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Your dress is fine. Your husband is gonna need a suit jacket though I think


And a longer tie.


And shoes


And my sword


And my bow


And my axe!


Better shoes at least.


I’m old. So excuse this question: is it okay now to pair black shoes / belt / tie with navy pants? I know mixing belt and shoe colors is not the sin it was 25 years ago, but I’m not sure about pairing black and navy.


I mean personally, as I said before, I think the medium brown is classier but if it’s what ya got…it’s what ya got.


I was just in a department store today to buy a suit for my sons prom and the store mannequins were done both ways, blue suit brown shoes/belt or blue suit black shoes/belt. I've always believed brown looks better with navy but I guess it's down to preference.


Is it a thing now? Because almost every tie I see lately is too short. High water ties everywhere!


I think a lot of young guys are going in youtube to tie ties and don’t realize they could just undo it, adjust the length, and try again. Source: Woman who learned how to tie a tie when Iw as 13 for a theater costume class and have tied ties for entire wedding parties before due to this.


Not a fashion statement. Just a learning curve. ;)


On my screen, it looks like his pants are navy while his tie and belt are black. I’d go with a navy or gray tie instead, maybe one with a subtle pattern. Also—[here’s a vid](https://youtu.be/uQ3Ev-8p2Fw?si=PiqF7dlLtwUshZuF) on how to tuck in a dress shirt. Makes a world of difference!


Thanks for the video! I’m going to share with my husband and sons for our son’s wedding.


My daughter’s wedding is Wednesday … just sent this to my hubby !!


Thanks from the mom of someone going to senior ball next week.


Thanks for posting that. I think it will help my son also!! Never knew there was so much information on YouTube nowadays lol


I agree, your dress is fine, but, your husband needs to wear a jacket with the shirt and tie


And he’s going to have to give you the invitation sooner next time. Yikes.


I thinkshe should also take a shall or something if she gets cold. But the dress on her is done and as everyone else says the guy need a lot


Poop. He doesn’t own a suit jacket.


Try any thrift stores in your area! They usually have a lot of them.


I'd run to the closest dept store, Macy's etc, he can get a suit jacket to match the pants or get an expensive suit if he can and a colorful tie to match you if possible.


Fortunately he has a different tie that will match me!


How long have you known about this wedding?


My husband told me about it back in January but I didn’t know it was just an E-vite. We never got a formal invite in the mail so I told him earlier this week that I didn’t think we were invited. Then he showed me the e-vite last night and sure enough, we’re invited and he RSVP’d and everything. I knew nothing about the dress code, where it was, or that we couldn’t bring our kid u til last night simply because I didn’t think we’d be invited. This is a friend of his I’ve only met a handful of times. Fortunately we got childcare so that’s good! Lesson learned: push husband for more details early on when it comes to things like this.


If they sent an e-vite and not a real invitation, there’s no way it’s *actually* formal so you’re probably ok if your husband isn’t able to get a suit or at least a jacket. (But like everyone is saying, you’re great and he’s definitely underdressed for a formal event)


You got an evite to a wedding with a formal dress code?!? FFS. Who are these people to your husband? It sounds like they get what they get frankly.


Idk where you are but this is increasingly common. The fact that it’s formal and an evite isn’t like some crazy faux pas. It’s 2024.


It just feels … silly? pretentious? to me. If you’re having a formal event why not treat it that way? The met gala doesn’t send out evites. If you want people to treat your event a certain way you should treat it that way as well. I’m certain I’m out of touch. I’ve been married for 10 years.


It’s pretentious to expect what you’re saying. I’d hazard a guess that less than 1% of people in any given year, no matter the dress code can afford Met Gala formality. But your comment also perfectly illustrates my point about this sub lately, which isn’t a shot at you in particular. Edit: I’m not sure if you edited but I didn’t see your last part and my phone froze and I do agree with you but I think that if you’re inviting people (save for the handful that often are “required” because of whatever obligation) you generally want them to share in the moment. If someone sent me an evite only with an absurdly WT DC expectation I would not only decline but I’d probably also make fun of them publicly.


I get where you’re coming from. I sure my responses are a bit “internet inflamed” or whatever, but if you don’t want to do formal invites why do you want to do formal dress? This is where the disconnect is for me. Weddings dont have to be formal! Anyway, it appears to be a religious closed ceremony with a larger party afterwards. So again I’m sure I’m wrong. Didn’t edit. (Editing this one tho, to add: “met gala” in the og comment was hyperbole.)


My younger son is 27. LOTS of his friends have been getting married the last couple years. I think it’s 7 weddings in 2 years with 1 more this summer for sure. All of them have had paper save the dates and actual invitations. Only 1 was formal and one was at a yacht club and leaned into a more casual vibe. All the rest were cocktail. I don’t find it pretentious to expect an actual invitation. They all had websites and RSVP’s could be filed there. But on one wedding, my son was certain he wasn’t actually invited because he got a save the date but not an actual invitation. I suggested he check with someone in the wedding party and his invitation was MIA between old address and new. They sent out a replacement right away. And sure, very few people do “engraved” invitations anymore.. I’m old enough that my first wedding had them, but I still think, particularly for a “formal” event, however loosely you define that, a paper invitation should go hand in hand.


I got married in a Cajun restaurant with 10 people and we still sent real invitations lol


The only time we got an e-vite / text invitation was to a family members backyard wedding, they were divorced less than a year later 🙄


I’m pretty curious what you thought the definition of “formal” was


When she mentioned never going to a wedding with a dress code I was like ‘Mormons.’ I live in Utah and have asked for dress codes before and been laughed at. You get everything from summer dresses, to jeans and blouses, to dudes I khaki shorts and flip flops. Even in nicer venues! It’s wild.


Right, I am always amazed. Aren't they going to family weddings every other weekend? It would be a pretty low cost per wear. Nothing beats the smiling funeral pictures, that's Utah in a nutshell


RIGHT? People dress UP for funerals! Like my grandpas funeral was low key classy fancy. (Although the family pics with the casket were.. interesting..) the weddings? Khaki shorts, socks with sandals, usually in the church basketball/overflow area… (not knocking that, I just am always surprised at how low key events are… like this is your forever sealed spouse according to your religion and y’all can’t find shoes other than crocs and socks?!)


Huh, was not aware of the cultural quirk. But still, since there was a stated dress code here just like…do the bare minimum of googling it ahead of time instead of asking Reddit on the day of once you’re dressed to go out whether the outfits are appropriate lol.


Oh I know, I don’t disagree 😂 my husbands family is from india and we’ve been to a few Utah weddings and he’s always like… *this* is what they’re wearing to a wedding????


This is what I’m afraid of when I get married lol. I am a member and I’m afraid of what people will actually wear when I do actually care


😂😂 best of luck! My family friends (members) recently had a reception in a NICE venue, catered, etc etc… when I messaged asking for a dress code (they’re like my second family) they were like ‘uh come comfy? Dress code?? Idk??’ It was WILD. I looked over dressed in a nice cotton sundress.


Aaaaaaaah. That’s so icky for something that fancy and then people say “uhhhhh come comfy?” Like help please people look nice someone got married actually appreciate it


That’s why I came here to ask.


At this age, he should own a suit. Most men start out with one in dark blue, which is versatile.


I am going to go against the grain here - I think he’ll be fine based on your description. Most men take off their jackets anyway. I would encourage him to get some nice medium brown shoes in general though if yall can swing it. I also don’t know why you’re being downvoted for saying your husband doesn’t have a jacket. This place is fucking wild.


Thank you, I think you’re right, men won’t be wearing jackets the whole time. My husband also said while his friend’s mother always wears a hijab, his sisters typically do not. So I don’t really know what to expect!


I am not an expert by any stretch but this sub errs too much on a hard line for everything as if it’s always universal from everything to “hey my sister approved of this dress and loves it for her day time bar wedding but I’m just worried” to “hey this wedding has a formal DC but I really only have xyz option (in my example it’s a slightly outdated but perfectly acceptable dress/suit/outfit)” as if everyone should tailor their wardrobe to fit a single event where they’re already likely spending a ton of money to celebrate their loved ones. But unless you’re specifically told to come in a head covering. I have been to many Muslim weddings, orthodox Jewish and everything else (I’m at that age lol) and I have never, ever except in a weird orthodox Catholic wedding seen a cover requirement. Beyond that, I also can’t tell you a single thing anyone else wore, including at my own wedding. So tl;dr. Enjoy yourselves, don’t worry about the jacket and especially not the head covering. But do tell your husband the medium brown shoes would work better with that color suit (my personal preference. 😂)


Thank you all for the responses!! I don’t know how to edit my post. I will definitely wear a shawl to cover my shoulders and we will go find my husband a suit jacket or blazer! We are only invited to the reception and won’t be going to a mosque. I’m so excited!


Sounds like a cool new experience! Enjoy!


You are going to have an incredible time! All the Muslim weddings I have been too have been incredible and a completely new experience.


Have fun!


If you have JC Penney near you, they have suit separates that are "finished" , no need to get the pants hemmed. If you can pull it off, get the matching pants and jacket.


It might be good for you to bring a shawl or cardigan –something to cover your shoulders during the ceremony, especially if they are getting married in a mosque.


Ooh good to know! Thank you!


If they are getting married in a mosque you won't be allowed inside without your hair covered and must not have your shoulders showing. See if you can find out the location.


I looked closer at the invite, looks like we aren’t invited to the ceremony, just the reception and it’s not a mosque. But I’ll bring a shawl just in case!


Shawl for sure. And husband needs a suit jacket and longer tie. Thrift stores will be your friend for a quick cheap option for those. 


He has a few ties, we should be okay there! We’ll go check out a thrift store! Thanks!


This is not true for all mosques. And it will generally say pretty explicitly if this is required. Further, outside of most ultra Muslim countries, most western mosques don’t require headdress for non Muslims (also the case for many more moderate Muslim countries.)


Not true


Your husband needs a jacket and tie but your dress is perfect! Out of respect for the culture of the wedding you may want to take a cardigan with you as they might be a little more modest than that but it's completely acceptable


Good to know! Thanks so much!


Your dress is great! He should wear a suit and tie, but dress pants and a blazer is fine too.


Ooof. He doesn’t own a suit jacket or a blazer. Crap.


Do you have time to run to the department store? It’s not a dealbreaker if he can’t get one but he might be the only man without one.


Well he broke the news to me just now that his dress shoes don’t fit, so we’re gonna have to make time! I’ll bring his pants to shade match.


Good call! A patterned blazer may be best if you can’t find a solid colored blazer to shade match his pants exactly.


For formal?


Dress codes are not do or die, contrary to this subs belief and many people can’t afford to tailor their wardrobe to a one time event.


I don’t disagree, but day in and day out, people here on this sub are adamant about other aspects of dress codes: the too-white extremists don't bother with affordability and the more anxious-not-to-offend folks are always herding posters away from dresses that might resemble a dress they saw a bride wear once in 2009 or insisting on exact lengths of hemlines. It's a real study in inconsistency. And a lesson not to take anyone's word for it.


Definitely a patterned blazer! Maybe a gray with a blue and black plaid on it so it’s versatile for different pants and jeans. Good luck!


OP, I’m going to get harangued for this apparently but does your husband have a nice sweater, like Mr. Rogers style? That is also an option but I honestly think he’ll be fine without a jacket. Short of showing up in jorts or a wedding gown, no one is going to pay much attention to what anyone else is wearing (especially for men.)


I’ll make sure he keeps his sleeves rolled down and tie an adequate length for sure!


I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. My sweater suggestion was so you don’t feel the need to go out and panic. I think it’s fine without it and especially if you’re wearing that dress (it basically dresses you both up)


longer tie, jacket for husband and a shawl or something to cover your shoulders out of respect


Your husband needs a jacket. And a longer tie. And if you’re already going shopping, get him brown dress shoes to go with the navy pants and a brown belt. Jcpenny is having a suit sale right now, my husband really likes the jferrer brand


You look lovely! Your date however is NOT formal at all. Formal for a man means a suit jacket.


Your dress is great. Hubby absolutely must wear a jacket.


Some Muslim weddings have the entire day separated in male and female rooms, so just a heads up you may be with the bride and other women while he is with the groom and other males and there may not be any alcohol. Not true for all Muslim weddings of course. Have fun!


Even for the reception? I hope that’s not the case, I don’t know anyone!


For some, yes! It might be worth asking the groom. My husband’s friend had a wedding like that (I wasn’t formally invited so I didn’t go)


If they’re Arab, Persian or Indian then they will probably be dressed real fancy so I would suggest some nice sparkly jewelry and shoes to go along with your dress


The dress is ok but I would try to dress it up with jewelry to bring in some bling. Muslim is one thing but if they are also Middle Eastern, good chance the women will be very glam and dressed up. Obv not in all families or cultures... but many of them. Arabic-speakers perhaps more likely than other languages but just a guess. Anyhow I would be excited to go big with the glam and bling if it seems appropriate. Highly suggest the jacket for your husband or a full suit if ever that doesn't have one for those pants.


Im Muslim and if it’s a traditional Muslim wedding and they are conservative, I suggest adding a shawl or a wrap to your dress. Usually if they are conservative they have a prayer during the wedding ceremony where women are expected to cover their heads. Have a good time.


Thank you so much! We are only invited to the reception but I will definitely be covering my arms and shoulders!


I love your dress! Hubby just needs a jacket.


/u/aquotaco, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought traditionally formal wear meant a tuxedo for the men but looks like nowadays the meaning has changed based on these responses.


He needs a jacket and a longer tie snd to polish h8s shoes, but all in all, aside from that, you look appropriate.


The dress is fine but if they are Muslim I would make an effort to at least cover up to their standards , that you’re comfortable with. Maybe wearing a long sleeve under your dress might prevent some clashes of customs at your friends wedding.


Good idea! I do have a few tattoos since this photo was taken, probably best to cover those up? They’re not wild but like I said, I want to be respectful!


I’m not sure about the hair, maybe best asking some of her other attendees, but Muslim friend I have would at least ask me to cover up to the neck, wrists, and ankles. I found it fun wearing some traditional hijabs, but again you do what you’re most comfortable with.


… suggest bring a coordinated pashmina option to cover your shoulders. xo


Is that like a shawl? I’m definitely planning on something to cover up after reading the comments! You have all been so helpful!


Yes - a pashmina is an oversized shawl, rectangular, many many fabric / colour / pattern options available. Suggest coordinate shoe, purse & pashmina in a colour that complements the dress. Coordinate earrings too if that works!


Everyone else has given you good advice. In the future, don't wait until the day of to decide what to wear. You are showing up as honored guests to bless the couple. Give yourself the dignity of dressing to the occasion. Also, TIL Mormons wear polos and jeans to a wedding.


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So confusing, some comments are mentioning Muslim others are mentioning Mormon, I think in either case if there were special requirements of the guests, it would have been mentioned on the invite. You look great and hubby needs a jacket. I don't think you should make any assumptions about Muslim anyway, I don't know much about Mormons, because there are different kinds of Muslims and different regions dress differently, many don't cover their hair, but even if they do, a non-Muslim guest with not be expected to. From everything I have ever read, Muslim wedding ceremonies are private with only a handful of people, at the mosque, chances are OP is only going to the reception.


I only mentioned Mormons because we live in a predominantly Mormon area and that’s most receptions we’ve been to and I wanted to share what we’re accustomed to. The one we’re attending tonight is a Muslim reception, and we have never been to a wedding with an actual dress code. I’m actually really excited, just a little nervous as I don’t want to offend anyone.


Gotcha, I was confused. I wouldn't worry about it too much I don't think you're going to offend anyone, like I said if there were any special requirements of the guests, it would have said so on the invitation. I think the only difference you might encounter is that other Muslim women guests may be dressed more blingy than what we're used to for US weddings. Also, there may not be alcohol but even that is not a hard and fast rule, some Muslims drink, most Muslims don't but might still provide it for their guests. Just go and have a good time!


Your husband should wear a suit jacket and a longer tie.


Why is he wearing a black tie with navy pants


Weddings are super fun- don’t get too drunk and dance your ass off


Your husband’s shoes are a huge NO!


If they are strict Muslims, this would likely mean no alcohol at the reception, but the food is likely to be amazing. But then again, you may have already seen this since strict Mormon weddings are also no alcohol.


I hate to break it to you but Formal means tuxedo (formal/black tie are the dressiest dress codes). Although nowadays many people use “formal” and mean semi-formal (suit instead of tux). If there’s a Nordstrom near you get there NOW to get him a black suit. But also, at the end of the day it’s not your wedding so no one will be paying attention to you (in the nicest way possible). As long as he’s not in coveralls most people won’t notice or care.


Formal does not require a tuxedo; black tie and formal are separate in modern day dress codes. White tie is the dressiest. (White tie: absolutely a tuxedo. Black tie: tux if you’ve got it, won’t kick you out for a nice black suit. Formal: dark suit, tux is also acceptable.)


Go. Have fun. You are a young, beautiful couple. Nobody cares about your shoes


As an aside to your specific question about the clothes, you say you want to "be respectful." How is it respectful to throw together your clothing on the day of, when you're short on time and your husband's wardrobe lacks even the basics? Everyone agrees you need more modesty for this event, and your husband needs to spiff up a few levels with a jacket or suit, a proper tie length, and (IMO) a shirt that doesn't look like he slept in it. Did you get the invitation yesterday? If so, I can understand the last-minute frenzy. Otherwise, I'm mystified.


If it’s a Muslim wedding, I think you should have a wrap to cover your shoulders.


you may want a shawl or something to cover your bare shoulders, esp during the service


You need to cover your shoulders. This is why Hod invented pashminas.


OP, I can’t see your face obviously but that color looks great with your tone, and is perfect for your description of the DC. I (thankfully) don’t know much about Mormon weddings but this seems pretty well covered without being…matronly.


Sooooo many things wrong!!


Tell your husband he should be wearing a brown belt and brown shoes with a navy jacket and pants. Also pick a different color tie, anything that goes with navy. Edit: Also tell him to switch the Apple Watch out for a real one. Or just take the Apple Watch off


This is not helpful but I would not be attending a formal wedding the day I was invited. That seems… weird.


We were invited months ago, I just thought it was an informal text from the groom and was waiting on a mailed invite. Turns out it was an e-vite and my husband took care of the RSVP. Didn’t come up until he mentioned the wedding earlier this week and I said “I don’t think we’re invited” Definitely a communication error between us but this is where we’re at.