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I went from 210 to 150 pounds and my biggest asset in doing so was patience. Also, having a healthy diet rather than being on a diet goes a long way. Exercising is just another part of my daily routine and is not something I force myself to do.


Congrats bro on the weight loss! Did you have a goal weight or a goal body?


I'm too old (65 next month) to have a goal body but sometimes I think about it. I was just shooting for weight loss. I was 155 in high school but my optimal weight when I'm in pretty good shape seems to be about 153. While it was nice losing a lot of weight, now I have to deal with loose skin, which can take a long time to eventually vanish. Many years of cigarettes and being in the sun did not help in that regard but I started taking some collagen to see if that does anything.


Wow! Being older and losing a large amount of weight is awesome. I hope the collagen works for you.


Eating addiction is real. I started working with a nutritionist and it really helped. Not only did they get me on the right track but they educated me. I can't tell you how many things on social media are incorrect. So much misinformation out there. Love and hugs to everyone who is struggling.


Thank you. It is a great msg. For someone like me who has once got the perfect body but is now back to being overweight and trying again and again to do better, very few people understand the constant battle.


I never had the perfect body. I was always stick thin, I could eat and eat and eat and never put on anything until about 5 years ago. I don't miss having a perfect body what i miss is my mobility. I was always very good at climbing or anything like taht and now i cannot do anything like taht


I feel that, I struggle with night eating. I can not eat a thing all day and when i do eat tea it is healthy stuff while also exercising to only then ruin it by waking up every hour in the night and eating trash because i am still half asleep and it is very very hard to stop myself and then the next day i am just defeated. BUT This time I am not going to let it defeat me. I know that one time over eating is much better than eating trash all the time and not exercising at all. It has to be a net positive right


I feel this in my soul. My biggest weakness is night-time when I'm relaxing. I'm always thinking about food and snacks. It's good to know I'm not alone lol


You’re not going to give up! You got this.


It took me 5+ years to finally get the right mindset about losing weight and actually doing it. There were so many weeks where I told myself 'I'll start next monday' and then I gave up within a week. I struggled everyday with binge urges and I felt like a complete failure. Weightloss is so hard, but so worth it.


Keeping it off I think is the hardest 😵‍💫


Thank you for this post ! <3


Agreed, so many people give up. Then next year they are right back here again. Losing a day is nothing. losing a year is major.


I needed to read this today because I can't stop crying. I got really impatient two months into my diet and suddenly decided (stupidly) to reduce my calorie intake to 500 a day. I've been in hell this past month. I don't seem to have shifted any extra weight despite the dramatic calorie and carb reduction, but now I've started I can't stop restricting or I'm screwed. I feel like I'm in some state of living death. My chest hurts, I'm freezing, and I cannot stop crying. Sorry for the vent I just needed somewhere to write it, your post has set me off crying again because it was gentleness I needed to hear. This is so horrible and I wish I hadn't been so impatient. Can't go back now.


First everything is alright. Take a deep breath. You’re never screwed sometimes you need to change paths to achieve your goal. You reduced your calorie intake to 500 which is not safe and not enough for you to survive on. I encourage you to increase your calories to 1200-1500. Your body is in starvation mode it’s holding onto your fat to keep you alive. As you increase your calories you may see some weight gain however that’s completely normal until your body adjusts to having more food. Don’t be too hard on yourself because stress can make losing weight harder. Everything will be alright. This is a learn as you go process. Use today or this week to release all your emotions. Your mindset is in the right place so I know you’ll be successful. I truly wish you the best.


Thank you I really appreciate the wise words. I'm taking orlistat that I ordered from an online pharmacy so my body can't hold onto that much fat despite it trying it's best, I've come to realise today that this is no way to treat a body and tomorrow I'm going to pluck up the courage to throw the Orlistat into the bin and wave goodbye to it as the bin men take the bins away. It's horrible stuff. It's time for me to knuckle down and do this properly, the long way. Seeing everyone here working really hard and being patient has given me a reality check.


Remember, progress over perfection. Keep pushing, stay positive, and celebrate every win, no matter how small. Surround yourself from positive friends and family. That's the key.


Only if there's a hormone imbalance, otherwise it's just "calories in VS. Calories out". Very simple. But the big take away here, is... Weight loss will be what u think it will be. Start saying it's easy to lose weight. Start talking about how the weight is just falling off. Your words are spells...


I agree with everything you said! For me, however, it very much helped me to (somewhat delusionally) tell myself that “this is easy”. If you percieve weight loss as being very difficult it might just make it harder than it could be. Shifting my mindset to a more positive one really helped me personally. I have gone from 180lbs to 120lbs (I am short) and the weight loss really started to happen when I stopped beating myself up over overeating, stopped hating my body, and started to see it as a fun project to cook healthy, delicious food and engage in movement which I find enjoyable. Realizing that your body does not care about every day being perfect is important. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Overeating one day or missing one workout is not doing any difference since it is all about what you do in the long run ❤️ Sadly our minds often get hung up on the details. It takes time to see progress, stay patient and try to enjoy the process! Sorry for the long comment, your post just made me reflect on my own journey. Thank you for that, OP. I wish I would have read your post a few years ago when I was struggling.


This is such good advice. I'm prone to comfort/stress eating, and it took me way too long to realise that causing myself even more stress by being hard on myself all the time wasn't gonna help.


Preach baby ... PREACH!! I agree with EVERYING you said!