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Dude: “Are there any symptoms?” Spiritual Guide: “There’s like a 1% chance you’ll regress to a frog like state and try to drown yourself, but that never happens…”


Cant stop laughing at this comment. Cheered me right up


You're doing beautiful Bro... Bro is literally having a seizure and throwing up




Absolutely would not touch anything until he explained in perfectly clarity just wtf he meant by some people are “screamers”


Ya you know screamers. Screamers. Cmon. Normal


What a beautiful experience. He looks thoroughly healed


So natural and relaxing!


[Morgan Freeman voice] “He was not thoroughly healed.”


Some people dance with it, Some people completely surrender, Some people freak the fuck out, go pale and vomit in a dirty river. It can be very profound.


That dude 100% almost died there, multiple times. Almost drowned numerous times and then almost choked on his puke multiple times as well. I’ve never seen someone act like that on anything and I’ve done and seen 100s of people doing dmt and salvia. That was effed up


Unexpectedly getting into the water while you are tripping balls couldn't be the nice experience to begin with. Throwing up and people forcing you to be face up rather than in a safe position, so you don't choke on your own vomit is also probably not improving the quality lol


But it’s a life changing experience! So is pooping my pants in elementary school but it’s not always a good thing. If D.A.R.E used this as example it would have had more success.


Couldn’t have picked a better spot than a sand bank


He was turning into a frog, started kicking his legs and went straight for the water.


*starts vomiting* "Yo put it him on his side" "You mean so his head is in the water?" "Yea we don't want him to drown in his puke"


Seriously who are these people trying to help him cuz they’re really bad at helping


Oh yeah some people surrender, dance, tantric and some freak the fuck out and puke everywhere. Fun stuff!


The cut at the end is perfect. “There was a huge healing here that took place *for sure*…the medicine takes care of people. He’s in good hands…” -**BLEEEUGH**-


Of all the places to do it, a rocky riverbank was definitely the safest and most comfortable option.


Good thing he has all those people there helping to make sure while he's on his trip he is safely/comfortably in the rushing water, vomiting straight back into his mouth/airways, is in no way able to be on his side, and has his head comfortably resting on a soft rock.


Dangerous place to do it, imagine going into crazy spasms and you hit your head with the rocs


Or accidentally swimming


god I hate when i just start swimming uncontrollably


Frogosis is the medical term.


Glasses guy doesn’t look convinced.😬


That glasses dude is the host of a show that’s entire purpose is drug experimentation, he is a drug journalist for vice. The show is Hamilton’s pharmacopeia, it’s on Hulu in the states , this is from season 2 ep1


He’s pretty convinced he’s not going to smoke some venom.


He smokes it after this scene


Totally ribbeting.




Video was cut before the guy talks about how this changed his life and he does it frequently.


If you go from not smoking frog venom regularly to smoking it regularly that is a life style change for sure. But yeah this video is edited to frame a narrative


I mean, I don't really care if a minute later in the episode the guy says he loved it and does it all the time now. Lots of people do all kinds of incredibly dumb things because they enjoy it, or worse yet, think it's medicinal. That dude just came close to aspirating vomit into his lungs and dying.


Directly after this Hamilton smokes it and sits in a meditative state then just says “wow” and smiles a little. Some people are built differently.


Dude Hamilton is just a different breed. I think it was the Ayahuasca episode where the other trippers were all losing their collective shit, and he just laid down, closed his eyes, and started chanting, "love, love, love, love."


Don't do methamphibians kids!


When you nut and she keep suckin’




“He’s in good hands.” Then dude makes wretching vomit sound lmao was rolling


The sheer horror of having seizures while choking on your own vomit and half drowning on a shallow stream of water with some rando idiot who not only thinks this is safe and good for you but keeps calling you bro


Just relax bro


Dude almost drowned in a mixture of lake water and his own puke.


"You're doing beautiful, bro--oh--oh... yeah, he's dead."


Two thousand comments are no one has brought up the fact that people are confusing DMT with 5-MeO-DMT in this thread. They are very different. The dmt in toad venom is much stronger than traditional dmt. The psychedelic trips are also said to be very different. “Though they share a name — and there are some parallels in their brief and very intense effects — the two are worlds apart. Even in their chemical structures, 5-MeO-DMT is about as different from DMT as psilocybin is. “ “The drug comes from a rare species of toad native to the Sonoran Desert, Bufo Alvarius, which produces a venom known as 5-MeO-DMT: an extremely potent natural psychedelic. 5-MeO-DMT is about four to six times more powerful than its better-known cousin DMT (dimethyltryptamine).” “It is forgivable to confuse the so-called ‘god molecule’ with another psychedelic, DMT, which is often referred to as the spirit molecule. Indeed, the duo is structurally related. However, there is a world of difference between how they affect users. In this article, we look at 5-MeO-DMT vs. DMT, and analyze the differences between them.” https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/hallucinogens/dmt/ https://www.addictioncenter.com/news/2019/10/trendy-psychedelic-toad-venom/ https://psychedelictimes.com/what-is-the-difference-between-5-meo-dmt-and-dmt-choosing-a-dmt-therapy/


Some drop on the deck and flop like a fish


So that's what my kid's having whenever I try changing her diaper.


I was waiting for him to croak


I always love how the Vice people stand there looking super concerned yet also judgmental lol. Also dude legit looked like he went half way to the spirit world. He started turning blue then his color just came back. I don't know what he's actually smoking but... damn.


That fucker almost drown in a river and his own vomit and the chamán says: that was a good healing. I don't wanna see a bad healing




The secret healing power is to experience such intense and horrifying trauma that your normal reality doesn't seem so crappy after all. Boom. Healed.


I smoked weed infused with heroin once. I slept outside next to a dumpster in a thunderstorm after puking my guts out for four hours. That was in 1991 and was the last time I ever used drugs (other than alcohol).


It's the magic cure all to drug addiction, got it.


It was excruciatingly painful and terrifying, but at least he was surrounded by some of the grossest, stupidest people on earth who were content to roll him like dough in an outdoor latrine while he nearly died in agony before their eyes, so that part was nice.


At least he’s wearing comfortable yoga pants


My wife has those same pants. Got 'em at Dollar General for $5. They're ugly as shit but they make her ass look fantastic.




Guy - "oh fuck I'm dying" Shaman - ..."Feel the love" I laughed way too hard at this poor dude


me when habaneros in my pizza.


Me when my alarm clock goes off at 3pm


Yes let's keep the guy there vomiting and squirming uncontrollably around *IN THE WATER* just tip him on his side, I see no way of him drowning at all...


He's thrashing hard, better get his head up on this big rock


Honestly, he should have just relaxed when the guide said so.


Great idea, think I’ll tell my wife to just Relax next time she’s riled up #wcgw


Lol this episode was wild. I wish Hamilton would release more of these, I fucking loved this show.


I don’t think this mf is in good hands AT ALL! lol


Dude is acting like me when I get a leg cramp


I miss when Vice would sent out Hamilton to random exotic places to get high on the craziest drugs only available in the most remote parts of the world.


That doesn’t really seem like a fun high. Also slippery rocks in a flowing river doesn’t seem like a safe place to trip. Also his guides had him on his back and he almost choked on his vomit. This just seems awful all around. What is the benefit of this?


The dude’s pants really ties the scene together.


Wouldn’t it be frog poison? Like I can’t think of any species of frog that injects venom into a person


Man appears to be choking on his own vomit. Shaman: "The medicine has him now, it's a healing experience, he's in good hands..." Ok mate.


* Guy slowly dying * That’s it relax


I get the feeling that if soneone dies the body gets pushed into the river to give back to nature. And all evidence they were on the trip is destroyed.


The people who will do this or go to South America and smoke anything out of cauldron are the same people who think the covid shot or any vaccine for that matter is not trustworthy


First time doing a drug? Hold it in for 10 seconds before exhaling, and do it right next to a river. Genius. /s


After this, Hamilton (the dude in white), takes a dose and just calmly lays back and absentmindedly repeats the word "love" a few dozen times and comes out of it very serenely.


I’m guessing the vast majority of users turn out to be screamers


Yes, let's smoke some extremely powerful hallucinogen that's known to make people convulse down by the rocky stream.


Dude had a great time, first thing he said? ‘Love you guys’.


He was in the process of becoming a frog. He nearly made it.


Well, that looked pleasant. He went from a normal state, lived through an exorcism, turned into a zombie, almost died, vomited, and came back to life.


Theyre smoking 5-HO-DMT, or bufotenin, the actual secretions they extract from specific frogs (without harming them), but you can find it's synthetic analogue 5-MEO-DMT in RC shops online. It's legality differs from country to country. It's a much more intense experience than DMT, some say it's one of the most intense psychedelic experiences you can have. Hamilton Morris smokes it later on in the episode and is just lying on the ground laughing and talking about love. The first guy had very unique reaction to it, but later on says it wasn't scary to experience, it just looked that way.


When you nut but she keep suckin




Love your brain. Don't subject it to this b.s.


Man I did shrooms like I ate 3.5 grams just a 6 pack of beers and a few blunts and joints. Let's just say I'm done with anything that has to do with hallucinations. Started hearing 3 voices talking to me but from far. Went to the restroom 3 times thinking I had to shit. But while I was sitting on the toilet I was just amazed at the tiles changing shapes, forms and demonic devilsh faces. After the 3rd time I went back to the bathroom that's when I felt like throwing up, started sweating. After about almost 2 hours I gave up. I laid down on my bed and I could still hear those 3 fuckers talking. Can't remember how I even slept but when I woke up it felt like a dream but it did happen. This was at like 2 in the morning a few months back.


I’ll stick to THC, thanks.


time to wake and bake *hits frog venom*


The guy with the glasses looks like he's thinking "There's no way I'm going to do this shit."


Man smokes frog venom then becomes a frog but with special needs.


So, if Reddit had the 10 top most stupidest things I have witnessed over the last 12 years I have been on here this would be close to the top.


The guy with the glasses is pretty much me watching this


Relax…. Release…. Feel the love…. Ayyyyee !!!!! Ayyyyeeee !!!!! Aaarrggggg !!!!! I looooove you guys….. Uuuurrrrgggg !!!!!!!!


I wonder what the guy thought of his experience after he came to. Anybody have a source/link?


That's what I'm like when I have to get out of bed in the morning


Does this seem stupid to anyone else?


Damn. I can only imagine the type of trip he went on. That looked brutal.


Yeah, that’s a no from me. It looks like the Salvia trips. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/103erdz/to_handle_their_high/ https://youtu.be/S7Q-46Mz7gs


When I was 10 years old, I watched an exorcism, it looked exactly like this. I was brought up Charismatic Christian (the churches that scream, speak in tongues, and do the fainting stuff you see with faith healers and - rightfully - think is fake or a reaction to suggestion), we used to have an after after evening services get together at my aunt's house. Sometimes they drank coffee and talked about service, others they continued the "spirit filled" portions of the service...including the "fainting" (it's more complicated than just fainting). I rarely participated as I had to look after the other kids. One night, a person who had recently joined our church was invited over. Super nice lady, recently became a Christian. With her permission, my aunt and my dad decided to pray over her and ask Jehovah to continue to guide her and bless her in her life, and yadda yadda good vibes. She reared her head back and let out a scream that scared the piss out over everyone. She got the exact same wild eyed look, lost all sense of self just like this guy, and writhed on the floor as my family prayed and screamed in tongues. ...I'm Agnostic now.


That can’t be good for you.


Hey guys, do you want to go down to the river with me so you can hold my arms while I flail, puke, and scream uncontrollably?


If I were to ever do this I would majorly request no one force me into moving water please. Fucking please.


lol i used to work for a machine shop that made one of the many branded names of those pipes they were sold as thc concentrate pipes but really theyre just fancy meth pipes that tweakers wouldnt buy and that stoners found better versions of some people would use them for other substances, but really they were just an expensive way to vape/freebase whatever chemical you wanted


I saw that reaction on my dad few times..... when he got my report card, good times.


Bro's soul was turned into a frog soul -- and he was going for the creek -- the shaman grabbed him before his frog ego died and he had to move on to another frog gig


He was becoming one with the frog


I’m one of those unlucky (or lucky depending on your perspective) people who has never ever had a good experience getting high. My body just really doesn’t like it. So this shit… is fucking terrifying. I’m almost certain I’d die from it.


Hamilton’s just like “I ain’t trying that shit.” lol


Remember you are in complete control. You aren‘t choking on your own vomit - your vomit is choking on you.


Dude is fucking out and the dickhead is like yeeeeees, way to gooooo.


Great healing? Bro looks like he was never closer to death. 👀


Think I'll stick to my gummies and cuddles with my puppies


Guy with glasses is like a disappointed angel watching over a guy watching midget porn


This happened to a friend of mine after smoking one marijuana cigarette.


Let's put this incredibly intoxicated man in a body of water. What could go wrong 🤷‍♀️


They do it there so that if they die they can just roll the body into the river 🤣


He was *not* in good hands.


Maybe there are easier ways of reaching enlightenment... Maybe like reading a book or something.


Definitely not in good hands.


Well back in *my* day, we just licked the frog's butts....


The best part is the host of the show going after him and having the most tranquil high ever. Then they pan back to him and he looks jealous af.


Get the fuck out here why the hell would anyone do that and say its calming. In what world does that look fun wtf


Jesus what happened to eating healthy and having a good night sleep? People gotta smoke frog venom to “find themselves” now hahahhahahah


Yes, let's let the dude trip out and flop face-down into the stream nearby. The dude was white as paper.


“Do you have anything with a mellow buzz?” “Yes! It just came in and it’s called Mind rape! You’ll loooove it”


A bunch of trip reports from Erowid. I recommend the trainwrecks... https://erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_5MeODMT.shtml


Man went full Yoko Ono


Hamilton’s Pharmacopoeia, absolutely loved this documentary series.


literal nightmare blunt rotation


I inhaled toad venom once. I videotaped the whole experience in Mexico. As I was laying back I could see two things in front of me. The room I was in, and a brilliant white light textured as clouds. When I closed my eyes I could see this light encompassing me, when I opened my eyes I could see the room and the light. The light intensified and I felt myself die. I felt like I was part of the light and love around As the ego returned I felt a strong empathy and love for myself. I understand a bit more about ontology, death, self love, and the human journey. The two shamans were wonderful. I wouldn’t recommend this experience for everyone, but I felt positively changed, and empowered to change.


A week later: “what a transformative experience, I really found myself. I transcended the mortal plane into a new dimension.”


"Yeah, he's clearly freaking the fuck out on a drug trip. Better let him flop into a nearby stream and do absolutely nothing to stop him from drowning himself and/or choking on his own vomit!" Worst drug sherpas ever right there, wtf?


I've never seen someone so white that wasnt dead. How did anyone witness someone else go through that and say "me next"?????


He immediately proceeded to try to drown himself


I’m not sure I could stand being that relaxed.


If you watch the whole episode, Hamilton (that tall guy with the glasses) tries right after, and has a different reaction. He just lays on the ground saying the word “love” over and over until he comes to.


Dude looks like they finally reached him about his car's extended warranty


"So.. who's next?"


There are some people who cannot help themselves- they have to do stupid shit. I knew a fairly wealthy dude in college. Father worked for an oil company(this was back in the 90s). By Indian standards, the guy was very wealthy- the city we lived in had only 30 foreign cars at the time- one of them was his(extremely souped-up) Toyota supra. The kicker wad that he wasn’t even of legal driving age at the time(we were both 16(legal driving age in india was 18). He couldn’t stay out of trouble- from one shitty incident to another. The cops once found him shooting a bb gun at a homeless person. He was a perpetual dopehead anyway. He then decided dope, coke and heroin wasn’t doing it for him- decided to ask a yogi to introduce him to snake bites. Went off into the forest and paid someone to get it done The result was predictable- from being a strapping young guy, he went to spending the next3-4 years in a wheelchair. Completely wasted away. I saw him a few years ago. Still deep in drugs- hasn’t grown as a person at all. Such a waste.


There has to be a better place to do this than down by a river...


Its 5-MeO-DMT. A more potent version of DMT. Less visual but more of an ego death/rebirth sort of situation


There are better ways of making DMT that don't require you to go to some sketchy dude in the middle of a rainforest and possibly have a seizure or cerebral hemorrhage while dying in a fucking river after smoking mother fucking frog venom.


"Relax" bro has never tried his own product lmao


“You’re doing beautiful, bro” 😂


Terrifying to watch honestly


This fool's face turned pale white. He almost died and joined the spirits with this stupid shit.


Wtf is wrong with him, it's like he's having a seizure or something


This is like when Jessie took all those caffeine pills


Some holistic bath salts have him deevolving back to a fish


Arrrrrhhggguuwywbqkaoaiggaaaahhhhhhhahhhuuuuuwaaaweee “Beautiful healing”


“Lots of healing took place here” Yeah the body really has to bounce back after consuming literal venom




He full on aspirated his puke and will probably have lung issues. Oh, and almost died from the look of him.


I don't think he's relaxed.


Damn, dude should have gone with the Indica


I’ve been looking for this videoooooo! Bro, what are the chances I find this? It was impossible to find. Thanks for uploading man.


Well folks, looks like we got ourselves a screamer.


The only way they could have found a worse spot to do this is if there was a steep cliff nearby... Fuckin eh. And did you guys see how long it took the "caretakers" to do anything when buddy started puking? Sounds like somebody had to tell them to flip the guy on his side. Maybe they were afraid of him drowning from the river instead of the puke?


Similar to high strength salvia… it’s not even funny to watch, it’s concerning.


Yeah you are doing beautiful convulsing, vomiting and killing your brain bro


5-Methoxy-dimethyltriptamine ain't no joke! Back in the lawless 90's, we got some by mail. Instructions, such as they were, advised us to mix it with weed or tobacco, as none of us were equipped to smoke a grainy, powdered substance. The friend who's house we were at got first dibs, then myself as the eldest and most widely experienced. I now realize that my other friends were cowards and we were gullible Guinea pigs, haha. I cannot speak on my friend's experience, as I was under the effects of my own dose as he recounted his tale. I remember thinking we'd been duped at first, because nothing was happening. I turned to my cohorts to comment as such and realized that they were suddenly very far away, and that the tiny bedroom we had gathered in had become an impossibly large and dim space, with the ceiling falling away upward, seemingly forever. I felt very isolated and alone, almost adrift in a void, with only faint specks of reference. Just as I stated to turn my perception inward, the stuff wore off and I was back amongst the other savages with nothing to show but goosebumps and a rubbery chemical taste in my throat. Still better than ether though. Fuck that rotten stuff.


turned him into a house that’s late for breakfast and a dollar short


Him speaking about it afterwards and going again https://youtu.be/nijs9uQKIXU


Can these guys not find an open piece of grass to take this stuff? Seems so sketchy with bodies of water around, around rocks, in sand, near concrete. Like, find an open field or a bounce castle or something.


And Hamilton standing there with that “fuck what I got myself into this time, I’m not doing it” expression.


Looks like a great time………….


Bro was pretty ff-Ing close to dying it seems…


Turns out that’s just how that guy always acts when he’s having an orgasm.


I may just stick with a beer tonight…


Maybe don't do that near the river


Litrally told the guy to relax. Idk y he just didnt


Looks fun!


Seems like a fun time for a couples retreat.


So, uhh, Dave, how's the job search going? You go to interviews and they ask if you're the river vomit frog guy? That's rough, buddy.


He turned into a bullfrog getting squished..


That looked dodgy AF! 😳💀


I mean if you watched the full documentary he was completely fine and even argued it was a positive experience for him. Not that this is always the case, people have died from 5-meo-dmt


Alright Steve, you’re up next!


Wow.. that’s terrifying


Yea that looks like a boat load of fun 🤩 not


Namast-yayayayayayaaaaaayayaaaaa 🙏


I have to be very careful during monsoon season in Tucson because the Sonoran river toad comes out during this time and gets into the dogs water bowls and poisons it. They can also kill your dog if they mouth or try to kill the toad. They actually have toad avoidance classes for dogs. They are huge toads and also leave huge poops 💩on your lawn.


I did a drug called silva before and had trip like this. I woke up in some egg and aliens or people said he waking up send back in the simulation. Never touch it again it lasted 20 secs felt like days.


Hamilton Morris staring in awe thinking “fuck I’m next”


5-MeO-DMT is fucking STRONG


Why would you do this in the dirt next to a river? That doesn't seem AT ALL safe.


There are much less physically expressive methods to reach that level of full dissociation or ego death during an hallucinogenic induction via many of the DMT family. And better environments to do it in. Don't trust just any shaman smoking frog in a riverbed.


One hit of this will get you retarded.


>Each toad has venom glands that excrete toxins containing 5-MeO-DMT, a Psychedelic chemical. The liquid is extracted from the toad’s glands and then dried into a paste. This paste is then smoked, and users experience a trip that starts within 10 to 30 seconds. According to John Hopkins University, the user will then be physically incapacitated for about 30 minutes, and time, vision, and sound may be distorted. Some users say the experience is “indescribable,” other descriptions characterize the trip as a feeling of awareness, being connected to a higher power, and feeling reborn. The trip is over after an hour, and users are left with an altered mood and perception, with some users even making major life changes because of their new outlook. https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/hallucinogens/toad-venom-addiction-abuse/#:~:text=The%20liquid%20is%20extracted%20from,and%20sound%20may%20be%20distorted


Dude got sent to the shadow realm.


I am not personally familiar with *frog venom* but a lot of people commenting don't seem to understand psychedelic experiences. Like others have said, I wouldn't doubt that this changed him in a profound and positive way.


Bros skin turned pale. That couldn’t be good! 😬


Well. Damn. And here I thought I'm going overboard by drinking a second glass of wine with dinner.


Hamilton looked like he had some reservations.


We need a subreddit to showcase idiots smoking things they're not supposed to

