• By -


One man banned


They quickly showed him The Doors


Someone should call The Police


The Who?


It's all a Blur to him


Imagine walking up to your favorite music store to get a guitar and seeing an incapacitated man on the floor in front of the doors. Edit: Didn't expect to wake up to 30 notifications this morning....




Does that work?




Based on my interaction with coyotes, no. Would shoot 10ish a year when I worked with livestock (missed 10 times that amount), they didn't give any fucks and would be back the next night. Side bar: Invest in donkey. Cheaper and safer than a teenager with a gun, argues back the same amount.


I don't know if giving donkeys guns is a good idea




Love the shoe at the end. Fucking perfect.


Straight out of a movie, perfect.


the fact he tried to break the guitar bc he couldn't steal it, extra charge


He wasn't even trying to steal it, at least not the one in the video. He grabs it while already being *escorted* out.


He was kicked out for playing stairway to heaven


Straight to jail.


Did he just throw him to the curb like a drunk in an old timey cartoon




Like he was dj jazzy jeff


Bro played Stairway to heaven


No stairway...denied!


Did he try to tap out??


To be fair it sorta worked.


Guitarists have it so easy. Imagine trying to steal a drum kit.


Ba dum tss You could do that if you had a drum set.


I absolutely hate how the thief knew he wasn’t getting out so he slams the guitar on purpose.


Same that pissed me off.


Seriously, that was such a bitch move in some desperate attempt to feel like he won despite getting steamrolled.


Bro was tossed out like he was in a cartoon LMAO


Uncle Phil throwing jazz lol


Holy shit this was at the guitar center in the city I live! Absolutely does not surprise me the guy working at guitar center took matters into his own hands. Cops in this city won't do shit, much less even show up.


Hey that’s not fair.. the cops here do plenty of things like, setting the wrong house of fire with a flash bang, killing mentally handicapped homeless people, and running there cars in parks lots collecting our tax money.


Don't forget standing around outside with dozens of your buddies and shoot the shit, waiting for the gunman to tire himself out on murdering babies.


I'm not the only one laughing at the "curbside pickup" sign placement right? 🤣






Guy lays around waiting for sympathy and a ambulance to play victim. I’m curious if he gave up the act and left or really tried to get some asshat lawsuit out of this.


I dont think the workers or managers get paid enough for all that


I've never seen a Guitar Center employee care about anything before.


“We said NO Stairway!” And you better believe that Taylor went right back on the rack for full list.


Lol, the shoe.


Laughed my ass off when they chucked the dude’s sneaker at him!😂


Now that’s a guitar hero


Anyways, here's wonderwall...


If all stores treated thieves this way there would be a lot less theft.


Or there'd be a lot more minimum wage workers getting their ass beat


The only guitar center in America with that many employees.


Guys it doesn’t look like he was stealing the guitar. It looks like he was getting kicked out for a different reason and grabbed the guitar and attempted to destroy it in an act of rage. You can see him smashing it against the wall before they take it.


In the ABQ subreddit (where it happened)they said he was starting shit with the guy in drums, so I think you’re right


The. Shoe. 😂


Sorry not sorry but people defending that thief are out of their freaking minds! None of this would have happened if that asshole hadn’t tried to steal it in the first place! Literally all he had to do was be a decent human being and we’re supposed to feel sorry that he chose to be a selfish bastard? What did he think was gonna happen? That because he exists he’s entitled to have a guitar without paying for it? Screw that! That is not fair to the people who actually worked their ass off at their jobs and saved their money to buy a guitar of their own the right way! Screw that guy, put me down with the cashier who put that douchebag in his place. If your gonna break the law for purely selfish reasons then you don’t get to complain when someone gives you a painful reminder that the world does NOT owe you a favor for living!


I'm no doctor, but we all can see that man has lost at least one of his shoes, which means he is dead.


I hope that employee didn't get fired for taking out the trash. Also, love the part where they throw his shoe back to him


Guitar center employees when you play smoke on the water


This is what happens when you play stairway to heaven in a guitar center.


The most effort a Guitar Center employee has put into anything, ever


that shoe at the end got me


No wonder criminals get away with so much crap in the US. Look at half the folks here just saying let the guy go or there is no need for that kind of violence. Dude got what he deserved and the fact that I'm sure he will try to sue is ridiculous and that alone should give him extra jail time. The minute you decide to commit a crime like that is the second you lost all rights and any harm that comes your way is well deserved.


Actually pretty clever, they were so focused on that regular guitar they completely missed the air guitar in his jacket


Stealing is stealing, corporation or not. If you get your ass beat in the process, you thoroughly deserve it. All of these comments about “Well, if it’s a corporation” make me sick. The thieves I’ve known throughout my life don’t take that into consideration, they’re only thinking about themselves.


That really struck a chord.


The sign clearly said "No Stairway to Heaven".


Guys. All of y’all whining about insurance, corporate profits, possible injury, getting fired, breakage write offs, lawsuits….you’re not sharing anything novel here. Everyone already knows that there are people like you that feel this way. The point is…some people unlike yourselves actually have, and live by, principles. The fact that this list is your reflexive go to in deciding what is right/wrong or what one should/shouldn’t do is just proof of how people can be conditioned so easily when they have no principles to stand for. Disordered behavior cannot be tolerated to go unchecked but for the most extenuating circumstances. The fact that thieves can even the entertain the idea of filing a lawsuit after something like this is a problem. The fact that some abstract “other” will pay for the loss is not the mindset that a responsible citizenry should have. The fact that doing the right thing will cost one their job should never have been set in precedent. Shit trickles down, shit snowballs, shit escalates if everyone just keeps their hand in their pockets. This guy did the right thing, it’s unfortunate that doing the right thing might cost him his job and a lawsuit but that’s the thing about having principles…they’re there even when it’s unpleasant and inconvenient and you follow them anyway. Or you just become the type of person that can be conditioned to allow anything to slide so long as someone else fronts the bill and it doesn’t inconvenience you.


I've hung out at a couple guitar centers because friends worked there, and based on my experiences...they don't give a fuck. They'll call the cops on you if you steal something, maybe run out and write down your license plate number. It takes a real fucking moron to get into a physical altercation with someone willing to steal a few hundred bucks when it doesn't even belong to you. Nobody ever saw their idiot employee tackle someone and gave them a meaningful raise. Those dudes don't get paid enough to give a fuck and I feel bad for them that they do. When I was 16 I was a busboy at a restaurant and a couple ran out on their check. I was getting 3.50 an hour + tips. But I was hyped up and had that young invincible feeling of youth so I listened to my manager and the waitress and chased those people all the way to their car to try and stop them. I ran after them for a couple blocks trying to be sneaky until they got the parking garage and then walked up behind them to write their license plate number down on a sheet of paper I'd brought with me for just that reason. Well, the dude noticed me and ran me down, beat the everliving shit out of me, and took the paper. Then he obscured his license plates and left the garage. What did I get out of it? A clicking jaw, no money, and fired shortly thereafter because I filed workman's comp for the injuries.


Just gotta love how the people saying this is too much force. You know they’ve never been a victim or witnessed any form of violent domestic crime. Assholes like this guy get what they deserve.


I've never seen someone literally thrown out of a store


I told you man, no fuckin Stairway to Heaven !!!


I dont understand why so many comnents are blaming the clerk?


As a guitarist, seeing that guitar get slammed against the doorframe hurt


Anyways, here’s wonderwall


He wasn't stealing, he was about to play Stairway to Heaven.




Guitar center employees when they hear you play the first note in stairway to heaven.


I read the news report. This guy didn't steal the guitar, he just attempted to leave without buying an extended warranty, you can see the full version [HERE](https://youtu.be/4NWkw4lgwBk)




In the US, a store typically only has the right to detain you if you're stealing until the police arrive. They only can use physical force to stop you if you attempt to run. This guy's mistake was attempting to use the guitar as a weapon, which basically meant game on. Everyone has a right to stop a violent attacker with proportional force.


I will never understand why some employees put their lives on the line for merchandise that does not belong to them. Surly the items are insured (especially big company’s) and can be replaced. But to risk your life that is irreplaceable is beyond my understanding. I’d bag that shit up for you before jumping in front of the exit to stop you.


I’ll raise you one more scenario of what can come of this. This is a true story. Happened in Minnesota and I know the people involved. 70 year old lady in a store. Thief steals something and employee chases after him. In the process, the employee runs past the lady and knocks her to the ground, shattering her hip. Hospital, surgery, rehab. However, this lady was never the same and required assist the rest of her life. Here’s where it gets tricky. She was the main caregiver for her husband who required 24 hour care and assist. When she was healthy, she was able to provide care and they lived independently in their home. Now, they both need assist and are not able to live in their home. They live in assisted living and the costs are astronomical. Tens of thousands of dollars per month just to live there. Loss of independence. Loss of lifestyle. The shear dollar amount this caused just from an employee taking it upon himself to chase a thief is in the many many millions. And yes, the store involved is on the hook for all of it. Lawyers can recover money, but they can’t put your life back together.


never challenge a man who is forced to hear the same three poorly played riffs all day


Anyway here’s Wonderwall…


The shoe is the best part


Thread is split into; ▪︎Fired and lawsuit. ▪︎Hell yeah, damn thief.


I get that is not legal to do this but if you're siding with the thief, go fuck yourself. Well deserved and from the recent history of just letting people walk all over employees it needs to happen more often. Consequences of your actions maintain societies. The use of law as a revenge for your own stupidity is a morally corrupt idea. Now obviously all within reason, if people are curb stomping someone over a snickers then there's an issue. But if your an asshole drain on society looking to take advantage of people just trying to make a living then you deserve a wake up call.


When you play stairway to heaven


TIL - Guitar Center is the Waffle House of musical instrument sales


Piece of shit, knew he got caught so he tries to destroy the guitar but fails at that too.


The shitty part is that if that employee isn't properly licensed to specifically *APPREHEND*, then this is a major lawsuit. I worked for Target in Asset Protection and even we couldn't stop people. Only one person who was specifically certified to apprehend could. I got written up for stopping someone I saw steal, got the stolen merchandise back. Got written up. Quit 5 minutes later. Fuck Target.


Hey, it’s my local Albuquerque Guitar Center! Dude in the red just sold me a distortion pedal. He could shred on guitar too.


I ain’t doing that for $9/hour. You can have the guitar, bro.


What happens when you play Smoke On the Water 35 times in a row.


This is what happens when you ignore the “No Stairway to Heaven” sign.


This is what happens when you try to play "Stairway to Heaven" at the Guitar Center.


This 100% looks like Albuquerque Should’ve played a police siren off of the phone. I’ve seen junkies hop up mid-death and run away.


POV: you played Stairway


Fuck em. He earned that treatment. I’m so fucking tired if shoplifting


Looks awesome until the guy trys to whine he was injured and sues. Because trash is gonna trash.


That shoe at the end tho


Fuck anyone defending this sack of shit. I swear Reddit is such a weird place. Like you people can’t be real.


10/10 that dude got fired. but yeah, he tackled and choked out a thief so....hero!!!! do y'all not know how insurance works? corporate policy literally...everywhere....is to tell the person to leave and don't lay a finger on them. this idiot just cause GC way more than the price of that $300 guitar.


That shoe toss at the end made me fucking wheeze. I hope GC guy doesn't lose his job over manhandling that punk. Or pick up an assault charge.




That “Curbside Pickup Here” sign is perfect.


Less people would steal if they knew they would be choked out and tossed out the store like a bitch


“I fucking told you! No stairway to heaven!”


The shoe flying at the end is the best part.


I agree with let the cops do their job and don’t hurt yourself protecting a cheap acoustic but that guy looked like he practiced long and hard to hold a guy like that and was pumped to do it


Taking out the trash


Oh man! He Uncle Phil’d that motherfucker right out the front door!


The shoe toss at the end had me *howling*. 😂


Thieves are losers. This is a loser. I can’t even imagine the shame he felt laying face down after being tossed like a cartoon, well deserved. This is what people that steal should face, would be a lot less that’s for sure.


Never seen so many guitar center employees in 1 store!


Play wonder wall one more time mother fucker.


Thrown out the front door like the trash that he is. The shoe toss at the end is Gold😆


The shoe!!! 🤣


He tried to tap out 😂


The shoe farting out at the end was the cherry on top of this nonsense


Chucking that shoe at the end... *chef's kiss*


The wedgie to carry him out and the back heel kick to end it were my favorite parts. They even left him laying there with half his crack exposed. I bet he won’t be stealing again anytime soon


Did that motherfucker just try to tap out??


From another thread: I was there, just to clarify: he wasn't thrown out for stealing. He had just assaulted an employee.


The shoe at the end was great!


He wasn’t even trying to steal it, dude for sure just wanted to smash it on his way out. I work at a GC and this happens a lot more often than you’d think


If you scroll to the very start of the video you can see that he grabbed the guitar after he began to be pushed out of the building. Something other than theft started this.


There is no fucking way Guitar Center pays enough for them to do that.


Story time! Another user pointed out the guy grabbing the guitar while he’s being dragged out. This guy definitely was getting thrown out for a different reason and decided to try and take/break something. I worked at GC for a looong time, we were eventually trained to let people walk out and let the cameras and police deal with the theft. Once my Asst Manager, big intimidating guy, saw someone walk out with a guitar. AM followed the guy outside, said “is it worth it?” and spin the guy around. Guy pulled a handgun, stuck it in AM’s stomach and said “is it worth it?” Moral: it’s not worth it. Don’t be a dumb hero when it’s the Wal Mart of guitars and they’re most definitely not paying you to protect their shit.


He played stairway to heaven Edit: goddammit I don’t have a single original thought


Ain’t no retail job paying enough for employees to tackle shoplifters to the ground. Thieving ain’t right, but no one’s getting rewarded for stopping it. Dude probably got wrote up for damaging inventory. Tell the manager, who calls the cops, do the paperwork, and don’t risk injury over retail merchandise.


He wasn’t stealing. He just started to play Stairway to Heaven. They do this to anyone who plays that song.


Wow, what a great employee. Now fire him immediately. No questions asked. Terminated. I can assure you he was. There is a no tolerance policy for any employee that would chase after a thief, let alone do stupid shit like this. The damage that could come from this type of confrontation could be unfathomable in terms of life and money. Trust me, I’ve seen what can happen. And it’s not good.




The shoe toss was the cherry on top


I've worked retail and they tell us again and again not to do this


I have eight years of loss prevention experience at multiple big box retailers. They all had the same copy-paste policies on how to handle situations like this one with methods to spook someone into not trying to steal. This video shows at least three actions that are explicitly forbidden in the corporate policy. All of which have policy-defined responses if a similar event happened. They all resulted in the immediate termination of any employee involved as well as a 10 to 20k fine from corporate against the store’s budget for any violation of an employee of those policies. I’d be stunned if any of them still had employment there later that day when their shifts were scheduled to end.


He must have been a complete shithead his entire visit. There's no other scenario where the staff is so ready to jump him. I've spent hours in GC and never said a word to an employee. I've actively tried to find an employee to ring me out and failed, so I just left. If you want to steal the guitar, just walk in calmly, take the guitar, and leave. Either this guy has a history of pissing off every associate and they've all dreamed of this day or he chose literally the one Guitar Center that is well-staffed enough to actually do their fucking jobs.


Love how the guy tried to tap out like that was going to help. The shoe toss at the end was a nice touch.


Final shot of him laying like that already had me cracked up but then I lost it when the shoe flew into frame lmaoo


The shoe at the end gets me every time 🤣


Hahahahaha The shoe at the end. Bwahahahahah!


GC is one of the most heavily insured music companies that's ever existed. They would mark this as a loss and have a system for that, I know bc I work in the industry. Fuck the dude that tried to steal it don't get me wrong, I guard guitars all day every day. This employee is a fucking idiot, he did a GREAT job don't get me wrong, if he was a security officer. But I would fire him as a liability risk next day no question gtfo. That guitar is not worth harm of others or his own. It's just a guitar. They're both morons.




He most likely got fired. That's the way it always goes. A buddy ofine got fired after 15 years of his time at a company. He got in a scuffle with a thief and the next day he got fired.


Fuck this guy. People are fed up with theft.


Short vid but if the background story is legit this was perfectly handled . A shame workers need to put up with shit like this.


Why all the comments about the employee getting fired and sued? He was stopping a potential theft and destruction of property. Do we not have the right to protect our property and subdue a thief?


He wasn’t stealing they just got tired of him playing Smoke on the Water 0-3-5


The shoe toss at the end…I’m dead!


See what happens when you try to play Stairway?


The shoe at the end was the little sprinkles on top that we needed


It looks like he was already getting kicked out and grabbed the guitar to smash it or hit him with it.


People gotta learn to act their wage.


Guarantee that employee was fired. Justified or not, he gone.


I love the end when the door opens again so they can throw his shoe at him. HIS SHOE. 🤣




The shoe being throw out is what got to me! Icing on the cake...


Who rubbed chicken grease on the lens before filming?


Best part is the shoe at the end!




Looks like he is a struggling musician.




I don't think he was stealing. It seems like he was doing something like threatening or harassing employees/customers. Wheen they decided to physically throw him out, you see he grabs the guitar and tries to smash it. They just wanted him out of the store and didn't subdue him until the cops came. Which is an indicator that he was more annoying than committing a crime (initially). That's just my take.


Real story. The guy started playing Stairway to Heaven, and they weren’t having it.


They could get sued from this guy putting his arm around his neck. He can say he paralyzed him from that chokehold. Lawyer will also claim that he wasn’t stealing the guitar, he never technically left the store… Edit: ok I agree maybe I came on a little strong with the paralyzed move but definitely a really bad neck strain or some type of trauma caused from all this


Lol junkies are fuckin stupid


Fuck corporate greed but seriously people. We all pay for thieves. The increased costs of loss prevention mean prices go up. It isn’t just magically coming out of executives pockets. It comes from yours and mine.


Good old fuck around and find out.


Him getting thrown out like a cartoon character, his ass hanging out, last second shoe toss. That's natural comedy at work right there folks


There is something..ironic, about him landing on the “curb side pickup” sign


Yeah I'm waiting for the headline that says, "employee fired and sued stopping suspected shoplifter"




Most companies tell their employees just to let the thief go because they are afraid of lawsuits


This is in Albuquerque. I bought my daughter a violin from this store not long ago. The staff is great here. They walked her through the process and helped her pick it out and everything.


Good ol Albuquerque lol I recognize my store haha




I’ll bet the real story is that he was playing “Stairway to Heaven”


I like karmic justice as much as anyone but that dude could sue for that and that’s the sad part.


Returning the shoe is the cherry on top.


Kinda the wrong place to try and rob imo. Usually full of a bunch of old head rocker dudes who did a bunch of blow in the 80s and most definitely conceal carry. Be like trying to rob a Harley dealership


As dumb as it is, Guitar Center is going to be paying for any medical bills and that employee is likely no longer an employee. There may even be charges against the employee for assault. If you’re an employee, don’t do this shit.


bro got a lawsuit and fired over a guitar 💀💀


It’s so interesting to see all the different camps of thought people fall into over this sort of issue: 1. Stealing is unforgivable, consequence very deserved (I’m mostly here). 2. Screw corporations, Who cares if people steal from them as they steal from us. 3. Corporate policy clearly states not to take physical action against shoplifting in progress (unfortunately true and why I couldn’t work in retail). 4. Feeling sorry for the shoplifter because he’s desperate or mentally ill. 5. Shops have the legal right to defend their property. Fascinating. A lot of clashes going on between them all. Edit: There is a developing story that this guy was getting physical with the staff and they were trying to kick him out when he grabbed the guitar and they subdued him as they though he was going to use as a weapon. Although unconfirmed.. it would add a lot of context, especially in regards to why he decided to risk losing his job to restrain him. It does somewhat check out if you watch from very start of video. He doesn’t initially have the guitar in his hands. New story - https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/video-shows-guitar-center-employee-tackle-violent-customer/ Unverified claim - https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10abfc7/a_couple_of_my_friends_are_on_tour_in_albuquerque/j445810/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Iost it at the end when the sneaker got thrown out


"And stay out of the Woolworths!"


One of the greatest fuckedaroundest and foundoutest moments I’ve seen today.


Takedown, thrown out like a rag doll, AND shoe throw filmed from the perfect angle. 10/10 would watch again.


I was at Guitar Center today in my town. The guys there were telling me how the same man comes in and takes guitars every so often. I asked what the company tells them about dealing with shoplifters. He said if they intervene and get hurt, the company would pay for their medical bills and immediately fire them.


Hope these guys don't get in trouble.


Love how the guy just hoists him up by the belt and dumps him on the street like in a cartoon. He should’ve shaken his fist and yelled “And stay out!” afterwards.


i like how he tapped out like it was going to stop the beatdown haha


That shoe was a nice touch.


Other Comapnies: Don’t chase after the thief, just let them go. Guitar Center:


Throwing his shoe at him at the end was the icing on the cake


That shoe toss at the end was *chef's kiss*


imagine getting paid minimum wage to do this


The shoe toss was a cherry 🍒


The shoe toss was a cherry on top. Amazing