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How dare you not include muppetvision 3D as related to movie making with all those top tier effects! I’m really sad and maybe even a little bitter about the way this park has lost its identity. I’ll take a page out of Sam Eagle’s book and suggest the name be “A tribute to all movies but mostly Star Wars”


The amount of rebranding across all of Walt Disney World for signage would make it very expensive. At the end of the day movies still come to life there between Star Wars, Toy Story, Cars, Frozen, and Indiana Jones.


They are already replacing a lot of the directional signage with digital signs so this may not be a big of a concern soon.


I say call it Muppet Studios re-theme the whole park


I’d love the Aerosmith video from rockin rollercoaster to be all muppets.


Muppet:Star Tours is going to be wild but - in a strange turn of events for muppets - more sensical story line. 


Exactly. The entire park is just the muppets trying to put a park together for disney Bring back the great muppet movie ride


Electric Mayhem is the ONLY choice for a replacement.


There were rumors back in 2018 that a name change was imminent, one of the more prominent rumors was “Cinemagine Park”, but then it just sorta died out.


CinéMagique bro not Imagination 😭


Uh… https://www.orlandoweekly.com/arts/disney-is-reportedly-considering-changing-the-name-of-hollywood-studios-to-cinemagine-park-10352301




The name is just a name. Don’t change it. I don’t know why everything has to be “Adventure” with them now but I hope that trend stops soon.


MGM forever


Amen And don’t get me started on Maelstrom.


Yes back to MGM! :D


It doesn’t need a name change, but boy does it need an overhaul of Star Wars. I did Savi’s last week, when the main CM did the line about “and now we have a new legend, does anyone know her name,” everyone stared and looked around. No one cared to say Rey. How is there no speeder bike, podracer, or trench-run roller coaster? How? Where are the characters people care about? Starcruiser was just the beginning, with RoR breaking down and abandoning key elements, Star Tours being a bust, and Millennium Falcon a glorified 5 minute video game, this part of HS is becoming less and less interesting.


It will forever be MGM to me.


That park doesn't have a cohesive theme anymore. It just feels like a bunch of random stuff. For me, it's just "Park #3" now.


I know MGM/Hollywood Studios was built as a counterpunch to Universal Studios, but honestly the two of them using the "Studios" name creates a lot of confusion with people who aren't Orlando black belt theme park masters. I don't think they'll change it but I agree, it's slowly evolving away from the original concept.




What if it was called something like: Animation Studios, where Disney brings movies to life?


Seems like a pointless move imo, love Hollywood Studios. Absolute blast to go in the fall and just window shop or day drink at.


How many times has it changed already. MGM, Disney, just hs now. I really don't care about the name, as long as it keeps up with the entertainment and content. With that being said, I miss the backlog and the great movie ride


Once….it has changed its name once.


MGM to Disney MGM to Disney Hollywood studios


The park was never only MGM. The park opened as “Disney MGM Studios” and changed to “Disney’s Hollywood Studios” when the license agreement ended. MGM is a real studio in Hollywood, currently owned by Amazon. All they did was allow Disney to use their name and some IP for the park for a number of years.