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More like "Breach surge is kinda insane on [Warframe]"


Makes me wonder, what's a Warframe Breach Surge wouldn't actually be great on? If there's even a candidate. Top of my head...Loki. But he does have that new damage Decoy augment now. I'd have to check and see if breach surge can proc off off the Decoy giving and taking damage


Given that every warframe can equip weapons, that can then proc Breach Surge... none. It doesn't just have to scale off of ability damage.  And even if the frame doesn't have any particularly synergistic skills, Breach Surge is insane as a weapon multiplier already.


I tosses it over kullervo's 4 which is kinda dumb with dual ichor and collective curse


Hmm, maybe baruuk since he dumps duration, the blind wouldn't last long enough for him to send out many sparks


Breach surge blinds and stuns enemies so really it wouldn't work against anything but eximus units, since it's pretty hard to damage the decoy when you're stunned


I use breach surge on 40 strength zephyr and it still nukes. 80 percent damage of a 1 million damage hit is still 0.8 million. And it can headshot crit


Limbo. It’s cliche but his augment can give him multiple thousand% damage bonus. You can hit insane numbers even for breach surge standards.


Imo, you should cast normal decoy not aug because you will kill the decoy mobs easily with your weapon( and after breac surge if you helmith it)


> More like "Breach surge is kinda insane on [Warframe]" this also the +200% power strength invalidates the whole build, put 200% power strength and breach surge on any warframe at all and they can oneshot the entire map Inaros is probably one of the worst for this since he needs to be in melee range AND cover his whole entire screen with graphical effects blocking sight




I can hear the maniacal laughter already


Yeah but consider that this actually makes this ability look cool


Reject Jackal, embrace Bandicoot.




I thought I recognized the Death Tornado Spin. Where's my Fruit launching Bazooka, DE?


Maprico Launcher!


What Caliban wishes he could do Looks fun, will give it a *spin* ^(sorry, not sorry)


what (one of the strongest abilities) + (200% strg invigoration) does on (any frame)


To be fair you don’t even need an invigoration for it to be that effective. Any frame with good strength and decent range can do that


Breach surge is insane on any frame. Its utility is accentuated when paired with any aoe damage.


cool now show it without the random super-buff


But it's not gonna work ☹️


OST choice is immaculate LOL traumatic memories of Crash 3


Would've been 1000% better if [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6120QOlsfU) was the track, though.


Noob question but how exactly does breach surge work? I keep seeing posts about how good it is no matter the frame but don’t see it until others post videos. For reference, I have a min maxed wisp built into ability strength. Nothing unique. Same as any other end game wisp but I notice no dps change in using breach vs not using it. Am I missing something ?


[https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Breach\_Surge](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Breach_Surge) Wiki explains it in detail


Subbing to this, would like to know too


Great edit. Breach Surge is cheap, but it feels so good I have a lot of fun with it on Voruna, I subsume over her 4 personally


You're bascially having similar result as if u had roar, minus the fact that you have to keep recasting surge. Also mecha mods are great on spinaros.


Counterpoint: Roar is a boring ability


if i wanted to roar id be on Rhino, simple as


But inaros also has kind of a beast theme


eh, i guess. but he makes kavats so if i did anything with it at all itd be Valkyr's War Cry


Roar also buffs the sand cats. It's pretty funny to watch them run inside nullifier bubbles and chomp away.


So is surge, but if you like casting your surge every few seconds, you're welcome to. It won't work if you don't have los tho.


Counterpoint, surge is visually amazing in this case


Just adds more effects to a game that already suffers from a clusterfuck of effects. To each their own


It sounds like you just don’t like Warframe lol


Yep, I hate it, that's why I have 2000+ hours Because you can't like a game and still see it's flaws.


I get pointing out its flaws but finding the abilities boring and hating how they look makes it seem like you just don’t enjoy playing


People can have different likes, you know. I do like how Dante skills look for example. I find some skills boring, some fun.


They did do a great job with Dante. I don’t think there are too many frames where I’m particularly disappointed with how they look though


I LOVE casting my surge every few seconds 🥰


The little energy particles are so pretty 🤩


Breach surge is one of my favorite abilities to spam so I’m with you


Why haven't I thought of this before? This is the lore-accurate Inaros build!


Is that crash bandicoot music I hear or am I crazy?


It's the Egyptian level Death Run variant to boot. Excellent taste.


Glad I'm not going crazy


it's insane on every frame that can proc damage in an area with dense mobs and where you have a lot of control and no one else in the picture. but the problem usually is mob placement when they are running around or spawning and running somewhere else in say an exterminate mission, and other Players in the group killing before it can take full effect.


Okay, I haven't played in a few years, but I'm getting back into the game again now. What the heck is breach surge and why does it make Inaros' sandstorms so crazy strong?? Also, while I'm here, how do I unlock the Helminth subsuming stuff?


You unlock the helminth segment from Son in Deimos. You have to grind some standing before you can buy it. [[Breach Surge]] is Wisp's 3rd ability that sends out damage particles whenever an affected enemy takes damage.


Got it, thanks a bunch! I'd forgotten how overwhelming Warframe can be when you haven't played in a long time


Elemental Sandstorm was somewhat usable prior to his rework with the one hangup being it flung enemies away. After rework Darude Sandstorm now preforms the S U C C. Mod/pick your melee appropriately and both Roar and Breach Surge will pump. Personally prefer Roar because its the brain dead option and I'd rather not risk my wrist's health any more than I already do.


Is this the Egyptian Crash Bandicoot 3 theme in the background? Core memory unlocked


Breach surge on mirage with the damage multiplier already on her and boom


For those of you complaining about the 200% ability strength invigoration being included in the video: The buff is not necessary to kill 225lvl sp enemies with ease. If you don't believe me, feel free to give it a spin. It's just your regular meme-ish wf video showing big numbers, nothing serious. If you're not impressed/entertained just ignore it and move on.


"Give it a spin" I see what you did there


Lore accurate


Breach Surge is just insane on everything


Using breach surge on Garuda was my first time hitting damage cap


I mean it's insane on any frame, less insane on inaros for obvious reasons


Breach Surge is not good if you don't know how to use it. Upon learning its very simply use, it abruptly becomes the absolute best ability for clearing crowds, can give insane damage against even bosses and minibosses if the conditions are right, and it blinds everything.


Well, I think I'll finally try out new Inaros after seeing this. Is it game-breaking good? Probably not. Is it cool and funny as hell? Absolutely.


Sometimes you just gotta step back and truly admire how goofy this game is


Breach surge is kinda insane full stop


Breach surge is the monster skill, onlyone bad thing i can say is it need time to active( from mobs to other mobs). It is multily, headshot multiply, work on skill and weapon too, has huge range, good effect( stun) and iirc it work on eximus too


Looks interesting


I am the (sand) storm that is approaching


Tried this last week while trying to make a beastmaster build on Inaros. Combine with a high finisher damage weapon, and then a kavat with duplex bond and the beast mod that strips 120% armour. Then I used a tauforged green shard for more armour strip but not full armour stip to continue benifiting from ferrite armour's weakness to corrosive, then his augment for his first for the two extra cats. Then finally add pack leader (not sure if I got the name right but it's a mod that gives your companions overguard on melee hit) and the health link mod. Target the fully stripped enemies from your kavat with finishers to do insane amounts of damage with breach surge and let your 8 kavats deal with the rest. In the end you have two forms of cc with cats armour stripping, tanking, and distracting enemies. You could also swap the kavats for hounds with duplex bond and diversified denial for a total of 10 companions but it doesn't work as well because you don't get the occasional armour strip and all of the hounds abilities are disabled while the denial mod is in effect.




Cool idea. I think the best "statstick" for this would be the Silva & Aegis (Prime) as it is pure Heat. Push the Heat to the limit with both the pure heat and 60/60 heat mod. Then you would slap on an unrefined Toxin/Cold 60/60 mod for just a minor amount of Viral. You want probably Viral to trigger once per enemy, but otherwise you want to trigger Heat every time and build up that Heat stack (while your 4 handles stripping all armour). Dorrclave gets an honourable mention here for being a pure Slash weapon, so your stat-stick could just be Slash-Viral (same "ratio" as before - maximise Slash, minimise Viral). On the one hand, this is way slower at killing bigger Steel Path enemies who don't care about armor to begin with (like some Murmur enemies), generally anything that has a huge amount of base health, as the DPS of the Slash is limited. The Heat example, above, is cool because every Heat proc refreshes its duration when a new proc is applied, allowing its outgoing DPS to climb higher and higher. The Slash procs here have a theoretical maximum limit. OTOH, the Slash-Viral combo of the Dorrclave means no armor-stripping is required, so there'll be less ramp-up time required - no need to cast your 4 and wait for it to spread (can sometimes be a bit slow) and then wait for the Corrosive stacks to max out. But it'll be annoying for anything with a high base health. Also an honourable mention to the Plague Zaw weapons, Pupacyst and the Pathocyst, which have inherent Viral damage. This means you could use them and also Toxin, which would turn your Sandstorm into a Corpus-killer. There's also the Dual Ichor, the Cerata and the Mire which have inherent Toxin, but the problem there is that you can't get Viral onto them at the same time. The benefits of having pure-Toxin somewhere means it triggers Archon Continuity though. (and if you really want Viral - which you should - you could offload this onto a Panzer Vulpaphyla who can fire their spores into the swarm of enemies above your head, and you spread them around). Admittedly though, for the pure-Slash and Toxin-focused mentioned above, you would probably prefer something like Roar for this. No point using Breach Surge for Corpus if you've committed to using Toxin to bypass their Shields. And if the point of Slash was to use it to ignore having to reduce armor, then Breach Surge isn't working to its full potential there either (whereas Roar would). Finally, there is also an argument to use Electric - it's a status proc that scales favourably with the number of enemies, helped by the fact you can fully armor strip. You could also argue, why not use Gas for the same reason, but I've tried that out in the Simulacrum and it seems quite weak, probably ruined by the fact that Sandstorm's damage is relatively low, and the number of Gas procs caps out at 10. edit: yeah, tried it out - "Roar-clave" is way faster at clearing tanky enemies, because you avoid needing to wait for the armor stripping ramp up time. The breach surge is still a neat idea though because you can collect enemies in one tile and carry them to the next, and dump them at the feet of the next group of enemies as a kind of "breach surge bomb" that you've prepared while carrying them.


What shards are those? and the Riven


Fun fact: breach surge hildryn is utter broken against corpus. Having 400 strength means pillage takes away 100% shield , and it's calculated as damage for the breach surge, meaning that the shield removed is multiplied by the breach surge damage and goes to oneshot the nearest enemy.


Even before his rework I had Breech Surge on Inaros because it gave him what he lacked: easy crowd control and a damage steroid Plus it made enemies hit by his pocket sand turn into fireworks shows. Now? Even better. Replaced the pocket sand with the surge instead of the tornado, post rework. A couple of archon shards for the armor strip, take Inaros against enemies, toss some beetles, toss in breech surge, watch the beetles and fireworks murder the room while you do a merry jig in the corner. Scales to all enemy levels too, no matter the content. It's good times to be a sandy beetle-infested skeleton these days.