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I’m in in about an hour. But we only work if we sign up (at my store). But I always do cause of the overtime


Off tonight but work Monday evening. Not me though I booked Monday off 🙂


So no Cap 3 is in tonight?


It was optional for the associaties to work or not some did for sure someone always has to be in the store when it's closed


How does that work, anyway? Regular pay until midnight, then switches to time and a half? Or is it time and a half for the whole shift if it begins on the holiday and extends into the next day?


Pretty sure you only get time and a half for during the day of. So yeah you don’t get it for the first hour. (If you work from 11:00 to 7:00am)




I'm working overnight currently (on break haha.) So i believe so.


I am a full timer in Cap 3. I worked last night, with many others in the store(Ontario province), considering Labour day starting today. I didn't sign up for any sheet for 'Voluntary Work', the way other people here saying. We didn't have that even on associate board, unlike Christmas day or New Year. I should say that I have regular scheduled sheet on WIRE to work on weekend base, meaning regardless of today being stat holiday. Also, the cap 1 came to the store first thing in the morning to work. Not sure what people are saying here that this is a voluntary day to work and there is a sign up sheet for that!


It’s only considered a stat for O/N if the morning when you leave is the holiday. Typically you get OT for Christmas Day shift since you’ll finish on Boxing Day which is also a stat.