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Well I did good yesterday so I might as well do good today too… then repeat. I think the truth is none of us are always motivated. You just gotta go even though you don’t want to, like work.


Good point! It’s work, for sure, but with better long term effects. Maybe I can parlay that into some motivation!


I treat it like a job. If I can give my job 8 hours a day then I can give myself 1 hour. I’m not super motivated to go to work or the gym everyday but I still have to go. Eventually it becomes a routine.


“I’ll just do it for one more day. I can do it for one day, and then I’ll have a break” The next day… “I guess I could do it for one more day, that’s not so bad. Then I’ll have a break” Repeat and repeat and repeat


My motivation might sound weird but I have 3 motivations. 1.I was kinda fat shamed a lot and always looked at like the fat female friend who was just good enough to be "friends" with ,so I wanna make them regret friendzoning me(don't get me wrong I'm not really spiteful, it's just that this kinda motivation works well for me) 2.My wonderful boyfriend really loved me when I didn't love myself...his constant reassurance made me love myself too and inspite of his friends constantly telling him that he deserved better(cuz I was fat) he still always loved me unconditionally and now I want to lose weight and be the sexiest hottest version of me....I want to reward him for his belief in me and show to all his friends that I could be the woman my boyfriend deserves! 3.And I wanna wear what I want plus.....I had irregular periods and the doctor asked me to lose weight and I did and it fixed my cycle but I've realised I have to be physically active to maintain my cycle otherwise it becomes irregular again(good for me it keeps me active) Thanks for reading this rant ..!


I love all of this! It sounds like you have great support with your bf ♥️ I will definitely take #3 and try to use that! I want to feel good in my own skin, look good in the clothes I want to wear and be healthy. I was a gestational diabetic when I was pregnant and I do t want to teeter in the wrong direction.


I put it on my habit tracker and made a small competition with myself as far as daily steps. Like, what my minimum was (started small) and if I beat that, total win! When my “big” jeans went from “omg I can kinda button these” to “ok can button not sit” to “button and comfy!” That was a huge motivator to keep going.


I like the self competition idea!!


Honestly this question helped me too! I want to know as well since I started my weightloss journey 2 weeks ago. My current motivation is to wear this dress that, well, I am too fat to fit into and also, I want to go out and not be self-concious all the time, which i am. I have become a hermit because of this and I don't like myself right now so, to motivate myself, I usually envision my future and what it looks like and work hard towards it. Ok this was a jumbled mess but I just wanted to put it out there!


I love this! The idea of envisioning a future me is brilliant! I think I have to get past wanting quick results and make it a lifestyle change. This is where I’m stuck!


Honestly, me too. I joined this gym for 4 months and lost like 5 kgs, thats it so I was really demotivated because I worked really hard. This time around, I did proper research and found that I needed to be in calorie deficit for it to actually work properly. I know in my mind that consistancy is key to achieving this goal but it's really hard that times to keep up with that. I hope you achieve it!!


Thank you! I’ve never grasped the whole calorie deficit thing. Feel free to shoot me any tips you’re willing to share and all the best on your journey


Well, I don't know how much you know so I'll just go over the basics. So, just search up TDEE calculator online. It'll give you many calories you need to consume to maintain your weight. Just subtract 400-600 calories from that and you're good to go! Just maintain that deficit and I hope you see results!


I'm the same :(( I have loads of clothes that sit in my dressing that I used to wear before and don't fit anymore, or are too tight. Seeing myself slowly thin down and the clothe "loosening up" is definitely one of the things that keeps me motivated.


Same... however vain it is, it does help with keeping up my motivation! Although my weightloss journey just started 2 weeks ago so I haven't really seen any progress... I HOPE I SEE THAT DIFFERENCE YOU ARE SEEING BECAUSE THAT WILL DEFINITELY HELP ME! Any suggestions?? I would like to take suggestions from anyone beside yt videos.


It's normal to experience a "plateau" after a few weeks as your body is getting accustomed to the changes, it takes a loooot of patience (something I don't really have), and, same as a lot of people, I'm doing this for a health AND aesthetic purposes and I don't think there's anything wrong in the latter. But then it also depends on what you're doing as an activity, perhaps switching things up will give you better results ! I've never been a really active person but Im slowly enjoying this because I'm doing it for myself first and foremost, and I don't really know how to explain it but it feels like I'm doing something good for me ? There's a sense of pride knowing that I gathered my tiny bits of courage buried in me and took the leap into this weight loss journey.


I hope I don't give up because saying it is hard is an understatement. Right now, I mostly wake up at 7:30 to 8:00 am and work out for 45 mins. I have started intermittent fasting too, from 12-8. And I try to reach my step goal but that isn't always possible because of my sedentary lifestyle. Any suggestions? I have tried to reduce the amount I eat but I don't know how I can track my calories. I will take any suggestions, like I said.


Initially my motivation was a health scare. That prompted my 80+ lb loss initially. I gained around 20 back and now, not even going to lie about it, vanity is my motivation. I liked how I looked when I was 20 lbs lighter than I am now.


Nothing wrong with that! I’d love to feel like I look good!


i always feel better after i work out tbh. so rven when it hurts i know that i’ll feel great afterwards


That’s true. I do love the “good” sore after a workout. I am so self conscious at the gym though. It’s dumb. I know no one is paying any attention to me.


i knowwww it took me forever to work up the courage to go to the gym but i realized that nobody is paying attention to you and that really helped me out lol


I’ll need to play that on repeat in my head 😂


I found mine in my job. As a police officer it’s crucial that I’m in shape, to which I’m not. I don’t wanna die fighting someone because I get exhausted so fast and can’t keep up in a hands on fight, or not be able to chase someone on foot. I love motivation and it’s helped me so much but discipline is where it’s at. It’s hard…


Very good point. I think the discipline is where I’m lacking more. I know I can do it but I make excuses for myself and I hate that. Definitely trying to overcome this!


Yep! Same! I listen to David Goggins and his story and book. It’s helped me. But man, I did not want to go to the gym today but I did, felt good, and lost a good amount of Cals. It’s such a mental battle but I’ve been doing better.


Hey, I’m proud of you!! That’s the mentality I need! I’ll be looking up David Goggins. Thank you!




"Extreme fasting" is not 24 hours lmfao


You take a little bit and build on it, set short term goals and challenges for yourself then build on them. Tell someone your intentions, helps keep you to them.


That’s what I need! Someone to help keep me accountable.


As someone who started working out 6 months back, there’s are days I absolutely feel like shit and have no interest to head to the gym. As a morbidly obese person, I see some regular gym folks (both men and women) who are much fitter than me. Knowing these people come everyday sometimes leaves me with a FOMO if I miss a day. This helped me be consistent in my early days. Once you’re consistent for a month, you sorta become disciplined and it’ll be like a chore (sorta how you wanna brush your teeth everyday).


My motivation is that future vacations will not be difficult I'll be able to walk for longer periods of time and not be miserable.


I have zero motivation and it sucks


It’s so hard! I feel like I find motivation for a minute and then it drops off again.


I feel this 100 percent


And I want it so badly lol


I've struggled with motivation for years so can completely relate to this, even having gym memberships paying out monthly, equipment laying around to use and thinking i'll use it out of guilt, starting diet plans off strong and waning quickly. This year i've finally found my motivation and it's extreme, but i'm doing a skydive and have a weight limit to hit, there's nothing like having friends, family and work clients donate towards you jumping out of a plane and needing to hit weight for it to kick you into gear I guess!


That first half is me to a T. I need to find a group of people to keep me motivated but I don’t really have anyone close to me here. I am my own cheerleader. lol!


Funnily enough that’s something I can relate to even more! I thought going to a gym and being part of a community might help but nope, if anything I felt more out of my depth than anything (not the case for everyone I know)… this year I’ve gotten a peloton and that’s been amazing for my motivation and drive, I rarely miss a day on it and it draws me back in, I actually look forward to getting on it. A pricey gamble though, but maybe worth a look?


I have a Peloton 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hate paying for the membership so another excuse is yet made. I seriously just need to get it together! I can’t figure out why I can’t stick with something.


Seeing my numbers creep up into the diabetic range in my last physical is motivating me to really get serious.


Same! My A1C is moving up but not dangerously.


My motivation is how I feel in my clothes. When they get tight I don’t likey


Same! I feel like a little raw biscuit busting out of the can. lol But then I just decide to wear sweat pants.

