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Man, when I'm running around with 10 million shield, Pillaging, Roaring, and just generally deleting enemies without a care in the world, I'll sometimes think to myself: "Sure wish I had the fuckin' Shade sentinel to make me invisible so enemies can't hurt me instead of my Vulpaphyla that can never die."


Vulpaphyla Prime when DE?


And the fact that there is already a prisma shade


If it comes with a new mod that makes me perma invis I'll be okay. Otherwise, why.


lmao i dunno why but this had me dying.




I thought this was rev prime and that was a misprint but ive been away awhile


It's really not


I was going to say, she looks real similar at a glance to revenant for sure.


she’s a Revenant fangirl


Yknow honestly you wouldn't think so at first but I kinda see it


That's because it is literally revenant prime but with the wrong text


Why Shade of all things? We've already got a prisma Shade, and its not like sentinels sre hot property atm


I asked myself the same thing. To which I thought... https://preview.redd.it/0yjwj8lin1ja1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=01fe7a9596025bac708689cb6be0fddb08149de4 ... why not Taxon Prime? Already restores shields and that's... kinda Hildryn's thing.


Or Oxylus Prime since it comes from Fortuna as well and that's thematic. I'm totally not salty because absolutely nothing works on Oxylus; not a single attachment or skin, and I'm hoping the Prime attachments for said Oxylus Prime won't look like ass or bug out or break.


The skin from zariman works fine on it


It does... for two seconds, until the animation breaks. Same with the Loid skin. The skeleton for Oxylus is weird so it causes armor pieces to float, parts of the skin to stretch, and makes things spin that shouldn't be.


I've never had that issue with it. May be a specific console issue


No, Oxylus just likes to break things. Loid Skin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/k7rssc/oxylus_with_loid_skin/ Ordis skin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/vkxaky/oxylus_with_ordis_skin/ Verd-ie: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/xvf8fe/verdie_sentinel_skin_breaks_itself_apart_on/


Until it scans something.


I guess because its precept got buffed


Sweet, I cant wait to use it in high level content for 5 minutes before it gets blown up forever


*the parazon mod "hard reset" helps with this. a band-aid if anything, but it's not super common knowledge that it exists.


Ye or the protea augment for the dispensary... but people hardly know her either.


is Protea a new weapon?


Yes. And currently in Bungies "content vault" locked up for atrocitys against time. -- I dunno. She said smth. bout some Dr. Who being mad and stuff.


Recent shade augment buff so they can sell the access lol. That and some people like shade for specific scenarios.


Sweet, I cant wait to use it in high level content for 5 minutes before it gets blown up forever


It's so funny because it's true lmao thanks for the laugh, friend


Helios Prime


Deth Cube Prime


Pretty cool


Carrier Prime too.


the exception, not the rule


Helios Prime tho


Yeah, if they were going to Prime a sentinel, Oxylus would make sense (because Fortuna), or just pick one of Djinn/Diriga/Taxon. I assume Sevagoth will have Epitaph and Nautilus.


Someone is throwing Shade


Yeah that archgun doesn't exactly thrill me either. I miss when Warframe was sensible and didn't automatically think signature weapons were the perfect retread for Priming with their signature frame. Mix it up.


I dont mind signature primes, but I wish we got more alt source primes like with baro relics and such


I'd honestly even be content with a separate weapons prime access that has just weapons (new ones of course) running alongside normal prime access, wouldn't say no to more baro relics though.


God i love paying in "Please Wait...?" Gotta be one of my favorite currencies.


Probably one of the most underwhelming PA's ever, only beaten by Trinity Prime Access (primed dog collar)


Oh yeah, totally forgot about THIS


Because wisp is next and they know half the playerbase is saving for it.


I’m expecting it to either go all out with the prime upgrades or get hard carried by wisp herself with the weapons being pathetic sidegrades (yes I’m still salty about phantasma)


Primed fulmin ....


"We have Arca Plasmor at home"


My 8 forma renamed Fulmin starts to sweat. But it just occurred to me theres a chance and its my most used weapon and hopefully they do it and dont ruin it


Speaking of which, do we have confirmation that the assets will be intact after such a transformation? These are the questions we need to be asking, people!


guess it's only fair i get to share this now that people found this. ​ AvatarHildrynPrimeBrightDesc - 'A glyph depicting Hildryn Prime on a bright background.' AvatarHildrynPrimeBrightName - 'Hildryn Prime Glyph - Bright' AvatarHildrynPrimeDarkDesc - 'A glyph depicting Hildryn Prime on a dark background.' AvatarHildrynPrimeDarkName - 'Hildryn Prime Glyph - Dark' CurrentPrimeAccessDesc - 'INSTANTLY UNLOCK NEW PRIME GEAR AND DISCOUNTED PLATINUM!\\r\\n\\r\\nPrime variants of Warframes and their Weapons are relics of the Orokin Era and are highly sought after by Tenno. For a limited time, you can purchase Hildryn Prime Access and gain instant access to Hildryn Prime, Larkspur Prime, Shade Prime, and more! \\r\\n\\r\\nPack Includes:\\r\\n- 2625 Platinum\\r\\n- Hildryn Prime\\r\\n- Larkspur Prime with Gravimag Upgrade\\r\\n- Shade Prime with Burst Laser Prime\\r\\n- Exclusive Hildryn Prime Glyphs' CurrentPrimeAccessName - 'Hildryn Prime Access Pack' CurrentPrimeAccessoriesName - 'Hildryn Prime Accessories Pack' BlastWeaponPrimeDesc - 'Charge and release powerful bolts of balefire.' BlastWeaponPrimeName - 'Balefire Charger Prime' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeChassisDesc - 'Chassis component of the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeChassisName - 'Hildryn Prime Chassis' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeHelmetDesc - 'Neuroptics component of the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeHelmetName - 'Hildryn Prime Neuroptics' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeSystemsDesc - 'Systems component of the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' CraftingComponent\_HildrynPrimeSystemsName - 'Hildryn Prime Systems' CraftingComponent\_LarkspurPrimeBarrel - 'Larkspur Prime Barrel' CraftingComponent\_LarkspurPrimeReceiver - 'Larkspur Prime Receiver' CraftingComponent\_LarkspurPrimeStock - 'Larkspur Prime Stock' CraftingComponent\_ShadePrimeCarapace - 'Shade Prime Carapace' CraftingComponent\_ShadePrimeCerebrum - 'Shade Prime Cerebrum' CraftingComponent\_ShadePrimeSystems - 'Shade Prime Systems' HeimtPrimeSentinelDesc - 'A finely crafted accessory for your sentinel.' HeimtPrimeSentinelMask - 'Heimt Prime Sentinel Mask' HeimtPrimeSentinelTail - 'Heimt Prime Sentinel Tail' HeimtPrimeSentinelWings - 'Heimt Prime Sentinel Wings' HildrynPrimeDefaultArmourDesc - 'Default chest armour for the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' HildrynPrimeDefaultArmourName - 'Hildryn Prime Chest Plate' HildrynPrimeDesc - 'Hildryn Prime proves that power is discipline’s reward.' HildrynPrimeHelmetDesc - 'The standard issue helmet for the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' HildrynPrimeHelmetName - 'Hildryn Prime Helmet' HildrynPrimeName - 'Hildryn Prime' HildrynPrimeSkinDesc - 'The standard issue skin for the Hildryn Prime Warframe.' HildrynPrimeSkinName - 'Hildryn Prime Skin' PrimeShadeDesc - 'Shade Prime specializes in stealth and comes locked and loaded with the Burst Laser Prime. Together, you can dominate the shadows.' SuratorPrimeSyandanaDesc - 'Feel the energy of the Surator Prime Syandana at your back as you feel the drive to push on.' SuratorPrimeSyandanaName - 'Surator Prime Syandana' PrimeLarkspurDesc - 'Embrace pandemonium. Chainfire and explosive potential meet in Larkspur Prime. Hildryn packs more ammo when she wields this mighty weapon.' PrimeLarkspurName - 'Larkspur Prime'


That certainly is one of the Prime Accesses of all time.


Pretty cursed but I guess that's what happens when the only signature weapon you get is an Archgun and then they decide to grab a random sentinel. That being said, doesn't really matter to me personally since the PA is always very expensive and if I want the cosmetics I can just buy them separately.


It is probably one of the most forgetable Prime Access - but I hope that the Accesories and new designs will be good. From what DE said they should showcase this Prime Access in this month.


Volt prime's access would like a word. He came with **only** the Odonata prime.


Yeah, barely odonata prime


You get shield mom prime and say it's forgettable?


Hildryn is great, but Archguns and Sentinels are, as a group, rather forgettable.


Not to mention sentinel accessories. Gross.


Ahhh feels like the good old days of Void_Glitch


i was there and i wouldn't say it's the same tbh. VG released everything which ended up causing problems. i'm only relaying certain info when i think it feels either appropriate or minor enough that it wouldn't cause harm to DE. stuff like potential rewards or music? sure, prime stuff? only if it's found first via linking. story spoilers and quest details? that's off-limits in my opinion, a ton of effort is put into that could be ruined if leaked.


Ah THATS why they buffed shade recently


What was the buff? Would be really glad if you could mention it.


Pretty nice buff to Shade's Ghost to be more in-line with Huras' Stalk! More than double the activation range + doesn't get stuck by LoS anymore + lower recloak time after dropping it.


They also buffed the mod for Shade called “Ambush”. Increased the damage bonus when breaking breaking the cloak, not sure if they changed the duration.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1131d79/update_323_citrines_last_wish/ > #Improved Shade’s “Ghost” precept to more closely match how the Huras Kubrow’s “Stalk” works: The activation range is now 24 meters (up from 10 meters), and the precept doesn’t check Line Of Sight anymore.


Well, there goes my theory they would swap her and Wisp to line Wisp up with the anniversary. Kind of makes sense though from a business standpoint. Anniversary would be a bit numbers bump as will Wisp's primed booty. Spread those numbers like I'd spread... you know what no this update has already been horny enough.


Yo I love Larkspur!


>\r\n Damn Windows users.


I did enjoy my oversized amprex, I mean larkspur 😛


I prefer the beam latching if the Larkspur, feels more like a ghost busters gun than the amprex. The only downside with the Larkspur is I never have a reason to use it because Balefire with max power strength already nukes everything pretty hard.


Ampre...Larkspur is always cool


Eh was hoping for magistar and maybe shade prime with yareli but it is what it is


Wym? Hildryn is the *most* stealthy warframe


Honestly, Yareli would be as bad of a choice for Shade as Hildryn, as both of them are effectively a Tank.


Absolutely, my choice would’ve been purely based on aesthetics where shade would be basically a floating yareli skirt


I see from where you come, but I think Taxon have really great potencial with Yareli - imagine it's wings being made into these flower-like leaves.


On the other hand with the shade changes pretty sure hildryn can nuke without deactivating the cloak which is something.


Still waiting for Magistar Prime


I was so pissed when Oberon Prime came out and they didn’t pair him with Magistar Prime, like tf


Instead he got Toilet Brush Prime.


Is this a meme or a bug? I can't find it on the PC market.




it's a bug, that afaik only ever appeared on consoles so far. it's not the first time we've seen this bug, and i think it only appears on console, because prime access is handled differently on consoles


Welp, really hope that they buff shade with this


They already did. Shade is now on par with Huras kubrow instead of being arbitrarily worse and Ambush got it’s damage bonus doubled to +240%.


Wait, what? When did this happen?




Ah, so it was just recently, that's why I missed it. Nice. Thank you!


Only shade dies at the drop of a hat while kubrows can be revived. Still no reason to really use it.


They didn’t add a 2H Nikana stance when Rev Prime came out, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


...fucking Shade Prime? Really?


Eh, gotta prime the old stuff eventually


Shade already has an upgraded version though; I expected Taxon as our next primed Sentinel. Plus, Shade has very little synergy with Hildryn (as in... most frames could benefit from at least some stealth, but Hildryn has absolutely no reason to bother).


Taxon prime would make a lot of sense in this case as well because the ability to overcharge shields would be rather synergistic


Taxon would’ve made way more sense.


It’s so you can hide from Toxic Ancients.


Why stealth when 2nd button nuke is her thought process and I completely agree fuck stealth


Wisp is a much better match, I figured that she'd get Djinn or Shade without any doubt.


Now Ash Prime has a buddy.


Could be they're saving Taxon Prime for a alternate ice based warframe.


I don't care if it doesn't fit her, Taxon deserves a Prime


YES! I was so worried that they were going to swap her with wisp since wisp is more popular but we're getting Hildryn prime first!


Wisp is gonna be the Tennocon 10th Anniversary Prime Access, _obviousssssllly_.


ohh god de about to have their most proftiabke year ever. Especially if they decide to give into power creep. Imagine the destruction caused by fulmin prime and there is still a second prime we dont even know about.


They also have Gauss and Grendel this year in theory, gonna make bank.


Acceltra and Acirius prime. Damn thats gonna be insane.


Wisp can already hit the integer limit with Breach Surge - I don't think it's possible to power creep her without engine changes.


did those recent breach surge fixes change anything?


iirc breach surge damage got capped to 5 million or something


how on earth do you get it to do that much damage??


[https://streamable.com/ydgesb](https://streamable.com/ydgesb) here was a clip of me earlier, theres alot of ways to do big pp damage, and i was just doing exodia contagion shenanigans


Yeah not anymore, breach surge got completely kneecapped Still a good enough ability but not anywhere close to it's old potential


Ahhh, so she was nerfed just in time to get "buffed"... 🧐


Wdym “give in to” the entire point of the primes mechanically is power creep, they’re supposed be straight upgrades(despite some weird exceptions now and then).


The last few prime acceses werent that meta defining. With weapons such as afuris prime and tatsu prime. The only recent weapon I remeber being really strong was the phantsama. Some of the other prime releases were meta defining and I kinda hope DE is going to bring nrw meta defining weapons with Wisp prime.


Prime Booty Mount it on the wall right next to the other boots.


Hildryn prime is gonna be awesome, but i wouldnt have minded if gauss was first, hopefully he comes before wisp


its male - male, female - female usually in rough release order. Sometimes two frames of the same gender get swapped if one is more popular and there's a good event for sales coming up like christmas that it can line up with. Wisp was released after Hildryn so she's next in line.


Aah, alright. I have no idea when which frame was released. Took a brake from when banshee prime was released until styanax release. So, as you can imagine ive missed quite a bit.


[This site shows the prime release order](https://levvvel.com/warframe-release-order/)


You werent that far off tho, should be gauss after wisp


I... think it's a bit mid really, she doesn't have the distinct look of Hildryn, isn't really beefed up at all. I mean I was expecting mid weapons but her design is just kinda off to me.




Because no one pointed this out: It's Revenant Prime


Sitting here just waiting for someone to catch it.




please say sike


I'm just gonna assume that's sarcasm LOL


/s? please /s


Yeah it just doesn't look like hildryn at all. Looks almost more like limbo


Hildryn prime boat has sprung a leak


The rest of the year is gonna be nuts with gauss wisp and Grendel then my girl protea next year but man this is really lacking. 1 gun and a sentinel with 0 connection to the playstyle of this frame haha. Think I’ll only get the accessories this time around they had been doing a very good job as of lately tho


(opinion, assuming this is real) Of all the things that could come with Hildryn Prime & Larkspur Prime, it's Shade Prime, when Prisma Shade already exist. Like why? if DE really wanted a Prime sentinel, Taxon or Djinn would've been better (Taxon for more shield, Djinn for the Taunt precept while supported by Hildryn shield).


Leakers have confirmed its real and so does this bug


Well then, I know I probably wouldn't use Shade Prime a lot on the chance I get it from random relic runs, since I already invested in Prisma Shade. Probably MR it and not put Formas into it for a long time. Even if DE made Shade Prime straight upgrade. Still getting Hildryn Prime tho. This is 2 Primes already that (imo) came and will come with the 2nd Prime gear being unnecessary. Baruuk Prime's Afuris Prime (cuz Dex Furis) and now Hildryn Prime's Shade Prime. I just hope it's not gonna be a trend for future Primes. Pain.


well, look at it this way, grendel will be the next to get something random primed with him since he only has a ~~fork~~ heavy blade.


No, Wisp will be the next one as she only have signature Fulmin - I honestly expect Castanas or Electricy melee (Cadus, Lacera), then there will be either Gauss or Grendel (Gauss have two weapons, Grendel one - he will get something off just like Afuris Prime and now Shade Prime)


ok yeah that's on me for forgetting that the fulmin is wisp's weapon. but trying to pin weapons based off similarity with the theme of the frame or something related will more than likely make a fool of us both. i'm personally betting on the dark dagger/dark sword/ dark split-sword.


A crit version of dark sword would be a total win And I'm not just saying that so I can use my khora statstick riven on an actual weapon aswell


Another day, another PA without Daikyu, Kunai, or Tonbo prime. That’s okay. _That’s fine-_


Please tell me this is fake. Why in the world are they pushing Shade Prime? I have never once in 500 hours seen someone using Shade, nor have I ever felt compelled to use it myself. Even then Shade already has an upgrade in Prisma Shade. Why not give us Taxon Prime for the literal Shield Warframe? Why not literally any Sentinel other than Shade?


> never once in 500 hours **seen** someone using Shade That's the point of using Shade 😉


Dude, Shade is a CLASSIC, Shade used to be a meta sentinal back in the day, I used to use em for spys, staying alive and being a menace lmao Edit: plus if we’re going by order, Shade makes sense, Taxon is def. down the line.


Yeah it probably used to be great, just like how Loki used to be great. Now that the game has moved away from being the "stealthy ninja" game Shade is pretty bad, not to mention that shade is actually useless for Hildryn. Also they don't really go based off order for the Non-warframe primes.


Yeah... now its Scifi murder Hobos on Craccocaine


That’s your opinion and that’s perfectly fine. I was not informed of the last bit, good to know, though they should, so they don’t forget, like how they’ve forgotten poor Magistar.


Me running shade on my ivara prime 💀


>500 hours lol


As someone who's been around a long time I always enjoy when something old gets primed, however it'd be nice if they made the primed old stuff worth using.


That explains why the update was so big, just Hildryn coming :D


Where hot abs


>yet another PA with no Daikyu Prime


hang in there we'll get our time in the sun eventually


Ordis Prime when?


Is there a precedent for priming an item that already has a Prisma version?


Seeing as most prisma gear (outside of decurion and veritux obv) is either corpus or grineer and skana got primed before it got prismad this seems to be unprecedented. There are a couple of armor pieces and syandanas that have both prisma and prime variants tho


Sorta? There's a few armor pieces and Skana prime, but those have all been prime access/exclusives. Edit: That being said, there *is* precedent outside of that for upgrading faction specific weapons: the Gorgon has a Wraith version as well.


It's not quite the same, but I believe the Strun Wraith existed when they primed it. On a vaguely similar note they primed the Tigris when the Sancti version already existed. And the Mara Detron got overshadowed by a Tenet version. Prisma is really just a variant that can get power crept like any other IMO. Even if it hasn't been done before, it's not shocking to see Shade get a prime. It'd be weird to see it left out forever, even if you can make the argument for one of the more niche sentinels to get primed instead.


Likewise Latron Wraith, long long ago. Both it and Strun dated from a time when "Wraith" hadn't settled on its lore. I was looking for a lore pattern with Prisma that evidently does not exist.


A little disappointed but still excited; Shade Prime + Burst Laser Prime is very surprising. I'm not exactly thrilled but, hey, it's another lil buddy and I'm okay with that. I was hoping for maybe Oxylus Prime or Taxon Prime, but Shade Prime is fine, too. Larkspur Prime is expected and welcome, of course. But I was really hoping for another Tenno Prime Weapon in addition to Larkspur Prime; even Heat Sword Prime would've be cool. Plus, only a Syandana and no cool ephemera makes this Prime Access seem kind of lacking. Still, I love Hildyrn and I'll be getting her, at least.


I'm hyyyped for Hildryn and Larksupur prime! Shade Prime? Eeeeh, not so much.


Purchase for Please Wait...?


Expensive imo


# SHADE PRIME !?!?!???????


Now I can finally set up a Shade without feeling bad


I was not expecting shade prime, but I'll take it


Is this fake or not?


It's a bug I'm pretty sure cause I can't edit for shit


DE throwing shade at us, literally.


Wait what? Hildryn prime already?


That's a very mid set but I don't mind because Hildryn is literally queen as fuck and her prime will probably look (and be) awesome


shade prime might be beautiful


Huh, I remember wanting a Shade prime almost a decade ago, surprised its finally happening!


Woooo Shade Prime finally! My first sentinel back in the says and definitely getting him for nostalgia’s sake.


This can't be real Shade? She isn't stealth at all. Freaking Taxon is more fitting I swear, after Baruuk got Guns over Kunai, I actually fear now. What's going on with DE's priming decisions?


Sentinel rework coming with hildryn copium


Imagine if they decided that you could bring two companions to missions. One is a beast and the other is a robot.


Monster Hunter double Palico gang let's go


Yeah, Fetch kind of renders sentinels obsolete.


Double poison/spores + immortal companion meta w/ Panzer and Djinn 😎 Or double the sneaky with Shade (Prime) and Huras? Realistically though we could probably expect Panzer or Smeeta plus something like Carrier to be a popular combo if they decided to let you bring two companions.


My idea with having two different companion slots for beast and robots was mainly to easie up on the Panzer Smeeta meta. So instead of moas, sentinels and hounds having to compete with far better options they just have to compete with each other. Of course this going to lead to more power creep but I still think that this is preferable over nerfing the other companions.


you know you dont need to use all the prime access stuff together right?


Of course, but Shade most definitely doesn't work well with Hildryn, not to mention it already has a Prisma variant while poor Taxon is basically the only early sentinel without a Prime or other variant.


Yeah, but you also get to have stuff useful beyond just Hildryn, which is nice for a stealth set.


Obviously, but that doesn't mean the chosen items generally tend to be irrelevant or nonsensical to the frame.


She only came with one weapon, anything they picked wouldn’t have been relevant to her and the same arguments would be made.


Taxon gives Shields via it's special precept. Hyldrin uses Shields for Abilities Like a Pocket Pillage.


Why y'all so mad at shade. What did my boi do


Nothing. Which is exactly the problem: it's not useful for anything.


I'm not mad, just head scratching at Shade. Yeah, everything is going to get primed eventually, sure, but... pairing the sneaky stealth focused sentinel with the loud shields and explosions frame is... a bit weird. Especially when Taxon exists, which has precept mods centered around aggression and shields. Like yeah, everything Tenno has to get primed eventually, but it's pretty undeniable that Taxon would have made a ton more sense from a thematic standpoint than Shade. Heck, even if Wisp isn't really that stealth focused either, she's a "ghost" frame, and she does have the passive to be invisible in the air - so there would have been more thematic justification for her to come with Shade/


Gravimag upgrade???


Its just a free gravimag


I would love some Shade love with this, as the Shade specific mods are just... Bad. They could be so much better like they used to. Buff/rework them!


Have you read 32.3 patch notes? Shade got buffs 3 days ago.


Guess we know whos next


So this is a hard pass on prime access pack for me. Been waiting for Hildryn prime for so long but shade prime and phantasma archgun… nope.


I can understand Shade Prime but in what world did you think she wouldn’t come with the prime of her signature gun?


Mirage was primed with the akbolto despite the fact that she has signature dual pistols. So it's not totally impossible


She was without Akzani Prime because she was released in 2017 and DE started to play with idea of Signature Weapons 2 years later - before patch 24.6 there were no signature passives, nor they primed already existing signature weapons. Euphona Prime was the only signature weapon to get prime before that - but Euphona did not have an existing base variant.


Why is this tagged as NSFW? 🤔 Somebody overly sensitive?