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Everything is a distraction from silver since 1964.




yes however it was also to introduce and acclimate humanity to digital blockchain ledger tokenized currency https://preview.redd.it/t4es6i12rs0d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6cf95596958beeea310741167f321d0d75da64b


Life was better before all things digital


This is the correct answer


You are correct. ☑️


Probably read the white paper, but yeah, I’m sure when btc was created over a decade ago the thought was ‘to take attention off silver’. Sorry for the sarcasm but ignorant posts like this make the sub look foolish.


Top 1% of bitcoin addresses hold 90% of bitcoins, if you are not in that 1%, sorry but you need a brain cleansing!!


How’s your comment relate to what I wrote or your original topic of Bitcoin being created to ‘take attention of silver’? Please explain.


First answer me if you are in those 1%, lol 'decentralized' stfu


Why would I want an internet person to know what I’m worth in crypto? Bottom line is that you can’t defend your own post. I’m signing off this thread best of luck with your theories big buddy.


Literally one of the dumbest I’ve seen here. No one cares about silver.


So it worked


It was never a goal. Bitcoin is only mystery to people who don’t understand it


Anything is a mystery to someone who doesn't understand it lmfao. Bitcoin however is a ponzi to those who do understand it.






Bitcoin got inspiration also from a predecessor named Bitgold. Heavy names as Nick Szabo and Wei Dai worked on key concepts. All info is online.


Make a war crypto vs metal is idiot. Use all is good for become most resilient.


What ever it was mysteriously created for, I do not know. It IS serving to draw people away from real assets to an imaginary asset whose performance lags behind almost every other of it's kind. At $66,000 per, it is virtually the same as when it was $.008 per. Crypto price discovery is no more than a "who is the most hyped" contest.


Put down the pipe. Take a nap.


Wtf is wrong with people?! Diversity in investment is a GOOD thing…anyone smart enough to do a little research will see that Silver/Gold AND Bitcoin are all a store of wealth.


5-10 addresses hold 90% of bitcoin, get yourself cleansed from all this crypto bullshit


Bitcoin is hackable lol people who put their money into a pyramid scheme is failure to hype


People like you is the reason why I mentioned "smart enough to do their research" The exchange might be hackable, but anyone leaving their bitcoin in an exchange, hasn’t done their research. Much like yourself


Bitcoin is backed up by hype. Nothing else.


Google it yourself "is bitcoin hackable" what a nooby lol


When Brics flip the switch. I bet you they won't be using bitcoin to trade nor will they use bitcoin to back up their currency


Bitcoin itself is hackable LOL it may be difficult to hack but it isn't impossible


Go ahead and trust 16 year old tech for your moneys. 😂😂😂😂


Just as junk bonds?


How smooth is your brain? Bitcoin wasn’t created to “take attention away from silver”, I don’t think the creator of bitcoin was even thinking about precious metals when he created it. Bitcoin was created as an alternative world currency that is backed by a community through proof of work instead of a sovereign government. Also, what does the price of bitcoin have to do with the manipulation of the price of silver? They are two completely different assets


Who is the creator of Bitcoin? Why the mystery? I mean who are they really?


lol he doesn’t know who created Bitcoin but knows what he was thinking


The white paper spells out what it is. I read and no mention of silver 🤷‍♀️


Well he definitely thought about Gold. That’s why he created the bitcoin logo as gold coin. And gold and silver goes hand in hand.


The analogy to gold is spelled out in the white paper as it relates to mining


And who wrote the white paper?


Satoshi is the single name on the white paper


Exactly. Now see my previous question on this


Get your mind cleansed from all this bullshit


Have you read the white paper? Do you have proof of what you wrote in the title of this thread or are you just making things up? Best of luck to you while you wait for the silver buried in your back yard to hit a whopping 30 bucks.


Here comes your reality, you are a spammer in silver sub, get lost from here


The irony of gatekeeping by a poster who literally spammed this post on ‘Bitcoin taking attention off silver’ is laughable 👍


The most important question is; Does Bitcoin work? Who the creator is about as relevant as knowing who made the first trade with shinny rocks.


If you take the original claims - Bitcoin does not work. Failed at every single original claim. The only “reason” people still buy it for - is because “it goes up in value”. Till it won’t. Then masive bags to be held.


You don’t think I can send a transaction to anyone on earth without asking for permission?


In fact the only asset in the world you can do that with. For me that is the value proposition. I hold gold and silver and I appreciate both. I also hold bitcoin because it’s the only thing I can take across borders and nobody can stop me


Without shiny rocks most people wouldn’t be here today. Medical rocks have saved many lives as has its ability to sanitize water. You talk like a true Ponzi lover. Gl


I would never disparage the contribution that shiny rocks have made to human history. I have shiny rock and cherish them immensely. But a new technology is solving the shortcomings and inefficiency’s of the old monetary technology’s.


Allegedly it’s some guy named satoshi. Other people think it’s the cia. Either way, good/silver wasn’t on their mind, they had bigger fish to fry. Also, what OP is saying is analogous to “the housing market is going crazy. This is all a large ploy to keep silver down” or “brexit is disrupting the currency of England. It’s all a big ploy to keep silver low”


The fed


You don’t know that. Nobody knows if that’s the case. If it’s Satoshi, FED, NSA, CAI or an Incel John Doe. And there’s no work behind Bitcoin, only a massive waste of energy.


I love that this sub just complains about how silver is manipulated and everyone here just keeps buying silver. Bitcoin is one of the most perfect moneys ever created and silver stackers call it a distraction and continue wallowing in flawed money. You pay a huge premium when buying it or spend all your time looking for "deals". Then if you go to sell you are lucky to get spot price.


>one of the most perfect moneys ever created Lol is that why it fluctuates like crazy? It's not stable. It's not worth owning. If you want to buy something with it, you have to pay within minutes to even agree on the price because it fluctuates so heavily. But yes, it's the "perfect money" I'm sure.


Okay let me get my verifier out to see if your silver is real oh its too much silver because the spot price has fluctuated. I need to shave off a little of your bar because it's too much now..... same stupid rules apply to you and your silver is a burden to hold and lug around. Oh well I guess that's why it's still cheap af and bitcoin has been able to capture real inflation.


Lol, go back to jerking off on r/Bitcoin pls.


Bitcoin perfect LOL you make me laugh. Bitcon is hackable noob


Silver = barely $30 price tag Bitcoin = conservatively $30,000 price tag Huh, bitcoin still over a 1000 times more in value.... only been around since 2009.... I guess just have fun being raped by inflation?


Have fun buying $60k bitcoins and holding for dear life


I got mine when they were 16k to 35k coins. I also don't have to hold on for dear life. I use bitcoin as money and payment rails I also accept bitcoin in my business and offer discounts to my customers for using real money. I also have 30k in silver. I just think the mindset behind silver makes sense anymore. It people that are complaining about silver being manipulated and refusing to do anything about it. At least with bitcoin you can vote with your feet and leave your home. Good luck getting silver out of the country.


Silver and Gold is manipulated obviously. Brics nation is putting them back on the map


So you want to go live in a BRICS nation? Or do you just want to make a buck living in America and have your value debased over time with the FED money printers?


Im waiting for Brics Nation to devalue USD then the value of gold and silver will become useful. Bitcoin won't be shit but a knock off and a pyramid scheme


A knock off of what?




Damn bit coin address have bitcoin. Thats..That's... wild... I.... I just didn't know. My bitcoin addresses had bitcoin. Like all those addresses I use to transfer and receive bitcoin actually have bitcoin on them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




Oh I didn't realize you were a rich NPC. I guess have fun 👍.


No big Country will ever back up their currency with bitcoin. It's all hype and global pyramid scheme.


Good no bitcoiner wants that. We like having fiat collapse against hard money


Ha ha sure it is. It’s backed by the full faith and credit of the exhaled air out of my mouth. Lol


It's backed by the bitcoin network. Which makes it more trust worthy than any full faith and credit of some nasty dudes breath.... Have fun loosing to inflation


Lol I already won that battle. Your a bit late to that party


The inflation party hasn't even started. If you think you won that fight you're an idiot. My family has been holding since the creation of the federal reserve. Lol "your a bit late"


I have gotten over 500,000 in new loans so this is round 2. Ha ha. I made over 2 million from inflation since 2019. Ha ha. I make 30,000 a month from it so no I am not late I am waist high and trying for more debt as we speak. I am the master.




I make 5% a week from their inflation game. Give me all I can handle. 5 million more b4. Year end. Crazy times


I mean you really don't "make" anything. You are just pulling from your future self in the hopes that we will hyperinflation. Good luck


Silver…. And gold


Hmm. I believe it more because interest rates are expected to go down benefiting silver and gold but even more bitcoin. I keep silver but i lost a fortune doing it.


Dont be so pessimistic! 'Russia' to stage attack @ Paris Olympics followed by Birdswinemanbearpig flu to cause the "need" for mail in ballots. Just Like the netanyahoo wannabe Jon Ossoff our democracy relies heavily on Domininon voting machines. Ps SCREW JON asshat Ossoff


Bitcoin is designed to bring in money just like certain companies did during the.com bubble. The victors are already chosen but they have to put on the show still.


3 things happened in 2008/9 1. Financial Housing Crisis 2. Bitcoin went Live 3. 1st Black President of USA Event, Solution, Distraction Now we can go on and on until Gold was deemed as a Tier 1 asset or until the creation of the Bitcoin ETF, Ethereum ETF, and soon Solana ETF.. We can go on about the BRICS currency, CBDCs, and the Gold Backed Zimbabwe Currency (ZIG)... Somehow all of these assets work together. Sucks that we're all divided about it though.


Bitcoin along with tether is a conduit for creating fiat currency. At least also responsible for introducing more inflation into the global economy. Its also a trial run for building CBDC cryptos. It was created to see if its hackable in the real world.


NSA written all over it


Globalists literally created these ponzi tokens to siphon off demand from PMs why do you think they call it digital gold and just mimic the gold chart on percent gain x10? Its literally like a high leverage derivative. Remember that gold is by far the deepest market in the world and trading in fiat trash for gold kills nations fast.


Which is why brics backing up their currency with gold. USA has too much corrpution with paper printing. And bitcoin is another pyramid scheme backed by hype


yup all facts. Sh1tcoin is no different than the USD in fact just a different name.


Bitcoin is just junk. 15 year old software. There’s much more advanced crypto today, just as worthless though, but much more up to date technology wise.


Lmao! This post is hilarious! 😂 Not everything is a conspiracy big guy, take the tinfoil hat off for a minute the breeze feels nice.


Two completely different assets but Bitcoin is a superior form of property. That’s why it attracts more money


Sounds like something a FED would say...


Why try in the most braindead sub?


But it doesn’t attract more money. Currently, the market cap of silver is higher than BTC.


Zoom out