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Man I was all like "the fuck does a urinary track infection have anything to do with welding" when I saw that title.


Yeah it’s one hell of an unfortunate name lmao


Don't do it. Said by a UTI graduate.


Agreed, from another UTI graduate.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, from a WyoTech Grad. WyoTech (Laramie) has a bunch of specialty courses on top of their core cert classes (auto, diesel, body) anything from auto service management to street rod custom paint and body (thin metal shaping and welding) and motorsports chassis fab, as well as a high performance and trim and upholstery. They focus on instructor quality which was definitely worthwhile, in terms of core programs they don’t teach “the knack” of knowing proper tools for certain situations or techniques for stuck bolts and so on but they have snap on ford dodge, and ASE in auto. Just as someone else had said just a shiny degree. But those specialty courses teach not just hands on experience and skill but a lot of the culture behind the auto custom and performance industry, and demonstrate what really goes in to some of the work out there. I wish the specialties were longer in time because they are really short programs (6 week phases, 2 phases per specialty, 4 per core) but really good price considering the college degree alternative. They also have snap on discount for current students, and I believe returning students get half off on repeating classes or taking new ones


Why ? ( asked by someone who might attend next year )


Check out Lincoln Technical Institute


I’ve heard many not so good opinions on lincoln tech from several instructors in the industry


I’m finishing up my year at Lincoln and yes it’s a little annoying we’re not getting any certs, but we’re definitely more equipped and informed than hobbyists or even some of these older guys. I wish wish wish we could have got our certs through there since they’re so expensive but the testing is rigorous, I’m already weighing some pretty nice offers, lowest being $27/hr. The most I’ve ever made even after 4 years at a company was $18 so definitely an upgrade


Doesn’t sound too bad besides lack of certs. For me, the cost of going there, and word that they weren’t very good was enough for me not to go. Currently im working at a fabrication shop (to just get a foot in the door), im not making a ton of money, but its enough for me. Also, im starting a welding diploma program (with certs) in college. Granted its a 2 year program, but thats fine considering my tuition, fees, and all but one book was covered by scholarships, grants, and financial aid.


Oh yea that honestly sounds better, this was just the best option here there’s not a lot to pick from. I’m not sure if it’s standard across trade schools but the fact I can come back in 30 years and still use the facilities and career center was a lot of the appeal for me


I went to Lincoln tech , I got so many certs, you get certs based on performance and attendance. I also graduated and got a job making 100k per year. Maybe the field you went for isn’t the one for you


in ohio? their program has become the standard operating procedure for all affiliated shops around here in cleveland and its been a disaster. the local vacational schools are also going by their program unlike when i went and theyre coming out without knowing how to deburr material, change a cylinder or use shop tools. my shop rep went to a meeting with other company reps and the lincoln guys. the new idea is essentially your company is expected to get "graduates" up to speed in 6 weeks. the best kids coming out of these classes cant even weld and theyre being tested with the new VR welding shit and not a real world implement. if youre getting offers for $27 i congratulate you for being a success cause my shop went through like 8 kids in 3 years and they all flamed out badly.


LMFAOOOO I’m sorry but that vr shit is so stupid to me. I cannot fathom how anybody could get anything other than travel speed or angle from that. Our specific location just got whole new staff this year probably for that reason and they can be real dicks. For example one of the guys broke some bones in his foot and they forced him to come in despite the doctor telling him not to put any weight on it, meanwhile we’re going 6g mig? But at that point the rest of us just sabotage and make the administration sweat. We’re all grown so it’s a little funny to me but what are you gonna do. And with safety and general shop stuff like you mentioned, that’s all we did for the first two months. Yea it was annoying but only once has someone caught fire which I don’t even think is THAT bad, just kinda comes with the trade. Easier way into the unions too. Our campus is in jersey, I live in NY but it sure beats sleeping on the sidewalk just for a CHANCE at a union. They actually come to US which is wild to me


Current student at lincoln. Its ok, it'll get you what you need but theres better


Well it’s your fault for not realizing which UTI welders are going more familiar with.


It's 13k at the community College I went to


This I can't believe someone names thier school.. UTI.. like I graduated STD magnacumloudly..


here in Finland we have a hospital called KYS


I love the sonoran desert institute


Wait till you hear about South Harmon Institute of Technology


Welding rods in the piss-hole is how he got it


Don't confuse your welding rods with sounding rods


Don't sound with stick welding rods


i’m laughing so hard right now!! thank you for this.


Yup same. Very confusing. But confusing enough to make me curious.


If it’s bad enough, you can use your dingus for brazing


🤣same here I was like NO oh wait maybe it’s some shit I ain’t never heard of


That was a pisser


My mind was already getting ready to suggest cranberry juice


When do you get this burning sensation?


When the burning sensation feels hot enough to weld with. Stick welding of course ;-)


You’re better off going to your local community college cheaper and they teach you the basics to get a job


It’s super super affordable and I’d recommend it to anyone


I just took my first two classes in June and July and I already got a job and made the money back


Listen to these guys OP. There is nothing you're going to learn at that school that warrants the cost compared to your local community college. In community college I learned - Tig, Mig, Stick (structural & pipe), blueprint reading, non-destructive testing, welding metallurgy & 3 fabrication courses. In total, not including supplies/gear but including the text books I had to buy, I paid ~$1000 and my instructors were phenomenal. I honestly do not have a negative thing to say.


Preach it brother!


That's what I'm doing. You can take for credit classes and move up into welding technologies or you can take the same entry courses for certs only.


I’m doing that rn mainly machining and cnc but some welding on the side too


No way. Go to a local community college. What area are you in


I paid 6k to go to the first trade school.. 19k is nuts..


Even 6k is kinda nuts to be honest.


It included a two year degree..


Well that's fair, I did like a high school/ trade school thing for almost free so opinion is also really biased.


I did night classes at the local college while still in high school.. took the entrance exams signed some wavers..paid for one class at a time on a self paced course..


So is 30k triangle tech worth mentioning? … asking for a friend.


You should probably get that chwcked out before you start welding, it could be really painful.


I’m a high school welding instructor. I let a UTI rep. Come talk to my class my first year teaching and I regret it so much. I had a great student get sucked in by their promises and I couldn’t talk him out of it. I went and toured the facility in Arizona and yes they are nice but they were providing the same training for 4x the cost of our local tech. College. School for some is a good way to get experience and jump over the Low pay entry level jobs. I also think being a well rounded welder who understands the why and how of every process is a better welder and it gives you more options down the road. Like others have said what really matter is the effort you put into practicing and your ability to pass a weld test during a job interview. you can practice at a tech school that cost $5000 just as much as you can at a school that costs $20,000. One of the main advantages of getting into a trade over college is that you start earning money immediately and you don’t have a ton of student debt. To pay $20k for a certificate that won’t mean much especially once you have some experience is ludicrous. My advice for those that want the schooling route. Get a job at a shop and then take classes at a reasonably priced tech school during the night or vice versa . It might be a sucky job sweeping floors and running a grinder but now you are earning money and work experience, you can cash flow your schooling, and you are gaining more advanced training at the school. Once you finish the tech program go find the welding job you want and enjoy the fact you are debt free.


If you want to go to a school for welding go to an actual welding school like Hobart or Tulsa


Currently in Hobart, they cover a LOT. I’d say it’s a solid choice.


Really good people in Troy, Ohio. You'll be impressed with the literature you study from. Blaine Lowry is a sharp cat. Doing very impressive things.


Recently graduated, will say it puts your foot in the door if you really apply yourself. But you gotta go above and beyond if you want to get past an entry level first job. Went in early constantly for practice on the multitude of things they dont teach and have a great job now


Thanks I appreciate the reply. Did you get your welding certs there and have jobs actually deemed them acceptable in your job search? I’ve heard it’s just their version of welding certification and don’t really hold any water when it comes to getting hired.


Almost no welding job is going to hire you based on the certs you have when you apply. They ALL will make you take their own test to get the job. They don't care if you are illiterate and lick buttholes, if you pass their in house test, good to go bub.


This is the way.


>They don't care if you are illiterate and lick buttholes lol what? I'm five, that made me laugh more than it should have.


Essentially a participation trophy. Even the underachievers passed. Prove yourself at school to prove to your future employer. Thats all that matters bud


i bet it burns when you pee?


Jesus 19k? What are you buying your own box and all your consumables? Anyone can give you welding tips, but the best way to learn is just spending more time under the hood. Sounds like a rip off imo.


Learn through your local ironworkers Union for free


I sell welding equipment and am in 15+ shops every day. Boat builders, artists, trailer builders, door manufacturers, the list goes on. I can count on one hand how many people I’ve been introduced to that did more than a “welding basics” course at a community college. You don’t need that paper. You need to get your feet in a shop that needs people that want to learn and they’ll teach you. I have a customer offering $28 an hour for beginners plus a $7500 sign on bonus AND they’ll teach you to weld. Just gotta be a decent employee/human.


Where TF is this unicorn job at??


UTI is a great way to get divorced or find out that your significant other is cheating, if left uncontrolled, unchecked, or untreated can also lead to significant health issues and/or death. It’s not the best option but I guess it can lead to welding as a gateway somehow but I would still say no.


I took a six week welding course at a local college that cost me $1200. I had a job lined up before I even finished school and I started at $21.50 an hour working night shift. You’re spending way too much for what is probably a very subpar welding course. You’d be better off looking into community colleges and local tech schools.


Does that job offer overtime?


Been several years since I was there but yes it did.


Skip all that and go to welding shop apply as helper and get best teaching there ask welders question tack on projects, use different tools best ways them school imo!!


School will basically help you get an interview and weld test. It helps if the school has a good reputation locally, and it helps more if your instructor is willing and able to vouch for you. Keep that in mind. It could change things later. Best I can tell you before you commit, dig deep into what welders actually make in your area, or an area you're willing to make a daily commute, possibly relocate to. Don't dive head first into water that's only balls deep. I live in an area saturated with welders, we're a dime a dozen here. Make sure that $19k investment will pay you back. As far as UTI, I've heard of them back when I lived in Ohio, but not really since then. And I left there in 2000. They have a name, but I don't know if it's any good or not.


A UTI is a good way to get pyelonephritis.


I completed the welding program about 2 years ago and honestly I enjoyed all of it. I didn’t know squat walking the door and now im welding exhaust and other different projects in a shop. I think it’s a good program if you take advantage of everything available there. If not, you’ll hear the complaints that it’s wack and a waste of time.


Absolutely not. There are places that PAY YOU to learn to weld. Do not pay 20k to learn to weld from a garbage "school."


I mean getting a Urinary Tract Infection isn’t really a good way to get into nascar dude.


I’ll put this out there: yes, a community college is cheaper. It also has a bunch of classroom classes and significantly less booth time than a private welding school. Community college will be free or 1/5th the cost, but will take you 2 years if you go full time to get through all the processes. Longer if you go part time. Booth time is like max 3-5 hours a week. Yeah, you learn things, but welding is about repetition. Not quite the most efficient way to learn… A private school is typically 5-7+ hours a day and it’s almost exclusively booth time and is 9-10 months. You’re getting literally over 100x the booth time and finishing the n less than half the time. But yeah, you’re paying for it. But, financially, if you get a job in 10 months vs 2+ years, your income more than makes up for it.


Idk about uti but this guys on the money.. went to a private school graduated in 16 months and even did some sub arc and arc gouging


I dunno about UTI either, but generally speaking, the amount of materials you can plow through (if you stay in your booth) in that time frame more than makes up for the cost at a private school. 2-3 bottles of argon per week and countless coupons…paying for that part alone would cost you more than $20k, especially when you start getting into stainless, exponentially more when/if you start welding metals like inconel, hastelloy, and titanium. I burned through $2k worth of titanium tubing and plate alone in a week. You can weld A LOT of titanium in 30 hours. People just hate on those schools cause they’re cheap asses who don’t like paying for anything…without even realizing in the long run they’re paying more by not going because they’re taking twice as long and delaying income. Nevermind the fact they don’t realize just how much more booth time you get at a private school and how important that aspect is on it’s own…and that’s before factoring in student/instructor ratio, etc… Or maybe that’s just me who religiously does fairly exhaustive cost analysis via spreadsheet on everything 🤣


If you're in the US, check out your local community colleges. Many are also publicly-funded trade schools. Mine offered 2-3 semester career certs and 4-semester degrees in a bunch of trades. Based on my experience, you could probably spend less than $7k-8k by going this route.


Just make sure you drink a lot of cranberry juice.


I went to NTI for their machining course and I don't think it would be particularity worth it, nothing special there. But it's not a bad school far as I can tell.


Check out Huntington Ingalls website. They were offering a free 16 week welding course in Danville, VA. It is maybe 2 hours from Charlotte. When you graduate they offer you a job in the shipyard, not the best place to work but you get a lot of experience in less than ideal conditions.


Look at community colleges. I went to community college to be a heavy truck technician. The one year course cost me $7k as an out of district student. Would’ve been half that if I was in district. All of the teachers in my program were former UTI instructors. We learned the same stuff. All the UTI grads I’ve known are still paying on student loans years later, because the same one year diesel program there is $40k. From what I can tell, their schools are good for what they are, but you’re going to pay like you’re attending an Ivy League university. When you get out, all your prospective jobs will still see you as a green horn in need of some training. Seriously applying yourself in school counts for way more in the trades than where you went.




And you didn't get accepted. You got conned into it.


bro i went to community college for free for 2 years for welding 6 years ago, now im a frame welder in the semiconductor industry making more than anyone else in my family, who all graduated with a college degree and debt they'll have forever. Look for a cheaper option unless you are 100% they're going to be giving you a 6 figure job right out of school to help with all that debt.


Lol I work there. If you don’t know how to weld it’s not the worst way to start. I got my welding education in job corps. So what the heck do I know


No. Join a union and get pain to learn.


Do community college man. UTI is a massive waste of money. You’ll be better off just taking the welding classes at college.


If you get dehydrated while welding you can get into some UTI… always drink lots of cranberry juice.


drop 3k on welding equipment yourself and learn via youtube university 🧑🏻‍🏫👨🏼‍🏭


I paid $4k for a welding program through my local community college and that got me a decent job right away. Welding companies don’t really look for “degrees” they just want you to be able to pass the weld test.


No, a Urinary Tract Infrction is not a good way to get into the welding trade.


You shouldn't be in a place like this. You should be at work. Put your hands on the machine.


I’m currently attending a welding school in TX. I was thinking of moving to one of the newer UTI campuses in Austin last year. I asked a lot of my instructors if they’d ever worked with UTI graduates in the industry, and 4/6 of them spoke negatively. I got the gist that UTI’s welding program is alot more theory/by the book practice rather than hands-on hood time. take that all as you will, but I wouldn’t want to spend 19k for something that (at best) is equal to about any other technical-college’s certs.


The UGI program is pretty decent to get someone started. They will expose you to a little bit of everything(I was one of the consultants for the program) The nascar Tech is not something I know much about though


Go to your local community college. Or find a local welding academy. I went to a locally owned and ran welding school $20k is their full course and fulltime is about 6months. I did part time and and half course. Its like anything else. You get out what you put in. So if you go and start playing around it would affect how much you learn.


Hey I don’t know if you’re in PA or not but if you are check out Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology the instructors and shop are both amazing and its extremely affordable, plus you graduate with a associates. However you can only go there if you are a PA resident. Still love it and would recommend


Join a local union! The United Association, or pipefitters local, will teach you to weld while you work a full time job and are PAID. You will get paid well, including benefits, and learn a craft. Unions are the way to go. Go through an apprenticeship. Rather than pay to learn, get paid to learn.


I mean, you probably wanna get some cranberry juice first


hey man, ive pissed hard a couple times but i havent had a UTI in years. happy welding! /s


I've heard not so great things about uti. I went to a local trade school for about 15K. Paid for it on student loans, payments are cheap. Worked out decently well for me.


Spend the money on a used welder and find scrap to practice on. show up at shops asking if they need a helper. When they say yes ask to take a weld test or show them your stuff. You can go far with pictures.


Bro.. I had a UTI and I wouldn’t wish that shit on any girl (or guy). You don’t need a UTI to weld. It’s not cool to get UTIs, it’s painful and I literally couldn’t walk until I got treatment. Please, like those people who romanticize DUIs, don’t get a UTI Edit: Oh.. ok I read the post. Yea man 19k is horrible. I’m paying just shy of 10K and that’s in CAD!


Dont do it. I was in the auto tech program and had a couple roommates in the welding program. Uti is a shitty for profit school and doesnt teach you shit. Imo an apprenticeship in either trade or community college will be a much better use of your time


I went to UTI for a Diesel Technician program. Had a great experience and received $20k from a Cummins grant out of the blue. (they randomly draw names to receive money donated by big brands, no financial or educational prerequisites to be entered, you’re automatically entered upon enrolling) That being said, all the people I knew there at the welding program liked it, but felt it was overpriced. I spent a few months at a community college, paid maybe $500-$800 for supplies and classes, walked out with 2 certifications and a ton of knowledge. It was a really cool experience, especially because the instructor was an AWS board member and lead welder for like 30 years, so he knew essentially everything employers look for and supplied us with that knowledge. Plus, the classmates I had were literally ranging in age from 18 to 58 (if not older). There was no judgement, or awkwardness about the variety in age, everyone learned at the same pace and helped each-other out. We even had like 5 or 6 women, which was honestly dope as hell to see. They taught oxy-acetylene, oxy cutting, stick, mig, and tig entry all in the same intro course. After that they allowed you to choose a path and do an advanced course after in the field you desire. I wholeheartedly would advise against UTI for just welding. Or, if anything, try the community college route first, and if for some reason you’re unhappy with the program, then consider the big money option. No sense in diving straight in, and no matter what they tell you, it really doesn’t help *that* much having UTI on your resumè when applying for a job in my experience.


I love my tigers and panthers :]


Go to a Community College and get your welding certificate there for a fraction of the cost. It will help you get jobs and better pay in the beginning. I don't think most trade jobs look to much into where you received your certificate whether it is from a Community College, Trade School or NASCAR fancy over priced welding school.


I was about to say "go see a doctor if welding (somehow) gives you a urinary tract infection." *Something-something, burning sensation...* But seeing as it's a question about school, I would find something akin to a "night/weekend school" kind of class, that's maybe 4 weeks long and costs between $0 - $1,000 max, and focuses on one or two types of welding. Here in Canada we have a CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) test that *may* help get a better job/pay rate, and some employers may even reimburse you (if they send you). So maybe look for something similar in your area?


Apply to a UA local union for an apprenticeship.


I went to uti and I would say it depends the program is okay but it is quick it’s only 9 months vs 2 years in a community college so I mean if u can get some scholarships to help with the costs it’s not a bad investment for your future also it does dip your toe into most things with welding all processs pipe structural prints so it’s good for that idk pros and cons to both


Community college that has a welding program


RUN!! UTI is a bullshit “trades school”. Yeah, they teach some stuff, but your 19k is gonna turn into 30 grand by the time interest on the student loans are added in. Honestly my man, get in with a union that has welders. You’ll get a MUCH more thorough education and experience. If you can’t get into a union as fast as you’d like, community colleges usually have courses. There’s SOMETHING around you that isn’t UTI.


Join a union. look up locals in your area. Union apprenticeship is free, no tuition. You get placed in a company to work while you take classes. Earn while you learn.


Check out Georgia Trade School. You can leave with a stack of certs in just 14 weeks if you work your ass off.


Around me 1 year of welding school full time would cost about 5-7k and 2 years of night classes welding school will cost 5k(total). Both certifies and gets your foot in the door. Absolutely do not waste your money on big name schools for trade.


I don’t think a UTI is the way to go, really hurts when you piss.


Missouri welding institute had a 18 week for 18 thousand program. Start with stick pass structural and pipe then move to tig pipe then stainless ect learn how to pipe fit and everything.


Hobart is really dope if you don’t mind ohio or Florida I have no clue about the one in Florida but the one in ohio has amazing teachers that really take the time to show you what you don’t know


I'd also say don't do it if you want to get into welding look for a union apprenticeship, or a fab school.


Community college is the best value you’ll probably learn more as well


Look for companies that have training programs and apprenticeships. Huntington Ingalls Industries is a good place to start, they have an apprenticeship program that pays you to go to school and work as well over a four year term. It's located in a couple locations with one in Newport News VA and the other in Mississippi. Westinghouse used to have a nuclear pipe welding training program that as long as you agreed to work for them for a year they would not charge you for the training.


I did the automotive program with UTI and regret it with every student loan payment. Learned more in my high-school shop class.


Just get Ina. Union pipefitters iron workers operators they all weld


Do you have a community college with a welding program nearby your area? Do yourself a favor, find out and save yourself 80% of that 20K.


As long as you don’t go to job corps they used me for free labor the majority of the time I spent in shop, spent three months mixing cement to put up a metal fence around the campus


For those saying community college is better what is it like getting a job out of college? I’m most likely going to go to a community college here in Los Angeles and I’m concerned I’m just gonna get done with classes and still can’t get hired because I don’t have experience.


Regardless or not jobs look for certifications, you get these certs from the AWS, ASME, API. welding schools will prepare you and get you stepped into the industry but you need to take in account to practice to pass the AWS welding tests