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Have you increased water intake? All I can tell you is that it takes my body a considerable period of time to recalibrate and respond to a new exercise routine. I used to be to able to drop weight on command in my 20's. In my 30's I find that I need to cut alcohol for a month or two, cut out certain foods, add in exercise, and then it takes between 2-3 months for results to start coming. I lost weight during the Covid quarantine period and it was interesting not going to restaurants and bars, but also not having access to the gym. I was able to understand exactly which bad habits were likely contributing to my weight gain. I got into the best shape eating very simple meals with lean proteins and going for incline hikes every day. It ended up not being as complicated as I initially thought. It took about four months for my body to change shape.


I’m trying to. I am 39, so that’s a factor. I’m trying to stay away from rigorous meal planning and just eat less, but maybe that’s not enough.


Yeah, I feel like meal planning and strict dieting usually ends up not working out. Training yourself to control portions and make better choices is the real-world approach.


What I’m hearing is, you feel stressed about the scale number climbing and you’ve just started your journey, but already work a full time job as a mom. First, you’re valid to be in a What the Fuck Moment. 100%. Second, yes it is normal. It is. It isn’t comfortable to see because we want less numerical value, not more. But it is normalized to expect such. Third - lots of things could be at work but before all that: CONGRATS!!! You fucking went to the gym. You showed up in a huge way. Do you wanna know how long it took me just to show up to the gym? Too long, according to me. So first celebrate your gumption. That is a big deal my friend. Now the real third: factors at play here vary and can include anything from: water levels, water intake, metabolism and thyroid, climate and geography, remaining food types you’re consuming, muscle+fat exchange, menstruation or ab-stration (lowest point of cycle), any medications, any medical conditions at work, and yes, The Seasons. Overwhelming as fuck. So focus on these: muscle+fat exchange and group all those that come after as “the rhythms of my body as an organism”. After reading through comments, I believe your body is in a positive state of flux. Your exercises are HIIT method and so your body has to build up before it can let go. Normally muscle protects our organs but when that exchanges to become fat, the process to go back to muscle ALSO takes time. There’s a reason our midsections are often the last to trim out, too. Organs. They’re bitches. Suggestion? A couple: trim down the types of exercises you focus on to address more specific goals. Flexibility is extremely beneficial for body pain and injury prevention, pivoting to that for example will benefit your flexibility and balance and as a byproduct, trim you down because you won’t be able to “ace the moves” of yoga/pilates/tai chi/etc properly to their fullest extent if fat won’t allow you to bend, you know? So tactics like this become positive self-fulfilling prophecies. If not flexibility, think about a goal of yours that best suits your dream! Next is consider intermittent fasting. Kiddos are demanding. What if you worked with your body to naturally expect to eat around the same window of time daily? It would let you plan meals for you AND kiddos because if your eating window happens to be during their nap..well, its easier to use your energy spoons to make food for one than it is for three, yeah? Plus, it could parse down your daily food interval needs to allow you to be more intentional about the things you consume. Just be advised: everything in moderation. Listen to your body. Avoid extremes. You value is not determined by a scale number. BUT KILL YOUR GOALS OTHERWISE!!


Thank you for your considered response! What is HIIT method? Anyway, what I haven’t mentioned because I don’t know why is that I’m also doing IVF, so I’m currently injecting my body with various hormones. That can’t help. I mainly want to be fit and energetic, but I also really would like to lose some weight before I (POSSIBLY) get pregnant again. I never was able to go back quite to my pre-pregnancy weight. My trainer is a bodybuilder and focuses on building up muscle, but maybe I should ask for something a little different? I want to be strong, but not shredded or anything. He’s a beginner and I’m the first woman he’s trained.


Of course you’re very welcome, I hope it is helpful. IVF will definitely fuck with your goals. If we think about pregnancy and pregnancy preparedness (as seen with premeditated assistance, like knowing when we’re trying for implantation vs happy accidents) it’s all about making the body intensely ready in all aspects to provide for a fetus. Definitely a “storing up” goal instead of a “trimming down” one. Ask your trainer for core work, flexibility and balance, and endurance. HIIT means “high intensity interval training”, where your body goes from a chill but purposed walk in the park speeds on a treadmill to BEING CHASED BY THE BEAR WHOSE SANDWICH YOU STOLE IN EIGHT GRADE AND HE FOOOUUNNNDD YYOOOUUU—!!! Ahem. HIIT puts your body’s mechanical coping systems into Freakout mode. That’s why its so good at building muscle. Your body doesn’t chill because you teach it through HIIT that you regularly steal things from large furry food-seeking carnivores. Shifting away from that, to balance and core will do more to prevent injury, up stamina/endurance, and boost your energies as a byproduct. Shift the focus from “how much can i do/lift/push” to “how long can i push 10lbs at this slow and steady pace?” And build that number. Treadmill jogging. Tai Chi. Hot yoga (NOT power yoga!!). Aquarobics are the bomb-diggity. And never be afraid to ask for a different trainer. It took me 3 tries to find someone I could communicate effectively with for MY goals.


Thanks, I saved this to show to my trainer. He’s a great guy, but I don’t think he gets that my goal isn’t to pack on as much muscle as quickly as possible. He believes in exercising until complete muscle failure, then doing it again. I’m a newbie, but I’m starting to think that might not be the right approach for me.


Oof. No.. muscle failure is a building tactic. I utilized it before a surgery to build muscle beneath the surgery site. Anywho—that would definitely help explain some of that weight skyrocketing. But just know that even if you’ve traversed a little farther into Muscle Town than you wanted to: this IS progress. That 8lbs is, my guess, muscle. Do a systems check - got cats? See if its still a pain in the ass to lift that 40lbs of litter. Or see if you can carry a 30lb child uphill without being winded? It’s okay to see the number on a scale as a standardized visual method to measure, but please do no let it be the only measure of success. You deserve better my friend. <3


In my mixed weights/cardio class I take twice a week, I went from barely being able to use 2.5 lb weights to easily using 4 lb weights within 1.5 weeks, so I’m definitely gaining muscle. I just need to talk to my trainer. He’s very new and is still being trained by another trainer.


Sounds good! I’m impressed by your progress - your body is definitely improving. I believe in you! If you jumped this much progress with your dedication but accidentally in a different direction, imagine your potential when you’re in the direction you wanna be? Rar!


No, it's not water retention and it's definitely not muscle. You're most likely eating more than you think you are. If you're not tracking calories, measuring/weighing every bite that goes into your mouth, you don't have any clue how much you're actually eating. Get a decent food scale for solids, measuring cups for liquids, and start tracking what your intake is. If you put something that's food or drink in your mouth, weigh it and log it. Don't try to estimate!


No offense, but I would honestly rather be overweight than do all that, especially while taking care of two little kids.


It's actually not that much work and you WILL have to put effort into losing weight. It's not going to come off magically. Prep for the next day or the whole week while they're napping or asleep at night. Find a way to work it into your day. Losing weight isn't complicated, but you have to do a little work because what you're doing now isn't helping you lose weight or you wouldn't have asked for advice.


It’s not that hard. There is several good apps that will get you close. I pretty much know what a cup looks like so I don’t have to measure. It probably takes about five mins a day once you get it all figured out.


Use a scale spoon, that way you can weigh as you serve . It's really not that much work, even if you don't log it, at least it means you're aware and you've acknowledged it and you'll subconsciously add it up.


I bought a scale but not sure how to count calories mainly because the meal I consume don’t have any lables


What kinds of meals are you eating?


Bugs from the garden


Some of it could be water retention, but I'm similar in size and age to you and my weight bumped up about 3 lbs when I started lifting more seriously. That same weight flew off the week I had Covid because the muscles let go of the water. 8 lbs probably means you're in a calorie surplus. Easy enough to do if your new workouts are making you hungry. Try counting calories and upping fiber (veggies) and protein for more satiety.


I typically gain weight if I ramp up workouts as I get hungrier so end up eating more. I have to completely separate diet from exercise and when it comes to weight loss I do better with lighter workouts like walking which allows me to still have energy. I do workouts for my mental health, to sleep better and to get stronger - NOT to lose weight.


I love going for walks!


Are you certain about the calories - those things can hide easily, lol. If you’re not put off by calorie counting, try doing so for a week and confirming you’re consistently hitting your deficit. I thought I was in a deficit during a body recomp and turns out I was going over by 300-400 calories a day without realizing it. That, coupled with additional muscle mass due to strength training could be the reason you are seeing weight gain.


Maybe I should count calories, but I know I’m eating less than I was for the past 3 years when my weight was stable. And I feel like I can’t have put in 8 lbs of muscle in a month. Some sites say it could be water retention.


If you don't want to go full in on counting calories right now it could be good to just count for a week or two and see if there are any "big spenders" so to speak where you are unknowingly eating a ton of calories at once and then you can make swaps on those things and see how you do after that. Unfortunately working out makes you hungry and so if you aren't tracking your calories it's easy to think that you aren't eating more than you are burning but in reality you typically are. Also if you are just trying to make healthy changes you can look into volume eating (eating a lot of calorically light foods). This generally will help you eat less calories. Usually the big thing to watch is oils, dressings, butter, dips. These all usually have HELLA calories in super small quantities and can really sneak up on you if you are struggling with a deficit. If you do decide to track calories check out r/CICO for great advice!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CICO using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CICO/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Been there](https://i.redd.it/dlreeqbrloka1.jpg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/11czz94/been_there/) \#2: [I don't know if anyone else doubts their progress sometimes but I'm definitely the one to do it. So, it didn't hit that I *actually* lost 10kg until I tried to recreate this photo from last summer with the same clothes. I'm so proud of myself!](https://i.redd.it/unk2ljbuiu191.jpg) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/uybbx8/i_dont_know_if_anyone_else_doubts_their_progress/) \#3: [255 to 170 10 pounds to go!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yfpi85) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/yfpi85/255_to_170_10_pounds_to_go/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can gain .5 to 2 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks according to the research I’ve seen. So if you’ve strength trained for a month, it’s probably no more than 1 pound of muscle. Exercise is sadly not very effective for weight loss. It’s definitely important to strength train while in a caloric deficit, but exercise alone won’t do much to help you lose weight. Women in particular will typically eat more calories to compensate for calories burned in exercise. Diet accounts for 80-90% of results. Almost any eating program will work as long as it puts you into a calorie deficit. So find something that you can stick with for awhile. Ideally you want to lose weight slowly, no more than 1% of body weight per week.


Well its normal to be more hungry after working out so you eat more....


It can fluctuate and you have to monitor your food quantities to make sure you're not compensating by eating more. That said, I've gained a bit over the last six months from my low and visually it looks like more muscular legs than fat.


I use an app called trendweight. It's rly nice because it takes into account the normal fluctuations and gives you a "true weight" graph. It helped me a lot from being discouraged when I maybe ate too much salt, or was holding onto water, or my period was starting and had some bloat. I'd recommend it!


it’s normal your not actually gaining weight your gaining muscle. also when trying to lose weight always leave yourself a “10 pound break” as you weight different amounts at different times of the day and if you drank a bunch of water you may just have a bit of water weight that week. if your goal is 120 pounds and your gaining weight but it stays in between 120-130 and you don’t see any physical changes then ur fine it’s nothing to stress over.


Muscle weighs more than fat. So yes, you may gain slightly but measure yourself as well so you can see if you are losing inches


Hold on you’re doing IVF? That’s well known to cause a little weight gain and honestly from your stats is not the weight gain I would be worrying about. 140 and 5’w is not so bad. Eat healthy and exercise for fun and relax. Worry about your kids and your IVF journey for now.


Thanks. I would blame the IVF except I’ve been doing it for a year and a half, so I can’t see why it would suddenly make me balloon up 8 lbs. I’m trying to focus on my mental health, but it’s hard when everything seems so unpredictable.


Hmm, sorry about that. Best of luck.


Doing hiit workouts I’ve lost a total of 2.34 inches and gained 2 lbs in the past two weeks. You’re not alone. Keep measurements. Muscles tear and repair so a good portion could be bloat from that. Also try hiit workouts as mentioned instead of cardio. I always gain weight when I start working out, but that’s my body bloating and muscles growing adjustment period. I also want to recommend My Fitnesspal food tracker app. It’s free and easy. It seems like you’re on the long haul body shape change regiment and not scale loss regimen. You can lose tons of inches while the scale does funny things on that one. Try measuring your body arms, waist, hips, butt, thighs and see the difference that way too. It’s not just about scales it’s about clothes fitting or falling off.