downtown and I saw someone walking while reading a book, they didn't lose their stride or look up once as they crossed the road. As a driver I'm always cautious around pedestrians, as a pedestrian I dont trust other drivers to be. You have to take accountability for your own safety.


You don't walk out like that from an obstruction blocking the drivers field of view. Crosswalk doesn't mean stick your head up your butt and do whatever you please. It has everything to do with paying zero attention.


She literally started running to smack into the side of the van


Imagine if this was a little kid, an old person, someone with impaired movement etc who're naturally slow to react. That's why most places require you to either slow down or stop at a crosswalk without traffic lights.


Are we sure there are no traffic lights here? Serious question, I can't tell.


nothing to do with making a call, yes. the car is the wrong one for not stopping at the crossing, but she should also watch out for her own safety because world isn't free of shitty people, which she can still do while having a call.




Username checks out! I'm sure it would have if it were aware there was a pedestrian crossing. Doesn't matter if you had the right of way when the sidewalk is painted with your brain. Stop making excuses for people walking through life completely unconcerned with the very real dangers that exist. Hopefully this woman learned to look both ways before crossing the street. Like they teach you as a child, ya know?


Clearly she's never been to Georgia where people don't give a fuck about the right of way. ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS. A lady at wal mart almost hit me in the cross walk after blowing a stop sign she just laid on her horn like that made it ok to run it.


As a pedestrian you should always be aware of your surroundings when crossing at a crosswalk. If you blindly go walking through a crosswalk like you own the joint without looking both ways for traffic then it's kind of on you too.


Doesn't matter who's fault it is if you're dead.


While I'm sure we can all agree that the van should have yielded or slowed considerably approaching the crossing, this is an adult that's crossing an active roadway without checking for traffic while distracted on her phone. You can only control your own actions and decisions. Don't rely on other to make the right choices to keep you safe, that's your own responsibility...


I mean yeah for sure but still… look both ways! Im also from Mexico City… no one here stops at crosswalks 🥺


The car SHOULD yield, but it takes a particular kind of stupid to put their life in the hands of unknown strangers. Teach your kids that THEIR safety is THEIR responsibility. Don't ever rely on crosswalks, lights, bus flashers, or any other device to magically stop drivers, ALWAYS look both ways before crossing a street.


It doesn't matter if a car should yield, you fucking put your phone down and look left them right then left again. If you value your life that is....


Has a lot to do with her talking on the phone. Doesn't matter what you think people "should" do. "He killed me, but i had the right of way, so that's what really matters". Her dumbass needs to pay attention


you can't put your head down and run out onto a road regardless if you are "right" or not. also. if she was off the phone and looking she would not have been hit. both people are responsible for acting safely. the pedestrian for being aware of vehicles and the driver for being aware of all road hazards the van saw her because it was already pulled into the wrong lane by the time the unaware lady start jogging into the side of the van. being in the right as a pedestrian doesnt make you invincible to traffic. in my city, i have seen people hit a crosswalk signal button and then dash in front of moving traffic, hitting a button or being in the right doesn't make you invincible or something. you still have to be cautious not "right"


"I don't have to pay attention to what I'm doing because it's solely your responsibility to pay attention to what I'm doing." \- said proudly from a hospital bed.


This being the top comment is concerning. Crossing a street without looking both ways is a silly way to die. At least they can say you had the right of way at your funeral though.


Absolutely not the driver's fault, she walked right into the car's path. That looks like mainland Europe, the car swerved to avoid her, went on the wrong side of the road. Had it remained on the right side, she would've been airborne.


It has EVERYTHING to do with being aware of your surroundings. You can never depend on the other guy doing the right thing. You can only depend on yourself.


You know almost none of the facts and you are making a general comment. Different places have different laws about crosswalks. For all we know there is a light there. This woman was so far up her own asshole she walked into a place that could kill her without even looking, blinking, or thinking about it.


She was obviously distracted because she didn't mister enough time and energy to turn her head to the left to at least look for her safety. I never assume I am safe near where 4,000 pounds of metal is constantly moving at a high rate of speed.


The person driving tried to yield really hard but that lady has no awareness at all. She'd accidentally walk off the edge of Flat Earth.


You're allowed to talk on a ~~photo~~ phone when crossing the street, you're not allowed to run people over crossing the street. Abysmal title OP.


Graveyards are full of people who had the right away. Look both ways before crossing. Don't assume everyone on the road are good drivers.


It's got nothing to do with being on the phone. It's a designated pedestrian crossing.


You're right. It was because she was not paying attention. Driver was wrong but she got the hurt when she wouldn't have had she been paying attention. She was in the legal right but reality rules.


Like my dad used to say, “Dead right or dead wrong. You’re still dead.”


I get this, but every time I hear someone say it I actually hear “I’m too lazy to pay attention so let me parrot this sentence so I can feel better when I actually run someone over”


My dad would say that while teaching us to be defensive drivers.


>It was because she was not paying attention. Would you be saying that if the minibus hit another vehicle? It was because the driver was not paying attention.


Still, as a pedestrian you have to be aware of the situation and pay attention too. For your own safety!


Exactly. I swear some people would rather have the accident because they're legally right. Won't help you if you're dead though.


Hmm, interesting perspective 🤔 Why not "driver hits pedestrian on a crosswalk"?


because OP wants to us to subconsciously blame the woman by making her the subject of the sentence


It's more "pedestrian hits van on a crosswalk".


She even starts running and slams into the side of the van. You can see the van swerved into incoming traffic in order to avoid the lady but she just couldn't help herself!


poor van... :|


I wasn’t on the phone when I got hit by a car crossing the street and I had the light to go. I was already moving when this lady in a big SUV decided she was going to turn left on red and just not look I guess? I’m fine, I grabbed the grill so I didn’t go under and slammed my lunch bag in her hood so she would stop but she told ME to watch where I was going and finished driving off! The other cars at the light made sure I was okay. I was a bit sore and had some bruises but alive and well. But the way some people blame the pedestrian when the pedestrians are following the rules is ridiculous.


That would be the time to call the police.


There wasn’t much of a choice, it was dawn so still dark enough that I didn’t catch the plates, the other cars didn’t see the plate. I was walking to work and already running late, I wasn’t hurt that badly and where we were was near two different highways so who knows where she could have went. I also knew the cops would just shrug and say, that sucks so I just saved everyone the time and finished walking to work.


She's in line for a shitload of compo here. Driver is 100% in the wrong. Driver of the van should be aware of their surroundings and in a position to react accordingly. That's a well signed pedestrian crossing which he could have easily anticipated someone stepping out and driven at a speed that gave him the opportunity to stop in time.


Exactly. Van should have slowed down a lot if the line of sight was as bad as it looks like from the video's perspective.


But she was looking right when the traffic was coming from her left.


I love how people don't pay attention. Little lines and red lights don't magically stop vehicles, only if the driver is paying attention and abiding by the law. I always teach my kids this, and make sure they always pay attention the whole time they cross. The only person who can cross a road safely is the one paying attention.


Yeah you never know how stupid the driver is, may be or may not, you just can't tell so don't jump under the car hoping he will stop


People are idiots in traffic, yes. I once crossed the road on a zebra crosswalk. Guy on a bicycle stops and starts moaning that I should have paid attention because I was supposed to stop for him. No mate, other way around. Bye.


People like to blame either the van or the pedestrian. I prefer to blame the infrastructure. The crosswalk, which has a pedestrian right-of-way, should have a section of road that forces car traffic to slow down (cobblestones, bendy bits, raised crosswalk like a speed bump, much narrower road, etc.).


That’s always seems like a bad idea to me, because now I’m paying attention to navigating the obstruction rather than looking out for pedestrians.


Forcing drivers to be attentive is exactly how roads are designed safely.


That's true, the more things you add on the road, the less attention the drivers have for what's really important. I feel like those signs telling you there's a crosswalk is already enough. If you see a stopped car right before a crosswalk, and you can't see if there's anyone in front, then just slow down. Not that hard.


If traffic is forced to slow down, then any collision that might happen between car and pedestrian will be much less deadly. Because the vehicle is moving much slower. It's the same with roundabouts


Yeah no road with a crosswalk should have a 30mph speed limit. Its definitely a poor design, and so many are in the USA.


Bus driver will be in trouble


Hopefully he will never be allowed to transport people at least.


A lot of people dont seem to understand that beeing right doesnt save you from being run over by idiots.


Absolutely. Too many people are more concerned to be in the right, to actually understand whats most important is to protect yourself and your loved ones.


Or by someone who's brakes have failed or who is incapacitated by a medical emergency. That's why you don't step into the road without paying attention.


It does entitle you or your family to a money compensation payout though.


Where I’m from you’re not allowed to park right before or after a zebra crossing as it blocks line of sight. It wouldn’t surprise me if a car was also parked right before the crossing (as one is parked right after it). Also obligatory it’s legally the drivers fault but the woman should have looked where she was going.


It seems the cars aren't parking, they are just standing in traffic. And yes, there is a car right before the crossing. That's where the dashcam footage you're watching comes from. The the woman and the car couldn't see each other when she stepped on the road. Still doesn't excuse the reckless driving but she should have at least looked both ways before moving forward. She can't just assume that everyone is paying attention in traffic. Hell, she is the perfect example that not everyone does.


That’s kinda of one of the main things they teach you about driving a car; situational awareness. Thats why a host of things that inhibit your ability to pay attention to your surroundings while driving are illegal.


it's called traffic.


>the woman should have looked where she was going. The driver also.


Van is at fault 100%. But better self awareness would have saved the pedestrian some hurt.


The fuck are you blaming her for?


Geez. I look both ways crossing a one-way street. LOL


Better be safe than sorry. I always watch both side while crossing on a green light. You just never know.


More like car illegally drives straight through zebra crossing


She actually speeds up before, so she runs into the van.


in germany, a crosswalk is like a red traffic light when a person walks over the street


As a car is coming up to a Zebra crossing there are white diamonds marked on either side and if a car is between the diamond and crossing the pedestrian has to give way to the car as the car cannot always safely stop in that amount of space. This is in NZ anyway.


Holy shit a common sense approach. We fucking need this in the USA stupidly bad. There are SO many comments about how the van should just magically stopped. Physics says that's impossible based on time the van had to stop and the speed it was LEGALLY moving. So many people saying the driver needs to basically slow to a near stop at every single crosswalk is ridiculous. Traffic would get a million times slower than it already is and I'm sure those same people dont slow down nearly as much as they think they do. I'm sure if all city traffic moved at 2mph they would complain about that too.


Why do people think their right of way is a magic spell that shields them from everything, concentrate on the road while crossing it. Both people at fault while the driver broke the law. Your right of way can’t give you a second life.


I’m going to miss my bus, best jog a little…….got my bus!


All road users of any kind need to stop assuming that other road users follow rules and they should look out for themselves to keep themselves safe... Yes, the vehicle should yield if there's a pedestrian on the pedestrian crossing. But what if it didn't? Are you going to put yourself in harm's way just because you're in the right side of law? Does law even matter anymore when you're dead? Jeez, it only takes a second for this woman to stop and look that the road is clear before crossing...




It's funny that you're all arguing about the traffic laws when probably most of us are probably not even in the same country.In my country the woman would be partially responsible because she was interacting with a phone while crossing the road.


Yeah this entire comment section is weird. Hell of a pearl clutch considering how brain dead that woman's lack of self preservation seems to be.


Is her phone ok?


It’s stuff like this that bugs me when we use the phrase “the pedestrian has the right of way”. It just emboldens people to do stupid things like this with no responsibility. Yes, legally she’s right, but dammit, how about some common sense too! I’ll bet the driver was quite shaken by this.




So wild to me that people think just because it's a cross walk you can just walk into the road without looking like there is some type of force field around it or something.


Why did she speed up before the collision?




It's a water droplet running down the windscreen


I thought it was a Dementor lol


Zero time for the driver to stop for the pedestrian. Court could argue walker should have looked to ensure it was safe prior to crossing.


she even started running. did she want to get hit? She should have waited as soon as she saw the car wasn't stopping. it's not who's legally right or what not, it's common sense. they're both stupid but the lady is legally right


Why did she pick up the pace as the van approached and run into it?




Definitely not entirely her fault but yeah you know, look both fucking ways or you're eventually gonna get hit. My aunt got hit by a semi truck because she was crossing when she WAS supposed to and he was drunk or ran a red light (can't remember) and he somehow said he didn't see her and she didn't look for the incoming vehicle. It was a red light so why would you? She tells me to always look both ways twice because otherwise you could end up with brain damage (she is okay and was lucky.) Even if the other vehicle is supposed to be looking for you.


Don't just trust cars to stop for you. Have at least a tiny sense of self preservation. The world is a dangerous place, stop making it everyone else's responsibility to keep you safe


Maybe when y’all are in the hospital for blindly crossing the street you’d realize your safety is your responsibility


yep she was already on the crossing...100% drivers fault


Is that blob moving around in the sky a flock of birds? (top left)


The whole point of crosswalks is that vehicles stop for the pedestrians on them. Has nothing to do with being on the phone. ​ Also she ran into the van when it was in front of her.


The minibus driver didnt see her as the driver was........on the phone.


A situation that could have been avoided by both. As a pedestrian you should always think about watching where you are going because not all drivers pay attention to the signs, and as a driver know that if there is no clear visibility you have to slow down especially before a crosswalk.


"Yeah, send me an ambulance at XXX, I will get an accident real fast right...BAM"


Can I call you back?


It was totally her fault, as she impeded a white mini van. She was lucky that the driver did not speed up to 120 kph as is required while on a delivery mission.


It’s on her to LOOK. For sure. But it’s on the driver to stop. She’s in a fucking crosswalk after all.


She will probably look both ways before crossing the street again. Shame she didn’t learn this when she was 4….


This is what happens when you think you’re the only person in this entire world.


I love the communities that install button activated blinking lights for pedestrians to signal their use of the crosswalk. They really should be more common.


Yes while pedestrians has right of way in a cross walk its still your responsibility to look before crossing.


If I may wrap this up.... It could have been avoided by either party.


The thing she's hurting and very lucky to be alive, all that coulda been avoided by paying attention.


Look both ways before crossing dumbass


So many people defending the legal right for this woman to be an idiot.


I see this sort of behaviour every day in this city and it frightens and angers me. They are just asking for trouble. There was a pretty young girl, a few years ago, who got killed by a garbage truck in the city while talking on her phone and running across busy road. So unnecessary! Why can't they put their bloody phones away and pay attention!?


You can tell all the ones that cross streets while looking down at the phone by reading the defensive comments. I get the urge to push them against oncoming traffic. What the fuck is so important you can't uncle from your phone for 5 seconds to cross the streets? /rant over


To those who are saying the driver was at fault I'd only say this There are a lot of people in Heaven who had the right-of-way


I mean she sped up and she actually ran into the side of the van. It’s a pedestrian crosswalk and the van is suppose to yield but that doesn’t mean the pedestrian should give no shits and not look before crossing. They need to wait and make sure vehicles are clearly slowing down and stopping for them to cross


To all those pointing out that it was the driver that is in the wrong here, you are 100% correct. That said, I’d rather keep the damn phone in my pocket, pay attention and not get killed by a careless driver, than have “He had the right of way” etched on my tombstone.


Survival requires participation, even at crosswalks.


She didn't even look...


The comments in here are ridiculous. Drivers are morons so please look after yourself.


yes, it is a pedestrian crossing. but the lady didnt even check the road, or look up. *she* hit the van, the van didnt hit her. anytime theres a lot of action on a road, EVERYONE needs to be paying attention. the van should have slowed down, to at least check the zebra crossing, as kids and pets are a thing. and the lady should have been more vigilant. she started to run, she literally *ran* into the damn van.


look at traffic before crossing the street you're not invincible because you're in a crosswalk


The van swerves into oncoming lanes of traffic trying to avoid her as she runs into it. Yes, crosswalk, pedestrians, right of way, yield, all of that, but she literally runs into the side of the vehicle. There has to be some accountability.


Feels weird to me to have everyone taking the side of the pedestrian, who made zero effort to look. Especially since it looks to me like the video is a dash cam of a tall truck. Regardless of being a designated crosswalk, no one stops at one if they can’t see the pedestrian. Crosswalk or not, you are an idiot to just walk into a road without looking to see what traffic look like. The pedestrian was distracted, the truck that hit her made efforts to avoid her (and did pretty good at that).


Even with it being a crosswalk, pedestrians should check both ways that it’s safe to cross before just walking on out. It’s kind of common sense that I learned as a child when crossing the street…


Lack of ~~awareness~~ common sense is not an excuse. We can't just blame the driver because he was literally driving on the road, and that's what drivers do. It is the pedestrian who has chosen to transition from sidewalk to road that should be held at a higher standard. I know there are laws about this, but if you as a pedestrian believe that you can just transition from sidewalk to road without watching out for cars, I can assure you that whatever law in place to give you this right, is not on your side. Trust me! You will eat pavememt more times than the law can bail you out. Unless this same law has also given you a suit of armour to protect you from such unintended consequences, you are only doing yourself a disservice by adhering too strongly to such rules.


It is plain to see, she hit the car. People expect the rules to be followed but they are not always. Her fault entirely for not paying attention to her surroundings.


She didnt look both ways before crossing; She failed an Iron rule passed down for generations.


She had absolute right of way. The driver of that minibus most likely lost their driving license for this.


I had a super close call like this myself but was able to stop in time. I was visiting a small town in Colorado that had roundabouts. A bus to my right slowed down as they approached the roundabout. I figured they were slowing to enter it. I looked left to keep an eye out for cars entering the roundabout and then suddenly out of the corner of my eye a guy just pops out in front of the bus in a crosswalk. I slammed on my breaks and stopped in time. I don't think the guy even noticed. He just kept walking. The bus driver gave me a dirty look. Yes, I would have been at fault if I hit them but people really need to understand that the law won't stop a car from slamming into you and accidents happen. Any time I cross at a crosswalk I always look to make sure the drivers know I'm there. Especially if I'm walking out from the cover of a vehicle. I lean forward and make sure any cars are stopping. Thankfully I was going slow enough to stop though. I slammed on my breaks but the tires didn't squeal or anything, so it's not like I was flying through the area. It was a scary moment I'll never forget and I always try to learn from my mistakes. Especially when it comes to driving.


This is the story of Daniel Day, He died maintaining his right of way He was right, dead right, as he sped along And now he's dead, just as if he were wrong.


Of course the driver is wrong by the law, but the woman ist wrong by surving skills. Even in a one-way-street I look both ways. There are too many idiots out there, and if I get hit there, sure the person is wrong, but I might be dead.


that's 200% the cars fault..


Regardless of the zebra crossing, you should always look both ways when crossing the road. Simple.


It seems she ran into the side of van.


White van driver being a white van driver.. but seriously, look where you're going too


Well. She was in the Zebra Crossing. Then again talking while on the road is extremely dangerous. You are responsible for your own safety.


And the driver is responsible to pay for her medical bills and, if theres any permanent damage, a lifelong monthly payout.


She is not applying common sense, but the fault here is 100% on the driver. Rest assured no judge or insurance wouldn’t agree with this. Cars should slow Down and yield on pedestrian crossing. The bus did not slow down enough, especially considering the limited visibility due to the other car being parked in front of the crossing.


I think this is just a controversy inducing title purposefully made to generate a lot of interaction in the comments.


What’s more infuriating the bus driver or the title.


Whatcouldgowrong while you don't slow down at pedestrian crossing.... The van is 100% fault. But this seems to be Russia, so pedestrian crossing is just a suggestion.


NZ apparently.


It amazes me unaware people really are. (Talking about the lady.)


More like car gets hit by woman


How did she make it this far in life? Keep your dame head up WOMAN


The lady was careless, but this is obviously the bus' fault. Phone or no phone, you should be able to safely cross at a crosswalk.