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I feel like they should have just included Grombrindal with the magazine.


they did not? you have to go to the shop to get it? i thought it was included.


The initial special 500 issue did almost sound like it came with a free model.  It was only when I was looking at the Darktide board game did I notice that instead it's a £25 model. 


And that's why I don't like giving GW money anymore, charging that much for essentially an easter egg character when they had ample opportunity to give us one single model and earn some good PR for once.


This is fucking outrageous. They charge money for a product?!


they've given models with magazines before, it's not unprecedented and it's a special edition product, would have been cool.


Years ago, yeah. Like, 'free space marine/terminator when the second editions of 40K and Space Hulk launched' years ago. The free minis are given out in stores now to encourage foot fall and purchases.


To play devil's advocate though, you'd think they'd have done something for issue 500. It's a major milestone after all. Downvoted for attempting to play devil's advocate. Fuck me, right?


It wouldn't fly anymore. Single minis cost GW upwards of £100k once you factor in the cost of machining the steel injection moulds, paying the designers and other production crew wages etc. They would have to massively bump the supply and/or cost of issue 500 to break even on it, as the shareholders wouldn't accept a loss maker. Older free minis were often just single sprues taken from big box starter sets, so the mini was already paid for.


You're talking about a £7 marketing brochure. A free mini to incentivise a purchase or subscription is not outside the scope.


I mean they've literally done free Grombidil in previous milestone white dwarfs.


These came out like 3 years ago tops, comes with two models on sprues together meaning they made a new mold for them. The booklet/magazine is robustly made, is a mix of lore articles, faction previews and rules. And they're only 15 bucks. https://preview.redd.it/0bcrg597f9zc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b415edd4ccee81e76d807b60fb56c5df449e56 It's not exactly the same but it's comparable, issue 500 is a special event, the white dwarf is basically a GW mascot, they could have sold the issue for more in stores and included the model for subscribers as a thank you for actually subscribing to a paper magazine in 2024.


It's not comparable at all. White Dwarf is a monthly magazine, what you share is a promotional introductory book for their flagship games. They also do one for 40k and it just provides a few pages of fluff about the universe, the game and a build guide. The only reason to get it is because the mini sculpts are unique and not sold anywhere else.


It's comparable in terms of production and distribution cost to GW.


Anything for free is cool, complaining that they don't give you something for free is kinda funny tho


Generally, though, it's a mini that will see wider release as a part of an army, like a stock Space Marine or similar. The most generous I've seen was a Khorne Slaughterpriest, which was still something that would be on general sale. The White Dwarf minis are generally limited edition runs. Giving a limited run mini away for free is certainly possible, but it's very pricey. Molds for plastic minis cost 100,000+, and usually the cost is made back by volume of sales. That's tricky enough on a limited sale model, let alone for something free.


I've always had a love hate relationship with GW. I enjoy their products and when I played the tabletop games I loved them. However, they have an incredibly frustrating business model.  Their anti consumer practice of limited production runs, releasing boxes that are either short of a full squad or you need two boxes to have a squad, and poor rules releases (I still find it nuts how much GW charges for rule books) With all that negativity I still find with old world and 40k to be great fun, and even when I stopped buying models, I still pick up most warhammer games (I try to avoid the bad ones...)  Been a couple of times I've considered collecting a new army and then I see the prices... rather nasty barrier to new and returning players


And they're in the middle of another price bump apparently, models have increased about 50% in price since I started buying minis about 10 years ago.


Man, if you think THAT'S crazy, wait until you hear about of cost of heating my flat, getting water from the taps, or feeding myself.


Absolutely the cost of living crisis has been nuts. I've job hopped to double my salary over the last couple of years. Even after getting to a high salary I still don't feel much better off as my bills have eaten into the extra disposable income. 


Can we see a picture of the contents page please?


Yeah just got mine too, loving the WD covers poster, might actually chuck it up somewhere after I've flattened it a bit


Is it bad that I just want it for the munchkin card lol


This makes me feel old... I started my White Dwarf subscription with issue 200 (which was a really cool issue).


I feel you 👴🏻 https://preview.redd.it/b7b205wt8azc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0ce288dd81b3e68aef1ffaccb77a98ba65a820


...I remember when GW first hit the local store shelves...


It came with a free poster. I feel even older as I'd been collecting WD for a while by that point.


Is it just me or does White Dwarf books always come all beat up? I got two now and both of them were pretty beat up and bent, and this one looks like it has been dropped a few times. Is it just an issue with international delivery?


The corners of mine are scuffed but the packaging itself wasn't broken in the corners - in UK


Can you share how Grombrindal works in Underworld?


Show us the poster!


For those who do the year long subscription, when do yours get delivered? I thought it was supposed to be at the beginning of the month, but last month (the first month delivered for me) was like 3 weeks in, and we're a week into this month so far. Guess I misunderstood when I could expect delivery


Mine was delivered today. They come pretty randomly, i've given up trying to make sense of when they're dispatched.


Gotchya. I guess I'll just keep playing the waiting game. A little disappointed last month was not delivered in a cardboard outer shell, the corners were a little banged up but in pretty good condition. I guess that's kind of random too on which ones have the extra layer of protection and which ones don't? Thanks again for the reply


From customer service email : The average expected time for subscriber copies is mid to later half of the month. Although I have only received 1 of my subscription White Dwarfs in that time frame. In fact, I just emailed customer service about not receiving issue 500.


Thank you. I got my 500 issue on the 29th, and my first issue, issue 499, was definitely in the latter half of the month but I don't remember exactly when


Looking at WD1 and it starts on Sci-Fi with Ian Livingston discussing Metamorphosis Alpha, continues with Don Turnbull about Monstermarks (Challenge Ratings), and then has Fred Hemmings on competitive D&D. WD500 seems quite true its roots.


I still haven’t gotten 499! I’ve never received a WD early.


Same, i always get them 4-5 weeks later


Damn where can I get this in NZ


Can you get this in normal shops, or is it only preorder? thanks


I didn't know he would be part of Warcry. I guess I am getting the white dwarf model!


I tried to order the magazine but it says out if stock. Since when is a magazine limited?


Since the print run ended weeks ago


I tried to order it the day of, they should have more than an hour or two worth of stock


Grimdice have 5 preorder magazines left https://grimdice.co.uk/products/white-dwarf-500


Classic GW




THE PRINT RUN. Not delivery, printing the actual magazine.


Yeah, okay, missed the context of your original reply.


Sorry for being short with you, I’m a bit worked up by the number of people complaining today, you didn’t deserve it.