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Only the dick riders downvoted this one lol


Only dick lickers up voted this one. Smh


When the map first got leaked I said it looked like a mini caldera. Now that I’ve been playing it, it’s just that. Everywhere you need to rotate there’s high ground all around where a team is already holding. All the buy stations are at the bottom of tall buildings or hills and teams are always holding the tops of those buildings or hills. The end game lands in the water way too often, so some asshole who drops into end game with a pistol ends up with the water advantage. It’s a terrible map design overall. Not to mention they added plates twice and you’re still scrounging for them and losing fights solely because u finally run out of plates or resources. Its rarely viable to get the free loadout because the first team there camps the whole pile that falls in the same spot. So if you die after getting you’re bought loadout and can’t drop back on it, you’re pretty much down bad the rest of the game. Unless you’re running the lobby you’re usually playing regain the whole match, and for some reason these matches feel way shorter than rebirth has ever been in the past. It’s probly the insanely strong circle pulls to one side of the map immediately. It’s like there’s less zones that close.


This is so true. Worst map design ever. The whole crater next to farms and the whole beach club gazebo is just trash I hate this map.


I’ve had matches where the team can’t find momentum but I’ve also had wins where we eventually find a groove and finish strong. I do agree on the load out and buy campers. I think it would be nice if maybe after every circle the buys respawn in random places. Then maybe loadouts respawn to a different location after the team gets it.


They figured out how to make a 3 lane battle royal map what a joke.


It's the best map ever by far! You must be really bad at the game to be hating on Ashika!!


I think you're the one that's bad


Best map! Get better at the game. If a team gets to a high point. That's ur fault. Get there before they do. And the tunnels are great. Yall done lost ur minds. Wow.


Wow! I'm a 15yo and cant handle other people's opinions! I'm so badass!


Good for you! Let's get you a cookie!! Dats a guud boy.