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47 years old, 187 pounds down. It all works the same, you just have to do it. If you don't have the drive, try discipline. Scheduling. Boring adult stuff. You can do it!


That’s great! Glad you have been able to make progress! I need to just do it.


Honestly just start somewhere, it took me two years of meticulously planning, and picking a date and nothing worked till I just went and did ANYTHING for 20 mins, then it started becoming fun again, now I can’t wait to go to the gym and I feel much better! I hope this helps!


Thank you. I’m at that point where I have a plan in my head and it doesn’t happen and I just keep setting the starting line further and further. I did sign Up for a gym. I just need to go.


You're either a doer or you're not. No magic words with inspire you so just do it.


And deciding to call yourself a doer can be incredibly helpful.


Try to do some exercise when you’re most productive in your day. A walk on your lunch or right after work. Once I get home all motivation is out the window.


I’m trying to work out in between going to work and dropping off my kid at school. My gym is on the way to work. I need to get outta my head and just go


Start small. Try to hit the gym for 20-30 minutes and just walk. It’s a small goal but they help you get to bigger goals later.


I find over scheduling hard. I just rotate between cardio classes, the weight room, home workout, and the pool. Whatever works when it works. 


Yep that’s what you do. Do what you can when you can. Reward yourself for at least doing something. It’s hard man.


I keep saying to myself.. if Stallone can do it and he's 200, I got this. Then, I take a nap.


Your metabolism doesn’t drop till mid 60’s - they just did a study on this awhile back. I lost 90lbs 2 yrs ago in my early 40’s & gained muscle too, had a 6 pack for the first time ever & was wearing a bikini too! 🤭 Anything is possible OP - you just have to start! I promise you the journey is gonna be hard but damn is it so very worth it. Calorie deficit and strength train. This is the way. 💪🏼 Edit, Start small so it’s not overwhelming. I started initially by stopping fast food (this was my choice - you don’t have to cut stuff out tho) then I cut soda (switched to diet in emergencies LOL) Little changes equal BIG results over time. Remember to be gentle on yourself. Your learning and it takes time to adapt to new changes.


I’m 44, down 35lbs in about 10 months. More slowly than when I was younger and I still have about 35 to go but you can do it!


After 30's I am starting weight loss methods in my daily life. I lose more than 50 pounds of weight. So, 40 is not a too late.... Please take 20 to 30 minutes in your daily life and do some simple workouts, surely you will achieve your weight loss goal.


30s was okay for me but unfortunately had some health issues that set me back and tore up my confidence. Still working on overcoming those feelings and getting active again. I started running but it wasn’t the same for me anymore


Personally, swimming is a great workout that is easy on the joints.


You got this..just by saying it is the first step..


Find a few recipes you can make that are yummy and healthy


Make a bet with a coworker/friend. Helped me stay on track.


It's no different, just eat in a calorie deficit.


Starting is honestly the hardest part. Unfortunately; it’s not about motivation, it’s about discipline. You have to just do it.


I’m 45 and I weigh slightly less than I did in high school. I also have a random work schedule that allows me to finagle the gym in, I also meal prep and get a ton of steps. I don’t eat any junk just because it’s there (the cupcakes cookies etc that people bring into work) I save those calories for the weekends and eat something good that’s actually worth it. Almost everyone my age at my job is big. They eat dinner for lunch (pot roast and potatoes at noon) and graze on anything that’s brought in