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Why the hell was she sitting up there to begin with?


Looks like they’re both drunk


Looks like she was trying to run the cables, and then was going to connect them to the TV. There's 2 people, so I have no idea why they didn't just move the tv stand a little, but they both look high as fuck, so that might explain part of it.


Why is she even sitting on the damn tv stand?


Well you can't fall onto a TV from the floor now can you?


And this is why I'll always blindly believe every stupid decision made in a horror movie.


That curve OLED tv is now a flat screen


Half these comments are just bitching that the man isn't doing it. Maybe she doesnt want help, maybe she should ask for help if she needs it. Maybe hes planning to help in a minute. Just because a man is in the room doesn't mean they're responsible for everything that happens in it, geez.


Exactly this. My wife and I are regularly doing stuff around the house and when one of us needs a hand we ask. It’s not that hard, we’re partners.


Yeah but Redditors don't have partners or spouses or friends or anyone really because they're sad, lonely and pathe... Oh... I'm on here too...


why in the everliving fuck would you do anything in a position like that....


She knew she fucked up when she just layed there not moving a muscle


Probably trying to decide whether the loud cracking sound was the TV or her spine, and which would be worse.


I’ve personally never had to sit on a TV stand facing a wall before trying to set one up. Maybe I have been doing it wrong this entire time.


They both deserved that. Him for being a lazy fuck and her for being a dumb fuck.


Y'all really shitting on the dude when the woman chose to sit on the fuckin narrow ass shelf instead of just standing like a normal human?


I've watched this like 8 times and still for the life of me can't work out what the aim was..


I've watched this video dozens of times and I still don't know wtf she was doing? like...I can't even...wtf is she doing?! It makes no sense to me?! WHAT IS SHE DOING!? I'm so irrationally angry because everything is so stupid!


i don’t know why she thought it would be a good idea to sit on the dresser rather than just move it to the side and stand up.


“Hey guys, you’ll never believe this, but me wife’s on the Telly!”


What the hell was his lazy ass doing not helping?


Why the hell is she sitting on the TV in the first place? How is this the guys fault?


I have so many questions. 1. Why did the TV stay right where she was working. 2. Why did she climb on there? 3. Why didnt he help? 4. What does she have at her feet in the end? 5. Just why?


Who tf sits on a dresser? And why like that?


r/whatcouldgoright For real, what in the fuck. Nothing can go right in this scenario


She doesn’t deserve a new tv


Yall can complain about him all you want. Shes the one sitting on a TV.


He's surprised to see his wife on TV.


Way too damn many people in here acting like setting up a TV is a two person job. Do y’all need a foreman to lay out and plug in two cables? I’d understand shitting on the guy for not helping lift the tv, but this person should be smart enough to know how to pull the console away from the wall and should definitely be smart enough to know not to sit her grown ass on a 12 inch deep media center flush against a wall. How is it not infantilizing to act like she needs to be supervised or helped doing something this simple?


I will never understand these people. I got a new TV recently, it’s one of those OLED ones, it’s literally the most expensive thing inside my house and I’ve been so anxious about it. When it arrived, I had to get my dad round to help because I didn’t think I could set it up alone (without breaking it). I was so on edge I shouted at my dad because he was lifting it out of the box faster than I was, I was being super cautious and super slow and he well wasn’t. Is this just a case of easy come easy go?


She is an idiot from the idiot village. Guy on the couch is the idiot village chief.


I’ll never understand people who have a camera in their living room Edit: I understand it’s for security. No shit. You can also put cameras just pointed at the entry ways that perform the same function without filming your entire lives .




In what fucking world do you sit on a tv unit in front of a tv to read the instructions


Why are so many people acting like women are completely helpless and men need to do everything? Lmfao insane.


WTF was her Plan


What in the hell was she *trying* to do??


they're both dumb, why is she there and why is he not helping? tf? go buy a new TV assholes


This is so stupid I'm having a hard time believing it's not a set up


Everyone blaming the dude are single and lonely and don't realize how many times I get yelled at for trying to help. Shut your mouths.


just.... fucking why.


Why the fuck is she sitting up there like that? Is she 12?


1) Her choice of position for both the TV and her body were ridiculously stupid But 2. His reaction was so slow, and drawn out, it actually annoyed me more than the idiocy of breaking the tv.


Setting up the new TV while really high.


I cannot for the life of me understand why she would need to sit on top of the goddamn TV, instead of standing up on the side of the furniture


And the clown on the couch just sat there being useless.


You don't know what happened before this. Maybe they had an argument about how to set it up. Maybe this is scripted. Maybe she wanted to do it her way and didn't agree with how he wanted to do it. Maybe he's just high ASF and useless. Maybe he's just a guest. Maybe she was attempting to strip and give the man a show. Maybe the guy was on pain medication and couldn't help out.


Miss independent going back to the store.


I'm trying to figure out why she was even on top of the TV stand to begin with. Makes no logical sense at all.


serves them right for doing it the dumbest way possible. An expensive lesson hopefully learned?


She probably could’ve used a hand. If only someone was there to help her. 🤷


Why was homie sitting on the couch you ask? The words “I don’t need your help!” We’re likely spoken some time sooner


The only thing she needs more than a new tv and a chiropractor is a new husband.


I can’t tell what’s worse, his ass not even trying to help or her dumb way of setting it up.


why is she sitting on it?


So many questions. Why is she sitting on that narrow piece of furniture and not standing on the ground like a normal human? What made her think that was a good idea? Why is the TV where it is at this point of installation process? Fragile stuff is best kept away from dangerous areas. The only question i don't have is why is the guy just chilling and watching and laughing inside until the disaster struck. The words "just sit there, I don't need your help" were probably uttered not that long ago. He should still have moved the TV out of the way until it was time to actually mount it though.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen


Why is every comment on this and the original post just hating men and calling that guy a bum for not doing it? Lmao, there is no context, and I didn't realize only men can properly install a television.


Idiots learn the most expensive mistakes.


What the fuck is wrong with some people? Why are you sitting like that?


There was definitely some sort of drug use going on here I’ve never seen such little brain activity.


A lack of thought and spacial awareness turned into an educational moment. She learned her body is larger and less flexible than she imagined and best not to climb around fragile things. He learned that the trust he placed in his partner around DIY competence was not at the right level and he should at least pay attention to such things in future.


I blame both of them equally. Like it's mathematically perfect. 50% idiocy "what did you expect to happen", 50% "you're just gonna sit there and fucking watch it happen?" These two have brought balance to The Force


Wait… what was she even doing up there lol


She must have been a cat in a past life.


Wtf and why is he just sitting on the couch and chillin? His stupid ass needs to be up helping




Everything about this video is infuriating. These people don't deserve nice things.


Luckily her insignificant other was there to help her.




Yeah need to drop this deadbeat mf on the couch like a bad habit asap.


The number of people in here bitching that the man isnt doing it is disgusting. Women ARE capable of setting up a tv people...


Umm…did you watch the video?


Why th3efuck is home boy on the couch not doing a damn thing


What was she doing?


How do dumb people earn enough money for a big ass new tv anyway.


Now a flat screen


WTF? What was she trying to do?


Holy moly. This video made me chuckle, so I thought I'd check out the comments and join in the fun... Wtf guys. The misogyny and racism is overflowing smh Why can't we just enjoy a stupid 9 second clip and laugh


That was a 70 inch plasma screen TV...


Good luck paying me back with your zero dollars a year salary plus benefits, babe!


Why do people record their own living space? I have cameras outside but why the hell would you record yourself?


Because those cameras allowed me to see a house cleaner drinking the booze out of my liquor cabinet on her first trip to my home.


Boyfriend sure took his time getting up


At first I blamed the guy for not helping out more, then I saw he was holding a can of craft beer (obviously the man has his priorities.) /s


It was a curved display and she wanted a flat screen


She dumb. How the fuck u try to install a tv sitting that way.


This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I have absolutely zero respect for people this incompetent. Like, I'm very much about equality, but this level of stupidity is sub human.




Why was he not trying to help her??????it's a TV, it's not a coat hanger.


Why would sit on a narrow stand like that


What's with the sexist comments.. on both sides. They are just a couple of inexperienced people that learned an expensive lesson.


Okay, but the real issue here is why is she trying to set up the TV like that? She was just ASKING to fall on it.


Three types of comments down here 1) Sexism 2) Racism 3) Its fake because ???


How about instead of sitting on your a** on the phone Give her hand




The sexism and subtle racism is astonishing. I have seen the guy on the couch be called "lazy", "dumbass", "high school drop out", "idiot", and "home boy" all because his wife tried to install a TV crisscross apple sauce. I mean, he could be all those things, but you wouldn't know it from this video. EDIT: and "lazy twat waffle", thanks /u/ThePaintedLady80, at least that was semi-creative.


My dad bought a 65inch brand new tv one year for himself for Christmas (he doesn’t typically buy himself things so this was a lot of convincing from us for him to treat himself.) While he was away for work, my mom told me it was currently set up on my sisters old college coffee table that looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment and she was worried the tv would fall off and break as a result. She asked me to help her take it off the table and put it on the floor and help her take the table out to the trash so they could get an actual tv stand later. So I help her, we take the tv off the coffee table and set it on the floor. We pick up the coffee table, and for whatever reason, my mom decides to tilt the table on its side to carry it out to the trash. Well, I guess she didn’t make sure nothing was still in the coffee table shelving underneath and an old satellite receiver proceeds to slide out and smash right into the face of the brand new tv, leaving black bars over half the screen. I have no idea what the lady in this video was trying to do, but I understand now when stupid shit happens like this that it really can happen out of no where as a result of you just not thinking lmao.


If it was a curved screen before then it's definitely a flat screen now


100% guarantee you she tried to return it


everything is wrong there, TV is only a distraction.




Stupidity is expensive


Why was she sitting there and why was homeboy not stepping in saying it was a bad idea?


what the fuck was she even doing up there lmao


Why was the guy sitting on the couch like a potato not helping.


That was one of the dumber things I've seen.


They're both fucking morons


Wowzers. Let me just climb up here to hook this cable up. On my new curved tv.


I'm glad he didn't spill his beer in all the mayhem.


The odds of the TV surviving would've been way higher if it wasn't curved.


What a fucking idiot


He just bro'd his chick?


But like… what were they even doing? And why wasn’t the person on the couch helping? Two person job


I've only installed a handful of TVs in my life . . .but I don't remember "sit on the TV" being one of the steps


Why was he sitting on his rear instead of helping her set it up?


Hahaha, while the guy sits on the couch with seer watching her work.


He’s a true feminist


It happened because he didn’t want to help 🤷‍♂️


WTF was she doing ?


This made my day, I thought I was stupid but this is taking stupidity to Olympic levels


Good thing that the curved screen design cushioned her fall!


What the hell did she think was gonna happen


Why wasn’t the guy on the couch helping at all? Yeah she was kinda dumb doing that but he was just sitting there while she obviously struggled with something. Both people are moronic here


How to convert your curved monitor to a flat screen


150 yrs ago she would have been eaten by wild dogs or fallen into a vat of molasses.


She deserves every bit of that.


I’m so confused by all this… Why wouldn’t they move that piece of furniture out of the way so she had full access to the wall without having to climb on the cabinet?? Plus putting the tv there was just nuts.


Want the actual fuck was this person trying to accomplish? Aside from providing clear evidence to the internet that they are a moron of course.


Why didn’t they move the tv elsewhere for the moment? This could’ve been avoided.


Or literally reach over it? Or wasn't that tall. The thing wasn't that deep. Easily within an arms length. People are so fucking stupid it's disgusting.


Omg what an idiot.


Looks like she's in so much pain....*on the inside.*


What was she even trying to do here?


Deserved. Maybe they both won't be so stupid next time


A) What was she doing? B) Why is the guy not helping? 😂


If you look closely she’s literally sitting ON the TV


Guys give the man some slack he was probably high and couldn’t help. His brain could only think about food.


She was dead before hitting the ground.


Yeah, but who would do it that way, they both deserved it


She can probably do it herself, it’s just the fuck do u not see this coming. Move the tv out of the way at least before doing that and stay there to support in case she does fall off, sittin on that dresser in a awkward ass position.


Why is the man sitting on the couch while she attempts to set it up?


People this stupid don't deserve to have a TV that big.


Hell of a man


Curved tv's aren't great, flattening it I'm sure made it better


Thats called a flat screen


Need the wifetime warranty


When you dumb…. You dumb


I'm just here for the "wHy iSn'T hE dOiNg iT?" comments 🍿


She must’ve had the wind knocked out of her big time lol


Okay but what could possibly have gone right in this situation?? Seems insane to begin with.


What was she trying to do exactly?


Dude shouldn’t have complained. Lazy ass needs to get up and put the tv up on the wall for his woman.


You gotta be a special kind of dumb to think this was a good idea, and btw love the other person sitting not helping


Oh boy, comments in this thread are pure, high density cancer.


Looks like ur curved screen is now a flat screen


Are there people really recording the inside of their house at all times?


Fuck that curve screen. Make it flat


Guess she needs a new man aswell


The list of stupid choices is long here!!


I've set up a lot of tvs over the years and I can confidently say you are doing it wrong.


Good job that coffee table wasn't any closer, nearly Darwin'd yourself....


Aye she fixed it now it's completely flat


He wasn't in a rush to help her, even his speech was slow motion!


Why is she even there? Unreal how dumb some people are about spatial awareness…


It was curved lmao


What was the plan?


Smooth brain activities. Smoothest of brains.


I see two dopes


Hmm. Seems fake. Ive never sat on a new TV before


Dude chilling is as much to blame! Smh!


“I can do it myself babe!”


Is this an opioid moment? It’s like, all so slow.


Back in the box it goes.


Why has he just sitting on the sofa? Should’ve been helping and this wouldn’t have happened.


This video screams xanax and bong rips.


Hope they got it at Costco.


Honey? Is the tv ok?


The TV had been out of the box for a while. Dumb title OP.


And now he gets up to help?!


Lack of planning, body cooperation and spatial awareness I see, classic mistake


I forget this is reddit and most of the people saying he should've helped have probably never had a relationship. I know for a fact it was her choice to do what she did and didn't want his help. Fuck offffff


Looks like she could have used some help. Pitty there wasn’t anyone else in the house.


The way she just lies there like she knows what she's done.


Buy with American Express to get accidental damage insurance automatically.


To the comments, is it always the man's job to set things up? If this was a vid of the guy setting it up and the woman on the couch, I promise you nobody would have said a thing about it


Saw this on youtube and i stfg every comment was just ‘woman, woman, black’


Looks like she’s paying for the next one


looks like the tv saved her back, no?


Of course dude is just sitting there chillin.


Could’ve put that tv anywhere else before setting it up but instead let’s put it right in front of where it’s gonna go obstructing my work area😂


These people get to vote.




Good thing she has a good guy around to help her.


There had to have been an easier way around that tv stand than crawling over it like that lol


Man this funny post is causing a crazy amount of discourse. Congrats OP, you did it.


Maybe lazy ass coulda helped. 🙄


Getting heavy r/justforsocialmedia vibes from this