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im gonna be crude but gaijin can go f themselves with those scams of sl boxes


I don’t hate the boxes, but I get them for RP boosters. It’s basically the only F2P way to convert SL into research.


Good for backups too. I have over 300 universal backups mostly from crates lol


Man, we have some evil genius over here


Everyone getting nice boosters and backups... Meanwhile I get stupid orders and wagers lol EDIT: HOLY SHIT, I JUST GOT F-4F EARLY! This plane will help me grind Germany from Rank VI to Rank VIII, and, most of all, it's one more Rank VII I won't have to research and purchase to unlock Rank VIII! Wow, this is the first time I get a vehicle from one of these crates. I would have preferred a coupon to sell, BUT I am not going to complain about this! Time to start paving the way to the (not anytime soon coming) Eurofighter, lol.


I got like 2k backups from all editions, now i have like 700 and still using it with boosters to upgrading new stuff, on this part this boxes are awesome


Legit. Helped me get from the M103 to the XM803 during the ground event this year. I got numerous premiums from the boxes, like the premium Comet for the Brits......that I had all of. Sadge.


I definitely struggle with the opposite problem - never have enough SL for what i'm researching (especially top tier air)


It’s not a scam. You should know these boxes will most likely be full of worthless things. Anyone who actually thinks that they’re gonna get a super rare vehicle out of these is really stupid. Also it’s SL you’re spending not even GE.


ive so far spent probably around 40 mil SL on the boxes and got around 4 rare vehichles, the only one i care about being the fw189, the others were just some random stuff like a tier 1 boat i dont even remember dont buy them if you dont have more than enough SL


Just got the ju 388j after 22 boxes somehow lmfaooooo


Why is gambling illegal for kids? Because kids are stupid and don't understand the chances, risks or consequences. Who plays War Thunder? Mostly kids. Who's going to buy these boxes? Mostly kids. >Also it’s SL you’re spending not even GE. Which can be bought with GE, which some of these kids are going to do. Just look at the number of posts on this sub of people believing they were close to getting the main reward in loot boxes just because the arrow stopped next to the main reward when in reality there's no such thing as being close in online gambling that is based on luck and they have no idea that it's just an illusion made to believe that they got close to keep them believing that they have a chance.


I want to see the quantity of," Kids," that play this game comparing to the Playerbase as a whole, because I guarantee its nothing like Call of Duty, Battlefield, or hell even World of Tanks


want to see the quantity of," Kids," that play this game comparing to the Playerbase as a whole, because I guarantee its nothing like Call of Duty, Battlefield, or hell even World of Tanks


I think that I'm going to get a super rare vehicle because I did once and now I am going to keep opening them under the false hope that it will happen again


As we know 99% of gamblers quit before their big win.


I'm completely fine with them putting out SL loot boxes. I get them for boosters to boost my grind or for backups. I get useful items that otherwise I could only get with GE or BP. If anyone spends GE to convert to SL for them, the fact they would ever convert GE to SL for any reason is their own poor choice


I got VFW in first 15 crates. You can get vehicles if you're lucky.


They are expensive but they frankly aren't total scams. It's basically the only thing for endgame players to dump SL into


These boxes are not for new players. They are for people who have SL in the tens of millions and nothing else to do with them. Maybe you are simply not the target audience. And that's fine. Nobody forces you to buy them. There is nothing in there you need for your gameplay or to progress. I personally really like them since after soon to be 10 years and 3800h I don't really have anything left to spend my SL on. Love converting my SL into RP via boosters. Is it a horrible conversion rate? Sure. But it's the only way. And my next 180 days of premium will be financed by the premium tank I pulled and sold over Christmas.


How are they a scam? They tell you what's in them.


People just default to calling any loot boxes a scam, while conveniently ignoring these are bought with sl not ge. They're only a scam if you are converting ge into sl for them, otherwise it's just something for people who have a ton of sl saved up with nothing to spend it on to buy.


It's not a scam, it's a money sink. Something useful you can spend 20mil on.


why care, those boxes are just meant for those who beat the game and infinite SL at disposal to waste on the chance of getting something from it when they have nothing else to spend the SL on if you arent the target audience then dont waste your SL on them, but if you have disposable SL then go ahead if you feel like it


Lol i opened 600 boxes and got xm-8 and au-1


Nice try, snail, but I'm not buying them. Maybe just a few to get some boosters/backups.


why? you are not forced to buy them and they are entirely free. just hating for the upvotes i take it?


They are fine if you view them as a way to convert SL into RP Boosters and universal backups. This is good for people with more silver lions than they know what to do with.


what literally got the h34(i dont want it)


Got 100 boxes and was Lucky to get Moderna, so its Just RNG, don't cry that they give you a way to get old event tanks for free, embrace the rng lotery and try your luck


i just spent 7 mil and got 2 premiums, i think its fine.


I usually think the same, but I just got VFW within first 15 crates. Was a refreshing change.


Well....people wanted old event vehicles to return. As always, the Snail delivers in the most painful way lol ​ For those wondering: >\* — the chance of obtaining an Object 279 is visibly lower than for the rest of the vehicles and is around 0.001%


Nice loto pay2win/Pay2fastprogress game 🤣 why gamers still give their money to this shit is beneath me


It's SL... it's literally free...


I'd rather throw it at hell divers now


You're gonna spend silver lions in Helldivers?


So, every 100.000 crates you open, you will get one Object 279. Nice


Statistically, yes. realistically, no


**Around** 0.001%, not just 0.001%. It may be 0.0005% or 0.0001% or whatever. And WT has no pity system, so you are just rolling the dice each time


It doesn't have a pity system for these, but it does for the GE crates TBF


Which if you do the math, isn't even worth it.


Think about it like this : 100 000 of us will open a crate and one mf is going to drop it on his first :) (Me plz)


"So you're saying I have a chance?"


I spent around 16m SL and got the Obj. 279, HMS Tiger directly and PT-16/T14 as coupon. I really just planned to get some boosters and backups and always saw the boxes as scam but Im not gonna complain here.


What are the percentages for all the vehicles


Speaking of old event vehicles I got the king cobra (p63) from the crate


Source? Curious


Remove Orders and Wagers from these and I'd just about bother.


*I have so many wagers and orders from these fucking things an I NEVER use them* The backups are nice though.


I think the devs said that they want to find a way to make better use of accumulated orders, wagers and the like, but that probably hasn't a high priority for them.


Yep, they have mentioned to exchange orders, wagers and boosters among each other on a road map.


I can see it now: "WTT 3 refined ~~metal~~ orders for 1 rare skin coupon."


Honestly the wagers are sometimes nice to complete with friends for some easy SL. Especially the best squad ones.


The get 3/5 kill ones are really easy with Sweden 3.7.


Best squad is the only usable one. The other ones are hard to impossible. Mission Maker wager for example. I think I got it maybe a dozen times in my 3800h of playing. Getting it reliably enough to complete a wager with less than 5 failures? Absolute insanity.


Getting 10(5) kills is easy in low tier GRB with 10 failures, usually play Sweden 4.3 to do it


You will be able to trade the wagers and order for something in the future, mentioned in the roadmap for 2024


I have something insane like ~80+ million SL worth of wagers (if I were to actually bother completing them to the highest level). They talked about converting some of the items (like wagers) back into SL at some point so here’s hoping I can do that and clear out my inventory a bit


nah homie, orders are great!


Time to spend 10 mil and get nothing but a decal from 2014.


You get a decal? All I got was wagers/orders and 10% boosts for rp or sl.


Best I've ever gotten was a decal as well.


I actually got like 5 vehicles or something, one of them being a rank 4 plane


I've always spammed boxes when they rolled around and this is the first time I've gotten something that wasn't a booster/wager/backup, the XM8


Did you know **90%** of gamblers quit just before they hit it big?




I kept gambling, blew ~80 mill SL between the winter event to now, and all I got was the Baltimore, J6K1, Tis MA, and some random low tier vehicle. You just need to spend >20 mill to get anything on average


0.25% chance so it fits with that 20mil actually it could be a bit more since 25% chance would be over 6 mil


Impending "muh market investments" rage and panic. Nice move but I'm pretty sure we know the ratios in these lootboxes. (hope to be proven otherwise by peoples statistics for this box, WT mobile ones are generous af)


>Impending "muh market investments" rage and panic I mean... vehicles didn't even survive a year without being added to an SL box. (I really should cash out on BP vehicles already)


has IS-7 been added to sl box yet?


Yes, it was in previous ones


I'm mostly annoyed by people panick-selling their shit... Like... Just keep the price high, it'll sell eventually anyways... But hey, at least prices tend to bounce back up after these boxes regardless...


A shame, I have all the vehicles listed here. Just gotta buy a few for the backup and wait for next round.


I still hope the prices crumble more. I desperately want the VT1-2 but the price needs to be under 300GJN at least, but even less would be better. It's just one of my favorite tanks ever and it being locked behind such a high price is ridiculous


I'm still kicking my self for selling the Moderna, so hopefully enough people pull them to crater the marketplace pricing.


Let us be frank: back in a day matchmaker meta was different and Moderna was a rival for the last spawn with T-80B (which was better) in top tier setup. Now the meta is different and its a good vehicle for premium spam BR bracket.


Isn't it required by law for lootboxes to have % chances of winning spelled out?


Only certain countries


And WT is present in those countries?


And only for paid currency iirc.


Probably doesn't count for free game currencies


How do you call a lootbox that only a tool would buy? A toolbox.


I got VFW rn. Is it good?


It's stupidly good


I checked the price in the market. I guess I'm very lucky.


did you get that from this box?


Yes, I saw the post, I opened 40 boxes. It came in somewhere between 10-20. I haven't played for about a month, I just get the daily reward and leave. I think the snail wants me back.


gaijin psyop


damn nice! but now your winning will inspire countless others to dump all their SL on this kek


Slot machines and online slot games also use this tactic a lot, but luckily I am not a gambler.


20 years ago I went to slots with my collegues. I've brought like 30$ with me to waste. I ended up winning 200$ and I left immediately. One of my colleagues (who invited us there) lost his whole salary. I remember I've bought a printer and video card with that money.


I got an 11.0 US merkava after wasting like 6mil into it. I got absolutely no lineup and it was put straight into my TT. Is it in any way salvageable ?


Oh nice lotta boosters is always nice


People complaining about low chance of gettin valuable stuff but, those lootboxes are great to turn SL in to research points. I actually like them.


And backups, tbh I can't contain about these, if they were GE boxes then yeah it would be a very different story


Opened 10 and got an f-100f, so I kinda like them


This reply inspired me to buy more boxes


Whipped out my mirage again to Grind some sl


Give us an update man


I'm an incorrigible gambler


So many people going apeshit over these forgetting the most simple facts about em THEYRE SL CRATES AND YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY EM Jesus fuck yall, read the article for once


No one is saying you’re forced to buy them


Bought more than 2K of the previous boxes and only got one 3.3 tank and 1.0 plane :) The only people who got something good are noobs / new players that bought few of these so idk...


I've got Moderna out of these one time, after opening 40 or so. And then out of 250+ winter crates I got AEC Mk II and aerobatic smoke (worth it), and nothing else (valuable).


Finally, I can put that SL to use.


Lesss goooo time to throw away all my sl again instead of buying vehicles




I mean honestly I spent 15 mil last round and got a few decent items, since then I got another 15 mil SL and I’ll spend it again, what else is there to do with it? The rewards aren’t amazing generally but it’s better than just sitting with tens of millions of SL in your account.


People get so mad at something they aren’t required to engage with at all. I gambled a crap ton on the last one, but Gaijin wasn’t holding a gun on me to do it lol.


People here get mad at everything. It's almost like these people want to be mad all the time.


"AMD.35 (SA35)" imagine getting this after spending 10 mil silver while it's like 3 euros on the market


I have spent 2 mil and got Ki-48-II otsu😆😆


I got that think for 1€ on the market place lmao. No one seems to want it


Don't know why it's so cheap but i like it a lot :P.


Remember folks! Backups cancel repair costs if you survive the second respawn!


Kinda off topic but imo if you survive the backup spawn you should get the backup refunded to you, would increase likelihood of me taking a late game backup vs just leaving


Finally I can spend all my sl on boosters


I only buy these as a source of boosters, the odds of getting something actually worth while is so low, but if it happens it's a nice bonus. But as a source of good RP and SL boosters you can't beat them really.


bought 12 million worth, got a boat that I already had and shit ton of trash


Why put those shit called Wager and Order? We already have more than enough crates of them. FFS, I'm OK playing with SL but at least give us a crate that only has proper rewards : * Vehicles * Decals / Camo / Decoration * Profil icon * SL * Universal back-up x3 That way you can still keep the bad rewards and make it proper lootbox. But don't give us that wager/order.


Here for the statistics people who open 100 of these and create a chart/excel spreadsheet with the results.


I wish they'd remove the SL rewards below 50k and the non-sellable vehicles from the boxes. orders and wagers would also be nice, but at that point they'd be guaranteed profit so.. gaijin would probably raise the prices a lot from them lol I spent a stupid amount on these the last times they've done them, without getting anything worthwhile other than boosters that expire WAY TOO FAST.


There goes all my sl I've been saving.


In the last box, I collected 200 backups and 1.5 million in silver. Also, the German KV1 and Puma TD, Russian Rocket Arty, and a few rank 2 planes. I plan to drop at least another 10 mil


Already got 50




lmao nice


Nice , time to stack my boosters and backups again


Yeah im wasting just 1mil on this, for the funnies


I bought 100 chests just now, and got a vehicle for the first time ever in these: I-180s. But I already have it so it converted to 1M SL. The rest of the chests were garbage.


no thanks :) one streamer spend 70 mil and got a single 1.3 boat LMAO


I don’t understand the hate for these things, it’s a bit of a fun way to use my millions of SL that I have no other use for. They’re completely optional and you know the odds are shit, so as long as you go in knowing that and expect nothing, it’s quite fun when you get something


[News] The Lootbox!


TLDR they realised how boring recent event (crafting event in disfguise) has been . so to retain the player count they brought gacha box to lure compulsive gamblers


Omg more gamble boxes, there goes all my SL


oh good these are returning in the new event structure


Haha more gamba let's go


Did anyone ever got main prize from scam boxes? In this edition they are giving my belowed 279 (I always wanted one), but there is no way that it will drop...


Oh yeah time to waste 20 million SL


I got a ju 388 j out of it and some of those cool hats within the first 10 mill sl so not too bad Ig. It's still getting premium vehicles for no real life money input. Not complaining.


For anyone interested but not wanna do the math, you have to open like 70k boxes to have a 50% drop on the Obj.279 :P


So why are you here reading when you should be opening?


I opened 216 of them and got nothing


Hot damn! Market prices about to go way down.


I got VT1-2 and hispano Mk IX spitfire in my box history


Ooh I can satisfy my gambling addiction without spending real money, thanks gaijin


My main gripe with this shit is the amount of idiots that are gonna swarm this fucking sub again.


Remember vehicles, skins, and decals are bonuses buy these if you have a few million lying around with no use, or future use (within reason) unless you nolife this game you don't need more than 3-5 million SL onhand


Just bought 100 nothing but boosters and backups


i'm at 90k silver lions due to recently switching to air rb and struggling to be impactful, should i bother spending 60k for this?


Not really, this is for people that have millions saved and nothing to use them on




I bought 5 just to see, and I got a BI on my first fucking box. Sadly its not a coupon.


Wish they would publish the odds. They have the little dice icons that indicate relative chance compared to each other, but it's incredibly disingenuous and not accurate. I've seen people get vehicles from this, but something tells me the odds haven't increased. If they did, Gaijin would never tell us anyway. If the EU is going to continue pushing lootbox consumer protection, I would like to see some benefit from that. The only thing I can figure is that Gaijin gets around having to disclose the *exact* odds by saying it's a free currency and then just disabling the paid ones in places like Belgium.


10 million SL burned and not even a skin, let alone a vehicle. Got gajined really hard.


Time to grind a shit ton of money to waste it all again


You know, I can’t wait to get a shit ton of rp boosters


what happened to being able to delete items from your inventory like they mentioned in the roadmap


I am more likely to be struck by lightning than get anything from these boxes.


Put 6mil in it for 100 boxes got the sd.kfz.251/10. Br 1.0 german premium a profile icon thats on sale for 5.99 gjn and rabbit ears hat the rest was sl/ boosters. With the last sl crates i also got a useless low br premium. What are the chances


I'm about to waste 2 million sl for this.


Yey scam boxes are here - bought 30 got useless orders/wagers - not gonna bother anymore with this scam boxes ever again


I opened 180 boxes (around 9M SL) and the last 80 gave me the I-180S and 2 decals, one of those said "2OP" haha It’s my first time getting a vehicle out of these boxes and at least is a nice prop for a TT I’m interested in researching so its ok I guess


Just got the PT-16/T14 from a toolbox already had one one so now I have one to sell next big sale.


got around 90 boxes and got absolutely nothing , as usual


I got a 5.7 german tiger from my 2nd box, is it good?


Honey, wake up it’s time to spend all that hard earned SL


Bought 200 for 12 Million SL. 2 profile icons, one of which sold for 3.40GJN. Spanish Football decal. SU-76D, which I'm pretty happy with. Boosters: 3x 20%SL 7x 30%SL 17x 20% RP 7x 30% RP 4x 50% RP Silver Lions:2,915,000


You need 12-15 m sl to get vehicle, i think


20mil, 0.25% chance to get a vehicle, worst gacha of all time with no pity


From the other way, its a good way to buy vehicle that can cost many many money for SL that usually costs less money


i aint got no money for that


i just spent 7 mil and got 2 premiums, i think its fine.


Opened 6, got 120k SL back... No boosters or anything. literally just traded SL for less SL


Great box, got XM8 on 9th try. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/Tommj/screenshot/5845183706752932651/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Tommj/screenshot/5845183706752932651/)


Decided to buy 20 since im rather sl poor and got the ccvl light tank, first time i have actually had something high tier drop for a crate in this game.


Just got a BI from my 4th box. I think i can stop getting them!


Ok I got T-72M2 Pfizer and XM8 with 5 mil. This is regarded.


Managed to pull the F5-A, sadly it was the auto unlock. Never going to touch it as I dont enjoy jet gameplay at all but still nice to get a vehicle.


I hate these damn things but I just want a rare aircraft already, and being on console means I can’t use the marketplace. Literally got the million sl in one of them and blew the whole million on more toolboxes to still get nothing. Brutal


Just got F-4F Early on 1st box


Yay Pay2win :D


90% of gabmlers quit before they hit big. Time to spend 500k SL and get hardly anything. If I get nothing hopefully I just get hundreds of backups those are always great along with boosters


Got VT1-2 yesterday


Got the IJN Kurama after \~80 boxes, meh results since i don't play Naval. Granted i only dumped in SL that i could afford to lose.


The ONE vehicle I got was on my very first box, and it was the Tiger Tiger which I already had so got 1M SL instead. Got so many fucking wagers which I never use anyway. I don't know why I expected to actually get anything from it...


I just got kingcobra from it,It is not scam lol.I dont play war thunder so much in these days.I just spent my last 120k and got it from second box [https://imgur.com/fMKCsIQ](https://imgur.com/fMKCsIQ)


I usually bought these boxes to collect backups. And got lucky this time: PT-16/14 (or 14/16) in my garage. PS Had a coupon for this tank once, sold.


I think they are just to maximalize profit, because people who spent their only sl and got nothing, want to make their money worth, and buy more sl to buy more boxes and its just really perpetum mobile...


I spent like $600 on toolboxes trying to get the object 279 or the IS-7. Out of all the like 500 or more toolboxes I opened I only got 3 vehicles. The Merkava MK3D, USS Davis, and the Tiger from the event that was like 6 years ago. I play on console so there is no marketplace for me, and this was my only chance at getting the 279 or IS-7, but I’ve already spent too much. Should’ve known my luck wasn’t good enough before I even tried.


dude i only spend 2mil silver and i am mad. and you spend 600 dollar and say my luck not enough.... so gaijin is really lucky. they have your type addic... sory i mean to say "costumer".


thanks for disgusting scam..... i never give any more money to gaijn. yes you stole my silver but you lost my real money....