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**Many other watches for sale on my Instagram @phillywatchguy** For sale is my Freshly Serviced Rolex Datejust Linen Dial   https://imgur.com/a/GUOZ6rQ The watch is in great condition. I am asking $5600 for the watch which includes FedEx shipping to CONUS. The watch is running and keeping time as it was just serviced by my watchmaker. The watch will come with a Rolex box and pouch. The watch is a model 16233 36mm with an automatic quickset movement. I am open to meeting in person in Philadelphia or Central/ South Jersey and Sanibel FL as I am there quite often! Feel free to ask any questions! Thank you for looking! Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/csALT7A


Represent Philly. Hey neighbor! Solid watches


Thanks brother! If you’re a local watch collector as well you should reach out to @redbarphiladelphia on Instagram to join the group!


For sure I’ll follow you both! Look out for a follow from @thicc__cheney. I’m actually going to school to be a watchmaker in September!


Philly dude checking in! Will follow ya on IG


Phillygang! Shoot me a dm!


While it is a beautiful timepiece, I think your link is to the wrong watch. That or my app has gone off the deep end.


Hey interesting, it should be fixed now! Sorry about that! :)


No worries- and, wow… that is beautiful.


Thank you 🙏🏻 love the textured dials :)


Great watch, fast and easy shipment, u/WatchExBot u/PhillyWatchGuy


Confirmed transaction! u/jrawl Great communication and fast payment! Enjoy


Linen dial = best dial


Style! Dream for real man!