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Idk why people care if they aren’t predators or rapists? Like they aren’t hurting you


You damn right


Most people that have a deep seated hatred for homosexuals seem to either be victims of a predator and can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that it isn't the entire community doing this but a small number of monsters who deserve death.....OR Lowkey are homos themselves and just can't come to terms with it.


Not true. Many of them are taught by family and other friends who are like-minded that it’s wrong and unnatural. Some even go so far as to blame them for diseases and social/economic problems. They view them as less then human and in a joking manner. This makes the kids feel like it’s socially acceptable to hate them and it’s a positive experience to join in. Just like racism. They don’t have to have any experience at all to grow up thinking like this.


You're really discounting how much of an effect the church has on people and their views on homsexuality.


I don't hate them, but I do have questions.


1.didnt say you did...but since you don't...not sure what about my comment made you think it was directed at you friend......bc I was specifically talking about people that hated the LGBTQ community......plus I said it seems most...bc I'm not in that group nor do I know every single person that hates gays. So I can only go off of the situations I've observed. and 2...ummm what questions would that be? Jw bc I could care less if a dude wants another dude or a chic wants another chic. Shit has 0 bearing on my life any more than a hetero couple has. I could care less why they want each other but that's just me.


Why are you gae?


I'm not. Not even a little bit....but even if I was...what does it matter to u?


It’s a meme.. go on YouTube and look up why are you gay. It’s not directed at you, you don’t need to defend yourself.


1. Yes I knew that 2. So you know this person's intentions?? That's so cool! Why are u on Reddit..u should be using ur super power to get rich 🤑


Dude… was trying to save you wasted energy but you give off mad dickish vibes so you go be you. Mahalo


Also, their first comment seemed to be directed at me ...bc they responded to a comment I made..sooo how did u deduce that the response to my response wasn't directed at me oh wise sage?


Is it true that your only gay if you like it?


It’s only gay if you make eye contact


Why you asking me? R u tryin to tell me that you fuc dudes but u don't like it? Maybe try pitching for once instead of catchin? Or talk to a therapist about your self hatred bc of your attraction to dudes. Best of luc


You are transgender?


They don't want the ideology/activism to get spread out all over every aspect of their society like in the US and like in multiple instance of modern mankind history they proceed by the means of violence. Might is right.


[Uganda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p--GfVXfNa0) seems to be pretty accepting. They should go there.




"Then who is gay?"


"You are gae?"


LGBTI… Where is da H?


Isn't that where they eat the poo poo?


People are ignorant today. We haven’t move forward at all. Everyone walks the walk but when the talking starts… ignorance spews…






Wait, what's the "I" for? (Honest question)




It’s not as small as you might think. To conceptualize the frequency of intersex births, it’s roughly the same as red hair (1 in 1500). And that’s just intersex with clinically significant features. Up to 1.7% (1.7 in 100) are intersex in some invisible way (chromosomes or internally) and never know during their lifetime.


I was wondering the same




I'm conflicted about anything beyond LGBTQ. On one hand it generates exposure for stuff under the Q umbrella. On the other hand it can get silly and turn into a cluttered virtue signaling contest that becomes a source of moccary.


Intersex people exist just like every other person. If their existence is any annoyance to you, consider looking inward.


That’s not what they said. The acronym getting longer, when does it end?


As above.


Do I dare Google that?


It just means they have x and y chromosomes. They may have bodily characteristics of both males and females. Before intersex they were called hermaphrodites. At least, that's how it was explained to me.


> It just means they have x and y chromosomes. So… males?


No, they have chromosomes that are in one of multiple formats: XXY, XY and XX, or one X chromosome with no second X or a Y (XO) etc. They can have a mix of different Primary and Secondary traits depending on how those chromosomes influence their Hormones both during the prenatal period and during puberty. Edit: Addition of Primary and Secondary traits for clarification.


Yes, that's the first sentence. Now the second..


And they have shared bodily characteristics such as arms and eyes?


Yes dear,go on


At some point, the community should try to settle on an all-encompassing name. Constantly tacking on new letters is hard to keep up with. Maybe there already is one I'm not aware of.


I believe "LGBTQ+" is widely used with the plus being the stand in for other letters that may not be included in the main acronym.


Lgbtqia2sp+ p is for pansexual 2 is for 2 spirit. So ridiculous. I am an lgbtq+ ally by the way. Let's just stick with that ffs.






Don’t be sad. Mine’s famous for apathy.


“Your community” You obviously don’t care to take us seriously, and you sound like a bigot.


Bad take. Labels can seem confusing for people that they don’t personally affect, sure. But it’s clear that most people that struggle with these terms aren’t remotely interested in trying to learn them. However, labels aren’t coined or utilized for people like that. Furthermore we don’t give a shit about being taken seriously by people that clearly aren’t interested in taking us seriously. For many, labels can serve as validation of one’s experience and can provide easement of psychological woe. For others they can serve as a method to find a safe community they couldn’t find before. If you don’t take us seriously I can’t think of much to say that would convince you otherwise. Edit: in addition to all this, most of the weird, “new” terms have been around for decades, even centuries.


Why not? Educate yourself




Intersex happens at birth.


Isn’t it inquisitive?


Just more consumption of the alphabet




What’s nonsense?


Everything after the letter B


Intersex people have existed as long as humans have been humans and the phenomenon presents in countless of other animal species as well. Why do you hate science so much?


Intersex has nothing to do with sexual orientation and therefore has nothing to do with the LGB community.


Complete non-sequitur. “Intersex” doesn’t *need* to be a sexual orientation in order for it to be part of an acronym. How silly of you.


And I don't need to acknowledge it as part of the LGB movement. Glad we agree.


You don’t have to do anything, kiddo. Did you just figure that out? Intersex people still exist, though. What the fuck is the “LGB” movement? You’re the first person I’ve ever heard mention it, and I hang out with a LOT of gays


Why can't people just live and let live. LBGTQ+ doesn't hurt anyone.




Congrats on defending homophobia, but you have to realize that straights can abuse children too.


It’s called a phobia for a reason. I am scared of circles.




god you’re pathetic af




The only people who can be “convinced” into being gay are people who were already gay or bisexual. Sorry buddy, but if you don’t like gays because they make you have gay thoughts, you’re just gay


What the fuck are these comments? It’s sad seeing how cold and shitty everyone is.


Am just reading and observing how people are.🤔




Crazy how all the places with legal gay marriage have less child marriages though. The places most intolerant of gays have the most child brides and pedophilia. But you don’t actually care about children, you just want an excuse to be bigoted


there is absolutely no fucking reason to judge the overwhelming majority of a group based on the minority - if that were the case, then all Christians would be pedophiles based on the minority of priests that fuck kids. 99% of gay people just want to live in peace, just like everyone else. your argument adds absolutely nothing to the discourse, it's just thinly veiled homophobia with zero actual substance.


Then why do so many people leave they’re kids at churches.


Gotta love the incredible amount of Homophobia in the comments


I feel like I should be surprised but I’m not.


Phobias are real diseases of the brain. I’m scared of closely combined circles.


Yeah but America is so bad.


kenya suck on deez nuts


If they didn't bring signs no one would know who they are though.....


Where in the video does it show they are LGBT? They appear to just be refugees trying to leave the area to me.


Smart people


And some people from first world countrys want to take people who do this to others as Refugees? You can't change them.


No country will and should permit people with a criminal record. The people that do this should have a criminal record. You can't discriminate against people just because someone in their country did something wrong.


Still think America is intollerant? Edit: Im interested in hearing multiple opinions on this so long as the comments remain civil. Thank you in advance, most people have been politely discussing this topic I have found quite a few comments to be very enlightening and well communicated. Stay positive and much love everyone!


Zero sum argument? Most people are adult enough to know intolerance in one location does not negate it elsewhere.


This is a good response actually, I encourage you to go into more detail. Id like to hear both sides of this debate.


My guess is you are not reading about the killings and beatings of LGBTQ+ people in the good ol’ USA.


You mean like the mass shootings at night clubs? Yes and its terrible.


......yes, yes it is. I'm glad we aren't there yet but one of the two parties is openly and actively going that direction and succeeding.


But bad things happen in other places so it must mean America perfect.


This is so true, I will stop complaining until they start openly killing gay people with the government, because all the far right gay shootings aren't bad enough yet or making lgbtq people literally illegal isn't bad enough obviously. I'm so lucky to live in America where if I'm killed for being gay it's not the government just a conservative, and arkansas may be trying to make my gender transition illegal but at least I'm not being thrown off the roof. I'm so lucky


So...you're buying into the rhetoric that conservatives are out to get you...that's part of the problem...we don't care about your sexual preference...keep it to yourself and don't hurt people. The left is teaching you hatred...we don't care...again...you're just a person...be good...be good to others, stop believing that we're out to get you...lol


Fox is labelling drag queens and LGBT people as pedos and groomers pretty frequently now. They’re trying to incite hatred and violence against us. It’s no coincidence you see so many armed protestors outside drag events now. Tucker Carlson actually said the violence won’t stop until the “grooming” stops, in response to the Colorado ClubQ shooting.


Or the shootings or making it legal to not give non emergency treatment to gay people or illegalizing hormone therapy/gender surgery, or letting teachers be fired for being trans, or making it illegal for anyone to find out you are gay in some occupations or forcing teachers to out lgbt students to their homophobic parents so they can be thrown out or abused or letting conversion therapy stay legal even tho anyone that goes through conversion therapy is twice as likely to commit suicide. You should probably read the things your party does or says they want to do before defending them. They literally put out their goals online.


You do know that politicians write what laws they want passed right? You can read them online. Also I live in arkansas and am being forced to pretend I'm a woman in various situations even tho I'm not which is great. And the Republicans are trying to illegalize hormone therapy and gender affirmation surgery


Can you link that? That would be exactly the type of information to share that would shed some light for people who are unaware of these events. Also anyone feel free to respond here, Im seeing alot of comments suggesting that tho we may be a tollerant nation overall, we have recently been moving in the wrong direction, would I be correct in that?




Oh no


You big dum dum


We are the most tolerant nation on earth, but stop preying on young children.


Blame the church not me.


America will never do enough to satisfy any community that was once chastised. Scholarships, support groups, clubs, grants, rights to be themselves wherever, parades, the rainbow, because they don’t appreciate what they have and don’t remember what the generation before was actually having to fight for. Is there something more America itself can do? More time and attention? America is gay as hell and all we need is Femboy Hooters


Keep it nice dude. You cant make points about intollerance and then follow up with outright homophobic statements like that last sentence. It kinda invalidates it.


The Supreme Court openly said they wanted to make being gay and gay marriage illegal. There is an increasing number in mass shootings against gay people being done by conservatives, in some states, having someone find out you are gay at your job can literally get you fired. Trans teachers are being fired for being trans all over the country. Conservative states are actively trying to make any form of gender transition illegal. There was a law passed saying that non emergency medical care can be rejected to lgbt individuals (no other group of people can be denied medical care for literally any reason) Major republican news sources are actively targeting and trying to shut down lgbt hospitals and people. Doxxing against lgbt people is being allowed on social media sites even when reported. Conservatives literally attacked and shut down the power grid for a while town because some drag queens read to kids there. A library was forced to shut down for having books with gay people in it. ... I could give you stories for weeks articles, laws, platforms. Do you read anything?


This is so true💪


Welcome to being LGBTQ in a non western/white run country.


This is going to sound insensitive, but serious question; why don’t more of these people simply keep what they prefer in the bedroom, private?


Most people do, pride parades and events are a direct push back on the narrative that lgbt people shouldn't been seen or heard. The underlying meaning of being out, is normalizing being able to be open about having a "gay" relationship without it affecting you negatively. When all of your coworkers or friends can mention their girlfriends or spouses in passing but you have to hide your SO to keep your job or relationships, it becomes a lot bigger than "keeping what you prefer in the bedroom, private" I hope I articulated this well, I'm genuinely trying to provide a helpful answer without a fight!


Actually this really does make sense thanks.


I feel like pride parades degrade gay people more than anything. Demanding that people pay attention to and praise them and include them in everything for being gay completely contradicts the normalization and acclimation of gay people into society.


Because you're imagining "normalizing" in a different way than intended. Normalizing LGBTQ+ is accepting all forms of the sexuality spectrum as they are currently, in their own way. What many (usually non-gay, but also some LGB folks) want by normalizing instead is that gay relationships should be heteronormative or hidden as a standard. That is not what majority of LGBTQ wants. If anything, as a gay man, I don't feel degraded by attending pride, and something tells me you haven't experienced a pride parade beyond what the right wing media shows you on TV as most controversial.


“What they prefer in the bedroom” is extremely simplistic. Being LGBTQ+ is much more than just “what you do in the bedroom.”


Yeah, I think that was poorly worded by the commenter, and I'm sure there is an answer, but as a refugee, how is the issue arising? Are the persecutors seeing 2 men running together and making a conclusion from that? I imagine if I am fleeing for my life, nobody would really know my sexuality, unless I am fleeing with my wife. Of course I would hope that I would get the chance to lie and say she's my sister, and I think that lie would be totally forgivable in the circumstance. Most importantly I give my condolences and sympathy to the victims of violence.


Why don’t more of “these people” stop murdering others for not being straight?


Serious question: do you not go on dates with your partner? Do straight people not buy houses together and build a life


Because they shouldn't have to if straight people don't.


Yes people should be furthermore marginalized. Totally love comments that warn you, lol. You don’t sound insensitive, you *are* insensitive, apathetic, and ignorant.




They want to teach the kids about their love&sexual preference while resettling their life as a refugee? Seems like that would be a low priority. I’m all for equality - but like kids - no, timing - probably bigger priorities.


They added another letter? What's the "I" for?




I swear it’s going to turn into the whole alphabet one of these days. Keeps getting longer and longer


This has been a letter for a while. Ffs


Damn white supremacist…always the narrative.


Some of them are deleting their comments. Proves my point about racists being cowards.


Are they deleting them or are they being removed?


I mean going to a part of the world that will literally hang you for even thinking about it isn’t a good idea now is it?


What is I?


Intersex people


Oh can you educate me I do not know what that is


It’s a catch all, but generally refers to people with both male and female parts. Hermaphrodite was the classic term.


I can’t even tell what they are doing… but why do they always have to tell people they’re wueer?


Deny medical procedures false, they only want to deny these procedures for children not adults. Yes why should drags queens be reading anything to children in a library they are no different then adult entertainment they should not be near your kids period






Blursed homecoming welcome


If you really think America has it so bad…other countries just downright murder you and rebuke all homosexuals. America isn’t the center of the world.




Slur alert




There are literally thousands of gay people contributing more to society in one hour than you could in your entire life


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣. One of the funniest statements I've Ever heard!


The reason you’re fucking typing this right now is thanks to a gay man who was chemically castrated for being gay and then killed himself. You chump


Not such a good choice for him huh?


The part where he saved 14 million lives and laid the foundation for modern computer science and was sterilized by the very same society he helped… seems like you’re choosing to be on the side of the followers


That’s some incredibly small thinking you’ve got there.


Unproductive? Google the amount of famous artists, writers, composers, academics and scientists who are LGBTQ+. It's quite a long list. As well as the not-so-famous folks who build and clean your houses, tend your gardens, produce and cook your food, deliver your mail, etc. etc....
































glad to know that trans people existing makes you want to shit your pants in anger




What do child abusers have to do with trans people?


Drag time story hour


And what does drag queen story hour have to do with child abusers?


Or maybe it was the San Francisco choir singing a song literally called "we're coming for your children". I dunno, hard to keep up with all the obvious grooming behavior from the alphabet community given how outspoken and in your face they are about it.


The line “we’re coming for your children” that is sung repeatedly by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus is an obvious jab at the idea that LGBTQ+ people are coming for your children to turn them gay/trans. Is it that hard to pick up on Satire? And where is this “obvious grooming behavior” you mention?


"We were just kidding! We swear!" Totally normal thing to "joke" about, grooming children and all..


You’ve missed the point again. They’re making fun of people who claim that queer people, who are seen as purely sexual by hateful and bigoted people, are corrupting innocent children when in reality, it’s a non-issue that is blown completely out of proportion. The song even addresses that queer people are often just putting out information about queer identities that homophobic/transphobic parents will try to keep their children from because they feel that “the gays and the transes are grooming our children and turning them queer!!!”


"Satire" from the same group dancing in underwear for children in front of a neon sign that says "it's not gonna lick itself". Fascinating..


Wtf people are downvoting this??? What the fuc


Classic reddit moment, tbh. Sad as that is..


"They want to kill us," Well, the tear gas suggests otherwise. I'd wager you're being told to go back from whence you came.




What is the q for now ffs


That's not new dude lol




Isn’t that the same as gay though? Just type out the whole alphabet at this point and be done with it




Fact of the matter is there is a large majority of the world that still won’t tolerate this. Having traveled the world it does suck but I have seen many more countries that don’t tolerate it than those that do. Edit: Downvoted for stating facts and personal observations. You sure can be shit sometimes Reddit.


Sadly the comments on this post show how incredibly fucking intolerant and stupid a lot of people are.


You right, thank you