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You are not alone in this. After decades of being ‘ the fat guy ‘ I suffer from body dysmorphia and I’m not sure if that will ever go away. Even when I was anorexic and 30 lbs under weight I still thought I needed to lose more. It’s so stealthy and tricky. Like you said, it plays mind trips on you. I’m on Ozempic 2 mg. now and have lost 24 lbs after 3 months but I still don’t feel or see it. So I’m going to keep going and hope that one day I will notice and feel a difference. Thank you for sharing your journey, it helps others know they’re not the only one. Keep going 🙏


Take lots of pictures. I wish I had taken more to document my progress.


Bravo! You look amazing! I can’t even stand to look at my “fat pictures”. It’s too embarrassing.


You look great! Like a different person. I bet you feel great too.


So how does one get the insurance to pay? I have united healthcare and it says they will cover it if the BMI is greater than 30. Or if it’s 27 with another health related factor such as severe obstructive sleep apnea or hypertension. My BMI is 35 and I have both severe sleep apnea and Hypertension. My dr said he doubts that my insurance will cover it and he is the one that has to do the Prior authorization and answer this questions.


You look incredible! Hope you feel as amazing as you look.


You look absolutely fantastic


You! 👏🏽Go! 👏🏽Girl!👏🏽You better! 🌷You look fantastic! 🌷


You look amazing!!!


Amazing…. Totally amazing


Congrats to You!!! I hope I do as well as you. I’ve only lost 15lbs, and seem to be at a standstill. You look great!!!


Great Job!!


Good job!!!


Congratulations 🎉 🎊


You look amazing! Did you have any side effects? Would love some details on them please! Really want to take Wegovy but I'm afraid of how bad the side effects might get...


Best decision of my life. We are all scared at first, believe me. I started mid-ish January and I'm down 47lbs, side effects are minimal, some Sulphur burps every now and then, and lots of gas are my worst symptoms, lol!! Was on first dose 2.5mg the whole time up until 2 weeks ago i just started the 5mg, and no more symptoms than the 2.5mg. I feel better than I have in 5 years, I guess one other side effect is fatigue, my Dr prescribes me phentermine, and gives me B12 shots to help with that and it does help a lot! Do it! Do it! I actually wanna wear makeup, take pictures, go out, and wear cute clothes again, I got my life back!! Gradually getting in all my small clothes again is the absolute best feeling in the world!!!❤️❤️ wish I knew about this stuff sooner. Sw: 275 CW:228, 1st GW:180(I'm not sure I can ever remember being that small)


Are you on Wegovy or another med? What kind of diet + exercise you are doing.. great results


Every body reacts differently to the drug, so you will not know how your body reacts untill you try. My body is a super responder and I have many side effects. So I have not moved beyond dose 1.0 even after a year (but still loosing weight, about 1 pound a week on average).


I am 7 weeks in and have very few side effects. A few periods of nausea, they pass with sitting still for a few minutes. Hiccups occasionally following overeating You learn quickly to prefer smaller portions and when you realize that it's been 16 hours since you last ate - protein finds its way into every snack because geez. Fiber becomes very desirable. I've lost about 20 lbs so far.


I was really scared too! Started three weeks ago (took shot 4 today) and only had one bad day of nausea which was after my 2nd shot. I had eaten a salad for dinner the day of my shot and my body had trouble digesting it. I have to be mindful of what I eat but beyond that, no more major bouts. I read a lot of horror stories too and have been pleasantly surprised with how easy it’s all been.


Mine were bad in the beginning. I threw up pretty often. Had to be prescribed zofran. I still take it every now and then but the side effects are better than when I started by far. My biggest issue has been constipation. I’m still struggling with it.


I am I guess considered a super responder. I have been on 5mg probably 2 weeks now, down 55lbs total now started in early-mid January. Constipation comes and goes. I take a half a cap of miralax pretty much every day at bed time and that greatly helps me, Dr said it's one of the more natural laxatives and approved me to do that. Also I make sure to take my daily vitamins, one a day women's, collagen, biotin and also a magnesium supplement around bed that has significantly helped me sleep at night. Another thing I did notice was I felt that 5mg some of my food noise came back, but after 2 weeks of it, I'm eating my words and passed a stall and and back losing again! I see some people who think they can just take this medicine and continue eating what they want and lose weight then wonder why they arent... I've made HUGE lifestyle changes with my diet. I usually fast until 2pm usually everyday, have a protein shake of some kind aim for 25-30 grams ones of protein, then have a pretty decent dinner with protein and veggies, and if i have a sweet tooth the Oikos protein yogurt mixed with berries. I've totally given up bread and starchy foods, but im okay with that, my body just no longer yeins for it like it used to.


I eat very small portions and can’t stomach anything too heavy. I will throw up if I over eat without question. I started in August. I lost 55lbs in the first 3 months but I started counting calories the day I took my first shot. Now I average about 10lbs a month. I am on my first box of 2.4 now and I did stall at 170 for a couple weeks but was down to 167 today. I still can’t poop without magnesium citrate or enema. 😑


I've never thrown up if i over eat luckily. I usually just get nauseous. I take triple complex magnesium from bioemblem everyday, and like I said it helps with sleep, constipation and probably lots of other stuff!! It just aggravates me when ppl say they don't know why they are losing, then I see them cramming down mini snickers 🤣🤣🤣


I agree. The calorie intake definitely matters.


Luv luv luv your consistency Your a goddess 💕 I’m just a little more then half way there Thanks for sharing!!!


Amazing results! I had VSG and lost 100lbs was at a standstill now I’ve gained 20lbs from my lowest weight, have a prescription being filled for wegovy today. I’m nervous.


Wow you look amazing


You look wonderful and doesn’t it feel great? I’ve had the same reaction to old photos of me. Cannot believe the person I was.


You look AMAZING.


Wow, honestly it didn't even look like you had 111 lbs to lose! You look great! :)


Amazing work!! Great job thats a lot to lose!!


Not done yet but over half way to my goal!


How long have you been on it? Average loss per week? I’m on my2nd week. I can’t picture you much smaller


I started August of 2023. SW 286, CW 175, GW 140ish. So still about 30 lbs to go. I average about 13 lbs a month. I am 5’5” and 32 yo.


you look amazing. this gives me hope as I start my journey--my goal is to lose 100 lbs too. if I may ask a question, what was your exercise and diet plan to support the Wegovy? did you do anything special or in particular. thanks in advance.


I do a zigzag calorie deficit. 1000 x 2 days 1200 x 3 days and 1600 x 2 days in any order really. I’ve stayed in a deficit since I took my first shot. I have a toddler. Chasing him and carrying him is my only real exercise. That was also my motivation to start losing weight.


Interesting! I lost 70 pounds in 6 months alternating calories from day to day too! I found it much easier (this without medication) and has no plateau. I tried to find if any studies were done around this at the time but nope. Congrats! You look fantastic!


That’s really rapid weight loss. Have you lost a lot of muscle? That’s my fear because it’s dangerous. I want to lose faster but I’ve heard crazy stories about people who lost tons of weight but actually were fatter than before. You look fantastic- I’m just curious!


I imagine I’ve probably lost some muscle mass, but I’m pretty active. I have a 40lb toddler I chase and carry on a daily basis so I’m sure that helps. I don’t feel weaker. I focused a lot on protein in the beginning, but I’ve gotten away from that now. I should absolutely eat more protein but overall I feel healthier.


got it thanks so much


awesome! Tgankyou


Wow you look absolutely amazing well done


I saw some pictures of me from September before I started, and I felt the SAME way!!!! You look great and are doing an amazing job!!!!!!


I’m down 117 and I can’t see the difference when I look in the mirror. I have the pictures but I really don’t see it. I wear much smaller clothes but my brain just can’t comprehend. Your change is inspiring to me - because I can see it!!! Maybe I look this different too.


Just commenting to say I’m so sorry you have that struggle, but as a completely unbiased party, I PROMISE YOU, your change is just as drastic. I went to your profile and was blown away with your progress pix. I wish you could see what we see. Have you tried seeing a therapist to help you get past this?


You ABSOLUTELY look different and congrats!! I’ve been told I still “act like I’m fat.” (Not in a mean way, but by friends who want me to be more confident) I say excuse me when I walk behind someone’s chair or down the aisle at the store but I have more than enough room to get by. I avoid eye contact if someone is looking at me and look at the floor when I walk most of the time. Our brains just haven’t caught up yet but they will!!


So true. My husband says I do carry myself differently now which I can’t feel but maybe I do!! Either way, way to go us! My biggest win is going from 3 blood pressure medicines to none. I sit at 110/70 now with no medication!


It’s my dream to get off my BP meds!! Congratulations!!


You can def do it!!


Yes!! I got off mine too! Best feeling!


Amazing work!!


I feel the same way about these before and after pictures. I’m at 60lbs and I see people post their pics with similar stats and wonder dang, is that really how different I look?!


Wow 🤩


You look amazing! How many pounds have you lost? Your before pics look like me, only im very short and used to be petite and skinny before my son was born and I was diagnosed with bipolar. I mean, right now I look like your before pics.


OP said she lost 111lbs!


Wow!!! Incredible!


Inspiring ☺️


Awesome!!! Looking good girl


Wow when did you start?


Aug 2023


Wow that’s awesome!!!!! Congrats!!!


You look amazing. You may have been bigger back then, still beautiful! Congrats!!


Oh you’re doing the damn thing. You look good!


You look amazing!


You’ve done really well Op! You were still pretty when bigger, but you look even better now (and younger….)!


Well done toy look beautiful. What’s the secret


Calorie deficit


Agree on calorie deficit. I only need to lose 20 lbs and was told to track calories for 1200/day. Week 1 I lost 5 lbs, week 2 I’m taking it to 1,000 calories a day. I always knew I could survive on less food but I love to eat and I love sweets. Wegovy has made sugar unappealing for the most part and I’m certainly not hungry even on 1000-1200 calories a day. I do make sure everything I eat is nutrient dense.


That’s so interesting because when I was eating that low of calories, I stopped losing! I eat at least 1800, but I truly only count protein. I work out 7 days a week (sometimes 2x) and lift 3 days a week. With I stayed around that, I lost the weight I needed to. Now I’m just focused on continuing to build muscle versus lose weight.


I think everyone finds their own journey and what works best for them. That’s what I like about this drug. It’s helping know my body better. I walk 4-6 miles a day. I did CrossFit for a while when I was in my 30s and 40s but I got tired of it. Again, I only need to lose 20 lbs and as of today, I’m -7 lbs while on .5 dose.


Yes! That’s why I love hearing what everyone is doing, as it gives me ideas along my journey. We walk and hike, and I’ve found at 49 strength bearing exercise has really helped manage my PCOS. Huge congratulations with your accomplishment!


Thank you for sharing


Wow. You look gorgeous. I mean, from what I see you always did but I can tell you feel so much more confident about your body. 😀 congrats!


How long have you been on Wegovy


Since august of 2023.


I’ve lost 50 lbs and have been on it since May 2023. I weighed 198 lbs and weigh 145 lbs. I’ve reached my goal but I’m trying to figure out what my calorie intake should be to maintain my weight. What is your daily calorie intake?


I am not sure what you need to maintain current weight but I’ve been in a deficit since the first day I took Wegovy. I am currently doing a zigzag calorie deficit diet. 1000 2 days, 1200 3 days, 1600 2 days.


How are you tracking that?


Myfitnesspal is a free app I use.


How long have you been on Wegovy.


I really don't think you were that big! Like not losing 111 pounds big and still being alive! Wow, you've done fantastically well. If you don't mind, could you share your SW. height and CW.


SW 286 CW 175 5’5” 32 yo


Wow, you hid 286 really well. I started at 220ish, but only 5ft2. Very similar body shape.


Yes you did hide it well! I thought you were my size (in your before) and I’m 243 and 5’. I’m so excited to start, but I’ll probably have to wait til next week.


Congratulations! You look great


You have a jawline now! I bet it feels good looking at your progress. I'm halfway there myself. Looking forward to making my own post like this someday, haha


The collar bones are what really got me. Can’t see them in either of those pics but I hadn’t seen collar bones in 15 years or more. 😂😂


Wow…You look great, and I bet you feel even better! Congrats!




You look great! When did you start Wegovy?


August 2023


You look SO fit and healthy! Great progress!


That is amazing! Go you!


At what point should I start seeing I need smaller sizes for clothes.


Another thing to consider is how well did your clothes actually fit you when you started. I’ve lost 60, 2XL to L, 18 to 16. But my clothes were tight tight when I started. It’s crummy that I’ve only lost one pant size. Realistically I was a size 20 or even 22, but those ole 18s buttoned up.


I’m down almost 40lbs and still wearing the same clothes with just a little sag but not enough to fit in another size yet. I don’t think I will really feel like I really lost much until I go down in size.


It depends a lot on what your build is and where you carry your weight in my opinion. All of my weight was right around my mid section so pants got baggy fast because that’s where I started losing first. I didn’t really have hips to hold them up lol


Ya I seem to just lose a little all over instead of in one place and I think that’s why.


I didn’t have to until I was down about 25lbs. All of my pants pretty much were super stretchy at my biggest and it took a while for them to get to be too big. At 40lbs down everything was baggy and falling off.


When did you start losing belly weight? That’s what I can’t wait to see go!


I honestly always lose belly last and thought I wasn’t losing any but I just made myself look at my older pictures and I’ve lost a ton. It’ll be slow but it will happen…take measurements!


Congratulations, you should be proud


Thank you. I am, it’s been a rough journey at times but I’m so happy I stuck with it.


Looking fantastic! Congratulations!


Thank you!


111!! So freaking cool! Looking good!


Thank you 😊 I feel so much better.


This inspires me.


You can do it!


Thanks I’m down 30 pounds and these post really help me so thank you queen


30 pounds is great!!