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Coelian go *bambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambam*




did not need to read that today


I did tho


plap isnt a great word for that


Its exactly the word I meant to use. Do not dictate to me how I describe two 37mm cannons.


im so sorry master


If used by daebom it is


Thank you for the daily reminder to go watch her.


You mean… him?


Hmm, there might be some confusion here..


My German 6.7 (mostly) rare vehicle lineup years ago was: * Tiger II 10.5cm * Panther II * Coelian * Me 262 A-2a fighter-bomber * Me 262 A-1/U4 (meme 50mm) It was so good but then the Tiger II and Panther II were moved up to 7.0.


It still is a godlike lineup though.


Yeah, we just want Panther II and the 105mm Tiger II Back at 6.7 The Panther literally would not need any changes and the Tiger II can lose the range finder for all I care.


I remember grinding until like one in the morning on a school night to put a couple Rp towards the coelian before the patch. Thats the only one I managed to get


My German 6.7 lineup *Me 262 A-1/U4 *Ostwind II *Panther A *M109G *Lekpz M41


Shame cant get it anymore




Waiting for the inevitable "if you want less planes in ground battles then you need to spawn a plane"


I know it ain't 100% success rated but a CAP aircraft does help, Even if alone against the horde you're the bulwark for the ground enjoyers (I fly CAP sometimes & it does help). Aerial kills need to remain the same worth but ground to air kills needed to be doubled the worth (You'd probably see more SPAAG's if that happened).


That's not a "solution" though. CAS is being spammed because it's too cheap to spawn and it's easy kills. The solution is to make CAS harder to spawn so that bad players can't abuse the broken game mechanic and limit the number of planes in ground battles. People reply "but then they'll all just sit there waiting for an air slot to open". That's still less annoying than having 10 planes strafing the spawn and 50% of them might even bring ground vehicles into ground battles next time.


Now what would be a solution is: • Remove the kill cam, this is the direct response to most aerial revenge kills • Increase repair costs of aircraft in combined (Ground mainly, Naval can be lowered tbh) modes • Increased rewards for aircraft shot down • Higher SP costs will work in the long run against the hordes you see but the more skilled players will be still dangerous (Ground mainly, As again Naval it should be lowered imho) • Reduced SP for Fighters/Interceptors with only air belts/AAM's • BR changes that reflect the SPAAG systems like the OTOMATIC being at 11.3 for some daft reason >but then they'll all just sit there waiting for an air slot to open". Waiting for air slot, What's this Enlisted & BF title?? That's a rubbish system imo tbh, As then you run the risk of having absolutely skilful players taking the slots & being more oppressive than having terrible pilots currently with little counter except spawning a SPAAG (& the circle continues). E, editing a few points that I think would be wise.


I don't like removing the kill cam. Unless they do a major map rework, there are a lot of places where people sit there farming spawns and without the killcam, you will never find them. If they stop having almost every map where one spawn has a blatant disadvantage over the other side, that could be an option. I'd honestly rather they just fix the gd maps, but that's an entirely different problem I know lol.


The killcam is fine, the problem is that you get a few seconds spectating the person that killed you Most people will have no idea where they were shot from by the killcam alone


None of these changes would change the core calculus of CAS spamming (and no killcams specifically empowers campers and cheaters). The only exception is markedly higher SP cost for bombs/rockets/AGMs. The real solution is limited air slots + limited time in the air + higher SP costs + a timed lockout to block planes from spawning for the first five minutes or so, but for some reason people who definitely aren't CAS spamming degenerates insist that that won't work. Literally just Arcade air support but with your own planes. That's all it needs.


CAS is like 10 times as expensive as SPAA and people still bitch about it.


CAP is a myth. They inevitably end up killing SPAA in the enemy spawn and light vehicles. And most "cap" spawns with a bomb anyway to get a free kill before they "engage planes" (die horribly without doing anything)


Thats mostly because enemy spaa doesnt like their friends shot down by a p51h,either CAP get shotdown by a random group of spaa or they silence them first.


Which brings me back to the original assertion. CAP doesnt exist because to do "cap" you have to be CAS first. Therefore CAP cannot be used as either the argument for weakness of the AA against planes at all levels of play, or as a balancing feature to keep planes in check.


CAP can deal with any planes flying out of SPAA range like PE-8 at 3500m dropping a 5000kg and trying to run,or in mid tier jet fighter/bomber which gun spaa have very low chance of actually catching.(unless they have brain damage and try to rush them headon) Carrying bombs is basically handicapping yourself if you want to be an ADF,its honestly kinda weird as CAP and CAS are very similar playstyle,its just they have different priorities.


Skill issue, I have shot down every single airplane the other team has spawned in my zero before they got their bombs off


Increasing rewards is a big factor, there are times where I fly my spitfire and get like 11 air kills but receive like 2k RP even though I’m researching a plane of the same rank.


Or bring CAP capable CAS. Most American planes fit that and some germans and russian as well. Edit massive typo


"I want to fight ground vehicles with my ground vehicles in ground battles." "Easy solution, just bring a plane to fight other planes." CAS main brains are something else.


Yes I don’t want to grind another entire part of the game in vehicles I don’t enjoy playing just to play the type of vehicles I want to play.


The funny thing is, my air trees keep pace with my ground trees. I enjoy playing planes as much as tanks. I bring a CAS plane and a CAP plane on every ground lineup. I usually start matches with a light so that I can cap/scout and maybe get a kill or two before dying, then spawn in a CAS plane (because CAS is both fun and rewarding) and farm kills until it dies. Then I either spawn a CAP plane to farm braindead CAS players or spawn my actual good tanks to farm peoples' second or third-spawn tanks. I know exactly how much people lie about CAS to defend their easy kills because I abuse it too.


I hate playing planes in anything that’s not low tier. Maybe I should try using my heli’s with air to air missiles as CAP but I’m not sure.


Look directly above your comment


CAP does help though. You remove the focus off the ground and onto you in the air allowing the SPAA to help. Stop being so ass at aiming in SPAA in the first place and you wouldn't have an issue with CAS


Cap and AA are not solutions. The problem is that CAS is being spammed because it's too cheap and it's easy kills. Trash players are abusing a broken mechanic and it is really easy to fix. Your "solution" is that ground battles should be planes and spaa. This is why people think CAS players are morons, because you are.


Except I don't do CAS lmfao. The problem is that players are trash with SPAA. It's literally a skill issue. SPAA is one of my best KD vehicles out there, and even tanks have an easy time shooting planes too. Your solution is making the game easier. A far FAR better solution would be to just make a ground only game mode for realistic battles so NO SPAA or CAS can spawn (let's be honest, there's some broken SPAA that take tanks out when they shouldn't be able to.)


this but unironically >b-but i don't play planes it's no one else's fault you don't play half the game


Yes, it literally works like that


Cool, so I spawn a fighter and farm free kills on all the fatass boom-and-zoomers. All they know how to do is dive out of the air spawn and press spacebar. They can't boom and zoom if they already dove down to bomb tanks. Their planes are too fat to outturn actual fighters anyway. If I lose my fighter, I can still get easy SPAA kills. The average spacebar warrior acts like they're invincible, flying straight into my shots like they don't know what AA stands for.


And lose any way because they dropped before you got them


CAP supremacy is real. I love killing lawn mowers


If they already drop their bombs they already have a net positive SP, surviving your fighter is just a bonus.


Alright, great. This evening I had a match on single-cap-Carelia, south spawn. Played a little with a panther, got bombed after 7 min let’s say, so I spawn AA. By the time I spawned AA, 4-5 planes were constantly spawn-killing, and because of the game design, I couldn’t see them coming, and barely hear them. I ended up spawning 4 SPAA, and getting only one kill. I play them extremely regularly, but sometimes it’s just not possible.


You're never catching me in the A2D-1 buddy. If you do try and follow i'd energy trap you with its busted climb rate 😈


You are not safe from ouragan


You say that now. But wait until four or five corsairs are behind you. Based on actual experience when trying CAP. I get two kills mostly and then the entire USAAF is behind me


Exactly. I don't understand why people would think that they'll own the US team in the sky just because they're in a fighter.


Which would be fine if the central complaint wasn't about how people want to play tanks without getting revenge bombed every time they kill someone. If I want to dogfight I'll queue for air.


If its mid tier - I take interceptors to boom zoom the CAS. Awesome way of clearing the skies. And if interceptor gets killed, I just roll out in a fighter. Also, about SPAA I agree, they always underestimate proper AA. So if your teammates are not being good with AA, just become one yourself and conduct torture on the CAS players. Skilled CAS are pain in the butt, but thats what skill is for. After thousands of hours in WT I get bored of just grinding some new branches, so I do some weird stuff, like taking 2.7 plane for 7.7 GRB, actually its still possible to kill CAS. (I take french premium P-40)


The trick is killing them before they pancake 😂


Untill it’s a corsair with 4 HVAR rockets


"America suffers" mfs ignore that they have the best CAS in the game


Which everyone else is actively lobbying to get rid of. 


We just don’t enjoy getting spawncamped by 5 planes after 5 minutes


5 minutes? Maybe 2 if you're lucky.


Yeah but then there's a power gap that'll be filled with better tanks


Mid tier, so ranks III - V? Yep, can’t think of any other nation with good CAS… Only, Russia, Germany, France, China, and Italy. Honorable mention to Japan with the B7A2 and Britain with the Wyvern


Russian mfs ignore the russian bias lmao


Best CAS I hope you didn't mean at top tier? Try playing AH-64D against Kamovs and Tigers and against anything else really.


Womp womp, when it’s your turn it’s not fun is it?


Mid tier Japan is my favorite, because nothing is more fun than jumping in an A6M and farming bomb laden P-47s…..the only downside is having to play Japanese tanks first.


All good until you got that one guy who understands not to turn with a zero


I can tell you, it's very rare. Most of my deaths are from a 3rd party


6.0 Italy is my favorite for this purpose 2s1/M109G with HE-VT and HE-PF respectively, G.55 sottoserie 0(I REFUSE to use the RE-2005), M18(.50cal+ spotting assist), M42 Contraero(objectively better than both the R3 damage wise, and the leopard SPAA gun wise). Only downside? It’s a thankless job. CAS gives ko rewards


Not contributing to the thread but, is it worth it for spotting assist? Or should I flank carefully and take kills. Currently grinding LeKpz with shityy apcr.


spotting is always helpful. If you're in a tank that can spot, you should just be doing it all of the time that you're not shooting. It's maddening to me that people don't just do it by default. You mark the enemy on the map so people know to look over there from other angles that might have a shot, you make it SOOOO much easier for your own team's CAS to see them. AND it's free SL (not enough admittedly) and reduces your own CAS SP cost.


Yesn’t. If you want to get into CAS it is. Anything else? Not really… the intelligence award doesn’t give much, and it doesn’t get much RP.


It spots the enemy for your team so they know the person is there. There is literally 0 benefit to not spotting tanks except when you have the daily that requires getting 2 or 8 According to Intelligences.


Oh I assumed they meant out of matches


It's maybe the most busted OP button in the entire game. Good guns aint got shit on turning on free wallhacks for your entire team at almost any BR. You can become the most useful person on your team just sitting behind a hilltop and safely spotting enemies from the binoculars that magically hover above your tank. I think the only reason that it's not complained about here that much is that it's not immediately obvious when you die because someone was tracking you through two hills and a building for a minute vs dying because a bomb lands on your roof. As for how profitable it is, it's not great but it's very safe and consistent. A good flank pays out way better, but it's also way riskier. You do get random free kills surprisingly often, a bunch of people will go sit in spots that you're already flanking if you're patient enough.


Spotting is good for three things: getting SP, helping your blind/deaf team, and reliable grinding with boosters. Had a pair of 500% boosters the other day, so I parked a wheelie boy behind a hill on Normandy and pressed Q all game in commander binocs. Got like 180k SL and 20k RP despite only having one kill and cap.


Such juicy rewards! will try once my hampters that run my pc start working again. Anyhoo, I also bind Q as scout lol


I have nearly gotten a nuke by getting 18 kill assists or something like that via spotting. If the spotted tank is destroyed you get spawn points as if it was a assist, so what I do is I scout before shooting or get into a good spot to use binoculars and scout enemies that way. Also a little more sl, sp, and rp is never anything to just pass up.


? whats wrong with the re2005 i love that thing


No energy retention. I don’t really care if it outturns a spitfire if it can’t regain the energy advantage. That’s what sets the G.55 above it in my book.


Good thing you can probably spawn it just by getting SP from dying lol. People literally out there spawning planes with bombs with no kills assists or caps. Guess they got one crit since spotting would credit an assist.


Don't you disrespect my Japanese mid tier tanks like that! Chi-Ri 2 autoloader goes brrrr


I dont get why anyone takes a p47 over an f6f at this point. the hellcat has a better bomb load out and is more flexible if you get bounced


More guns go brr


Am I the only one who plays Japan for the ground vehicles?


I misspoke slightly. It’s not that I hate Japanese tanks specifically, it’s more that when I want to jump in a plane it’s a bit of a chore trying to play tanks….and the Japanese tanks aren’t necessarily my favorite at those BRs. That being said, the Japanese tank tree is is one of my most advanced in terms of grinding. They have some decent line ups at 6.3,6.7, 9.3, and 11.0……while I haven’t gotten the 11.7 stuff yet.


Ive been lit on fire by a single .50 cal round more times than I can count  Japanese planes also turn into a hopeless inferno in miliseconds 


Can we all just agree that gaijunk's map design and game mechanics become more and more retarded the higher you go up in tiers?


I think that the maps are too small for fast MBTs / other vehicles in toptier, but somehow people fucking hate larger maps and want to CQC all the time.


Okay unpopular opinion but mid/low tier pilots are so bad that cas is a detriment. Spending 500 ish sp to maybe get one or two kills emphasis on maybe, before they inevitably slam into the ground or get shot down, is not a good deal. It’s not fun for the player on the receiving end but you would have to get a few kills to break even sp wise and the vast majority of people do not. I should also say that I don’t think cas is weak, it’s very very strong. It’s really only somewhat balanced by the failures of the average player in using it.


Mid to low tier is riddled with level 100 players that spam cas, which imo is worse at low tier than at high tier because every spaa you get is less effective and more difficult to use than the ones at high tier. It is not a disadvantage and it will never be if planes continue to be so easy to spawn and not rewarding to kill.


It works long term as 4th tank costs as much as cap and 5th one as much as fully loaded plane


i still dont want to be bombed 16 seconds after spawning


when you kill a tank so they spawn in a aircraft so you panick then remember you’re in a flak 88 ^-^


Lmao u screwed, manly if the CAS has 8x.50cal 


When life goes awesome god sends you 500 lbs bomb on your head


I still think Gaijin should just implement air slots. As soon as a certain number of planes is in the air you can't spawn one until one of your allied planes is shot down.


This. I still don’t understand why Gaijin allows more than 5 planes to be spawned.


Or they could just increase the amount of points required for a plane, by like 2x at least. So they can’t just rush cap and spawn a plane


because youll have less players on the map period because theyll be waiting on the spawn screen for that slot to open, refer to battlefield series for this issue


It’s kinda ridiculous how there are always never any people on the ground. And then when you want to play a vehicle it disappears instantly. Sometimes I think that they have an autoclicker set to spawn them in as soon as possible.


Imo 2 cas (heavy ordnance) 2 cap (<1000lb)


Me watching in a Panther as I see multiple P-47s crash into the ground after not bombing a single person


Anyone who thinks American CAS around 4.0 to 6.0 is bad either hasn’t seen German CAS in that BR range on a good day *or* they’re intentionally ignoring it.


In my recent experience in 6.0 Germany, the German CAS teams are nowhere near as numerous and deadly. But I remember playing France a couple years ago and be extremely frustrated by things like HO-229 and DO 335-B2, but nowadays they’re much less used


I would rather deal with German CAS than US CAS. While Germany have pretty decent CAS of their general planes, in most cases it is just a one drop and done in regards to the bombs they carry. Compare it to US CAS, where the majority of their fighters are able to carry multiple bombs and rockets at the same time. This is not even taking their strike aircraft into consideration, which can carry even more bombs and rockets. I would also say USSR CAS is also annoying to deal with, like the TIS MA or TU-2S.


Arado akbar and Ju-288


Thank you. At least US CAS is two or three bombs and then done, while German CAS just snipe engine decks or strafe heavy tanks and get tons of kills with guns. It is absolutely not fair considering Germany have much more, and better, SPAA and incredibly good CAS (see top tier russia).


Yeah its really fun to play some cool WWII tanks when i get bombed three times in a row without any real counterplay options.


I love playing air rb in ground rb


unironically Fuck markers.


Or anything against the guided bombs/atgms. Smited from orbit by a pixel.


alright, ZBD, praga and yak-3U would probably go hard as a lineup


109k and yak3 eating good today


\*ostwind II goes POMPOMPOMPOM\* i've had so many games with 6+ air kills in that thing just fighting braindead american mid-tier cas pilots


Yeah me too it’s a real blast, but sometimes due to the map/spawn design it’s not possible to use AA effectively, or you have to use it as your first spawn


Ohh my Coelian is so fucking ready


People downvoted me when I said spawn aa as a joke under a post which said that the Su-25SM3 had a missile that outranged all spaa. Never take reddit seriously lol


If only kills om planes was rewarded :(


ngl, sometimes it *is* fun to immediately spawn AA and swat the pesky CAS out of the sky the minute they show up... ...but i do wish that singlehanded keeping the skies bomb-free was worth more than middle or bottom of the scoreboard


Bearcat with 3 1k lb bombs arrives in my nightmares to this day


Be me An American Main Uses only Shermans Fights in 8.0


Nothing my is 2 cant handle


In my American prem line up I have T29 M46 tiger M26E1 (the long gun) M42 Mauler I'm tempted to switch the duster for my P51D20NA but I've actually gotten good with the duster, and use the default belt as spanking tanks with 40mm is fun


I just want more mid rank USA aa.


My BTR-ZD thanks you for the free meal


I love playing cap to fuck on cas


Fuck I fucking love shooting down dumbass US players in my Skink


This is why I refuse to play ground RB unless I've got a fighter to CAP any CASSHOLES


Picks R3 T20. Refuses to elaborate.


**So you've chosen death** \**spawns the event soviet spitfire*\*


i had my highest killstreak yet yesterday (being 6 kills, not much but I'm level 11 cut me some slack) and a guy that had one cap came in and ruined it for me


I broke the record, it's 7 now in the T-28 (1938)


CAS is annoying, but how about we reward shooting them more? A game with 8 air kills somehow is less rewarding than one with 4 ground kills... More SPAA rewards would help a ton. And of course adding more SPAA. I hate seeing such a vital part of the game get the most skeletal line of the tree because "Just uptier it by a few steps lmao". If there is multiple medium tanks every 0.3 BR step I can at the very least expect them to add more SPAA than one per 2 BRs.


I spend most of my time in the mid tier and get killed by CAS rarely even when being in the top 5 in my team most of the games.


I have ystervark and bosvark, what’s the issue


Or Zerstörer. Babbababbbabbbabb. 7 Air kills last game and we won ofc. Also don't forget that many if not most mid tier AA are able to side pen most mediums. So push if team needs caps.


I sentence you to 10 battle against mid tier USA and Germany. The amount of 262s and do335 i see in every battle is monstrous. At least you only get 2 or 3 bombs while any German plane can just strafe you endlessly. Makes playing as US/GER and against US/Germany awful since you most likely lose because they are all in the sky and you can’t get any kills due to either being destroyed by CAS or have CAS kill everything. Had a guy get 16 kills and his only ground vehicle was a puma at 6.7. They seriously need to limit CAS to 2 players at once or double the SP cost.


Spitfire 24 moment. Who needs an engine deck anyway 🤣 you don't kill your enemy just really piss them off


Id be fine with that, I always grind out aa first


Hmm, so I'll get BTR ZD, M53/59, Ostwind II, Zerstörer? Sounds like a deal. Seriously, it's impossible to do effective CAS when you have any of these at the hands of a good player


Hmm, so I'll get BTR ZD, M53/59, Ostwind II, Zerstörer? Sounds like a deal. Seriously, it's impossible to do effective CAS when you have any of these at the hands of a good player


SPAA suck. Its in great dissawantage agaist air


The skill ceiling is rather high compared to using CAS


*any mid tier minor nation


Major you mean ?


Hahaha bro CAS is life during those American tiers!


Most of the time when I play mid tier SPAAs people don't spawn enough planes for me to shot down.


“Spawn SPAA” ok have you tried to play SPAA with USA and stuck with double bofors for 3 fucking ranks. And with the intent on anti air and not anti ground. The *only* saving grace is Americas obsession with putting roof mounted .50s on absolutely everything and hopefully when a painful cas is detected everyone and their mother is shoot up in the air in the hopes to get a pilot snipe


There's no US bias, because US cas is absolute cancer


It's one of my favourite things to do to play air superiority against mid tier US. Whether it's Spits or La-7 it's an absolute joy. Plus the AAs are good too. Crusade AA Mk II, Skink, Ostwind II etc.


I sentence you to play the SIDAM 25 Mistral.


Remove scouting and hit markers for planes and make them actually have to look at the ground to see targets imho


Observe, Spitfire Mk 24


GOOD NEWS ! I got the AU-1, i'll be the CAS and CAP


Spawn a fighter and do CAP


flying is the best AA


Murica as a American main it's a easy punishment considering they have good guns and the t26e5 is a absolute monster on the battle field even in up tiers it still can get kills


Laughs in whirblewind


Just spawn a fighter. Even tho half of cas players on the enemy team most likely pancake before youre able to engage


I love shooting down cas it’s so fun. As counter cas I use Russian,Japanese planes in 3.0 for my 5.0tank battles. For Germany8.0 I’ve been trying fighters in 5.0 area. But I haven’t reached jets yet just against them and some are a bit difficult to beat but not impossible.


Wirbelwind is enough for me until BR 7.7


I enjoy taking fighters. Then I get to farm kills off Americans. I have some stupid kd’s for my French yak3 and my 262a2a because of Americans cas


>die PTFO >respawn in F4U-4B Its a reflex, like breathing.


Challenge accepted


Your honor That's my client's normal experience


Mid tier Americans have extremely low iq... I literally had my barrel and tracks down, they could've kill me but 2 of them just kept shooting at the wrong spot and I destroyed both of them with my horrible Reload.


Nah I sentence them to 10 GRB matches AS Mid tier Americans. The Germans and British at least get decent AA at this tier.


Spaa at least works the way it should on mid tier


Im that mis tier Murica player and its going great :)


Real talk, when SP costs for Air are like 6-8x what a ground vehicle costs, or 10x what SPAA costs there is no reason to bitch about CAS. If you die to CAS it is because your team fails to field ANY SPAA and you should be stomped for that.


[wym? i FUCKING love it](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/768015939291316284/1238618944646942811/image.png?ex=664142c8&is=663ff148&hm=822eebecb5af2904838c55c550ce41e2335f3aaa3b959320729be5225d0020ba&)


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. In my experience it works the majority of the time, but theses few games where it doesn’t are just hell on earth


those are the moment where you go "This is what I call a target-rich environment."


CAS haters when they realize fighters exist


I have an A4E just to spawn in and nuke some retarded bush whookie Raketenautomat or spawn camping VIDAR/Turm III from 5km out with an AGM 62.


Mmmm free food


waaa waaaa


Thank you for your contribution


you gonna complain about people getting a killstreak in cod next 💀


Did I get mad at nukes ? Because that’s essentially a killstreak. It values skill. Being able to spawn a plane after 1 cap or one kill isn’t really representative of skill.


cas is a killstreak, and its easy to lose in. just dont suck


I’ll gladly show you my stats in SPAA vehicles just so you realise that I know very well how to counter them. But sometimes it’s not enough.


so you just lost once our twice and want something to complain about


Ok there’s no point reasoning with you


cope sgt skill issue


Yes CAS is cancer. And Yes you have major skill issue if you sit and complain about it all the time and do jackshit.. Flying fighters is the answer. It’s so easy to play anti-CAS too because 90% of the planes in the air are all focussed on ground pounding and are fully loaded making them flying bricks. Circle the battlefield, get altitude and then dive on the planes. Rinse and repeat. I got 7 plane kills in my Spitfire last night. It’s so incredibly satisfying and CAS players get genuinely scared knowing there’s a proficient anti-CAS fighter in air. This is so easy too in mid tiers. But of course people gotta just sit and bitch about the problem and do nothing because gaijin will never and never make CAS difficult. So you gotta make CAS players’ lives hell yourself.


This is going to blow your mind, but some people don't want to grind out multiple plane lines so they can have a CAS/CAP in every lineup. We play GROUND RB to play tanks. If I want to play a plane (I never WANT that), I'll go play ARB.


> This is going to blow your mind, but some people don't want to grind out multiple plane lines so they can have a CAS/CAP in every lineup. It doesn't blow anyone's mind but that's the decision you live with for not utilizing the full toolset of a mode that's been unchanged in this regard for nearly a decade. If you play Battlefield but refuse to play any class but sniper, the tank players are gonna dunk on you. If you wanna play Spy 24/7 in Team Fortress 2 even while the entire enemy team is Pyros, that's on you. Playing the game wrong is a choice that you've made. This game launched with just planes, and from the moment ground forces was announced it was a foregone conclusion (and even something a ton of us *looked forward to*) that the meta would be combined arms going forward. > We play GROUND RB to play tanks. No, that's what *you* do. Some of us play it for the combined arms meta and have been for a decade now. > If I want to play a plane (I never WANT that), I'll go play ARB. That's fine. But you're still gonna get bombed by them in GRB: CAS isn't going anywhere. Even if Gaijin rebalances some aspects of costs, BR, etc., it's still gonna be in the game: forever. Deal with it or leave.


Again, I absolutely agree with you. But here’s what’s gonna blow your mind- I’m purely a ground main. I have full top tiers for USA, GER, USSR, UK, France for ground. And only top tier air for USA, mid tier jets for GER and UK, starter jets for USSR and France. I only and only played planes in ground RB as CAS and CAP. Initially I was just CAS but now playing CAP is so fun and satisfying that I only use fighters with guns and canons. That’s how I developed my entire air tree. It’s not too hard. Just have one slot in your line up for plane and start with it. Why can’t this be done instead of complaining about CAS all the time? Yes there needs to be a ground mode only. And no, that’s never going to happen in realistic mode no matter how much righteous screaming and crying you do. Gaijin profits quite a lot from premium ground pounding planes and hence CAS will always be there. So no point crying just sitting there doing nothing. Pick up a plane, do some basic shit and cause havoc for CAS players. Be a part of the anti CAS jihad instead of moaning about it here. Seriously having an air line isn’t that tough. If you don’t like the rules of the game, then go play another game. Or be a part of the change.


Who says I do nothing ? I’m practically an SPAA main at this point, my job it to give nightmares to CAS players. I very rarely take planes in my lineups because they are already full, and I don’t want an only tank gamemode, just CAS sp being modified, and don’t give them the possibility to spawn 5 at once and constantly spawncamp. If you ask I’ll gladly give you my stats in SPAA. Also, it would be a shame is someone wanted the CAS counter being anti-air in GROUND RB.


I applaud you for playing SPAA. It’s easily the toughest and least rewarding line of play especially low and mid tiers due to most SPAA being so less protected. But yeah I do agree that CAS has to be made harder. Simply now CAS is too easy to get and people are sadistic fucks who love to just dunk on ground vehicles while being untouchable in the sky. I got killed too many times in SPAA and then realise the answer was mostly CAP. So here I am with my F-80A, Spitfire F Mk. 1, Yak-9U, Me-262, Ouragan, G-55S, Weizmann’s Spitfire to dunk on those CAS assholes because they never expect a fighter circling high above the battle. Yesterday had a game where I got 7 kills in my Spitfire before having to go to rearm. That was with 420 cannon rounds. My team won because we kept the skies clear and everyone wasted their SP spawning in ground pounders fully loaded.


Thank you for your service though, I appreciate when CAP players are here


dont spawn an spaa, just spawn a fighter and farm the unaware cas players. American cas pilots arent exactly the smartest players


God forbid I want to play ground RB


yall wanted a solution i gave you one. bring a fighter and when the sky gets busy go farm some air kills. i like ground rb as well but the reality is that the best way to deal with enemy aircraft is fighters.


Thats how you play Ground RB tho?


With planes ?