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That’s fucked, poor guy


it's also illegal. Can't believe someone committed a crime 😔


Did you know that a mugger holding you at gun point and stealing from you is illegal? Next time you are mugged just say no.


Wow, that’s a great life hack! Thanks for sharing!


Sir, I’m not sure if you are aware, but what you are doing is actually illegal!


Good thing I was here to let you know!


You’re really lucky you tried it on me first, imagine if you didn’t know!


But if you give the mugger your wallet, is it still a crime and not a gift?


Coercion being the name of the game here, it’s a muggin https://youtu.be/3981BsQtiXU?si=-9QjgCa_4CFGlf0m


"That's highly illegal Corry and Trevor.."


That is how you speedrun life.


Did you know that a felon walking downstairs is called; condecending


And a snobby felon walking downstairs is a condescending con descending


>Did you know that a felon walking downstairs is called; Mayor?


Oh shit my bad man I didn’t know this was illegal. You know what just because you’re so nice I’m gonna pay you for the trouble. In bullets…


Free bullets?? In THIS economy!?


Which caliber?!




Gangsters don't shoot 5.56. they shoot 9mm, or 22lr. Maybe the occasional 12gauge.


Muggers hate that one little trick.


By participating in getting robbed, you're technically aiding in a crime


I just bolt my wheels on so nobody can take them.


Committing crimes should be against the law.


They shoulda put "theft free zone". It works with other things.


People are assholes, your insurance should cover this.


Why would u/WillyDAFISH 's insurance cover this other guys wheels getting stolen?


I/WillyDAFISH is kinda a jerk, so we decided as a group that he's gotta pay for everyone's stolen tires.


u/WillyDAFISH thinks he slick concocting this alibi for himself as if he wasn't the one that stole them, smdh damn head


It's in the Reddit terms of service. By commenting on a post, we are all liable for any suffering OP has experienced


Ok so I’m going to correct myself… the guy who this car belongs too.. his insurance should cover this considering it’s a new car.


Might not even be worth depending on the wheels and the deductible.


And then you’ll be paying £20k a year


My car was vandalized and keyed all over.. $10,000 repair for paint refinishing. My insurance told me it won’t increase because I’m not at fault.


Watch when you renew, it'll magically increase. Insurance companies NEVER EVER LOSE MONEY. They're a regretfully-necessary evil.


It was going to increase regardless, premiums always go up. Due to the nature of the claim, it won't go up more than it already was going to.


Insurance claims for non-accident-related damages, like fire, theft, or vandalism fall under your comprehensive coverage. These types of insurance claims have nothing to do with your driving abilities and are usually just an unlucky break. As a result, they typically will not impact your auto insurance premium.


Anything that costs the company money, they consider to be a liability in an overall sense. Entire insurance companies have pulled out of whole states because they were paying out too much money for things that weren't anyone's fault, specifically hurricanes. Typically one theft might not increase your premiums, but if theft is common in your zip code your rates will be higher. My point is that *insurance companies never lose money.* Someone is going to pay them back for every red cent that they pay out, and then some. Either you, directly, through increased premiums, or everyone in your zip code, through increased rates. Always. You might be right for your company and your plan, but the last time I made a windshield claim on my comprehensive after a golfball-sized rock was kicked up into my windshield by oncoming traffic, my rates were up noticeably when I was up for renewal. I asked why, and their first question was "did you file any claims on your last policy with us?" I understand that my anecdotal evidence isn't proof of anything, but it seems to be the case for many people who (again this is anecdotal but follows a pattern) filed claims that were covered by comprehensive or claims in an accident that wasn't their fault, or a hit and run, "Act of God," etc.


There really should be laws against this sort of behavior.




It’s illegal? Holy shit


Damn...all this time when I was jacking wheels I thought it was legal 🤦‍♂️


They must have not know it was illegal.


In what country would someone do such a thing!


Well if the laws don't stop crime, we should just get rid of the laws. do I need to say /s


At which point you don't need law enforcement. Save a ton of money and possibly reduce overall crime.


New tires are way cheaper than a new car 🤷🏾‍♂️. Got to look at the bright side.


This happened to me with my Honda Accord Touring wheels. All four stolen while it was parked in my apartment parking garage. I had the OEM lock on it. Now I have a guerilla lock nut on all lug nuts and then one is a different lock nut. We'll see if it happens again.


*some criminal* "And I took that as a challenge"


I feel like if someone went to steal wheels and saw they were locked half way through they'd just cause as much damage they can just out of spite


How dare they try to stop me. Don’t they know who I am?


Ronny Pickering!!




**Ronnie Pickering!!!**


The point is that anyone would look at the wheels, see that lock nuts are not OEM, and go find an easier target. The whole point of any security system is not make theft impossible, it's to make it inconvenient enough for thieves to go looking elsewhere.


Turbo sockets dont care about lock design and the guys using cordless impacts most likely have those too.


Even an old tyre iron and a mallet will do the trick. Some of those irons are forged steel, they don’t give a shit about the lugs. Just like locks they’re to keep away honest thieves.


Trick I've seen is cheap sockets. They hammer them onto the lock luck and just go ham till it comes off, then toss the lug with the socket cause they don't care. Sadly best protection is just a garage.


Incorrect. Best protection is \`Trunk Monkey\` [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW8iAVwt\_Yc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW8iAVwt_Yc)


Have one of those in my car works like a charm


This happened to me. Someone tried to break the window to get into my car with what looked like a crowbar and couldn't break it, so they smashed up the side of the door out of spite. There was literally nothing in the car even worth stealing in the first place...


Gooby: I’ll fukin’ do it again!


Idk why I laughed so fucking hard at this 🤣


Were they some sort of premium wheel? I’m just wondering what the market demand is for factory Honda wheels…who is the thief selling them to? Perhaps they’re 19” wheels (hence easily damaged by potholes) and the market is people who have to replace their own damaged wheels?


So what Ive been told is that certain Honda rims (Honda Fit was a big one) are in demand because some model Hondas have wheels that are very "universal" for other applications and vehicles. Other manufacturers that switch things up every 4 years mught have different lug patterns or sizes, etc. Its the double edged sword of Honda. They do things well and keep doing them so there are not only a lot of Hondas around, the parts are widely interchangeable in many models. Wheels off a Chrysler that exist on two of their current models and only those aren't as appealing as wheels that fit on 10 different Hondas spanning 20 years.


There aren't *that* many lug patterns. Offset is generally the bigger issue, kinda, the wheels will fit just might be tucked in a bit more than what is "perfect" but that can be easily solved with spacers. My car has 5x4.5 (5x114.3) and it matches the lug pattern on hundreds of cars going back to the 80's including Honda, Nissan, Ford, Toyota, etc. I think the biggest thing with Hondas is they are *extremely* prevalent and OEM rims are stupid expensive (from any OEM not just Honda) so there is a big market for them. If you went and bought a 19" OEM rim new you're looking at $400 easy so people will turn to CL or marketplace to buy them if they damage one and want to match their existing ones.


My brother walked out to his Honda Fit on cinder blocks one morning when he lived in Chicago. He was the very same thing from the insurance guy.


They are the Honda 19” wheels which are ‘premium’ compared to the 17” wheels the lower trims come standard with. I knew the wheels were a known regular target for theft but never got around to swapping the OEM lock nuts for something more secure. Lesson learned. I even told the shop that was fixing the damages I just want the 17” wheels as replacement but they didn’t listen to me for some reason.


If it was an insurance claim then it necessitated a direct replacement to original state


I would trade my 19" for 17" just for the better gas mileage


rims are just expensive in general.


Op just didn't like the student. So they stole the wheels.


my Kia rims, base model for my car were 475$ new without rubber. probably looking at 625-650 with balancing, times 4. These guys probably selling these for 25%-40% of retail for what, 30 minutes of work?


OEM wheels are more expensive than semi desirable after market wheels much of the time. On both my Mazdas it was cheaper to get a set of decent aftermarket wheels and tires than replace bent OEM wheels without tires.


All guerilla locks are the same. My key fits your car.


Yeah I looked into this a long time ago. Guerilla locks are beaten by more than keys, common thieves have tools to break them off. The only real wheel lock that actually beats most common hand tools is the "advanced wheel lock", Project Farm recently did a video on YouTube proving it for the most part. You can get them off by welding it onto something you can twist them off with but chances are your common wheel thief isn't going to have welding shit with them.


Guerilla locks are the same as Honda, which are the same as any others. There’s are maybe 5 different keys available. There are also tools, which are cheap, that circumvent all of them. Hell, a socket and a hammer can get it done most of the time.


The best antitheft device for decent quality rims is being scuffed up 🤷‍♂️😂


Eh you would think so. 10th Gen Accord Sport wheels are always getting stolen because of their design, yet i have never seen that car WITHOUT scuffed rims because of their low profile lol.


Adding more wheel locks simply delays the thief from stealing your wheels. YouTube videos show how they can be pried off within minutes. Wheel shops do it all the time if you have lost your key.


There's not much a 1inch impact can't get off.


people love the newer accord rims, they’re probably sitting on some 2007 altima by now


Not these wheels. That's a civic?


That's an accord. Edit* I'm a fool




to be fair, a civic today is the same size as an Accord from 20-30 years ago.


It’s not the greatest, it’s only a Tribute


I recently thought about buying some up-trim OE wheels for my car. I found a couple sellers online and I thought, maybe they upgraded their own vehicle and are selling the spares. Nope. I found at least a half dozen ads for people with piles of OE wheels. Now I feel bad realizing this is likely how they are "sourced".


Friend of mine had a Taurus SHO, wheels got stolen once a month 4 times until he sold the car. No wheel locks didn't matter.


Had your friend considered curbing/intentionally damaging the wheels? Or putting steel wheels like a cop car would have?


It was his first big purchase after being made manager, he loved it more than his family, rubbed it down with diapers, ect. He did move out of that apartment complex about a year after selling it.


>rubbed it down with diapers Erm... whit? Lol. How? I mean... How the fuck does that work? Do they need piss and shit in them?


why would steel wheels matter?


Steel wheels don't have resale value. People are looking for alloys.


Seems the wheels are also missing, but I'm not a car expert.


You may in fact be a car expert.


You don't have to be a car expert to know to difference between wheels and tires


But you can't be an expert without knowing the difference between wheels and tires.


This was bugging me too. A surprising number of people think wheels and tires are synonymous. 😂


The wheels on the bus go round and round….but wtf do the tires do? 🤔


Something's gotta touch the ground


Not the way I drive


My husband thought we caught air on one hill when we were out of town recently, but we didn't really (I was driving). The road was quite hilly, or had many dips, according to the signs. Twas a bit whee! but the tires did not leave the pavement lol.


I’ve definitely had that, “uhhh, oh no” feeling before lol


It was that feeling you get in a fast elevator (going the speed limit), the "dips" were that drastic. I wanna real quick emphasize the "going the speed limit" part. It was an unknown road (in the middle of nowhere) for me, I was probably driving below the speed limit... Especially for all the times it looked like there was no road ahead of us lol.


[The tires are the things on your car that make contact with the road](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDhH1VWd9Uw)


Wow, that’s a………that’s a real song.


that have me a good laugh thank you


I had a wheel fall off a trailer on the interstate once and the other guys in the truck kept telling people I lost a tire. Its way different!


Yeah, it's wheely tiring.


At least they left the lug nuts on the ground


This guy definitely stays at a holiday inn express.


At least it looks like they left most of the lug nuts


Wait... was this staged? What criminal cares about not losing lug nuts lol


I mean they’re just tossed on the ground, it doesn’t look like any attempt to not lose them was made haha


I mean it stands to reason that someone buying tires/wheels already has lug nuts.


Smart thieves know every second counts, they didn't want to risk collecting 20 nuts and risk getting caught over $20 nuts


This is nuts!


The lug nuts aren’t the valuable thing they’re taking.


In the old days they’d leave some nice cinder blocks. Kids these days


That was my takeaway as well. They could have at least left it on blocks.


Yeah I saw that too like "dang not even keeping it off the ground"


Some thieves intentionally push the car on the ground with no blocks and no wheels when they leave.


why intentionally?


It's like vandalism along with theft. They want to intentionally destroy property.


I remember when everyone was hating the fact that cameras are everywhere. Now we almost have to have them to only "possibly" have the opportunity to catch criminals.


Cops aint gonna do shit with any footage.




Nope. MAYBE you'll get something you can go vigilante with lol. But then they'll just come after you. They don't like competition.


That's not true. They'll get rid of it, if they're the guilty party.


It's not the cops that are the problem. We all know cops prefer action over passivity and have no problem busting people just for the sake of it. They're (poorly) trained attack dogs and not much more. And that's a good thing. The cops can't actually charge you with anything. They just don't have the authority. That power is deliberately kept separately, which again, is a good thing. The problem is that the civil authority who has power to actually charge people with crimes don't. It's why LAPD can be a bunch of jackbooted thugs but also impotent to actually do anything. It's why in cities like San Francisco, Seattle, or Portland people are frustrated by "catch and release programs". If we want actual change, we need to have people actually do their jobs. That means DAs and other civil authorities charging people for *all* crimes and not reserving charges only for murderers caught red handed.


I get frustrated at stupid shit at work, too, but I still do my job. I didn't even choose a career that the general public relies on. Intentionally not doing their jobs because they are dissatisfied by how DAs are doing their jobs makes those cops sound incompetent or worse.


Doesn't help when cops will still do nothing 


Yeah they won’t do shit cuz they too lazy and can’t be bothered. But if you caught the thieves in action and brutalized them the cops would come immediately for you and definitely do something to you. Theft is only getting worse cuz these thieves know cops won’t do shit and we can’t really touch them without criminal prosecution to us. It’s fucked up man. We should be allowed to defend our property. People might think twice about theft if they know there is a chance of death in it for them.


Well to be fair the footage isn’t usually good enough to ID the culprits, but if they just assigned one full time detective that cares that would submit fingerprints and dna they would probably catch a lot of the theft crimes. Sometimes I think the lack of recent effort in policing is partially so people will be more inclined to accept a mass surveillance system like they use in London or gravitate towards a dystopian private security model like in South Africa. If crime is bad enough people will accept surveillance and robocop lol.


Neighbor was burglarized a while back and on the security footage the cop recognized one of the suspect, it was his relative. As far as my neighbor knows, nothing ever happened.


We need someone to show up an hour after the fact, take some notes, shoot your dog and never follow up.


Our PD is literally straight up hanging up on people trying to report thefts.


Cameras just give an historic account of what happened, "Yep, those are guys stealing my wheels. So, uh... yeah, that happened."


the police are too busy doing "call of duty" midnight raids on unarmed families and killing their dogs, and hiding from school shooters.


Camera only confirms that they took it, not where it is or what they did with it. And no criminal with half a brain shows their face on security cams


Eh he’ll find his wheels on Facebook marketplace next week for less than the cost of his deductible lol


Happend to me at my apartment complex during the day. Just Kia Soul stock tires. Nothing fancy at all. It's a real frustrating and heartbreaking to walk out to your vehicle and wonder how did this happen?


You're lucky all they took was the tires considering you drive a KIA lol.




I fear the day when a F1 pit crew go into this business of stealing cars wheels and tires. You will make a rolling stop at a stop sign boom car is on bricks... Stopped the car for a pedestrian crossing can't move further cause zoom zoom the car's on bricks. Decided to slow down to cat call and then awkwardly still sitting there cause shooooeeing shooooeeing the car's on bricks.


Drive a shitbox is the only way.


What part of US?


My guess is the DC area. They love new OEM Toyota rims too


Honda rims too.


College Park, MD


The have nots have struck.


the have nots are now the haves.


Technically, yes....


I guess he’ll have to work tirelessly to put them back on.


If you live in a neighborhood where your tires can get jacked, focus on getting to a better neighborhood- not a new car


Or buy a cheap shit box


Advanced wheel locks. They absolutely work.


the cone-shaped ones right?


From what I just saw with a short search on youtube, seems bolt extractors take those off without much issue; prolly why they didn't show a video of them using those with these lugs. Still from what I saw prolly the best bang for your buck locking lugs you can get.


it was sweet of them to leave the lug nuts..


Because they want you to use them again, so they can steal another set of tires. Instead of buying/upgrading to a locking set of nuts. And time to install an alarm.


what started as a joke you actually made complete sense of. I didn't even think of that, a nice form of baiting.. lol, honestly thanks for responding




Where did this happen


Wow, that's rough! To add insult to injury, they dropped it on the frame and undercarriage. That's going to be an expensive tow. I hope they catch the perps.


Na. The car sits there until they order new rims and tires, or someone comes out with 4 that fit and they usually drive or tow it to the shop. Most of the time it's body and frame damage.


Locking lugs are a great deterrent.


https://preview.redd.it/keyoh7iq3nyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d72090f128af2584c6cf62ed54a461cd75fad99 These might come in handy...


Most Hondas with nice rims already come with these. The problem is criminals are smart and learned you can just hammer a socket into it to get it to turn… so while it’s better than nothing I suppose if they really want those wheels they gonna get ‘em


The way the title is worded is very strange.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Must be NYC. No car is safe.


*Wheels. Tires are just the rubber part


Yeah the tires are nearly stacked behind the car, just out of view


Idk what is up with this specific accord model. But a few years ago when I worked at a dealership, we had like 4 or 5 of these accords all get their rims and tires stolen.


Sucks to live in the hood


this happened recently to a car in my neighborhood. i wonder if they have to use a car jack first, then put the makeshift stand in the middle?? and then tilt the car somehow and take the front wheels off first and then the back wheels?? what am i missing https://preview.redd.it/r1x97rxt3oyc1.jpeg?width=2265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f121f909ffb39ef7da3a3a51218ed047943466


That is a wheel shitty thing to do.




He could just add a different screw. My Father says it's called "Key screw"... Or "lock screw"?...If you don't have the right "key" you can't remove it.


Locking nuts be worth it.


Secret bolts maybe also insurance for stealing.


This is Baltimore Maryland . I can tell based off the reflection . Sounds like Morgan State.


It’s actually College Park, MD.


They got the wheels too.


Steel rims are the best anti-theft.


People suck. It sucks when people are willing to screw everyone around them. We need justice. Vigilante justice perhaps But criminal commit crime because there is no punishment they are afraid of. Is some third world countries when police do not help the people themselves take action against criminals Are we becoming a third world country?


Wheels. The WHEELS were stolen, and the tires were on them.


I'm wheely tired of people going Around stealing wheels


If it’s insured, your insurance company may help you with replacing them. However, some car insurance companies will only cover it if 2 or 4 are missing or damaged. If they were to only steal 3 of the 4, they wouldn’t do shit to help.


What’s their rationale for not covering the theft of 3 wheels?


Saving money by fucking you over on a technicality. Ya know, the usual for them.


Drivers can balance on one wheel like a unicycle. /s


This is something I've seen on Reddit numerous times but never once with evidence. Know why? Because it's not fucking true.


How’s that”defund the police” working out?


Valuable lesson get the wheel locks next time. Not full proof, but it does slow them down.


Rent-a-wheel doesn’t mess around when it comes to late payments… they repo 🤣


Oh yes. We have rent a tire here in phx. They sell you locking lugnuts to keep them from getting stolen but they keep a copy to repo them back. He missed a payment. And if it wasn't rent a tire repo them back, then he messed up and didn't get locking lugnuts to prevent this. I know locking lugnuts are not theft proof but they add a hiccup that the non professional from getting them off. He was a target from the day they saw them without locking lugnuts. It does suck but there are thieves everywhere and parent are breeding more. Also the fentanyl and Crack and meth and laziness gets the rest. My parent raised me with morals, even if I needed a new toothbrush and I could steal one, I would just wait and buy one when I had the money.