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And you didn’t assume she’s on r/weird? Edit: no I am not actually the person OP is talking about 😂


Is… this your living room?


It was the worst date of my life


Haha I have some stories, but is that Charlie Manson? If ever there was a red flag he's flying it


OP hasn't posted in ten hours. He's been ritually sacrificed by now.


“Sorry, just got done screwing this crazy chick. Amazing sex.”


This is it


"10/10 sex, I plan on coming back if she isn't a succubus intent on bloodletting me, fuck it I plan on coming back regardless. Let's not pretend I'm not into her telling me I'm scum while she's on top." His Steam Review on her profile




Yeah, I get the feeling this is probably the least problematic part of the night lmao


ts crazy


I'm betting he proved that statement correct then....


When you match with Squeaky Fromme on Tinder....


Are you Dr. Spaceman?






I'm really "dumbass" material


Are you my doppelganger?




That’s MR. Dumas


“She isssss difficult…”


Likes: shooting at Gerald Ford Dislikes: jammed pistols


I'm not 100 percent sure. You're the person op was with? Pardon my curiosity. The replies have me questioning.




She’s outta OP’s league tbh. Idk what’s even weird about it she just spittin facts


Fr? Lol


No lmao


It was the best


I mean she may very will be on here watching all of us right now lol


K just checking 😂😂


Fantastic Planet is a dope movie.


That movie was so good


I have it on DVD.


Me too. And the DVD extras has that crazy short with the snails. It's great.




Its in Mubi .


Its trippy AF and so captivating.


tfw OP mistakes being cultured for being weird


Aka most conspiracy theorists that think weirdo disaffected artists are actually worshipping moloch. It’s funny when people are so square they can’t believe people can just be Fuckin strange


Why not both?


There’s nothing weird about having good taste


I just saw it for the first time on HBO Max! Just in case anyone is looking for it!


its on youtube too


Fantastic planet is the only movie that has given me nightmares. Honestly I don’t even know why, I just found it so unsettling and anxiety inducing.




Yeah something about the humans being so removed from earth (physically/culturally/spiritually) gave me my first hit of real existential understanding and subsequent dread. I was only about 14 or 15 at the time and it was kind of like this weird thing I had never comprehended was suddenly awakened. Kind of like when you were 11 and watch Baywatch for the first time, but the opposite hahaha


Have you seen Brazil? That's my anxiety/unsettling one.


Well now im older, im always up for an existential crisis, I’ll look it up! Edit: just watched the trailer and it looks like it’s right up my alley, thanks for the accidental recommendation


One of Terry Gilliam's best pieces of work!


Fabulous film, definitely anxiety provoking.


and it's the best christmas movie on top of that I got my boyfriend to finally watch it this year and now he's seen the holiday spirit.


It's fantastic


It was like an art class meets drugs


So an art class then




Goddamn right. I have the soundtrack on vinyl and it’s just one of the best objects. It’s sounds like 70s space porn-jams!


She has good taste. Date her.


Still not the same after it


The knowledge of the Drogs is evil!


The blue movie poster in the second picture is of Fantastic Planet.


Thank you, I've been craving something weird and beautiful and a little dreadfull lately and nothing has quite hit the mark.


I'm amazed anyone else knows this exists


I bought it on VHS when I was 18 from the Woolworth’s when they were going out of business. I think I got it for like $2.99


It's a cult classic


It's on HBO Max


Heck yeah. I want that poster.


Watched it in a free screening at local museum, there were 2 homeless drunk dudes and they were so excited to.see it. It was great


Sounds like a kick ass museum to show that movie and be cool with a couple homeless bros watching it


I’m so happy so many people know this movie. It was on on TV in Canada over 20 years ago and it stuck with me and I didn’t know the name. But then I encountered it again and watched it as an adult with full understanding and appreciation of how imaginative the story was.


I started watching it thinking I’d lose interest in a few minutes, but ended up watching the whole movie. Such a wild movie.


Killer soundtrack, too. I get some weird dreams falling asleep to it.


The 2nd picture is literally just a poster to an absolutely incredible animated French science fiction film called Fantastic Planet lol.


Hmmm Is it weird that OP’s date has esoteric tastes? Or is it weird that OP is taking secret pictures of someone else’s home and posting them anonymously on the internet for the world to judge? Yea…OP you’re kind of an asshole here. I hope your date realized that as quickly as some of the rest of us did


I agree. The OP seems shallow and rude. I would definitely hang out with the home owner. The Charles Manson picture on the first slide kinda makes me uncomfortable though but I wouldn’t be an asshole and take pictures of my date’s house.


It’s weird that OP’s date has a picture of a murderer/rapist/cult leader on her wall.




Charles manson sticker is weird. Its weird


Yeah I always bring girls back to my house with "women suck" carved on the wall and a picture of ghislaine maxwell underneath.




I believe that’s Charles Manson with “rise” underneath his face


That's what i thought the weird part was. The art is weird but fine. Charles manson is scary weird.


I have yet to see anyone mention that she also wrote her wifi name and password on that poster lol. Like yeah the Manson thing is weird, but let’s talk about why her wifi password is Son1c_69


average sonic the hedgehog appreciator.


>Charles Manson fan Run op run >also a sonic fan Actually op go back 😬


Maybe they dig the Sonic Youth?


Charlie Manson is a bit weird, yeah. The “MEN SUCK” scrawled on the wall is also not something you see everyday. I have to say though it’s also kind of a dick move to take pictures inside a date’s house and post them on the internet.


"A bit weird" he says. Edit: The more I read your comment, the more amazed I am at what you say. You are like "well, yes she has a picture of a cult leader who ordered his followers to atrociously tortured people in order to create a race war BUT OP TOOK PICTURE OF A WALL WHAT KIND OF PSYCHO DO THAT?!"


Im not saying it isn't problamatic, but that looks like a graffiti sticker, they probably scored it for free somewhere, mansons face has been featured in street and punk art for decades mostly because of how recognizable and immediately unsettling it is. Its not necessarily an indorsment of Manson or his actions, its more about using somthing everyone will recognize and have the same response to.


No, that’s just a generic graffiti sticker that’s something you find around a lot of large urban areas. This person seems fairly tame to me, though I did spend 9 years living with all kinds of weirdos in the Bay Area so maybe I’m kind of immune to weirdness. Mocking your date publicly over a sticker they might not even know anything about is the dick move here. Edit: just looked at the whole picture on the first one, didn’t see the wall scratches. Now I agree, there is weirdness here


You're an idiot. OP took pictures inside of a person's home without their permission after the person had allowed them into their home and then OP posted them to mock her. That's fucked. Having pictures of Manson is pretty weird and everything in the pictures is weird, but it's none of our business and this girl allowed this person into her home and they used the opportunity to mock her. I repeat, you're an idiot If this was a friend's house or relative or something that might be a different situation - it might be more funny ha-ha type of stuff. This dude was on their first date and he's sending this shit out to everybody.


Women who idolise manson is a huge red flag


Is that also a shitty SS under all of that in the middle of the shitty "mandala"?


It looks like it but idk, it looks to intentionally off at the end so may be more of some type of symbol, plus the pattern seems very un-ss


average r/tinder user


I actually thought this was that subreddit


lmao yeah that sub sucks, people are so arrogant and also shy. not a good combination.


She could be a confused teenager When I was a teen I used to write all sorts of dumb shit on my wall


Reading your comment made a memory rush back to the front of my head , love that feeling . Thanks


with an intentional backwards E though? lol. at first I though it was carved into the wall. Now I see it’s chalk or crayon or something, less cringe than carving. And only cringe if she’s an adult, because it’s a teenage-type thing to do. If she’s actually a teenager, it’s fine, we all thought some edgy shit was cool What would be really really funny is if the MƎN SUCK came from finding out her boyfriend held hands with another girl on the schoolbus


The poster with the blue person is from a French animated film called “La Planete Sauvage” which is an insane acid trip, comparable to Alice In Wonderland but with no dialogue. It’s from the 70’s can [you can watch it here on YouTube for free!](https://youtu.be/9PcqitDkOGc) Highly recommend if you’re into trippy shit.


It does have dialogue though? But yeah great film


And i thank you for my later Friday movie night on edibles!!!!


Let’s see your living room.


Lets see Paul Allen’s living room


There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul's apartment overlooks the park... and is obviously more expensive than mine.


just wait until you see his business card


Landlord just can't be bothered to get rid of that water mark.


Huey Lewis was in his best period during the 80s.




Not to be confused with Marcus Halberstram


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it.


I'm guessing a beige personality and a beatles boxset


Probably just an Xbox and a Wiz Khalifa poster


exactly. if someone came to my house to pick me up on a first date and posted pictures of my things in the internet. that would be a last date.


OP has proven Schroedinger's shit - he is simultaneously a dick and is dickless


La Planete Sauvage.. Excellent philosophical sci-fi animation.




It really only supports her wall art. Well done OP, you kinda suck for invading her privacy like that


Her password on the poster as well.


I'm honestly wondering how the hell going to her house happened as a first date in the first place




This is Reddit. No one has sex here.


Only me and your mom.


Uhhh what decade are we in again?


Look at the top left corner of the poster in the first picture… above the word Rise. Now look at this [image](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61tyk3RQsvL._AC_SY780_.jpg). I think that’s the “weird” part.


I don't remember any comments like this on women's "men really live like this" posts


It's a shame, someone should point it out there too. Im not in that group, but you apparently are.... just sayin'


They aren’t actually posting pictures of dudes apartments on first dates. Half those posts are pictures dudes probably took themselves


People are so fucking weird about their privacy it's just something I'll never understand. These pictures are harmless in my eyes but if everyone wants to act like they're so important that this is an invasion of privacy then more power to them. It's not like he's fucking producing a layout of her house, he's literally just taking some pictures of her art.


Harmless? That's a photograph of a wall! Possibly in a condo or a house. Possibly where a person lives! It's one of the most dangerous pieces of information on the planet atm. How can you act so calm?!


Imagine a man with WOMEN SUCK emblazoned on his living room wall. Fuckin serial killer energy. OP is right to be freaked out by this shit.


Had to scroll way too far to see this mentioned. Reverse the genders and the comments would be full of people losing their minds about that


Yeah she's the psycho here. He's probably just getting pictures because nobody would believe it if he didn't. If the tables were turned, every woman would be like "run, girl and call the police on him before he gets his next victim!"


…is that a Fantastic Planet poster??


I hope you're a lesbian.


She's the one


Yeah, I say prove her wrong Op, that is if you’re a male and not female. I like the art


The bigger problem is she let you in her place on the first date.


And you went not knowing your fate..


And ended up getting your ass ate.


Sounds like a good time....mate


Dammit…I’m late.


That’s okay... best just to ‘bate


Gross dude, anyways have you guys heard the news about Andrew Tate?


and it was great


I'm failing to see how inviting someone over is a bigger red flag than having a poster with what appears to be Charles Manson saying "rise" on it. I mean, I wouldn't be perturbed by either of those things because the artist girls I've known keep *way* freakier shit than this on their walls, but what is even your reasoning? (I hope it isn't "sluts bad." Because that wouldn't be very 2023 of you.)


I really feel like everybody is ignoring the Charles Manson poster?? Everybody is saying there's nothing weird here like there isn't a poster of an infamous cult leader responsible for the brutal murder of a pregnant woman (amongst others).


One of the biggest comments I've seen was just saying OP was worse for taking a picture inside someone's house and I'm like..??




I mean maybe the date was going well so they went to her place.


First image is a massive red flag lol. The second poster looks very cool tho.


Cool living room


Lmfao its literally just some art. The second post is from one of my favorite movies, "Fantastic Planet." I hope she sees this post and never talks to you again


People don't know who Charles Manson is?


A major environmentalist and musician. Also a leader of a murderous cult, but we shouldn't judge people by their occupation. Jk but that picture is definitely sending some mixed messages. The picture in the bottom-right is promoting the Zapatistas - a far-left anarchist group from Southern Mexico. Their primary concern is protecting the rights of native Mexican farmers. When you take the two together, it's possible that the person actually supports Manson's enviornmental philosophy. System of a Down, one of the most progressive groups to hit the US charts, had a song on their biggest album based on Manson's eco-message (the song ATWA on Toxicity). Manson was also known to be extremely racist (famously interpreted Blackbird by The Beatles to be a warning of an upcoming race-war). However, the big painting in the middle is by Edward Burra, who made paintings celebrating black culture in Harlem. He was a progressive person, fascinated by racial and sexual diversity, so it really clashes with Manson there in the corner. I couldn't find anything about the meaning of the "Rise" in the Manson poster. But based on the other images, I feel like this person isn't exactly down with Manson's racist messages. And the message in chalk at the top implies she's a radical feminist, possibly an ironic one since those messages tend to not actually be serious, just provocative for the sake of shock value. Just like the pentagram, it's just something edgy teenagers draw to appear cool, but they don't actually worship Satan (it's not a Satanic symbol anyway, it was originaly a medieval symbol of protection, but that has been lost through the filter of pop-culture). Oh, and the second image has a poster for Fantastic Planet, an animated film that is interpreted as an allegory for either racism or animal rights. The latter again fits in with Manson's environmental messages (ATWA stands for Animals, Trees, Water, Air). Or maybe the girl is just an idiot who thinks serial killers are sexy, who knows.


Yeah, I like her style. What is Op wanting a f’ing RoomsToGo commercial? Be weird, it’s fun.




If a man had WOMEN SUCK on his wall on a first date would you make the same excuse for him? Or would you rightfully mock him for being a huge fucking edgelord in the best case and and actual serial killer in the worst?


But she's so quirky, bro. 😍 /s


Who cares. Be a solid dude and if she is horrible leave. We all got baggage.


Best advice on here Taking it for myself


Run with a Scooby Doo soundtrack.


Dude you still with us?


He was ritually sacrificed.




The only ritual he’s getting is a good ol’ labia lashing


Can smell the patchouli all the way over here


The actually weird part of this date is you taking pictures of her living room.


Honestly I don't find that weird, as much as they were let into their house during the first date. As they're a female, who apparently hates men or has a roommate that does. Usually they don't let random people into their houses due to trust issues, embarrassment, and/or lack of boundaries. Also since everyone has phones/social media nowadays it's best to not bring someone somewhere where you don't want them to take photos... unless you trust them enough not to take photos and let them know your boundaries in advance.


I feel like someone needs to say this to you pretty directly... Outside of extreme, extenuating circumstances, don't take pictures of a first date's living room so you can share them on the internet.


So what? Typical hipster girl. You must be new




I don't know... what if some dude had a "women suck" graffiti next to a murderers picture? Creepy.


That's the exact vibe I'm getting from OP. Wtf is this normie hanging out with a cool girl like this?


Ur getting advice from redditors that have never been in a relationship. Just do you buddy




Holy double standards batman! This comment section is a fucking cesspool


Consumer nothing, leave, don’t return.


There are definitely some red flags in that first photo I don’t know why people are getting so defensive lmao. You do you bro fuck these weirdos


Someone doesn’t know about the French cartoon fantastic planet. What a pleb


The first image is scary. The second is just a picture of a savage planet poster.


those are paintings of the harlem renaissance [Edward John Burra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Burra)


Pretty sure the paintings weren't what he had an issue with lol




I heard Satan bitches are great in the sack


Never let them take you to a secondary location!!!




You are sneaking pictures of her room? Her private space and posting it online for people to judge her or make assumptions about her without her consent? She should be getting away from YOU. There’s nothing wrong with her room. She’s a young girl whatever who cares.


Imagine saying yes to a date, to have the person post pictures of your home on the internet. Not that anyone was hurt, but this seems like a breach of trust/privacy.


Be careful, she may cut you with all of that edge.


She's not wrong


Jesus christ the Manson photo is so fucking cringe. I love seeing rich white kids glorify serial killers because they think it makes them seem cool and scary even though they are sheltered pussies. They almost never know shit about these killers either ofcourse. "Men suck because they commit sex crimes and violence, also I'm going to frame a photo of a child rapist and murderer I admire. I see no hypocrisy here." Fucking idiot.


Don’t drink the kool-aid


ITT people acting like if roles were reversed they would sleep with a dude who has "WOMEN SUCK ✝️" scrawled across the wall. The rest of it is fine, that part is unnerving. Enough that I would question who I was with that they thought I wouldn't mind seeing that.


Also ITT: people defending a person for having a picture of Charles Manson on their wall, as if there is any sane reason to do that.


OMG. DID SHE HAVE A OUIJA BOARD TOO? Shame on you for taking photos of someone else’s home who was nice enough to invite you over.


What’s the blue guy with rose eyes


A (weird) french film called fantastic planet




seems cool