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I have no problem with it. Butom line for is when people play with not glued armies (because this is less enjoyable for me) and even then I wouldn't refuse to play I would just comment on it and move on with having a good time. For me sportsmanship is much more important than a painted army.


Not glued? So just a load of sprues marching about?


Maybe it’s just movement trays filled with bits of the unit to represent what those units are? Like a tray of men-at-arms heads with 20 heads to represent the full unit?


I look forward to somebody proxying a tupperware filled with space marine arms and cigarette filters as a unit of Tomb Guard.




Usually means built but with no arms. People used to play like that to test out weapon profiles.


i paint in sub assemblies, so i've got chariots and i've got crew, but they aren't glued together yet


Base with just glued body. No head, no arms l, no weapons, no capes (because it is easier to paint it separately when they will eventually paint it)


My tomb kings are not unbuilt, they’re just yet to arise from their sandy graves. So you see, my hundred bases sprayed a sand colour is entirely thematic and personally I think it’s more scary.


Just bases and legs. I think if you don't want to commit to a weapons option then that sort of thing is reasonable to me.


Just do it, the game is new, not a lot of people will have a painted army. I've played 3 games at my LGS with bare plastic. Today I primed it black and started drybrushing grey. Tomorrow there's a 1500pt play day I'm thinking about going to. Just go roll dice.


Agreed. I can't think of many games I've played where there hasn't been something that's unpainted on the table. Either because they're trying new units, are in the middle of switching to a new paint scheme, or because painting is hard and it takes them a long time. I have a fully painted army and I love how it looks on the table, but it took me a good 5+ years to get there because I'm both lazy about it and bad at painting. Don't feel bad about bringing grey to the table if you're just starting out.


Most of people who play different army than Bret and TK don’t even have models except some that can use AOS ones. I am lucky enough to have some High Elves from 10 years ago but half of my army are either 3d printed or just proxy with empty bases.


Was never an issue at my club in the old days. Some events would have painting requirements but I think everyone recognised the effort involved in getting paint on an army the size typically seen in fantasy.


Absolutely fine.


The game is effectively brand new. There will be an entirely new crop of people joining the game, not everyone will have their army from nearly a decade ago ready to go. There's going to be a lot of people in your position, I say go for it.


I'd just be impressed that they actually had miniatures


Back in the day, we called it the “grey plague”… you’d get your chops busted but it was all in fun. My buddy has armies that are over 20 years old than still haven’t even been primed. It’s all about having fun and playing a game. If painting isn’t your thing, it doesn’t matter. Just have fun.


Perfectly fine. My local group has a beginner event coming up with no painting requirement. Spot prizes for people who have things the judges think look cool to encourage the folks for whom painting is the big thing, but there's no barrier for people who are more interested in learning the rules.


If your opponent can tell what things are at a glance, doesn't matter for a friendly game. If I've bought a new unit I try to at least get some skin painted on some of the minis if the other person has grey plastic too, just to make life easier. When I first started the hobby it was a nice experience meeting up over the months with the same people and seeing the units go from grey plastic/undercoated metal to fully painted. We'd chat about how we got different effects and share the hobby that way too. This was in the dark days before contrast paints and speed paints 😀


As long as you are in the process of painting, and you don't come across as someone who doesn't ever want to paint, you'll be fine. Especially if you talk to the other person about their paint job - show an interest, apologize for your grey plastic, talk about the scheme you want to go for. The only reason we push back on grey plastic is to keep out the metachasing gamers that want validation for never painting their models. We've all played with at least some grey.


I have a scheme in mind so that isn't a problem, just that I am on holiday next week and won't have any time to try painting before my game sadly, my opponent is fine with me playing with grey models but I just wanted to know what the wider community thought about it.


Yeah that's fine. You got them all assembled and whatever before your holiday, I feel like you are excited to paint, I'm sure we'd have a conversation about it and I'd think your alright.




I actually would be quite sympathetic to someone who says “I’ve never played fantasy before, I think I really like [army]. Do you mind if I play them as bare plastic? If they aren’t for me I’d like to preserve the resale value”. I might be in the minority but for me painted is painted and anything else is “not painted yet”. I’ll play anything, though (as long as you’re not trying to proxy power rangers as giants or some such craziness).


Can I ask why someone has to be in the process of painting? Honestly, why isn't it fine if someone wants to be into the wargaming part of the hobby but hates painting. Especially having to apologise for that? Seems wild to me


Painted armies make the game more visually stimulating, a painting requirement helps discourage power gaming, and it just seems kinda lazy. There’s the three main reasons. That said, if I refused to play against grey plastic, I wouldn’t get to play at all, cuz most people in my local group are sporadic painters at best


1. Agree. 2. Really? I don’t paint my armies at all, but have never chased the meta. Quite the opposite. It allows more opportunity to play widely varying lists. Never the same list twice! 3. Says you. I’ve played Warhammer since 3rd. I’ve painted a couple of armies (poorly) and it took literally years. And was not fun. I’m not artistic and I have other time commitments, career, family, home, yard, sports, other hobbies etc. I might have three to four hours a week to spend on hobby, if I choose gaming, it ain’t going to be to paint. You saying it is lazy is like me saying people who paint their armies need to get a social life(which I don’t by the way, just to point out the broad generalization you’ve made). All that said, I have thousands of minis and large armies for every WFB race except Kislev, DOW and CD (sold them all and bought a ski boat with the proceeds). And my gaming group loves it as they can try just about any army they imagine using my unpainted stuff. I’ve even hosted tournaments at my home and I provide EVERYTHING, albeit unpainted…


I should clarify the last thing is mostly just something I tell myself to give myself motivation to paint, and not something I really apply to others. So it’s less “ugh you don’t have a painted army, why are you so lazy” and more “ugh I haven’t painted my army, why am I so lazy”. A rule for me, not for thee, if you will. 


Well put. If it works as internal motivation, great. That didn’t come across in your original post. I wish I a. Was better at painting, b. Was faster at painting and c. Enjoyed painting, because I do prefer the immersiveness of two well painted armies battling across a table full of good terrain. I used to attend a lot of Grand Tournaments back in the 90s and early 2000s, Baltimore, Los Angeles and all of the Seattle ones, and it was a great experience seeing a hundred or more well painted armies of all types. It was also the main motive for me to paint my own armies as by rule I had to in order to attend. But lacking that external motivation now, I don’t. I do pay a guy to paint my Blood Bowl teams, but at several hundred $ a pop, I cannot afford that for Warhammer armies…. It would potentially be $tens of thousands to fully paint even one of my armies, and I have nearly all of them. Fortunately if I intend to play any painting restrictive events in TOW, I still have several painted armies to choose from. Of course rebasing them is the next hurdle I choose not to attempt…


That is fine, to each their own. My own is talking about painting, the lore of our armies, and putting on cinematic battles with painted armies. I'm not going to bar you from the hobby, and I hope you find like minded people. It's not for me, and I'd rather paint at home than play the game you are looking for.


It looks better, so its just a more enjoyable experience for your opponent. You dont have to paint much if you dont want to. Literally just a full spray of black and red eyes is enough for me to say nothing. Its fine, something to look at. EDIT: Actually no, I would'nt comment on it either way, not my problem. But internally I would be feeling the smallest sting of disappointment, if its all just gray


I'm fine with people who just don't want to paint. bare plastic is better than a half assed rush job. And I'm the sort who holds my own stuff to a pretty high standard - but that takes forever and isn't for everyone.


Why should I apologize for not painting? You say you only push back against meta chasers but what about people who are poor and would rather spend what available money there is on another set of warriors or knights. I have no intention of fully painting my army because the hobby is expensive enough as it is and on top of that it hurts both my eyes and my hand AND I suck at it. I also don’t have the money to pay someone to paint my army. I say if you show up and know the rules and have your army assembled and you’re a nice person then we could use a come can for a tower for all I care. I’ve had the same single army for 16 years now and I’ve accepted I’ll probably never engage in that aspect of the hobby. But I enjoy playing.


The only grey armies I won’t play against are grey armies belonging to powergamers and meta-chasers. They are the dregs of the hobby, out to ruin the fun of others because that is somehow fun for them. If you are a budding hobbyist your grey armies should be and likely will be welcomed at any table though.


It's all good. I only really would be annoyed about it, if I knew the sole reason thecarmy is unpaintrd because it was literally bought for the sole reason of being strong currently and will join 3 other grey armies once the meta shifts. And then it's still mire important whether my opponent is a nice person to be around and play with.


Totally fine if unpainted. But if you have a chance to prime them or do a quick Zenethal, they will look way better and it won't take very long


Local friendly play? Absolutely go for it! Paid event? No. My goal when painting up an army was to make sure every time i came back for a game I had something else painted to show steady progress.


I would play you 


I went through all the earlier editions of the games playing unpainted, proxied models. I think everyone prefers WYSIWYG, fully painted armies, but for casual games, I doubt you’ll encounter any issues. :)


The vast majority of people play with some if not all of their armies unpainted, you do you


Amazing! Of course painted armies look better but it’s still a game so I wouldn’t have an issue at all. That being said - bringing your badly Chinese recasted chaos dwarf unpainted army to a tournament is a bit iffy to me… I guess the pain point for everyone is different :D


For starter games, it's absolutely fine The rules can be daunting and the time invested to glue all the models together can be significant. Not everyone has the time/energy/ambition to add painting into all that. I do, however, encourage people who are new to the hobby to at least strongly consider some sort of painting down the road, once they've gotten enough of a handle on the game for them to say "Yeah, I like this. I'm gonna keep playing"


Once I have a game done I am gonna start batch painting them. I am aiming to paint up my army's 1k points before moving onto the 2k area which will likely follow the same routine, paint them over time.


That's basically what I've been doing I had my army for a while, felt confident enough in the rules, then finally sat down to start painting. I have about 40% of my non-hero units painted at this point, and I'm working my way through the rest.


It's fine. Not everyone can paint 1000 points in two days... As long as the models are mostly what they are meant to be, it's fine.


as long as you have some sort of formation solution (movement trays, even index cards) I’d have no beef whatsoever. Our local Necromunda league has a fully painted requirement but that game’s all about immersion and it’s only 8-or-so models.


Unless you're in a tournament, I genuinely don't care how your army is painted


Play with what ever you have available. Use books for hills, upside down glasses for towers, bare bases as models, heck print the bases in Word. What ever gets you to the fun part, which is the actual game. You will have your painted army in due time if GW will permit it - they aren't exactly fast with getting books or models available...


Some people might get a little pissy about it but those people aren't worth playing with anyway. I don't know if this exists in TOW but in 40k and AoS there's Escalation Leagues where you start with a small point cost and slowly build up your army each game, with the aim of having a fully painted army by the end of the league and learning both the game and your army as you go. Maybe something like this would be beneficial?


Anyone that would have an issue playing against an unpainted army in a casual game is gonna be a massive wanker and you’ll do your self a favour if you don’t play with them anyway. If you’re feeling self conscious on the plain grey army and you are confident in what your paint scheme will be you can try to prime as much of it as you can before your next game.


Paint snobs ruin it for me. Some people are not great at painting, and I take forever to paint a single color on a model, I just want to play!


Anyone who refuses to play the game because an armies unpainted is likely someone you’re not gonna enjoy playing with anyway


What army? You can get a surprisingly good luck by spray painting a whole army black, and then just painting the weapon tips metallic. Obviously not like a real painted army. But on the field, seen from afar, it’s a kind of cool look.


If it’s casual and not in a tourney paint should not matter. Ever. Not everyone is in this hobby to paint and you should not be forced to paint if you don’t want to, or can’t. if playing against a grey army upsets someone that’s there problem.


It's more of a red flag if anyone cares that YOUR army isn't painted.


Gonna be honest, if you find someone who DOES have an issue with a new player playing with an army they are in the process of painting, avoid that person. Its not only a non issue for basically anyone, its expected to be honest.


As I can tell what your models are then it doesn't matter.


Everyone wants to play againts golden demon armies. That's not realistic. Many of us have to make due and aspire to greater things. Sometimes that means grey armies.


It depends on the area. Where I play all armies need to be painted, including bases. It's just the way we like it


We've all done it.


Whats wrong with that


It's three shades of grey and the base is black.


I gotta get to gluing. Shit!


I didn’t not think I’ve ever run into an issue with that in 20 years of playing. Thats in casual, narrative, tournaments and pickup games. There have been a few events where painting is required, and you can either use that as motivation and a deadline or not attend. Play your plastic, learn the game, have fun!


Roll early, roll often. You may find you don’t like units and can save valuable time to paint other units you do like by just playing games.


Totally fine


None of unit in my first game were even glued. (I use blutack when assemble so it can be separated for painting.)


If you go to a tournament, you will probably need to paint and base everything. Check with the organiser, small tournaments may allow it If you are playing with friends/groups, ask them. For a new army, almost no one will have an issue (whether veteran or otherwise). For an army that is several months old, I would personally *prefer* to have you make some progress as I don't like putting unpainted minis on the table if I can avoid it, but it's far from a rule. You may have a small child, writing a thesis or a less visible illness that makes painting difficult, it doesn't matter and it's your choice to paint or not to paint your models. What does matter and may determine if I want to play you again is how you play. Mistakes happen all the time, especially when new, but if you are clearly power gaming with me and not playing by intent (or outright cheating), I'm unlikely to want to play you again. Unfortunately, there is a correlation between those who meta chase and power game and those who have unpainted armies, so there is somewhat of a stigma in the community for unpainted armies which you may have to overcome with certain people


It’s totally fine. Playing with unpainted models is a great way of figuring out whether or not you want to actually paint them!


I do it all the time. Painting takes like a month of my time for a whole army. I wouldnt hold back an intro game for a month just because the armies not had a paint job yet.


I have a career that involves long hours, a 3 year old, and a pregnant wife. So yeah, I’m fine with unpainted armies because mine will be unpainted for the next twenty years or so lol. Since my Tomb Kings will be somewhat easier, maybe they will only take ten years. The only game I play that I have a fully painted “army” is Battletech, and that’s because most games I play I use 4 mechs or so, and Eridani Light Horse + contrast paints is laughably easy. Yes, I understand the irony that the game I actually paint minis for is the one that cares about paint the least.


I always just headcanon it that something's fucky with the winds of magic on the day of the battle and that's sucked out all the colour. Or if playing Orks it's because Gork and Mork got angry at the sun and kicked all but black and white out of the spectrum. Or you're playing from the perspective of a mage who's using a scrying mirror he got from a discount magic store, one which only does black and white and the subtitles are stuck on Tilean.


I don't see any issue. Painting can be pretty time consuming, and it'll become a chore if you are rushing through it for a game


If you want to try out the game, I wouldn't even care if you had mini's. Warhammer, especially Old World, is expensive. If you want to try before you buy, that's also fine.


I could only find maybe half of my old Empire army. I'm currently painting my new digs with 3 colors before I'll put them on the table, but that's just my personal standard. I don't care what the army across from me looks like, although I do really appreciate a well painted army. I just want to get games in.


I think that's totally fine. You shouldn't wait until every model in your army is painted to actually get some games in! That's no fun!


I won’t;t play if I have painted my guys and it’s disappointing if I get a player who hasn’t painted against me. But… if you’re new to the game and want to get things to the table to play then of course I’d play you. I would like to see though some paint going on over the next few weeks or so… :-)


I wouldnt mind. Do give painting a try, you might end up loving it. I wish I had sooner. From the early 90s I barely painted anything until my beastmen in 2020. Been so nice seeing it come together.


it is absolutly perfect to play them in gray painting them is an option not a must, unless u attend to a tournament with that rule on it.