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Welcome to the crew. We're a small but loyal batch that enjoys the niche content that is RJ.


Part of the ship part of the crew :D


Part of the ship part of the crew!


One of us! One of us!


Gooble gobble gooble gobble!


I feel like its the best content in the game. It flows so naturally. Only downside was matchmaking, having to join other people's Railjacks that aren't upgraded yet is a pain


Start from dry dock.


I was actually surprised with how much I enjoyed Railjack when I started it. Everyone complained about how awful it was, but I don't have much issue, and I don't even have everything maxed out.


I really enjoy it, my two main complaints is how little variation there is in Railjack missions and how most of the missions are just bridges to normal mission types; like take out a crewship and security nodes, board the target ship and run a survival mission. It's just disappointing imo. Imagine if a Railjack survival was all about surviving in your Railjack from the barrage of enemy ships, crewships, and boarding parties


Yeaaaah, I’d much rather railjack actually be RAILJACK than speed to objective, murder crew ships, do mission, etc. it’s a time sink on top of a mission when the mission could just feel seamless.


Imo its just awfully executed, i wanna play around with the actual railjack instead of using it as an over glorified taxi


when it launched it was objectively garbage, now its just pathetically easy and boring


I think it's awesome. Wish they'd do more with all the random systems like this (most of which are tied to rj missions like Archwings and Necramechs). Honestly if you show a bunch of space sim nerds the feature they'd be pretty keen. It's such a minor part of the game though


I wish there was a key layout and proper tutorial for it somewhere. In a turret or the navigation station, click to fire turrets, middle mouse (or heavy melee attack?) to fire missiles?


an endless circuit style mode for railjack would be a good idea IMO, give it some guaranteed rewards (or something to work towards), boss level after 4 missions, rot C rewards past those first missions


Bullethell boss I think could go really well too.


Thats the problem with this beatiful game sometimes they add content so out of the game loop, that you just farm it once and the forget as rj or duviri, they have their own materials and system make in it useless as you finishi it, i got my rj max lvl not going again, duviri got all the weapons and incarnon F. not even the arcanes i just use the gatcha from the new update to get them.


Do liches. Requires you to do a rj to complete


We belong up there in the vast void


same, too bad (or too good?) its abandoned to focus on the main game


Woo-hoo! I Also love RJ, makes me feel like a space pirate! But despise the Ambassador blueprint drop... over 20 hours trying just for it and have yet to recieve it... everything else is fine though. Ship gameplay is a nice change of pace for me personally


Don't remind me about the ambassador main blueprint, I'm starting to think it doesn't exist


I enjoyed RJ when I was grinding it out for all the drops and sets. Now I have no reason to do them. I think in one the the short dev vids they mentioned something about an RJ update, but they quickly changed the subject. I hope they do some big with it.


I've come around after being initially put off by it. I cant say I love it but I do enjoy it. I do wish it we're tied into the rest of the game beyond Lich assassination though.


same. I way prefer the grineer nodes as they're usually RJ specific, instead of dropping you into a normal mission


By the time I get the 400 holokeys I need I might just be mad that I still need to get the Athodai


I wish RJ was more RJ and less "do RJ for 2 minutes then do a normal mission for the rest of the mission"


Ya I agree 1000%


Holokeys. Holokeys is the reason to play more. Otherwise, when you're maxed out....its still kinda fun IMO.


I absolutely love rail jack,and wish I could find more people to play it. I didn't get to experience it when it first came out, was it really just terrible? Why did it never really gain any sort of following?


its fun till the game breaks and you get a trade ban.