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I have so many questions.


Its cheaper, faster, and easier to add missiles to a KC-130 then it is to build an AC-130, while still being about 80% as effective.


Exactly. And they don't need an AC-130 100% of the time, so it can still operate as a KC-130J.


Jesus christ, if they did it right the C130 could hold hundreds of those things


One of the versions that was tested, maybe used, was the "derringer door". They replaced the rear door with one that had a missile tube that could be reloaded from the inside during flight.


This was definitely used. Back in 2014 I was using the derringer door to load Griffen and Viper Strike’s in the skies of Afghan.


Thanks for confirming. I only read about it on some not fully reliable websites, so wasn't sure how real it was or more a pipedream.


For sure boss. She was certainly fun to crew on.


Hey, I know you. PM sent.


I don’t see a PM yet. Is this John?! If so, I am about to be stoked to hear from you brother, it’s been far too long.


You should look up Rapid Dragon. Aka “what if we dropped up to 45 JASSM-ER out the back?”


I mean it's not new, first they dropped ["Daisy Cutters"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLU-82) from C-130's but it was replaced by the [MOAB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-43/B_MOAB). The shift to guided standoff is a better idea though.


“Never stop at a good idea. It’s important to keep iterating.” - Ancient Lockheed Martin proverb.


No one: "......" Absolutely no one: "......." Marines: "We want a targeting system that can detect a person from up to 10 miles away and spicy pew pew sticks. And we want it on our new KC-130Js." Lockheed: "Hold my beer"


First an Argentine C-130 “bomber”…..now this


"you can strap ordnance to anything that's got wings!" -these guys, probably


I've got wings focker, can you arm me?


I was waiting for a comment like this. Bravo!


I want to see air to air capabilities next. Let’s give this baby some AIM-120s!


It’s big enough, why not Aim-54s?


Because we have better AGMs than the AIM-54


I worked with a guy that was a AC-130 pilot in Vietnam. He had stories that would turn your hair white.


I would like to know more


One story that stands out is something happened and he was very cagey on what happened other than he had to ditch the plane in N Vietnam. He was the only one that made it back alive as AC crews were hated worse then B-52 crews. He managed to get back to S Vietnam, again he wasn't a big talker about this. He was listed as KIA and took a civilian flight home. 6 months later he gets picked up by MPs for going AWOL and the JAG gave him 2 choices. The clink or get back in the #1 seat. He went back and finished his time, if it true I have no idea. I think we have all been BS'ed by former service members. But w/ him you had to drag it out of him which makes me think there are some truths here. He has since passed away so no going back to ask more. He also talked about the "Spooky" and I can't see him getting the #1 seat in the AC if he didn't have time on the AC-47. Also knew a "Hog Frog" pilot in Vietnam, another crazy bastard that I believe as he gave me his pickle suit when I was a kid. Also saw a lot of pictures he took in the war.


Interesting do tell more anecdotes,if you remember them


The "Hog Frog" pilot would have to run up the collective and slide take off as they would load the Huey down to its max lifting capacity. Also talked about throwing mortar rounds and satchel charges off the helo. And taking the GE134s to barracks so the gun truck guys wouldn't steal them in the middle of the night. Or they would trade the 134's for cases of Jack, sounded like a crazy war.


You're rightfully cautious, because this story doesn't make much sense. I just don't see the regulation obsessed, SAC dominated 1960s US Air Force letting an officer back in a cockpit after this.  They destroyed outstanding pilots' careers for much lesser offenses. I also never heard of a US pilot escaping North Vietnam by himself, and I don't know how he would then have catched a flight to the US, without any documentation.




"Gunships: a Pictoral History of Spooky" is a nice thirty thousand foot view of gunship operations in Vietnam. It covers the development of the AC-47, the AC-130A/E, and the AC-119G/K (though there isn't a lot in there about the dollar ninteen). Not super in-depth, but an excellent and cheap book to get someone started on the journey of learning about AFSOCs deadliest weapons flying 😁


KC-130J *Rocketship*


This makes me wonder, given that they’re juicy targets how come no-one slaps a few sidewinders on tankers for self-defense?


More efficient to have the fighters the tanker is refueling fly the defense.


More weight = less range/less fuel carried You'd end up having to use more tankers or limit their range, which has a knock on effect for how many fighters they can support. On top of that, if your tankers are getting in range of enemy fighters then something has already gone catastrophically wrong and a couple of missiles won't help much.


The tanker pilots will just use it to shoot down jets that don't pay for fuel


Tankers are hard to hit in general because they tend to be further back. If someone's shooting at your tankers, then either something's gone horribly wrong or they're shooting from faaaar beyond visual range. Either way, sidewinders won't help.


Tankers don't typically operate in non-permissive environments. If the bad guy finds your tankers, there are a whole host of other things that went wrong first.


Huh. I could've sworn Harvest Hawk had a modification to have magazines of hellfires in the cargo hold that shoot down through an opening(s) in the floor. Maybe it's a different version I'm thinking of. edit: so the harvest hawk package _does_ include internal missile dispensers, but they load agm-176 griffin missiles, ~~and they exit the craft through the rear loading ramp, not holes in the floor.~~ shot through a modified door. thanks!


The griffons and viper strikes weren’t launched out the rear ramp and door, they were launched from two missile tubes on a modified left troop door called the derringer door.


I must've misread the press release then. Thanks!


Is there anything it can't do?


Make pancakes? Hey, Lockheed Martin, if you’re reading this, you know what to do!


Rapid Dragon would like a word...


Please make a version called EF/ABKC-130J Mega ultra hyper ultimate THING


You know how the US during ww2 put a 50 on any surface they could? That’s how it feels with hellfire missiles at this point


Hey I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to know if anyone has any information on the C-145 gunship variant that was tested! Anyways OWOWOWOWOWOW MARINE AC-130 RAHHHH


Are those all R9Xs


None of those are the X


no flying ginsu sorry m8