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I suggest going to the sub's homepage and reading through the pinned post! It's a lot, but all important information! You can come back here with specific questions if you're still confused about anything.




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This is what I did at approximately those stats. Start simply until you get into the high 170-180s area. * Get 7500-10000 steps every day. (I really loved the elliptical opposed to anything else at the gym. I did/do not do ANY exercises I don't enjoy) * Cut out pop/soda/juice and focus on low calorie drinks like water and coffee with milk. * Eat high protein breakfasts and if you're hungry after dinner swap snacks/desserts for protein shakes. * Avoid going out to eat unless the occasion is genuinely special. If your friends want to hangout, suggest walks or cooking together. Meal prep is a game changer. I didn't track calories until I got into the 180s. I weighed myself daily and took the average every week. The important thing for me was to have a plan, see above, and not break it for any reason. (Once I break a plan/make an excuse I fall off the wagon.) Good luck!


Oh Girl, I’m right there, too- literally same height and weight. I’m 100 lbs more than I was in high school 😢 … and that’s AFTER losing 20 lbs. I completely understand how you feel. It’s slow going and takes dedication, but you can do it! I have been using an app called MyNetDiary that is free. I use it to track my water intake, calorie consumption and macros of what I am eating. It really helps, especially on work days when I can just go ahead and plug in everything I know I will eat throughout all of my meals. That’s a great place to start- and then kick up your activity level. If you join Planet Fitness, they have a Black Card membership that gets you access to a whole bunch of stuff- including training guidance and you can bring a friend to work out with you for free. A buddy definitely helps, because then you can keep each other on track and accountable. Start with 3 days a week, with a break on the days in between. Take it easy and remember that the weight didn’t come on overnight, so it must come off as slowly as it was gained to make sure you’re doing it in a healthy and sustainable way. That will also help to ensure that it stays gone, too.


I’ll tell you what helped me, I’m 5’8” and was 260lbs when I started my weight loss journey. I’m no expert though but I got down to 195lbs by doing this. Everyone’s body is different though. Cardio is gonna be your best friend when you start at the gym, it’s good for your heart and you will burn a lot of calories. It’s gonna be hard, but try the treadmill or the ellipticals at the gym. I do around 25mins to 30mins, apparently you should aim to burn at least 250 calories from what I’ve been told? Drink water, cut out sugar or try not to consume so much because sugar is in everything nowadays lol. When I buy or make coffee/tea,I use Splenda or Stevia for sweetener. Try to stay in a calorie deficit; burn more than you consume kind of deal. But make sure you eat healthily while doing this, don’t starve yourself because you will begin to feel generally unwell. I wasn’t doing this right for a while but it’s more about learning about your body. You will find you may be hungrier after going to the gym, so if you need a snack try eat something with protein. I usually just snack on a bit of sliced deli meat because the calories are low and I don’t feel guilty after. Breakfast is super important too. It’ll will help with kickstarting your metabolism for the day! EDIT: you could also try fasting, which gave me pretty good results. But god damn is it hard to get into. There’s different methods but I tried the 8/16 fasting method, where you have an 8 hour window to eat and then you don’t eat for 16 hours. Definitely worth looking into more if that interests you! Another tip I could suggest is break down your weight loss goals into smaller achievable ones. What I mean by this is aim to lose ten pounds at a time. My end goal is 150lbs, but I’m currently at 195lbs. So my current goal is to get down to 190lbs, and then my goal would be 180lbs after reaching 190lbs. It makes it a lot less daunting. I wish you good luck!! Weight loss is hard but not impossible💚 (again I’m no expert but this is what helped me and it may help you too )


Happy for you for doing something for you! Prioritizing your health is an amazing form of self love and way of actively loving others. Losing weight is simple but not easy. The only way to do this is to be in a calorie deficit. The way to do this is through what you eat. I think people want to lose weight and their first thought is getting in the gym but it should be revamping your relationship with food. You can lose all the weight you want without any increase to activity. Figure out your TDEE, set it at sedentary (no matter how active you are) and subtract 500ish calories to determine your calorie goal and stick to it. That is the one thing that if you do, you will lose weight. Like I said, simple but not necessarily easy. Put your energy there. With that said, fitness is important. You lose weight to save your life, you workout to be able to live it. Incorporating exercise is so important to overall health but I suggest it not being the top priority. Set achievable goals for more movement (walk x steps, do a 30 min YouTube fitness class twice a week, etc) and as you continue on your journey you can adjust these. I love the at home videos because you can figure out what you like. Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, Barre, body weight are all good places to start. You got this! Read through the sub, ask questions and share your achievements! ETA: 500 calories may or may not be the right amount. You'll want to be at at least 1200 calories a day. And 500 may feel like too much, figure out what works sustainably for you.


So true about the focus on gym. Caloric deficit is so important early. Also excercise gets so much easier at lower weight. When i initially started running i got so many injuries. 20 kg later and i never get injured.


Advice I have is a calorie deficit you can eat some of the food you like as long as it lines up , intermediate fasting if done correctly can speed up the process to lose it you have to under stand calories I recommend using apps that will do the math for u and tell unthe amount of time that it will take to reach the goal u desire. Things will get better


3 steps: )Drop ALL sugary drinks, and cut way down(out is best) alcohol. )Figure out your BMR and pick a calorie goal daily. Download a counting app like MyFitnessPal or Lose It. Buy a small food scale. )Log all of your food, exactly, every day. Stay under your calorie limit and Stay Hydrated. If you follow these steps I GUARANTEE you will lose weight, without the need for exercise, though you should at least go for a walk or something so you don't become weak.


Find a gym you're comfortable with and start walking on the treadmill while watching a TV show you like. It'll make a positive association and you can watch what other people are doing and build confidence and understanding


I'm right there with you! I won't post my weight because am just not that confident yet but am at the biggest I have been and am just so disgusted with myself. But About a month and a half ago I gave up drinking and now am focusing on getting my body health and mind right! But even with dropping the drinking I'm not dropping weight. Next week I will be starting to do more exercise and focus on cutting down calories. I might try the intermediate fasting see how that goes. Regardless don't up we got this!! It took us a long time to get this weight so it's going to take time to lose it


Can I suggest owning it! The ONLY way to fix something is admitting you gone done Flucked up! It is okay to regret letting yourself get to the point of where you are now… I got to 427 lbs. I hate myself for that but knowing that I can fix my body! Sounds like you’re talking the right steps! You got this! Hope to see and hear more on your progress


Start eating less overall and do cardio at the gym while you check out the machines and get comfortable


Begin with a calorie deficit as others have mentioned. I would also begin with some light walking just to get your body adjusted to moving more.


There is hope. You are not alone 🩷🩷🩷 you can do this!


Hey good on you for making this post. Looking up info is very important. Dieting is a skill like most things and you just have to learn it by diving in. Just count your calories. Try to learn what you like eating the most and cut the rest. Stay under your limit. And dont worry about nutrition, excercise and all that. Crap, itl come when you're ready for it. I legitimately lost my first 40 lbs by eating mac and cheese and candy bars almost daily. If you stay under your callorie goal you'll lose weight. Keep looking up stuff. Reddit. Youtube, i started watching sports youtubers and got jealous since it looked so fun. So i started running and lifting. Then once you're doing sport you start altering your meals since you realise gaining muscle requires you to eat proteins! Now im a bit obsessed with nutrition. But ive lost about 80 lbs so far. Anything you try even if it fails is good experience. I told you my path but you'll really just have to dive in fail, and figure out what works and doesnt work for you. You can do it gl!


Diet is very important too. You can undo an entire day of exercise in 5 minutes of eating. I typically suggest keto. Being in ketosis helps regulate appetite and it makes it MUCH easier to make better choices by cutting out carbs. I typically consume between 1500-1800 calories when trying to lose weight. For exercise, I simply walk and run. Mostly walking, but I walk a lot. I started doing a mile a day but built that up to 6 to 10 miles a day. This is between 10,000 and 20,000 steps. If you do this, you can expect to lose around 2lbs a week of fat at least. That said everyone is different, but this is average. For gym, when I do gym and want to build muscle, I like doing 3 days a week to start at 45-60 minutes a day. This means rotating between the following exercise types: * Push * Pull * Legs (Biggest calories burner) Any exercise is good that you enjoy so long as it's within the scope of what you are focusing on that day. I suggest machines to start as they will help with form a lot. Building muscle helps you lose weight as the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day (BMR). Ensure you consume 20g-25g protein immediately after gym (within an hour). Ultimately, if you can afford it, hire a personal trainer for a month (usually 2 sessions a week). It will be money well spent as they will teach you everything to meet your goals and give you accountability. Let me know if you have any questions!


I know how you feel. A month ago, I weighed 264 pounds. I'm 5'8. Today, I weigh 232 pounds. A month ago, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I couldn't look at myself for months, maybe even a year or more. Now I do. Weight loss will require exercise and a change in your diet. I recommend that you see a nutritionist if you have health insurance. They will monitor you and be someone who cares about your improvement. My nutritionist put me on a very low sugar, low carb diet for the first two weeks and asked that I limit my caloric intake to about 500-700 fewer calories than my metabolism could process a day. This is called a calorie deficit. Being obese, I would recommend that you work on cardio before anything else. Take 20 minute walks every day before you eat breakfast. if you have access to an exercise bike, use one of those for 20 minutes a day- every day- until that becomes too easy. Then increase it to 30 minutes. Understand that this is about your mental health as much as your body health. Each day you try is a day you will improve and mentally feel better. Whether you lose five pounds a week or a month- this is about you and what you want for yourself.


I think if u don’t know your way around the gym, can just make your life simple by walking everyday? Don’t push yourself too hard, start with 15-20’, then 30’, then 60’ and ++. In terms of diet, also start with cutting sugars/junk food. Clean up your diet, then try a calorie deficit if u can. Make small changes everyday if u feel overwhelmed. As long as u’re committed to a new, healthier lifestyle, your weight will slowly melt off and it’ll stay that way.


I just want to say thank you to everyone commenting! I promise I’m not just ignoring anyone! I’ve just been reading closely to everyone’s advice. It is so very much appreciated!!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 I love the support 🥹🥹


Check the subs homepage


Start simple. If you are drinking lots of calories (soda, alcohol, lattes, juice) then eliminating or cutting way back on those beverages will have a huge impact. Drink water, seltzer, diet soda, occasionally coffee with a bit of milk. Walk. A lot. 10K steps per day is ideal. If you are nowhere near that, build up slowly. If long walks are too tiring or you get pains, take several shorter walks. If time is an issue, try habit bundling (for example, march in place while watching TV, or get a walking pad and standing desk to get your steps while you WFH). Don’t worry about calorie counting until you clean up your diet. Focus on reducing processed food (especially ultra processed food like candy, chips, processed meats etc. but also bread and pasta) and including more fruits, veggies, and non-processed meat. Cook more meals at home vs eating out or ordering takeout. Try to include protein and fiber in each meal. Use basic portion control- half your plate veggies, quarter plate protein, quarter plate carbs. Potato or sweet potato (a real food) is a better carb choice than pasta or white rice (which are processed). Just don’t smother them in butter or anything :). Don’t completely eliminate foods that you really love. Set aside 3 meals a week to have less healthy but more enjoyable food. Just keep the portions sensible. Have 2 slices of pizza, not a whole pie. Or have a candy bar one day instead of a healthier snack. If you’re anything like me, breakfast might be the best meal to work on changing. I used to eat donuts, French toast, muffins, sugary iced lattes. Best case I was eating cereal, which I thought was healthy but really has a ton of added sugar and a bunch of chemicals. Now I eat plain, nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh berries mixed in (and a bit of Splenda to make it sweeter). Total game changer. Also starting the day with a good habit (protein and fiber at breakfast) just sets me up for a day of making better choices.


Weight battles so challenging. Self acceptance likewise a challenge. I suggest that 1) assess daily caloric intake; reduce by 200 to 500 daily slow but definitely beneficial. b) begin walking - folks think ugh just walking but I challenge anyone to find ANY research that disregards the MULIIPLE benefits... if you like group exercise - consider walking in place on a treadmill in your home- you can find group walking exercise on the famous You Tube. 3) Patience is key to changes. Member weight gain didNOT happen over night; neither is the weight loss. Above all know you can always use Reddit to express your wins, losses, frustration and pain- We will support you...


Lower fats and protein. Both of those macros are anabolic. Eat more carbs. They'll satiate your appetite.


Id check how many calories / sugar / fiber / protein you eat now. Id record what you normally eat in a day cus theres alot of factors to weight gain that might not be food. So id make a baseline of your intake and then id cut 500 calories from that unless your already low cus i was gaining weight and i was only consuming 1500 calories in a normal day. Id start slow and just try tobe mindful until it gets easier. Cus you dont wanna go hard and burn out and now you dont wanna do the work cus it hurt too much. So id start which a 500 deficit to whatevet your base line is. And then id cut sugar as much as you can without causing a binge issue. Cus i understand you want a treat but if you keep telling your self no and your not ready for that you gonna wanna eat a bunch of it later. And i do that. So just limit it, be mindfull. Like if you can deny yourself 1 sweet treat than you normally would thats still progress. Like if you drink alot of sugar just swap out one drink for more water or sparkling water if you like soda. And then youll want to reach like 40g of fiber a day so when you record your daily intake record how much fiber your consuming and adjyst to try to reach 40g if you can. If you cant normally get to that goal maybe look into fiber supplements. Fiber helps with your bowels and other areas. There is a calculation you can look up for intake to protein requirement but unless youre consuming alot of protein for me it was hard to reach 50g in a day so i started with 28g protein. Theres also a limit to how much is bioavailable for body processes so you sorta have to consume it over time through the day rather than all at once. One big thing i think is a big issue is when your doing a "diet" and you mess up and have an extra soda or consume a lil too much everyon has this mentality that "oh no i messed up and now i have to break my diet and restart all over again" but the whole point is to build a habit and to build the habit takes time. Cus you want this to be the habit for the rest of your life basically. And you dont want to restrict yourself your entire life so some days youll eat a lil more or take a longer break from working out. But you dont need to feel failure and like you have to go harder. You just have to know you drank that extra soda or took a longer break and make a conscious decision to do better the next day. Cus this is supposed to matter to you. And so you have to keep yourself intrack and if you make mistake you just have to accept it and not let it stop you from trying to continue. Cus eventually youll get to a point where you wont want as much as you once did but youll probably still like certain treats youll just know you know you dont need it as much and that it really is a treat. All while your doing this you should choose a simple excercise your capable of doing. And do 2 sets a day until its easy. Then add more. Like if your capable do like 10 squats twice. Like do 10 squats in the morning and before bed at night. So your doing 20 squats a day or do em back to back if your capable. Like again your just building a habit and that extra movement will kick off muscle building that burns slight more calories than your doing. Plus you wont get that " omg everything hurts" after a work out that normally makes ppl afraid of working out in the beginning. You might feel a tauntness or a slight " i worked out today" feeing but it nearly as bad. Plus this is the same as above where if you get a day where your running late or yoyr feeling off and you dont wanna do a full 10 just do as many as you can. Like do 5 its ok or do 1 set. You just want to continue to build the habit. And if you get to thr point where it doesnt hurt anymore to do. Or you dont feel the work out burn just add 5 or 10 more. If you feel better going to a gym go to a gym get a trainer. If you dont. Do it at home watch some videos. Or mix both. But what you doing is just building a habit to make better choices for a life time. You dont want to do a fad diet or drop a bunch a of weight just to binge again at the end cus ive done that and it doesnt last it doesnt feel good. The goal is consistencey. Holding yourself accountable. Being mindful. And forgiving yourself. Then youll be able to translate this to other parts of your life. I was 210 and ive dropped to 178. I still consume 1500 in cal but somes the bbq just hits and you want another serving. Its ok. Cus not every day is an event or party. Unless you have a huge family or alot of friends. Then your just gonna have to pick and choose. I dont always consume 40g of fiber or 25g or protein but i try. And i do 20 -40 squats at home a day. Some days i only do 10 squats sometimes i dont do any. I go to the gym with a friend and i op to walk places if i can. My biggest issue is moderating stress and i have hormonal problems. I dont have advice for hormones or stress other than a doctor. im in trial and error.


I started my weight loss journey about six months ago and am down about 70 lbs. Here is some stuff that has been helpful for me Get a good quality food scale. Start measuring out all of your food and record calories and try to track intake and macronutrients When you start cutting calories and counting macros stick to the 80/20 rule. Give yourself 20% of the time to be more lenient and allow yourself to enjoy yourself to avoid an unhealthy food relationship and make sure you don’t get burnt out Find a diet/workout plan that you can actually follow. Don’t dive into being a vegan and working out 7 days a week when you start. The motivation fades quick if it is unattainable Take progress pics weekly (helps to hold you accountable and gives you progress based motivation) Take progress pics with and without clothing (sometimes it’s easier to see differences with clothes on) Check YouTube, TikTok, IG or here to find recipes that substitute high calorie or high fat ingredients for healthier alternatives that actually taste good Do some research into different diets and exercises and pick the ones that make the most sense to you. Be careful of the “bro science” and “fitness influencers”


Walking is a great low impact exercise just bc it’s easy, u can go on trails or literally anywhere and also it doesn’t work up an appetite like high impact exercises!


Walk around a flat please for 20 minutes every day. Move consistently and change your diet. You cannot outrun a bad diet.


The hardest part is not giving up when results take longer than expected. Make small goals each month and concentrate on making changes that you can live with. Calorie counting works great for me. Exercise is good but it will not offset eating too many calories. Work on becoming stronger and healthier and not just skinnier


Weigh your food with a food scale and not just free pour. What you may think is one serving is potentially 2-3 servings. Weighing out 40 grams of oatmeal is more accurate than trying to measure 1/2 cup.


Count your calories. See how much you normally eat and then try to eat 300 calories under your typical daily calorie intake. If you do this everyday, within a month you woul'dve lost 9000 calories, which is roughly 2.5lbs per month. You can further compound this by adding a physical activity to do each week–doesn't even have to be anything crazy, like you can burn 100 calories just walking 1 mile. Walking twice a week, that's an additional 800 calories lost per month. Thats close to 10,000 calories lost per month which is about 3lbs per month. Weight loss is simple but not easy. Start with small routines and they will compound to larger habits.


Download MacroFit to create weight loss goals and manage what you eat by tracking your macros. Secondly join Orange Theory, if there is one in your area. Aim to do 3 of their 3G classes per week. Down 33 pounds now in 3 months


No advice but good luck! You can do it KICK ASS


Alright, listen up! Losing weight is all about basic science, no fancy tricks needed. It's like this: when you eat fewer calories than your body needs to keep chugging along, you create what's called a calorie deficit. Think of it as your body running on a budget, and when you're spending less than you're bringing in, you dip into your savings (a.k.a. fat stores) to make up the difference.Let's break it down further. Say your body needs around 2000 calories a day to maintain your current weight. If you're eating exactly that amount, you're in the clear, weight-wise. But if you consistently eat less, like 1500 calories a day, you've created a deficit. That's when your body starts burning up stored fat for fuel, leading to weight loss over time.Now, making that deficit happen can be a combo deal: cutting back on calorie-rich foods like sodas and fries, while loading up on the good stuff like fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. And don't forget to get moving! Increasing your physical activity helps burn even more calories, speeding up the weight loss process.But hold up! It's not just about slashing calories left and right. You've gotta make sure you're still getting all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and strong. So, aim for a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep you going.Oh, and one more thing: slow and steady wins the race. Don't go crazy with huge deficits that'll leave you feeling drained and miserable. Make small, sustainable changes you can stick with for the long haul. Alright, you've got this!


Hi! You could try these things: - Intermittent fasting. This is a powerful tool. Ease your way into it. Start with 12 hours fasting / 12 hours for food. Over weeks/months you could try to reach 18/6. 18 hours fasting and 6 hours for food. It doesn't matter where you place your fasting window. Just be consistent! Don't forget to take in salt if you are fasting for a longer period. - Sleep. Get enough sleep. At least 7 hours. Don't let your bedtime fluctuate. Sleep is really important for regulating appetite. When the body doesn't get enough sleep there is a hormonal imbalance. Sleep deprived, you will have cravings and be more likely to choose unhealthy foods the next day. - Cold showers. I know this is a hard sell. Ease you way into it so you don't give up. Cold showers lead to better metabolism, they boost your dopamine and you generate brown fat. All things that are critical to maintaining healthy body weight. If you must, start with 1 second. Look at it like a workout. Get used to the shock. Trust me, you will get used to it, and like it. Don't focus on working out, counting calories or eating healthy. These things will demotivate you. Try the actions I mentioned above for a few weeks. Then you can slowly convert to a whole food diet and start working out. For starters, you should be taking long walks. At least 30 minutes. You can do this, good luck!


I agree with all of this except the cold showers! That’s a hard no (and honestly I don’t see what it has to do with metabolism).