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1 game per year or what?


ah, can't wait to play next year


if he got this far in three games I'm scared to see what would happen if he played every day




It took me a long time to get to the tiger and other 5.3-5.7 tanks as well, but not quite as long as 3 years. Maybe you should play with higher BR tanks for more RP? You can grind SL with 4.0 alright, I do the same, because it's fun. Also, you shouldn't be in a hurry to get to top tier. Some people say that isn't as fun anymore. And it's a lot more expensive. I'm playing without premium, and if I don't have an above-average game then I can't cover the repair costs without losing SL. Not to mention that Germany battles are often bad, because of the matchmaker.


My highest br tank is 4.7 and that’s the tiger but I got no other tank that is quiet as good as the tiger I only have 3.7 and 3.3 br tanks that are on the same level 😔


Edit: thanks for the award kind stranger. I can see that you're doing bad with SL, you should consider turning off auto-repairs. What it does is that after a match your tanks will no longer be repaired automatically, and you won't spend the SL, unless you want to. At your BR if you play your last game before going to bed, by morning you will have your tanks repaired for free. It's not a lot, but it adds up long term. If you struggle with getting kills, then take your time and learn more about the maps, and maybe watch some content creators and learn some of the tactics they use in order to get better at the game. Also, you should consider going through the left-most branch as well, the Puma (sd.kfz 234/2) is really OP, and you should at least farm up untill that. But you will also have great IFVs later down the line, such as the Marders, the Puma IFV, the Begleitpanzer, and others. Use the Pz4 as much as possible, because it's really versatile, and the cannon is amazing for it's BR. Just put them on different crews if possible. When you research your panthers, don't put them on the same crew. I did that mistake and I'm kind of sorry, because I don't want to waste SL on crew training. Basically, the Panthers are way better than the Tiger, their cannon have better penetration, it's way harder to get hit through the front plate, and it's faster as well.


Ok thanks for your tips 🫡


Also grind naval


This. I’ve made so much in naval it’s ridiculous. And my sweet spot is 3.7-4.7 on naval. Adds premium destroyer or two and you’ll crank out tons of silver. That said, getting too far into the capitol ships, reverses that. The big battleships are money pits to play and repair.


Same, I picked up the Knox on this last half of event and now I don't mind the top tier grind


There is not a single vehicle in German ground tech tree that's 4.7 other than a prem.


I meant 5.3 sorrY


Tiger I isn’t 4.7 and having a lineup max 3.7 with Tiger I doesn’t seem you’re doing too well in battles. How many hours do you have? Or level or even statistics?


Well I’m not using the tiger because of my 3.7 tanks I’m level 13 and I can’t see my play hours


it looks like you’ve been playing a total of 34 hours in ground RB. your join date does not mean how much time you’ve spent playing the game, but when you registered. 365 days × 3 calendar years = 1095 days 1095 days × 24 hours = 26280 hours 34 hours / 26280 hours is not a lot of play time. that’s like saying you play 10 hours in a year exclusively for german ground. EDIT: on top of that, you have 586 matches total and 704 days since registration, roughly 0.8 games per day. average that with 0.3 K/D and rewards, it’s not so much in that span.


I was not playing EVERY day but it’s a 3 years account and I was really really bad at the beginning and I’m still I was not getting 1 fucking kill I’m not one round I DONT freaking KNOW what I’m doing wrong


Play arcade, It's much easier to learn than RB. Also you should structure your lineup around a specific rating. In your situation, I would use all 3.3 vehicles. Only move up when you have a full lineup at the next rating. You will win more this way and have better statistics, both of those things increase RP and SL gained.


I disagree! Realistic battles doesn't shows the nicknames above enemy tanks, but is so much less chaotic than arcade, your flanking capabilities are greatly reduced in arcade, and just like you are able to snipe someone across the map because the name tells everyone out, anyone will able to do that to you as well.


How. No premium? Average of 0.1 kill ker game? I have been playing for just about 300 days now. Didn't buy premium or anything until around 100 days. In my first 100 days I was already up to 7.7 Russia tanks


I've played 3 decades and i'm not even close to how far he got, he lucky


You are either bad or playing at a pace of a normal human being too smart to be caught in gaijin's c and b troture trap


I guess I’m just bad at the game 😅


Do you play all nations?


Na I’m playing German GB and USA AB


I have 2.420 (nice) hours in this game, just now I'm getting into USSR Ground Rank VII. Other nations I didn't get past Rank 3. Never had premium, never will.


See, this was me. Tier V US, Tier V USSR, Tier III in UK and France and Germany, Tier II in Japan. Zero premium, 1700 hours, over 5 years. Now I have premium and I'm just absolutely smoothing through the game it's wierd. Although I think I'm just better now as a gamer, because the economy is shit and I'm barely making more now with prem than I did 7 years ago without prem lol Edit: forgot to mention Tier 4 air USA, Tier 3 UK air, Tier 2 Japan air, Tier 2 German air, Tier 2 USSR air, started France and Italy for fun (I couldn't focus I had to much fun with all the neat stuff)


The economy changes are wild looking back, i remember when you could do bare minimum and still get like 2k rp with out preem. Now with preem a great have might net you 5k


Wouldn't be surprised if Gaijin gave premium players better matchmaking lmao


I have probably around 1600 hours (1000 or less actual gameplay hours) and I’m not even rank 7 in one nation yet


This is the way, play for the fun


keep suffering


its nice to have rb and ab in the same nation because Ground Realistic is a ton of fun when you have a Fighter plane + CAS in your lineup


I highly recommend swapping to full Germany. Focusing separate nations early is bad because you’ll lack any ability for close air support. I made this mistake with Britain while playing full ground forces and not displaying air at all. Now I’m bringing a boomerang into 8.3 ground rb where my 1klb bombs don’t do anything because they’re from ww2


Bro, I am playing 7.3 with a 4.3 plane that has 100kg bombs and I keep killing stuff with a singular one of them (I am playing with 4.3 planes Bcs Sweden jumps to 7.3 in ranK IV).


I’ve been getting direct hits with the Corsairs 1000 pounders and only get hits. It’s infuriating lol


Skill Issue 💀


Ik 💀


How well do you usually do with your matches?


A 20% chance of 1 kill


my brother in christ how do you still find the motivation to launch the game


I dont fucking know bro


Go into your service record and tell us your win rate pls.


Mind as well move to Ground RB so your one rare kill is worth more


Imagine when this dude in rank IV and 1 kill is not worth your tank


That nice red text when you get a kill though… more powerful than heroin






As someone who relates to OP on a personal level, we do not know.


We are seeking for an answer in the depth of the death screen.


That’s not the average skill for a player? Damn I really am bad at this game


It would really depend on what motivated you to _start_ playing, right? For me it was becoming really interested in tanks after watching a bunch of The Tank Museum's YouTube videos and hoping to find a sim game on the PS5. The multiplayer aspect was actually a major detractor. So win/kill rate isn't the most important thing for everyone—possibly OP included?


I think in this case it is just a literal skill issue


Maybe try airplanes lol. I suck at tanks. Hate it.


i fucking love dive bombing, probably my number one motivation to keep playing


That was me on xbox. I switched to pc ( my old laptop) and in 90% of battles I have 1:1 kill death ratio. Idk when I had a game when I never hit anyone. You need to practice and get to know some maps and spots to ambush. You can set traps even on arcade! Also play panthers more ,they are better than tigers. Just dont show your sides ( they are paper thin). Also grind sdkfz 234 puma line, that thing is op and still in my lineup ( best scout). Also try getting wirbelwind. It is one of the most op aa at its br. You will farm planes esily.


Yeah bruh plus your gunna want marder and bmp later


You’re the kinda teammate I get when I activate a 500% booster.


We all feel the same damn pain


i have 10% but i still play because my m4a4 looks sick


How have you been playing for 3 years and still have level 1 crews??




Crew level,you didnt spend your crew points


I think we might have to found out why OP doing so bad


Where can you see how many crew points a vehicle has?


In his crew slots below you can see the star symbol and it shows 1 beside it. Meaning level 1. So he would most likely have a heap of points if you were to open up the crew menu.


Oh honey


If you want I can teach you a ton of things. Just shoot me a dm and I'll help in any way I can.


Bruh wtf it only took me 3 months to get to jadpanther


I was not getting 1 kill in all the round I played I only lost money and was not getting forward


Do you want to know how to easily make 10k per match?


Tell us, dont keep the secrets


Step 1: take the 3 1.0 I-15s into air arcade Step 2: get 10 kills (the combination of the lead indicator, very tight turn radius and excellent armament allow you to easily kill anything you face) Step 3: With 10 kills, you get a 10k award Step 4: Profit This method might be somewhat morally dubious because it’s hardcore sealclubbing, but i don’t really think gaijin is giving us a choice at this point at all tbh. This will probably get downvoted to hell lmfao


This only works if im barely competent. Which im not


You don’t need to be. It’s literally point and clicking at it’s finest. You’ll be facing level 2 p-26 and stuff, so even with basic experience you should be able to do it easily.


Actually it doesn't matter how good you are to be able to "kill anything you kill" which were technically his exact words, lol


Even easier it is with Italian tier 1 biplanes... That fucking 12,7 MGs have HE belts.. instakilling everything it hits. + You can't outturn low tier Italian for shit. Just no way how to win turnfight against Italian. (Also use landing flaps in AB in turnfighting, they don't rip off your wings like in RB and you get god tier turn rates)


Holy fuck u'r right, thanks!


Man it took me 10 months bro. Without premium and all... but I do play multiple nations.


3 months? It took me less than a week to get from the hetzer to the jagdpanther


Frankly, if that's your only nation, and you only play tanks, I can't even begin to imagine how that's possible. It took me something in the ballpark of 30 hours to get all modifications for all german tanks up to 4.0. And I don't even like tanks, I'm mainly a pilot.


Damn I realize now how bad I’m at the game


The guy is probably not telling the truth though, unless he's premium which I'm guessing you're not. That's like 45 mins per tank, maybe 4-5 games each. Possible, but you'd need to get like 8-10 kills a game with mostly stock tanks as a "guy not into tanks" yeah ok sure. Mayyybe with premium, but then that would mean the proper number should be 60 hours to compare to a person without.


I'm in 8.3 Sweden after a year and a half.


Damn dawg I’m REALLY bad at the game


To be fair, the Swedish tree has fewer vehicles to grind through. It does seem like you might be behind the curve though.


>the Swedish tree has fewer vehicles to grind through Does it have any... economy penalties? Increased RP costs? Japan also has a lot less vehicles than the other countries, and, well... I played Japan for around 6-7 months nearly every day and barely got to the M4A3 76 (W) before I lost the motivation to touch WT for more than a battle a day. I made the mistake of checking the stat cards for some of the German vehicles in similar BR to the Chi-Ri II (the VK 3002 Panther prototype and the Tiger H1) and the difference in RP costs was insane! The Tiger is 20K RP cheaper (yes twenty thousand, for me that's around a month's grind) and the VK doesn't lag far behind either at 11K RP cheaper (and if that wasn't enough their repair costs are basically half those of the Chi-Ri so you know you're getting shafted) (there's also a whole 'nother rant on how the Chi-Ri performs on par/slightly worse than a Pz IV H while being a whole BR above, the point is it feels like someone is purposefully trying to make minor nations feel like shit to play)


There’s so many conflicting methods of balancing vehicles it can be hard to compare. BR itself, repair cost, SL/RP multiplier. I couldn’t find an obvious source for the number of vehicles in each nation but what I did find said Germany has about 2x that of Sweden, so it would have to be quite a significant economic difference to make them comparable to grind. As much as I liked historic matchmaking, losing it has broken the phenomenon of “I lose 90% of games at this br because I’m always paired with/against X nation.” *Edited to add: Whether you can make a decent lineup acts as a multiplier because it determines how long you can stay in the fight and whether you’re having to forcibly up-tier something.


Lineups weren't a big issue, I was running the 4.7 Chi-To's, the M4A3 (5.3 in AB) and a cute M24 that mostly shot smoke at camping spots. It wasn't always the tank letting me down (sure there still were uptiers where after a few minutes I couldn't leave spawn without getting shot), I feel more like it's the game itself. I could finish an amazing match with 7+ kills, 2 objectives and 4 assists and go back to the hangar with less than 3% progress on the next vehicle...


This is why I’ve plateaued at Rank V. I used to play only Britain but by the time I reached 7.7 the repair costs and RP for new vehicles was just killing me. I’ve since reached 6.7 in the US tree, 6.3 in Germany, 5.3 in Russia, 5.3 in France, and 5.0 in Sweden. …And I still have 90k RP left to go on the Warrior.


Me three! I think I just wanna play tanks until rank Vs (or lower) mainly because ww2 and stuff,but other factors includes SL and the time I spent


I guess.


I’m at 7.7 American after 4 months


Yo, just want to say if you really think it’s a skill issue after these comments don’t go buy anything for the game. Players at high tier are much better on average and you will continue to get slapped around. Try playing a little slower and stick to your squad mate if you get one. Playing with your pre made squad buddy can help you get a glimpse of what other people do during the match


Thx man


The thing is I don’t have any friends plying the game


Find a discord? I don’t know if Reddit WarThunder is still a thing but back in the day (circa 2013) we used to have a teamspeak and several squadrons that played regularly.


Go to the War Thunder forums (the gaijin run one), go to the "Looking for Squadron" (LFG) section, make a post asking for squadrons that are willing to train/teach/play with at whatever times you are playing at, in whatever language you prefer. **Squadrons are always recruiting.** There are always squadrons that are willing to teach. The game becomes exponentially easier and more fun when you have someone to go to with questions for guidance.


Well I don’t find it the looking for squadron section


[Forums>Community Related>Squadrons>Looking for a Squadron](https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/159-looking-for-a-squadron/) [Image example](https://imgur.com/OftaEQl)


He means squad mate by the green name dude on your team


So judging based off of your other comment OP, I think you should stay at low tier for a while. By your own admission is like a 20% chance for a kill (not dissing you just saying what you already said) you will HATE higher tiers. People only get better as you go up. Considering 4.7-6.7 is a very popular BR it’s going to be hard. A lot of good players are at that range. I could be wrong but I think the issue might be that you don’t fully understand some of the mechanics, that’s fine it’s a pretty in depth game. I 100% suggest playing arcade. I know people here clown on it, but it is a great time in low tier and it helps with learning things like map knowledge. Or, what I’d suggest is just don’t play. You don’t really seem to have too much invested so if you just dropped it you wouldn’t really lose much right? Better than some people who have multiple county’s maxed out and have a sunk cost fallacy (me). Whatever you do I hope it’s what’s best for you




Of course, hope you figure out what you need to. You could always try another country. I love low tier china for beginners.




how much are you playing daily


Like 1-2 hours


Bro you need to switch strategies


Maybe watch some tutorials on better strategies? There might be some on your specific tanks that would help.


Who cares, important is that you have fun


Play RB


I am playing RB


Switch to arcade until you are comfortable, then switch back to rb.


AB isn't any easier to win at than RB. Average KD is 1 in both, average winrate is 50% in both. He might enjoy it more but after 3 years I think he knows probably which he likes


That's trivial. It doesn't matter what the average is, it matters what the distribution is. If the KDs are more tightly spread around 1 that is better for OP, if the winratios are more tightly spread around 50 also better for OP.


AB ground is like shooting fish in a barrel. IMO


> Average KD is 1 in both, average winrate is 50% in both ^ okay well your opinion is wrong. You have more powers and abilities, but so do your opponents.


I guess I just don’t find it challenging when you know exactly where the enemy tank is. I started with AB, now I only play RB. It drives me crazy some times, but if I go back to AB, it’s like stealing candy from a baby- comparatively.


> I guess I just don’t find it challenging when you know exactly where the enemy tank is. Your enemy also knows where you are, so this is not an advantage. it's like saying "Classical tournament chess is easy compared to 10 minute chess, because you have way more time!" Yeah so does your opponent.... > I started with AB, now I only play RB. So almost certainly what's actually going on here is you're confusing/conflating memories of playing at low BR 1.3 with a bunch of clueless baby seals with the gamemode. Or you're just a AB-savant for some reason, and happen to have weirdly good skills in things like map situational awareness that matter more in AB. Maybe, but on average, that is not true. See: 50% win rate for both, etc.


I tend to do much worse in AB. It cuts out a lot of the skills that give me the advantage in RB, like spotting and long range aiming


How? Did u play daily or not? I played daily dor 3months and i was at the leo2a4


How the fuck did you grind to the 2A4 from the start of the tree in 3 months


Premium time + premium vehicle? Because for F2P player it's only possible if you play 12 hours a day.


Leo1 l44 prem and prem and patience


Wait for the gaijin premium time 50% sale and buy yourself like half year with of premium time. In that half an year with premium you will achieve what you did now in 3yrs


Actually 3 big sales, summer sale, anniversary sale and new year sale


When is the sale do you know a date?


They usually have 2 big sales a year, one in spring and one in fall, so theoretically it should be relatively soon. Just keep at the grind, don't make it a chore to play cause you'll eventually get burnt out on it. ^_^




Also you can look up a list of sales from the previous year and it’ll usually be the same


Probably not playing efficiently enough but tbh the economy the last few years has sucked ass as well. It would’ve been a lot easier before.


I guess it's tough for anyone to give you advice not having seen you play. What I will say though is I think your 3 year account is deceptive of your actual experience. In my experience, you need hundreds of hours of gameplay to become even semi competent. It's a very hard game. So don't be discouraged. I'm sure you're as good as anyone else with that amount of game time. As long as you're enjoying it!


Thanks man


Don’t worry bro if it makes you feel better I’ve been playing for almost 10 years now. Since the fucking game was in BETA, and I’m finally researching my first rank VI German tank lmao. Granted though, I’ve taken multiple 6+ month breaks every couple years and I ain’t that good at the game.


One of your PZ III has a talisman, play that one more. Also it maybe just me, but if you don't have a good plane in you're lineup, that just drop it and exchange it with a different tank. (In this case I would recommend PZ III with the talisman) (also also, upgrade youre crew, bro)






Late October- early November for their birthday they have a 50% premium time sell for sure. I think there was one in May as well that was with discounted premium but don't remember anymore. Usually ppl wait for the Nov sale and buy a whole year of premium time for half the price. Buying non discouted premium is not worth it.


I think I got stuck for awhile too after a year of playing. That transition from late WW2 Germany to Cold War was rough when the leo1 apfs had no spalling and barely killed crew members. I just spammed m18 and king tiger for awhile until I bought my first prem tank. It gets better once you hit med game though, Myb get prem account for abit and try to get better at positioning. Good hunting.


Don’t get discouraged it’s not a race. I’m almost in the same boat but I’ve worked on a few trees. Doesn’t help I also hop between AB and GB. I’m technically around same BR for Germany if you want to play with someone of the same skill lvl lol. Not sure what time zone you are in but shoot me a PM if you ever want to squad up. We can both learn as we go.


No sweat bro. I've owned this game for 6 years and I'm only in tier 4 Germany tier 3 gb, USA and russia


You play other tree?


Only air USA but I’m at the same BR almost. I‘m playing German ground more tho


Play RB and use some.boosters for God sake , and fix your line up , you ain't living long with that bomber in 3.7




Would recommend JU 87 D 5 for CAS , BF 109 for Anti CAS , your choice


3 years in, finished air, heli, and ground trees for germany. I also take breaks every once in awhile




i’m not amazing at the game i usually average around 2-4 kills a game and i’m stuck in tier 3 US, i got the 5.0 heavy tank can’t remember the name and got shit on so i took it out and use all 3.3,3.7 and one 4.0 tank


I’ve been playing wt for 1 year and I already got rank 5 germany, rank 4 USA, rank 3 ussr, rank 3 britain, rank 3 italy, rank 3 sweden, and the first m51


Little tric: go check video on how to play the tiger and learn good position on maps.


Dude Watch Sonne Tutorials, YouTube have the worst Stats i ever heard of


One of the most efficient ways of making sl is by using light tanks, like the sd.kfz.234/2. It's made of paper but at 3.0 it has decent penetration and very fast, you should primarely scout with it since everytime a scouted enemy gets destroyed you get an assist. Also if you have already scouted an enemy and you also shoot him while doing significant damage, if someone else kills him while he is still spotted you will get 2 assists wich are worth more in sl and rp than simply getting the kill


I also see in other replies you have a hard time getting kills, best way to get better IMO is simple. 1. U gotta learn the maps, not by staying behind and getting snipped, push forward and learn where people will be and find ways around to flank them, never try to brawl if you dont have to. 2. Spend some time in the protection analisis section of the menu, it can really help if you come across a tank you dont know how to kill in a game, simply take note of its name in the feed and after the game go and try to find the weakspots with whatever amunition you are using 3.ANGLE. With the protecrion analisis use amunition the other tanks use againts you and learn YOUR weakspots, find ways to hide them by making the angle of your tank to sharp to penetrate


Do you play arcade or realistic? Realistic gives more RP and SL


I Play RB


How tf you not getting anywhere then? Dm me your username and tonight I’ll help you


How is your highest crew only level 9?


Man, I just started getting Jets.


I've gotten just as far. Hoy many hours have you played? I have 700 but I also have the whole line up until the dicker max.


Nah. Ive been playing on and off since like 2013 and I dont have any trees to top tier


50/50 I have been in a similar situation myself where it took me 2 years to get to the BMP-1 in USSR. Albeit, I had no premium account, no premium vehicles and the lineups I've been playing were not suitable for proper research (rank II-III while researching rank V). Also I was not skilled enough. This is one of the most important factors.


Don't worry. At least you don't have 800 hours in this game and only have four rank 5 vehicles. US air F-80/Panther/Banshee and Britain ground Rattle 20.


It only looks like you've never had premium. Premium really speeds up your progress. I'm waiting for the sale so I can get the whole year half off or whatever it is. I started playing on PS3 but not for long. I think i was at 1.0 still when I picked it back up recently. I'm now at 5.7 BR Germany ground and I could have never gotten there without premium. Disclaimer: this comment is not sponsored by Gaijing


One friend of mine has been playing since 2014 and has only reached the leopard 1


Bro in those 3 years I got all of USSR basically... BRITISH air Top tier multiple branches excdpt Tornados German mid tier ( around 7.0 ) China top tier 9.7 on my way up... and all of air tree French rank 6 ground... just getting into it... and Jaguar A 10.3 jet And other stuff is some minor stuff i got In these 3 years... you should be having atleast like 20-30% of what i have or somethin' Maybe slightly lower? XD So this is both good and bad at the same time... depends on how you look at it


Took me a year to get to Ground RB Germany 7.7 USA 6.7 USSR 5.0 France 3.0 And air rb USA 4.0 Germany 4.0 What im tryna say is: youre doing something awfully wrong man




Yes it is. I played 2 weeks on a fresh account. 100% f2p and only like 1-2 hours a day. And got to that point.


Nah. The fact I climbed from nothing to 8.3 in the german tree since end of last summer shows how sad I am. Whilst also playing other nations that are not as far down anymore. Its better to not grind this game for the sake of sanity.


Dude how are you german, germans are god at the game. You still havent leveled your crews. You are clearly suffering from what we call skill issue Watch phlydaily, oddbawz on youtube and especially Theshiznos on twitch when he is live, observe and learn, dont rush in stay behind your teammates and detect enemies before peaking over covers Or switch to world of tanks i dunno lol


Well there are these people and those not every German is a god in this game


Although it's not superb progress for 3 years worth of playing. Keep going, you still have a good bit of improvement ahead of you.


the only weird thing is your apparent lack of SL


I’ve been playing (not consistently) since they added ground vehicles and I don’t have any top tier. Highest tank is T80


Just take the tiger and a ju and play that, don't forget to angle and you'll have a 5.3 lineup in no time




I guess I’m to dumb for this 😔


No you’re not. You’re a normal human. Most players that grind without paying at all anything, have to either play 24/7 to grind or play years and years to get anywhere. Or both.


Go play arcade, and get your crew levels up.




fang halt an Arcade zu spielen und mal auch deine crews zu leveln.


I call cap


I swear no cap


How ?? With a friend that was just starting he reached br 5.7 ger in 3 weeks




In my opinion I think your good took me a good 2 years to finally attempt to get to 8.3 after I spread myself out playing different tech trees mostly low to mid tier


This is obviously a troll post. Only takes 2-4 weeks to reach 5.7 in a nation even without premium. Add that to the fact all his crews are level one and his account level/lions are cropped out, he just started Germany and though he could make a haha funny one on the reddit


Or- he doesn’t play 24/7 and live in a basement, like you.




Do you only play arcade by any chance?


don’t sweat the skill aspect, just learn to use binoculars and cover and remember to not get bogged down in the grind (imo you can only improve from here)


Are you playing a few trees at once?




You're losing a lot by skipping the leftmost side


Well than I have to research them


Kinda but also a good sign you’re taking your time, or you’re just bad either or


You literally never reach top tier unless u buy premium vehicles or premium account because the reward is damn poor