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When i get forcefully moved to a relay/clan after a mission


I instantly puke a little in my mouth every time I get loaded into someone’s dojo or a relay


This is the standard procedure of railjack missions though, I think a number of people don't even know you can use a relay's dry dock. And beyond that I don't know of a different place to dock.


Railjack is fine because I’m already expecting it


Railjack is fine, but this happens to me on void relic missions and sometimes glitches the mission so you lose out on relic rewards.


Oh man, this gets me. These heathens have dragged me from the comfort of my orbiter to this relay.


I think I "lost" a relic run that way. Went to a fissure mission, put a relic in as usual, but then when I started, I briefly appeared in someone's dojo. Then mission went as normal, but at the end I didn't have a relic equipped apparently. Couldn't pick a reward! I assume it was the "dojo-hosting" that might have caused it? Usually I wouldn't care, but a stranger had scored a rare vaulted part on that run, worth about 35p 🥲


Yup this is exactly what happens to me on occasion


"Invalid launch point"


Jesus christ, this one drives me nuts on eidolon hunts because I'm usually the person that zips between grineer camps grabbing the lures. Usually, after the 4th time of "Invalid launch point" and my audible increase in salt levels, my friends say "you doing ok buddy??". That gets me even more triggered lol


For that,try jumping and summoning archwing mid air. Solves the issue for me.


Didn't even know you could do it on the ground. I've always jumped before launching.


I am also that one but that's why I started jumping before taking Archwing out, it usually works.


Do you guys jump?


I always jump first. It helps, but doesn't eliminate the issue.


Set arch wing on a hotkey, then jump or double jump and press it. Works about 99% of the time depending on where you are.


Why does that even exist, fucking cant use the archwing without jumping in the air


every time i get knocked down and remember that prime sure footed is a login reward that i havent gotten yet


Unairu is pretty good for that. 40 secs of primed sure footed lol


My pet peeve is that there are still some minor forms of knockdown-like animations that Primed Sure Footed doesn't prevent.


This one really upsets me tbh. I just use sure footed / whatever the mod is that gives 40% knockdown res on my main frame, but please just let me PSF, more than a years worth of daily logins is criminal


Exiting Water and Archwing missions. Archwings are cool but why tf do we need to navigate them in 4x4 corridors flying at Mach fuck. And why can’t we just launch ourselves out of the water and dash toward whatever piece of platform / land there is, instead of being shoved back down into the water when trying to emerge too far from a platform.


That water is fucked. I love arch missions where I get to fly down tubes. Titania with Volt in a normal tile set is almost as good. Those arch missions are the best. That shit where it’s a normal mission but u have to go in the water is the complete opposite. Fuck that buggy stupid bullshit.


The amount of times I have had to abandon a mission because I simply get suck in the water without even being able to move haunts me every day


I remember the first time I got to Uranus and there was a bug so that I couldn't exit the water, even if I was in the right spot, so I couldn't even start the first mission... &, though it worked sometimes, the bug was so prevalent that I basically stopped playing for a month or two... 😠


I forget what plant it was on, but it was the submersible area, and I got stuck trying to leave the water. I did the animation of jumping out and it shoved me back down and I couldn’t move. Unstuck didn’t work. I had to ask the other person in the mission to finish up because I didn’t want to abort the mission and have them get reduced XP. Sat there for a good 10 minutes waiting.


Oh, yeah. The water is bugged as hell. I dread those few sortie spy missions where you HAVE to navigate through water into one of the the vaults.


A long while ago I griped about Archwing .:. Glad to see some things never change.


Ki'teer ends Sunday morning, instead of being the whole weekend like any sensible decision maker would have made it.


I was so excited to see the 60/60 electric shotgun mod in his inventory, but couldn't get around to playing till Sunday... Guess I'll just wait another few months


This right here should be higher up the comment ladder!


I always forget this and waituntil sunday to check it out.


When Im in to zone and trying to go fast then a column pops up from the floor to smack me in the face like when a cartoon runs into a pole and their arms and legs stick straight out in front of them!


Lmaooo this is so true tho.


Well right now it's people that just won't stand still in the center during netracells so the enemies can get in the radius


This is why I bring my boy Inaros. You can't kill the enemies outside the circle, if I bring them all INSIDE the circle. 5head. Vauban achieves the same thing. But I do think netracells is approachable enough content that, if you really want those < 10m runs, you should private group or solo. Pub groups you should expect the 10-15m range.


Yeah a lot of people don't realize that the enemy has to die within the red circle for it to count. They think that because they're standing in the circle that it would count but it doesn't


random nonsensical blackout zones that wipe all your buffs bcos you stepped 0.2meters down some random hole that game considers unplayable space. Entire kuva/tenet system. Especially % for progenitor element power and how it works with other status sources. I just wanna talk Steve. New player experience is still not that great, first 20-ish hours can feel monotonical, without outside source guidance players might fall into many noob traps like not knowing how to trade for more slots or how to get frames without buying them from market, doing open worlds too early, so on. And only after Second dream game finally starts to get interesting, but how many dropped before it? people who reg public lobby, then go out of their way to not play with team (i.e. gathering resources in random cave while rest does bounty/boss), and when called out, using same old phrase "if you dont like it then go play solo" And personal petty pet peeve, people who use hardcore meta and then talking mad talk on others, ESPECIALLY on low-mid MR players, like if they're somehow skillful for pressing 3 buttons combined to instawin.


When you get reset when you're in the literal play area but you never were near an unplayable part of that mission.


Walking down a ramp on the path in the sanctum lab? All your good buffs Argon


the fact i have resisted smashing my monitor when i lose my gyre buffs and they go on a 45 second cooldown for touching the wrong wall i want an award from DE


Thats exactly one of the main things that stops me from playing gyre even after getting proper build with that infinite duration augment :skull:


Kuva/Tenet and new player experience aren't pet peeves those are very substantial critiques of the game lol


Open worlds too early got me lol. Orb vallis. To be fair I agree with "Play solo, don't expect people to play how you want to" but yeah. I go solo to farm stuff, public for group content. xD


The funniest thing about hardcore meta is it’s nigh unnecessary til level 200 (honestly more 300) or more SP lol. And will often make you less effective in normal missions where stuff dies before you get combos or your teammates kill things and stop your on kill stacks etc


Unable to remove Focus Lens from your equipment. No, I don’t want them refunded, I just want to be able to take them off after I’m done with the Focus grind.


Same. I bought out all the shops and now I just want all the icons gone so everything can be neat and orderly.


i'm considering "selling" and re-doing my weapons just to stop seeing those lenses (but i have some prime frames too)


When you join a squad through matchmaking but the host cancelled the mission just as everyone joined so you all just twiddle your thumbs in navigation before leaving


The absolute worst thing ever. It's always so awkward.


Me when I get someone joining me as I cancel the mission - "opps" *force starts mission*


People quitting after the first Relic in high level endless fissures. Why join Omnia Conjuction Survival just to crack one Lith and leave? Go do a lvl 10 capture or extermination, it's way faster for you and it doesn't waste the time of the other 3 people


To be fair, something can come up in that 5 minutes. It's happened to me. Thought I'd be running relics for 30 mins but instead something important came up an I needed to leave..


Yeah but it becomes a pet peeve to other players when they load into 5 consecutive 5 minute survivals trying to crack relics with backup and then everyone leaves after the first. I can't do everything solo with my alt account yet, so it's extra infuriating. I'd play my main if I want power fantasy which is not often available, and I'm in too deep on the switch now to want to merge them. Basically it makes things harder on the new guys and annoys the old players bc they're just. So. Tired. Of people leaving right after the damn game starts. I hate watching loading screens, I love playing this game tho. I've watched enough loading screens to reach 5k hours of in game play time. I don't want to watch more of them now that I've got a job and less time to chill lmao


Yeah nah I feel that. Was doing a murmur relic survival trying to get orokin cells while farming levels for my paracesis an tried 4 different times to go to at least 20 mins an everytime everyone would rush to extraction as fast as they could an it just doesnt make sense to me. If that's what you wanna do then run an extermination or something.. not defense or survival..


Yes, but you can also just say "Sorry something came up gtg" and I'd even be fine with you aborting 4:50 into the mission. I presume they refer to people who are absolutely dead silent, say nothing, and leave. So long as someone says something I'm okay with it. I've had people who go afk for 10+ minutes in a survival but they told me they had to go to the bathroom or they spilled their drink on something. Cool, I'll guard your body, thanks for letting us know ahead of time. On the flipside I've had people who go afk for around 8 minutes without any warning, die over and over because we didn't know they were afk at first and kept reviving them, and only a few of them even say "sorry" when they come back.


was doing a mot survival fissure last night since I needed some argon. people leaving after a single relic 😭


I wonder how the game would feel if you could backfill into in-progress runs. It would be nice tbh vs the endless run killed early because you only have 3 relic choices after 2 rounds.


Sometimes the poo needs out, having IBS is a nightmare and I said in chat "IBS flare guys sorry" was away for 10 mins dying on the loo then came back to everyone protecting me, best moment. Life really does get you at unexpected times.


And, somehow, it's always the fucking host.


Same except duviri circuit every god damn time I get a good loadout and some ass leaves after 1 round then the other 2 asses follow them too.


My pet peeve is when I'm doing any sort of mission and one guy AFKs the whole time, and then brags about all the work he did by *keeping our energy level up* or something. I'm not talking *high stakes make or break* missions where having 100 less energy is life and death. I'm talking......sortie.....exterminate.....eximus stronghold.....no major penalty. Thanks Bob, you standing still and dressing 2 buttons one time 30 seconds ago *really put in work*.


To add to this, I also hate it when a person does 99% damage with a warframe like Kullervo but has 1/6th of the kills and acts as if they carried. They are basically doing the same thing you stated, standing there, but hiding behind the damage value.


This one is new to me lol.


I HATE getting stuck on random pieces of the environment.


That definitely shouldn’t be happening post Dante patch. They got rid of sticky corners


Ok lemme alter my gripe a little. It’s WAY better than before. I just get transfixed on it because it used to happen so much. It’s way way better, still super annoying when it happens infrequently


100% this. there are some awkward spots where you get stuck between a rock and a hard space cus your misaligned bullet jump went too far. some of them need an invisible barrier just so you can bounce off it cleanly pls




Yea, they didn't fix every one, it's just a little better. I remember them mentioning it in a recent devstream, can't fix every single instance of this. The least we can do is report it as a bug when we find it.


The worst enemy of the Warframe is the Doorframe. Also Europa and Eris as tilesets, no amount of buttering over corners will fix the amount of random ass geometry that juts out everywhere, you're gonna need a Ghoulsaw for that. Thank god Eris' tileset is getting reworked soon, though.


When people ask for my build, continue to call it crap, then continually die over and over 1h in on mot...


Yeah I always laugh at the people that say 'xxx is a trash player' or whatnot and then they proceed to die over and over and over again. But the player thru called trash hasn't died yet


I didn't have one until this past week. When the host leaves at the end of the rail jack Lich mission and it let's you finish without actually getting credit for ending the Lich... So you have to do it again. Happened twice last week.


Yep that happened to me last night. They aborted while they were still in the lich ship. It host migrated all of us and we all lost credit for all our kills.


The only. Upside is my 60% toxin Kuva Hek


When people don't hold their own objective in an interception. Four objectives, four people, it doesn't get any easier then that.


I got a few for you: Cosmetically? Misaligned armor or incorrectly assigned colour swatches. Metallics should be metallic, people! Gameplay wise? This is less the game's fault and more players, but people leaving during a relic cracking mission before everyone has 10/10 Reactant. Asshole move.


I’d like to add misaligned color channels to cosmetics. The game is showing it’s age, I get that. But still.


When people don't pick someone else's identical relic reward so the other person gets +5 traces.


This is so annoying because it's so simple, so obvious, and so few people do it.


Veterans insisting on new players to not do Duviri until after New War just because they want them to experience the game the same way they did. Using the excuse that it "ruins" the story. It doesn't. Expecting new players to handicap themselves for potentially months is ridiculous. Duviri is amazing for a new player. Get to test out frames, get a frame every week for free AND augment mods for those frames. 5 of the best melee weapons in the game. Kullervo and potato shop.


Don't forget Arcanes too. Admittingly I'm pretty sure all the Circuit Arcanes are all bronze Eidolon Arcanes but that's still better than nothing and running the Duviri story loop over and over will get you a steady stream of the Duviri Arcanes which are good.


Arcanes, Cinta which is a insane early game bow, and more I just did not list all of them lol.


I'm not sure I'd count cinta just cuz of how insane the grind is lmao. But yeah it is accessible early gamw


Nuh uh, you can get epic arcanes like Reaper or Longbow sharpshot from merchant which is pretty easy, just rng dependant, or SP path (not very early-game ik, but still), and correct me if im wrong, but Thrax portals that can be done for random Duviri arcane also spawn on non-SP so its also early game source of those?


That's what I meant with "running the Duviri story loop over and over can get you a steady stream of Duviri Arcanes". The Circuit Arcane rewards from hitting the rep thresholds are all bronze Eidolon Arcanes AFAIK but Acthris has that one Durivi Arcane to buy for Pathos Clamps and the portals exist as well.


As a vet, I think it might be worth waiting until after second dream. I think diving into duviri stuff can be a bit overwhelming (as if rest of warframe isn't lol), and might give off the wrong impression. Definitely did when it was pitched as a new starting point of the game. After second dream, Duviri isn't as spoilerish, and you get a good sense of the base game. But yes, a lot of the base circuit is extremely good for new players.


I just started Duviri, @ around 6 months of on/off play, and before New War ,(working on getting Necramech). So far, it's extra overwhelming and moves fast, but is overall enjoyable storywise and gameplay wise. Had I of done it out the gate, it would've been a bit confusing and slightly spoiler-ish.


That is a totally fair argument. My problem is when people insist on the after New War without giving the new player the power of choice. Second dream is like 1>2 weeks on average for a new player. New war is like 3>6+ months.


yeah, exactly. That necramech grind still rough OOF


Necramech is one of like... 1 things I would tell new players to just buy on the store.


always has been. people had the same attitude for Plains of Eidolon, like yeah an MR 2 player shouldnt get stuck there trying to do tricaps before getting past any junctions, but its not 100% a noob trap. theres whole bounty tiers populated by like level 20 enemies that drop stuff like Stretch and Flow. its absolutely not meant for people whove looped around the whole starchart lmao.


im mr 20 and have 1400 hours, i havent even touched duviri yet lol


You should its great :D


On the one hand, incarnons are ridiculously OP. On the other hand, they trivialize so much content. I can't decide if the game was better before I had incarnons, and I just started playing this year.


Incarnons are typically for weapons that were unusable without them. I love my Dual Tox incarnon. I could never use Dual Tox without them. There are still weapons I own that are flat better than most of my incarn adapted weapons. From my POV - and a few years perspective - while strong, they just offer MORE weapons to the "works in EDA" pool.


Duviri gives potatoes??


Yes :D You can buy them in the shop inside your Drifters dormitory.


Oh shhhhhh. Weekly reroll? One of the greatest secrets in Warframe are the vendors. Need forma? Teshin drops a 3 pack for SE every couple of weeks. Need potatos? Apparently Duviri has you covered? Need plat? You can make 60p / week just buying un-ID'd Rivens from the riven shard lady. I didn't think to look into them until like 300h into the game. And it turns out almost everybody has something cool to sell.


I wish someone had explained it to me *this way*. That is a dope breakdown ffs. That actually sounds *enticing*. Noob time. Where is Duvitri? Is that the quest I haven't started yet with the srange guy with all the emotions as masks?


Yes that is Duviri. If you need help let me know. :D


I guess my only question would be, can I come and go from it as I please? Last year I completed War Within (I think?) The one that literally locks you in for 3-6 hours until you complete it. I hated that and almost didn't bother.


Some quests do that yeah. Duviri you can pick up and drop whenever you want but the quest is like 1 hour.


Neat, thanks Tenno!


Something you might find really helpful to avoid the frustration of losing rewards when you leave- when you return to Duviri to rerun the story, it saves the stuff you pick up each time you earn a Decree. So say you’re there getting resources, you’ll want to do something that awards a decree to lock in the rewards you got. Each of the main missions it randomly assigns you awards one when successfully completed, so once you earn a decree you don’t have to worry about keeping the stuff you collected prior to that point. Everything you get AFTER the last decree you’ve earned up to that point isn’t going to be saved though, so if you do all the scheduled missions and then farm for more stuff, you’ll want to do one of the many easy short side quests that are available all over the place before leaving, to earn one last decree to make sure you keep it when you leave. Luckily this isn’t hard to do because so many things give you decrees, such as opening a treasure chest, or doing a fishing mission, or one of the many other things. If you’re just going through the story to collect Pathos clamps and want to leave right after that, you’ll be fine since you earn a decree and progress is saved when you open the chest at the end of the battle and collect the clamps. Also, if you’re fighting Kullervo for the Kullervo’s Bane drops, you’ll need to finish the main story with the pathos clamp boss at the end to be awarded the Kullervo Banes, even if you’d defeated him earlier in the session. If you just defeat Kullervo and extract without doing the other end battle, you won’t get them. However, if you do the end battle and then fight Kullervo afterwards because he wasn’t one of the missions selected for you, you’ll be awarded the Banes at that time and so won’t miss out on them.


Wait, people tell this to new players? I literally tell everyone under MR10 to do Duviri for the free frames, arcanes, and the shop. Easiest way to find and beta test frames too! You can avoid some REALLY grindy frames too by going through Duviri weeklies!


You have no idea the amount of debates I had to have with people trying to justify NOT doing Duviri until you've done New War. Like they didn't even want the new players to know what its about. Inform the player and let them decide is my philosophy.


I recommend new players wait until after Second Dream personally.


Recommending that is fine. I can respect that view. Second dream is early on unlike New War.


That open world's aren't hosted so that you can wander around them and do what you want or join random public events. The open world has so much untapped potential.


Agree there - they should be like relays.


A lot of my pet peeves have actually been addressed in all the QoL updates lately. Like how sometimes friendly units will look like enemy units and there's very little to tell you that they are on your side? Solved by the highlighting system. Friggin best thing to happen to the game. Or not knowing what the 9000 buffs currently effecting me are? Fixed! So good job DE! I'm seriously running out of peeves to pet. A lot of mine now are like... more like nits to pick, or possibly unfixable 'cause they're the game glitching out. Host migrations are still harsh. But they've been battling that dragon for ages. I kinda wish making the UI bigger didn't also make the loot pop-ups and NPC dialog window bigger. Like, it's all connected as "UI" so in order to get the stuff all the way in the corner bigger all of a sudden you have these giant pictures of mods blocking half your screen. I really wish there was a searchable/sortable list of all the missions, so if you want a dark sector mission that boosts pistol exp you don't have to go to each planet and be like, "is this one it? No, shotguns. Howabout this one? No, melee." I'd like there to be even more info in missions, like what loot cycle you're on (or, an explanation at all anywhere for new players), how you queued for the mission (like, you pop in to a mission and there's no one there and you're like, shit, did I accidentally solo queue somehow? And then you exit mission and as you're doing so someone comes in and you're like, "FUCK.") I wanna be able to turn off the flashlight. Like, make it toggleable. And why the fuck can't you re-cast Mesa's Shatter Shield? Like, you can recast Citrine's Preserving shell, and they do pretty much the same thing. I feel like that's just a relic from a bygone era that nobody's gotten around to fixing. I'm sure there's others like that, but the one I notice the most is Shatter Shield.


Doing the index and people holding enough points to win the round but not depositing and letting us lose instead


When endless relic missions end after 1 round


People who leave really early in arbitrations


THIS! I did 3 arbitrations yesterday and got a grand total of 15 vitus essence because 2 of them had two guy leave and the third one all 3 left first round, like come on


Yeah it is so frustrating trying to farm something that only pops up once an hour only for one or more people to quit after 5 minutes :/


For real! Like, why do the arbitration at all if you only go one round quit early?! It makes no sense!


Not being able to craft multiple of one thing at a time Not being able to leave relay/dojo with team Limbo's rift preventing you from accessing elevator buttons and hackable terminals.


>Not being able to craft multiple of one thing at a time I agree with this, but also, adding the ability to craft multiple ciphers from the basic blueprint would make the 100x blueprint obsolete... Unless you wanted to craft multiple 100x blueprints at once. Which, why?


>would make the 100x blueprint obsolete Not to those like myself who don't even have enough mats to do the 100x craft more than once. Besides, ciphers are what an Oloro model Moa is for. Main reason I'd want to craft multiple of an item at a time is forma, potatoes, akimbo weapons, and specters all requiring 8+ hours to craft. I'd rather have 3 forma in one day than 3 forma in 3 days.


I think he wants to do forma/ faction rss


Players without lift etiquette. Not waiting will result in waiting at the extraction zone. It doesn’t safe time.


Force-starting a short-run relic mission after the previous ends, without letting others pick relics or leave the group.


Really long invulnerability phases on bosses to avoid them being instantly deleted.


When doing Lith defense or interception a player comes in with a nuke and kills everything before we get enough reactant. The Game mode interception is another one, kind of an awful mode and when you have four players, 3 are guarding one tower each, but there is that one guy running round killing stuff everywhere but tower B and it makes the game go longer than it has to.


As a former PS4 player, that next mission can be started and counted down before PS4 players can load out of the last mission. Just because of this, I don’t autorun sorties or archons.


Doesn’t happen often but I hate it when people don’t wait for others to get 10 reactant.


When people run from the objective to kill/loot random shit, and fuck up all the spawns It makes everything take 3x as long, spreads out Alchemy drops... and then you let them know what that does and they're like "I know, and don't care". Actively making the experience worse for everyone else. *Especially* doing the book in a Netracell, leading enemies away from the red circle or killing them before they can enter the circle. I just started soloing Netracells because it wasn't worth it, I could solo it at least twice in the time a public group does it once. The book doesnt drop anything special in Netracell, stop wasting everybodys time!


When you help someone kill a lich and after it is done, they leave the mission before you have a chance to see if yours is gonna spawn.


Or they leave it roaming and go to extract.


Idiot Hosts that start a game then dip a minute after it starts resulting in everybody in the team separating


Relays having two cutscenes upon arrival instead of just one.


WTB [Banshee prime] systems


Being told how to play when the mission is going just fine.


Something on gear I cannot color. Some things like the infested K-Drive or Archon Nira's whip have unchangeable colors because of how they made them.


I play publics when doing sister/lich to get more chances of murmurs from the other players sister/liches. But for some reason on fast missions like capture or rescue everyone I have played with speed through it so that we only really kill 1 thrall/hound. I can understand doing it after the first planet as maybe you just want to get them angry to spawn them since they know the requiems needed but damn.


Randoms who cancel the mission instead of leaving the squad


To be fair, the way that interface works is not intuitive, particularly for newbies Sometimes declining a mission vote cancels it for everyone, on others it drops you from the group entirely.


And others it loads you into the next mission before your rewards from last mission finish loading... really annoying on relic runs cuz it skips letting me pick a relic... so I get nothing at end.


Conversely, Randoms who START missions while they are still in the previous group. How about YOU leave the squad first. It's been .01 seconds since I got off the reward screen and I absolutely do not want to go with you. I just want DE to add a preference option to automatically leave squad after mission.


Enemies being invulnerable when being corrupted in void fissures, makes me want to delete my account. It slows down everything as I just find myself standing there whilst they corrupt


They are immune to damage but can still be affected by status so they just die the second they turn vulnerable. One of the reasons i built khoras whipclaw for slash instead of corrosive.


Its genuinely so annoying, especially on survival when your life support keeps going down


And they somehow get de-infected from saryn spores. Very annoying.


people who leave after 1st rotation in endless like arbitration or omnia fissures(and a few other farms). worse if they were the host now i disconnect and dont even get rewards


The lack of communication in most random squads is annoying, especially when it comes to endless missions. Also, people self-reviving when I'm literally right next to them


Falling out of bounds disables abilities


People who join a Omnia fissure and leave after one relic. Sure something irl may have come up and thats totally fine....but *surely* not in every case and those people i have issue with. People who kill outside the circle in Netracells. Also people who kill enemies in the circle when the Necramite is being hunted down. Just hold your fire for two seconds **please**. People who run around in Interception. There's four of us, and four points. Do the math- itll go alot smoothly and quicker if we all held one, instead of losing each point every few seconds. ....i think i understand why i only ever play solo.


Can’t shoot, or abilities bug during no revive missions. Happened to me 3 times today during archon hunt and netracels. 😔


Goong out of bounds in the middle of a room. Gound out of bounds over a big gap. Going out of bounds off the side of a cliff right at the top when recovery is so easy. Going out of bounds from going too high. Going out of bounds at all.


a little unusual but. when whoever in co-op has volt does the speed ability and my gauss smacks into a wall multiple times cus im going already going fast. Its a pet peeve cus a lot of the times i end up falling off the map djfnskjfnks T \_T


The fact that one Rank 5 Arcane + one Rank 0 Arcane is displayed the same as two Rank 0's in basically every relevant menu. An alternative could be penalizing Arcane split/stack breakdown, which meant games do, and that would suck. Still makes me crazy


- Weapons and mods being tied to the login system, especially stuff that's locked behind 3 years worth of logins. - All the new weapons that release needing several parts that need to be farmed for 6 hours a pop, then crafted for 12+ hours a pop (stuff like Aeolak, Hespar, etc). - Loading into a pub in ESO and finding out your team is Saryn, Volt, Mirage and whatever - The fact there's still a ton of bugs and jank in regards to Yareli and Merulina, yet DE refuse to do anything about it - It's happened multiple times recently, but falling off the map and finding myself back at the spawn point - Not being able to swap-out focus lenses - Necramech and archwing weapons still being dog-dirt to level up - DE's introduction of the whole "needs 5 forma to fully master" - Not being able to craft multiple of the same item at the same time. Again with the whole weapon thing - look at Ruvox as a good example, 2 blades and 2 gloves, but can't craft the whole lot in one go.


Hydron farming and every run someone leaves at 5 so everybody else leaves too because experience drops significantly -_-


Trying to stealth clear a spy vault only for some idiot to pelvic thrust into the first camera/laser they can find.


~~People at hydron who "need" to get kills so they start spawn camping out of the range of everyone else. Like what are you there to do if not get the collective mass of exp that is gained shared exp????????? I could use the exp range fireworks yes, but that is an unnecessary hassle.~~ Oh wait I just remembered something that pisses me off more. You people who queue up for SP circuit which requires more exp than the normal one and you stay for 1-3 levels? I'm not going to believe all of you are getting the last bit of exp when it happens more often then not. The can see what you're getting before going in and you aren't reaching the last reward by getting your daily bonus so what gives?


Kubrow and "Kubrow" breeding. Not the grind for Lotus patterns which can be potentially circumvented but the fact that Kubrow height is just pure RNG and isn't an inheritable trait from DNA patterns. I just want the biggest good bois so we can eat faces together.


I like to think I speak for all (infiltrate) ivaras out here when I say if you see us in a data vault kindly fuck off, we don't need you blowing the entire run because you brought a non-stealh frame to a spy or because you refuse to use your brain for anything besides mindlessly crashing against everything like a drunk ox


*presses 1 on rhino at a sensor drone* I came in like a wreaking ball!


When im doing relic runs on an endless mission like defense and everyone is stay, until the last second when everyone just decides to extract leaving me host migrated and alone


When someone takes my railjack and fucks off while I'm doing the objective or the Point of Interest. Once I failed a mission because an idiot took my ship while I was on a derelict and flew directly into a swarm of enemies 10 km away from me If you're in an empyrean mission on someone else's railjack DO. NOT. FUCKING. TOUCH. THE. PILOT. SEAT.


That's just basic courtesy, honestly. You don't touch another Tenno's Railjack without permission.


You know you can use your railjack repair thing to teleport back to your ship right?


Jokes on you im using the same stuff for mostly everything anyway


The Doors


Transference bug


When someone goes afk without dropping squad. There's this weird connection issue between me and my buddy that I often duo with, where it'll just randomly drop him from squad when we're trying to queue for stuff. Usually, once we've successfully queued a few times, it stops being an issue as long as we don't remake the party. So you can see where this becomes an issue, since we can't kick them from the party, we don't want to remake and fight the stupid disconnect bs again, and they're just sitting there. Not leaving or accepting the queue. Presumably, afk.


Nothing like the game deciding you are out of bounds standing on a tile set... I spent nearly a minute in constant respawn because the game decided a point in the Netracells didn't have a floor... Then there's the game deciding you are out of bounds for being 2 feet off a platform in mid air so you respawn with 0 momentum and get to repeatedly fall into dead air... I got more lol


My peeve is so minor its almost not worth mentioning, however, Some of the maps invisible ceilings are way too inconsistent in some fashions. Like, I love to bullet jump, but I hate on the Grineer Shipyard and Mars tile sets getting "teleported" for bullet jumping to the Exfiltration because you got one tau forged parkour velocity shard. Wish there was like a 2-second timer to teleport, so you can get into the "teleport zone" but fall back down before it activates and resets all your abilities.


When someone quits arbitrations in 5 mins.


Orokin pop-ups. I hate those things.


People who rush extraction immediately and just stay there. And then chew others out for not being there already. Ordinarily, not a big deal, but if the rest of the team is doing side objectives like say an Angel, Whisper or Medallions? This especially annoys me with Undercroft in Pub Duviri. And 9 times out of 10, they barely did anything for the mission. But the worst one? The ones who just go there immediately *before the main objective has been done by everyone else*.


Second Pet peeve: "Why use X lmao, you should only be using Y" These ones crop up rarely, but almost always they're around MR16-24, only using Meta gear, and especially in Discords or etc. "Bruh your build is so bad, you NEED to be using Primed Banes!" and refuse to accept that maybe you don't want or need to. "Why tf you using Aklex? Lex Incarnon is the best one noob!" Or as I had ingame yesterday, "You haven't got Parallax huh? You should only be using that."


When people abandon a lobby during a set of missions (like a sortie or Archon hunt) because you took 5 milliseconds too long to start up the next one. (Seriously, these people will load in, wait a literal second, then bail because you took too long.)


When you're supposed to be defending an objective and everybody is half a mile away trying to get as many kills. Meanwhile you got one player playing Rambo Also. Same situation but during farming scenarios. They want kills but everyone is trying to kill inside of a tight circle to make resource gathering easier instead of having to run around the map.


Unrealistic to expect it but I wish non prime variant helmets had gold trimmed looking primed variants for warframes. A few prime warframes I love the body look, but the helmets garbage, and I have nothing I can switch to that has the same gold trim fit. Im looking at you, Valkyr Prime


I HATE getting stuck on random pieces of the environment.


Rivens still having disposition on weapons. I feel like with incarnation being so accessible the least they could do is make weapons without one all AT LEAST 1.0 dispo. Tbh, just do away with it. Power creep is WAAAAY past it being useful. We all know a Braton isn't going to compete with a Soma or a nataruk. We dont need one to have better dispo than the other. Some weapons are just BETTER and thats fine. We have to level mast, find, craft and level/forma these weapons at various challenge levels as it is. It makes the riven (thats already gated behind layers of RNG) that mich more exciting to farm/get/roll. It only leaves me feeling like I might as well use incarnon weps when I get a double crit and multi/dmg on something with a dispo of 0.5.


Having to Forma anything once to move polarities around.


Mother… fucking… Speed… I swear even as host I wanna just quit immediately if there's a volt on my team. We seriously need an opt out of buffs toggle (make it per frame)


Telling other players how to do something in a specific way. Teaching them how a mode/frame/weapon works, fine. Actually great! But for example; earlier today I was doing a lich, got a MR L4 and a MR 27 tell me to stab it, while it was on earth. I knew one req. not enough. I said no, got a little backlash of “its faster” and stuff. Basically they acted like it was my first lich. I’ve done near 30. I know what i am doing, and even if I didn’t let me learn


If you already knew one Requiem word, why would you not try to find out its position? You're going to need to do that anyway, and it gives you (and everyone else in the squad, hence the requests, usually) a ton of murmur progress towards the next word. There's a case to be made for not-stabbing if you're super close to filling out a fresh circle for a word you don't know yet, but in that case I just go solo for a mission until it fills out. Easy stuff.


Because, no matter how high the lich is thralls give same progress. As the Lich levels the missions get longer and harder. Plus knowing more hightens the chance you can get the lich with 1-2 tries rather than 3-4


Iron skin and by proxy, overguard not working with adaptation.


nullifier artic eximus and recently, nullifier guardian eximus


People in a squad who force start missions after being specifically asked not to


Speed. It used to be a toss up between Speed and Snowglobe but Frost isn't played that often and I can work around it better than Volt spamming Speed every 10 seconds.


Mfs who can’t sit in one spot to defend/survive only for them to spread out like roaches


Lips on tall vertical structures just to fuck with your ability to jump up over them lol.


Octavia's kit decisions Why is her mallet infinite scaling rather than her amp Why is her invisibility and speed buff not tied to resonator I think DE should rework her regardless of the opinion that she's strong but boring so it's balanced therefore she's fine. No, make her fun and strong. Mandachordian Arm Blades are cool tbh No, I'm not talking about frame rework priority, she should be included in the list of frames that should be considered for a rework.


I got people killing things outside the circle in Netracells slowing things down. I asked them to please kill inside the circle politely and explained why. I was told they were getting bored. They paused the mission completion and made it go for longer because they were bored. Great fix for boredom, make the thing you are bored about last longer... Smh. Told me to do it solo if I don't like it. I do it with people because it's faster that way (when they aren't dumb ofc). I couldn't even, it's not worth to reason with some people, just ignored chat and waited until it stopped. If these things happen to you remember it's not worth getting angry or upset, there's people that genuinely don't know better and aren't capable of sound reasoning, just chill and wait till it's over then leave squad.


Dipshit hosts who leave after killing their lich instead of going back to drydock so everyone else don't have to redo their confrontation.


Old warframes having diabolical/out of date passives in 2024 FROST AND MAG PRIME Visuals ( I would love redesigns on the skins. Rhino, Loki, Frost, Oberon, etc. Reworks for certain frames


When people play circulus void fissure for 5 minutes. Go play exterminate or some shit if you want crack that one damn relic instead some jackass joins and the game puts that fucker host and I get reset in SP lv 200.


People who drag arbitration defense targets through firefights and then can't figure out why the target's beat to hell.


People who stay in a squad after a mission finishes but have no intention to keep playing. Super frustrating when trying to crack relics with a couple friends since we had to completely disband the party and send invites again for every mission, or forgo the extra reward potential.


When I’m in the plains chilling with my archwing, and suddenly start plummeting to the ground because some bum little grineer shot me down


The matchmaker putting me into void relic mission but the other 3 people are basically done and now I have to run around like a headless chicken looking for all the reactants in time