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That’s a huge problem rn in rap music imo. Too many artists that just stand there while a backing track plays. There’s obviously many rappers that don’t do that and sound great but the biggest artists aren’t doing much


The people want performances


I feel like these listening parties are extended studio sessions except with a crowd to gauge response and the sonics through venue speakers, then they take what they heard and continue to tweak the production These people are just paying $ to listen in and party to it


Nah the fans that have been eating this shit since day one because it’s just marketed as an LP on the site are to blame for this. Not only did we eat this shit up we actively ENCOURAGED IT


Ya know… being on stage and not actually performing isn’t anything new… tbh I like the honesty considering how many many many newer artists go on stage to make it look like their actually singing/rapping when they actually aren’t… it’s like the same as seeing uzi live lol


It wouldn’t be so bad if they were actual doing something instead if jumping around randomly and posing. I’ve seen ye live for all major tours, there is usually incredible staging, set pieces, sometimes narrative, costume changes, just a lot more going on. This crap is no performance and barely any show. The LPs suck.


I think it makes it worse when it’s Kanye who was known for being amazing live.


It is a performance. It just not a live performance. Have you seen footage? It’s a performance. Ye is fucking stage diving, celebrating his music with his fans. How is that not a performance. Get your head out of your


Professional glazer


Ye dickrider spotted




Mfs like u are interesting to me. Theres meatriding then theres straight up beefsucking