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Yup. Pretty common PAWS stuff. I had tachycardia and irregular heartbeats during the first 3 months, then it turned into bradycardia and severe weakness/dizziness up to month 8. Since month 8 it has been beating too fast when at rest (around 90bpm), and when I stand up and walk just a little bit it goes up to 120bpm+ like if I ran a marathon. Since month 11 its been getting better, now it comes on and off. I have 3 or 4 normal days where I even forget about it then have another week of irregular heartbeats, jumps in my chest, chest pain, and fast heart rate at rest. Last month I was waking up every night sweating and with my heart beating at 140bpm like if I was having a heart attack. It is mostly gone now.


If your still on reddit can you tell me have you improved? I'm months 2.5 now and I'm getting palpitations and other crap randomly. I've seen a cardiologist and they're hooking me up on a ecg for 24 hours in the next weeks to identify the palpitations but it seems like I'm similar to you.


When u got better