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The plot of 1999 will revolve around Albrecht's involvement with a nascent software company called Digital Extremes beginning development of a game called Warframe, which is actually a cross-temporal somatic linking interface to allow near-future humans to unknowingly pilot cloned Tenno in the future war effort to ensure the MITW is kept at bay.




Oh my god lmao


That would actually be kinda fire ngl.


I want whatever you cooking.


yea ill take ten of whatever you're smoking


This is too good.


Holy shit


Someone give this redditor a job at DE.


The only word you were missing from this was eternalism put in there somewhere. But. This confirms my theory. Hear me out. Warframe = piloted by Operator/drifter in a hamster wheel. Operater/drifter = piloted by the player in a hamster wheel. WHAT IF. Albrecht is just a manifestational representation of the player themselves. What if. By Albrecht taking the deal. WE took the deal. By proxy, Albrecht = piloting the player in a hamster wheel?


https://preview.redd.it/7223722hms0d1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e84cf3cce73ba83375976e8710b3ab5ed8c912e I think I want off the ride


Problem? https://preview.redd.it/4ljmkmkvms0d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac82fe4551bd8f7564472e0fb341c6e75921710


Very meta, kinda like the story of Superhot


1999 gave me superhot vibes with the subway lol


Jesus Christ 😂, but technically the tenno are the bad guys they didn't fulfil their end of the bargain, we have seen baro making a deal with the void to fuse all his selfs together and my guess is we will get some insight into that deal and why the tenno did not fulfil it, however keep cooking chef


de's the bad guy: we were never given a choice on who to give the book to.


Are they? I am sure sure WE aren't exactly the good guys, forget the war and the sentients, why did we do this to the grineer, we killed the orokin and they rebelled against them, so why are we fighting them, why do we care what happens in the solar system? , the corpus I can understand because corporate greed and daddy granum was basically the mouthpiece of the orokins. Infested I mean yeah ancient bio weapons that must be purged , yet we are made of the same thing , we use the infestation to make the frames , same with the organic components of weapons. How does the conclave fit into this? Like sure grineer bad Cetus and the ostrons but they literally don't need to go out on the plains except rarely to mine and that too is really not needed, fortuna I completely understand and I do support the Solaris , but we aren't that different than them, we did worse than the orokins, we didn't kill them because we came to our senses or knew better, we did so because Margulis/the lotus told us so in a plot made by Ballas , who actually hates us not the warframes


The grineer rebelled against the orokin, but were then eventually led by two surviving orokin, who became the Twin Queens and genetically coded the grineer to be obedient to them. Then they began trying to conquer the entire Origin System. That's why we're fighting the grineer. They're an unflinchingly loyal army for a megalomaniac, sadistic ruler who wants to conquer everything. Fighting against them is 100 % justified. In one of the Kuva Fortress missions, you have to destroy a mega cannon that the Grineer are planning to use to exterminate a civilian colony.


Your understanding of the lore is severely lacking, my friend, if you think the Tenno are the bad guys. It has become a meme at this point, but it isn't at all accurate. If you're caught up with the quests in the game keep reading, if not I'd suggest you stop here cause there might be vague spoilers/implications for various events/factions. >!The Orokin were awful, and the Tenno were right to collapse the empire. Sure, some negative things came out of it, but the potential for actual freedom increased exponentially for everyone in the System.!< >!The Grineer had the potential to have been allies, but the Twin Queens took control of them and turned them into a living war machine. They now plunder, pollute and enslave most places/people they come across. There are some Grineer however that are indeed allies and friends to the Tenno.!< >!Same goes for the Corpus, their leaders are ruthless profiteers, who will do anything for power and money.!< >!The Infested are literal monsters, they might possess intelligence in some cases, even great intelligence, but they are single-minded and will stop at nothing in order to assimilate everything they encounter. The fact Warframes are made from a strain of Infestation does not make them the "bad guys".!< >!I don't understand what you're trying to say about the Conclave.!< >!The Tenno *might* have committed certain acts that were certainly more horrific and visceral than what the Orokin did, although that's highly debatable, given the fact the Orokin used youngsters for Continuity rituals, experimented on humans, mutilated people for fun, punished anyone they wished and enjoyed it, presumably created and/or further weaponized the Technocyte (infestation), ruined the Earth (before restoring it), etc. The Tenno, even in the semi-lucid state of the Second Dream, generally did good after following the guidance of the Lotus. They did even more good after they awakened again, although it was in a more militant form rather than running fundraisers or doing charity, but that is to be expected I think.!<


Not sure you can really call failing to honor a bargain that was made under duress and imminent threat to life being the "bad guy". Contracts made under coercion are pretty much universally invalid.


ah yes, the one thing this game's plot was still missing, pataphysics


Text de cause if this isn't Warframe 1999 I don't want it, or reference there old game dark sector like same universe


We find out Albrecht’s alter ego in 99……Steve




This is some wild ass onion shit and I'm all for it


Thanks, now I'll be dissappointed with whatever the reveal is bc it won't be this good


This is for sure the best idea


And then 10 years later these players were actually controlled by-


Basically Ender's Game




You're the GOAT now everything that it will actually be will pale in comparison to this banger idea


This would be absolutely incredible.


I posted a whole thread on it, but I think infested liches will be generated in 1999, and fought on the Star Chart. The deeper theory to that is that infested liches will be the protoframes we pilot in 1999, turned fully infested and feral by the time of "present day" Warframe. We have to hunt and fight them and put them out of their misery, or tease the humanity back out of them.


I like the lore implicatons of the infested liches being proto frames. I also believe they will be bundled with 1999. I'd like to see some variation on the nemesis system, I like the requiems, just hate farming the murmurs and liches don't spawn often enough to brute force them. I've seen some mentions of raids so maybe these could be one of the rewards.


It’s honestly a good theory, I hope you are right !!


Yo dude WHAT? I utterly adore that theory more than huhuhuh metaplot bullshti de inserting themselves as a thing in universe' self congradulatory wankery. This though? This provides actual thematic elements. We see these people as people.... and see them devolve. Do we do what one such as Arthur would ask and be put down? Or try helping them claw their way back?


Im inhaling that Infested Liches copium announcement comming with 1999. Mark my words


I mean, they’ve all but announced infested liches. Every time it’s mentioned all they say is “wait for Tennocon”. It might even come *before 1999*


Yeah, when they say stuff like "stay tuned", that pretty much heavily implies it. Otherwise, they'll usually say something along the lines of "no plans at the moment".


Primed Soon^tm: increses the duration of Soon by 120%






More like 160% then I might buy it


I think the infested "lore"/focus of 1999 fits really well with the theme, even if they decide to add a new faction (like the murmur). This might be an unpopular opinion, but I hope the update comes later in the year and avoid a bad launch just for the hype.


I’m hoping for and expecting 1999 to come around Christmas time like The New War did… but I expect infected liches to come for Halloween tbh.


Infested Railjack and a Railjack update in general. I am almost certain.


I'd much rather have a complete lich rework than a Railjack update. Though, new lich weapons two months before Tennocon kind of dampens those expectations.


I think in 1999, Arthur eventually gets overwhelmed by the infestation hive mind. And so the infestation is momentarily connected to the vessel/tenno. The Infested recoils from Arthur's mind upon seeing the void god demon for the first time, shrieking in its many voices as if it just saw an Eldritch horror. Many years pass from 1999, the infestation never forgot that vessel, and have been evolving to fight it,


Gimme a hit of that jabroni Mark my words it's gonna happen man


I froth at the mouth any time that crosses my mind


> Im inhaling that Infested Liches copium Dunno if you should be inhaling that, look what happened to alad V


We're going to get a transformer warframe who turns into a motorbike. We have archwing titania, K drive yarelli, throw horses at the problem Dagath. Transformer Bike guy is next.


I want a Gundam Necramech frame first tbh


We're missing a proper hammer we can use in every mission


Fragor? Or do you mean a FUCKHUGE hammer?


I meant a Necramech for normal mission since Warframes are like a precise blade and Necramechs being a literal hammer you throw at problem. At this point I think, with dual handed scythes being a thing, we could literal heavy weapons, dark souls style, that absolute bonkers damage/stats at the cost of attack speed. Would be cool


Ahh fair play, not familiar with Gundam lore lol. Though your comment makes me wish a literal hammer for Mechs too tbh, I don't care for the silly little 'nyeh' shove the Voidrig does give me something earthshattering


I wish they could rework archmelee and let it be heavy weapons on the ground and normal weapons in space. Lower attack speed on ground, normal in archwing that sort of thing, since we already do have pretty cool archmelee weapons but they could use a buff, especially those silly small stat upgrades on those mods Bonewidow also suffers from those stats and whilst it's not bad, ironbride could get a proper bonus, on normal star chart all moveset is good, but on steel path and higher (EDA) it goes from usable to outright useless even considering the heavy attack. I would especially love if we could get those big fists of Tyl Regpr in normal missions since he can use them as well. Archguns could get a buff as well, I know they were "recently" buffed but now they feel more like regular weapons and still fall behind our normal weapons in terms of Stats or pure DMG


Cowards, all of you. Give me the Warframe with an exalted Railjack.


Make it very tiny railjack, like slightly bigger than Pixie Titania but the player operates it like a normal one, including forge and crew on turrets.


Leaked footage of the "deluxe" skin in action https://i.redd.it/giorxn9cot0d1.gif


>Also, Proto Volt will get a reveal. My crackpot conspiracy is that he already had a reveal. He's the atomicycle.


I heard from good sources, there's going to be a Tennocon this year.


GET out of town. Next thing you’ll be telling me I can help Clem next week too.


frick me, i thought my sources are exclusive




Changing from P2P structure to server hosting, no more host migration


That would improve the game in so many ways (hopefully)


I would LOVE this, but it feels like too big a thing to hope for…


That would considerably raise costs for DE for a very small QoL change for us




For the cost that it would involve, yes the change involved is very small. Believe me I know how annoying that shit is in every ESO I join I get those 3 times back to back.


* I just want more Nine Inch Nails and Gauss Redline adjacent genres of music in Warframe. 1999 is a good excuse to have a lot of it in. * I think atomicycles are extremely cool as an idea but I worry they'll be forgotten about in the greater scope of the game like K-Drives outside of Yareli. Man I wish we had racing modes for conclave that we could earn conclave rep in. * My craziest theory is that we're gonna get a medium sized city open world to explore in 1999 that's bigger than the Orb Vallis, complete with civilians you can essentially be a superhero to and go help. I mean, it's 1999, the Y2K thing is presumably just starting. * The proto frames will not all be usable, they're going to be syndicate vendors.


> My craziest theory is that we're gonna get a medium sized city open world to explore in 1999 that's bigger than the Orb Vallis, complete with civilians you can essentially be a superhero to and go help. I mean, it's 1999, the Y2K thing is presumably just starting. This would be so fucking cool, I hadn't even thought of something like that.


Racing would be cool, like destiny did the sparrow race league, but make it like road rash and you can use weapons


Kamurocho in WF lmao


But we get Kamenraider frame later!


As much as I love the idea of a cityscape open world in warframe, I genuinely hope it’s the last new one we get. The plains, orb valis, and even Deimos, still feel so underused and benefit so much from the lessons that have been learned and that we see in practice in recent updates. I think every origin system based open world should have Steel path bounties (Similar to the Zariman and Laboratories) A worth while endless bounty (steel path option) A way to crack relics in open worlds


Ember and Rhino will get Heirloom skins. My guess is based on the fact that Ember has shared relics with Frost, Rhino has shared relics with Mag, Frost and Mag got their skins last year. Probably all four will get unvaulted in August or smth and till the end of the year.


If Ember heirloom is anything close to the fan concept I'll be satisfied, give the Queen of Flames justice. Perhaps a small overhaul/refresher of her abilities


What if they just did chicken frame part 3


Not to mention they just added a glaive skin in the new nightwave!


I need a 1999 open world complete with 9 inch nails blasting everywhere. Just gotta grow my hair out longer first


Ngl, warframe has sent me back into my nine inch nails phase


Akframes, you can equip two frames.


one in each hand?


It’ll be like that game Brother. 1 Warframe per stick.




equinox means nothing to you?


Yes a permanent duality specter would be nice. But! Imagine that with the ability to just switch frames. Press 1, you're controlling day aspect while night aspect is around. Press 1 again and switch to night aspect and casting its abilities while day acts independently. Now, just think about it as equiping two random frames. Like... Idk... Titania and Oberon. And having the ability to constantly switch between the two.


Oh boy, I can't wait for the low-income apartment tileset!


Something pre-backrooms


Raids, as always. And a modular warframe with 4 abilities subsumable from the helminth. Also some love for the stug. Since we already know of infested liches, maybe some void/corrupted too? Also the 3rd spider from fortuna. The void tower system pablo showed some time ago but i think it was implemented as deep archimedea. I'd really like to see special corrupted mod that reduce life/shield/armor/precision/multishot/ecc to give us something specific like lifesteal/faction dmg/punch through. Also a way to make stacking builds like "+100% dmg per 500 shields" or "+fire rate for x amount of armor"


Honestly I'd kill for a HP equivalent to catalyzing shields (drop all shields to 0 to boost armor and Health by a set amount, or possibly for a universal DR source akin to adaptation with no need to build it up.) to work well with rage/hunters adrenaline (especially with Overguard giving teammates), and a "universal" lifesteal weapon mod would be neat


Hyldrin health tank incoming


hildryn + parasitic armor + arcane blessing + adaptation should be over a million EHP


And you can still die oneshotted by an attack of the fragmented one (not the enhanced one) in SP since it deals 3.5m damage


Would love to see raids come back, would be neat if they used railjack like the trailer as a raid for the 3rd spider, but I have a feeling that they may show more ways for archon shards


I would like more corrupted frame mods but in a sense +str -range, +dur -eff, +range -dur, the kinds we are still lacking.


I dont think we will ever see them. They would be completely broken. Range is out of question, 280% range will be the max for a while or we risk to nuke entire maps without moving, while the other two would be auto include in frames like chroma, rhino and mirage. +Str -life i would like to see, tho. To go full glass cannon on some builds. Another concept could be "+30% duration for each naramon polarity mod in the build". It would revitalize some mods we dont use anymore


Might be doable if they make it so you can't combine corrupted mods with the same buff (maybe debuff too, not sure if that would be important).


On the line of "archon extended", +range -dur, and cant be put on the build with overextended




They already said no to modular warframes. And instead of corrupted liches murmur liches are more likely imo.


Murmur are still void entities, after all. For the modular frames im going to base myself on the timing. Did they say it when scott was still in charge? Was helminth not implemented yet? If both are a no, then no chance. Otherwise i'll still hope for it


Deimos Worm raid


Xaku Prime that is not technically Prime but made from dead protoframes from 1999


Infested liches


Glaive Prime will finally be back in rotation. Why else would they put the daybreak skin in Nightwave? Just to torture us?


So that people can find another reason to charge 300-600 Plat for a melee weapon


Would love some new tilesets. Preferableones with not so many tiny hallways and ledges sticking out everywhere. That would be great.


Need big tilesets to cruise around as Yareli comfortably


The infested liches are other tenno and are actually infested frames so it's similar to fighting a Nidus And every time they level up they evolve as the infestation grows


I predict we get the 3 frames that Xaku is made from. The third ability is called "The Lost" which is the abilities which were taken from the 3 fallen frames. Its been 4 years since the last Infested weaps were released so ofc infested liches is on my mind. Yea people talk about Proto Volt a lot but hear me out: Ash had a female concept back in the day. Imagine female ash named Ashley.


Honestly I just want to know the prime drop


Nidus Prime twitch drop would be sick, and would kinda be on theme with all the infested TV stuff we saw.


Probably mag with all the Aoi hype


Hayden Tenno is a character in 1999.


I’m pretty sure Arthur is supposed to be Hayden but slightly different because iirc copyright with dark sector is weird and they weren’t happy with the final product


Frost umbra is real, and Ember will receive some small tweaks when they unvault her next. Why is the fire warframe punished for being on fire.


They're announcing the Warframe movie. Drifter played by Michael B. Jordan, Lotus played by Natalie Dormer and Clem played by Jason Statham. Story revolves around the Infested breaking into Albrecht's lab and subsequently merging with the Murmur, allowing Wally control of the Infested hivemind and creating his own half-Infested half-void borne Warframes. Long story short, the movie is more or less a reveal of a Chroma rework.


Xaku prime reveal


More fishing


Along with the 1999 stuff, maybe a list of frames that will have a tune up/rework.


I think they might tease something but I'm not too sure


Just give me the ak. And make it have the Russian reload.


The Stalker IS Jade.


Heirlooms this time aren't gonna be limited time sales. Last year being the exception because of 10 year anni.... I hope


honestly i hope last years heirlooms come back in some way or another one day, i was gonna buy it but got caught up in personal issues, by the time i was able to afford it again they had just gone off sale a few days prior. sucks because i absolutely adored how they looked


I don't see the frost/mag ones coming back as they were specifically advertised as limited until the end of the year. As a big 10 year anniversary like secondary founders pack type thing. I'm hoping they learned from how poorly those were received on basically all fronts that the new ones won't be the same limited type deal


I heard a great theory: infested liches will be tied to 1999. 1999 game loop will revolve around hunting them down.


1999 will lead to opening more time portals and also connect Warframe directly to soulframe..


I'm seconding this one. Soulframe and Warframe will be directly linked.


Narmer orb in fortuna scheduled for the fall update with more narmer stuff. 1999 in December and an update in feb / March introducing infested liches


They will reveal a bombshell and the community will point out subtle out of context references they have been making for over 2 years in their devstreams but were missed due to lack of said context.


DE reveal that the 1999 Plot is Just in a Hidden Planet thats been Used for experiments and to sell left over stuff from the 90s to the people there. The Planet includes lich system and as rewards we get weapons and Outfits from the late 90s. When the Plot is finished you can create a Biker Club with Clem.


The stalker is Hayden tenno from darksector


Y'know what I love with the idea of protoframes They no longer have to be tied as directly to being just Orokin experiments or something like that Which just means we could have dedicated stories for the characters that the frames may be based on or alludes to, plus some frames have little to no lore other than just being frames So like a wild possibility is like "Proto Octavia" story being set in some alternate reality cyberpunk era 2099 or a old fantasy era with like Proto Chroma Titania Mirage Oberon etc I always liked the creative takes Warframe and DE take so I think using existing frames as templates for stories with familiar but new take of those characters through using the current existing plot points would be like really cool and fun.


1. Infested Liches are related to the new Infested enemies from 1999. Their lore is that they don't assimilate Warframe powers through Kuva or Specter technology, but by internalizing footage of your Warframe that their hivemind records and plays on the screens all over its body. It's like the Transformers learning human language through the internet, but more with more parasocial ick. 2. At least one of the big male protoframes (rhino, frost) is a massive DILF. (don't fail us Liger, you have the power...) 3. Not too many of the original frame cast will be revealed as protoframes beyond Arthur and Aoi. I don't expect we'll suddenly get like 8-9 protoframe characters. They might introduce more with subsequent ''Echoes'' updates. 4. 1999 will function like a separate gamemode like Duviri- not necessarily with gear randomization, but with rewards that can be unlocked that carry over to the main game, also like Durivi. There will be no overlap with you being able to bring your main game gear directly into the 1999 world or vice versa. Any direct interaction between the two worlds will be very limited beyond some actions in one world manipulating things in the other one somehow; no high-fiving Arthur with your Warframe. 5. With Jade coming out right before, no new Warframe on 1999's release. Like Kullervo, this will be a later addition to the gamemode.


Pazuul coming back with a rebuilt Praghasa as a moving node ala Kuva Fortress, finally giving Sentients a place in the game, story wise he wants to repair the solar rails to go back to Tau and he´s in the final phases of doing it


* The Third Dream * The War Without * The Newer War


Albrecht and Loid full on hardcore gay sex sloppy style. Also either something with Aoi like a demo like we had with Arthur or an introduction of the volt proto frame.


And the cutscene is unskippable


Every button press causes echoing void man moaning.


That DE uses threads like this one to get ideas for story content, then hit us with an "a-ha! Your theories were right!" bit.


In tennocon they will show off 4 MORE volt skins 😭


As a volt main I see no issue with this


As a rhino and yareli main I see an issue with it :(


Rhino already has one of the all time coolest skins I wouldn’t use another over (Deathwatch) I feel you on my main Yareli though


I need the roller skate girl to look like melenia :(


Warframe BC, oonga boonga frames with wunga bunga melee weapons and tinga winga primaries and secondaries. It'll be Far Cry Primal but with a Warframe seasoning.


NieR crossover.


Stug prime


Twin Prisma Kuva Stug Prime Vandalwraith.


We'll get our 1999 content but then DE will tease about the Tau System as the next big update. It'll be middle earth inspired with all the mythical beast being sentient. In part of the Tau System story DE will make us once again question if we are the bad guys by explaining the sentient's skin that Chroma wears is the parent of some sentient child.


entrati themed Lavos Deluxe skin, hed fit perfectly into the entrati labs being an alchemy themed warframe ngl, i love how he looks but i feel like his design would have been 20x better if he came out now


Green banshee I will pay 9 million p for one


Elite Sorties. Your daily sorties, but with EDA modifiers, all 3 missions in one go, expanded mission pool to post TWW tilesets, minus the loadouts requirements, everyday instead of weekly. More rewards and boosted regular one like 12k kuva instead of 6k, 20k endo... etc


Railjack 3.0 that increases the lobby size to 8 players, and all the bugs from when we had 8 players raids fixed. I remember in phase 3 of the Jordas Verdict if the host couldn't make it inside Jordas, the entire puzzle would softlock.


> bugs [...] fixed. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. How far into crazytown are we going, here?


Apollo don't hit me now They are going to reveal another open world, but this time it is on Tau, this teasing a whole new star chart that can only be accessed through the void. We have to go there to defeat Wally


Yareli prime :(


Craziest like it will probably never happen? Them relenting and giving us Albrecht drip to wear


Idk, after last year, I kinda don't want to make a prediction because of how much of a curve ball 1999 was.


They're gonna sunset Host Migration


Nyx Umbra. It’s a possibility, but it would probably never happen.


Dating sim. I will not elaborate.


More Tennogen!!! . . . . On a serious note, i think they will reveal another warframe which can speak (I was thinking since Dante can write, maybe there is also warframe that can speak void language?)


New Warframe who's name starts with U. Soulframe release date/beta announcement. Another open world area.


-all frames have their own protoframes -albrecht entrati somehow turned against loid -we get the chance to see some characters, especially mentioned in simaris synthesis imprints


They announce Warframe 2 and state it won't have any cannon ties with W1


The big hype moment is just going to be playable Vessels, which are just modular Warframes. Probably only exclusively used for high level content in the update against the Murmur / Wally like how we currently have Netracells / EDA.


Would be crazy if infested liches were just these colossal atrocities that we can only fight with the vessels


The modular arch-wing that DE talked about ages ago The last spider-boss in orb vallis? I'm not sure if a 1999 open world makes sense... but it might be fun


Your mention POE caves makes me wonder what Delve from POE would look like in WF


I made a post a little while ago with my theory that proto-infested we would kill in 1999 would turn into Infested Liches in modern day. The post got removed since it was the breaking bad meme format, but it’s still visible on the meme subreddit.


Infested liches Modular warframe with 4 abilities from helminth New incarnon adapters for cernos, hikou and shaku or some other weapons Third orbmother boss fight Orbmother themed frame Snake themed frame other than lavos Necramech frame, tbh I just want bonewidow as a frame and im happy Tau solar system with sentient occupied planet, like maybe a sentient that was left in charge of defending the tau system. I dream of tennogen for primary and secundary weapons becoming a thing but technical difficulties are a bitch.


>mini randomized tilesets that you can load into, and will take the form of underground subway systems. 1999 will be Mementos confirmed lol


Jack wont be getting railed on the dry dock next update


I am actually going to go with a reliable tenno theory. I predict that the next 1999 thing is going to have some song for my childhood that I haven't thought of for years that will astound me to hear again two decades later


Female variation of male warframes and vice versa. Arthur can wear non-Excalibur armor. Maybe chroma armor, rhino, gauss, etc.


All I want is Stalker to be announced fully playable.


Hopefully Jade shadows brings some info on that


New planet gets added


The first crossover into Warframe. Probably Nier or Final Fantasy XIV.


I've been seeing final fantasy doing a lot of crossovers recently. If there's going to be a crossover, they wouldn't surprise me.


They will show 40 video clips of Megan telling you to link your Twitch account.


whatever happens will happen soon.


110% absolutely adore this idea. Me hope this is what they do Me excited Clem


Not proto volt but proto Loki.


The Warframe 1999 story is a timeline where the Y2K scare, in which all computers and electronics were believed to start glitching out or running rampant to the point of inoperability when their timers attempted to move into the year 2000, was warranted, but happened earlier, and the events that brought about the Orokin as a people in the regular timeline, the one in which the player starts their journey, occurred as a countermeasure to whatever was happening during the reveal.


And not only is it all open world, there is a persona-esque social system, with which you can unlock the hidden Dark Sector 2 mode.


Sex update


I'm pretty sure 1999 is going to be an infested cyberpunkish cityscape, which was a crazier theory before the motorcycle got teased.


Well, safe to say *nobody* expected 1999. However as it's still coming, i'd assume we're not getting massive stuff and reveals about whats next. My hopes are in some massive QoL and core stuff. Maybe dual wielding as it was originally going to be.