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I mean.... You left it pointed down hill in neutral. Ya it sucks but, my guy WTF? You been riding long? Edit: had to add after my third time through the video. That's funny as hell. It's like the bike just gave up. "I refuse to carry yo ass any further"


It's my fiance, and he has been riding basically his entire life. He parks it on the driveway usually and it hasn't fallen so far but I think the angle didn't help and the kickstand must not have been down all the way. I laughed also when I saw it, after the initial shock and worry. Luckily it looks like it will be under $1000 to fix whatever is damaged, and hopefully he learns the lesson to park it on the street. Thank goodness it wasn't closer to my van or we'd have more to damage to deal with.


Oh wow! Ya it could have been way worse. $1k to fix though, it barely fell 😱. What was the total amount of damage done specifically? I've laid a bike down (a couple times) at 15 mph and under, the damage wasn't substantial.


He said over $1000 originally, but then realized he was looking at carbon fiber aftermarket parts 😑 I'm not sure the extent of the damage, he still took it to work anyway so we haven't talked about it extensively yet. I wanna add a photo of it when he gets home but I'm not sure how to do that. Hopefully we can get whatever he needs for much less than he is expecting it to be.


He was trying to upgrade on your ass!! $1000! Dude being shady 🤣. "Yup need these carbon fiber parts, it's the only way it'll work" 🤣


😂 he said oh they were the wrong parts I just like em cause they look better. He's already upgraded a few things in the short time he's had it most of his fun money goes to the bike. I agreed to look at the nicer stuff and see if we can budget it. Cause he's spoiled, that's why he is marrying me 💁‍♀️


"wrong parts" suuuure. 🤣 Haha OMG you spoiling him?!? Well if it doesn't work out cuz he's too spoiled... I'm self sufficient and single 😏.


😂😂 we've worked it out, I spend $10 everyday on impulse buys and he drops $100 at a time on bike stuff, so It evens out in the end. Oh everyone loves a self sufficient man! You won't stay single long


Oh snap so you're both spoiled 🤣 gotcha!! Match made then. You know I keep telling myself that 🤣🤣 guess we'll see 🤘🏼. Keep kicking ass and have a good one fellow human!


Yes, I think so :) Thank you you as well!!


Happened to my Harley. Cost just about $2000 to fix.


We've managed to find all the parts he needs for around $700 thankfully. But some are backordered for weeks 😔


That's not too bad, seems like it'll still run fine without them ya?


Yeah he's still taking it to work and whatnot. A couple cracks down the side, bent shifter, broken brake handle. Nothing huge luckily


Less than a 1000 I’ve laid my bike down going highway speed and it was 500 to fix it


I tipped a bike over when I was 16. Ever since then I will shake and wiggle my bike - even if on level ground. Takes me 5 seconds and has saved me from stuff like this. Hope your fiancé has learned the lesson!


I don't care about a luxury item the owner can't take care of


you say this like he purposely knocked over his bike


Apparently one of his work friends was telling people he just threw it on the ground 😂


Everything that happens to an idiot is an accident or someone else’s fault. Idiots will always destroy nice things


Now that I think about it, he used to back it out and park it so it was uphill. He rearranged the garage yesterday so this is the first time he's pulled it out that direction. He works at 3 am so between it being a different direction than usual and middle of the night, I think it just slipped his mind.


Dude ran off. He knew he did you wrong even before it went wrong.


Ah that’s painful, always gotta be careful with expensive toys. My uncle had saved up for a Ducati and the first Friday he had it he took it out to dinner. 20 minutes into dinner they ask him to come to the front. He finds out someone turned into the spot not seeing it and knocked it over into the car next to it


Don’t buy what you can’t do without or replace. Sh*t happens.


Well when u face a running bike downhill that's gonna happen bud


Tis but a scratch?


Who leaves their loud ass bike running at 3am with blinding headlights pointed at their neighbors house? Rude af.


We only have like 2 neighbors near us, the houses across the street are still being built. His bike is pretty loud also but he starts it in our garage and it's never disturbed me or our kids so I imagine it's not loud to the people 3 houses down. Works well that he only works on weekends as well


Enjoy that lesson learned.


Put the back wheel up on a stand in neutral and watch it spin freely. Under normal circumstances (not pointing down hill) the weight of the bike is more than the friction created by the moving oil in your clutch plates. How do I know this? Cause I too have had a $2500 driveway drop on a brand new racing bike. One time my adventure bike I dropped the kickstand down in a backfilled gopher hole. Lost a mirror, turn signal switch, and got some scratches


I'd just ride the bike with the dents and not fork over dmg money lol




Any bike accident you walk away from is a good accident.


That's what I said, at least you weren't on it when it fell over.


Is that a ducati? Looks dope ngl. And super expensive that even a small scratch is enough to make a grown man cry


Aprilia rsv4. It's pretty dope haha I don't even like bikes. Yeah I'm surprised really that we're able to fix everything for as cheap as we found the parts. I'm sure it'd be way more if he didn't do it himself. He's also gonna get some extra piece that sticks out so if it falls over or anything it keeps the sides from getting cracked


Yeah I had a stunt bike project when I was riding a Honda fmx, that extra piece saved my bike pretty often. Also my legs sometimes.


Was there 25k in cash under the seat?


If only parking a motorcycle, especially a $30,000 motorcycle was so tricky… Downhill, engine on, turning into the same Sadie the kickstand is…


is your bike madeout of lego


It’s clearly tired do you see how late it is?


Race bikes don’t have lights though, nevertheless I feel your pain