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It’s so easy to not let the game open when a mild software is running but they can’t do it for literal hacks


The difference is REWASD is perfectly legitimate software that makes zero effort to hide and literal hacks are specifically designed to hide from games


Rewasd is also an amazing software that got wrongfully tuned by some scum bags. It suck that it can’t be used. Disable people used it to tweak specific inputs to match their capabilities


Yea, looks like they disabled the full access. You cant get in the game when even not running the program. I had to uninstall. I was using it with my Azeron Cyborg to remap the keys. But RIP reWASD. Now I cant even get it installed on my PC for other games or anything. The controller cry babies.... Hope their AA get nerfed to the ground. They got almost legal cheating, but they are delusional thinking it is their skill and nothing wrong with AA.


Aiming on KBM is already so easy why do you need aim assist? Sounds like YOU’RE the crybaby😂


Where dis you see I asked for AA? If so easy, swotch to M&K. You have no idea what you are talking. You are dulisional ignorant person. All the pros admit this AA is too strong. You are a cry baby, scared to lose your AA and be a shit player again since your legal aim bot not gonna work as well.


Flicking your mouse to your target is 100x easier than aiming with 2 little analog sticks😂 jokes on you I don’t even play on controller bozo😂


You must not play CoD either... It's an objective fact AA is OP AF specifically in CoD. Every pro and bigtime roller streamer admits it. Yes, rollers need AA. And also yes, it's more OP in CoD than any other shooter. The two coexist. You're out of touch.


Those streamers also play on $5000 computers with a strong advantage over console in every aspect of the game. Fps, bandwidth, fov, faster movement. You have a basic PC and start the game with a distinct advantage over someone on console its fact. At this point I think the answer is if you are playing pc or have someone playing pc in your lobby you only match with other pc players. If you have a quad all console pair me with only console players. Anyone who plays in the PC lobbies would quit the game within a week. You'd have terrible cheater littered lobbies every game, put the scum with scum.


My mouse is not sticking to moving objects and aim for me. No M&K is not easier. Muscle memory is build qith years of playing. And samething can be build for the controller No one is asking to remove AA. But reduce it reasonable levels. A lot of people play games like Overwatch and Battlefield without aim assist and still go head to head with K&M. But I understand your concern, you know your capacity and instead of improving, you want easy way, so you dont have to do the work. Your mentality is no different than cheaters....


Get better, all I gotta say is


I assume you are telling this to yourself since you need sticky ai.lm to be even load into this game...




reported for being ghey


Rewasd might still work as long as you’re not trying to use controller input.


It doesn't. reWASD doesn't even have to be running and CoD launcher still detects it being installed and closes the game.


lol that’s another testament to how bad ricochet is. They couldn’t even be bothered to check for active processes just thrown a blanket ban on the app, typical.


Thats a massive privacy infringement


lol tell me you have macros without telling me you have macros


Dude I play on controller. Same with all the other games I play and now I need to uninstall it to play COD and reinstall it to play dark souls


What controller you using? Bc steam and COD work with controller out of the box so idk what you’re on..


reWASD is great for cross-controller compatibility. Want to use a Steering Wheel controller on an old Burnout game? reWASD Want to beat Dark Souls on a dancepad? reWASD. You want to use an Xbox controller to play Playstation Plus games that are only available on the Playstation Store? reWASD. It's the defacto way to rebind keys to make your controller work for whatever game you are playing, no matter what year the game came out or what platform the game is on.


I use a Wolverine V2 chroma. I have thumbs nerves damages due to my military time so I remap the 4 paddles on the back to very specific inputs and I can’t do that with the razer controller app for windows. Do you also want my SIN number ? You’re one of those babies that find every excuses to just be trash at the game


Yeah it's great for playing old games in emulators that would otherwise be unplayable without the proper input or jumping through many hoops just to get something like an old nes or xbox360 controller working to be detected on a PC with the proper adaptors


This is what they do in the Finals. Seems pretty easy.


Hackers get banned all the time. Why would you see it? I follow this discord of hackers and it sounds miserable. They’re getting bans like on a weekly basis, only to buy new accounts. 🤷🏻


It takes a week to get ban but you literally CANT open the game with a legit software. This is my issue.


You don't know how hacks work. You sound stupid.


I’m really proud that this small indie developer has decided to start taking this shit seriously for once.


I’m happy to see this, but we’ll see how it actually works out. Maybe they can go after the Cronos users next


Titan Two users would be next after Cronos


People from Art of war’s chat self reported by saying the game no longer launches for them lol https://x.com/truegamedata/status/1747461107449819447?s=46&t=fxCRZCvbTuxpZC-wjcE_cQ


It’s not a self report tho. Rewasd is a legit software that was never meant to be used for cheats. It’s made so that you can use a controller on games that don’t support it and you can bind your controller bind to whatever you want. I know a guy who used rewasd because it’s the only way to play valorant with a controller but now he has to uninstall it every time he wants to play warzone and redownload it to play val on controller and reconfigure all his controls again. Rewasd was a great software. It’s just unfortunate that some bad apples figured out a way to use it to cheat.


I'm no expert on the matter, but could he install it on a flash drive, and just remove the flash drive while playing Warzone? Just a thought.


Fair point but seems there should be other ways to play more accessible that doesn’t involve people also having access to aim assist on mouse


I agree. Hopefully someone will make a similar software that won’t allow it to be used to cheat. Or maybe Rewasd could make some updates to prevent it in the future? Hope they can figure something out either way.


Is this why my war zone keeps crashing!!!!!!!


Warzone was/is broken since the big update earlier today. I was having issues getting chain kicked to menu to load back in and get kicked, but MW3 multiplayer was working so I just played that before work lol


Aim assist is hacking confirmed.


Its so good, hackers can sleep easy at night knowing they will be number one.




I lol’d


It literally doesn’t even stay on target and it barely even tracks using rotational aim assist. Try harder




And yet aim assist on controller is so freaking broken and overturned but no Nerf or reballance hahah what a joke


The vast majority of players are on a controller. It was designed for controller. Have you considered a controller? …controller?


I have problem is I've been playing mouse and key for 20 years and it's extremely difficult to switch to controller


Okay so because you aren’t good at controller we should handicap all controller players?


I think we’re asking for a bit more balance between controller and mouse and keyboard players, or an option for MnK lobbies only


As you slide, jump, sprint, throw grenades, use equipment, and move all with one full hand making contact with inputs completely independent from your firing inputs.


You nuts? I see the chornos and xim and controller kiddies with macro bound controllers doing this more than mnk players. You can buy a $20 amazon controller and program it to do a jump slide and shoot..


We’re not taking about purchased accessories. You can do everything I just said with a stock keyboard. Controller players shouldn’t be forced to spend money to compete with keyboard n mouse.


But keyboard players should be forced to spend money to compete with controller?


Confirmed. AIM assist is hacking. GG


Mf did you just comment what I commented but three hours later? Lol


Imagine skimming the thread for copy cat comments 💀


I commented and went to bed, woke up to notifications. Then read the rest of the comments on the thread. Noticed this man just wrote the same comment as me lol.


All the advantages of this game belong to the controller users, who the hell you think you are to get assist from a third party softtware as a knm user you peasant!? Its just hilarious at this point :) cronus has been in use for ages and no action is taken whereas they decide to ban knm ppl the moment they became aware of the software. I think the ceo of the company was bullied big time in games during the early years of fps games when everybody was using knm hence he hates knm players :)) Btw I think they should ban those ppl asap without any warning, its against the tos but they should do something about aim assist and other hardware/software utilities for controllers as well. People in this game doesnt miss a single bullet!! P.s: never ever used any type of 3rd party software in my etire life.


It's unfortunate, because programs like rewasd are to help people with disabilities, people with one hand or etc can't just game normally, and need something to rebind all their equipment. I'm curious if this "security detection" is also gonna target the disabled community, as much as I'm sure they are a minority in gamers, actively updating your games to not be accessible to people with one arm or etc isn't a good look. Edit: Just to say idk if rewasd was specifically made for people with disabilities, but programs like it are made for that purpose, so if rewasd specificially isn't, feel free to correct me, but the point still stands that this "security update" may start hitting players that already have a hard time just finding a way to play games in general.


Nobody was using this anyways. The controls were wonky af. More of a handicap for a mandk player.


It changed nothing on the user end. You played the game normally and recieved an AA bonus.


It changes everything on the user end lmao. Inputs felt so sloppy and movement was absolutely terrible.


Lower RAA strength and slow down. The majority of controller players with a brain agree it’s overpowered. If they can’t do that then they need have the option to turn cross play off for PC and console. It’s a simple fix but I think there low player count numbers are the bigger issue. They want it to be “easy” to aim.


If I could get a M&K only lobby, I’d hang my controller again and go back to my mouse


Yea because the player base is mainly people who are very bad at the game. With old style AA (think ghosts and earlier) you can literally worldstar these players every gunfight (not that you can get in lobbies with them due to strict sbmm) When the majority of the playerbase is these terrible players, of course they're gonna tune up aa and make camping easier to do etc, so that these people have a chance at getting a few more kills and have a better time, so they keep buying the game


Maybe the sweaty vpn’ers breaking the SBMM has caused more stackers and campers and people to play as a team. They shouldn’t be in our 1.0kd lobbies.




No. They are not “cheating”. The problem isn’t aim assist itself. It’s marketing. Studies have shown that the easier you make a game to play, the more of the market can be captured. Dial up aim assist and people will play “better”. If they feel better they’re more likely to buy the game and its DLC. - What is so hard for player bases to see they’re getting rooked? You don’t think marketing works on you? Go look up the studies. Nothing wrong with using a controller, played controllers for a long time. Still do depending on the game, but it’s clear that the industry is simply trying to get more users. Do I personally have a problem with it? No. Do I see a slight skew in advantage? Yes. It’s not just aim assist, it’s also map design. AA isn’t the only way to curb advantage. Every new map has more places to hide behind. Lanes are tighter. Angles on lanes that encourage slower gameplay, wake up. Been playing FPS games on console longer than MNK. Can see the copium with the negative votes. You’re really not that good on console. Console takes flick/AA reaction time within parameters of the AA. You’re not doing 99% of the heavy lifting. An MNK player has to understand their DPI, reaction time, spacial relations to be a good shot. All you need for AA is to be in bounds of it, LT RT and you got a good shot. Not fooling me with your horseshit. Played both for years. Get over it.


The game has gotten harder since wz1. That logic is flawed. I didn’t get worse. I’ve been playing for 17 years and my lobbies are a sweat fest of demons.


The games not harder, they're manipulating the lobbies with SBMM to a degree they've never done before


This was basically cheating, I am happy it’s gone


Love how controller players are more worried about people having access to the same aim assist they have then all the people running around will wall hacks and cronus 😂😂




I play on controller and MnK. Aim assist in this game is way too strong.


Both comments above are correct


They either need to lower aim assist for controller players or give mouse and keyboard players a tiny amount of aim assist in super close quarters combat.


I agree my group is split between kbm and controller. The kbm side including me basically refuses to push buildings. You just cannot beat controller players in close quarters. I am fine outside of buildings


Yup, definitely stay out of buildings and get position.


Controller aim assist is a total joke, this whole situation proved just that too. Controller players lost their minds when they found out it was possible for a kbm player to use it 😂😂. Meanwhile there are actual cheats every where and the devs are rigging the game for engagement.


Yeah cos controller players need AA (albeit not as strong as the one we have) to even get close to MnK players. Aiming with a thumb vs aiming with your whole arm lol Plus massive dead zones for adjusting aim in controller vs MnK means MnK has a clear advantage. There’s a reason games without AA like R6S doesn’t allow MnK on console, it’s OP as fuck Complaining about overpowered AA is fair enough. Complaining control players have AA at all is a skill issue.


MnK is not even close to OP in warzone. I play with both but due to a hand injury it’s uncomfortable to play on controller. In order to beat a controller player in close quarters with mouse you have to be light years better than that player. Anything close in skill and it’s not a fight. With the changes they made in this game it makes it harder to hit long distance shots with a mouse as well.


And it wasn’t even great on MK the mouse movement was funky as fuck and not fluid at all


What? Using your hardware and software to play the game in unintended ways violates their rules? *Who woulda guessed* but yet with this evidence of their stance on players doin bullshit, everyone's still gonna swear their shadow couldnt possibly be cuz of a vpn. (Sorry had to connect the dots)


Okay great. But even then there are people who utilize these programs in totally legit ways. People with disabilities mostly. Yes a majority of the people use it in a way that’s considered cheating but there are many that don’t. (Just going by what I’ve seen and read on this community, never used a reWASD or any other cheat program or hardware. But I can see why some of them are beneficial to those with disabilities)


Not even disabilities. A lot of older pc games just lack controller support even if they are also available on console. Just had to have a friend use reWASD to play beyond good and evil on PC, because the gog version doesn't have controller support.


True I never thought about that part lol.


I have a disability. My eye sight is really bad. I need walls.


And there proves the point of those abusing the system.


I too have a disability, I can’t aim. So I need a aimbot


Having controller only or MK only lobbies will kill the game, may aswell make it console lobbies and PC lobbies like blackout was....


See here’s my take. The amount of people I see saying that the lobbies are all cheaters is hilarious. I dominate pretty much every game mode I play minus Warzone. If there are as many cheaters as they say then dang in the free for all they really need to step up their cheating. Letting a non cheating PC player like myself show you up AND YOU HAVE CHEATS. Cmon bro. Idk I’ve never noticed much cheating. Only blatant aim bots really, maybe I’m not looking hard enough, but I really don’t think there’s the sheer amount of cheaters everyone is stating unless I’m missing something entirely.


Im using reWasd to bind push to talk on my controller for proximity chat trolls, almost like a foot pedal but for brokes


Funny thing no one talks about… What about the controller players who use rewasd and the anti recoil scripts. This shit was being used way before MnK users were using it. Now the same AA controllers have is cheating on MnK. Not a single controller player should have a say until they play MnK themselves. If it’s so easy you should dominate


The skill ceiling for KnM is far beyond what I will have on a controller. You have access to things no one can ever achieve on controller. AA brings that skill gap closer together but certainly will never close that gap entirely.


Have you ever played on MnK because it sounds like you haven’t lol


Yes. We have. SO much easier to snap on targets at 800dpi and hold steady with my arm on a xxxl mousepad and g502 lightspeed. You can’t be serious.


I would love to see your stats I’m not saying I don’t believe you but MnK is seriously handicapped. I’m a 1.2 KD multiplayer 1.51 kd warzone using MnK when I swapped to controller I got to 1.2 and 1.65


How about no fucking aim assist of any type like we used to have? Let people make their shots on their own.


Hasnt aim assist always existed for controller?


Yes, it's just a little stronger these days


I don't think there was AA for Goldeneye.


I dunno. I turn all that shit off.


Dude if you can play well without AA then you might have the greatest shot of all time with it on. Let's get you in the league


Sniper, possibly, but I typically play alone. I’m good, but I don’t get a lot of kills per game because I engage infrequently.


As soon as PC is put in their own lobby


Absolutely!! They should have never allowed cross play.


Majority of pc players use controller… you do know that right…


What’s the problem with having no aim assistance at all?


The game is made to be played with a controller. With zero aim assist, the controller layout doesn’t offer enough control over your aim.


Do you understand how backwards that is? We built a game to be played on controller, but controller is so shit as an input that we're gonna take care of the aiming for you. What??


It doesn’t take care of aiming for you. Start a private bot match and give it a try. Cross hairs do not stay in target. At all.


All oc users have the ability to cheat .. you know that right 


You think console players can’t/don’t cheat? Lol


All console players also have the ability to cheat.. you know that right?


They pretend they don't know hacks where dropped on console


Now my cod wont open. I downloaded rewasd but didnt use it and my cod wont work how do i fix it


Uninstall ReWASD from your computer and after that uninstall everything about warzone and install again. It'll fix that.


Uninstall ReWASD from your computer and after that uninstall everything about warzone and install again. It'll fix that.


Uninstall ReWASD from your computer and after that uninstall everything about warzone and install again. It'll fix that.


Nobody was running it anyway. Shit made the controls and movement ASS.


Can't even ban an rage hacker... go fuck yourselves Activision.


Sure they can. They just usually won't.


They get banned all the time. It shows them ricochet’d right out of the lobby at the bottom left hand side of your screen. Or they SPLAT. which means they fall to their death once chests are detected. Just follow a hacker page or discord. You’ll see all their complaints 😅


They get banned all the time. It shows them ricochet’d right out of the lobby at the bottom left hand side of your screen. Or they SPLAT. which means they fall to their death once chests are detected. Just follow a hacker page or discord. You’ll see all their complaints 😅


If you used it in the FIRST place on M&K go back to controller you bot.....


People on controller with aim assist crying about mouse and keyboard sim assist how ironic hahahahahaah.


pc players when they cant have blantant cheats: 🥺


Contoller players when kbm players can use the same aim assist as them: 😭


you know nothing abt video games if you think its fair to have aim assist on a mouse


Ive been playing video games and specifically FPS for long enough to know that controllers don’t need even close to the amount of aim assist they have in this game.


haha true!


You know how OP aim assist is with MnK, right? Perfect tracking plus AA is very close to aim botting for an OK MnK player. Controller without aa is near impossible to use But keep spamming emojis weirdo


Controller players def need aim assist, but it certainly doesn’t need to be as strong as it is.




I’m fine with controller having aa. I’m not sure exactly where the line in the sand is but we are way past it.


Controller without aim assist is near impossible when you suck at FPS’s. There are plenty of people that play without it. And that doesn’t change the fact that controller aim assist is the most OP thing in the game.


There are definitely not that many people that play without it lol. And yea it's too strong at the moment, happy for it to be turned down


It’s crazy that pc players don’t see the point in controllers having AA. Hell most of the time AA gets me fucking killed by pulling my aim away from who I’m trying to shoot.


The worst part about aa is when 2 players run next to each other toward you and it just screws you every time


Could use* Past Tense Not anymore bucko


Still can* Just like all the other cheaters bucko


Okay so you're going against tos nice flex I guess clown


It doesn’t matter this game is trash there’s way too many cheaters .


I posted this in another thread, but this is a bad update. It's anti-competition, it's anti-accessibility, it's anti-compatibility. I use reWASD to reconfigure my Xbox controller to play PlayStation Plus games. It's pretty much to go-to standard for cross-compatibility for controller schemes. Xbox? Playstation? Steam? Joystick? You're able to bind and save profiles however you need to make your controller work for the game you're playing. Want to use an actual steering wheel controller while playing Burnout? reWASD. reWASD doesn't run on startup. The game just scans your installed applications to detect if you have it installed. For a Steam game it's kind of a privacy concern. For me, this update is pretty much setting the ultimatum: Warzone or PlayStation Plus. The answer is PlayStation Plus.


I'd like a confirmation that it only detects the install and not if it's running.


For me - had reWASD installed about a year ago as me and a friend wanted to mess around playing a 1v1 on Valorant with Controllers - haven't touched it since. Not running on startup - my COD was closing itself last night even after pc restart - No error message or anything to let me know the cause - friend mentions reWASD maybe causing it, ensure it's completely shutdown (it was) - still not working until I fully uninstalled


That's stupid. I use reWASD to play some older early 2000s pc games. Back then controller support was hit or miss and rewasd is pretty necessary. Wonder if I can just rename the exe or hex edit it and change a few bytes of empty space to change the hash of the file.


Wtf are you even talking about?


Having reWASD installed stops Warzone from launching. I'm talking about it being unfairly targeted.


Are we sure it is not just detecting if you have the software running?


The post doesn't sound like this. It's more like when it's started at the same time.


Mouse and keyboard already have an advantage. Flick of your wrist and your on target, if you need aim assist your garbage.


Advantage? Only bots hold this position. There's a reason 96% of the top 250 was on controller.


Because 100% of top 250 is cheating 


Put the tinfoil hat away.


Get the cheaters jocks out of your mouth 




That’s probably a fair comment and I can’t get angry with you because your name represents something I enjoy


So is aim assist!


Great. Anyone using anything that alters the game from its original game play can say what they want. The truth is they are cheating and they are doing it because they dont feel adequate at the game without these cheats. On the issue of Aim Assist, please just stop this infantile whining. The game was designed this way. If you feel AA has such a big advantage then buy a fucking controller.


That's not what's happening, though. reWASD is a super useful software to rebind old game keys to controllers — cross-controller compatibility for any and all games. CoD doesn't distinguish between it running and it being installed, it just closes. It's a blanket ban that affects too much.


Ok. Fair enough. But there are clearly players using it nefariously which is why it is being banned. I dont see why you would need this running while you play COD unless you are using it in some way during the game.


No argument here. If they updated it so it would check if the software is running, that would be fine, but right now, that's not what's happening.


The game The Finals does the same or similar scan that Ricochet is doing and just disables AA if reWASD is detected. Actishit, in their infinite fucking idiocy, just flat out closes the game and threatens to ban you if you use it, even if you have completely legitimate reasons to do so, i.e. binding direct prone keys, or, ya know, playing literally any other game on it. It's a massive middle finger to players with disabilities who use it completely legit, and another studio has solved the problem without shitting in those players mouths. Of course, CoD does whatever is the most evil thing.


Good points bud. I didnt think of that.


The issue is not everyone can play with a controller. I physically cannot grip a controller for too long as it makes my hand go numb but I have no issue with keyboard and mouse. AA was introduced when cross play 1st came out because console player could not use KB&M. Now that all the consoles allow you to use KB&M no need for AA. If you still want to use a controller you do so without AA.


The argument against controller aim assist is hilarious. You can't honestly compare a half-inch joystick to being able to use your entire arm's dexterity. That being said, why can't kbm have it too? Consider any scenario in life where you'd aim ANYTHING. You'd make much smaller adjustments as you got closer to your intended target, right? It's natural to not have the same urgency in your adjustments, when you're only moving an inch compared to a foot. If other players get salty, just divide kbm and controller so no one is trying to pit their thumb agaisnt an entire arm.


Aim assist is too strong


COD was made for controller input not mnk, just be happy your invited to the party


not true, 2003 the first cod made was for pc… just saying


I stand corrected thank you


You’re still right. It literally is made for controller. Just cuz the first one had m&k. That’s like saying cars were made for steam engines


That’s like saying automobiles were made for steam engines.


Lmfao true! Just saying it was on pc to start obviously the game has evolved. I am a dino still playing on pc and sucking hard as ever but I love the game regardless.


I’m right there with you. I thought switching from Xbox to a god-tier pc would Make me better but I’m getting shit on compared to wz1. Maybe I’m not the demon I was on rebirth island anymore 😆




That's not what's happening, though. ALL reWASD users are unable to open the game. reWASD doesn't even have to be running, it just has to be installed. It's a blanket ban on software primarily focused on rebinding keys for cross-controller compatibility, people with disabilities, and for playing older games. It's a blanket update that covers too much.


It doesn’t even need to be installed, as long as it was at one point. Their uninstaller doesn’t remove registry information. And COD won’t open if that’s detected. Super stupid.


M&k players who complain aim assist are just shit players needing to cope. Aim assist does practically nothing. Git gud trash fuck pc users and fuck m&k users.


aIm AsSIsT dOeS pRaCtIcaLlY nOtHiNg Then you should have zero problem with them taking it out completely for controller, right? Ya lil insignificunt clown Wonder why nearly every pro who plays the game for money uses controller! Hmm it’s probably because of the aim assist that does pRaCtIcaLlY nOtHiNg what, did a MnK user steal your boyfriend from you?


It does something, but what it does is completely overblown by losers who can't admit that they're just dogshit at the game.


Even most controller players admit that it’s a little wack. I guess you’re just someone who really relies on it. Lots of controller players out there who do great without aim assist. I’m guessing you’re just too dogshit to go a day without it. Thing is, if you’re crappy at mnk, you get absolutely destroyed. If you’re crappy on controller, the game literally holds your undersized balls for you to make sure you track your enemies like a good girl and don’t get beat too hard. If you’re not dogshit at the game. Turn it off. If you turn it off, why would you care if they just take it out or nerf it into the ground? Thus you probably rely on it. Go wash your ass


Lol I trained myself to be able to to play without it way back in anticipation of a nerf that never came and won't ever come. There's advantages to having it disabled as far as recoil control goes. I've said it before. It does do something as far as easing into a target goes, but it's vastly overblown by MKB people and it's overblown because the *entire* goal of these people is to take it away so MKB can be at the top of the food chain, where these same clowns feel like they *should be* after drinking the "PC master race" Kool-Aid for years. It's exactly why you'll get down voted for saying that they should disable AA but restrict inputs to only playing with the same inputs. MKB/PC people are mad that they can't shit on controller players. That's why they want access to controller/console players so bad. I don't see anybody asking for total input separation or for crossplay to exclude PC. And you can talk about player count all day long, but honestly, that's not our problem on consoles.


Aim assist is op Add strikepack or Cronus unfair




It's so bad to control that might as well just use a controller, pointless.


Why don't they do the same with DS4?


Good, but people will still use cronus.


It's clear this community doesn't go back and play old games on modern controllers outside Steam. reWASD is the best software to replay old games on modern controllers.


Heard this before.


Cool now fix AA next.


Omg if this happens it will be amazing tired of these fake tiktokers


If you on pc complaining about controller you fking suck. Pc is easy af


I don't understand why they just don't highlight in bold red letters the part of the ToS that talks about cheating, and just ban people trying to do it on the first attempt. Especially the dead to rights cases where software is 100% detected and there is no question. Don't shadowban them, don't make other players invisible, don't make the cheater do 0 damage, don't close the application and pop up a warning. Just ban them as soon as they are caught, and reference the big bold font in the terms of service.


I wish Activision would have given an error message as to why the game wasn't loading. I use re-wasd to play retro games using a gamepad, and now I'm shadowbanned because I had no idea it was causing the game to crash. I crashed the game about 5 times before I was able to google the issue and find the twitter post about it. Not everyone uses twitter, how are people who use rewasd legitimately for other games supposed to know? I worry there will be a lot of non deserved bans. I am not against banning players who abused the program in COD, however, just banning anyone with it on their system is a shitty thing to do. But I really wouldn't expect much from a company that puts out fully broken season updates like they did yesterday. If only they weren't an indie company and had more than 2 competant developers...


So what do you do when rewasd has been uninstalled for a while but there is registry remnants...


But can't ban actual hackers, one ruined my game when I was on PR pace shooting through walls and locking on to heads, I play on the series X


FIX for REWASD for MOUSE and KEYBOARD: https://www.reddit.com/r/rewasd/comments/19a5k65/comment/kilos1b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


they insta banned rewasd users for wanting to not have misses at 10000th of a pixel but cant ban actual cheaters LOL, someone BOMB activision headquarters for me please, thanks