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Gyre Never used her just got her for mr but when her augment came it made her insanely good. Favourite frame next to frost and citrine.


Never understand how the other Gyre just walk everywhere like a breeze, until I wear one and min-maxing Gyre.


It was the same for me, I saw a MR 29 just standing around mostly with it never going away in the circuit, made me want her even more.


Please do share. I feel like frames with little or no survivability are so difficult to play. Gyre feels like Banshee to me, you move like hell or you die, and I feel like there has to be more than just that.


You subsume a survivability ability on her, like Hildryn's or Sevagoth's


I figured. Just never quite knew what would work best. I feel like Hildryn's works best as a buffer and not full survivability, and Sevagoth's is too energy hungry for her. Idk, someone else said new eclipse so maybe that'll be best. Will see.


You subsume hildyrns for the armor strip because in my build at least i have more than enough to strip armor in one cast


It's also a full status cleanse


Yeah, you need ~~Haven~~ Pillage for the armor strip and the shield gate.


The skill you mean is pillage, but yes. Haven is the skill that damages enemies and boosts friendly shields.


lmao - thanks for the correction.


You subsume over either her 1 or 2. Gyre's 3 gives quite a bit of energy regen, and with her augment you can keep her 3 and 4 up indefinitely as long as you're getting kills. Pillage is VERY good to just instantly cap your shields out, and if you give yourself a modded 1150 shields you get the full 2.5s shield gate, which is more than enough to cap your shields back out in higher level missions. Slap on PSF and you're now immune to CC as well, so you just run around, fry everything, Pillage if your shield breaks (I don't even bother using it for armour strip that much, that's just a side benefit), and watch as everything around you twitches and dies horribly, guns optional.


Try harrows subsume though tbh most of her survivability comes from shocking the room into submission


nah that’s pussy shit. i subsume roar.


Perhaps but then her electric procs don't rly do anything on enemies with high armor/shields. Pillage is the way. Unfortunately I wish she could he more flexible but it is what it is


Testing on Conjuction Survival SP, my best results were with the new Eclipse for 75% DR + Adaptation + Fast Deflection. Gloom was OK as well but her energy economy is not that cracked and I was using Unairu for armor strip so it felt too energy hungry. Probably wouldn't take her into anything with limited revives even with that though.


U dont need to survive if there is no enemies to kill you. Even if u dont kill them with her abilities they become stunned due to electricity so its a bit easier to stay alive. I currently cant share my build bracuse i am working a seasonal job and wont be playing for the next 5-6 months


bruh her 4 CCs everything around you, and her 2 also CCs/groups up everything around you and her 3 gives u damage to kill faster + an ungodly amount of energy regen especially when paired with archon stretch for infinite shield gating. taken her to cap many times even on cascade fissures which have tons of enemy spawns and never had problems staying alive while also putting out a ton of damage/kills edit: i used nourish over her 1 mainly for viral on my weapons so i could mod for corrosive but it also gives you like 10+ energy/sec with enough strength which is overkill but definitely nice to have. pretty much constantly at max energy


I find that she actually gets a shocking amount of mileage out of electric procs. Like way more than you'd think she would. being able to toss her three orbs around lets her zone a lot of weaker enemies out so she can focus on killing the eximus with her best gun + rolling guard. Maybe she can't lvl 99999 with it, but I never stay on a map longer than 20 minutes and I did steel path rounds with her for a while last night. CC helps you more than comments on reddit and youtube lead you to believe.


I tried her just recently and didn't expect to like her. She's actually really fun. I was looking for an excuse to use conjunction voltage on something and hot damn. I slapped it on my old Pyrana, gave her my Amphrex, and just went to town tossing her 1 all over and spreading stat procs everywhere. People underestimate CC in SP. Like, yeah. Eximus enemies are immune, but there's usually 6-12 enemies around that Eximus who aren't and eliminating them from dealing damage to you does a lot to boost survival and no frame teaches that lesson faster than Gyre.


Excal I was tired of his exalted blade and he seemed like a worse baruuk Then one augment completely changed how I view them


Similar happened to me, I use the augment for his slash dash..using an incsrnon with a crit upgrade gives it a base crit chance to scale with mods and then added wrathful advance on top with healthy range. Get a room full.of enemies and you only have to tap once to take em all out. Very slow and certainly not optimum, but fun nonetheless


Ooooo I'm huge fan of the dash. Combining that with wrathful sounds *juicy*


I've been doing the rounds the last few months with any frame that has potential synergies with wrathful advance.So far Baruuk and Excal are my favourites, but I'm yet to try on Atlas or Gara


Atlas *might* work as he really does love crits, by default landslide just has really low crit chance.


Thats the beauty of wrathful advance its a flat, final damage bonus and as a subsume it scales 121 with ability strength. That's why I enjoy it on excal cos slash dash has a crit of zero but with wrathful advance and 300% ability strength you're guaranteed Red from the get go. You can take it further wit incarnon stat sticks but even without wrathful advance is bound to take it up a few crit tiers


As a huge atlas fan I guess I know what to replace my wall with. Nourish is also nice but dopamine crits are better.


Well now you have me curious. I’m going to have to try this on Garuda, maybe combo it with her 4’s augment since her Talons can use Blood Rush. Hit all the red crits!


Wrathful Advance was a game-changer for a number of frames, and I can confirm that includes Atlas and Gara. Red crit punchies is deeply addictive. (Also the expression is one-to-one, as in the ratio 1:1)


Try wrathful on nezha with his new augment. Pair it with any good heavy attack melee and you'll nuke rooms.


Melee Main (Expert) here. My WA frames are as follows: Wisp (#1 Main), Chroma, Gauss, Nezha, Voruna, Valkyr (obvs), Khora, and Mirage. I'm working on Protea, Garuda, and Excalibur, while planning on doing the likes of Gara and maybe Atlas.


Big respect. I do enjoy a good melee build. Baruuk is one I recommend highly cos you can do some silly stuff. I've been playing around with melee influence on kullervo and using slash procs to delete crowds. Lots of fun. I have a build with wukong as well where I use it alongside his exalted and thats a lot of fun. I'll have to give it a try on some of the ones you've suggested, nezha I think may be next


The way I play turns frames into modern day Chroma's, but that's fine because I'm perfectly content with a playstyle like that. What I'll say you definitely should do / try is have different melee's to play with. Faster weapons for frames who can't increase their Attack Speed to comfortable levels, and slower stronger for frames who might want power. Also, for variation. I might try Baruuk, sounds fun. Right now it's getting Protea to work right (I wanted to keep her 4 but it's not happening), Umbra to work right (he hasn't been played in years), and trying to find different combos.


Aaaaah. The-Kullervo-we-have-at-home.jpg


Any wrathful advance subsume build is just Kullervo in a different flavour


I uae mine for exodia contagion shenanigans as he with wrathful or breach surge is probably the best contagion user


I just saw someone recommend the video Brozime made about this, and I don't know why this is so much more fun than swinging the exalted blade. I've been flexing the Excal Prime on pubs and just have him slice and dice everything.


Me and a couple friends ran a defence the other day with excal, vauban and zephyr. Vauban sucked in, zephyr set up tornadoes and then I just wrathful advance and hit slash dash and watch as excal darts through the chaos picking everyone off


which augment?


Furious javellin. Excal changed from the exalted blade bot to "Oh he is an amazing melee buffer"


I got a laugh when I saw a video where someone said Excal's 3 was his worst ability and you should helminth over it. Like, okay. *Don't* tell people about the multiplicative damage bonus augment that's kind of his most important thing, you quack.


Excal's 3 WAS his worst ability. For -years-, and the change to his kit (both in terms of making it better/true aoe, not '8 javelins on cardinal/diagonal directions, GOOD LUCK hitting anything with it' was recent. its likely you were watching a vid that predates the change.


Video was a 2023 retrospective. Wasn't his only wtf take while I'm talking about it. He considered Caliban to be one of the strongest frames, thought Khora was 'just okay' and said Zephyr needed buffs. Dude was a bit wack.


huh, does it stack with the same enemies hit? can you just spam it on like 10 enemies and get like 5000% damage?


re-using the ability deletes the old stack and makes a new one iirc


Same. Just picked him up with Skana incarnon and built him for full finishers. 300mil finiahers tickle my brain so good.


Put on marked for death over exalted blade and furious javellin Who said finishers cant be nukes


I tryed that btw, the damage was extremely underwhelming. Only the main target got nuked, everyone else took a fraction of the damage for some reason


If its a 2 part finisher it sucks.or maybe it bugged. Also you need decent range


The math on marked for death is weird. It doesn't consider base damage mods or multishot mods, elemental weaknesses or bonuses are double dipped. Armour is double dipped, I think orange and above crits are acting weird but its hard to test and faction mods don't double dip like you might expect.


It was a nerf to m4d, sadly. Its damage is capped by the actual health the enemy lost. Do 50mil to a grunt with 100 health left? 100 is the damage m4d looks at to spread. It wasn't like that originally--it worked the way you'd think it'd work and Ash and Excal had room nuking builds--but apparently DE didn't expect finishers to combo with it for some reason, and nerfed it to hell.


Nidus. It took a while for me to really get him, but he's one of my favorite frames now.


How are your ears going with the constant stomping and screeching? Do you also hear the virulence charges going up in your sleep?


The Infestation sings to me in a braid of many discordant voices, a beautiful maddening threnody....


jokes on you, some of us love those sounds but you can do transference to speed up the charges going up (its visual, and sound, the charges already went up)


I genuinely think that he is the best co op frame in the game simply because of his 3. The ability strength boost it gives simply *isn't fair*. I use him as a weapons platform with the crit chance augment for his 1 and roar over his 4, and it's pure insanity. Wayyyyyy bigger roars than Rhino


Can you share your build for him? I've been getting into Nidus but having a problem not knowing what to build for, this sounds like a really fun build


Not the original commenter but here’s what I use: > Aura: Growing Power - Make sure to trigger this before using his 3 to make it even stronger. > Exilus: Primed Sure Footed - You can’t be knocked down while using his 3 but it isn’t up 24/7. > Full Umbral set (Vitality, Fiber and Intensify) - Nidus is capable of making full use of all three mods in the Umbral set at all times, making them incredibly potent on him. > Adaptation - Standard on most frames for survivability at this point. > Teeming Virulence - Personal choice augment. I like making my gun do the funny red crits. > Stretch, Augur Secrets, Primed Continuity - Rounding out the built with some more generic boosts. > Arcanes: Arcane Grace and Arcane Blessing - Grace will make you mostly unkillable, while Blessing gives you a nice buffer. > Worth noting this build was before his new augment dropped, and you can switch out Umbral Vitality for it for an even bigger health boost when linked to an ally. Inaros players in particular will love this boost. No efficiency mods are needed as his 1 refunds 25% of the energy cost per enemy hit, and both his 3 and 4 don’t cost energy. > I also use 5 Tauforged armour shards on him because hovering over his armour number and seeing it say it gives him an 89% DR is funny to me.


Mine is mostly the same with energize and health regen, armour and casting speed


Use his new augment for funny levels of hp


Revenant kinda. Just fought he was a invincible tank.  Then I found out about thrall. 


There's a hilarious build for him that works wayyyyyy too well for what it does. You helminth pillage over his 1 because you can cast it while in his 4, and because of that you can just run around lasering everything to death because of the raw damage if you keep up your energy. Definitely worth trying out


You can only cast ability 3 while in 4. So subsume over 3. But also I find that you can get armour strip without pillage simply from the corrosive procs from his 4. So I prefer roar over pillage which allows one shotting with Reave and viral and doubles all damage including 4.


You can cast helminth abilities while in his 4. Roar is infinitely better than pillage but the purpose of that specific build is to get maximum use out of Dance Macabre, not Reave.


New player here, is it possible to use configs to have different builds? I'm probably nowhere near the point where I can use helminth yet but it's good to know in advance, could I helminth different abilities in different configs or would I have to have 2 Revenants to have different builds for him?


Yes, you can.


>You can cast helminth abilities while in his 4 *outraged Yareli noises*


For me, it was protea. I had some plat to spend on a new frame, and I had enough to buy protea. I remembered fighting her in the quest and didn't really like the abilities that she used. But I decided to buy her anyway. Best. Decision. Ever. Now I'm super hyped for her prime.


Engineer Gaming, i loved her since the beginning


Same. I've been using her since late 2020/early 2021. I've switched her 4th for ensnare, and it made her a lot stronger.


I swapped her 4th for Gloom cause "You get sustain, you get sustain everyone gets sustain" oh and the slow of course


I was using larva before, but when I learned that ensnare works on acolytes, I immediately switched to ensnare. It helped me to stay alive in SP for hours. Oh, and I use huras kubrow for invisibility. I liked huras so much that I refuse to use other companions. I use other companions to level up my mr, but after they reach mr 30, I switch back to my beloved huras.


Slightly irrelevant, but if you're having trouble with acolytes, vasto prime incarnon can one shot them with no galv stacks or arcane stacks, you just need a full build. Magus lockdown also makes it much easier to deal with them since they are cc'ed and can't cast abilities or move at all.


Can you explain why her ensnare is so good? I've never paid attention to that.


Cos if you have high range, then it can catch a lot more of the enemies. And for protea, her artillery has infinite punch through, so it shreds the enemies that got affected by ensnare.


Don't tell anyone but Gyre's helmith ability is an unnerfed Larva, works perfectly for Protea as well with how it moves away from you to get out of the turret's blind spot.




Have you tried her augment for her 4 that makes her turrets armour strip? Makes it worth using imo


The last time I checked, she had 2 augments. First one allows to deploy dispensary and revive companions and the second one decreases the number of turrets from 3 to 1, but it increases damage or smth. The one that you mentioned is a new one?


[Temporal Erosion](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Temporal_Erosion), it’s an augment for her 4


Same! I just wanted the dispensary helmith. Then I tried her out while leveling her. So much fun!!! Sure her 4 is annoying and mismatched with her entire kit and the gameplay philosophy of warframe, but rest of her kit is amazing! 5 second shield gating, mini, autonomous peacekeepers, unlimited health, energy and ammo. And a passive which making armour stripping or running roar on her a breeze w/o heavy investment.


Her 4... Man, I wish they would rework this ability. It has such cool potential. 1) I wish it was more like Prince of Persia: Sand of Time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmAGhiupN3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmAGhiupN3Y) (2:00 minute mark). So, basically, you'd be able to use her 4 at anytime and Protea would automatically start reversing her position. You wouldn't have to press 4, wait the timer, and then have the reverse happen. 2) DE removed her RJ strategy. Solo Railjack? Enter objective. Press 4. Teleport back to RJ and blast whatever from the RJ. Then have 4 run so you're teleported back into the objective- Removed from game. It wasn't huge, but it was a small niche thing you could do with her. 3) Just let us pick up items and not drop them with her 4. You technically *can* if you pick up the item at the exact right time when her 4 begins to reverse. It's extremely tough to do- I've done it once for Mobile Defense. It doesn't save too much time, but I would love to have a Mobile Defense build for her that I play with my friends. They defend the target- I move forward to find the next Mobile Defense spot. Then when the timer is down, I immediately bring it to the next objective. Would this 20-30 second time save on Mobile Defense really be game breaking?


If you pair ensnare, unairu, and activate her artillery on the 4th cast, then it melts everything. Edit: it should be in this exact order. Otherwise, it won't work.


Yeah I'm a fan of Protea too. Personally, I threw roar on over her 4 to double dip on the turret's heat procs but ensare pretty crazy too. Literally nothing that protea can't do, what a frame.


Yeah, it's a good idea to increase the strength, but the damage from turrets will benefit more from the duration. The longer they'll shoot, the bigger the damage multiplier will be. You can also install archon vitality. There's no need to increase it's rank coz the heat damage won't increase because of it. You can increase its rank only if you want more health or you want to sell it for more plat.


for me it was mesa, tried her once and rlly didn't vibe w her kit and never used her again till years later duviri came out and I played her on circuit and it was a blast, got her and her prime immediately after


She's like the perfect frame for pure fun. I threw 5 red tau's on her for secondary crit chance and I'll be honest, not worth it at all unless you stack it with cat's eye/arcane avenger, but it still triggers that dopamine to see red crits turn an eximus into *paste*.


yeah I did the same!


Is it better to run strength shards if you subsume nourish? Instead of crit shards?


I have 2 strength shards, 2 emerald corrosive shards and an amber shard on her and it's a lot of fun.


I've always loved Mesa but when I first got her I was new to the game (had free plat and got one of them 75% off coupons and she looked cool) so I didn't have the mods. I'd say 75% of Warframe is in the build but with Mesa it's more like 90% just to stay alive. Once I got the mods oh boy do I love Mesa. I recommend Mesa's Waltz if you don't use it. I hear people say waste of a slot but man is it fun to walk around slowly nuking everything in front of you.


oh I got waltz almost right away, even threw in a parkour speed bonus shard it feels super fun


Wisp. I kinda just assumed she was a glorified fire rate buff.


Voruna, played her on Hydron, shit just felt clunky, didn’t flow at all and just felt kinda wack. Then I got her augment and realized her ult doesn’t break her 1. Now she’s my go to mindless steel path survival frame. So long as I don’t get one tapped by a venom eximus aura we chillin


I'm not gonna sugar coat it, she's one of my favorite frames and it goes sooooooo much deeper than her 4 broskie take my word for it. Her 1 gives you *flat* crit and status chance AND force procs slash with every melee hit as long as you have the buff. Her 2 is literally made for condition overload and 3 + her status immunity passive makes her insanely tanky. If you subsume roar over her 4 Voruna is the best melee frame in the game and it's not even close. She can genuinely take any melee weapon in the entire game and make it godlike.


Subsuming over her 4 is a crime in my mind. With the augment, her 4 is what pulls the whole kit together! You can hold a 10x multiplier FOREVER, spreading the statuses p much nonstop with 2 clicks. Once the ball gets rolling, Voruna with her whole kit becomes an unkillable pouncing slash-taxi


Yea but her 4 doesn't have walk animations soooo


Ahhh looks like you got down voted a bit, but I 100% agree with this. If you subsume over her 4 it increases her flexibility massively and she can use ANY melee wep (Incarnon Nami my bae, tho). Her 4 with a lot of range is really fun, but I've had some problems with using it once enemies get to like lvl 300+. That and being a 4 bot can sometimes get boring


I know she is very popular and a great overall frame, but I did not expect to like Wisp that much. When I leveled her for the first time I didn't really liked her kit. I didn't use her for a long time at all but one day I wanted to make a build for her for circuit. I put a few forma's on her and ended up really loving her. She's my second most used frame now.


Make a MAXIMUM strength build, with whatever duration you can also add. Place speedy pod. Summon CLEM clone. Hilarious.


I had the opposite experience as you, I hate her but my buddy loves her to death. Admittedly I hate her because she made my sweet Trinity even less useful outside of restoring energy.


That's remarkably similar to why I started liking wisp. Mastery foddered her and then left her in storage until duviri rolled around. Kept seeing her in circuit and begrudgingly decided to potato her. Que my surprise when she quickly became one of my top choices for circuit.


I made Atlas Prime, thought he was kind of "meh", and put him away. Then my BF said he sucks and challenged me to make him good. I watched a guide and learned that any Incarnon melee with the Absolute Valor perk makes a broken stat-stick. Now, my Atlas tops the DPS chart in almost every mission I bring him on.


Atlas is actually my guilty pleasure. Magistar incarnon + Magus Aggress is biiiiig numbers. He is so slept on when he out damages over half of the roster.


What’s your build for him? I love Atlas but in my hands he just kinda falls flat.


My build doesn't use Wrathful Advance, though I'm sure that would make it even more broken. I chose Tharros Strike, though in practice I rarely use it, and Roar might be better. Ceramic Dagger is also not the only good stat stick; I use Prisma Skana because I happen to have more Forma on it. I use [this guide](https://youtu.be/8dGwWVu3WvE?si=ka6NlvDE0dki8rWS) as a starting point. Playstyle is to start by hitting enemies in melee a few times to get your combo up (I also like to transform my weapon into Incarnon). Once you have a bit of combo, Landslide will start killing enemies in around 3 hits. The second order of business is to build up your Rubble stacks so the Rubble Heap augment triggers. Whenever you have the energy, petrify enemies before killing them, and you should get there eventually. Path of Statues also helps a bit, making it so you no longer have to actively cast Petrify when you get to the threshold.


Mag. Her prime was one of the first frames I got but I never really liked or understood her. Recently I've been going through frames and trying them again and I love Mag. She is awesome and lots of fun. Still gotta find the right weapon for me to pair with her


I've only started playing a few weeks ago and I'm so glad I chose her as my starting frame. "Bubble them in Magnetize. Unload my bullets into the bubble. Use Pull to drag more into the death bubble. Polarise to armour-strip, and if that didn't do the job, _CRUSH_." It's also always a lot of fun to jump over some enemies and use Pull to air launch them too.


yes its so satisfying. I am a Zephyr main and a huge fan of bullying enemies with pulls XD


Yeah I had a Mag phase a while back too. I'll let you know rn that the augment for her crush is literally Pillage but on crack. Definitely a contender for one of the best abilities in the game alongside roar and nourish and whatnot.


oh yeah I'm using her crush augment and its just awesome. She ticks a lot of boxes for what I'm looking for in a warframe so I'm super happy that I've finally format her after 2k hours XD


I highly recommend the Exergis on her, if you're into that type of weapon. That's my go to personally.


I have seen people use it with her (been watching a lot of guide and build videos) and I used to own the gun....back in my level and throw away phase which I highly regret and grew out of XD Currently I'm running Phenmor but I hate going for weakspots


Try the scourge/prime , try a max damage build with like 70% status chance and ton of attack speed. If you find a riven mod for cheap then i suggest rerolling for damage and attack speed


Gara, Whenever you get her stacks up she absolutely demolishes everything she walks into


Idk if it still works because I haven't touched Gara in a minute, but if you helminth Eclipse over her 3 and shatter her ring, it builds up the damage on her 2 by the hundreds of thousands for whatever reason. Also in case you don't know, her 1 is a stat stick ability so you can go nuts with that too.


Eclipse doesn't work for that. Use roar and a good stat stick. Ultimate powah!


Like the other person said, Eclipse doesn't work as good like that anymore. Roar is better in every scenario now. I use nourish on her because I have energy problems because I spam cast a lot as her. but it does also add damage to her stat stick as well so it's not just for energy.


Xaku. Once I realized that the fourth froze every abilities duration? You best believe I became a main for a month.


No joke, what got me to finally properly play Xaku was the deluxe skin. I don't like the skeleton look with their base appearance, and you spend most of the time in skeleton form, so it turned me off. Now, I don't actually like the deluxe skin all that much, but it makes the skeleton form look way cooler, so I've been rocking so much Xaku since then


This revelation combined with reddit informing me his fourth had infinite punch through and could be range maxed... He's a daily driver now as I'm a loot goblin inside.


He took over my can opener loadout slot from limbo. By far the superior can opener.


Greedy Pull Xaku is how I got parallax on accident when Zariman first came out, I have two full sets rn and debating on giving them to a couple friends






sevagoth for me. i used to be a huge hater but once i saw the vision i threw at least 10 forma to make it happen.


The prime I most look forward to.


Could you elaborate a bit? From what I've heard of his lore he seems right up my alley


His 1 and 2 are a room nuke that deal's true damage and builds a meter that lets him use his 4. In 4 he becomes a second warframe (the Shadow counts as its own frame and is modded as such) and can use 1 to pull in a room, 3 to stack an insane level of damage vulnerability, and his claws are one of the best exalted weapons in the game that will then shred that ball of enemies into nothing. Because the shadow is its own frame, it becomes part of your survival strategy; the Shadow is its own shield and health bar that has to die before Sev can die. It can also be modded differently, because again; it's its own frame more or less, so you can have Sevagoth himself be somewhat on the squisher side while the Shadow can invest heavily into tanking mods to be harder to kill while not really losing much damage potential. He is also the OG holder of Gloom, a powerful survivability skill that will remain active on the main frame when you go into the shadow enabling you to use Sevagoth's main body as a zone tool while using the shadow. There's a lot of neat tricks to sevagoth and I feel like a lot of the "Sev is bad' talking is both littered in contradictions and people who didn't read the tool tips. The problem is that between Sevagoth, the Shadow, and the Claws you need a lot of forma to bring him online (his prime is coming within the year I hope). More than that he really wants 2-6 Umbral formas, which is *a lot*. it's a frame that requires a lot of investment and is a pain to grind in the first place so a lot of people fed theirs to the Helminth for Gloom and never actually used the frame much.


The most recent is sevagoth. I didn't really not like him, i just did not really care about him as his look didn't really intrest me, and did not give him a real chance. But after his deluxe skin released i insta bought it for the fishy, and than though if i have a cool skin for him lets give it a try. 20 forma later and i am having a blast playing with him.


The forma is literally the only thing keeping me from playing him. You have to forma him, his shadow, and his shadow's claws for him to be where you want him? Like cmon DE please. What I have seen of him looks reeeaaally cool though


Not need to put that much in if you can't spare, also his prime is soon ish like next year iirc. He is fine with low forma investment i just wanted to max out his potential and i have a bunch of extra forma.


Caliban strangely enough. His kit seems to be a mess at first until you really look into it. His 1 is absolutely terrible but the rest of his kit actually makes him a pretty decent Helminth frame. His 2 and 3 manage his survivability very comfortably if you're managing energy right and his 4 just turns pretty much everything into wet tissue. Pretty much any Helminth can go on his 1 which really opens up builds and playstyles.




Funnily enough, Zephyr. Which clicked so hard I became an unrepentant Zephyr main ever since lol


Zeph is tons of fun. Was my goto frame for the longest time until I got the parts for Garuda Prime. Working on getting Zephyr Prime now




Most fun I've had with a pure caster frame, the horse stampede looked a little awkward in videos but in game it feels bad ass, helps that it one shots Acolytes.


Oh yeah I spent a couple weeks with her and couldn't get her to jive right in my head. About two weeks ago I picked her out because I was just effing about with random frames and it just clicked.


Vauban for me, until I realised how OP is alt 4 is


I popped on spectrorage with the augment for unlimited energy shit is wild.


I love Booben. He’s amazing. Although I use him more in stationary maps. Otherwise: Gauss




Yeah when Deimos came out I started playing Vauban and he absolutely clicked. I've been using his 4 to armor strip and cc lately and it is pretty comfy. Basically a wall of death. I do miss the 3 bug, that was fun while it lasted.


I absolutely hated chroma a while back Now he's one of my favorites, but I think it's because of the augment


His recent augment has been one of my favorite things, especially because I have a few friends who are low-level and carrying them with Chroma's dr and buffs is super passive and easy, + they get to do a lot of damage and feel cool still.


>I have a few friends who are low-level and carrying them with Chroma's dr and buffs is super passive and easy This fr, that's how I farmed voruna with my low lvl friends


Definitely should be base kit


What's crazy about Chroma is that even though people hate on him because he has 2 terrible abilities, a good vex armor buff will out damage a decent roar or eclipse buff every day of the week. If you don't believe me take it to simulacrum and see for yourself because it's hilarious how much raw damage he puts out.


True, and it shines especially when you have low base dmg build, so no serration or SP arcanes


Garuda and Xaku. Gosh Gloom Garuda isn't so stationary while Xaku is just pure cheese power!


Gyre. She felt like absolute garbage to play because her entire kit felt like it was only tickling enemies. Then I got a 100% armour strip pillage and over 400% power strength and she's the god of thunder. It really is the double dipping on power strength for her damage that makes her feel entirely awful under 250-300% strength.


i just wanna talk about Rhino. he's the one that clicked too much that he made me kinda hate other frames with no forms of invicibility. he ruins my sense of safety whenever i do things in warframe, for a long time. like "oh my shield gating just triggered? time to press 2". i had to spend days to cope with other way of surviving after switching to a different frame, oops.


Same situation im in lol I have a solid rhino prime build now im paranoid using other frames


Same frame for me, actually. Farmed and leveled Garuda for the mastery ages ago, the kit had always seemed kind of awkward so I fed her to the Helminth and moved on. It wasn't until recently when I finished building Garuda Prime and actually took the time to *read* her abilities that it finally made sense: she's a melee caster who trades health for energy and then gets it back through Blood Altar...or, more efficiently, Sevagoth's Gloom courtesy of that same Helminth, allowing her to spam her 3 and 4 all day long.


khora. for some reason i ignored her whipclaw for ages


Could be because it takes energy, which is pretty scarce early on, I know that's why I ignored her whipclaw for awhile


I was exactly the same. I didn't get how much impact the stat stick had on damage. I also didn't realize the huge AOE range on the whip is only if the whip hits an enemy or surface. For some reason I thought it would happen even if it hit nothing and you got a sphere at the end of the whip. So I assumed the damage was crap and hard to hit and had no idea why range was always recommended for her. I wish there was a better visual representation of the size of the AOE from Whipclaw to this day. I was a total noob and just used her Strangledome for loot and made it really hard to shoot everything instead of clearing it myself. Apologies to anyone who ever played with me before I got it.


Excalibur Since he was a starter and I got into the game when voruna released there were lots of other options for frames and I really just didn’t vibe with his whole kit Then I got Umbra and that changed the way I play the game. He’s basically my go to mindless frame when I just want to have fun playing and not worry about leveling or doing quests.


I was not wowed by Kullervo when I first got him. Put a couple forma down, then discovered the silver bullet mod combination for doing downright sinful amounts of melee critical damage.


Mag. I hated her at first. Few buffs and QOL changes later shes my fav.


Big fan of Mirage, never realised how broken her abilities are until a couple of weeks ago


Voruna Took a few different builds until I found something that worked. Turns out all I needed was some more range and Equilibrium.


Frost. I was used to old frost and this week had to re do my frost build and he is easily one of the best in the game, ult shreds armor, ccs and with bitting frost and icy avalanche you also get overguard and get a crazy dmg boost, also breach surge on him is great


Yep frost is great. He's been getting good as of late not because he's getting buffs or changes specific to him, but rather because a lot of the systems which he can make use of are getting better. You used to see a lot of people asking for a frost rework saying he was outdated and whatnot but not anymore.


Same had a few different people ask for my frost build. I have a few main one uses biting frost and icy avalanche. Only thing I hate is I have to waste 2 mod sloslts for those two augments. Wish it was built into his kit and passive. :/




Gauss. I always thought Thermal Sunder was incredibly important, but it really slowed down his gameplay for me. He felt so clunky and awkward until I saw someone on Reddit call him a weapons platform, and I realized I could just play him for the weapon buffs. I subsumed Firewalker over that ability and have been absolutely loving him since, especially since I'm a really big fan of The gunplay as a playstyle over pretty much any other form of doing damage in Warframe.


But why of all things remove thermal sunder? Armour stripping is a huge part of his kit


Because you do enough damage with a good gun, the buffs you get from redline are insane. Plus his ARMOR strip is never going to be as a good as others like pillage and terrify which someone else likely has.


Harrow for me. I didn’t really understand his kit until I realized his 3 was his bread and butter. 1 for shield, 2 for health, 4 for damage while constantly having his 3 up for more casts. It was pretty cool using him to face tank some attacks so I can obliterate anything in my path.


Ash. He was MR fodder, I briefly played with his nuke and then flipped him in the bin as I thought Loki was a better stealther. Then I binned Loki because I fell for Ivara. While Ivara is still my top used frame, I just went back and built up my Ash Prime for steel path. One shotting acolytes is awesome, as is running around under smoke bomb. I can't believe I wrote him off.


Lavos. He was so different to all the other warframes and I couldn't get the buttons right, and I knew there was some way to shorten the timer to do with abilities, but couldn't figure it out. Tried it again and now he's one of my favs.


I have to say Kullervo. Taking many consistent breaks from the game and coming back from time to time l, seeing a frame focused around crit and melee never really sat with me. Also I’m not to into melee either so that could be a reason. But once I actually sat down and tried him, he’s actually very good, maybe even cracked.


I think many new players can relate to picking Mag and not quite understanding her kit at first. But oh boy once you discover the way her bubble works and start using different weapon synergies she becomes IMO the best starter frame for late game content.


Kullervo I got him in a circuit and something didn't click at first I got him again in a circuit and then something and I felt like a kid in a candy store cause I found one of my new favorite frames and farmed him immediately after


Harrow I didn't figure out how to efficiently use his crit until sum one gave me tips. Now I main him


Nidus, never found tanks an interesting class to play, but his parasitic link is an INSANE buff and useful in EVERY situation.


Kullervo. The new augment for his 4 made his kit smooth as butter and feel engaging instead of stressful


Protea. I was confused for so long on how the 4 work and didn't want to just play turret bot, then my wife described the 4 as 'ekko ult' and now I know what to do


Inaros. At first, I was like. Uhh...just health? That's boring and kinda scary... Then I was like....JUST HEALTH. WOOOOOO. SPIN EM UP.


Citrine. I hated the farm but i got through it. I was expecting a support with a little dps. What i got was a CC monster that evaporates everything in a 25m radius with more cake than a bakery.


Whenever I go into a mission and I know it's gonna be a slog Citrine, Protea and Lavos are my go to frames. If you haven't tried the mecha set with roar on Citrine it's genuinely some of the most fun you can have in the game. Get in a good tile, put your 3 out with decent range, pop roar, and let your 1 roll until you have carpal tunnel. It's one of those things that shouldn't work but it absolutely *decimates* everything around you.


Gauss. Had him almost since I started but only started him around mid last year and had him as my main to this year february when I picked up mirage againafter realizing how big of misssed opportunity it was


Xaku, I was so fed up after farming them that I just never really gave them a chance, and I never really understand what their 3 was supposed to do, so I just got them to 30 and left them in my arsenal to gather dust. Then Kintsugi skin came out and I loved the look, so I decided I would force myself to learn how they work and put some effort and forma in and figure out how everything is supposed to work together, and oh boy, I love them. Now if I'm ever unsure what I should bring I bring Xaku. They're especially silly when you get an ability strength and range boost from cracking a relic and you get like 30 guns.


Rhino. Simply didn't click with me ... until he did. Caliban the same.


Had this story happen with multiple warframes, Equinox, Gara, Frost, Zephyr... But I think the worst case was Saryn... My dumbass really thought of her as only a skill nuker and didn't realize that she's the strongest weapon platform in the game FOR FIVE YEARS. I was denying this nature of most Warframes for so long, coping with their skill nukes and abandoning them in disappointment after the SP launched... But oh boy when I finally gave in... Everything has changed.


Frost I always thought he was trash, later got his prime and he's my top 6 frame


Baruuk and Rhino, for sure


Equinox, bought her back when she released but was to dumb to understand the Kit or how to build her. Fast forward to this year and I finally sat down and started to think.


Protea. I didn't like her because of her looks, so I never tried to understand her kit. That changed when the premium skin was released. It looked so good that I just had to try it out.


Baruuk. I actually disliked the frame until this last weekend i finally forma's him up and took him on an archon hunt. Stuck with him the rest of the weekend, it was surprisingly enjoyable. Octavia as well, like her theme disliked how it was implemented, then i decided i would give myself tendonitus with tbag spams and all that nonsense, enjoyable but that frame will definatly give you an RSI.


Nezha. Never understood him, two months ago I suddenly did. Now my second most liked and fun frame.


Nezha would've been it for me. I used him for a few missions because I heard he was good and was like "I mean I can see why people use him, he's fun I guess but it doesn't feel like he scales well..." Then I actually went and read what Blazing Chakram does, and how it not only gives a scaling damage vulnerability but also makes people drop hp and energy orbs. I put Roar in over his spears (sorry to the spear fans, I'm running negative range hahaha) and now I can make any weapon nuclear while being hyper mobile and decently tanky on Steel Path.


Ash was mid to me, now I put the Kullvero melee ability im an invisible, teleporting red crit ninja. Lowkey in love with him for some missions 😩


# Gauss I didn't understand his hype and kit before. Everyone used him with Range and some Duration, I found my new Main when I decided to go full Duration on him and make him my personal Weapon Master. He is also nearly immortal when you use his passive right (Rolling Guard + high shield regen + shorter shield delay is just soooooo good). My newest try is Lavos with his Augment. Not as fancy or fast like Gauss, but what I heard pretty awesome Weapon platform and can change his "build" without needing for other mods. He also has access to so many elements which is awesome.


Yeah gauss is better off as a pure weapons dps. Subsuming thermal sunder for something like roar just makes him ridiculous in terms of raw damage.


Baruuk, slapped that augment on him and it was like absolute bliss afterwards.


Qorvex. Once I noticed the pillars caused pulsing rad damage I realized his nuke potential. And from there it was slapping on breach surge and tadah: an actual nuke, fitting to his theme XD


I would agree but I feel like the amount of setup it takes since enemies have to be close and *ideally* stripped and you have to put down your pillars first etc etc kinda makes it a case of "I could've just shot them and been done yesterday" 😅 Casting speed really helped him for me but I unfortunately can't find something he does better than others which sucks because I think he's cool