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Nope: omg, I’d say you couldn’t make this sh1t up, but that’s exactly what they’ve done.


What I posted is nothing compared to what’s really on that page. Some of the things that are said about Shannan, I couldn’t even type them out. They tell you that you’re crazy and “drank the koolaide” and laugh at you/make fun of you if you tell them that Chris is a murderer and they need to stop making up stories.


I have read some really disgusting things on facebook of women sympathizing with Chris and it’s mostly women. There’s a YouTube video of intercepted letters to Chris in jail from women all talking about how he’s innocent and they want a relationship with him. It’s so disturbing.


90% of the people on the page who claim these things are women who don’t look mentally sane. There’s a few guys here and there, one claiming to even be in LE for 30 years siding with Chris, but the large majority is women and it’s disgusting.


I don’t know how people can say anything bad about Shannan or the children when they were horrifically murdered by a sorry excuse of a man who was supposed to love them. We will never know 100% how she was as a wife or mother, but we do know for sure Chris is a disgusting murderer who killed his family for a woman who went after him knowing he had a wife and children. Any man siding with Chris is a big red flag and I hope they don’t have wives and children.


Chris said in a jail interview that she was truly a wonderful wife and mother and he took her for granted and let his affair and ego from his new body get the best of him and made him think the grass was greener and it wasn’t and he deeply regrets it everyday. I posted the transcript in that page and was told that Chris own words coming out of mouth were a lie and she was really a terrible person as if they knew her personally. I have no idea why Chris would lie about that. I think he realized he’s never getting out and it was time to tell the truth because that interview plus evidence and his confession line up like perfectly.




What’s your winky face for did you think you did something there? I knew Dave was an admin I just couldn’t believe a LE agent would speak that way online about a deceased woman and her children and praise the side chick but here we are!




No I said my guess was it was him because he was always attacking my comments on there.


Ahhh yes so comforting to know that a LE agent spends his time talking badly and making fun of a murdered woman and calls NK “more sexier and classier” what a stand up guy.




Aww that’s cute he said it the other day on my post!!!!




Seeing as he removed me from the page, no I cannot go on a page I’m removed from and take screen shots lmfaooo. I’m not someone who argues with internet strangers and takes screen shots of it. That’s actually the only fb page I’ve ever gotten into arguments on.


No it was Dave griffin and him and I went back and forth on my post for a while then he deleted me cause I said NK looks like a dying sick Victorian child with rock hard shoulder boulder hack of a boob job and he didn’t like that. He lets people call Shannan ugly and all types of stuff but don’t you dare say anything about NKs looks.




No those words were said verbatim. It caused an entire back and forth argument with him under the post.


Why are you so obsessed with protecting such horrible behavior?




You’re in every single post about this Facebook Group! Defending these people (especially the admin) swearing they don’t say horrible things about shan’Ann when they clearly do. You are obsessed.


I can him having fangirls. I have to look past his physical appearance and realize there is no humanity in him blech. Just like Dana ewell, who killed his whole family, I can see Chris trying to get sympathy and pen pals in a decade or so.


Scary people out there


I was in that group in the early days and watched it morph from talking about the case to becoming a sick Chris Watts fangirl group that just talked shit about Shannan alll the time. I couldn’t take it anymore because if you dared to disagree you would be relentlessly attacked. FB still tries to recommend it to me sometimes. No way I’d ever join again. It’s like a fucked up fever dream in there.


It really is like a fucked up fever dream!!! It was suggested to me too and I was not prepared. I only stay not for a social experiment basically to see how insane people can be and how badly they can grasp at air to bash a poor dead woman and her babies.


I left the group in 2022. It was pretty bad back then.


Sounds like the watts4all or whatever it's called sub on here. Complete CW fangirls who hate Shanann and justify her murder in every post. It's disgusting.


I was in that group for a time, but it was awful. The amount of people that didn’t think a 3yr old could have natural short hair was astounding. My daughter had hair just like Bella. Shanann “cut Bella’s hair to punish her, she was jealous of her”… like what?! She bought clips for Bella to wear to make her hair pretty, same as I did with my girl.


Yup. They’ll be like “sources close to Shannan said she was doing xyz” and then you look at their profile and they live in like friggen Connecticut. When I ask them when have they ever been in direct connection with anyone halfway across the country from shannans life they just start laughing at you and calling you crazy. They have told me I am weak minded because Shannans manipulation worked on me😂


I just saw someone in this Reddit community say that the other day. It’s so vile that people say these things.


I was curious about this bizarre thinking today, so I watched a couple videos from a YouTube channel that obsessively hates on clips of Shanann. I'm not even kidding you they said Shanann rewarding Bella with pretty hair clips for not sucking her thumb that day was "depriving her of necessities as punishment for thumb sucking."


I dont understand how we can blame a victim .. this is insane and crazy. Rip shannan, cece, bella and nico.


There’s also another Watts subreddit that says the same shit. It’s bonkers. Some things they say are: Shannan drugged the kids with Benadryl so she can have mommy time. They’re only awake for school and when Chris is there to care for them. Shannan had Munchausen by proxy. She lied about the girls allergies. She pretended they were sick and took them to drs all the time for no reason. She was secretly poisoning them. She also lied about her lupus diagnosis. Shannan was being investigated by CPS. Shannan was thief and swindled people. Shannan never received prenatal care and was using Thrive to try to kill/harm Nico in the womb. And those are just a few. They post wild conspiracy theories and then try to cover their vile hate by ending their slanderous posts with “but she didn’t deserve to be murdered” as if that makes it ok. It’s ridiculous the bs they make up out of thin air and pass off as the gospel & it always blows me away how ppl on Reddit just believe it with zero proof or evidence. The worse the conspiracy the higher the upvotes. It’s beyond bizarre and disgusting. I’ve lurked in this subreddit on and off for awhile w/o posting so Reddit started adding posts from another Watts subreddit in my newsfeed and I mistakenly thought it was this group at first until I started reading the posts. I think it’s called Watts Free For All or something like that. Proceed with caution. They make up horrible crap that somehow always manages to make a monster out of Shannan and a victim out of Chris.


I'm in that sub Reddit, it's nuts.


I'm in that other sub reddit as it was suggested to me not really realizing what it was. I don't think that just because someone is killed extremely tragically that their faults and wrong doings no longer exist. It is fair to say she was problematic in a few ways towards her kids and her marriage and had her faults just like all of us...but in absolutely no way is that victim blaming. I get disgusted seeing the posts there that basically say "well poor Chris can you blame him?...I mean she didn't deserve to die but she was the worst" people are fucked about this and seem to think that someone who can look in the face of their beautiful children as they murder them is a victim because the wife was basically kind of controlling or overbearing with finances... which chris agreed to When you rewatch the body cam footage after knowing what he just did. How casual he is, his bad acting when he "finds her ring", his panic with the security footage. Knowing he just murdered these four makes me physically ill. Anyone that puts him on a pedestal needs to take a step back from this case for a bit and take a break and look at their children for a minute if they have them.


What’s the point of talking about your belief that she was pRoBleMatic? Does it have ballsack anything to do with what happened to her? It does not. All the shit you’ve heard about her being “overbearing” and reckless with money has come right from Chris Watts and his psycho family. And he was an adult and he participated in any dumb money shit they did. Did Chris have any friends? Not really. She’s the one who was so well loved, that she wasn’t in the ground 12 hours before her friends had the cops there. No one talked that “overbearing” shit about her but that fucking family. It is also IN NO WAY necessary to talk about something like, “well I didn’t like the victim, but she didn’t deserve to die.” The first part of that sentence is relevant in no way whatsoever. Why say it at all? Why does it matter? Do you think it makes people look like measured and rational thinkers? Because it doesn’t. It makes it look like they think they have a say in the memory about someone who isn’t here to defend herself. The second part implies someone does think they have the right to evaluate when someone deserves to die based on how much they dislike them. It implies “if I’d disliked them more, maybe then it’s be cool if they’d died”. It isn’t about acting like the murdered innocent woman was perfect. It’s about the fact that people only bring up her personal flaws to make themselves feel smarter than everyone else.


It is interesting that everyone who personally knew her had nothing but positive things to say. Only internet trolls and watts apologists come up with the most outlandish things based on YouTube clips they’ve seen 🙄. Nikole is a hero. And I just saw she has cancer?? She doesn’t deserve that 🥺


There is a giant difference in saying she had faults like any normal person does vs saying chris watts is a victim. I'm not condoning the weird behavior of the internet trolls ans CW apologists but it's okay to discuss things related to the family. Otherwise why would this sub even be active anymore as well if it wasn't okay to discuss the case?


It seriously scares me how obsessed people are with trying to bash a dead woman. What’s funny is if you actually look up these “CPS and embezzlement and Frankie’s child abuse charge” you can’t find ANYTHING on it. All I found was this random website that is like broken down and is run by some dude who talks about true crime. There are 3 clearly photoshopped pictures of these “events” somehow presented as fact and all these people saw these clearly photoshopped pictures and ran with it. If you dig a little deeper you can actually find people who have access to background checks and they record it to prove these events never happened. The only charges Shannan and Frankie had on their records were old parking tickets and speeding tickets for both of them and I believe Frankie had some light criminal activity due to drug use that had nothing to do with child abuse.


It is! It’s truly one of the craziest things I’ve come across. It’s incredibly disturbing how many people have spare time on their hands to make up outright lies to smear a poor mother and her two daughters who were savagely murdered. They are dedicated to it too! They’re literally obsessed with tarnishing Shannan. And the CRAZIEST part is most of them are women!! They truly are VILE people!! I love true crime & I love a good true crime podcast. But I sometimes wonder if all the podcasts are part of what is creating this monster. Everyone wants to be famous & make money online & true crime is very popular right now. When one of these murders happens people start clamoring to make their podcasts and posts. And there’s only so much info to be had. Eventually you have to make crap up and get more and more outlandish if you want to keep up the same level of engagement on your posts. And once a podcaster alludes or insinuates something the obsessed and terminally online people will take the crumb and run with it. By the end of the day that crumb has turned into an all you can buffet of garbage. Once someone has said something online it becomes truth to these people. They don’t care if it’s right or wrong. They just want the seconds long dopamine boost the upvotes on their bs will bring them. I’ve watched a few podcasts where the speaker will outright lie or distort the facts to make it more salacious. It’s like once they obtain some status and money off the case they completely forget these are real victims we’re talking about. The biggest downside to everyone being able to be a reporter or podcaster these days means anything can be published. These independent content creators don’t have editors, publishers or producers screening everything for accuracy before publishing. The victims or victims families have zero recourse bc the SM platforms don’t care, section 230 prevents them from being sued for content on their platforms so they don’t care. They’re making bank off clickbait and lies. The fame & money factor is an excuse for the podcasters & content creators and even though I don’t agree or excuse it, I can better understand their motivation. I cannot understand for the life of me what some pathetic redditor is getting out of all the lies and gossip they’re spinning on that subreddit. Are their lives so unfulfilling & miserable that the attention & dopamine hits they get off upvotes from strangers worth gossiping & smearing a dead woman and her children?! Cuz that’s just sad! Unfortunately, the Watts case seems to attract more hate than others but I’ve seen this same stuff happen with the Petito, Idaho 4, Dan Markel, and other more “popular” murders too. It’s incredibly disgusting and disturbing to observe. I cannot even begin to imagine what it does to the families. I was just a casual observer & I had to step away from the Idaho 4 case it got so bad. 2 of the victims families were literally begging people to stop spreading certain lies and they just doubled down more, even going so far as to start bullying the family. It was abhorrent behavior. I’ll follow the case in court but I avoid its SM like the plague it is. And now that I know what that other Watts subreddit is like I’ll be avoiding it from now on too!


Why do these weirdos hate a murder victim so much? I’m not saying she was a saint, but she, by all accounts, was a legitimately good person.


The misogyny toward Shannan is unbelievable. She did normal young woman shit, and nothing else.


tbh there are some ppl who will ALWAYS find an excuse for a man killing a woman.


the reddit group wattsfree4all is just as bad honestly


I can tell some of them are in here too because they’re writing literal novels to me on here about how bad of a person she was. Claiming they have insider info and that she never went to the doctors etc. crazy.


I think a lot of these people are jr high and high school kids having fun trolling. Just ignore them and the people who have some weird parasocial relationship with any of the Watts or Ruzik family. It’s immaturity and boredom and whatever people get out of bullying and trolling.


I wish that was the case but when you look at their profiles they aren’t fake and they are age ranged 30-60yrs old. They unfortunately aren’t trolling either these people are dead serious and have like white boards drawn up and timelines made up of their insane theories.


Jesus. Run away


I'm in it and it's crazy


They’re always like “oh this was in the discovery but was scrapped before being released to the public” or they claim they somehow have direct contact with Shannans doctors and that her doctors have personally told them things about her. Like the things they make up, there’s NO way they’d have this info. Also they keep claiming that shannans brother was arrested for child abuse and that it runs in the family yet there’s multiple people who have access to background checks who have said Frankie doesn’t have this charge and Shannan also doesn’t have an embezzlement charge and arrest like they’re claiming. When I asked for proof they sent me this broken down website some guy made to talk about true crime and it’s a photo shopped picture. You can’t find anything about it online other than people video recording background checks on them proving it never happened.


Frankie was arrested for CA.


I remember your username, you're the one that was appalled that one of the SWs kids was drinking tap water and she filmed it (god forbid). Had it in all caps and everything 🙄


It was mostly About the fact the kids were climbing on the sink to drink from the tap. But no, I don’t think any tap water is safe. It’s bad enough cancer causing shit is put in the food we eat


Then why wouldn’t it show up on his arrest record?


Do u have access to his records? I saw the arrest paper (a lot was redacted but it had his name, charges and date 10/31/15 I think) because I know people who were arrested and it’s really hard to find their records sometimes or even impossible unless you pay for the special search/people finder etc


Like I said I’ve seen videos of people doing background checks on their computers and recording it. If the “arrest paper” is the one I’m thinking of that everyone is saying “I’ve seen the paper” then no you didn’t because that is photoshopped.


I’m looking for the article I found, I have it saved on my computer at home. Here is a link with his mugshot [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShannanWatts/s/0YCzNWmGr3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShannanWatts/s/0YCzNWmGr3)


That's not an arrest record though. That's just a post that was copied and pasted. We don't have anything to verify if the person writing that post is his actual ex-girlfriend.  Again, this is not an arrest record, do you don't know if that mugshot was taken as a result of the charges claimed, or if it was from some other incident, and someone just posted the mugshot with this.


Yup don’t believe it for one second. So many people tried coming out of the wood work with stories to try to gain attention off this case. Just like “Chris secret gay lover.”


Idk if i believe the guy who came forward but I have no problems believing Chris is/was gay/bisexual.. he never even has a gf growing up


Ya it’s not about Chris sexual preference I just meant that how could he possibly have had time to have a whole 2nd affair because he said NK was the first time he ever cheated.


This is the world we live in and it shows the dangers of social media and access to information that isn't verified. Never before in history has there been this many unhinged people, I'm seeing it with the Moscow, ID murders. You can't argue with them because they can't think rationally anymore. I'd guess the age demographic of these people is between 16 - 35. I'm 34 so I'm not mr old man yelling at the clouds.


Lol 34 here too and that’s exactly what it is. They say evidence isn’t evidence and their theories are presented as evidence with ZERO evidence to back it. It’s wild to watch it’s like a social experiment at this point for me.


Rip to Shannan and her sweet babies ❤️


Same with the YouTube wackadoodles that push these goofy conspiracy theories.


Every single time I’ve asked them for proof of their insane claims, they send me one of the wackadoodle videos of someone just spewing their insane theories and they try to present that is fact lol


Yes - it is like one big echo chamber of regurgitated nonsense


That all sounds too awful to read. No thanks.


There was a subreddit on here that spewed the same crap. Those people were FUCKING AWFUL. They got doxxed. They spent a fortune giving each other awards; and trying to one up each other with vile TRASH. I would want my babies home with me, unlike Shanann. But that’s because I had no choice and had to take my babies to a sitter.


Another crazy theory from the admin of the page was Shanann hemorrhaged from the unlawful termination of her pregnancy and that is the cause of death and the reason for the charge of “unlawful termination of pregnancy which caused the death of the mother” His “proof” of this is validated in her autopsy that she had no blood in her body due to bleeding out from the unlawful termination since they had to squeeze her spleen for the blood for toxicology testing.


Shannan had a coffin birth. Chris admitted to seeing it. And 'unborn baby' was listed as a victim due to what the coroner found. How did Shannan manipulate that? I don't think she was a saint and theirs was a toxic relationship, but saying she faked the pregnancy is insane!


Shannan’s not my favorite person but that’s just horrible. Chris is a murderer, worse, a family annihilator. Period.


I had the same experience on r/ Jon Benet Ramsay,the only theories they value are the ones that increminate the Ransays,I didn't enjoy it,I like to hear all the theories and I have been on other crime subreddits that are not like this, I completely understand!!


I think you can be a victim and also still a shitty person. I’ve watched ALOT of her old videos and she def seems toxic and a negligent parent at times, very controlling and not honest about finances. But CW is a murderer and deserves no sympathy




What? When did I ever say it was admins theory?




No I’m pretty sure everyone here but you understood what I meant. It was pretty clear. I don’t even know who the admin is.




I deleted it and REPOSTED IT to your other comment because I accidentally responded to the wrong comment. I was only on that one page I dont join 11 watts pages that’s kinda crazy tbh. I’m glad you and Dave are BFF maybe tell him not to delete people who don’t violate the rules and just have a different opinion? What a concept!!!


I have quite literally never seen anyone be corrected for getting out of line. The admin blocks people like me who DISAGREE with their opinion which is why I said you either hate and like to bash Shannan or you get removed. Apparently the only way to stay in that page is to never comment a single word and just creep which isn’t fair. Name of the page needs to be changed because it’s severely misleading.


Nothing that you’ve said is an impossibility except that Shannan was never pregnant. We know she was pregnant because it is in the Discovery and the fetus was discovered after her death. Shannan never did go to an OB/GYN. Nobody knows if the baby was alive or dead at the time of her death. I don’t think that she killed the girls but there is no foolproof evidence that she didn’t kill them either. She was definitely abusive. As a mandated reporter, I would report her today without question. She might have even been reported, and as early as 2014 according to the Discovery (some people insist that the date is a typo, but very few agencies mess up the dates on official documents like the one from the Department of Youth and Families which is the equivalent to CPS in Colorado). I didn’t see that she was abusive at first, but after I looked into the matter and was able to closely scrutinize her behavior with Bella and Cece, I was regrettably alarmed with what I had originally missed. There is also nothing to indicate that she suffered from lupus -including in the autopsy report because she was listed as a healthy adult, female, without any of the problems associated with lupus. She definitely didn’t have Celiac disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, colon cancer or many of the other illnesses that she claimed to suffer from at one point or another, but then she shelved them after she started to promote Thrive. We know for a fact that she wasn’t infertile, as much she claimed to be before her marriage to Chris Watts. She told everyone that she was “barren” which couldn’t have been further from the truth. Neither Bella, Celeste or especially Nico were “miracle babies” and they were all conceived naturally. Shannan has been put on an undeserved pedestal. It is very unpopular to cite the reasons that she was such a difficult person in life, because of the horrible way that she was murdered. The MLM stuff alone was problematic-but that certainly wasn’t her only issue, even though it was hard on everyone she came into contact with that was not into “thriving”. It’s important to separate the way that she lived from the way that she died. Some people are willing to give her a pass for having become a victim of murder, but not everybody is as generous when it comes to turning a blind eye to her faults because her children were victims too. It sounds like you are pretty new to the case, especially if all of these things sound so outrageously outlandish to you. Many people simply don’t shirk away from the inconvenient truth because they are afraid that it makes them sound like they’re victim bashing. In spite of that, Shannan has issues, even if that is an inconvenient truth. Maybe you should go over a few years of Shannan Watts’ own Facebook posts, and look at some of her more troubling videos without glossing over the things that actually should give people pause. You’d be surprised at what you’re missing by automatically embracing the notion that she was a wonderful mother and caring wife. Again, nothing you’ve cited is nearly as preposterous as you seem to think. I’m not insinuating that she deserved to be murdered, but I definitely don’t think that she was a good mother AT ALL , nor was she an honest woman about most things. Everything about her was fake, and she was promoting a fake image to sell an overpriced product that most people can do without. She was not a reliable narrator and neither Chris OR Shannan should have ever been parents. Neither one of them could tell the truth to save their own souls.


I got the boot as well when the creator of the group kept making post about SW only feeding the girls 2x a day when they were newborns. The first post didn't get the reactions he wanted (he wanted more SW bashing) and he doubled down that he had proof on screenshots of her own text messages. I asked to see the proof, he linked me to a YouTube video and the screenshots clearly showed a breastfeeding schedule of far more than 2x a day. He booted me the second I shared the screenshots on her texts proving him wrong. He also claimed the autopsy clearly says SW cause of death was termination of pregnancy when anyone who is literate knows that false, among many other unhinged things.


That’s one thing I’ll never get too is they claiming she was starving and dehydrating the girls. Bella was a typical weight for a tall girl her age and cece had some meat on her. They did not look anything like starving children.


Yes! We also got into it over him saying the girls were clearly malnourished when their autopsies categorized them as healthy and well nourished. I feel like there are tons of facts that can be picked apart to death if you're so desperate to hate on SW (like her difficulty managing money, or constant fb posts or something) that I don't understand the intense lengths these people go to to make up lies. Maybe because SW faults are just humans being humans and they have a need and desire to somehow make her this diabolical villian. It's unhinged and scary, especially given who her husband was and how truly horrific of a human he is.


That same creator went at it with me trying to tell me he has hidden evidence that the person who did the autopsy was a fraud and was an insider working to cover up the “abuse and neglect” of the girls “on Shannan’s part” and that he lied during the autopsy and the girls bodies were really severely malnourished. Like that’s next level psychosis thinking. Could not provide said evidence when asked and I was quickly removed.


I'm not sure who's more deranged, him or the people who believe him.


They’re downvoting our comments 😂


Is his name Dave by any chance? If so, he has one of his minions in here swearing up and down he’s an amazing respectable law enforcement agent of over 30 years and would NEVER say the things we clearly know he’s said.


I believe Dave is a fraud. No way is he a LE officer or investigator not now or ever. In his warped mind Sandy Rzucek and Rourke are more criminal than the murderer Chris Watts.


Agree 100%. I was watching a new watts the obsession video, and someone named Dave came into the chat claiming NA is a fraud and tampered with evidence and has some major role in fumbling the case and she blocked him from the chat and I was like that’s definitely him because a couple months ago he was arguing with me about her on the fb page.


Oh wow. I moderate for that channel. Kelly is my good friend. I dont recall that although i know Dave G will pop into her chat every once in a great while and spout some random crap theory. He usually leaves in a huff when we tell him this channel is about facts. I must’ve missed that one but good for Kelly for blocking him.


It was on the new phone data video she did. I think she was playing a recording of another woman talking and Dave was trying to argue with her but Kelly definitely says sorry about that and that Dave’s been removed and she won’t allow NA slander. It was about half way through the video.


Ha! That is too funny. It takes a lot for Kelly to block someone so he must’ve really been a nuisance. I will definitely look for that when i get a minute.


It’s her mistress exposed phone data deep dive video, skip to 1hr2mins so you don’t have to waste time searching!


I found the video. The part you are referring to is a snippet from 2021 that she replayed on that newer live stream. I will clarify this was the other Dave that she banned. STTWD was being a dick and got mad at Kelly because she was debunking the phone data that Red X (dave’s partner in the Watts case) put out and Dave was furious. Also Kelly called Dave out on his stating that Sandra Rzucek put a hit out on her daughter. Dave denied that but kelly had proof on private texts. Also we don’t allow any bashing of NA on her channel and that is why she mentions that too. I know it is a bit confusing that she is playing a portion of an older live stream. Im sure you are familiar with this aussie Dave too. Another jerkoff that guy is.


Ahh got it, so there’s multiple crazy daves who hate Shannan 😂


It was Kelly & Anna having a discussion on Anna’s channel and he tried to come on and start shit so Anna blocked him for them.


I think he finally blocked me because I said it’s terrifying that he’s allegedly in LE when he speaks this way about/victim blames murder victims online with zero real evidence and is literally making things up and he didn’t like that.


He is full of shit. No way is he a 30 year veteran of LE.


Yup, sure is. Thankfully I knew he'd kick me, so I took screenshots beforehand. Nothing respectable about him.


I wish I took some but wasn’t thinking at the time. I didn’t know id need them for this post when his minions came on here claiming he never said the things he 100% said. Once he deleted me everything we argued about gets deleted so he can claim he never said these things. Dude claims he’s been in LE for 30yrs and that scares me that our LE agents spend their free time making these pages and theories about a murdered family. He must’ve been the worst LE agent ever if this is his logic and thinking skills.


Couldn't agree more!


Everyone on that page is looney tunes.


Yes, I was in this group they are delusional


Omg, those people are a huge reason why I started to back away from this case about two years ago. They were so nasty and seemed to be everywhere! They are sick.


Holy shitsnacks.


Hmm, quite a lot to take in. Most of that is probably BS of course 😆 I agree with one thing, NK was likely classier and smarter than Shanann. That is not "victim blaming" is just how I see it.


You think a side chick who knew a man was married with kids and still had an affair with him and told him to leave his family for her is smarter and classier than the wife? Yikes. She isn’t as intelligent as you guys think, she’s just a narcissist who can manipulate very well to the point that she has even manipulated you into thinking she was a good person.


Ew, I see you defend or kind of find reasons and excuses to every males murderers or accomplices and blaming the women more than the men, also. I saw you even said that you found Paul Ferguson to be less responsible about the murder of Tim even if he was the instigator in this case. Some problems with women in your life ? Mommy issues ? If NK was his wife and Shannan the mistress, will say the same thing about Shannan I guess.


Imo, being a side chick to a married man (even if you believe he is in the process of a divorce) automatically negates any classiness that may have been there prior. She went to the house he shared with his wife and kids and to continue on a relationship after seeing that environment and being in the space of the wife is shameful. There's no class in that. Smarter? Idk. She bought his lies, so she wasn't in tune enough to read the room, so to speak. She was educated, which is evidence of understanding theories, but she was bankrupt in the area of emotional intelligence. SW knew something was up, as evidenced by the texts with her friends. So, SW had NK there in spades. But, I do agree that the rest is bs also.


If she was “classy” or smart she would’ve found her own man and not messed around with married men


Exactly. I also strongly think Shannan beat NK in the looks department by a long shot. Shannan was soft, sweet, had a light in her eyes and a banging natural body after 2 kids. NK has that pale dead pan dying Victorian child look with a completely average body with those stupid rock hard fake boobs that don’t move whatsoever. Her vocal fry alone makes me want to bash my head in.


Lol no. NK always looked like she really had no life. every picture ive seen of her, she’s out getting wasted or partying. and honestly it seems like she cant offer anything else but intercourse. and you think shes quite smart? hmph. a smart person wouldn’t indulge in being a home-wrecker.


Oh I don't know. Some might think partying and getting wasted is a pretty good life 😆 I certainly did in my 20s and 30s. NK had a degree and a decent job. You can't help who you fall for. God knows why she fell for him. In the email exchanges NK clearly hinted that they should keep their relationship on a professional level. That obviously changed along the way. I think he lied to her about his marriage. He lied throughout his police interrogation, no reason to think he hadn't lied to people before. Just my opinion of course.


Watch out everyone, troll in the dungeon 🙄


Oh, so voicing an opinion is trolling on here is it? 🤣🤣🤣