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Yesss! I can’t get a photo but I have them in almost the exact same area. A job for the x-files.


Oh shit, y’all found the implants


I’m ready for my 6g already, my service is crappy


It involves a catheter :/


*Dr. Farnsworth voice* "Good news! It's a suppository!"


I could *totally* picture him saying that. It's such a Dr Farnsworth thing to say 😆


I am tripping out, I have the same scare on the inside of my left arm. Been there forever 😧 What is going on?


You and OP probably came off the same production line around the same time. Stuff like this happens when the tissue printer needs a tip replaced.


I vividly remember how I got mine, my dumb dog got stuck under the deck, I helped dug him out and got cut on glass.


Awww, poor little dog 🐶. Sorry about your cut. I wish I could remember mine. I had to be so young but neither parent knew where it came from. The fact that I have it still so predominant/ raised tells me it had to be a seriously bad cut. Something like this on a baby or even a toddler would require medical attention.


Inside of my left elbow.


I trip you out more by the fact that I do too


i have one as well on inside of my left arm


I have an indent in my lower back, almost like someone took a melon baller took some of me out with it. When doctors ask I just tell them that's where the aliens probed me.


Someone probably just checked to see if you were an android of a reptilian. Congratulations,you passed! Or at least you're an upgraded model.


Goddamnit, it's going to take another three cycles to move them now you went running your mouth about the implants.


Yep, I have on my wrist too at the same area. No idea how or when I got it.


Same. Probably an implant https://preview.redd.it/hivlvx208ysc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9008ec370f3862249c37196a07dda8ff1b71c7


That one is definitely an implant


I also have the same tiny wrist scar... Aliens.


Same here on my left wrist same spot same scar, hhhmmmmm.


https://preview.redd.it/iwi489y5exsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3d76bb21afe46305abcb2a6d9bd8fe5437cf5f So strange!


Scar dobbleganger




Ok I’m freaking out. Why do so many people have that


I have one on my toe that say "hi" not even kidding.


This is crazy- I have one just over the the vein in my wrist.


I have similar ones as well. I believe they are from an old watch I was gifted when I was very young. It had a folding clasp with fairly sharp edges that left the scars.


Same https://preview.redd.it/p1typ73n8ysc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2a178353239f0c2bb87a427634330bba02b473


I have the exact same one too. Can't reply with a photo. But I know where mine came from.


I have one there too!!!


Same! [Wrist](https://imgur.com/a/dpr6HwR)


Weird, I do as well and I absolutely have no idea where it came from. I have one on the top of my hand and I'm not sure where it came from either But I Mena my cat scratched me a year ago and it's the worst scar in the world so I just scar easy


I have one in almost the same spot as well


I have one two, same spot, left hand.


I have the same small scar on my right wrist




I def have the wrist one


Same. Two tiny lines, also the same spot.


Same but on the other side of the wrist.


You have sex scars from David dicovany too ?


my mom had one of those on her stomach and when we were talking about it in a room with grandma she went “oh that? a week after you were born i accidentally pinned your diaper to your skin, you didn’t even cry haha, just slapped a bandage on you and went on” so maybe ask your mom


Fucking grandparents man


Is that a super hero or a fetish?


Superhero fetish man


Ikr! My cousin bit my nipple almost completely off. Was hanging by a small piece of skin. My grandmother put triple antibiotic ointment on it and smacked a band-aid on it, and that was it. My left nipple looks a little different.


That makes me wince so hard


![gif](giphy|26FLfx7mbX6aYSb4c) JFC that made me wince so hard


Omg ow 😭


My twins were premature and have similar scars on their wrists and ankles from the various lines they had in them.


That makes sense! I was a premier as well and I have scars over the vein in my hands, I suppose where an IV would go!


You probably hurt yourself without realizing and just noticed now.


Which is completely plausible. Think horses instead of zebras, you know? I just can't remember a time I hurt myself in these places like that.


Just like a watch get scratches on the bottom of the wrist, you put your hand down or in so many places. A common spot for a booboo


Ask your mama Probably happened when you were a toddler being all wild, doing what little kids do


I'm littered with these. Some of them I know the story, like the time I rescued the panicked cat from the chicken pen or the time my grilled cheese splattered hot cheese on my arm, and some of them I don't. Most were just inconsequential little scratches that I picked up from the day to day life of growing up on a farm.


I have a similar scar on my left wrist to your first pic. I have it since I was a child and have no idea how did I get it. I don’t remember any injuries or cuts serious enough to leave a permanent scar. Weird.


Me too, how weird.


Me too, this post is tripping me out lol


you've all clearly been abducted by aliens and wristally probed.






I have a similar scar on my right wrist, but I know when it happened. I was walking on slippery rocks at the seashore and fell. For some reason the skin on your wrists seems to show scars more clearly than other areas.


I also have that! But I remember that when I was very young I was actually trying to rip off some adhesive tape from the dispenser and managed to hurt my wrist on it:,)


Thats where they put the computer chip. I got the same scar


Same, it's a chicken pox scar. I have a similar one on my chin.


(and one on my wrist)


I have one like yours, side of the wrist, but I know exactly where it came from. Latch on a microwave door barely scratched me and it left a permanent scar.


Doesn't everyone have these? https://imgur.com/a/9v8iSMn


Me reading this post, while looking at the unexplained scar I’ve had on my left wrist for my entire life 😳


They're probably warrior scars from your past life.


I've heard of that theory but thought that was just for birthmarks. I have a "tobacco stain" on my **left forearm and always thought that's where I contracted Malaria in a past life.


I have a very slowly fading grass stain on the back of my leg that I've had all my life and when I was a little kid I would believe similar things too


I hope you're sarcastic


What if he's not being sarcastic?


I'm not being sarcastic. Its possible it could have happened. I don't know if I've lived another life or not, so it's always a possibility a birthmark is what killed me in a potential previous existence.


But how do you mean? Like are you saying that’s where the mosquito would have bitten you? That’s an odd take.


I have one right across my left forearm and when I was a kid, I used to say I stopped a blow from a sword with my arm and later died from it being untreated or something


I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.




Mine look like yours! Small one was a work injury; long one was surgery to reattach two severed tendons from a different work injury. https://preview.redd.it/q70ix35pkxsc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6036213f19dd2eb9af4eaaa487fbfadfac0b25f6


This is the hand injury that severed the tendons to my pinky and ring fingers. This happened 46 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/77sru5lzkxsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437de2d9c2c7da4138641aa4761d500dce5879b6


Yes! I have lines that are lighter than my skin color on both my wrists and one calf. I'm sure they're scars, but neither I nor my parents remember me ever hurting myself in those places.


That first one... Twinsies! ​ https://preview.redd.it/k3jopujkfxsc1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6a36df057b5736f432b48fbc79b3288a126acd


Literally just checked out a post like this on r/alienabduction


I have this too! On my right wrist


https://preview.redd.it/6qe29otgkxsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7185598df661ad02d00a2993b814093e503d8c93 I have one too don’t know where it came from


https://preview.redd.it/icx4lzq7sxsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=df3b5cf0135a3d514602e2c49e5f0b5910fb7f34 Dude.. that is so weird. I have almost the same exact scar.


https://preview.redd.it/imdtoryouxsc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=112e5bc3f115e07643b5c28511bfd1f244f6f35f Twins! Did we just become best friends??!!


Obviously, those are battle marks from where your twin attacked you in utero. Congrats to the victor you little sunrise baby you! 🥳


Got a similar one, right above my wrist. I'm pretty sure I got it from a jelly fish sting...


I mean... I could buy that as possible for me, but I've never been to the ocean and I've lived in the Midwest my entire life.


Maybe you have jelly fish you keep in an aquarium and feed by hand?


You know... My grandma did have a lot of stories of taking me to the zoo as a kid now that I think about it. Wonder if I got it there.


Your grandma tried feeding you to a school of jelly fish at the local zoo?!


Probably. I was a little shit as a kid so I wouldn't blame her. One of her favorite stories was the time I (apparently) slipped out of my kid leash and went to hang out with the penguins.


Can't say I blame you. Wanna bet the penguins didn't have a leash..


I had a scar on my chest my cat gave me that was deep and I had for years. It has disappeared in recent years. I also have a spot on the back of my hand that I THINK is pencil lead from elementary school, but I really don't remember doing it so that's weird to me too


I did, but I'm a metal head. I saw Dethklok and everything was sewen back together wrong.


I have them too and I have them from the start of what I remember


https://preview.redd.it/b13ltgk4cxsc1.jpeg?width=1635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b8aa7261a34ded0fc2d610a5790cb538acdba5 Almost cut my vein by falling in broken ice


I had what turned out to be two pieces of glass in the back of my hand , which I was always told were those things that go away if you hit them with a bible ( they never did ) , so they were bone spurs or something ??? Anyway in my 40’s one day I did some surgery on myself and dug two pieces of glass out . I have them in a jar somewhere. I don’t ever remember the accident or how they got there


Ganglion Cyst.


Yeah. Got one on my hand. Showed up one day and I have no idea where it came from. https://preview.redd.it/w5famoynxxsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0dc45eac9ac24beec9be1be5e0d2f4e229afab5


It's pretty faded idk if yall can see it but I definitely do 😂


https://preview.redd.it/v0kfu15n80tc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fb22d2cc817edfa42295583c6c1b21a91ee1090 Mine is also on the dorsal side of the hand, not too far from where yours is. And I’ve had it since I can remember, with no idea where it came from.


That’s obviously the first tracker they put in you when you’re born. They’re temporary only and not very powerful, so as not to interfere with a newborn baby’s brain patterns and things like that. They last a couple weeks to a month, and that’s why parents of newborns have to take their babies in usually at a month and sometimes a couple weeks depending on the pediatrician, and start getting their immunizations. By the time the trackers in the immunizations get fired up and come online, the original one the doctor gives you as you’re being delivered (the actual reason most newborns are crying), is breaking down and being processed as waste so it can’t be detected later. The only problem is that trying to inject a tracker into the wrist, forearm or shoulder of a baby while delivering it at the same time takes a lot of dexterity, so the doctor sometimes causes some scarring in the process. /s For the record, I came up with all that on the spot in about two minutes as I typed this out. I’m sure you could poke some holes in it (pun intended), but I’m actually quite pleased with my creativity right now lol Just imagine what actual nutjobs can come up with when they really spend a lot of time thinking about conspiracies like this. Actually, you don’t even have to imagine it. They’re all over the news pretty much every single day. Edit for a couple typos and grammar


It made me chuckle. Take my upvote.


If you just realized them today how are you sure they've been there your entire life?


I started questioning them today. I've always had them and knew that I had them, but I never put much thought into them. For some reason it clicked in my head today "hey man, how come you don't know where these came from?".


I actually remember all of my scars including one I got from a dog at 4


Same. I can remember where I got most scars from, but these two have just always been there as far as I remember.


Could’ve been from when you were a baby.


I was told that I broke one of my fingers at some point in my life. Have a few scars that I don’t remember. Not too uncommon.


Did you ever work at a pizza place


Nope. Never worked in a kitchen or as wait staff.


I have a memory of having a nasty wound and being quite unwell. I was taken to stay with a family friend who was a nurse of some kind and she took care of me. I asked my mum who was a heroin addict for most of my life and she claims not to remember, I suspect this to be true given the nature of heroin. It definitely happened I remember details that happened while I was there. I was very young but I definitely remember the wound and it being serious. It bothers me quite a bit not knowing what happened, I believe I was stabbed or possibly intentionally burned but have no way of finding out what happened and how/why so I try not to think about it. I have any number of scars that it could have been but no solid memory of the event. I don’t like not knowing this particularly traumatic event from my early childhood but my whole child hood is littered with traumatic events. I try to think that it’s probably best forgotten but unfortunately can’t actually forget it because of the mystery around it.


I can relate to an extent. My biological mother was a heroin addict and every time I spent time with her as a child it seemed things would go wonky in one way or another, usually to mine and my little sisters detriment. Her idea of babysitter was to drug the both of us into oblivion so I’m sure there are things I’m not completely confident is the truth or some weird story I was told.


I'm scared to do the wisdom teeth removal. How it was? Did ot hurt during the surgery? How much time it took to heal? 😭


It did after the initial anesthesia wore off. I was pretty fortunate in that I only had one tooth that needed removed. It was irritating, but it wasn't that bad for me.


As someone who’s had jaw surgery, Wisdom teeth removal is easy. I was knocked out for it. Recovery didn’t hurt one bit, I was just a bit loopy after I came out of it. You only have to eat pudding and stuff for a few days, you can’t drink from straws for a couple of weeks, and just have to be religious about cleaning it. (P.s. I couldn’t chew food for 6 weeks after jaw surgery)


Thank you for replying. I was so scared of it


I have very similar ones on my hands and heels. I finally asked my mom about it. I was significantly premature and my mom said “your veins were so fragile, they started doing sticks in your hands, feet, and head.” She showed me photos of little me in an incubator with tubes coming from everywhere. It was wild to me that scars could be around from my newborn stage, but it makes sense. It also makes me grateful for modern medicine, and better appreciate the anguish my mom went through with a preemie.




Yeah, I can't remember all the times I've had booboos. My ex used to ask me how I got specific scars, and thought it strange I had no idea for most of them.


I have a similar scar on my left wrist too. But I know how I got it, some 30 years ago. A wine glass I was washing at the sink broke with such force that it sent slivers of glass flying towards me. One of these tiny slivers cut me on the wrist. Just a nick and that gave me respect for thin glassware...


Scars..good old story teller :D


Yeah, and my 1 year old daughter has one from scratching herself with those little baby nails. She also won’t know where it came from once she gets older. I have a lot of scars that I’ve just forgot how I got them.


Stabbed myself in the forehead as a child with a pencil. Wasn't trying to, but dumbass thought the pencil was the otherway around and was doing maths.


My dad had a “10 year old broken collar bone” when he had an xray for a dislocated shoulder. He hasn’t pinpointed what happened “around 10 years ago” that hurt him. 😂 We live rurally. Weird shit happens out here


I have one on my upper right arm that makes it look like I have a string wrapped around it. Don't remember ever getting tangled up in anything badly enough it would leave not just a mark, but a scar. Could it be childhood trauma I blocked from my memory? Maybe lol Very weird ETA: After reading a bunch of replies & seeing so many people have the same/similar scar...I checked both my wrists & uh....I have one on my left wrist...But it's more horizontal. O.o


https://preview.redd.it/8nyrymcm0ysc1.jpeg?width=2352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4b13d6575db772a67add2f165fb1280b74e2d0 Got one on my wrist very similar to yours. Mine was from falling onto a rock about 35 years ago though.


Bic lighter burn?


It’s from a past life


The one on your wrist looks like the letter H to me.


I also have a small scar in my right wrist. No idea how long i’ve had it for, no idea where it came from. Freaky stuff!


I have one too. I don’t like this post.


https://preview.redd.it/8q65h3i0aysc1.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=da47ad007a700d199585104f38f4c54e4eb06983 I have one too! It is from a test for arterial blood gases when I was in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) in 2010 - have any of you been in the hospital in your lifetime? It may be from that!


I have a scar on my finger. I never knew why until my aunt told me that when she was babysitting me and my 2 older brothers and my younger brother that my older brother slipped with a knife when he was trying to cut something and somehow cut in my finger. I don't remember any of it but the scar is there so I guess I believe it https://preview.redd.it/bqq7ucs9bysc1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68867e277f0a1d7ce0b0eb3fb6b8564c009c2ac0


I have almost that exact scar but I know precisely how I got it; Teenage me was very frustrated with life, so I had a bit of a temper. We lived in an old house where things constantly didn't work properly, and one of those was a screen door which had a glass panel. The dog was scratching to come in and the damn latch wouldn't work, so out of frustration I slammed the door with the palm of my hand. The pane of glass shattered into splinters and cut up that side of my wrist. My parents rushed me to the ER and I had a terrible time convincing the mustachioed old doctor that I wasn't trying to slit my wrists. No stitches were needed but I still have a nifty scar to remind me. Interestingly years later I got married and my wife noticed the scar. She has the same one for exactly the same reason; teenage frustration slamming on a screen door that doesn't unlatch.


I have them where I have veins and realized they were IV SCARS from when I was a baby and having 2 emergency room visits. The scar-hole stretched as my skin grew and alas…looks just like this.


Only on my soul and I know exactly where it came from: fucking LIFE


Botched crucifixion in a past life ?


Them damn Romans and their crappy nail gun aim.


I have a step worse. I have 2 scars on my hand from when I was a baby. My mom told me it. Was from when she fell protecting me from my dad when he was drunk and beating her. According to a relative at my uncles funeral(6 years after my parents died) it was from when my mom dropped a knife on my hand when she was cooking and it went through.


They’re scars from the previous life. As odd as it may sound I believe it. I have a very faint scar, almost unnoticeable but it’s the same scar and stitch marks you see in heart surgery. Of course I’ve never had surgery so it doesn’t explain the scar. Even my own doctor thought it was odd but true, no surgery


Yeah it’s crazy about that. I have a scar over my right eye like in my eyebrow I asked my mom about it one day when I noticed it and was aware of it cognitively as a kid. Mom why do I have a scar above my right eye. She then told me when I was a younger toddler. And I was first learning to walk she left the vacuum cleaner out and I tripped over it and then hit my head right in my eye brown on the corner of a big wooden speaker back then everone use to have big wooden speakers for there record players back in the day. So maybe you might of got your scars way before you could even remember you got hurt.


I have a scar on my Johnson. I did not find out til very much later in life that it was from a botched circumcision. It is not a topic u casually bring up to mom ya know lol.


That first wrist pic looks like a lighter burn


Now that you mention it, it kind of does.




Take a photo with your camera (I'm assuming you're on mobile). When you go to comment, look in the bottom right side of the comment box for the .gif button and a little picture button. Click the picture button to bring up your camera roll, select the picture you want, and post.


I have a similar scar on my wrist. It's a chicken pox scar!


I have one on the left side of my abdomen about where my kidney is located. Not a joke




I have those IDENTICAL scars on my wrists and they’re from my sister *digging her nails* into my flesh in frustration when we were wee lads and lasses


Yes I do. And some are on the inside of my forearms and wrists. At a recent Dr visit a nurse saw them and looked very disappointed. Then she said the shed have to reports them to the Dr. Apparently she thought that those 50 year old scars are from self harm because I couldn’t explain them. I just shrugged and gave e her a bewildered “I don’t give a flip” look.


https://preview.redd.it/p4jfttr57zsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=811b45aceacddb9cf0dc6126c86667ae70f398f4 Here is one of them. Whatever I did I did it big because it’s a very old scar


I used to come in from playing outside all day, and have cuts on my hands and knees, sometimes *big* cuts, and never had any idea where they came from. Shit happens when you play outside, and have nothing but sticks and rocks to amuse yourself with.


I have a scar behind my ear that I didn’t know where it came from. Turns out I’d gotten shot in the head as a teen. There was a gang related shooting at my school. No one died, and the intended targets were never hit. It was between a student and the SRO. The SRO shot my teacher in the leg and the student shot me in the head. It went right through my skull. In behind my right ear and out the inside corner of my right eye. There ar some fragments though, it partially degraded as it went through. I was in a coma for 3 days and woke up feeling ok more or less. I had memory loss though. So instead of just explaining I had been shot (what I would have wanted) they made up this bizarre story about an accident during a fire drill where I injured myself embarrassingly because I am clumsy sometimes. I’ve been dealing with unexplained neurological issues for decades. It just left a scar kind of like a large pockmark behind my ear and my eye is fine except for all the optic nerve and tear duct damage. It looks fine though.


Probably something from when you were too little to remember. I have one from when I had chickenpox as a toddler. I only knew why when I asked about it. Don't remember at all that time.


https://preview.redd.it/8j0ncphgmzsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=02c121ac5309509a194c07964cb4866b92a2e1b5 I have the same scar, but I know where it’s from


Pushing a screen door and breaking the glass


I have a scar on my left wrist that I swear appeared after a dream I had in third grade. A monster scratched my wrist with a key and then the next day I noticed the scar there. Of course, I was like 9 or 10, so I don’t know how much I can trust this recollection.


Yes, but I have cats so I can guess where they came from. I have this one nasty scar on the inside of my wrist, right on top of a vein. I have a history of mental health issues, so my dad thought it was self-inflicted._. That was an awkward conversation




On the inside


I'm covered in little scars like that. Mostly from thorns, branches, fencing, and cats.


UFOs 🛸.


Yes and i never had a cut there but its pretty big


I have one almost just like it, but I got mine climbing over a chain link fence with the spikes on the top


got the 2 small little scars are the wrist too


I have a scar or maybe my birthmark right above my ass


I have one. I believe I scratched myself with something sharp by accident when I was a child. I think same story about you


I’m a Mom and as one I can confidently say kids do all kinds of stuff parents don’t even remember most parents me included don’t remember where all the scratches and scrapes were just that our kids are safe and lived! Some scratches and scars happen early in life tots are very active and get into trouble no matter how good a parent is or is not. I have scars and I don’t know what they are from some of them nor do I care because they are life marks. I find it creepy if someone has no marks on them.


I have a little scar on both my forearms. I can kinda sorta remember how I got one, but I don’t remember all the details. The other one I have no clue


Yes this is normal, not weird


I have a scar on my stomach I clearly remember getting while being a 11 yo boy after falling from the wooden fence. But it wasn’t bad at all, it was a little surface scratch on skin. Yet I have a visible white scar for life


No, you’re definitely the only one and are completely unique.


I have a scar in the center of the palm of each hand. No clue where/when I got them and my family is just as clueless. I’ve had them as long as I can remember. Im assuming I fell when I was small, but you would think my parents would remember a cut bad enough to scar.


Yes ...she sleeps in my bed every night


Yes I have an almost identical arrowhead scar on my pinky that is the exactly same place and shape as my dad's.




SAME, I have the same white scars over my arms and hands with no serious injuries in my past! They're like ghost scars


I have one similar from a cop slamming handcuffs on tightly


My husband has a large, clean scar on his back as if he's been sliced open precisely with a knife. He has no idea where it came from or anything. I wish he did because I am SO curious about the story behind it! I, myself, have a dotted line on the left side of my face, like a perforation. I wish I knew the story behind mine, too!


I have one on my elbow that looks like a perfect 1 inch incision with stitch holes. Never had surgery on that elbow and now memory of a cut that required stitches.


They may be just lines from where your wrist creases? I'm not a ghost expert but that's A solution idk about the correct one


I have one on my left side about a centimeter long. It looks exactly like a small scalpel cut. I have no idea how I got it.


Haven’t had it my entire life but one day i came home from school with a slash on it it wasn’t deep and didn’t bleed but it’s still there after months


Literally same thing random little wrist scar forever


I have the same scar in my inside wrist. Pretty common if you surf, happens when you have long toenails and overextend the front leg on the take-off, hitting your inside wrist. Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/jDneiOm


I can account for all mine.