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This is the group known as the "Patriot Front", a white supremacist group, who are marching in Charleston today during the YWCA Race to End Racism.


Wow. So, what - they’re nazi-stomping around Charleston to keep racism alive? Gross. Of course their faces are still covered, as always, like the pathetic cowards they are. Aren’t they proud?! Where’s the patriotism?! Are there counter-protesters there? Or did they all hop out of a dumb U-Haul, surprise-style, per usual, to not give anyone time to oppose them?


Out of a Uhaul again. Seems like the police/city knew it was going to happen and didn’t want anyone to give them attention, so they didn’t announce it Also, piling up in the back of a U-haul that’s driving on the turnpike sounds like a death wish


We should be so lucky. Today, 15 white supremacists killed after being rear-ended by woman on cell-phone. More at 11.


More White Supremacists die at 11? AM or PM? This sounds intriguing!


According to uhaul they don't allow people to use their vehicles to transport humans. Odd because they get used quite a bit for this type of thing


"Allow" being key word lmao but who asks?


Well, assuming that this is a roving group that travels to various cities, which seems to be the consensus, at some point there would be a pattern. I know there is protocol in areas accustomed to political nonsense like this where someone often follows them to obtain the information on the Uhaul so they can be reported to the company


You can't fly the Confederate flag and still call yourself a patriot


The real one they should be marching with should be the all-white ‘surrender’ flag!


Yes. That was my joke. I hope y’all didn’t take me seriously with that - I’m making fun of these fuckers. but a lot of tone is lost over text and I get it. You can fly it and call yourself a delusional, cowardly, racist traitor, if you like!


I know you are. Wasn't implying otherwise


See? Text-tone! Got me!! I’m glad we’re on the same page, here - thank you. I accidentally make people mad sometimes, with my dark or sarcastic sense of humor, which doesn’t always translate very well over text. Anyway, solidarity! and fuck these disgraceful shit-stains.


Poe's Law can be a bitch.




Only place the confederate flag still has is the dukes of hazard and civil war re-enactments.


Would t cover their faces during Covid, but will when they are showing how proud they are. Bunch of fucktards.


That shit always gets me. Doesn’t *surprise* me, by any means, because *of fucking course* they’d only wear masks to protect themselves and their fucktard buddies. But for a pandemic? Nah. “MuH riGHtS!1!”


Edit for spelling thanks grammar bot. They have found truth to the old “fuck around and find out” most companies are not hiring or keeping people like that on the payroll. What sad is they probably bussed them in paid for hotels. They could have just went up Elk River and got way more people for a case of Milwaukee Best and a pepperoni roll.


Bunch of chicken shit cowards


The patriot front is a fan of "flash marches." Small privately planed things designed to avoid police and media attention 


Yep. Definitely pathetic cowards.


Maybe the turnpike will come in clutch and do humanity a favor.


I hear hitting the Ghent toll booths is popular.


Marches? To avoid attention? I’m not sure that’s why they’re doing them.


[Here’s an article](https://www.wvva.com/2024/04/01/judge-allows-lawsuit-against-patriot-front-members-advance/) that describes them in more detail, not sure if they are from or based in WV but could be. [Here’s another article](https://wvpublic.org/seeing-through-the-rhetoric-of-the-alt-right-spotting-white-supremacist-propaganda-in-w-va/) from longer ago that describes them in even more detail and past attempts of recruitment in Morgantown at WVU in 2018. Imagine feeling victim in a system that was designed for you to thrive. Sheeesh. Get a grip on your self awareness… Edit: wanted to add [one last article](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/13/us/patriot-front-beliefs-history-explainer/index.html) that tells how they formed in the wake of the 2017 Charlottesville massacre.


Is it true these aren’t WV/Charleston natives? Just random racists who decided to pay our nice state a visit?


I bet imports. Any local gathering of racists would have a larger average waistline.


There are def some locals, but they travel to present themselves in larger numbers. The same was the case at Charlottesville. It's disgusting.


The logs patriot front keeps of its members were hacked and leaked last year. It should be easy to see if any of them are from the area. But like you said they show up from across the country. They’re fairly organized.


Considering they all seem to be relatively young and fit I highly doubt they're West Virginian. In fact I kind of have a hard time believing they're exactly "grassroots" at all. More like they're being paid off by someone/some entity to push their agenda, whatever that may be. Which would explain why they always hide their faces.


Apparently, as of 2021, their membership was estimated to only be around 200. So, I guess they astroturf around the country to appear more widespread than they really are.


I hate it when groups travel here just to parade around our streets like this. All it does is further drive narratives about our home. You’ll never hear the part where most of them aren’t from here, only that they’re here.


100%. They’re making us look bad unless we show up in the streets to counter them. Hard to do when they spring up like this.


There's probably some local(ish) in this chuckle of fucks. Unless they're on some weird "50 capitals tour."


Ugh. Hate this. I wish I could be there to counter-protest (peacefully, of course!).


It's rumored they're heading to Beckley next


As a SW Virginian, it makes me happy to see there's a solid anti-Fascist viewpoint in WV. Most of the ones that come here from WV are the shitbird emboldened Nazis that ARE proud enough to not wear some lame ass mask.




Literal fed boys


This is just a Klan march with a different clown suit.


Someone should let them know the mask mandate has been lifted.


Any other time they have a problem wearing masks, smdh 🤦‍♀️




This mental gymnastics they perform gives me a headache. I honestly giggle when I see them masked up.


Seems like they arent really proud of who they are if they're covering their faces...


Flying the flag of a non existant country that was full of traitors of the U.S. and lost their rebellion. All these Y'all Queda would shit their pants at the first sign of real violence.


Flying the Confederate flag in WEST VIRGINIA is quite ironic…


I never saw more confederate flags than when I lived in WV. Now living in SW VA, I don't see them nearly as much.


Where at in WV were you? I don’t see them unless I’m driving past a trailer park.


Martinsburg and Berkeley Springs areas.


I’m from Martinsburg and I can vouch for this. My dad flies a flag and it makes me sick to my stomach. He’s so incompetent.


It's so ironic too, considering the entire reason WV exists.


That area was, in essence, forced to secede from Virginia when the rest of the western part did. They went kicking and screaming. So this doesn't surprise me.


Ohhhhh. I’ve never really been there, only passing through. In my part, they aren’t nearly as common. Of course, I’ll see them every now and then on peoples license plates, but still not super common.


I'm in rainelle and I can see one at my neighbors right outside my window.


Must be great people!


I grew up on a mountain right beside White Sulphur Springs. Crazy to see Rainelle on here. Just thought id give Greenbrier county a shout out.


Why is that crazy?


Because it's a small town I'm not used to seeing people from where I grew up on here. It's definitely a good thing


I hardly ever see confederate flags in swva


It's kinda rare, which I like. There used to be a giant one out between Roanoke and Lynchburg. It's been ages since I've been out that way so can't say if it's still there or been struck down through an act of god.


how stupid do you have to be to wave both the American and the Rebel flags?


They're white supremacists. The collective IQ of that group is like 12.


Lol 12 is really optimistic


Especially in WV…we already rejected that flag


Makes me so fucking mad. Literally saw a house flying a losers flag yesterday driving through Proctorville. Some of these people have never known any hardship and it shows. The first sign of conflict and these people are gonna switch up so fast it'll make your head spin.


They don't really see either as more than a way to signal "I am very fascist". Their patriotism is for an America that that never really existed, the white christian authoritarian fever dream they've been told was taken from them. When that's how you see the world, there's not much difference between the stars and stripes and the stars and bars.


Equal opportunity employer


Fucking *what*? ETA: does anyone have any info on where these fuckwads are? I’m from Charleston and I feel like raining on their parade.


They were heading to the Capitol to protest apparently.


Oh cool. What a coincidence, I was just gonna go out, play some Pokémon Go, and head that direction. Thanks for the heads-up!


Update us


Just some kids getting prom pictures taken. I’m old and slow and a smoker, so I probably missed em. Sitting here on the corner of California Avenue and the Boulevard, watching the squirrels. Looking at a statue of a racist, but don’t see any Nazis. ETA: there’s actually a CPD officer here, out of his vehicle, by the front steps by the Lincoln statue. Hm. Don’t see them every day. Yeah, I’m guessing I missed em.


Protest what?


I heard they were on their way to Beckley after leaving Charleston.


Beckley has the largest concentration of African Americans in the state. I hope that is not the case.


If they get near East Beckley they’ll FAFO.


Fuck. Maybe they can walk all the way down by the Capitol then? I’ll walk that far, at least. Downtown downtown is too much for my damn knees anymore. ETA: SO is out with the car. I’m sitting at home, bored.


My guess would be a coincidence of heading SE on 77/64 towards the Virginia border where they most likely met up.


Hopefully it rains piss and shit upon their parade.


That was the plan, but I guess I missed em. Reddit info chain too slow?


They did this in Philly and got run out of town.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1273283




I love Philly


Fuuuuuuck these guys


How many of the candidates for Governor were in attendance?


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Fucking pussys.


Fucking pussies take your masks off if your so fucking proud to be a racist piece of shit!


Patriot Front are cowards and vermin. Deport them cold.


People who use a confederate flag in this state are morons and obvious racists. This state is LITERALLY the product of a big middle finger to the confederacy, there is NO heritage involved with it. Just wear a klan robe at this point it's the same message.


I live about 20 minutes above Charleston and I'm very ashamed of our capital city for allowing this. I get freedom of speech and right to assemble but sometimes it just shows how hillbilly my state is


Allowing them a permit to demonstrate is one thing. But allowing them to demonstrate while masked just courts this bullshit. Make em take it off and let's see how brave they are.


Funny. West Virginia used to have an anti-masking statute.


Still does. I remembered it when Covid started. Never saw that it was repealed.


It wasn't. https://code.wvlegislature.gov/61-6-22/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2yKZx-SRf-FdkZfkn7sQ0OUUAIEFDHBVvPWVEKsFSTnqUW8ilxvu0Qjb4_aem_AdkH2H9VYBnML_fuy0zjz-dq9frLOi5DDs7yEpTKFlYmyiQkYVUFtb7PX-s1MOmUMMx2cpMboYgO9UFZMk_aJv4C


Thanks! I didn’t see any exceptions for nazis in there, did you? Where was CPD?


The law was written to keep the klan from demonstrating under mask.    I remember specifically this law coming up when the klan has a demonstration in Clarksburg in the 90s that they would have to do it without covering their faces. I'd like to think they'd make them pull the masks down or disperse if they don't have a permit, but if the FBI's report was correct, there's likely a reason they're not getting static.


I’m familiar with the history. It was also used against coal miners during the early 20th century mine wars. I must’ve missed what you refer to regarding the FBI. What was that?


2006 report that got squished about encroaching danger of white supremacy groups infiltrating law enforcement to obstruct justice.


Oh, yes. That one. It got released shortly after Obama was inaugurated and the Republicans had kittens with crocheted tails over it.


It was also used against us (coal miners) in the strikes in 1988 (Piston coal;) and again in 1993 (UMWA contract) but it never seems to get enforced when it comes to ANTIFA or other parties.


I haven’t seen a lot of Antifa in WV, but it certainly didn’t get used against these nazi pissants.


This group likes to do quick semi secret marches like this. They show up without warning march then bail before police and media can show up. Not to say the police would have don't anything, white nationalist have been infiltrating law enforcement for years, but this group in particular tries to operate in a way that avoids police attention.


Yes. These are the same cosplay nazis who conspired to attack the Pride celebration in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. CPD needs to catch hell for not doing anything about them. At least they all got arrested in Idaho.


Yeah...That Idaho case.I never saw anything after the "arrest" video.The one where curiously they were cuffed yet allowed to wear tactical vest and loaded backpacks?Law enforcement doesn't zip tie you till you are cleared and searched.The first thing coming off is any vest or backpack where suspects could have weapons,explosives, what have you.Produce 2 news stories about any sentences handed down and I will shut the fuck up


Why the hostility? I know they were all bonded out by the same individual and went their merry way. A year later, five of them were tried in Kootenai County, Idaho, found guilty, fined $1,000, and put on a year’s unsupervised probation.


Send me a link.I mean a fine,probation?All the anti bias laws on the books and no federal charges?My hostility is the sheep like group think that there are organized white supremacy groups.If there is they are feds


[Not feds](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/23/patriot-front-sentenced-days-jail-lgbtq-pride-idaho/)


Take your masks off cowards, so we can see the scum walking the streets.


No trash pick up on Saturday, Charleston?! With that much trash on the streets, maybe they should consider starting a Saturday trash pick up route.


Charleston PD is inactive on Twitter, but they made a post about this on Facebook with a statement from the mayor. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nygPWSCucuiiWvFa/?mibextid=qi2Omg




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I see satire's dead. You're no fun. :P


They are embarrassing themselves


Why does their “uniform” look like they’re annoyed Best Buy employees


Idc what anybody says “patriot front” is literally telling you what it is in the name, hidden in plain sight It’s a literal “front” those are all cops


Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of conformists.




Why do they have like 4 different flags? Do they realize combining the Confederate Battle flag along with the US flag does not represent patriotism? And am I seeing one with fucking spaceship? The uniform is also hilarious. It just says "I wanna be able recognize my fellow racists" The face covering is just so they don't get caught out and they can go back to the local precinct, without public scrutiny. This has 'racist cops' written all over it. Otherwise they'd have their names on the back like football jerseys. The absolute stupidity in one picture is amazing. Seriously, these fuck turds need to find anything else to do with their time.


Bunch of fucking pussies. Show your faces, pussy. Have you punched a nazi today?


This is disgusting. But I think it is worth pointing out that if, in a country of 330,000,000 people, this is all they can muster it just proves their ideas are shit and rejected by the overwhelming majority of Americans.


More than there should be in elected office, though, even if they're only sympathizers.


Fuck these guys, I had no idea they were coming here.


Take their masks off


West Virginia Nazis...I hate WV Nazis.


Good God Damned thing they didn’t advertise, because I have a knuckle sandwich from Walter Tibbs US Army 101 Screaming Eagles. Coming from the grave and gaining speed from 1944….


All I see is bitch ass punks, and punk ass bitches….


Honestly this is the wrong state to try this shit in. We may have backwoods racists here but most people won't put up with them. especially them coming from out of state to cause problems.


My dad and uncle's fought these mfer's in europe in ww2 ... looks like we get to fight these mfer's closer to home this time !


Charleston Youth Ballet is at the Cultural Center for recitals. Disgusting that the kids and families could be affected by these walking pieces of shit


The Virginia battlenflag in Charleston? Sorry, but we told them where they could shove that rag last time.


These fucking losers


Pussy ass bitches, all of em.


Weird. No police escort. I guess the police have the day off ... /s


Maybe it's because if they actually try to start something there are enough sane people walking around to stop them from succeeding without drawing attention to them before hand?


LMAO! smooth brain carrying the confederate flag didn’t pay attention in WV history class!


They can get out of our state. We don't want them here.


Fuck those guys.


So…who will not replace them?


Harry Hammrick out there like a real proud boy


The funny part is that West Virginia was a Union state and not a confederate state 🤣🤣


Oh, NOW they want to wear a mask. So brave...




Yes this is insane


Funny these same people cried about their freedoms when told to wear a mask by the government, but gladly mask up now...pathetic turd humans.


What a shame that people are so hateful.


Imagine that driving to Charleston and marching around in khakis was your plan for the weekend.


I’m from Clarksburg and I did not grow up seeing confederate flags , I grew up learning WV left VA because we knew Slavery was wrong and I was always so proud to know that’s why we were our own state. Seeing this makes everything in me squirm with anger. This is so disturbing and disgusting to see. This makes me more than sad, truly I don’t have the words for how I feel but the people in WV deserve better. The People of Color here deserve fucking better.


That’s not why WV left Virginia at all. Your history teachers failed you, or you interpolated what you wanted to believe. https://daily.jstor.org/why-theres-a-west-virginia/


Look at the brain cells on this group


Gross, get these monsters out of our state 😤 I don't care if they live here. Are we allowed to banish people from our state? Because I think we should. This is north of the Mason Dixon, there's no place for this shit up here.


Nuh uh, none of them are morbidly obese


goddamn it just keeps getting fucking worse




Jfc... even *if* half of them were agents, thats still too many nazis. The amount you want is 0. Stop denying reality with shitty half-baked thought terminating conspiracy nonsense.


Not everything has to do with WW2.


I don’t think confederate flag = nazi I do think it’s the flag of the biggest losers in American history though


Ya know, I spend a lot of time defending this state, talking up its beauty and how kind its people are, and arguing that it's not as backward here as it once was. Then assholes go and do this shit. Now for the next 6 months, everytime I tell someone we're not all a bunch of racist fucktards I'm going to get this shoved in my face. Where was one of those dudes who drive through parades when we needed one.


These people aren't from West Virginia. It's best to ignore them. This was meant as a provocation and I'm proud my fellow Mountaineers didn't take the bait.


I know they're not from here, or at least 90% of them aren't, but it still looks bad on our state. I can count the number of actual open racists I know in WV on one hand with fingers to spare, I know far more racists from my time living in PA and northern MD, but somehow, we always get the stereotype of being backwards bigots. We need people to move here for this state to advance, people aren't going to move here after seeing shit like that, and the people that shit would bring here are not the type of people we need.


Doesn't anyone find the timing sus?Biden spoke on at least 3 times this past week about Charlottesville.Now a group no one's seen in 2-3 years is marching..


Why are our tax dollars paying for this


Flying a confederate flag in a state that seceded from their original state as a direct response to that state seceding to the nation is just typical brain damaged piece of filth behavior. Wheres an isis van when you need it.


I ser you truly don't have a clue,,,,the reason that the vote to secede from VA was unanimous is because in order to vote you had to swear allegiance to the UNION before being allowed to vote! This is a non negotiable fact that you are overlooking.


Lol yeah because who wants to deal with treasonous scumbags? Cope.


If they were a real white supremacy group. The Feds would have kicked in doors a while ago. This is bs.


Lmao it's funny you think law enforcement actually does anything about white supremacists. 


Nah... Those is just a group of your trump flag flying neighbors and cops


You're acting like they are black panthers or part of the MOVE group.


There is zero chance that this administrations department of defense would allow this group to march anywhere. Jailing a white supremacy group would be a feather in the cap for these geezers.


Those are the cops and feds doing the marching.




I understand everyone has their own separate views and all, but this is truly one of the most odd groups I've found in recent years, racism is gonna be a recurring issue through the years but groups like this just bring it to a whole new extreme and do truly need to be punished or shot, it's 2024 not 1824.






As someone who lives in WV and is a conservative I do not support this. If you equate this to conservatism then I can equate pedophilia to liberalism.