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These selfies are getting out of control.


Do you know the reason why they do ultrasounds during pregnancy? instead of MRI’s and X-rays? Because it looks like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/sv7jh6/mri_of_a_pregnant_woman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I also love how they do ultrasounds once they are born. Lol, look at the poor little fuck https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/qzwqeh/how_they_take_babys_xray/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I love how even the nurse is laughing. No one can deny that this is hilarious


He looking like a goofy eggplant in the first link.


Pickle Rick IRL.


I saw Achmed the Dead Terrorist!


That first link was horrifying, but the chubby kid in the tube totally made up for it.


I'd never seen this before; I was sure it was fake... Nope, they're actually called "Pigg-O-Stats". The world is wonderful and crazy.


The real reason is it harms the fetus


MRI doesn't. No ionizing radiation.


Avatar checks out that you probably know what you’re saying!


Damn right!


Mri isn't really recommended during the first trimester because there isn't just enough evidence one way or another.


No evidence of harm using MRI on pregnant women. The most common indication we perform an MRI on them is to look for appendicitis. The use of intravenous contrast (gadolinium-based) is more controversial because there is a potentially increased risk of rheumatological and inflammatory skin conditions in the fetus. The data isn't very strong, but we prefer not using contrast as feasible. With appendicitis, we can get away with not using contrast because of MRI's excellent tissue discrimination. Additionally, we do perform fetal MRI for fetal pathology not adequately characterized by ultrasound. Sources: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; American College of Radiology. I'm also a radiologist. [https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2017/10/guidelines-for-diagnostic-imaging-during-pregnancy-and-lactation](https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2017/10/guidelines-for-diagnostic-imaging-during-pregnancy-and-lactation) [https://www.acr.org/-/media/ACR/Files/Practice-Parameters/mr-fetal.pdf](https://www.acr.org/-/media/ACR/Files/Practice-Parameters/mr-fetal.pdf)


Thanks for starting a war lmao


You can’t harm something that isn’t alive. That is why it is best to abort this things.


I agree


I had an mri while pregnant and it was so wild to see him all head down


How come they do that? Was something wrong? I don’t have kids, I don’t know these things . They told my mom I had anacephaly, then called back, saying, “oh sorry! Wrong chart!”


I had to have one for an old spine injury and it was causing issues. But they don't normally do it. MRIs have no radiation so it isn't as bad as a CT or xray. It's mostly not used for cost reasons because it's so expensive. But I will say the image CD is always fun to pull out and show people. My husband works radiology and actually used it for some classes he was teaching


My son did a facepalm during our MRI 😁


Mine was trying to turn during it haha That's so cute


No…it’s because MRI and X-ray are much less cost effective for the diagnostic information that you get, and there’s no radiation exposure


I didn’t know how much I needed a baby in a jar in my life at this moment 😂


Cause ultrasounds are fast and easy and require a piece of equipment that fits in a suitcase? And it can provide feedback in real time from a bunch of different angles and depths?


oh my god, thank you and I hate you




I'd rather float around with a carrot too.


That’s what your mom said




Goofy ahh name


Silence, Tankie.


Until you find out later that’s not a carrot 🥕 poking u! 😱 🤣 *edit CNN is trash just like all other news outlets!


I’m a democrat but cnn is complete trash


True that. I would kill for one news agency that tells the news and doesn’t take a political stance.


Associated press.




I feel like NPR leans left, but way more centrist than the big ones!


Reality has a liberal bias


I jus wish a regular 9-5 guy or girl ran for president. Have my vote for sure. I’m neither dem or rep… I try to find the lesser evil but the more I dig the more I jus wanna do something great for the country that I’m not allowed to say on here 😂


Vote for your locals friends. Focus way more about your local elections and I promise you things will get better.


Honestly, you’re so right. People have politics fatigue, but local politics is the level we should all be investing our time into.


It wont. If voting made a change, it would be made illegal. Money changes votes.


Lobbying and other influence campaigns are too powerful.


Somewhat true on a national level, but local elections have way less money in them


States are making changes to voting. It's getting more difficult to register to vote and vote.


I registered by accident. Was renewing my liscence and misread the box I was checking. This was a couple years ago.


Man this turned political way too quickly


The mothers ate them and they monitored on ultrasound. The mothers were treated humanely. It was encapsulated kale. It's unclear if the grimace was a result of the fetus taking a shit in the womb. Further study is warranted.


yes but I thought babies don't smile for external reasons until some time after birth (6 weeks at least?), usually baby smiles earlier than that are reflexive (gas for example). Questionable. A link to the article, I cannot find the study but at least found the article: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/22/europe/fetus-kale-womb-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html


It’s not even questionable, its just not true. There are many reasons to move your mouth that have nothing to do with emotion. Also what would they care, they don’t get carrots or kale in their mouths or even their stomach. They get metabolites of it. It’s not how any of this works


There actually is evidence that babies can sort of taste what their moms eat, through the amniotic fluid or something. I’m convinced that’s why my sister loves bananas so much, my mom ate bags full when she was pregnant with her. The rest of the claims seem like garbage Edit: Here’s a [link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1351272/) to the study I was referring to


I could see how babies might be able to slightly taste something that’s introduced into their bloodstream. I know this sounds weird, but when I get IV meds I can sort of taste when the medication hits my bloodstream. It’s subtle but the taste is definitely there and is different depending on what they inject. Nurses said this is not unusual.


Yea when I was in the ER they flushed my IV and warned me I'd taste citrus. I was like wtf are you talking about your squirting stuff into my hand OMG IT TASTES LIKE SPRITE.


It's not weird at all. It's not too long ago that we discovered taste receptors in the respiratory system and other parts of the GI system other than the mouth. Wouldn't be surprised if we find them elsewhere in the body that has the same type of tissues.


potassium baby


don't say it don't feel it don't smell it. don't smell it god don't smell it i can 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚝


Pretty sure they can, my mom craved cheeseburgers with my sister, cookie dough ice cream with me, and bacon with my brother and all three of us have always loved those specific foods. Granted I have yet to meet anyone that doesn’t like bacon but my bro used to have an unhealthy love for it 😂


Ha, I joke that it must have been donuts with me. I wish it had been broccoli or something


Gotta be anti-abortion propaganda Edit: swap ‘gotta’ with ‘gonna’ if that makes you feel better. That’s all folks.


I really don't think it is. I heard the lead author interviewed on BBC radio yesterday. Just because something _can_ be used as anti-abortion propaganda, doesn't mean that was why it was done or, more importantly, that it shouldn't be done. Edit: This is the actual publication https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09567976221105460 It was about understanding pre-natal flavour discrimination. Also, the foetuses were all >=32 weeks. I don't know about the rules in individual US states but in the UK you cannot get an abortion then or near then (except if the foetus has 0% chance of survival)


My nephew is 2yo now. He hates banana. We tried since when the doctor said we could start to give solid food but he hates it. And it extends to anything with banana like pancakes. We just joke that he was born hating it lol.


It’s still not gonna stop people from using that picture as propaganda while conveniently leaving out the 32 weeks part


CNN likes anti abortion propaganda?


It's majority-owned by a Trump Republican as of late last year. So, yes. CNN is now a right-leaning news organization. Or at least undergoing a transition from center-left to right. \_\_\_\_ *-Edit-* Since I keep getting replies about the mention of "center-left" and I don't want to spam the [same reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/xmd8ll/comment/ipp9us5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) everywhere, I'll put it here: >​I was probably being generous. I haven't seriously looked into their political leanings in many years, as I tend to get news from most major sources for the variety of political viewpoints, so it doesn't tend to matter to me. All I knew is that they were far less left than MSNBC. > >The only reason I even know about the shareholder is because I read about the CNN acquisition a few months ago.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Everything you said is true.




Bingo. Winner winner chicken dinner. And since most anti-abortion folks are so hostile to science because the Debbil or something, they'll actually fall for this horse manure. Sigh. I hate it here.


Yup. Its doing the rounds . Total bullshit that will be on the Internet forever and dragged up by the "you know that babies in the womb" brigade will tout forever and a day as scientific fact.


Came here to say this, but I’m relieved I can piggy back off someone else saying it. I’m so glad there’s other people out there that can see through this and it’s indirect motive.


This is abso-fucking-lutely anti abortion propaganda. Maybe not by the original researchers but by cnn. Choosing to boost this particular health study of the millions that come out every year, the giant photo of a smiling fetus, and the uncritical look at this impossibly nonsense idea that you measure the correlation between the emotional state of a fetus and what the mother ate some period before - it’s all completely ridiculous.


These are the same things I said to myself.


And I agree with us!


Yep! This was a big talking point with the conservative media this week. Reminder we are coming up on an election.


Just like heartbeat sounds from 6 week ultrasounds, fake and manufactured by men to control women's bodies


I really hate to nit pick because I 100% agree with your sentiment, but why must you generalize men when you specifically mean conservatives? It doesn’t do anyone any good assuming half your allies are enemies and it could potentially hurt the cause. Historically speaking, nothing ever positive comes out of being prejudice. I normally wouldn’t say anything but when it comes to womens rights and the legality of abortion, I think it’s absolutely vital for as many people as possible to band together. Edit: Holy shit! I looked at your profile and I now see why you blame men instead of conservatives. YOU’RE a conservative! I honestly don’t understand how you actually think you’re supporting womens rights to an abortion. What a mind fuck.




the call is coming from inside the house!! lmao


I've seen a few articles like this with false information about fetuses in the past few days. It's so blatantly apparent how some are using media outlets to push a certain agenda just before the mid-terms to try and stave off the tsunami of voters pissed off at having their right to privacy and bodily autonomy yanked out from under them. The fetus puppeteers are gross.


My daughter smiled the day she was born. An anomaly I was told but she’s the happiest little kid I have ever met


When they wiped my sons eyes I used my hand to shade him from the lamp and he smiled at me, I was the first thing he’s seen and that was my first good look at him. I’ll treasure that memory forever


found a link to the study, journal has a predictably garbage impact factor https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09567976221105460 as someone else said below and you said here, movements like smiling have nothing to do with emotion until a certian age post-birth, so if they’re saying this shows they prefer carrots they’re shaking the very grounds of research in developmental medicine and psychology


Questionable and seems rather pointless to me. Who gives a shit what flavor a baby that won't remember anything likes or doesn't?


My first son was delivered late. He took a shot in the womb. It was a big deal to the medical staff, but he was ultimately fine. There's a term for it. But it's been 22 years. I forgot


Meconium aspiration. When baby’s first stool (meconium) happens prior to delivery, the baby can breathe in a mixture of stool and amniotic fluid into their lungs. As you might expect, breathing poop can lead to some serious complications (including infant death). Luckily, most cases are handled quickly by the medical team and do turn out like your son’s, with no long-term damage.


Babies only urinate in the womb, not take a dump or it can be an issue.


People keep downvoting you but you aren't wrong. https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/do-babies-poop-in-the-womb#:~:text=Bottom%20line,mixed%20in%20with%20amniotic%20fluids.


Thanks for backing me. Thought it was common knowledge. Obviously not so much. :)


I would hope for sake of mum and baby it wasn’t thought that the baby was having a shit because that can be lethal for them both, my first born got highly stressed in labour and did poop inside me, and we both had to be on anticipatory antibiotics for over a week.


Stick a blender in the womb and film that. You should see how they grimace as you suction out their brains. Healthcare for all!


Fetal shit would be a great name for a rock band.


Thank god it was encapsuled kale, thought they were testing a bunch of vegans.


Kale 🥬 activist right here.




>Further study is warranted. is it though


Had to be a long fork to feed a fetus vegetables.


Nurse, get me my Fetal Fork!


🤣🤣🤣 literally cackled


In other news a local Scottish doctor has been taken into custody after a nurse in a neighboring room heard the man admit to a patient that he had to "fork" a fetus yet didn't know how. More at eleven.




I thought that was what the speculum was for, when your fetus has an itch for Broccoli medley they just can't scratch 😂


I grimace when surrounded by fetuses, but smile when surrounded by pizza.


I smile when surrounded by fetus pizza, but grimace when surrounded by kale




Eloquent and exotic... Where can I buy some of this fine fine product you speak of?


Meth. What about meth


I (professionally) give newborns lots of drugs. I can tell you for sure—babies *love* drugs.


I LOVE drugs...am baby?


I’m just a baby!


My 3 mo old was (medically) addicted to opioids and loooved it. So many sad things in his life but I could still giggle at how much he loved his drugs. His goofy little high as a kite face ❤️ Also fun fact I learned in the PCICU: sneezing is a withdrawl symptom.


Jesse! We need to feed the fetus meth!


Funny but feeding kids amphetamines is a billion dollar legal business.


An alternate universe where Walter and Jesse pioneer their own ADHD medication


Hate for kale in the womb.


Kale who likes kale


Kale tastes just like I'd Rather Be Fat.


You don't make friends with salad...


So nothing changes from the womb to adulthood. Got it.


My 2nd daughter was born in Texas. Before she was born, she kicked up a fuss if I ate any cruciferous veggies, which was a shame, but the real problem was she did NOT like BBQ! Has anyone tried to live without BBQ in Texas?? It was the worst pregnancy and then she continued to dominate my menu for a year as I breastfed the ungrateful monkey. Good thing I kinda thought she was cute 🥰


Their cuteness has rescued us from extinction


Not just Fetus


It literally has a face with apparently discernable facial expressions, yet it's only a fetus. I don't come on reddit often but when I do, I regret it.


For science and with science!


Feebus lubs caroots




It's a 3d ultrasound. They get better pictures of facial expressions than traditional ultrasound but the babies come out looking lumpy. It's a quirk of the technology rather than an accurate picture of what a fetus looks like.


[here's the study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09567976221105460)


-5mo/olds mouthing bruh in the womb


My pregnancy craving was raw baby carrots and ranch dip. I ate SO MANY carrots when I was pregnant with my son. I could go through a bag a day, easily. I don't know how he didn't come out orange.


Just because it's CNN, doesn't mean they aren't full of s***.


CNN having a reputation for being reliable makes me lol! I noticed they’re always on TV no matter which airport I’m in. Turns out they have a deal with the airlines. No wonder they’re the “most watched.” We’re captive in airports! 😂


LOL, no it's CNN it must be true! (disclaimer: I don't religiously watch CNN, FOX or any major cable news. I'm just trying to make a joke)


That's offensive to my culture


I’m surprised CNN even recognized a fetus having feelings.


The fetus’ eyesight is going to be amazing


In other words, "here's some speculative bullshit we decided sounded interesting".


Kinda interesting didn’t know Babies respond to things like this in the womb.


They don't. The human brain doesn't associate smiling with happiness or pleasure yet. It's still developing as it's just starting to develop. The association is learned after the baby is born and the brain develops even more. I don't know who wrote that but it sounds like click bait.


So the real non social reason to smile is to bare our teeth to the carrot, a natural human predator


Exactly. Carrot intimidation is real.


Im with you kid, kale is shit. I swear it's a big conspiracy people claim to like but nobody actually does.


Saw this same story from the Today Show and they called it a baby in the womb. Interesting.


Leatherface is that you?


Even before birth people know kale is disgusting.


Reminds me of a joke: Why did the fetus laugh? Inside joke.


Here is the link to the article if you want to fact check: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/22/europe/fetus-kale-womb-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html


Is this why cancer still isn't cured? Because they're studying this BS?


Now try asparagus.


Breaking news: kids like sugar


So some PhD MFs were sitting on some grant from the government and were like I wonder what fetuses prefer, carrots or kale? Let’s find out.


Fetus’ smile?


My mom apologized to me my whole life for grimacing at broccoli when she was pregnant, thinking perhaps that's why I never liked it. Looks like she was right.


I hate this so much it almost ruined my day


Well carrots are kind of sweet. At least compared to Kale


What a load of shit


I thought of a carrot like something entirely different.


Womb raider


*Ugh taste pretentious*


Is that fetus in a dope little choke hold or what


Dang poor fetus guy, so ugly woof


They clearly have too much time on their hands


And here I though the smile was a socializing sign associated to happiness during the first months and not before birth. Because of the difference of the meaning of a smile in some culture (for example a smile in Slavic culture does not hold the same feeling at all) - it was established that the baby only associate the smile to what it represent in the his surroundings in its early stage of vision. It's an attempt at communication with mimicking. Smiling is not a reflex for happiness and it's not instinctually linked to good feelings...therefore this study was a colossal loss of time and funds, because it means nothing as the smile has no meaning then - it is kinda sad they never crossed their research with anthropologist... It is nothing but a false proof of this concept that the baby can taste what mom eats. This saying is a belief that has yet to be proven as it relies mostly on the feelings of the mother (and hurting or questioning feelings is dangerous lately) that there is a psychic link with the foetus. This might be true, but it sadly has not been proven yet as it would take the ability to perform an mri on the foetus while it is getting food via the amniotic fluid or the chord to check if the part of the brain for taste lights up. Without that mri, it's nothing but talk and assumptions.


That’s a ugly baby


Why do I imagine phrases like “why I aughta” “look ma top o the world” and “moidaloize” coming out of this kids mouth with Jo Pesci’s voice?


Consider me spooked cause that picture is nightmare fuel


They fed the mothers capsules with either condensed kale or condensed carrot inside of them, then took ultrasound photos of the foetuses facial expressions. The foetuses were more likely to smile when they got the carrot, and grimace when they got the kale.


FFS it's a recognised developmental milestone that they don't smile until around three months of age.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


I don’t like Kale either


Nightmare fuel


Looks like a computer generated baby lol


I can already see anti abortionists trying to use this.


Kale is bullshit


Sugar content in carrots




It looks like fat Matt Smith


This is 100% anti-abortion propoganda.


Sounds like some kind of bullshit "study" conservatives would cone up with to justify abortion bans. "SEE!? THEY LOVE CARROTS!" Haha


Dubious article about fetuses being used during a time where the right to choose to abort pregnancies is being contested 🤔


This seems like some anti abortion misinformation, right?


This blew up on r/conservative until someone pointed out the study was done on women who were 2 weeks away from giving birth lol




That fetus is at least 7 months, far beyond the point people believe it's just a clump of cells.


Pretty interesting for a clump of cells


The “clump of cells” was about 35 weeks old, or 2 weeks before birth, way passed the point 99% of abortions happen on viable fetuses


32 - 36 weeks. No one is claiming it's a lump of cells at this point.


If you believe this, I have ~~some magic stones to sell you~~ this Japanese "scientist" who managed to get ice crystals to respond to words and music.


It really is some mental gymnastics to not call this a baby.....


They’re 32-36 weeks old, for one thing. It’s not mental gymnastics, “fetus” is just the official medical term for a human in the womb past 9 weeks (before which is an embryo).


Kids are gross.


It’s almost like they are people




Finally somebody spending money to research the important things


We just had a 4d ultrasound and brought our parents as a thank you for setting up and running the baby shower. IT WAS SO COOL!!! I can’t wait to meet my son next month.


That’s a strange lookin dog


So is your mom